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January 19, 2024

Boost Your Notary Business With Social Media

Filed under: (6) Marketing,Social Media — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In the digital age, notaries play a pivotal role in the seamless execution of documents for both homeowners and business owners. As a notary, staying ahead in this competitive field requires expertise in your craft and a strong online presence. This is where an effective social media calendar for notaries becomes essential.

Understanding the Power of Social Media for Notaries

Social media has transformed how businesses, including notary services, connect with their audience. It offers a platform to showcase your services, engage with clients, and build a trustworthy brand. As a homeowner or business owner, understanding the importance of a notary’s online presence can help you choose a service that is responsive, reliable, and in tune with modern digital practices.

Essential Tips for Notaries to Enhance Online Presence

  1. Consistent Branding: Your social media profiles should reflect your professionalism. Use consistent branding across all platforms to create a memorable and trustworthy image.
  2. Engaging Content: Share content that resonates with your audience. This can include informative articles, updates on notary laws, and answers to common questions.
  3. Interactive Platforms: Utilize platforms like Instagram and Facebook to engage with your audience through Q&A sessions, live videos, and timely updates.
  4. Customer Testimonials: Showcase your reliability and quality of service through customer testimonials and reviews.
  5. Educational Posts: Educate your audience about the importance of notarization and how it protects them from fraud.

The Role of a Social Media Calendar

A social media calendar for notaries is a strategic tool to plan and organize your online content. It ensures a consistent and timely presence, which is essential for building trust and recognition in your field. By scheduling posts in advance, you can maintain a regular online presence without it overwhelming your daily workload. This calendar should include:

  1. Regular Updates: Plan your posts to be regular but not overwhelming. Two to three posts a week can keep your audience engaged without flooding their feeds.
  2. Diverse Content: Mix educational posts, industry news, personal anecdotes, and client testimonials to keep your content dynamic and interesting.
  3. Strategic Timing: Post when your audience is most active. For notaries, business hours or early evenings might be the best times.
  4. Engagement Slots: Reserve time for interacting with comments and messages to build a community around your brand.

Boosting Your Notary Business With Social Media

An effective social media strategy is crucial for notaries to stay relevant and accessible. For more detailed strategies, consider exploring these social media tips for notaries. This resource offers comprehensive insights into leveraging social media for your notary business.

Streamline Your Notary Business Today

A well-crafted social media calendar for notaries can significantly boost your online presence and, in turn, your business. It allows you to connect with your audience, showcase your expertise, and stay ahead in the competitive notary market. Remember, the key to success in the digital era lies in the quality of your services and how effectively you communicate them to your potential clients. With these strategies in place, you can elevate your notary business to new heights, ensuring you are the go-to professional for homeowners and business owners.


January 5, 2024

9 Ways to Create More Demand for a Notary Business

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In today’s competitive business landscape, finding effective strategies to stand out and generate more demand for your notary business is essential. Whether you’re a seasoned notary public or just starting, increasing demand for your services is key to building a successful notary business. In this blog post, we’ll explore some proven strategies to help you create more demand for your notary business.

1. Enhance Your Online Visibility with Local SEO

Establishing a robust online presence in this digital era is indispensable for any business. Given that potential clients frequently resort to the internet to seek notary services, it’s imperative that your website is impeccably designed, rich in information, and user-friendly. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a potent tool in your arsenal. Local SEO focuses on optimizing your online presence to attract customers in your vicinity. By employing local SEO strategies, you can boost your website’s visibility on search engines when people in your area search for notary services. Incorporate keywords like “notary services” and “mobile notary services” strategically throughout your website content to enhance your search engine rankings, making it easier for local clients to discover your services.

2. Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for expanding your reach and connecting with potential clients. Create profiles on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and regularly post engaging content related to notary services. Share informative articles, success stories, and tips on how your services can benefit clients. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly.

3. Build Strong Relationships

Networking is a cornerstone of any successful business, including a notary business. Develop relationships with local attorneys, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and other professionals who may require notary services regularly. Attend industry events and join local business associations to expand your network. Building strong relationships can lead to referrals and repeat business, increasing the demand for your services.

4. Offer a Variety of Services

Consider offering a broader range of services beyond traditional notarizations to create more demand for your notary business. Specialize in areas such as loan signings, estate planning, or mobile notary services. Diversifying your offerings can attract a wider client base and make your business more appealing to those seeking specialized services.

5. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Exceptional customer service can set your notary business apart from the competition. Be responsive to inquiries, arrive on time for appointments, and maintain a professional and friendly demeanor. Going the extra mile to accommodate your client’s needs can lead to positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals, boosting your business’s demand.

6. Invest in Marketing

Allocate a portion of your budget to marketing efforts. This may include online advertising, email marketing campaigns, or even traditional marketing materials like flyers and business cards. Ensure your marketing materials prominently display your contact information and emphasize the value you provide as a notary public.

7. Seek Online Reviews

Ask satisfied clients to leave an online review on your Google Business Profile, Facebook, and Yelp. Positive reviews will build trust with potential clients and boost your online reputation. Equally important, be sure to respond to reviews in a timely manner, whether they are positive or negative, to show that you value client feedback and are committed to continuous improvement.

8. Offer Competitive Pricing

While providing quality service is essential, competitive pricing can also attract more clients. Research the pricing structures of other notary services in your area and ensure that your rates are reasonable and competitive. You may even consider offering package deals or discounts for bulk notarizations to incentivize repeat business.

9. Stay Informed and Adapt

The notary industry, like any other, evolves over time. Stay informed about changes in laws, regulations, and best practices within your field. By adapting to industry trends and continuously improving your services, you can position your notary business as a reliable and forward-thinking choice for clients.

Create More Demand and Grow Your Notary Business Today!

Creating more demand for your notary business requires a combination of online and offline strategies, excellent customer service, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By optimizing your online presence, networking, offering diverse services, and providing outstanding customer experiences, you can position your notary business for success and growth. Remember to monitor the effectiveness of your strategies and adjust them as needed to stay competitive in the ever-changing business landscape.

If you’re looking for more ways to get more notary clients, here is a list of businesses that need notaries. With dedication and the right approach, you can indeed create more demand for your notary business.


October 27, 2023

Top Ways to Find New Notary Customers

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Are you a notary public looking to expand your customer base and grow your business? Finding new notary customers is essential for success in this profession. Whether you’re a seasoned notary or just starting out, this blog post will provide the top ways to find new notary customers. We will explore strategies and tips to help you connect with potential clients and build a thriving notary business. So, let’s dive in and discover the best ways to find new notary customers.

Leverage Word-of-mouth

Word of mouth is among the best ways to find new notary customers. Networking within your community and among your existing clients can lead to valuable referrals. Encourage satisfied customers to recommend your services to friends, family, or colleagues who may require notary services. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool for expanding your client base.

Build a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting new notary customers. Create a professional website that showcases your services, credentials, and contact information. Consider updating your website to reflect your expertise and any additional services you offer. Use social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and share your notary expertise. By improving your online visibility, you can make it easier for potential customers to find you when they need notary services.

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service is key to retaining and attracting new clients. Be prompt, reliable, and professional in your interactions with customers. Ensure that your notary office or workspace is welcoming and well-organized. A positive customer experience can lead to repeat business and referrals, helping you build a strong customer base.

Specialize in Niche Markets

Consider specializing in niche markets to stand out from the competition. For example, you can target specific industries, such as real estate or legal services, and tailor your notary services to meet their unique needs. Becoming an expert in a particular niche can make you the go-to notary for clients in that field.

Attend Networking Events

Networking events, both online and in person, can be valuable opportunities to connect with potential notary customers. Look for industry-specific events, business gatherings, and community functions where you can promote your services and meet potential clients. Don’t forget to bring business cards and other promotional materials to share with attendees.

Acquire More Customers and Boost Your Notary Business Today!

Finding new notary customers requires a multi-faceted approach that combines traditional and digital strategies. While word of mouth is one of the best ways to find new notary customers, there are other equally important ways, like building a strong online presence, providing excellent customer service, specializing in niche markets, and attending networking events, which, together, can all contribute to your success as a notary public.

If you prefer in-person networking events, these networking tips for mobile notaries will help you to be more successful. With determination and these strategies, you’ll be well on attracting new notary customers and achieving your business goals.


October 13, 2023

Mobile Notary Advertising Tips

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Starting a mobile notary business can be a lucrative venture. However, to attract clients like any other business, it is essential to have an effective advertising strategy in place. Advertising need not be expensive; there are several low-cost ways to advertise a mobile notary business. In this article, we’ll explore some budget-friendly strategies that can help you get your mobile notary business noticed.

Online Presence is Key

Establishing an online presence is crucial for any business in today’s digital age. Create a professional website for your mobile notary services. You can use website builders like Wix or WordPress to create one inexpensively. Ensure to include essential information such as your contact details, services offered, and pricing.

Leverage Social Media

Utilize the potential of social media platforms to promote your mobile notary business through low-cost ways to advertise a mobile notary business. Establish profiles on well-known platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Consistently publish content related to your services, share client testimonials, and actively interact with your audience. Incorporate relevant hashtags and location tags to connect with potential clients in your vicinity.

Online Directories

List your mobile notary business on online directories and review platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Yellow Pages. These platforms are often used by people searching for local services. Ensure your profile is complete with accurate contact information and business details.

Networking and Partnerships

Build relationships with local businesses that might require notary services regularly. This could include real estate agencies, law firms, or financial institutions. Offer special rates or discounts for their clients, and in return, ask them to refer clients to your mobile notary services.

Utilize Free Advertising Methods

Take advantage of free advertising methods such as word of mouth and referrals. Encourage satisfied clients to spread the word about your services. Additionally, create and distribute business cards and flyers in your local community. Attend local events and meetings to network and introduce yourself to potential clients.

Email Marketing

Email marketing can be a budget-friendly approach to connect with your clients and keep them informed about your services. Gather email addresses from your clients and send newsletters or updates about your business. You can also include helpful social media tips for notaries who are related to notary services in your emails to provide additional value to your subscribers.

Content Marketing

Content is king when it comes to online advertising. Start a blog on your website and regularly publish informative articles about notary services, legal documents, and the importance of notarization. Share these articles on your social media platforms to drive traffic to your website.

Online Reviews and Testimonials

Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Positive reviews can boost your credibility and attract more clients. Respond promptly to positive and negative reviews to show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Join Notary Associations

Consider joining local and national notary associations. These organizations often have directories where you can list your mobile notary business. Being part of such associations also enhances your professional reputation.

DIY Marketing Materials

Use online design tools or templates using Canva to create marketing materials like business cards, brochures, and flyers. You can print these materials inexpensively at local shops or online printing services.

Grow Your Mobile Notary Business Today

In conclusion, when it comes to promoting your mobile notary business, there’s no need to strain your budget. These low-cost ways to advertise a mobile notary business can serve as effective tools to showcase your services and maintain a steady influx of clients. It’s crucial to remember the significance of maintaining a professional online presence, engaging with your audience on social media, and harnessing the power of complimentary advertising methods to foster the growth of your mobile notary business.


September 22, 2023

The Power of Accurate Listings

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In today’s digital age, the online presence of a business plays a pivotal role in its success. Accurate business listings are a crucial but often underestimated aspect of your online presence. This article delves into the importance of accurate business listings and how they can significantly impact your search rank results, ultimately helping you attract new notary customers.

The Significance of Accurate Business Listings

Imagine searching for a restaurant online only to find outdated contact information or incorrect opening hours. Frustrating, right? This is precisely why the importance of accurate business listings, including the quality of the notaries, cannot be overstressed. Incomplete or incorrect listings can lead to confusion among potential customers and a poor user experience. But it doesn’t end there; they also profoundly impact your search engine rankings.

Search Engine Ranking and Accurate Listings

Search engines like Google use many factors to determine the ranking of websites in search results. One critical factor is the consistency and accuracy of business listings across the web. When your business information is inconsistent or incorrect on various online platforms, it sends mixed signals to search engines, resulting in lower search rankings.

For instance, if your business address on Google My Business doesn’t match the address on your Facebook page or Yelp listing, search engines may struggle to identify your business as a credible and reliable source. This discrepancy can lead to lower rankings in search results, making it harder for potential customers to find you.

Accurate listings, on the other hand, contribute positively to your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. When your business information is consistent and up to date across various online directories, search engines gain confidence in the legitimacy of your business, improving your chances of ranking higher in search results.

The Impact on Attracting New Customers

The ultimate goal of maintaining accurate business listings is to attract new customers. In today’s competitive market, potential customers rely heavily on search engines to discover local businesses. You’re missing out on many potential customers if your business is buried on page two or three of search results due to inconsistent listings.

Accurate listings make it easier for your business to get found by individuals actively seeking your products or services. When your business consistently appears in search results with correct information, it builds trust and credibility with potential customers. This trust can translate into increased website traffic and, ultimately, more conversions.

The Power of Local SEO

Local search engine optimization is a vital component of attracting customers to a brick-and-mortar business. Accurate business listings play a pivotal role in local SEO. When your business information is accurate and consistent, it signals to search engines that it is relevant to local search queries.

Moreover, local SEO strategies, such as optimizing for “near me” searches, rely heavily on accurate business listings. By ensuring that your business information is correct and up to date, you can significantly enhance your visibility in local search results, making it easier for nearby customers to discover your business.

Why Accuracy in Business Listings Pays Off

In conclusion, the importance of accurate business listings cannot be emphasized enough. Incomplete or incorrect listings negatively impact your search rank results, making it more difficult for you to attract new customers. However, with correct and well-maintained listings across the Internet, you can experience increased website traffic and higher search engine rank results on top search engines such as Google.

To succeed in the digital landscape, businesses must prioritize accurate listings for their overall marketing strategy. Whether you’re a small local business or a global corporation, the power of accurate listings is undeniable in helping you get found by the right customers at the right time. So, take the time to audit and update your business listings regularly, and watch as your online visibility and customer base grow.


September 1, 2023

5 Social Media Tips for Notary Success

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 7:34 pm

In today’s digital age, more than ever, people use social media not just for leisure but as a crucial source of information and communication. If you’re a mobile notary eager to amplify your visibility and establish credibility, harnessing the power of social media is no longer optional—it’s a necessity. To navigate the dynamic waters of online platforms and ensure you’re maximizing your business potential, consider these five key social media strategies tailored for notaries:

1. Choose the right platforms – It’s not enough to simply have a social media account; the platform should align with your audience’s preferences. If your primary target is real estate professionals, platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are excellent due to their business-centric and community-driven nature. However, visually appealing platforms like Instagram or quick update platforms like Twitter might yield better results when targeting a younger or more general demographic. Always consider where your prospective clients spend their time.

2. Ensure that you post – Consistency is king in the realm of social media. By regularly posting, you remind your audience of your presence and expertise. Aim for at least once a week, ensuring your content varies from informative articles to light-hearted memes about notary life. This variety can cater to different segments of your audience and keep your content fresh.

3. Stay professional – Professionalism is your ticket to credibility. Given the confidential nature of notary work, it’s imperative to project trustworthiness. Ensure your visual branding—like profile and cover photos—echoes this sentiment. Moreover, be cautious about your posts’ tone, language, and imagery to avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

4. Build relationships – Beyond mere posting, social media’s power lies in interaction. Engagement is the currency here. Promptly responding to comments, actively participating in discussions, or hosting live Q&A sessions can amplify trust. The more you interact, the stronger the bond you forge with your audience, making them more likely to turn to you when they need notary services.

5. Leverage paid advertising – While organic growth is commendable, the power of paid advertising can’t be ignored. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn allow hyper-targeted campaigns, letting you reach specific demographics, from geographic locations to particular job roles. With their vast user bases, platforms like Instagram and Twitter can also amplify your reach, attracting potential clients who might be unaware of your services. Consider investing a portion of your marketing budget here for increased visibility.

Amplifying Your Notary Business Through Social Media

In conclusion, these social media tips for notaries can significantly benefit businesses in this industry. If you’re a mobile notary, it’s worth investing time in building a strong social media presence. Choosing the right platforms, being consistent, staying professional, building relationships, and leveraging paid advertising is essential for success. Notaries who are experts with these social media tools are likelier to stay top-of-mind and grow their business over time.


June 9, 2023

Innovative Marketing Tips for Your Mobile Notary Service

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tags: , , — Tom Wilkins @ 3:51 pm

Are you ready to take your mobile notary service marketing to the next level? This article will provide essential marketing tips for mobile notary services, which can help you update your strategy and achieve impressive outcomes. From leveraging online platforms to targeting local audiences, these expert strategies will empower you to attract more clients and elevate your business. Get ready to unlock the secrets of successful mobile notary service marketing and position yourself as a leader in the industry. Let’s dive in and discover the transformative power of these marketing tips for mobile notary services.

Harness the Power of Digital Marketing

  1. Build a professional website: Invest in a well-designed website that showcases your services, expertise, and contact information. Ensure it is user-friendly and optimized for mobile devices.
  2.   Optimize for search engines: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms potential clients might use to search for mobile notary services. Incorporate these keywords into your website content to improve your search engine rankings.
  3. Leverage social media: Establish a strong presence on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Share informative and engaging content regularly, and interact with your audience to build trust and credibility.

Maximize Local SEO

  1. Claim your Google My Business listing: This ensures that your mobile notary service appears on Google Maps and local search results when users search for services in your area.
  2. Encourage client reviews: Positive online reviews from satisfied clients can significantly enhance your reputation and attract new customers. Encourage your clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook.
  3. Target local keywords: Incorporate location-specific keywords into your website content to optimize for local searches. For example, include phrases like “mobile notary services in [your city].”

Cultivate Networking Opportunities

  1. Join professional associations: Connect with other notary professionals through local and national associations. Attend industry events and conferences to network, share insights, and stay updated on the latest trends.
  2. Collaborate with complementary businesses: Identify businesses frequently requiring notary services, such as real estate agencies or law firms. Establish partnerships to provide mutual referrals and expand your client base.

Specialize Your Services

  1. Identify niche markets: Research local industries or groups with specific notary needs. For instance, you could target medical professionals, wedding planners, or senior care facilities.
  2. Customize your marketing messages: Tailor your marketing materials to address your target market’s unique needs and pain points. Highlight the benefits and convenience of your mobile notary services for their specific situations.

Foster Trust and Credibility

  1. Display professional credentials: Showcase your qualifications, certifications, and memberships on your website and marketing materials. This helps potential clients feel confident in your expertise.
  2. Share testimonials and case studies: Feature success stories and testimonials from satisfied clients to demonstrate your track record of delivering exceptional service.
  3. Prioritize security and confidentiality: Emphasize your commitment to privacy and security to instill trust in your clients. Assure them that their sensitive documents will be handled with utmost care and confidentiality.

Ignite Success: Mobile Notary Service Marketing Makeover!

In conclusion, by revamping and modernizing your marketing tips for mobile notary services, you can unleash the true power of your business. Advertising on the right platforms, targeting the desired audience, and closely analyzing customer actions are the keys to success. But it doesn’t end there. Notaries who are experts in their field, staying ahead of the competition and keeping up with industry-specific tools and trends, will truly stand out. By creating high-quality content that showcases your knowledge and experience, you can attract new customers while establishing yourself as a trusted authority. So, embrace these tips and strategies to revamp your marketing plan today. Let your expertise shine in the competitive mobile notary sector. The stage is set for your continued success!


February 24, 2023

5 Ways to Market Your Notary Business

When you become a notary, much of your focus is on getting certified in your state. That typically means getting a criminal background check, taking an approved course, and passing the exam. Then, it’s mostly just filing paperwork. Once you get certified, though, you need clients. Here are five ways to market your notary business if that’s where you are in your notary journey.

1. Build a Website

One of the first things on your marketing to-do list should be building a website. We live in an online world. Many people regard having a website as a sign that your business is legitimate. The good news, you don’t need anything too complex either, or that demands a web developer. You can set up a basic website using WordPress, Wix, Squarespace or a similar content management system. Do make a point of creating a page with your contact information and availability on it.

2. Social Media

Once you get your website polished to the point that you’re happy, it’s time for the next online step: social media. Don’t sign up for every single social media platform. Start with one of the big sites. That lets you keep the demand for new content at a reasonable level. It also lets you answer questions. For example, let’s say that someone needs a Bank of America power of attorney. You can let them know in advance if you can notarize it.

3. Create a Referral Program

Referral programs really are the unsung hero of marketing. They are word-of-mouth marketing that you help generate for yourself. For something like notary services, you can offer discounts for the people making the referrals and those who get referred. In essence, you incentivize both groups to use your services.

4. Advertise in Local Papers/Newsletters/Online

Notary businesses are, by nature, local businesses. In most cases, you must interact directly with the people. That limits your business area to where you can comfortably drive relatively quickly. One of the top ways to market your notary business is by advertising in local papers and newsletters as they go out to the people most likely to need your services. That being said, don’t discount the value of online advertising. A lot of people head straight to Google to find a service provider.

5. Build Relationships with Real Estate Professionals

Something about real estate professionals that many people forget is that they deal with a lot of legal paperwork when they close a deal. Much of that paperwork requires a notary to certify that the parties signing it are who they say they are. That makes building relationships with local real estate professionals a potential goldmine of recurring work for your notary business. While you’ll want to start with one agency, nothing can stop you from expanding your web of relationships to multiple agencies. After all, it’s unlikely that one agency can fill your time.

Marketing Your Notary Business

Marketing a notary business, like most businesses, usually works best when coming at it from multiple angles. Start with the lower-hanging fruit, such as a website and social media. The initial costs are low, as those primarily require time. Once you get up and running, advertising in local papers, newsletters, and online is one of the most effective ways to market your notary business. Set up a referral program to entice new clients. If possible, build relationships with local real estate professionals. Those tactics collectively offer far better odds of bringing business your way.


February 23, 2023

Businesses That Need Notaries

Filed under: (6) Marketing,Advertising — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 5:38 pm

Are you wondering which types of organizations to target when spreading the word about your notary business? After all, there are plenty of businesses that need notaries on a regular basis, but others that might be less interested.

Essentially, any company that deals with legal transactions or documents of any kind will need notary services every now and then. Here are a few types of businesses most likely to require your services.

Real Estate Agencies

There are a great many legal documents involved in real estate transactions. This is true, especially if the buyer is taking out a mortgage. That’s good news for you as a notary—in most states, your services will be required by law.

In a real estate transaction, you’ll serve as an impartial witness. It will also be your responsibility to check and affirm the signatures of all the parties involved. The duties may vary from state to state, so ensure you know what’s expected of you in these cases.

Law Firms

It goes without saying that many legal documents require notarization. Paperwork granting power of attorney, trust documents, and wills are a few examples.

Many lawyers try to hire paralegals who are already commissioned notaries. That way, the employee can add notarization duties to their list of regular tasks. But if no one in-house can do it, the attorneys must commission notary services.

Banks, Mortgage Lenders, and Other Financial Institutions

As we pointed out, loan and mortgage documents require signature verification. The same goes for other financial agreements as well. That means financial institutions will need notary services on a regular basis.

It was common for banks to employ on-staff notaries to provide free services to their customers (sometimes even walk-ins). However, with the rise of online banking, this practice is rare. This works out well if there are a lot of banks in your area constantly seeking outside help when notarizing documents.

Healthcare Providers

You might not think of medical offices as businesses that need notaries. But the truth is, any business that deals with legal documents needs to have a notary on call.

In addition to power of attorney documents, certain medical consent forms must also be certified. Otherwise, it would be difficult to prove whether or not the patient consented to the transfer of power—or the medical procedure itself.

Government Agencies

Here’s a partial list of government documents that might require notarization:

  1. Immigration forms
  2. Oaths
  3. Affadavits

It’s always important to avoid the pitfalls of a forged signature notarized document, but you must be careful when dealing with government documents. Always ensure the person signing the document has the proper identification, and check all the dates and sections of the forms carefully before notarizing.

Employment Agencies

Some employers require drug tests and background checks before they make an official job offer. In these cases, the employment agency might enlist a notary to verify those documents to cover all their legal bases.

Small Businesses

Just because a company is small doesn’t mean it’s entirely self-sufficient. Many businesses that need notaries are very small, like mom-and-pops. Even the smallest businesses have contracts and other agreements that require notarizations occasionally. So get out there and spread the word about your notary business today!


February 10, 2023

How to Get Clients as a Notary

In the wake of the Great Resignation, many people reexamined their career choices. Millions of those people decided to try something else, and some elected to become notaries. It’s a sensible choice, given that notaries can work part-time. Of course, once you get your certification, you run into the problem of how to get clients as a notary. If you’re struggling to pick up clients, keep reading for 5 tips to help draw in customers for your notary business.

Word of Mouth

When someone needs a service provider of any kind, one of the first things they do is ask around with their friends, family members, and coworkers. Of course, no one can recommend you if they don’t know you’re a notary. It would be best to tell all of your friends, coworkers, and nearby family that you’re a notary. Once they know, they can spread the word about you to their friends and coworkers. If you’re wondering how to get clients as a notary at zero cost, then word of mouth will be your new BFF!

Notary Listing Websites

There are a number of notary listing websites out there, not to mention notary forums. You should have a profile on all of the higher-profile sites. A few of the more visible examples include:

  1. SigningAgent
  2. NotaryCafe
  3. 123Notary
  4. Notary Rotary

When you set up your profiles, follow the example of smart notaries and make it professional. Include a picture that makes you look professional. Also include relevant information about your certification or other applicable skills, such as foreign language proficiency.


You should also have your own website. A notary website doesn’t need to be a complicated thing that requires a professional web developer. You can create a basic website using a content management system like WordPress. Just ensure you include key information, such as contact information and availability. Availability is particularly important if you only work as a notary on a part-time basis.

Social Media

For many people, having a social media presence is a sign that your business is for real. While you must limit the number of social media sites on which you set up profiles, you should have a presence on at least one or two or more sites. Facebook, for example, will let you set up a business page. If you have a high comfort level with video, you could also set up profiles on YouTube or TikTok. Remember, you’ll have to post content regularly if you want to get anywhere on video-based sites.


Advertising isn’t everyone’s favorite option because it’s straight pay-to-play. Of course, the average notary won’t take out ads in big publications. You can take out local newspaper ads or create local radio spots. You can also advertise online on a budget with pay-per-click ads. You essentially put together a short ad that a big search engine will display. When someone clicks on the ad, you pay the search engine a pre-determined amount.

How to Get Clients as a Notary

The good news is that there are several answers to the question of how to get clients as a notary. Start with the essential marketing task of spreading the word to friends and family. Post your profile on the big notary listing websites. Set up your own website with key information, like your availability and contact information. Pick one or two big social media sites and set up profiles for your notary business. Then, there is the old standby of advertising. Get all of that up and running; it should help secure some clients.

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