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January 30, 2022

Don’t park in the driveway?

This article was originally published many years ago.

Don’t Park in the Driveway?
This sounds like a dull topic, but the type of responses we get, keep getting better by the day. This issue is the least clear cut, and most confusing issue that notaries face.  Yet, so few notaries ever have this issue cross their mind. 
Don’t Park in the Driveway.
Its rude and unprofessional to park in the driveway.  You are leaking fluids on someone’s driveway, preventing them and their family from parking there, and potentially blocking someone.  But, sometimes, there are situations where you should park in the driveway.  You could make several Seinfeld episodes out of this topic.  There is a general rule, and there are dozens of exceptions.
(1) I’m confused, isn’t that what driveways are for?  No! The driveway is for the borrower to park in, not the signing agent.  You are a guest, and not the resident.  Don’t park there without permission, and don’t ask permission unlesss you really have to.
(2) In regards to “Don’t park in the driveway”, please be aware that many gated communities have banned on-street parking. Check with the homeowner if street parking is allowed when you make the confirmation call. (This is true especially in Florida.)
(3) In regards to “Don’t park in the driveway”……where I live most of the time that is ONLY place to park. When I was a new signing agent, that piece of information caused me a lot of stress, but have since realized that I have to do what I have to do. I try not to block in vehicles, but that isn’t always possible.
(4) If there is a snow storm, you need to park in the driveway, otherwise the snow plow will cover your car with snow.
(5) In rural communities, driveways might be more than a half a mile long, so it behooves you to park in the driveway in such a situation. In winter, it wouldn’t be safe to walk up such a long driveway.
(6) Some notaries say, they always park in driveways taking care not to block someone in and never had any trouble. Other notaries say that they would never park in someone’s driveway no matter what.
(7) One lady says that a customer complained that she parked in the street instead of the driveway.
(8) There might be signs on the street not allowing street parking. That means you are forced to park on the driveway.
(9) In some neighborhoods the streets are very narrow, making it a better choice to park in the driveway.
The bottom line is that if you value etiquette and manners, and take them to the highest level, just ask where the borrower would like you to park, and then everyone will love you, and might even love your leaking coolant too!


December 20, 2018

Beginner Notaries 103 — Notary Etiquette

Filed under: Etiquette — admin @ 1:24 pm

Notary Etiquette
Return to Table of Contents for – Beginner Notaries 103


New Notaries and experienced Notaries alike have a very poor sense of Notary etiquette. It is common for people to complain about small things and not communicate well. We are going to publish a course on Notary etiquette. But, here are some of the main points you should understand.

1. Answering questions the way they were asked
Most Notaries cannot give straight answers to questions. This is a sign of poor self-discipline and a scrambled mental state. If someone asks how many loans you have signed, most Notaries tell you how many years and tell their life story. This is annoying and is bad manners. Just give the person a number. If someone asks what counties you serve, don’t tell them your whole pricing strategy for each county, just tell them your counties. If they want pricing information they can ask.

2. Answer the phone stating your name.
Too many people answer the phone saying, “hullo?” It is unprofessional. Others say, “Why are you calling me on a Sunday?” Don’t do that. Be professional. Others answer the phone while answering a question to the person standing next to them. This behavior can be alienating to the caller as you don’t know who the recipient is talking to.

3. Don’t have family members answer your phone.
It is annoying and confusing when someone else answers your phone for you. If they don’t state their name, the caller won’t even know they are not talking to you and might start a long conversation with the long person.

4. Don’t have noise when you answer the phone
No Mortgage professional wants to have their conversation with you interrupted because of your screaming kids. If you are in a restaurant, apologize about the noise and explain to them where you are. Hopefully they will understand.

5. Don’t fail to answer calls in a signing
If you don’t answer calls in a signing, nobody will be able to reach you. Unless you signed a contract saying you won’t answer calls, answer your phone otherwise how will you get your next job?

6. Don’t answer the phone and then refuse to talk
If you answer the phone, give the person calling a minute or two to state why they are calling and let them ask a quick question or two. If you answer the phone and interrupt the caller only to tell them that you can’t talk — you should not have answered in the first place. It is rude and annoying to do such a thing.

7. Get documents back to the company fast.
Know your local FedEx stations and UPS stops. Get packages back as soon as you can. Nobody wants to find out that their package is in your trunk four days after the fact. They also don’t want to hear that you missed FedEx pickup because you waited until the last minute, got a last minute job, and then forgot to drop the package as a result. Drop it like it’s hot.

8. Accept criticism
Most Notaries think they are so knowledgeable and can do no wrong. But, get very hostile when anyone criticizes them. In real life agencies that list you or hiring parties might criticize you. Take it as constructive criticism and learn from it. Don’t argue and don’t be hostile.

9. Don’t brag
Nothing is worse than a Notary who has to prove to you have great they are and rambles on about how much experience they have. I ask people simple questions such as, “How many loans have you signed?” Instead of getting an answer, I get a long rambling session about how their husband works in Escrow and I learned so much from him over the years and I even attended a signing with him. You can offer to explain your level of experience to someone, but don’t just start bragging and talking nonstop. It is rude, unprofessional and makes you come across as undisciplined and inconsiderate. Be polite and answer the questions that were asked to you.

10. Dress appropriately
Business attire is what you should wear to a signing. Believe it or not, even experienced Notaries show up in flip flops, night club attire, mini skirts, or bring their screaming kids to a signing. You will get fired if you don’t dress the part, so dress like a business person and act like one too.

11. Confirm the signing
Let people know who you are, when you are going to arrive. Call if you are going to be late, etc. You can go over directions as well and it is not a bad idea to know how their name reads on the ID before you drive over.

12. Don’t park in the driveway.
The driveway is for the borrowers or signers to park. You can park on the street unless you are invited to park in the driveway. They might need that spot in their driveway and they might not appreciate the fluids you leak onto their driveway either.

Those are the basics. Read our etiquette course for more.


March 24, 2018

Notary Marketing 102: Phone & Communication Etiquette

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides,Loan Signing 101,Popular on Twitter — admin @ 8:08 am

Return to Notary Marketing 102 Contents


Part of marketing is the act of actively promoting yourself. But, a lot of marketing is about doing a good job and communicating well.

To get hired to do Notary work, you need not only to know what you are doing, but you need to communicate clearly as well. Here are some major issues with phone etiquette.




1. Introduce yourself
Introduce yourself properly by phone when you answer the initial call to hire you. “This is June of June’s Notary Service” is a lot better than, “Hullo?”

2. Answer questions the way they were asked.
If someone asks what your hours are, tell them your beginning and ending times. Don’t say it depends and don’t be vague. Give them a clear picture of your availability without making them ask again. If someone asks how many loans you have signed, don’t give them a summary of your professional background, just give them a quick number. If someone asks if you are still in business, don’t tell them you are eating dinner or on vacation, just tell them that you are still in business. Just answer the question.

3. No background noise
Screaming children, televisions, or people talking in the background sound unprofessional. You need to turn the TV off, go into the next room where there is no noise, and apologize if there is any noise. That is called being professional.

4. Don’t scramble information
Asking people to repeat endlessly is horrible. If your phone is horrible, get a new one rather than accusing the other person of breaking up. If someone asks if you can do a notary for two signers on three documents, don’t repeat it back to them as, “Okay, three signers on how many documents?” That is called scrambling information and sounds ignorant.

5. Don’t brag
Notary Signing Agents have the desire to overprove themselves. The secret is to make a good impression by being helpful and not shoving your credentials down someone’s throat. It also makes a good impression to ask a few relevant questions about the type of signing or document. Asking a few pertinent questions looks professional.

6. Act calm
Acting calm and helpful is a lot better than acting anxious and overly helpful or overly unhelpful. People get put off by desperate or unfriendly behavior.




7. Call to confirm the signing
Go over all pertinent points. Make sure the ID proves the name on the documents and that all the signers will be there. You should also verify that there is a clean table to sign on. You should go over how long the signing should take, if there is anything going back to the document custodian and if they have used morphine or Jack Daniels within several hours of the signing. Nothing beats a sober signer or a well organized Notary Public.

8. Introduce yourself at the door
It is good to mention that you are Joe the signing agent and that it is your job to facilitate the signing. Mention that they can address all of your questions to you, but that you cannot answer specific questions about their loan, but only general questions about loan documents and Notary procedure.

9. Small talk is good
People like a friendly Notary who can talk about small talk. But, avoid any topics that could be controversial such as gender issues, sex, guns, and how born again Christians should have a second birth certificate for when they were born the second time.

10. Don’t discuss guns and religion
Unless you are notarizing the Obamas, don’t bring up Joe the plumber, or religion. But, if you are notarizing the head of the NRA then you might reconsider guns. If you ask him to shoot you an email, don’t be surprised if he asks what you want him to shoot it with! Yee-haw!!!

11. Don’t park in the driveway
The driveway is for the residents to park in, not you. You are their humble servant who parks on the street (sorry.)




12. Dress for success. Business casual is great. People get complaints more for dressing poorly than for being a horrible Notary. So, go to Men’s Wearhouse first, and then buy that Notary course you were thinking of. And remember — it’s not what you know — it’s how you look! Notaries who show up in shorts and flip-flops get some serious complaints and even a bad review on their profile. In short, don’t dress like me.

13. Carry loose Acknowledgment, Jurat and other certificates in your Notary Carry All Bag that you purchased from the NNA. Carry a thumbprinter, wipes, and pens with you. Nothing is worse than a Notary that doesn’t have pens except one who wears flip-flops. Having good professional equipment makes you look like you know what you are doing even more than actually knowing what you are doing.

14. Arrive on time
Nothing is worse than a late notary other than one who wears flip-flops.

15. Follow up punctually
If you have to get the Fedex back, do so immediately. Do not wait to drop a package unless you are waiting for a call back. If you wait 90 minutes or more for a callback, consider that title needs their docs back and it might make sense to just drop it. That is a judgment call, so think carefully about it. If you get emails, answer them asap.

You have to be available after signings for up to the rescission date and sometimes later. If you become unreachable after the signing, you will get very serious complaints. The worst complaints we get about notaries are that they were rude, or unresponsive after they had completed work.

16. Don’t be rude
If someone is rude to you, don’t reciprocate. Your reputation is on the line. You can get penalized for being rude even if the other person deserves it. So, watch yourself!


Please Also Read:

Best marketing resources for Notaries. This entry goes over active vs. passive marketing in detail

Notary etiquette from Athiest to Zombie

Long term marketing plans



March 2, 2015

Best Blog Articles for Advanced Notaries

Filed under: Loan Signing 101,Popular on Facebook (A little) — Tags: — admin @ 12:55 pm

A few months ago, we created a post which was a compliation of all of the best posts for beginners. It became very popular on Facebook. We like to write lots of posts here at 123notary. But, on Facebook, we tend to only post a few dozen posts per month, so we prefer to post really helpful or popular content there. So, here are my recommendations for the absolute best posts that any seasoned Notary should read!



Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?
As a Signing Agent, you need to know which signing agents are getting the most work and why. What changes do you need to make to be the type of signer who gets the best offers? Find out!

What’s the difference between getting 16 clicks/month and 100?
Notaries that optimize their listing get a lot more results than you might think!

Poo picking — getting the best notary jobs
Do you settle for less, or do you know how to get the best quality Notary jobs?

From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!
This Notary went from rags to riches by making a few simple changes. Find out what his secret is!

5 or 6 reviews doubles your business
Most of our serious notaries understand that it is imperative that they get reviews. But, how do you get them and how many do you really need?

A great attitude gets most of the jobs
Skills are one thing, but nothing beats a great attitude!



Signing Agent Best Practices — 63 Points
This long article covers technical, marketing, legal issues, and more. Here is a compilation of the most professional tips that any seasoned notary should master.

The 30 point course synopsis
This course is FREE and recommended to all Notaries whether experienced or new! It caters to Notary knowledge of all levels. It even includes a free over the phone test that you can take once per year. By taking this course & test, you get a number from 1-30 assigned to you that represents your current skill level. This number will eventually be published on your profile and could attract clients!

Protecting yourself with a contract
There are so many critical payment terms to include in contract. Have you ever thought about it?

Notarizations Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates
All of these different types of dates can be confusing. Do you know what a transaction date is for example?

Mobile Offices from A to Z
Mobile offices give you the freedom to print on the road which makes it possible to do a lot more jobs per day and make a lot more money as a mobile notary.

Optional Information in an Acknowledgment Certificate
Filling this information could keep you out of court and prevent fraud!

I go over the HUD-1 first
One notary likes to go over the fees before even signing the Deed of Trust. Read her strategy!

Industry Standards in the Notary Business
Here is a comprehensive article about standards in the business covering topics such as cross-outs, initialing, unsigned documents, and more…

Mistakes Notaries make with Title Companies
Notaries make mistakes that many of us might be completely unaware of that cost you jobs!

I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help
E&O covers Notary errors, not other errors. But, what if the Notary gets sued because the Lender made a mistake?

How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?
Most Notaries are completely unrehearsed at explaining the APR. What about you?



Getting Paid, the ins and outs
Most notaries have trouble getting paid, but follow our easy steps and you’ll never have trouble again!

Interview with Timios Title
Yet another interview with a really popular Title company.

Signing Company Gossip
This link is not to a particular post, but to a string of signing company gossip posts. As Notaries, you need to understand the behavior of signing companies. You need to know which ones are reliable, which ones used to be good and went downhill, and which ones are just trouble!

Notary etiquette from A to Z
Don’t park in the driveway and don’t discuss politics. But, there are many other things Notaries need to know too!

Interview with Title Source
An interview with one of the best Title companies out there.

How to get paid by out of biz signing companies
Yes, it is possible. Just follow our proven system!

Choosing a name for your business license
Everyone chooses a business name, but is your business name any good?

Notary Information for Beginners — Best Posts
Here are about 20 of the most really useful posts for beginners. Seasoned Notaries might find these posts useful or interesting as well.



April 14, 2013

Minimum Competency Test Study Guide

Filed under: Loan Signing 101 — Tags: , , — admin @ 1:21 am

We really want all of our notaries on the site to pass our certification test. So far, roughly 1700 people out of 7000 on 123notary (March 2013) are certified or elite certified by The others are not, and they are not interesting in paying for any study guide or tests. So, my solution is to offer something more basic that is FREE.

We will have an online test eventually for minimum competency. In the short run, we will do an over the phone test. We don’t even have the programming for an icon for the minimum competency, but we will have one soon. In the future, we will set a requirement for how soon you have to pass our MC test to stay on the site. But, for now, there is no rule — only FREE study materials.

Here are the topics we are including in this test:

(1) Confirming the signing & confirming identification
Many signing companies do not want the notary to confirm the appointment. However, if you don’t, then the borrowers might not be ready for you when you come. If you have a busy night of signings, you can not afford to be kept waiting. Additionally, if a non-borrowing spouse is on three or four of the documents (which is typical), you need to make sure that they are there, or else you might not get paid. Be careful of companies that don’t want you to confirm unless they have a spotless payment record with you and on (i-phone accessible list of signing companies with reviews).

When confirming a signing, introduce yourself and let them know that you are the notary. Let them know what time you are going to see them, what their NAMES are on the documents, and WHO is required to show up.

Notary: Hi, my name is Charles Notarinsky, and I will be your notary public this evening. I will be showing up at 6pm. Peter J Selinsky, and Jane Doe will be signing documents this evening. Will both Peter and Jane be able to be at the signing at 6pm? Additionally, may I ask if Peter’s identification has his name typed exactly as Peter J Selinsky with the middle initial J, or a middle name starting with the letter J?

Borrower: Why do you care?

Notary: Legally, I will not be able to notarize Peter’s signature if there is no middle initial or middle name beginning with a J in his identification document. Additionally, I need to make sure that both signers have CURRENT government issued photo-ID.

Borrower: Oh, I didn’t realize that. Hmmm, let’s see. Yes, my ID is a current California Driver’s license expiring in 2017 and has the name Peter John Selinsky. It looks like we are in business. Jane’s license also has her name as Jane R Doe which is longer than the variation on the document. That is okay, right?

Notary: Longer on the ID works — shorter doesn’t. We are in business. See you at 6pm, and in the mean time — cross your eyes and dot your tees. See you soon.

Note: Some states will allow an expired ID if it was ISSUED within a specified number of years.


(2) What to say and what not to say
(a) Once assigned a signing, proceed to the signing at the appointed time.

(b) Don’t park in the driveway as that is considered rude — unless you have permission to do so. Don’t ask permission to park in the driveway unless there is a problem parking on the street. If the borrower has a one mile driveway that goes up a steep hill, or lives in a condo complex with assigned parking — ask for help.

(c) Don’t call the borrower a customer or client. The Title company is the end-user here hiring the signing company that hired you. You are the notary signing agent and they are the BORROWER.

(d) Answer the phone stating your name. Don’t say, “Hullo” and keep people guessing as to your identity. First of all it makes them ask who you are which is an unnecessary and aggravating extra step. Second, it is not professional. Third, they might confuse you with your daughter and start explaining the loan process to your daughter.

(e) Don’t let other people answer your business line. If your daughter uses the same line, then she must introduce herself when answering the phone.

(f) Don’t have background noise when answering the phone, and if there is noise, then apologize for the noise and move to a quieter location.

(g) Don’t answer the phone only to tell someone that now is a bad time to talk. If now is a bad time, then don’t answer the phone. If you answer the phone, give people at least 90 seconds of your time out of courtesy.

(h) Think twice before answering your phone at a signing. If you don’t, then you might miss the opportunity for your next job. If you do, then you will be being rude. Weight the factors before you answer your line.

(i) Tell the borrowers at the BEGINNING how long you can stay. Tell them that this is a signing appointment, and that if they need to read everything in detail, that they are welcome to read after the signing, and that they have (3) days to rescind if they don’t like what they read.

(j) This is a business meeting, so don’t talk about politics or religion as that might offend people. Even talking about the weather is off-topic. Your job is to get in, sign the documents, and get out to your nearest Fedex station as soon as possible.

(k) No drinks on the table — ever


(3) Signing as printed
Borrowers must sign their name exactly as printed — unless the lender or your contact person specifies otherwise.

If the name on the document doesn’t match the identification, then legally you can not notarize them under that typed name. In such a situation, consider using the Signature Affidavit to document the other names the person goes by and signing as the identification reads. In this situation you have a choice between satisfying the LOAN OFFICER, or your state’s Secretary of State. The lender can not put you in jail, but the latter party can. The law takes priority in this case.

If the signer’s name is James J Johnson, then they sign James J Johnson, and the middle initial J should ideally show up clearly. Otherwise the lender will have trouble selling the loan to a third party. Please take this into consideration as most loans are sold.


(4) When to call the Loan Officer, Title or Signing Company
If the borrower has any SPECIFIC questions about their loan, call the Loan Officer or whomever you have been instructed to call. If your appointment is under time pressure because you have to go to your next appointment, let all parties concerned know that you have to leave at 8pm whether their documents are signed or not. If you are knowledgeable enough to answer general types of questions about documents, you might consider answering them yourself unless your state has a law against notaries opening their mouth such as in Attorney states.

If the your contact person(s) is/are not there, then leave a message and wait 20 minutes for a return call. If you don’t get a call back, then leave another message and wait another 5 minutes before you give up.


(5) Your job is not to coerce
If a borrower doesn’t want to sign something, call the lender or your contact person. If you left a message and they don’t call back, don’t take matters into your own hands until after you called twice leaving the appropriate amount of waiting time between both calls. If you don’t hear back after the second waiting time, then explain how the borrower has three days to rescind and that they can talk to their lender during those three days to have the situation explained to them. Additionally, explain that their loan might not fund if they don’t sign.


(6) Reading instructions
Many loans come with an instructions sheet called a letter of instructions. Read that before doing anything. Take note about oral instructions too. Each lender has their own rules. It is your job to follow the rules. Some lenders want you to call them about any little thing. Others allow cross outs. A few don’t want you to confirm the signing. Many want you to break the law. Don’t break the law — but follow all legal instructions. By the way, if you don’t know your state’s law, then you won’t know if you are breaking it, and you can end up in court or jail very easily. Know the law!


(7) Following instructions
A lender named Chad assigns the notary a signing. Chad says that if there is any problem, to call him at 333-333-3333 immediately, otherwise you are fired. The notary goes to a signing for Joe. Joe gets half way through the stack and finds that he doesn’t like the XYZ document which is not notarized. Joe says that he refuses to sign. The notary calls the lender and gets, “Hi, this is Chad, I’m not here right now…”

Q. What is the next thing that the notary should do?

A. Leave a message and wait for a response. In the mean time, don’t twist the borrower’s arm into signing.


(8) Listening and answering questions
I ask notaries questions, and it is like pulling teeth to get responses.

Q. How many loans have you signed?

A. I have been signing loans for three years… actually, three and a half years.

Q. I think you didn’t understand the question. How many loans have you signed?

A. Oh, well, I do about five loans per week.

Q. I think we are having a communication gap, how many loans have you signed in your career?

A. Hmmm, I never thought about that.

This is an easy question, where the notary is really testing the signing company’s patience.

Q. What are your hours of operation?

A. Well, I’m flexible

Q. I’m sorry, but that is not an answer. I don’t know what flexible means. Please tell me what hours you are available to work.

A. Well, I start at 8am.

Q. Thanks for the starting time, without an ending time, I don’t know when you can work until, and this is incomplete information

A. Well, it depends.

Q. You are not being helpful. Please just tell me what hours you are generally available for signing work.

A. Hmmm, I guess from 8am until 10pm, unless my daughter is staying late for softball practice in which case only until 9:30pm, and then if I’m feeling tired then perhaps 8:45 pm, but then I am rarely tired, and then…

Q. I’m sorry, but I am filling in a form that has room for numbers — not stories. Do you have an ending time? If not, then I have to remove you from my list permanently.

A. Just put 8am to 8pm.

Q. Wouldn’t it have been easier for both of us if you had just started out saying 8 to 8? It was like pulling teeth to get a simple answer from you.

Many notaries cannot answer simple questions. If they are this incompetent about answering simple questions, how will they handle complicated snags in a signing? Will they do something that endangers the loan out of stupidity? I think we all know the answer to that question.

Q. How would you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?

A. Hmmm, well in my state, the non-borrowering spouse is not responsible for signing the documents, except for the …. (long explanation)

Unfortunately, this notary is anwering a DIFFERENT question than the one asked. They will most likely get fired even though they are very knowledgeable. Signing companies need notaries who follow instructions and answer questions — preferably the same question that was asked.


(9) The RTC
For a non-investment refinance, the borrower has (3) days not including Sundays and Federal holidays to cancel their loan. The day of the signing is NOT included in counting the days. If you sign on a Saturday, then Monday is day one, Tuesday is day two, and Wednesday at 11:59pm is the deadline for cancelling the loan in writing by the acceptable stated methods (stated in the Right to Cancel document). Sometimes the notary is expected to write in the dates, or change the dates in the Right to Cancel. If you make a mistake you could ruin someone’s loan. Learn how to count the three days, and memorize your Federal holidays in sequential order. Also, some lenders do not allow CROSS OUTS in the right to cancel, so make sure you know what you are allowed to do or not allowed to do.

If the borrower signs where it says, “I wish to rescind”, then don’t cross out, just grab a borrower copy and start all over. WATCH signers, as they seem to sign in the wrong place a lot these days.


(10) Journal entries
Not all states require journals. However, your journal is your only evidence if you should ever have to go to court. Keep a THUMBPRINT of the signers in your journal just in case anyone suspects fraud. A thumbprint is the most potent piece of evidence about the identity of the signer. Keep in mind that identification documents can be forged. Additionally, women change their hairstyle a lot, so you might not be able to recognize them in their ID photo. Some states require journal thumbprints for documents effecting real property and powers of attorney. Since the notary’s primary job is to identify signers, why not use the most effective means of identification as a supplement to the identification? It is fast and easy and could keep you out of court!

Q. If two signers are signing three documents each, how many journal entries do you need?

A. A separate journal entry for each document per person, which equals SIX journal entries. Each entry needs to be completely documented and signed by the signer.

Please record any unusual circumstances of the signing in your journal if there is any blank space. Sometimes there is an additional notes section. That will be your evidence in court. So, write that information with the intention of understanding what you were talking about when you read it five years after the fact. Your memory will fade, so be as thorough as possible and include all details that will job your memory.


(11) Smudgy seals
New notaries don’t understand that certain documents get recorded with the county recorder. Each individual at each of the USA’s different county recorder offices has different standards. They have the right to be very picky if they like. They might not like cross outs, light seal impressions, seal impressions with missing corners, or smudgy seals. Be careful when you are notarizing a recorded document. If you smudge your seal, you can use a loose certificate, and attach it to the corresponding document. The lender might not like that, but the law likes that and recorders will not complain about that.

Deeds, Mortgages, Subordination Agreements, and documents with the term Lien are likely to be recorded in addition to some Powers of Attorney.


(12) Cross outs (Acknowledgments)
If there is wrong information on an Acknowledgment certificate, what do you do? Out of state wording that is not acceptable in your home state? Wrong information in the Venue such as a wrong county? What if the form says that two signers are showing up, but only one actually shows up? Should you cross out or attach a loose certificate? You can notarize a document twice if you have two journal entries in case you want to do both. If you add a loose certificate, make sure you LABEL the additional information section completely. A fraud could reattach your certificate to a DIFFERENT document signed by the same signer if you don’t document the name of the document, number of pages, document date, and any other information that your loose certificate might indicate.


(13) Don’t leave unsigned paperwork with the borrowers
If the borrower won’t sign one or more papers, then load it up into the outgoing Fedex. The borrower’s copies are for the borrowers, not the lender copies.


(14) Confirmation of completion
Confirming the signing before the signing
Just say, “Hi this is Frank, I completed the signing for the Mazzingos at 14 Cherry Lane, Twingsboro, MA. The Fedex tracking number is 3333-3333-3333, I repeat, the Fedex tracking number is 3333-3333-3333. Call me if you have any issues.


(15) Don’t backdate
If asked to put a date on a notarization different from the date you went out — that is illegal — just say no!


(16) Never use white out


(17) Fedexing the documents
As documents are time sensitive, get them in the Fedex drop box as soon as you can (or drop box of whatever courier you are using). If you need to hear back from your contact person concerning a signing, don’t delay getting the documents back while you wait, as you might endanger the lender from getting things processed before the deadline. If you wait until the next morning to send it back because you are waiting for the signing company to call you, you might get busy the next day, and forget to put the Fedex in the drop box. You might miss the deadline, the documents would get back late. The borrower could even lose their lock in the worst scenario and sue you for $20,000. Don’t play games with time sensitivity.

Also, use a drop box at a Fedex hub, or manned station. Drop boxes in remote areas are not always picked up on schedule, and you will be in big trouble if they are not picked up. Know your local stations by memory so you know where to go, and don’t procrastinate. Get the documents in the box the night of the signing. Don’t wait until the next day unless you are forced to.


(18) Don’t send loose certificates in the mail

Lenders are notorious about asking notaries to send loose certificates in the mail. That is illegal and can be used for fraud. If asked to do this, just ask for them to get the original document back to you with the original certificate. Then, destroy the original certificate and attach a new one. You do not need to see the signer again, just as long as there is only ONE well documented certificate floating around — attached to the document in question. Make sure to label the certificate with the document name, document date, number of pages, and any other identifying information you can think of to prevent the reattachment of that certificate to some OTHER document which would be frauduluent.


(19) Additional visits
You might be asked to make an additional visit to a borrower. Make sure that the company who hires you has a good payment record. You are much LESS likely to get paid for a second visit than you are for a regular signing as it might not be in the company’s budget. Be careful. On the other hand, companies will be very unlikely to use you in the future if you don’t make 2nd visits upon request — so also be careful.


(20) The 48 hour rule
Notaries need to be available by email and phone within 48 hours after the signing. If the signing company or lender needs to talk to you, and they can’t reach you, they will write a complaint on your listing on 123notary and that will stay there permanently. They might need you to go back to the borrowers, or they might need to clarify something with you.


February 15, 2013

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

Here are a few tips about best practices. Maybe none of your clients will care, or maybe they will even adamantly dislike your best practices. But, if you have any self-respect, you will engage in best practices.


(1) Hand written documents.
As a notary, it is not illegal to notarize a hand written document. The issue is if there are cross-outs, or blanks. Blanks make it illegal to notarize, but cross outs are a question mark. Personally, if you care about best practices, and not ending up in court for some stupidity that the signer did, then require typed documents with no cross-outs or blanks.

(2) Don’t pick the type of notarization for your signer
That is their job. Legally, you can not choose for them.

(3) Blanks in documents
Put a line through the blanks or refuse the notarize. (that was quick)

(4) Cross-outs
I would avoid notarizing anything with a cross-out. If you can do a cross out, you don’t know if it was there before the notarization or not. If there is one before, what prevents there from being more after. You can forge an initial without being detected, so cross outs are an indication that you need a redraw.

(5) Affixing your seal over wording
This is illegal in many states. The notary seal should be placed in an area of the paper where there is no wording, and do not sign or write over the stamp impression or you void it. If there is no space, then attach a loose notary certificate and make sure you document all pertinent facts on it.

(6) Loose certificates
NEVER send a loose certificate in the mail or hand it to a client. Always attach the loose certificate to the document, preferably before affixing your notary seal. Always document the name of the document, document date (if any), number of pages in the document, document description on the certificate in addition to filling in the standardized state wording, signing and sealing the form.

(7) Journals
Keep thumbprints in your journal. If your state doesn’t require journals, write them a letter about how poor their standards are and then go and buy a journal from the NNA. Also, there is a section called, “additional notes” in your journal (hopefully). Please use this to write down anything unusual about the signer during the signing, or anything unusual about the circumstances. Write it so thoroughly, that when you are in court five years later about that signing which could have involved fraud on the part of the signer, that you will have your evidence handy! Impressive!

(8) Oaths
If you do sworn Oaths, make sure to have the affiant (know this term) raise their right hand. Make sure to study up on formal Oath wording. Oaths are serious, and you are a state appointed official, so keep it official, okay?

(9) Embossers
If you don’t have a 2nd notary seal, get one. Embossers create a RAISED inkless impression. Use it as your secondary seal, and you can affix it to all pages of all documents you notarize for security. There are many frauds out there who do page swapping after the fact. To avoid page swapping (which could lend you in court for something they did after the fact) use an embosser. That way when you get a phone call 2 months later to notarize that separate page they are adding, tell them that you have to do the whole thing all over again. Sorry Charlie, that is a best practice!

(10) Learn the correct verbiage for power of attorney signings
But, there are four accepted verbiage variations. My favorite is Joe Doe, as attorney in fact for Mary Doe. Always call the lender to find out what type of verbiage they want at a signing. Remember, it is their loan, and just as long as you are not breaking the law — do it their way!

(11) Overseas documents
People overseas have bizarre standards. Some require the stamp to be on the document itself no matter what, but they didn’t put the verbiage in for your state. There is nothing LESS legal about attaching an acknowledgment form, but it is not about the law at this point. It is about whether or not THEY like it! So, find a legal way to handle their overseas the way they like. Once I manually wrote in the California Acknowledgment verbiage by hand and then sealed it. It was legal. Not exactly a best practice, but if they won’t accept best practices, then settle for “best practices under the circumstances”. Chinese are a tough crowd — you will find out!

(12) Initialing
Many Title companies don’t like suffixes such as Junior, or IV at the ends of names. But, if you are Louis Remy Martin IV, then the IV is part of your name, the 4th part of your name to be precise. Ronald R Rubin initials RRR. Get the initials to be correct and thorough. And if a lender doesn’t like it, should you break a best practice for their happiness? I don’t know of any laws about initialing, but making an initial of each part of the name is only logical, right?

(13) Signing for confused elderly people
If you sign for a person in a hospital, or someone who is just elderly. Make sure you have whomever calls you READ the identification over the phone to you including the expiration date. Have them read the name on the document too. Elderly people can never find their ID’s, and if they assure you that they have it, don’t believe it, they are lying. Trust me. I know! I am experienced and you are not! Otherwise you would be writing this blog. Do not notarize an elderly person if they can not move their arm on their own. Do not let their daughter drag their arm across a page that they are signing. You can use the daughter’s arm as a brace, but not a movement device. If the elderly person can not paraphrase what the document says, DO NOT NOTARIZE. And, by the way, the night daughter might be a con-artist who is pretending to help the elderly woman, only to be trying to cheat the old lady out of her money. Notaries beware!

(14) When in doubt, call your state notary division
Sometimes the handbook is just not enough. It doesn’t include all situations, and it is not written in English either. Legalese is not my mother tongue, what about you? Call them and bug them. Do it right or not at all. The NNA offers a good notary law hotline too, but get your information from the SOURCE and call your state notary division as your first choice!

(15) Safeguarding your seal and journal
Keeping it under lock & key is the rule of many states. A locking bag, a locking file cabinet. Keeping it in your car, etc. But, honestly, property DOES get stolen, and you need to protect yourself the best way. If your goodies are in your car, keep in in a place where it won’t get taken in a break-in. Keep it under the seat, or behind some large container in the trunk. I kept it in my trunk, but where the robbers could see it. Everything was in a little bag, and they probably thought it was a lap top and valuable. They were in a rush and didn’t inspect it before they took it. If it is at home, keep it in a locked file cabinet instead of hanging around in your locked bag. Go above and beyond the law for best practices. Keep your seal in a place where it is least likely to be “robbable”.

(16) Be an expert at your state notary laws.
Look them up in your state notary handbook. Keep this book with you. It is your bible when you are at work.

(17) Be an expert at credible witness procedure, and signing by X procedure in your state.

(18) Be an expert at all notary and signing related knowledge.
Don’t half know it or kind of know it. Be an expert, and it will show. You will be higher on people’s list if you are.

(19) Keep four phone numbers with you at signings.
In jail you get one phone call. But, as a notary you get many, and should have three phone numbers. The number of the signing company, the lender, the borrower, and the lenders’s wife. Just kidding about the last one. You need to call the lender half the time at a signing because they are such a careless bunch, that they will not have thoroughly prepped the borrower for the signing, plus there might be unexpected surprises on the documents as well. Be prepared!

(20) Using your seal on a blank piece of paper.
ILLEGAL. However, if you go to a jail, they require this for security. So, affix your seal, and then cross it out and write the words void. It is no longer illegal. It is the BEST way to clean up a WORST practice that the jail makes you do. I joked with them and told them that I thought it was funny that I was being forced to break the law by a guard at a jail. What is the world coming to?

(21) Check the signature on the identification
Does the signature on the identification match the one on the document? Did you check? Start checking.

(22) Bad identification?
Is the identification peeling? Is the signature above the lamination? Does it look like a fake identification document? Do you even have a reference guide to know if it is fake? It is your business to know. Get the NNA book on identification and drivers licenses. Also, take thumbprints. Standards for identification should be a government issued photo ID with a physical description, serial number, signature, and expiration date. Nothing else will do. Whether or not the government issuing the document need to be in the USA or not depends on what your state laws are!

(23) Thumbprints
Take thumbprints for all Deeds, recorded documents, power of attorney — as a minimum. Do this regardless of what your state requires. It could keep you out of court, and time is money. Get an inkless thumbprint pad from the NNA. Get this today. You should not be without it for one nanosecond. They can fake an ID, and fake a signature, but you can not fake a thumbprint.

(24) Don’t notarize for people who ask you to break the rules or who look suspicious.
Are you notarizing a kidnapper, or is the signer under duress? Stay away! It is not worth the money and you could get involved in a nightmare that just doesn’t end. What if someone asks you to notarize them under a different name variation than is what their identification says, and you tell them it is not legal. What if they say, “Oh, come on!!!”. What if they threaten to not pay your travel fee if you don’t? First of all your travel fee should be paid in cash at the door, or just leave. Avoid this type of people. They will make your life twisted.

(25) Don’t backdate
Signing companies will put you under pressure to do this if a borrower will lose their lock. Just say no. Tell them that their lock is their business and that your business is obeying the laws of your state which say, “No backdating“. Tell them that the security of your commission is not worth their convenience. Just leave. Don’t deal with these frauds.

(26) Don’t use white out
White out is a worst practice and will get you fired. Cross outs are a bad practice as well.

(27) Name changes the kosher way
A processor I used to work with instructed me not to cross anything out. Just have the borrower initial under the last several letters of their last name and then sign the way the new name will be typed in the document. After the fact, the processor can type in the new name. The cross-out simply doesn’t help. They just need the initial. The processor can cross it out in a way that they think is professional.

(28) Don’t explain the specifics of the loan or when the loan will fund
Just explain the basic definitions of loan terms such as APR, or rate if your state allows that. Specific information particular to their loan is for their lender to discuss with them. You can get in trouble if you make any explanations or commentary about information specific about their loan. On the other hand, you should be an expert at looking up specific pieces of information. APR is on the TIL and perhaps the Settlement Statement, so tell them that and show them where it is. The interpretation of what the information on the Settlement Statement is up to them and their lender, not you!

(29) Don’t notarize for someone who you can not communicate directly with
Some states allow the use of interpreters. I say you should not as a best practice. The interpreter could be lousy, and misinterpret something that you said. You are leaving yourself open to communication gaps. If you speak a little Spanish and can get by, and the signer understands you and vice versa, that works. Don’t create opportunities for communication gaps. I have traveled to enough foreign countries to know that people in different cultures communicate differently, they say yes when they mean no, they lie, they misrepresent, they save face, and fail to explain things thoroughly (especially asians who do the quickie explanations that leave out 95% of the meaning). I am not knocking foreigners — I just don’t believe half of what they say — and I don’t believe half of what Americans say either since Americans are a bunch of liars too! Speak directly to your signers! Learn oath verbiage in Spanish, or whatever your rusty foreign language is. Learn how to ask if you understand the document.

(30) Have a registered business name
We have notaries on the site who change their business name on our site every month. Each month it is the name of the month. This is illegal. If you have a registered business name that is registered with your county, then that is your business name, and you should have a bank account that takes checks paid to that name.

(31) Don’t draft documents
Unless you are an attorney, or authorized to draft documents, don’t get involved. You can get into bad trouble.

(32) Don’t give legal advice
If you are not an attorney, do not give legal advice. Interpreting laws, or suggesting that a person take a particular legal action might be construed as legal advice or the unauthorized practice of law.

(33) Consult an attorney before doing modifications
Although modifications could be legal in some states under some circumstances, they are often done in an illegal way, and YOU are not knowledgeable to know the difference, or to know what you can or can not do. Consult an attorney or stay away!


(34) If you don’t get paid on time, contact the Title company.
They might fire or discipline the signing company in that case.

(35) Charging travel fee in cash upon arrival
It is ILLEGAL for a notary to have beneficial interest in the signing. However, many clients including Title companies will simply not pay the notary if the documents or loan packages don’t get signed, notarized, and funded properly. Unfortunately, that is illegal to put the notary in the position where they will only get paid if they notarize. It is actually a MISDEMEANOR in many states to ask the notary to do something illegal which could include having beneficial interest. If you don’t get your cash up front BEFORE you see the signers, documents or identification, you will be sorry. Get your cash, and THEN see the document. If it is incomplete, that is their problem. No identification, or the names don’t match? Their problem. Signer is in a coma and can not talk — their problem. Some situations will merit waiting time, and you will have no way to enforce your WAITING FEE if you don’t have your travel fee. You will not be in a bargaining situation as they will have the upper hand. If you have your $40 cash travel fee, you can say that you want waiting time when the clock strikes 20 minutes otherwise you are leaving. You have the power that way, and you DON’T have beneficial interest anymore (learn to define this term to be professional).

(36) Contracts with signing companies
Have your own contract that you make companies sign to get a better price with you. Make sure you indicate that if there is any ISSUE with the signing such as a last minute cancellation, no-sign, redraw, or anything unusual, that you get paid quickly. These are exactly the types of situations whre notaries typically get stiffed. So make them pay you faster in these situations so you don’t get stiffed. Even if you charge them a discounted fee. Make them pay within 10 days for these types of signings or charge them a penalty. No contract on your terms, then no discounts for you! Take the upper hand. You are a business person!

(37) Background check all companies who want to hire you
Check them on NR and the 123notary forum — OR ELSE… You will live to regret it if you don’t.

(38) Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box
Fedex is a great company, but they do hire human beings which is their downfall. Not recommended. If a driver changes routes, the new driver might goof (once in a long while) and that drop box in a remote area might not get picked up on time — or at all. Drop your Fedex at a staffed location. The deadlines are later, and it will be in the right hands 100%. Be safe.

(39) Printing on the road
This is a business best practice. If you can print on the road, you will be on time to more appointments, and can print last minute documents in a flash. You will be popular with lenders, plus gain people’s respect for being a prepared trooper. It is very expensive to have a comprehensive mobile office, so be ready to pay through the nose.

(40) Don’t go to houses that smell bad
You can end up in a hospital with a serious bacterial infection. If it is really filthy or smelly, tell them you will do the signing at Starbucks and that you have to leave at 5pm. Risking your lungs is not a best practice.


(41) Don’t talk about the wrong things at signings
Don’t talk about politics or religion. Stick to the weather and traffic, but not in the context of complaining!

(42) Call back etiquette
Announce who you are when you call back. Don’t demand to know who they are until you are politely introduced yourself and explained that you received a missed call from that number. Also, don’t call people back only to tell them that you can’t talk. That is plain stupid and is a worst practice.

(43) Announce who you are when you answer the phone
Do you say, “This is Linda”, when you answer the phone? Or do you say, “Hullo?”. Be professional.

(44) When you confirm the signing, make sure all signers are there
If you do a signing where the wife is not on the loan, she might be on a few of the documents such as the Deed of Trust, Right to Cancel, and one or two others depending on what state you are in and who the lender is. Make sure you know where the wife will be during the signing, otherwise it might be a short signing. Remember, that you don’t know what is on the documents until you get the e-documents which is within minutes of the signing. Plan ahead and confirm the signing.

(45) Make sure your answering machine states your name!
Don’t make people guess if they dialed the correct number.

(46) Don’t ramble, make long pauses, or give opinions
Nobody wants to hear your life story, especially not me or my staff. Nobody wants long answers to quick questions. Nobody likes it when you ask them a question and you pause for 45 seconds to think. Don’t criticize others or give opinions either. Your job is to be a notary. Notaries don’t have opinions — or at least shouldn’t.

(47) Leave enough time between appointments
There is no point being late because you were delayed at your last appointment

(48) Determine how long your signing session will be.
Charge based on time. When you go to a massage therapist, you pay for a 60 minute session. If you go over 60 minutes, the next victim is waiting and they have to stop. Notary signings should be no different. Agree ahead of time how much time they want, and make them commit to that, or don’t work with them. If they want 90 minutes or 120 minutes, that is fine. Have them agree to that up front, and pay accordingly. Your job is not to be delayed endlessly. After all, your next appointment has the right to see your face showing up on time, right?

(49) Don’t have noise in the background when you talk on the phone
If someone calls you and there is noise. Apologize for the noise, and then walk to a quieter location. Don’t let the background noise continue otherwise you are unprofessional in my book.

(50) Don’t park in the driveway.
Your job is not to notarize, don’t put the Fedex in the drop box, and don’t park in the driveway. These are my three golden rules for notaries. Notarize only if it is legal to do so. Bring Fedexes to staffed locations, and park on the street unless there is a good reason why you should call the borrowers and ask if you can park on their driveway.

(51) Know your hours of operation
Never say that you are flexible. Tell people when you are available. I am available from 11am to 2am seven days a week unless I am already engaged, on vacation, or dead. That is a quick and professional answer. Don’t say that it depends. Don’t say that you sign anytime. People who say anytime have such restrictive schedules that they won’t sign any time other than 9-6. Flexible means 9-5:30. These terms mean absolutely nothing. Act like a professional and give people hard numbers when they ask a question — and don’t keep them waiting.

(52) Use your notes section to describe your service thoroughly
Don’t use empty adjectives like thorough and professional. Describe what YOU are like at a signing which is unique to you, so people can get to know you through your notes rather than reading something that looks like you copied it from 3000 other boring notaries who use exactly the same adjectives in exactly the same order. Talk about how fast your laser printer is. Talk about your exact counties or cities that you cover. Give people real information in your notes section, not some empty sounding sales literature that tells them nothing.


(53) Get certified by ALL listing agencies who you advertise with.
If you advertise with ten companies, do all of the certifications. You look like an idiot if you can’t even be a professional at your profession!

(54) Having reviews on your profile from esteemed Title Companies looks great.
It is not a crime to have reviews from “nobodies”, but it is a best practice to have the people who review you be as reputable as possible. Their reputation is your reputation when they write a review about you.

(55) E&O insurance looks professional
E&O insurance looks professional, but is it? It makes it attractive for a company to hire you. E&O doesn’t protect you that much though. You can still get sued if the lender makes a mistake and the borrowers sue all parties involved. This happened before. You will not be covered. It actually encourages lenders to make claims rather than reducing your liability! E&O insurance makes you look good, so get some! But, is it a best practice? Being covered is better than being not covered, so I will call it a “better than nothing practice”. Or, I can call it something that looks like a best practice to the uninformed.

(56) Background screening
If your state doesn’t screen notaries as well as California does with the FBI, DOJ and KGB, then there might be some merit in a background screening.

(57) Advertise on all major directories
Have a well filled out profile, amazing notes, and reviews if possible.

(58) Call all local title companies
Call them up and announce yourself. Call them every month to remind them that you are good, and that you want to work.

(59) Get on the list of all nationwide signing companies.
Fill out the paperwork each signing company requires ahead of time. Make it a best practice to be on as many company’s lists as possible.

(60) Read notary blogs
The more you know, the more impressive and knowledgeable you will be. Know as much as possible to be the best that you can be. 123notary has an interesting Facebook, Linked in and Twitter profile as well. The more you read, the more you know!

(61) Don’t lie about your number of signings
Keep a count. Look them up in your journal. When someone asks you how many signings you have done, don’t ramble about how many years you have been in business. Nobody wants to hear that. Tell them how many you did. 1012 signings, plus there will be another one tonight! Don’t tell them you did two yesterday and three the day before. Nobody has patience to hear you count. Don’t think — KNOW!

(62) Guarantee your work
If you goof, go back and do it again for free. Make this a policy.

(63) Send complete bills regularly.
You need to know exactly what information goes on the invoices you send out. Name of borrower, loan number, address, date of signing, name of lender, etc. Bill regularly and keep good records, including the CHECK # of incoming checks. Otherwise you won’t get paid.

(1) Is it legal to notarize a hand-written document? What if there are cross outs?
(2) Blanks in documents? Put a line through it buddy!
(3) It is illegal to use your seal on a blank piece of paper. Yet jails usually require this! (cross it out)
(4) Notary topics: Hand-written docs, Blanks in docs, seal over wording, loose certificates, overseas docs.
(5) Don’t go to houses that smell bad #mobilenotary
(6) Notary contracts, fees at the door, background screening signing co’s, call Title if not paid on time.


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December 18, 2010

Notary Etiquette from A to Z

Notary etiquette from A-Z

Here are some basic rules of notary etiquette to keep you out of trouble and on good terms with your clients.

Don’t park in the driveway?
But, that is what driveways are for. They are for parking in. Wrong! They are for the borrower to park in, but NOT for you to park in without permission. You could be taking someone’s spot, or blocking someone. You might be leaking coolant on their driveway too. If there is a snowstorm and a snow plow will destroy your car, or if there is nowhere else to park, then ask to park in their driveway. Most people will not mind if you park in their driveway, but a few will mind.

Introduce yourself at the door.
Its good to have a pre-canned speech to give at the door. Let the borrowers know your full name, and that you will be assisting and supervising (facilitating) the signing of their loan. Let them know that your job is to introduce the documents and figures in their loan, but not to actually explain any of the concepts particular to their loan. Let the borrowers know that the lender is the only one qualified to answer specific questions about their loan.

Confirm the signing
Its polite for the notary to call the borrowers and confirm when they will be coming, and especially who is to show up at the signing. If Aunt Matilda is on the loan documents, she needs to cancel that visit to the hair salon and be at the signing.

Don’t make unpleasant remarks
Don’t make negative remarks about anyone regardless of whether they are associated with the loan or not.

Don’t discuss politics
Stick to talking about neutral topics like traffic and weather. Politics can run people the wrong way. Freedom of speech does not apply to notaries on the job. You have more freedom of speech in Moscow than on a signing. Talking about the wrong subject matter can get you off of a signing companies list, and then you lose work.

Speak clearly
A notary who mumbles, or speaks incoherently will not be a favorite with anyone. People need you to enunciate on the phone and in person.

Don’t rush the borrowers
Unless you agree on the length of your signing ahead of time, its rude to rush the borrowers. If you are having a night with ten signings and you will be late to all of the rest of the signings, then you are in a pinch. If you legitimately have to leave at a certain time, you can mention that you have to leave at 8pm, and that they are welcome to read their borrower’s copies for the next 72 hours and cancel the loan if they are not happy with any of the terms or figures.


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March 25, 2010

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Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:46 am


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(5) Saving money on toner, paper, E&O and more! #insurance #notaries

(6) The art of confirming the signing & going over the numbers

Confirming the signing

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Business Cards

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#notary #notarization

(26) Loan Modifications, what you need to know!
Should you claim you “represent” the company? Is it legal?

(27) Jail notary jobs from A to Z

Jail Notary Jobs from A to Z

#notarization #notarized

(28) Should I take the call?
Do you answer your phone when you are at a signing?

(29) Just say no #3
When to decline illegal notary requests

Notary Public: Just Say No #3


(30) Your old vital records are often useless!
#notary #notarizing #birthcertificate

(31) Names on notary listings
#notary #mortgage #notarizing

(32) Notary etiquette from A to Z

Notary Etiquette from A to Z

#notarized #notarization

(33) Best older discussions on our notary forum!
#notarization #mortgage

(34) Meeting #notary clients at a jail!

Meeting Clients at a Jail

#notarization #notarized #prison

(35) Reverse Mortgages General Information
#mortgage #realestate #notary #notarize

(36) Pets at signings!
#notary #notarization #mortgage


(1) A tale of four notaries in hospitals
Different approaches to typical problems

A tale of four notaries in hospitals


(2) Just say no #4
What if someone wants to use your notary seal?

(3) Credible witnesses from A to Z

Credible Witnesses from A to Z

#notary #mortgage

(4) Networking with notaries
#notary #notarization #smallbiz

(5) Interesting and uncommon #notary acts
Ever heard of a Marine Protest?

Interesting and uncommon notary acts

#jurat #notarization

(6) Things that get notaries complaints
Rudeness & not showing up top the list

Things that get notaries complaints

(7) What to say and what not to say as a signing agent

What to say and what not to say.

#etiquette #notary

(8) One lady kept me waiting 45 minutes and then asked me, “Do you like your job?”

Do you like your job?

#hospital #notary

(9) Dragging the person’s arm
A tale about a #notary hospital signing gone wrong!

Dragging the person’s arm


(10) How to lose half of your #notary clients while on #vacation!

Going on vacation?

(11) Pricing formulas and time spent for notary signing agents!

Pricing Formulas & Time Spent

#mortgage #realestate #notarization

(12) Don’t park in the driveway
A guide to parking #etiquette for notaries

Don’t park in the driveway?

(13) Mobile Offices from A to Z

Mobile Offices from A to Z

#notary #notarization #notarized

(14) Price fixing, what is it really all about?
#notaryfee #notarizing #mortgage

(15) Sticky situations for notaries from A to Z
#notary #notarized

(16) Immigration documents for a large family
#notary #legal #notarization

(17) Low ball signing companies

Low Ball Signing Companies

#mortgage #realestate

(18) The check is in the mail?
Dealing with signing companies who pay late or not at all.

(19) Protect yourself from shoddy #notarizations

(20) Seal #forgery, it happened to me

Seal Forgery – it happened to me!

#notary #notarized

(21) Leave a few spaces open in your journal?

Leave a few spaces open in your journal?

#notary #fraud

(22) The story of
It was late on a Friday night in 1999….

The Story of

#notary #notarypublic

(23) A few testimonials about

A few testimonials on 123notary

#notary #mortgage

(24) Pricing for notary work: different strokes for different folks

Pricing for notary work: different strokes for different folks

#notaryfee #notaryprice

(25) Notarizing a kidnapper

Notarizing a kidnapper

#notarization #notary

(26) Notarizing a potential scam!
Fingerprints kept me out of court!
#notary #fraud

(27) Notarizing an arsonist who blew his fingers off!

Notarizing an arsonist who blew his fingers off

#notary #notarized #notarization #jail

(28) Kidnapping case #2, the convict refused to sign!
#notary #notarization

(29) Just say no #5
Were you asked to skip the thumbprint? Think again!
#notary #notarization

(30) Same document different day!

(31) NNA certified signers who failed our test
Many couldn’t answer simple questions without a long pause

NNA Certified Signers who failed our test!

(32) Notarizing with fluffy the cat!
#notarization #notary

(33) The notary and the asylum
#notarized #notarizing

(34) Notarizing two sex offenders
#notary #notaryjob

(35) Notary witness information
#notarizgion #witnessing

(36) Fax backs are a pain

Fax Backs are a Pain!

#mortgage #notary #notarization

(37) Get reviews or perish!
Being listed on 123notary isn’t enough, you need reviews!

(38) A doc-jacker who took a loan hostage!
#mortgage #signingagent #notary

(39) The signing from hell!

The signing from hell

#notary #notarization #mortgage

(40) Notary in Louisiana murdered in home invasion

Notary in Louisiana murdered in home invasion

#notarization #notarize

(41) Tantrums of a borrower
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(42) Phone etiquette examined
#notary #notaries #notarized

(43) Notarization on a movie set!
#notary #notarizing

(44) Call back etiquette examined!
Do you call people back and refused to announce yourself?

(45) Good companies gone bad!
#signingcompanies #notary #mortgage

(46) Answering machine etiquette
#mortgage #notary

(47) Threatening for payment!

Threatening for payment?

#notary #mortgage

(48) Two notaries assigned the same job?

Two notaries assigned the same job?

#mortgage #notary

(49) No shows, ways that notaries get into trouble!
#notary #notarize #notarization

(50) Notarizing someone who did check fraud
#notary #notarization

(51) Excerpts from great notes sections

Excerpts from Great Notes Sections

#notary #advertising

(52) e-signings: faster or shorter than paper signings?
#esigning #enotarization

(53) How many reviews makes the difference?
#notary #marketing

(54) It’s easier to get a review from an individual than a signing company!
#notary #marketing

(55) Erica’s mobile office story

Erica’s Mobile Office Story

#notary #laserprinter #notarization

(56) Notary pushed off stairs by borrower!

Notary is pushed off stairs by borrower!

#notarization #mortgage

(57) Deceptive identities: companies that change their names!

Deceptive Identities – Companies that change their names

#fraud #notary

(58) Notarization in the ‘Hood
#notary #notarization

(59) Notarizing celebrities
#notary #notarization

(60) What goes where in your notes?

What goes WHERE in your notes?

#notary #advertising #marketing

(61) Problems with credible witnesses
#notary #notarization

(62) Can a notary be a witness?

Can a notary be a witness?

#notarization #notarized

(63) My first loan signing
#notary #notarize #notarized #notarization

(64) Fixing botched signings

Fixing Botched Signings

#mortgage #realestate #notary

(65) Best notary suppliers

Best Notary Supplies

#notarization #notarize

(66) Notary Acknowledgment Information
Everything you need to know about this notary act

Notary Acknowledgment Information


(67) Going the extra mile
A guide to standing out as a mobile notary
#notarization #notarized

(68) I was accused of price gouging!
#notary #notarization #mortgage

(69) Can a notary perform a wedding or a marriage?

Can a notary perform a wedding or marriage?

#weddingofficiant #notarize

(70) How do I find a notary public?
#notarization #mortgage #realestate

(71) General Notary Q&A Topics
#notarization #notarized

(72) Notary certificates, Notary wording & Notary verbiage

Notary Certificates, Notary Wording & Notary Verbiage

#notarization #jurat #acknowledgment

(73) Payment terms set by the buyer or seller in notary signings?

Payment terms – set by the Buyer or Seller?

#notary #marketing

(74) How do I get an #Apostille or #Authentication?

How do I get an Apostille or Authentication?

#notary #secretaryofstate

(75) go straight to mobile search to look up signing companies
#mortgage #notary

(76) Make your own notary certificate forms!

Make your own notary certificate forms!

#notarization #legal

(77) Can a notary get in trouble? By doing what?

Can a notary get in trouble?

#notarylaw #notarization #notarized

(78) Pitfalls in the notary loan signing process

The Notary Signing Agent Loan Signing Process & Pitfalls

#notary #mortgage

(79) How do I fill out a notary journal entry?

How do I fill out a Notary Journal Entry?

#notarylaw #notarization

(80) Uses for notaries (other than notarizing)
Process serving, witnessing, inspections, etc.
#notary #notarypublic

(81) Notarizing multi-page documents

Notarizing multi-page documents

#notary #notarized

(82) Thumbprint taking – step by step

Thumbprint Taking – Step by Step

#fingerprinting #notary

(83) Everything a notary needs to know about Power of Attorney signings

Power of Attorney Signings

#legal #legaldocument

(84) Can a notary witness a will or notarize one?

Can a notary witness a will or notarize one?

#witnessing #notarize

(85) Notary journal thumbprints – they can save your neck!

Notary Journal Thumbprints – they can save your neck!

#legal #notarylaw #notarization

(86) Notary procedure for Affidavit of Support documents

Notary Procedure for Affidavit of Support Documents

#legaldocument #legal #notarized

(87) Guns and Pit Bulls at signings!
#mortgage #realestate

(88) Beneficial interest and notary law
If you lose money if the document doesn’t get signed, you have beneficial interest.

(89) Notary pushed off stairs by borrower part 2

Notary pushed off stairs PART 2

#mortgage #notarizing

(90) When is it permissible to use a Credible Witness?
#notary #mortgage #realestate #notarizing

(91) Penalties for notary misdeeds & misconduct!

Penalties for notary misdeeds & misconduct!

#notarylaw #notarization

(92) Is a Living Will or Living Trust the same as a Will?
#powerofattorney #notary #advancedhealthcaredirective

(93) Can a notary help draft documents?

Can a notary help draft documents?

#notarylaw #notarized #legal

(94) Notary’s name on the Settlement Statement?
#loan #mortgage #notarization

(95) Can a notary assist in filling out an I-9?
#notarization #notarize

(96) Scary results when a notary uses our letter from hell to collect from a deadbeat signing co.

Scary results when a notary uses our letter from hell

#collectionletter #mortgage #notarize

(97) Contact info for all notary divisions

Contact information for state notary divisions 2011 & 2012

#notarypublic #secretaryofstate


(1) Can a notary serve bordering states?
#notarylaw #notarypublic

(2) When can I use 2 credible witnesses?
#notarylaw #notarypublic #notarized

(3) Rules for notarizing a bedridden person

Rules for notarizing a bedridden person

#notary #hospital #notarization

(4) Do I need to know English to get notarized?
#notary #notarization #notarizing

(5) How to fix notary mistakes
Most mistakes would be in the journal or certificate area.

How to fix notary mistakes

(6) How to be a thorough mobile notary
#notarization #notarized #notarizing

(7) A New Jersey Notary gets locked in someone’s house!
#notarized #notarization

(8) The husband and the stolen license!
#notary #notarized #mortgage

(9) Borrowers and their filthy homes. A notary gets sick from visiting a house with dangerous bacteria!

Borrowers and their filthy homes

#mortgage #notaries

(10) Backdating from A to Z

Backdating from A to Z

#notary #mortgage #realestate

(11) Here are some things that the rudest notaries on 123notary have done

Rude notaries?

#notary #notarizing

(12) Notary victim of hit and run accident!
#notarization #notarize

(13) Does (name of) signing company pay their notaries?
How do I find out?

(14) Rules for notarizing minors

Rules for Notarizing Minors

#notarylaw #notarypublic #notary

(15) Being ready to jump as a mobile notary public.
Deciding ahead of time when you are going to be available

(16) A list of bad #identification for #notary jobs
#passport #notarization

(17) Which gets the work? Skills or Certification?
#mortgage #notary #notaries

(18) Immigration documents for gay lovers
#affidavitofsupport #legal #notary

(19) What does it really mean to be “certified?”

Certified Signing Agent – what does it mean?

#mortgage #notary

(20) Power of Attorney at a nursing home

Power of Attorney at a nursing home

#hospital #notary

(21) Can a notary notarize a birth certificate?

Can a notary notarize a birth certificate?

#vitalrecord #notarization

(22) Background checking notaries and signing companies
#backgroundscreening #notary

(23) Fraud & Forgery in the Notary Profession

Fraud & Forgery related to the notary profession

#notarize #notarization

(24) Do I notarize every page of a document?

Do I notarize every page of a document?

#notarylaw #legal #notary

(25) How much E&O is normal or practical?
#insurance #notary #notaries

(26) Notarization Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates!

Notarization Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates!

#notarylaw #legal #documents #notary

(27) Electronic #Notary #Journal Information

Electronic Notary Journal Information

#enotary #esigning #notarization

(28) How to get low ballers to stop calling you!
#mortgage #notary

(29) Death and the #Notary
I’ve heard that it is best to get some things done sooner than later…

(30) The signing from heaven

The Signing from Heaven

#mortgage #realestate

(31) Notary dragged into court!
#legal #notarization

(32) Sending loose certificates is #illegal.
Yet this is a very common request!

Sending loose certificates is illegal


(33) Do #notary journals need to be kept under lock and key?

Do notary journals need to be kept under lock and key?

#notarylaw #notarypublic #notarization

(34) Can a notary sign on a different day?

Can a notary sign on a different day?

#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(35) Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box?
If there is a cashier’s check in the package – be careful!

Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box!


(36) Your purpose is NOT to notarize?
#notary #notaries

(37) How much should a notary charge for swearing in a …

How much should a notary charge for swearing in a…

#notaryfee #notary

(38) Where do credible witnesses sign the notary journal book?

Where do credible witnesses sign the notary journal book

#crediblewitness #notarization

(39) 123notary behind the scenes!

123notary behind the scenes

#mortgage #notary #smallbiz

(40) Notarizing your foreign language document

Notarizing your foreign language document!

#notary #notarization

(41) There was a bear blocking us in the driveway!
#mortgage #notary

(42) How many notaries does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
#mortgage #notary

(43) Dr. Jeckle & Dr. Hyde
An emotionally charged signing with people who you thought you knew!
#mortgage #realestate

(44) Which states allow e-notarizations?

Which states allow e-notarizations?

#enotary #enotarization #esigning

(45) 20 stories about animals at signings

20 stories about animals at signings

#mortgage #notary

(46) How many witnesses do you need when signing a Will?
#notary #legal

(47) Got notes?
Tips for writing a great notes section in your 123notary profile!
#mortgage #notary

(48) The technique — for getting notary reviews!
#notary #advertising #marketing

(49) I would need a new notary journal every week!
#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(50) The Attorney General is the place to report bad signing companies!
#mortgage #notary

(51) I got beaten up by Spiderman at a closing!
#mortgage #realestate

(52) Protecting yourself with a contract!
Companies use contracts, why shouldn’t notaries?

Protecting yourself with a contract

(53) Don’t call until the documents are ready?
#mortgage #loan #notary #notarized

(54) An unreasonable client!
Some people just don’t understand how difficult parking can be in NYC!

(55) Do criminals deserve to be notarized?
#notary #notarization

(56) Who answers your phone?
#notary #marketing

(57) The borrower and the fallen book shelf
#mortgage #notary

(58) The chicken & egg: Birth certificate problem solved

The chicken & egg: Birth certificate problem solved

(59) The missing stamp
A story about a forgetful notary!

(60) Notarizing documents for the elderly

Notarizing Documents for the Elderly

#notary #notarization

(61) Borrowers with guns
If the borrowers have them, maybe notaries should too

(62) Ask, but don’t beg for a review?
#notary #marketing

(63) Overseas companies hiring notaries in America
#international #business #notary

(64) Stealing a business name!
A notary was accused of stealing a client’s biz name right before he registered it!

Stealing a Business Name

(65) What are your hours?
Do you have to think for a while to answer this question?

(66) The signer had a dark & dirty energy about him.
#mortgage #notary

(67) Power of Attorney and verifying capacity!

Power of Attorney and Verifying Capacity

#legaldocument #notary

(68) There was a person in the basement
#mortgage #notary

(69) Two crazy situations that lead to non-payment
#mortgage #notary

(70) Can you do the 3rd signing for free?
#mortgage #notary

(71) The dog ate my journal
#notarylaw #legal #notary

(72) Prison signings
Notarizing bank robbers & pornographers

(73) Double booking notary appointments
#notary #scheduling #smallbiz

(74) Attacked by an octogenarian lady with Dimentia!

(75) Over my dead body: a signing that was one person’s last!

(76) How to gain experience as a notary!
#notarizing #mortgage #startup

(77) Hostage situation on the way to a signing!
#notary #notarization

(78) Top 5 books every notary should own (and read)

Top 5 books every notary should own (and read)

(79) 3 notaries walk into a bar
The notaries wanted to ID the bartender.

3 Notaries walk into a bar

(80) The well, Chlorine, and diarrhea!
The pipes had broken and her well water was no longer pure!

(81) “You will be all alone with me”
Attn. women signers: don’t sign for this guy!

(82) Is it safe? Do I need an escort to this notary job?
#notarization #mortgage

(83) What is that god awful smell?
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(84) A notary steals oxicotton from a borrower’s house!
#theft #notarization

(85) Are they crazy? $70 for e-docs with fax backs?
#notary #mortgage #notarization #notarized

(86) They won’t pay me, so whose responsibility is it?
#mortgage #notary

(87) Notary needed, but the signer is in a coma!
#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(88) Borrower etiquette from A to Z

Borrower etiquette from A to Z

#mortgage #notary

(89) The reluctant husband
A story about a signing where the husband wanted to watch TV

(90) When to dump a signing!
We all have to draw the line somewhere

(91) OMG, there was alcohol on her breath
#mortgage #loan #notary

(92) She brought her children to the signing and thought nothing of it!
#mortgage #notary


(1) I saw who, I saw when, I say where!
Signing companies that have too many demands

(2) 12 tips for notaries
How do you get the job done!
#notary #marketing

(3) Time management for notaries
#notary #scheduling

(4) From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!

From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!

#notary #marketing

(5) No street lights
A story about a notary trying to find an address in the dark

(6) Hold harmless: good idea or not?
#notary #notarization #mortgage

(7) Moonshine and catfish at a signing
#notary #notarization

(8) The 1099 was too high!
One notary got the shock of their life when they say their 1099

(9) No place to sit
There was junk all over the place, but not a single chair

(10) Two faced — duplexed
The notary got blamed for the mistake of the lender

Two-Faced… Duplexed

(11) Do you ramble? What do your clients think?
#notary #communication

(12) 2013 analytics: which notaries are getting more business?

2013 analytics: which notaries are getting more business?

#notary #marketing

(13) Which tasks can you do which are worth $1000 per minute?

What tasks can you do which are worth $1000 per minute?

#notary #marketing

(14) Notarizing for an adoption

Notarizing for an adoption

#notary #notarization

(15) The notary called me back to tell me she couldn’t talk
#notaries #communication

(16) Notarizing a child who was abducted
#kidnapping #notary

(17) Identification requirements for being notarized

Identification requirements for being notarized

(18) Vampire notaries: 24 hour service
2 seemingly normal men were at the door…

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(19) Why notaries don’t last

Why Notaries Don’t Last

#notary #notarizing

(20) Signing agent best practices: 63 points

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

#mortgage #realestate #notary

(21) The brothel notary
#notarization #notarized

(22) Bartender notary: a reverse mortgage on the rocks!

Bartender Notary: A reverse mortgage on the rocks!

(23) Do signing reviews get companies to pay?

(24) Feb 2013 Phoninar quick course

2013 Phoninar Quick Course

#mortgage #notary

(25) Why do they lie?
#mortgage #notaries

(26) Top 12 things to do when you are on hold!

Top 12 things to do when you are on hold

#notary #marketing

(27) Sexagenarian’s revenge: Put that lender away!

(28) Signing at a 14-room Victorian house
The notary didn’t have a ghost of a chance

(29) Free printing service: hire a notary on

(30) March Phoninar
When NOT to call the lender

(31) How to write a notes section if you have ho experience

How to write a notes section if you have no experience

(32) The top 1% and the 99% on
Why do particular notaries get more work?

(33) They always accepted this in the past
#mortgage #notary

(34) Meao notary service!
No strings attached, otherwise I’d chase them!

(35) Crayons and dog treats at a signing

Crayons and dog treats at the signing

#mortgage #notary #notarization

(36) Notes sections gone bad
#notary #marketing

(37) Help, I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help!

Help, I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help

#insurance #notary #notarization

(38) When is it legal to notarize a document twice?

Best Practices: When it is legal to notarize a document twice?

#notarization #notary #attorney

(39) What about notaries who work at mail box places?

(40) Are you too factual or too personal in your notary notes section?
#notaries #marketing

(41) Mistakes notaries make with Title Companies that cost them!

Mistakes notaries make w/ Title Companies

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(42) Types of witnesses in the notary profession

Types of witnesses in the notary profession

#legal #mortgage #notarization

(43) A detailed look at the Ninja notary signing agent course!

A detailed look at the NINJA course

#notary #notarycourse

(44) Phone interaction tutorial
What to say and what not to say on the phone if you’re a notary!

Phone interaction tutorial

(45) Personality and expressing your uniqueness in your notes section
#notary #marketing

(46) I now carry a weapon in my car!
#notary #notarization

(47) Swat team notarization
I arrived at the notary job, and guess who was outside the house with guns?

(48) How do I purchase a #notary #bond?
#notarization #notarized

(49) Minimum competency guide to be a signing agent.
ID’s, when to call the LO, communication, more…

Minimum Competency Test Study Guide

(50) Late documents = more money?
#notarypublic #mortgage #loan

(51) Getting what is due: a clever plan!
One notary finds an unusual way to collect!

Getting what is due! A clever plan!

(52) Does Elite Certification help on 123notary?
Is it worth it?
#notary #signingagent

(53) A client tries to blackmail a very seasoned notary
#mortgage #notaries

(54) I am dependable reliable and accurate, yeah right!
#notary #marketing

(55) How to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature

How to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature

#legal #notarylaw #notary

(56) The Starbucks notary wises up after allowing a client to save on travel fee
by coming to him (& keeping him waiting forever)

The Starbucks notary wises up!

(57) How many years is a notary commission good for? (in your state)

How many years is a notary commission good for?

#notarylaw #legal #notarized

(58) Make them do the waiting if they do the driving
#notaryfee #notary

(59) April Phoninar
The legals, Administering Oaths, The APR, Revoked Commissions

(60) Our fees seem to go into other people’s pockets

(61) My date with Jeremy
The date ends being dropped off at a Fedex drop box

My date with Jeremy

(62) What to explain and what not to explain at a loan signing

(63) Is a p#20 really superior to a lower ranked notary?
#notary #123notary

(64) How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?

How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?

#mortgage #mortgageterm #notary

(65) Why do I have to sign with my middle initial?

Why do I have to sign with my middle initial?

#mortgage #notary

(66) A 2am Signing
We all met for a transfer or a car title. But, the buyer had some words to say…

(67) Cross out happy, not a good idea

Cross-out happy; Not a good idea

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(68) The carrot, the stick, the notary and the bag

The carrot, the stick, the notary, and the bag


(69) What is a notary public?
Identification, journals, certificates & more explained!

What is a notary public?

(70) One person, many names, quite legal
#notary #identification

(71) The prepayment penalty
Which document do you look for it first?

(72) Which documents are recorded?
Maybe a few that you never heard of before

(73) Notaries should be setting the fees, not the other way around

We should be setting the fees, not the other way around!

#notary #notaryfee #notariztion #mortgage

(74) The notary and the tragedy
The signer seemed nervous. A few weeks later the boyfriend shot himself.

(75) Clarifying vague claims in your notes section
A step by step guide

Clarifying vague claims in your notes section

(76) Optional information on notary certificates
Why it’s important and how to fill it out

Optional info on Acknowledgment Certificate

(77) The lady and the handwritten will

The lady and the handwritten will

#notary #notarized #notarization

(78) The signer won’t sign the disclosure?
#notary #mortgage #notarization

(79) She ran through the house like a mad woman
A story about a signing gone crazy!

She ran through the house like a mad woman…

(80) Industry standards in the notary business
Cross outs, initialing, unsigned docs, instructions, more.

Industry Standards in the Notary Business

(81) Getting respect as a notary part 2
#notarization #mortgage

(82) A tough act to follow!
Administering a presidential oath of office!

A Tough Act to Follow

(83) Tomorrow’s notary publics
Kids dream of becoming firemen and superheros, but notary publics?

Tomorrow’s Notary Publics

(84) Health care power of attorney
Same as a living will?

(85) Having Emmy’s for notaries!

The Notaries! Having Emmys for Notaries!

#notarized #notarization #notary

(86) Notarizing an ax-murderer in San Ysidro
#notary #notarization

(87) Interview with Jennifer
A mobile notary who started out with a bang!

(88) Interview with a Title company
Learn why those documents sometimes come late!

Interview with a Title Company

(89) Protecting ourselves and our notary commissions

(90) 6 free things 123notary does for its clients

6 FREE things 123notary does for its clients

(91) The power of attorney was rejected by a bank!

The Power of Attorney was rejected by a bank

#legal #notarization

(92) How to get something notarized if you don’t have ID

How to get something notarized if you don’t have ID

#notary #notarization #notarize #identification

(93) A notary was accused of tricking the borrowers

(94) The police wanted to know about e-notary documents
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(95) What is a Jurat?
When is it used and what does it entail?

What is a Jurat?

#notary #notarization

(96) Her magesty’s secret notary service

(97) Do not resuscitate?
If you sign advanced health care directives, you might deal with this issue

(98) Know-taries in Heaven and Hell

(99) Notary fines & penalties
Find out what happens if you overcharge or worse!

Notary Fines & Notary Penalties (gulp)

(100) He took out his gun because he wanted you to stay!
#notary #signing

(101) Types of powers of attorney

Power of Attorney: Types Often Created

#legaldocs #legaldocuments #notary

(102) A notary public cures lying

Notary Public Cures Lying!

#comedy #comedian #notaries

(103) Sign-Feld and the Notary Nazi
#notaries #notarization

(104) Has the notary industry slowed down again?

(105) The Notary, the Mafia, and the Fedex Drop Box.

The Notary, The Mafia & The Fedex Drop Box

#notaries #notarization

(106) The Alaska Notary wanted to get paid in Salmon!

(107) The Anti-Notary

(108) Get your will notarized, in a coma!
#notary #notarization

(109) The Real Estate Agent and the evil girl scouts

(110) How to get notarized
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(111) Notary license to kill
#notaries #notarization

(112) Notary asked NOT to thumbprint?
#legal #notarylaw #notaries

(113) Getting Acupuncture for notorial schlerosis
Repetetive use of your stamp can cause this rare but serious condition

(114) Reasons why notaries won’t lower their fees
#notary #marketing

(115) $10,000 a month on a bad month

$10,000 per month on a bad month

#notary #marketing

(116) Notary accidentally gets arrested for robbing a bank
#notaries #notarization

(117) A great attitude gets the most jobs!

A great attitude gets the most jobs

#notary #notarized #marketing

(118) Companies that hire NEW signers!

Companies that will hire NEW signers!

#mortgage #realestate

(119) Don’t get volume sucker punched as a #notary
#notarization #mortgage

(120) Marijuana at the table during a notary signing!

(121) Notary fines relating to advertising and fraud

(122) How to notarize a copy of a passport

How to Notarize a Copy of a Passport

#notary #notarization

(123) $35,000 a month his first year in business?

He made $35,000 a month his first year in business?

#notary #smallbiz #startup

(124) What makes a mobile notary a mobile notary?

What makes a mobile notary a mobile notary?

#notaries #notarization

(125) The notarization afterlife

(126) A Seinfeld episode about a notary!

A Seinfeld Episode about a Notary

#notaries #comedy #notarization

(127) Can a Resident Alien card or permanent resident card be used for notarization?

Can a resident alien card or permanent resident card be used for being notarized?

#notary #identification

(128) Using expired identification cards.
Is it legal?
#notarypublic #notary #notarization

(129) Cross out and initial

Cross Out and Initial

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(130) Can you notarize someone’s initials?

Can you notarize someone’s initials?

#notarized #notarylaw #legal

(131) The Notary, the Realtor and the half bathroom

(132) Using an automated notary machine at CVS
“Did you say representative?”

(133) Fedex moved the drop box, but where are the contents?

(134) Clever Florida Notary commended by the FBI

(135) Don’t hate the playa, hate the notary game

(136) Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?

Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?


(137) Sworn Oath information
#notarypublic #notarylaw #notaryact

(138) Are you a point and sign notary?
#mortgage #notarization #loandocs

(139) Ahoy mate, I have the docs!
#mortgage #loansigning

(140) Interview with Timios Title

Interview with Timios title

#mortgage #notary

(141) 10 quick changes to your notes that could double your calls!

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

#notary 3marketing

(142) Common mistakes with the 1003, RTC, TIL & APR

Common Mistakes with: 1003, Crossing out, RTC, TIL & APR

#mortgage #notary

(143) First number loses
Don’t bid first when negotiating prices for mobile notary work.

(144) Affidavits, what you need to know!

Affidavits — What do you need to know?

#legaldocuments #jurat #notary

(145) Rich Man Poor Man: #Marketing your notary services to the wealthy

Rich man poor man: Market Yourself to the Wealthy

#notary #notaries

(146) How much can a California Notary charge?

How much can a California Notary Public Charge?

#notaryprice #notaryfee

(147) Notary journals from A to Z

Notary Journals from A to Z

#notarypublic #notaries

(148) Notary seal information from A to Z

Notary Seal Information from A to Z

#notaries #notarypublic

(149) Notarize This!
A satire on a movie about a mafia boss notary and a shrink!

(150) How often do you update your # of signings?

(151) Notary suicide hotline!

Notary Suicide Hotline

#comedy #notaries #notarization

(152) I get paid enough to get something on the value menu at McDonalds.
#notaryfee #settlementstatement

(153) People shopping for notaries want to know the same things as guys looking for a date

(154) Speed notarizing and speed dating
#notary #notaries

(155) Many banks prefer to hire someone who is a notary
#banknotary #notaries

(156) Jeremy loses at Notary Monopoly
#notaries #humor #comedy

(157) A veteran notary interviewed gives advice to new notaries!

Advice to new notaries: Interview with a Veteran Notary

#notarization #notarized

(158) If your boss pays for your notary commission, it still belongs to you!

(159) General vs. specific information in notes sections
#notary #marketing

(160) The man with the golden seal
#notary #notaries #notarization

(161) How to get paid by out of business signing companies!

How to get paid by out of biz signing companies!

#notary #collection #mortgage

2014: Jan to Sept 30th

(1) If your name is everywhere then people will find you
#notary #marketing

(2) When the phone does not ring.
There are marketing & maintenance tasks notaries can do!

(3) No money callers
What to do with people who want to talk, but not pay!

(4) Superman found out he needed a notarized affidavit at the last minute and didn’t know who to turn to.

(5) Affidavit of Support and direct communication with the signer

Affidavit of Support and direct communication with the signer

#notarylaw #legal

(6) You could get sued if you don’t have a business license

You could get sued if you don’t have a business license

#legal #notary

(7) Honey I notarized the kids!
Don’t try this at home

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)


(8) I go over the HUD first
Learn what pro loan signers do!

I go over the HUD-1 first


(9) 10 ways to find the perfect notary!
#notaries #notarized

(10) Can I notarize a Will or a Living Will?

Can a Notary notarize a Will or Living Will?

#legal #notarylaws

(11) Fear of retaliation in the Notary business
Sherry was accused of misusing her notary commission!

(12) Reverse Blackmail at a notary signing

Reverse Blackmail at a Notary Signing

#mortgage #notaries #notarization

(13) A social media site for notaries — affiant

A social media site for Notaries — Affiant

#comedy #notary #notarization

(14) A 2nd date with Jeremy
“We know each other so well, we complete each other’s Jurat verbiage”

A 2nd Date With jeremy

(15) The Notary Olympics
#notaries #comedy #notarization

(16) Notary insults
The customer wanted a quantity discount and ignored the hour Ken spent in transit!

(17) Witnessing the Star’s signatures at Mann’s Chinese Theater
Notarizing VIP’s!

(18) Ken’s list of bad things that notaries do
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(19) The notary who loved me.
1 notary kept calling to see if he needed anything!

(20) Notarizing affidavits of support
#legal #notarylaw #notary

(21) The homeless notary
#notaries #notarization

(22) Get the job specifications
#mortgage #notary

(23) Help, I’m getting married, my husband is in jail, and I need a #notary!

(24) Playing the cancer card after you made a blunder
#notary #mortgage

(25) She learned more from our blog than any course she ever took
#mortgage #notary #notaries

(26) We require notaries to be registered on our approved list

We require notaries to be registered on our approved list

#notary #titlecompany

(27) Welcome to the Notary Hotel
It’s so comfortable, many notaries stay there their entire commission

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(28) Double and Nothing
Offering to do double the work for the same price!

(29) Notary reviews vs. movie reviews
“I didn’t like the ending of the signing — too predictable”

Notary Reviews vs. Movie Reviews

(30) What to write in your notes section

What to Write in Your Notes Section

#notary #marketing

(31) Many of the borrowers say, “That was painless!”
#mortgage #notary

(32) Administering an #Oath to an athiest
#legal #comedy #notary

(33) Who really needs who in the notary business.
Do notaries need signing companies or vice versa?

Who really needs who?

(34) The signing and the mistress
#notary #comedy

(35) – a dating site for notaries!
#socialmedia #notary

(36) Perhaps I should have titled this notary blog “A Recipe for Disaster”.

(37) Most notaries would rather die than go back to the 9-5 routine.

(38) Doing a signing with a gun sitting at the table
#mortgage #notary

(39) The acunotary: an #acupuncturist becomes a #notary!

(40) The flip side of your business card.
Ken’s guide to notary marketing

(41) Notaries who make more than Attorneys
#notary #smallbiz

(42) Witnessing intake forms for Notary Heaven

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

#comedy #notaries

(43) A signing in the freezing rain
#mortgage #notary

(44) Going to a signing with your girlfriend can put the pressure on the signer to get on with it and sign!

(45) How my high school yearbook predicted I’d be a Notary Public

(46) Notarizing a female accessory to murder!
#notary #notarization

(47) If you are a VIP notary, read this!
#notaries #notarization

(48) Dress British, Think Yiddish

Dress British, Think Yiddish

#notary #marketing

(49) Signs you’re a notary workaholic
#notaries #notarization

(50) An easy collection remedy!
#notary #collections

(51) Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?

Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?

(52) Elite signers
Who are these lucky notary customers?

(53) Preparation, the key to notary success
#notaries #notarized

(54) Thank you excuse me, I’m sorry.
A guide to Notarial manners.

Thank You – Excuse Me – I’m Sorry

(55) The 24 hour icon and those who need their sleep
Do you mind being called at 3am?

(56) A Russian lady lists on 123notary and says, “It is terrible, I get called day and night. Make it stop!”

(57) Why do I have to pay when I went to the Title Office?

(58) Unprofitable requests.
How do you figure out which notary jobs are worth it?

(59) Notary Cheers: Sammy gets a name change #notarized

Notary Cheers: Sammy gets a name change form notarized

(60) She was dying of cancer and needed to get #notarized

(61) The Towles Booth — pronounced “Tolls”
Some come to pay a toll, others come for advice

The Towles Booth (pronounced “tolls”)

(62) Should 123notary accept other certifications?

(63) — a dating site for #notaries! — a dating site for notaries!


(64) When you goof as a notary public
#notaries #notarylaw

(65) The customers can tell if you don’t login to your profile on 123notary regularly

(66) If a pizza can get there in 30 minutes, why not a notary?

(67) Poo picking, getting the best notary jobs

Poo Picking – getting the best notary jobs

(68) Signing loans isn’t rocket science!
#notary #notaries #mortgage

(69) Teens forced to get notarized parental consent for STD tests

(70) Did you get chumped in a double booking?

(71) The Seinfeld episode about a Notary

The Seinfeld Episode About a Notary

#notaries #comedy

(72) Two and a half Notaries
What’s the difference between a Notary and a Notary experience?

Two and a half notaries! A Notarization Experience

(73) She took all my business away!
A signing company gets listed on 123notary & gets a monopoly!

(74) I didn’t notarize that!
#notary #notarized #notarization

(75) 123notary can change your county or state in a snap. It’s easy!

(76) An unhappy client pays again (family of Italians)

(77) I’ll stay here all day until I get paid!
A notary went to a signing company and raised hell.

(78) Put up or shut up!
A guide to dealing with Title companies!

(79) New Notary apps that you really need!
Lookup signing co reviews, find cheap gas, road conditions…

New Notary Apps that you really need!

(80) A frustrating four hour signing!

(81) Is this man a Notary?

Is this man a notary?

(82) Signing services take a portion of the notary fee

Signing Services take a portion of the notary fee

(83) Loan signing at a high school reunion

(84) I-9 verification requests for $20?

(85) A closing on my boat!
#notary #notaries #mortgage

(86) Cattle Call Notary Offers
Ken’s rant on how offensive and demeaning this is to notaries

Cattle call Notary offers

(87) Welcome to Notary Jail — don’t drop the embosser!

(88) How to become a successful mobile #notary from scratch!

How to become a successful mobile notary from scratch

#mortgage #notarization

(89) Wanted: Notary Punching Bags

(90) New Notary apps for the iPhone7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(91) Notary Hotel 2:
Even the notepad comes with Jurat wording!

Notary Hotel 2 — the sequel

(92) Become a process server to make additional income!

(93) Don’t die trying when your schedule is tight!
#notary #scheduling

(94) Why can’t a notary host their own late night talk show?
#comedy #notaries

(95) $30 loan signings. Is it even worth it under the best of circumstances?

$30 loan signings. Is it worth it even in the best of circumstances?

() More than half of notaries on are female. So much for the old boys club!


January 30, 2021

Warm and Fuzzy information about you

Filed under: Your Notes Section — admin @ 1:34 pm

It is very hard for me to teach people hard to write warm and fuzzy information about yourself. I would prefer to say, read other people’s notes sections and get a sense of what some people write that has a nice feeling to it.

I read a notes section written by a woman who loves her job and loves meeting new people. That came across as very sincere and warm. I don’t know if she is any good as a Notary, but I might be more inclined to try her (if I were in a hiring position which I am not thank God) than someone else who sounds generic.

Then there are the people who are “reliable” and “responsible.” Anyone can say that about themselves and it sounds phony and usually is. Say things that you can say about yourself that few others can. Most people do NOT like meeting new people, at least not random new people unless they work at Farmer’s Market in the nuts section — those macadamias are great, but $25 per pound? Ouchie!

And then there are the people who know where their nearest Fedex station is, and where the other ones in their general area, and when the cut-off times are at each location. This looks very prepared and thoughtful, and somewhat unique. Some people write about this, but only one or two percent of the total.

Next, there are the people who ramble on and one with inconsequential and meaningless banter about how the client is of utmost importance and how they will protect the information in the documents at all cost. This is a little like stating that you promise not to vandalize the borrower’s house when you get to the signing or park on their lawn. It goes without saying. But, some people will write five paragraphs of this type of nonsense.

Finally there are the people who talk about their hobbies and kids. Not sure this belongs on a Notary profile, but you could put it at the bottom if you keep it quick. People do want to know what you are a real person and have a personality.

Humor and classy lines are another thing that few add to their notes section, but it adds quite a punch to someone’s listing.

One lady brought crayons and dog treats to the signings. That is pretty unique and might be appealing to people.

Former scientist specializing in test tube signings

Former police officer — call me for an arresting experience

Ex-Military, I like my notes section to have mostly bullet points. Oh, and I’m always on time. My motto is, “Hurry up and wait, but not in your
driveway because that would be creepy.”

I am also a clown, but I promise not to throw pies at the borrowers, unless you pay extra for that.

Former therapist. And yes, I promise not to ask the borrower how their APR makes them feel or ask them how their relationship was with their mother. And once again, when we finish the signing, I always say, “I’m afraid our time is up.” That’s my signature phrase.

My parting tips would be to look at the notes sections of some of the high placed notaries in the various large cities. They are paying the most and sometimes (but not as often as they should) put a lot of effort into their notes sections. As usual, I am happy to proofread your notes section, but I can’t do it if it is a one liner. You provide the content, I provide the reorganization and commentary. Sounds fair to me.


August 2, 2019

Are you a bad boy Notary?

Filed under: Humorous Posts — Tags: — admin @ 7:55 am

What defines a bad boy Notary? They are just like any other Notary in most respects, but there are differences as well.

1. The bad boy Notary has this, “Don’t give a damn” attitude. He is particular about legal issues because you can get into real trouble for that. But, other things he is less concerned about.

2. The “nice guy” Notary parks on the street or asks permission to park in the driveway. The bad boy Notary parks in the driveway even if there is plenty of room on the street and then says, “Hey baby, I parked in your driveway — I thought you wouldn’t mind.”

3. If the signer is an attractive female: The “nice guy” Notary says, “You’re very beautiful, would you like to go out with me some time?” When she says, “I have a boyfriend.” Then he says, “Oh, I didn’t realize.” When the bad boy Notary hears that she has a boyfriend, he whispers into her ear, “Does he satisfy you?”

4. If the signer is an attractive female: The “nice guy” Notary says, “You have a very pretty smile.” The bad boy Notary asks, “When was the last time you were spanked?”

5. The “nice guy” Notary says, please start here, and feel free to ask if you have any questions about the documents. The bad boy Notary says, “This is a signing appointment — I have another appointment at 8pm and cannot be late. You have borrowers copies that you can read after the signing is over. If you can’t finish by 7:25 I have to leave with all of the Lender documents signed or unsigned. The reality is that the “nice guy” notary will be delayed, end up late at his next appointment, horribly inconvenience the subsequent appointment and get fired. So much for being a pushover!

6. The “nice guy” Notary wears a business jacket. If he is upper class (which is rare in this profession) then he might wear tweed and use correct grammar. The bad boy Notary wears a leather jacket and perhaps a little oil in his hair depending on his personal style. He might wear cowboy boots too and will undoubtedly have a very firm handshake.

7. The “nice guy” Notary apologizes profusely if he needs to thumbprint a signer for legal reasons. The bad boy Notary says, “Hey, I’m gonna need to thumbprint you.” Then if you are a cute female, or perhaps an older female who he feels doesn’t get enough attention for males (which is something he will have to do something about) then he will read your palm and tell you about your love life and other factors.

8. The “nice guy” Notary holds on to packages if there is any reason the signing company might call back. But, sometimes he flakes, forgets to deliver them by cut off and gets severely reprimanded for being a twit. The bad boy Notary gets rid of the package because his attitude is, “that’s your problem, buddy” Yet the bad boy Notary never gets in trouble for getting rid of the package.

9. The “nice guy” Notary wonders why he doesn’t get much business. The bad boy Notary goes to title companies in person, gives flowers to the ladies, winks at them (particularly if they are married), and makes his round of calls to the several hundred signing companies he is associated with, flirts with them and gets used. He says things like, “So, are you as beautiful as person as you sound over the phone?” Women sometimes think he is cheesy (perhaps a brie if he has a French accent), but they never forget him. The nice guy notary gets overlooked and rarely used unless they are desperate.

10. The “nice guy” Notary whines when he doesn’t get paid. The bad boy Notary uses several attorneys and collection agencies and takes legal action against companies regularly. He gets some companies to sign a contract when they are desperate which allows him to collect for all types of damages. He is able to collect triple damages some of the time as well.

So, now we know some of the differences between a nice guy notary and a bad boy Notary. The question is, what can you learn from the bad boy Notary? Please write some comments if there are any other bad boy lessons you can teach us which I neglected to mention.

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What constitutes a bad boy notary part 2

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