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June 21, 2024

Networking Ideas for Mobile Notaries

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In the competitive world of mobile notary services, mastering networking ideas for mobile notary businesses is key to growing your business. Effective networking strategies can set you apart whether you’re a novice just starting or an experienced professional looking to expand your client base. This post will explore various networking ideas for mobile notaries that can help you build meaningful connections and grow your business.

The Importance of Networking for Mobile Notaries

Networking is often the backbone of any successful business, and mobile notary services are no exception. Building strong connections can lead to more referrals, partnerships, and opportunities to swear before a notary. Establishing a network of trusted contacts is essential for sustaining and growing your business.

Leveraging Social Media for Networking

Social media platforms are powerful for mobile notaries to connect with potential clients and other industry professionals.

  1. Create a Professional Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram profiles are professional and current. Showcase your notary skills, experience, and unique offerings to reflect your brand.
  2. Join Relevant Groups: Participate in social media groups focused on notary services and real estate. Engage actively by posting insights, answering questions, and providing advice to establish yourself as an industry expert.
  3. Host Live Sessions: To build trust and showcase your expertise, conduct live Q&A sessions or webinars about notary services and their importance in real estate transactions.

Attending Local Networking Events

Local networking events are excellent opportunities to meet potential clients and partners face-to-face. Look for events tailored to real estate, legal services, or small business owners.

  1. Real Estate Meetups: Engage with real estate professionals by attending local meetups. Introduce your mobile notary services to agents and brokers, highlighting how you can streamline their transactions.
  2. Business Expos: Utilize expos and trade shows to demonstrate your services. Set up a booth, hand out brochures, and discuss the time-saving benefits of mobile notary services with attendees.
  3. Chamber of Commerce: Join your local Chamber to access varied networking opportunities. Participate in their events and committees to establish your reputation as a reliable and accessible notary in the community.

Collaborating with Other Professionals

Building solid relationships with professionals frequently requiring notary services is a key networking strategy for mobile notaries.

  1. Attorneys and Law Firms: Become the preferred mobile notary for local law firms by sharing business cards and detailing the benefits of your services for their legal operations.
  2. Real Estate Agents: Forge partnerships with agents to handle notarizing transaction documents. Demonstrating your commitment by attending open houses and property closings can enhance your reliability.
  3. Financial Advisors and Accountants: Connect with financial experts who need documents notarized. Consider co-hosting seminars to educate clients about the essential role of notarized documents and how to swear before a notary.

Utilizing Online Directories and Reviews

Online directories and reviews can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility.

  1. Online Directories: Ensure your mobile notary service is listed on key directories like Google My Business, Yelp, and specialized notary directories. This will enhance your visibility to potential clients.
  2. Encourage Client Reviews: Actively encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews, which build credibility and attract more business. Always respond to reviews to demonstrate your engagement and appreciation.
  3. Website Optimization: To improve search engine rankings, optimize your website with relevant keywords, such as “networking ideas for mobile notary business.” Ensure the site is user-friendly and provides essential details about your services and contact information.

Boost Your Mobile Notary Business with Strategic Networking

Effective networking is crucial for any mobile notary aiming to thrive. Engage actively in local and professional networks, leverage digital tools, and participate in community events, embracing networking ideas for mobile notary business success. Form strategic partnerships to extend your reach and strengthen your business. Through these dedicated efforts, you can become indispensable to homeowners and business owners, building a resilient and successful mobile notary business.


March 15, 2024

Innovative Tactics for Notaries to Distinguish Themselves

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Notaries struggle to stand out in online directories in today’s digital world. They need to discover their point of difference for notaries. Identifying what sets them apart allows them to provide more than standard document signings, helping them stand out. These strategies are designed to showcase their distinct advantages, ensuring they rise above the competition with their special offerings.

A Unique Presence Through Customer Experience

Imagine walking into a space not to scribble a name down and leave but to sit, sip, shake hands, and share a brief and pleasant interlude. Transforming your office into a haven for a good customer experience is the first step to notary distinctiveness.

Aesthetic and Practical Considerations

Notaries can create a more hospitable space by considering the aesthetics of their work environment. Soft lighting, comfortable seating, and a warm color scheme can work wonders to ease an often-tense transaction. Add practical touches like a charging station, high-speed internet access, and basic refreshments to make the visit productive and memorable.

Personal Touches

Don’t underestimate the power of a personal touch. Greet your clients by name, inquire about their day, and be attentive to their needs. Remembering their preferences for tea or the newspaper eases the inking process and humanizes the professional relationship, potentially turning a one-time client into a loyal advocate.

Technology’s Hand in Notary Public Services

Integrating new technology into your notary services isn’t just about keeping up with the times; it’s about revolutionizing how you connect with and serve your clients. By weaving digital tools into your traditional workflow, you create opportunities for efficiency, security, and outstanding service that can set you apart.

The Digital Signature

Enabling clients to sign documents digitally can significantly streamline processes. It also shows a willingness to adapt alongside the evolving tech landscape, a trait highly valued by clients seeking quick and convenient services.

Remote Services

The pandemic has shown the necessity of remote services. For notaries, this means being able to notarize documents via video calls. While not universally accepted, this strategy can be a game-changer in areas where it’s legally sanctioned, offering notaries a vast, untapped client pool.

Marketing Magic for Mobile Notaries

In a saturated market, a mobile notary breaks through the monotony, quite literally, with the turn of a key.

The Power of Local SEO

Optimizing for local search engine results can help your mobile notary service pop up exactly when and where it’s needed. Utilize location-specific keywords and ensure your Google My Business profile is complete and up-to-date for quick, easy-to-find services.

Engaging on Social Media

Don’t just use social media to advertise services; engage with the community. Share tips on notarization, discuss law changes and be a virtual problem-solver to establish your brand as knowledgeable and accessible.

Certifying Unmistakable Professionalism

Your professionalism isn’t only about prohibiting unauthorized practice of law. It’s about ensuring quality service garners trust and builds a solid reputation, which can help solidify the point of difference for notaries.

Continuous Education

Stay ahead of the competition by investing in continuous education. Be the notary always aware of the latest trends and best practices and can better serve your clients.

Partnership with Legal Professionals

Building a network with lawyers and realtors creates a referral base and establishes you as part of the larger professional community dedicated to serving public needs.

Stand Out with Distinction

In the world of notarization, every detail counts as a point of difference for notaries. Enhancing your workspace and online presence are key marketing tips for mobile notary services. Successful notaries merge tradition with innovation, adapting to client needs while upholding trust and authenticity. Your seal isn’t just a stamp; it’s a commitment to value. Embrace the challenge to stand out, redefine notarization, and use your distinct mark to make a lasting impact. Blending visibility with exceptional service sets you apart in the digital age.


January 26, 2024

Data Security Essentials for Modern Notaries

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In the modern age, where data breaches and cyber threats are increasingly common, notaries must be vigilant about data security. Understanding how notaries protect sensitive information is key for homeowners and business owners. This article delves into essential data security practices for notaries, ensuring that your confidential documents and personal information remain secure in the digital realm.

The Importance of Data Security for Notaries

Notaries play a pivotal role in the authentication of important documents. From property deeds to business contracts, notaries ensure the integrity and legality of these documents. However, with this responsibility comes the need to safeguard sensitive information against unauthorized access or cyber threats. In an era where digital transactions are becoming the norm, the importance of robust data security for notaries cannot be overstated.

Key Strategies for Ensuring Data Security

1. Secure Digital Storage and Encryption

One of the primary defenses against data breaches is secure digital storage. Notaries must utilize encrypted digital vaults to store sensitive documents. Encryption transforms the data into a code, preventing unauthorized users from accessing it. This ensures that the data remains unreadable to intruders even if a breach occurs.

2. Regular Software Updates and Patch Management

Cyber threats are ever-evolving, and so should the defense mechanisms. Regularly updating software and applying patches is crucial. These updates often include fixes for security vulnerabilities that hackers might exploit.

3. Strong Password Policies and Two-Factor Authentication

Implementing strong password policies is a must. Passwords should be complex and changed regularly. Additionally, using two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, requiring a second verification form before access is granted.

4. Employee Training and Awareness

Human error can often be a weak link in data security. Training sessions for employees about the latest phishing scams and cyber threats are essential. Awareness can be a powerful tool in preventing accidental breaches.

5. Regular Audits and Compliance Checks

Regular audits of data security practices help in identifying any potential vulnerabilities. Compliance with local and international data protection regulations ensures that notaries are current with the latest legal requirements.

The Impact of Data Security on Client Trust

Choosing a notary prioritizing data security is crucial for homeowners and business owners. This ensures the safety of your personal information and builds trust. Knowing that your notary uses cutting-edge security measures gives peace of mind and enhances the overall experience.

Securing Sensitive Information in the Digital Age

Data security for notaries involves a comprehensive approach, including secure digital storage, regular software updates, strong password policies, employee training, and regular compliance checks. These practices are not just about protecting data; they are about maintaining trust and integrity in a digital world. As we continue to embrace digital transactions, the role of notaries in safeguarding sensitive information becomes even more paramount.

Homeowners and business owners must stay informed and ensure they work with notaries who prioritize data security. Speaking of staying informed, don’t forget to explore the best ways to find new Notary customers as you advance in your notarial practice. Stay secure, stay informed.


December 1, 2023

Year-End Tax Tips for Mobile Notaries

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

As the year draws to a close, it’s crucial for mobile notaries to get a head start on preparing for tax season. Being a mobile notary involves more than just notarizing documents; it also entails managing your business, including keeping your finances and taxes in order. This blog post aims to share valuable tips to help mobile notaries effectively prepare for the upcoming tax season.

Organizing Expense Receipts

The first step in tax preparation is organizing your expense receipts. As a mobile notary, you incur various expenses throughout the year, from office supplies to notary equipment. Keeping a meticulous record of these expenses is vital. You can use digital tools or apps to scan and categorize your receipts, which makes it easier when it comes time to file your taxes.

Filling Out Your Vehicle Mileage Log

A significant part of a mobile notary’s job involves traveling to clients. Therefore, keeping an accurate mileage log is essential. This log should include the date, purpose of the trip, and the miles covered. Remember to include vehicle repairs in this log, as they can be tax-deductible.

Figure Out Home-Office Usage & Expenses

If you use a part of your home exclusively for your notary business, you may be eligible for a home office deduction. Calculate the percentage of your home that is used for business and apply this to your home-related expenses. This can include a portion of your rent or mortgage, utility bills, and home maintenance costs.

Reconciling Bank Accounts

Ensure that your bank account statements align with your records. Reconciling your accounts helps identify any discrepancies and provides an accurate picture of your financial status. This is a crucial step in preparing for your taxes and aids in maintaining financial integrity.

Drafting a Rough Profit and Loss Statement

Creating a rough profit and loss statement can give you a clear view of your business’s financial health. This statement should outline your income from notary services and any other sources, as well as your expenses. This overview is helpful for tax purposes and gives you insights into your business operations.

Preparing Documentation for Your Tax Preparer

An additional crucial step in your year-end tax preparation is organizing and compiling all relevant documents for your tax preparer or CPA. Having a well-organized package of information can significantly ease the tax filing process. This should include your income statements, expense receipts, mileage logs, profit and loss statements, bank and credit card statements, and any documentation related to your home office usage. Providing your CPA with clear and concise records enables them to file your taxes accurately and efficiently. Remember, the more organized your documents are, the easier it is for your CPA to identify potential tax deductions and credits applicable to your mobile notary business.


Starting early on your tax preparations can save you from the last-minute rush and potential errors. By organizing your receipts, maintaining your mileage log, creating a profit and loss statement, reconciling your bank accounts, and figuring out your home-office usage, you can ensure a smoother tax filing process. Additionally, don’t forget to factor in auto maintenance tips for mobile notaries as part of your year-end review. Now is the best time to get started – your future self will thank you for your foresight and preparation!


November 27, 2023

Tax-Saving Strategies for Mobile Notaries

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 6:49 pm

You may frequently interact with mobile notaries as a homeowner or business owner. These professionals offer the convenience of traveling to your location to notarize documents, making transactions smoother and more efficient. However, like any business, mobile notaries face the challenge of managing their taxes effectively. In this article, we’ll explore various ways to reduce taxes for mobile notaries, providing valuable insights for those in this profession.

Understanding the Tax Implications for Mobile Notaries

Like other independent contractors, mobile notaries are responsible for their income and self-employment taxes. This dual tax responsibility often leads to a higher tax burden compared to regular employees. However, mobile notaries can significantly reduce their tax liability with smart planning and strategic decisions. Learning about different ways to reduce taxes for mobile notaries is crucial for their financial success.

Key Tax-Saving Strategies

  1. Track All Business Expenses: Mobile notaries should meticulously track all business-related expenses. This includes travel costs, office supplies, phone bills, and any other costs incurred while providing notary services. They can maximize their deductions and lower their taxable income by keeping detailed records.
  2. Utilize a Home Office Deduction: Many mobile notaries work from a home office. If a specific area of the home is dedicated exclusively to business activities, they may qualify for a home office deduction. This can include a portion of rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and home maintenance costs.
  3. Invest in Retirement Plans: Setting up a retirement plan like an IRA or a Solo 401(k) can be an effective tax-saving strategy. Contributions to these plans are often tax-deductible, reducing the notary’s taxable income.
  4. Health Insurance Deductions: As self-employed individuals, mobile notaries may be able to deduct up to 100% of their health insurance premiums from their taxable income. This not only provides essential coverage but also offers a significant tax advantage.
  5. Hire a Tax Professional: Tax laws can be complex, especially for self-employed individuals. Hiring a tax professional can help mobile notaries navigate these complexities and identify additional deductions and credits.
  6. Leverage Technology: Utilizing apps for mobile notary services can streamline operations, leading to more efficient time management and cost savings.
  7. Quarterly Tax Payments: Since taxes aren’t automatically withheld from income, mobile notaries should make estimated tax payments quarterly. This helps avoid underpayment penalties and large tax bills at the end of the year.

Maximizing Tax Savings

In summary, there are several ways to reduce taxes for mobile notaries. Mobile notaries can significantly reduce their tax burden by diligently tracking expenses, taking advantage of home office deductions, investing in retirement, considering health insurance deductions, seeking professional tax help, using efficient apps, and making quarterly tax payments.

By embracing these tax-saving strategies, mobile notaries can remain compliant and ensure that they are operating in the most financially efficient manner. It’s about finding the balance between legal obligations and smart financial planning. With these tips, mobile notaries can focus more on their business and less on the stress of tax season.


November 17, 2023

Building a Financial Plan for Your Notary Business

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Embarking on a notary business venture requires meticulous planning, especially concerning finances. One key element to ensure success in this field is to create a notary business budget. This budget will serve as a roadmap, guiding you through your financial decisions and helping you allocate resources wisely. In this guide, we’ll delve into creating a notary business budget, which is crucial for managing your expenses and maximizing your profits.

Creating a Notary Business Budget

  1. Understanding Your Revenue Streams: Before you can create a notary business budget, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your potential income sources. This includes income from notarization fees and any ancillary services you may offer.
  2. Listing Your Expenses: The next step involves listing all your business expenses. These range from licensing fees, insurance, office supplies, and marketing costs to potential travel expenses if you offer mobile notary services.
  3. Allocating Funds for Growth and Contingencies: While creating your budget, it’s important to set aside funds for business growth opportunities, such as additional training or utilizing marketing tips for mobile notary services. Similarly, a contingency fund is vital for unexpected expenses.
  4. Regular Review and Adjustment: A budget isn’t set in stone. Regularly review your financial plan to ensure it aligns with your business needs and make adjustments as necessary.
  5. Leveraging Budgeting Tools: Use budgeting tools or software to keep track of your expenses and income. This helps in maintaining an organized and accurate financial record.

Expanded Description of Creating a Notary Business Budget

A comprehensive budget for your notary business should encompass several key components:

  1. Initial Capital and Ongoing Expenses: Understand the difference between one-time costs, like purchasing notary equipment, and recurring expenses, such as rent or subscription services.
  2. Income Estimation: Estimate your monthly income based on the services you offer. This will require market research and understanding the demand for notary services in your area.
  3. Cost Management: Identify areas where costs can be minimized without compromising the quality of your services.
  4. Emergency Fund: Always allocate a portion of your budget to an emergency fund. This can help you navigate through unforeseen circumstances with minimal financial stress.
  5. Profit Projection: After subtracting your expenses from your estimated income, you’ll clearly see your potential profit. Use this information to make informed decisions about expanding or scaling back your business operations.

Securing Financial Success in Your Notary Business

Creating a notary business budget is a continual journey marked by the synergy of pragmatism and adaptability. Embrace the dynamic nature of financial planning, letting it be a driving force for growth. Regularly scrutinize and refine your budget, fostering financial resilience and flexibility in response to evolving business demands. Understand that a meticulously designed budget transcends expense tracking, a powerful instrument propelling you toward your entrepreneurial aspirations. Seize the opportunity to shape your financial destiny, for a well-honed budget isn’t just a ledger—it’s the cornerstone of triumph, securing the enduring prosperity of your notary enterprise. Act now and witness the transformative impact of strategic financial stewardship.


November 10, 2023

Enhance Your Mobile Notary Business: Develop a Winning USP

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In the competitive world of mobile notary services, standing out from the crowd is essential for success. A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) can make all the difference, helping you differentiate your business and attract more clients. In this article, we will delve into the concept of USP for mobile notary services, offering insights into how to create and develop a compelling USP that will set your business apart from the rest.

USP for Mobile Notary Services

A USP is a crucial element of any business that provides a product or service. It represents the distinctive qualities and benefits that make your notary business offering unique and appealing to potential clients. When marketing your services, you should focus on value based selling, as opposed to selling on price alone, which will further differentiate your business from other low-cost providers.

Specialized Expertise

One effective USP for mobile notary services is to highlight your specialized expertise. Whether you excel in notarizing real estate documents, legal papers, or healthcare documents, showcasing your knowledge in a particular field can set you apart from generic mobile notary services. Clients will appreciate your industry-specific knowledge, making you the go-to notary for their needs.

Convenience and Flexibility

Mobile notary services are about convenience, so why not make it your USP? Emphasize your ability to travel to clients’ homes, businesses, or any location, offering flexibility that traditional notary services cannot. Let potential clients know that you’ll go the extra mile, both figuratively and literally, to meet their notarization needs.

Quick Turnaround

In the business world, time is money, and clients often require notarization services on tight schedules. Position your mobile notary service as the one that provides a quick turnaround. Emphasize your ability to accommodate last-minute requests, offering a same-day or next-day notarization service. This level of responsiveness can be a powerful USP that appeals to businesses and individuals alike.

Enhanced Security and Privacy

In a world where personal information is increasingly valuable and privacy concerns are growing, you can develop a USP by focusing on the security and confidentiality of your services. Assure clients that their sensitive documents will be handled with the utmost care, and take steps to secure your notarization processes to protect their information.

Competitive Pricing

Competitive pricing can be a compelling USP for your mobile notary service. Research the rates of local competitors and find a balance between profitability and affordability. Highlight your transparent pricing structure and willingness to match or beat the prices of other notary services, making your business an attractive choice for cost-conscious clients.

Exceptional Customer Service

Excellent customer service is a timeless USP that can set your mobile notary service apart. Always prioritize clear communication, responsiveness, and a friendly, professional demeanor when working with clients. This personal touch can create loyal customers who return to you for future notarization needs and refer your services to others.

Crafting Your Winning USP

In the highly competitive landscape of mobile notary services, developing a winning USP is a key strategy for success. By identifying your unique strengths and tailoring your USP to meet the specific needs of your target market, you can set your USP for mobile notary services apart from competitors. Whether you emphasize your specialized expertise, convenience and flexibility, quick turnaround, enhanced security and privacy, competitive pricing, or exceptional customer service, your USP will become the foundation of your success in the industry. Remember that your USP should attract clients and consistently deliver on its promises, ensuring that your mobile notary business thrives in the long term.


January 13, 2023

Top Mobile Notary Challenges in 2023

As mobile notaries, the world constantly changes and presents new challenges for our profession. Every year, new updates in law and regulations affect our practice. So it’s important to stay informed of what other professionals in the industry are experiencing so we can continue to do our jobs effectively and safely. In this blog post, we’ll be looking at some of the top mobile notary challenges that will likely arise during 2023 – from adapting to digital platforms amidst a global pandemic to keeping up with ever-evolving state laws – as well as how best to prepare for these hurdles ahead!

Increased Regulation and Compliance Requirements

Being a notary public is no small task! With an ever-increasing layer of regulations and compliance requirements to abide by, it’s important for notaries not only to stay up-to-date on laws governing notarial acts but to ensure that their notary service is top-notch. Mobile notaries, traveling notaries, and signing agents provide added convenience for clients seeking notarization services beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar approach. As such, notaries must recognize that increased regulation and compliance requirements come with the territory and be prepared to meet them in areas ranging from personal identification verification to data security protocols. After all, notaries are really providing an invaluable service – one that requires vigilance on their part in order to execute properly.

More States Legalizing Cannabis and Its Impact on Notarizations

With more states legalizing cannabis, notary services have never been in higher demand! From notarizing banking transactions to notarizing documents related to cannabis-related agreements, notaries are rapidly adapting their services to meet these growing demands. Mobile notary and traveling notary services like signing agents make this work possible with flexible scheduling, location options, and quick turnarounds. Today’s notaries are required to understand the effects of cannabis laws within the state they work in—and as more states legalize cannabis, notaries are rising to the challenge with an understanding of not only their state laws but regional ones too. The need for savvy notaries has never been greater!

Increased Use of AI and Other Technologies in the Notary Industry

The notary industry is no exception to the technological advancements in automation, with many notary services embracing advantages like AI and mobile notarization. Mobile notaries provide notarizing convenience to customers by visiting them directly at their homes or workplace instead of the other way around, and they can also perform notarial services remotely. Signing Agents present businesses with many opportunities, such as booking more notary assignments and being away from their office while doing it – improving efficiency while on the move! Automation allows notaries to increase access to and quality of notary services; plus, going digital has enabled notaries to work faster and become more organized. The combination of modern technology and a notary’s expertise creates an efficient yet secure process for all kinds of transactions, making it one of the top mobile notary challenges in 2023.

Continued Growth in Remote Working and Its Effects on Notaries

The notary profession has experienced a seismic shift since the introduction of remote working technology. While notaries have yet to experience the same growth across all sectors, those in the notary public, mobile notary, traveling notary, and signing agent spaces have seen particularly dramatic gains due to their ability to provide notarization services from any physical location. This means that as more companies turn towards remote approaches for workplace operations, notary service providers have seen benefits through increased business. This shift bodes well for notaries looking to expand their services online – something that would have seemed next to impossible for the average signing agent or mobile notary not long ago.

More States Legalizing Digital Notarization

Digital notarization is rapidly becoming the notary norm, quickly changing the traditional notarization landscape. As more states legalize digital notarization, mobile notaries and notary services must evolve to meet the increasingly strict criteria. This means notaries who act as traveling notaries or signing agents will become even more popular, as they are both cost-effective and able to meet the ever-hastening pace of new technology and ideas in the notarization process. Not only that but their expertise and presence in person can help make digital notarization a cinch for both notary and customer alike!

Changes in the Real Estate Market and How They Impact Notaries

When it comes to notary services, the real estate market is at the heart of it. From mobile notaries and signing agents that travel from place to place to notary publics who perform notarizations at their own location, notaries play a large part in helping facilitate transactions for buying and selling a home. So when the real estate market sees changes—be it an increase or decrease in residential sales or rising interest rates—notaries must be ready to adjust their services accordingly. Whether this means taking on more projects if there is an influx of business or partnering with other notaries for added flexibility and capacity, notaries must stay agile as changes come about to maintain their notary business and keep up with the ever-changing landscape of the real estate market.

Expectations as We Move Into 2023

In the past year, we’ve seen more changes in the notary industry than ever. From increased regulation to the legalization of cannabis, there’s been a lot to keep up with. Mobile notary challenges will persist as we move into 2023, and it doesn’t look like things are slowing down any time soon. You can expect continued growth in remote working and digital notarization, as well as changes in the real estate market that will impact notaries across the country. But no matter what challenges arise, one thing remains constant: the quality of the notaries like you who are dedicated to providing excellent service. Thank you for everything you do to ensure that our community thrives!


January 6, 2023

How to Create a Mobile Notary Business Plan

Creating a mobile notary business plan is important in starting your own business. A mobile notary business offers convenience to customers who need notarization services but need help to reach a physical location. As a mobile notary, you can travel to your clients and provide notary services at their location, making it more convenient for them.

The first step in creating your business plan is researching the market. This will help you understand your area’s demand for mobile notary services and the competition you will face. You will also want to research the regulations and requirements for becoming a notary in your state. Once you have a good understanding of the market and regulations, you can start to develop your business plan. A mobile notary business plan should include the following key elements:

Executive Summary: This should provide an overview of your business and its goals. It should also include a summary of your research and your target market.
Business Description: This should include more detailed information about your business, such as your mission statement, services offered, and competitive advantage.
Market Analysis: This should include information about your target market, including demographics, needs, and buying habits. It should also include information about your competition and how you plan to differentiate yourself.
Operations Plan: This should include information about how your business will operate, acquire customers, and provide notary services.
Financial Plan: This should include financial projections, such as projected income and expenses, and a break-even analysis.
Conclusion: Summarize your business plan

Creating a successful business plan is key to setting your mobile notary business up for success. Knowing the demand for mobile notary services in your area and the competition you will face are important considerations. Moreover, understanding the regulations and requirements of becoming a notary in your state is paramount. Additionally, understanding your target market, operations details, and plans for financial gains can help build a complete business strategy. Ultimately, this approach will provide more insight into setting goals, achieving objectives, and becoming a successful business owner.

Once you have completed your business plan, reviewing it and making any necessary revisions is important. You may also consider seeking feedback from a mentor, business advisor, or other notaries who are experts.

To be successful in the mobile notary business, it’s important to have a solid mobile notary business plan in place. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your business, outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. By taking the time to research your market, create a comprehensive business plan, and seek feedback from experts, you will be well on your way to starting a successful mobile notary business.


December 2, 2020

Everything you need to know about writing a great notes section

Originally posted Feb 1, 2016.

Most Notaries underestimate how critical it is to have an amazing notes section on your listing on They just write how they are background screened and have E&O insurance. They stop there. Yes, this is important information and it can be a deal breaker if you don’t have the right background screening from the right agency, etc. However, the Notaries who get lots of work from 123notary tend to have 123notary certifications, reviews from satisfied clients and a very thorough notes section. So, what is the secret? The secret is to be specific, unique and well organized in what you write about yourself.

(1) Selling Features
The top of your notes section should stress selling features. What can you say about yourself that others might not be able to say that would make someone want to hire you. “I’m reliable.” Everyone claims to be reliable, and then they show up late making a mockery out of their claim. Try something that you can put your finger on. But, I really am reliable? Yes, but your notes section can’t prove it — so skip it. Instead, let’s think about what types of loans you know how to sign. Don’t just say, “all types.” List them one by one. Do you have some unusual qualifications? Were you Notary of the year? Do you do jail or hospital signings? Are you fluent in Uzbekistani hill dialects? These are things that help you stand out. Were you a CEO of a Mortgage company? That helps too. If you have Escrow, Title, Underwriting, Processing, Settlement, or general Mortgage experience, that is a huge plus on your notes section. Make sure to indicate that high in your notes. Remember — the first 200 characters of your notes show up on the search results for your area, so digress to impress! (actually don’t digress, but use that space to squeeze in as many selling features as possible)

(2) Specialties
One of the most valuable pieces of information you can include in your notes are your specialties. Instead of bragging about how you are error-free or dependable (which nobody wants to read,) instead list the types of loans you know how to sign, types of major documents or procedures you are familiar with. Do you go to airports, offices, or jails? Do you do Weddings or Apostilles? People are very impressed when you have highly specialized skills, so mention them.

(3) # of loans signed
Most Notaries up date the # of loans signed once in four years. When I mention that their profile says they signed 200 loans, they say, “Oh, that was five years ago. I must have forgotten to login — I’ll go in there.” You need to “go in there” and update your info every few months or you will have information that is collecting cyber-dust.

(4) What is hot and what is not?
Radiuses are hot. If you have a wide radius, tell the world. 100 mile radius shows you are serious (or crazy.) Last minute signings are a good thing to mention. Do you accept faxes or are willing to do fax backs? That narrows it down. Are you background screened? Is it by NNA or Sterling or someone else — if you’re screened by the wrong agency, you don’t get the job! Do you know how to do eSignings? That will make you stand out!

(5) Professional memberships and certifications
Are you NNA Certified, Notary2Pro certified, 123notary certified, or trained by some other agency. It is impressive especially if you have four or five certifications. Mention these as well as your memberships. But, please don’t say you are an NNA member in good standing. The only way to be in bad standing with any agency is by not paying your bills or perhaps being convicted of a felony.

(6) What is unique about your service?
Is there something unique about the way you do your work? Or do you have a catchy unique phrase about yourself? It is very hard for most people to think of anything unique about themselves. But, if you really put some thought into it over an extended period of time you might come up with something good. We have two blog articles below with some of the best unique information we’ve ever seen.

(7) Avoid vagueness
Did you work for 10 years in the legal industry? What does this mean? Were you the company president or did you mop the floor for an Attorney. State your job title or what you did very clearly. If you were a legal secretary of Paralegal, that is good to know. Not a selling feature. Additionally, try to be specific about your claims. Rather than saying how good you are with people, give a concrete example of how you are good with people, or what experience you have that proves you are good with people.

Also read:
General (vague) vs. specific information in your notes section

(8) Avoid restating information
Many Notaries restate their company name, their company mission, phone and email in your notes. Your notes is to give additional information about your service, and not to restate what the reader already knows. Remember, those top 200 characters go in the search results, and if you say, “We are here to serve” nobody will click on you.

(9) Counties served
There are 12 boxes where you can indicate your counties served. If you wish to restate this info in your notes, put it near the bottom as this is not a selling feature. If you want to indicate which parts of which counties you serve, the notes section is the only place to go into such detail. Others choose to mention specific towns or cities served. Please avoid stating which zip codes you go to as that is too nit-picky.

(10) Writing about your mentor
New Notaries always want to bend my ear about how they don’t have experience, but their mentor has signed 10,000 loans and they have been to many signings with their mentor. After hearing ten minutes about their mentor I say, “I’ll hire him — I’m convinced — But, I wouldn’t hire you in a million years because you don’t stand on your two feet!” Don’t talk about your mentor. Talk about what training programs you have passed.

(11) Writing about your Real Estate background
Notaries regularly write, “I am a Realtor and therefor am familiar with the documents.” But, when I quiz them on the documents they fail almost every time. Also, many Notaries will write three paragraphs about their Real Estate business or Process Serving, etc. People are coming to 123notary to find a great Notary, not a Real Estate agent. If you want to quickly mention in the middle of your notes that you are a Realtor, that is fine, but don’t make it the central point of your notes.

(12) Educational background
If you want to write about your degrees or former professional experience, unless it is Mortgage related, it should go in the middle or lower middle part of the notes as it is not critical information in the eyes of the reader.

(13) Equipment
Yes, you can write about your equipment. Sometimes we recommend using bullet points for quick points such as E&O, certifications, and equipment. You can mention what type of printer, scanner, fax, or mobile office you have. Just don’t put this up top. It belongs in the middle or lower middle of your notes.

(14) Closing statements
Some Notaries choose to have a closing statement while others don’t. We like it when Notaries do. You can say, “Thanks for visiting my listing.” Or say something a little more unique.

(15) Don’t jumble everything in one paragraph
A good notes section is divided into several logical sections. We normally like to see an intro with selling features, an about you paragraph, some bullet points, and a closing statement. There are many formats for winning notes section and you can decide what is best for you.

(16) Ask for help
123notary gives free notes makeovers. However, we cannot write the content for you. We can filter and reorganize it though. When we redo people’s notes sections they average an increase of 55% more clicks per day to their listing. So, ask! And get some reviews on your listing while you’re at it!


Other Great Notes Articles

How to write a notes section if you have no experience

10 quick changes to your notes that can double your calls

What goes where in your notes?

2014 excerpts from great notes sections

Unique phrases from people’s notes sections

Stating the obvious in your notes section

A Notary included a copy of her testimonial in her notes


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