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September 27, 2024

Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies for Mobile Notaries

Filed under: Notary Marketing 102 — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In today’s digital age, social media marketing is essential for professionals, including mobile notaries, to connect with potential clients. Finding a reliable notary who can come to them is invaluable for homeowners and business owners. But how can mobile notaries effectively reach their target audience? This blog will outline effective social media marketing strategies for mobile notaries to attract more clients. These tactics can increase your visibility, build trust, and grow your business.

Identify Your Audience

Before implementing social media strategies, it’s crucial to understand your audience. Homeowners and business owners need your services for various reasons, such as notarizing real estate transactions or legal documents. Tailoring your content to address their needs and concerns will help you connect with them more effectively.

Leverage Facebook for Local Outreach

  1. Create a Professional Business Page

Create a professional business page with relevant information, including your services, contact details, and a brief business description. Use high-quality images for your profile and cover photos to create a polished appearance.

  1. Join Local Groups and Engage

Joining local groups related to community services or real estate can be a goldmine for mobile notaries. Engage in conversations, offer advice, and answer questions related to notary services. This positions you as a helpful expert and builds trust with potential clients.

  1. Share Informative Content

Post regularly about topics like how to prepare for a notary appointment or the importance of notarizing documents correctly. This will keep your audience informed and showcase your expertise, making your profile more informative and helping your knowledge.

Use Instagram for Visual Engagement

  1. Showcase Your Services with Visuals

Instagram is perfect for sharing photos and videos that showcase your services. Post images of your mobile setup or short videos explaining notary procedures. Use relevant hashtags like #mobilenotary and #notaryservices to increase your visibility.

  1. Leverage Instagram Stories

Use Instagram Stories to share quick tips or answer frequently asked questions. Save these Stories in Highlights so new visitors can easily access them later. This will make your profile more informative and help potential clients understand your services better.

Maximize LinkedIn for Professional Networking

  1. Optimize Your Profile

LinkedIn is ideal for connecting with business owners. Ensure your profile includes a professional photo, compelling headline, and summary highlighting your expertise in mobile notary services. This will help you appear in searches when people look for notaries.

  1. Engage in Professional Groups

Join and participate in real estate, law, and business professional groups. Share relevant content and engage in discussions to build your reputation as a knowledgeable professional in the notary field.

Capitalize on Google My Business

  1. Create and Optimize Your Listing

Although not a traditional social media platform, Google My Business is crucial for local SEO. Create a detailed profile with your services, operating hours, and contact information. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews, as positive feedback enhances your credibility and helps potential clients find you easily.

Consistency and Engagement Are Crucial

No matter which platform you use, consistency and engagement are vital. Post regularly, promptly respond to comments and messages, and update your audience on service changes. This approach builds a solid online presence and fosters trust with your clients.

Building Your Online Presence

Employing these social media marketing strategies for mobile notaries to attract more clients can significantly boost your business. By leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google My Business, you can effectively reach your target audience and establish a strong online presence. Focus on creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and maintaining consistency to grow your client base. For more information on notary best practices, learn about the importance of document date to ensure accuracy and compliance.


November 3, 2023

Best Practices for Designing a Notary Website

Filed under: Notary Marketing 102 — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In the digital age, having a well-designed website is crucial for notaries to establish a professional online presence and attract potential clients. How to design a notary website is a common question for notaries looking to enhance their online presence. A notary website serves as a virtual office, offering information about services and building trust with visitors. To create an effective notary website, it’s essential to follow best practices that ensure a seamless user experience and a strong online reputation.

Clear and Professional Design

Your notary website’s design should be clean, professional, and easy to navigate. Use a simple color scheme, legible fonts, and a layout that guides visitors to essential information. Remember, the goal is to instill confidence in your services.

User-Friendly Navigation

Ensure that visitors can easily find the information they need. Organize your site with a logical menu structure, including sections for services, contact details, and frequently asked questions. Use clear labels and consider including a search feature to make navigation smoother.

Mobile Responsiveness

With most internet users accessing websites on mobile devices, your notary website must be mobile-responsive. A responsive design ensures your site looks and functions well on smartphones and tablets.

Engaging Content

High-quality content is essential. Describe your notary services clearly and engagingly. Include testimonials or case studies to build trust. Regularly update your blog with informative articles about notary services to demonstrate your expertise.

Contact Information

Make it easy for potential clients to get in touch and learn how to design a notary website. Place your contact information prominently on your website. Consider using a contact form to collect inquiries and ensure timely responses.


Website security is vital, especially when dealing with sensitive legal documents. Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmission, keep your website’s software up to date, and employ security measures to protect against cyber threats.

SEO Optimization

Optimize your website for search engines to improve visibility. Use relevant keywords such as “notary services” and “legal notary” to increase the chances of your site appearing in search results. Regularly update your content to maintain search engine rankings.

Clear Pricing

Transparency in pricing is essential for mobile notary etiquette tips. If possible, provide a clear breakdown of your fees on your website. This can help potential clients understand the cost of your services upfront.

Legal Compliance

Ensure your website complies with legal requirements. Display any necessary disclaimers, privacy policies, and terms of service. This builds trust and demonstrates professionalism.

Social Media Integration

Integrate your social media profiles into your website. This not only enhances your online presence but also allows visitors to connect with you on different platforms.

Elevate Your Notary Business with a Well-Designed Website

Notary Website Best Practices

When it comes to how to design a notary website, these best practices are essential for success. A well-structured and professionally designed website will help you attract and retain clients, build trust, and establish your presence in the digital world. By prioritizing clear navigation, professional branding, mobile responsiveness, and informative content, you can create a website that not only represents your notary services but also converts visitors into loyal clients. Incorporating these principles is crucial for achieving a compelling notary website that stands out in the competitive online landscape. Stay committed to these practices, and your notary website will become a valuable tool for your business.


February 24, 2023

5 Ways to Market Your Notary Business

When you become a notary, much of your focus is on getting certified in your state. That typically means getting a criminal background check, taking an approved course, and passing the exam. Then, it’s mostly just filing paperwork. Once you get certified, though, you need clients. Here are five ways to market your notary business if that’s where you are in your notary journey.

1. Build a Website

One of the first things on your marketing to-do list should be building a website. We live in an online world. Many people regard having a website as a sign that your business is legitimate. The good news, you don’t need anything too complex either, or that demands a web developer. You can set up a basic website using WordPress, Wix, Squarespace or a similar content management system. Do make a point of creating a page with your contact information and availability on it.

2. Social Media

Once you get your website polished to the point that you’re happy, it’s time for the next online step: social media. Don’t sign up for every single social media platform. Start with one of the big sites. That lets you keep the demand for new content at a reasonable level. It also lets you answer questions. For example, let’s say that someone needs a Bank of America power of attorney. You can let them know in advance if you can notarize it.

3. Create a Referral Program

Referral programs really are the unsung hero of marketing. They are word-of-mouth marketing that you help generate for yourself. For something like notary services, you can offer discounts for the people making the referrals and those who get referred. In essence, you incentivize both groups to use your services.

4. Advertise in Local Papers/Newsletters/Online

Notary businesses are, by nature, local businesses. In most cases, you must interact directly with the people. That limits your business area to where you can comfortably drive relatively quickly. One of the top ways to market your notary business is by advertising in local papers and newsletters as they go out to the people most likely to need your services. That being said, don’t discount the value of online advertising. A lot of people head straight to Google to find a service provider.

5. Build Relationships with Real Estate Professionals

Something about real estate professionals that many people forget is that they deal with a lot of legal paperwork when they close a deal. Much of that paperwork requires a notary to certify that the parties signing it are who they say they are. That makes building relationships with local real estate professionals a potential goldmine of recurring work for your notary business. While you’ll want to start with one agency, nothing can stop you from expanding your web of relationships to multiple agencies. After all, it’s unlikely that one agency can fill your time.

Marketing Your Notary Business

Marketing a notary business, like most businesses, usually works best when coming at it from multiple angles. Start with the lower-hanging fruit, such as a website and social media. The initial costs are low, as those primarily require time. Once you get up and running, advertising in local papers, newsletters, and online is one of the most effective ways to market your notary business. Set up a referral program to entice new clients. If possible, build relationships with local real estate professionals. Those tactics collectively offer far better odds of bringing business your way.


February 10, 2023

How to Get Clients as a Notary

In the wake of the Great Resignation, many people reexamined their career choices. Millions of those people decided to try something else, and some elected to become notaries. It’s a sensible choice, given that notaries can work part-time. Of course, once you get your certification, you run into the problem of how to get clients as a notary. If you’re struggling to pick up clients, keep reading for 5 tips to help draw in customers for your notary business.

Word of Mouth

When someone needs a service provider of any kind, one of the first things they do is ask around with their friends, family members, and coworkers. Of course, no one can recommend you if they don’t know you’re a notary. It would be best to tell all of your friends, coworkers, and nearby family that you’re a notary. Once they know, they can spread the word about you to their friends and coworkers. If you’re wondering how to get clients as a notary at zero cost, then word of mouth will be your new BFF!

Notary Listing Websites

There are a number of notary listing websites out there, not to mention notary forums. You should have a profile on all of the higher-profile sites. A few of the more visible examples include:

  1. SigningAgent
  2. NotaryCafe
  3. 123Notary
  4. Notary Rotary

When you set up your profiles, follow the example of smart notaries and make it professional. Include a picture that makes you look professional. Also include relevant information about your certification or other applicable skills, such as foreign language proficiency.


You should also have your own website. A notary website doesn’t need to be a complicated thing that requires a professional web developer. You can create a basic website using a content management system like WordPress. Just ensure you include key information, such as contact information and availability. Availability is particularly important if you only work as a notary on a part-time basis.

Social Media

For many people, having a social media presence is a sign that your business is for real. While you must limit the number of social media sites on which you set up profiles, you should have a presence on at least one or two or more sites. Facebook, for example, will let you set up a business page. If you have a high comfort level with video, you could also set up profiles on YouTube or TikTok. Remember, you’ll have to post content regularly if you want to get anywhere on video-based sites.


Advertising isn’t everyone’s favorite option because it’s straight pay-to-play. Of course, the average notary won’t take out ads in big publications. You can take out local newspaper ads or create local radio spots. You can also advertise online on a budget with pay-per-click ads. You essentially put together a short ad that a big search engine will display. When someone clicks on the ad, you pay the search engine a pre-determined amount.

How to Get Clients as a Notary

The good news is that there are several answers to the question of how to get clients as a notary. Start with the essential marketing task of spreading the word to friends and family. Post your profile on the big notary listing websites. Set up your own website with key information, like your availability and contact information. Pick one or two big social media sites and set up profiles for your notary business. Then, there is the old standby of advertising. Get all of that up and running; it should help secure some clients.


March 26, 2018

Notary Marketing 102 — Contents

In our blog, we have many educational articles as well as marketing help and entertainment. We have written extensively on Notary marketing, including a few comprehensive articles. But, this time, I am creating a free mini-course on marketing which is designed to be a lot more thorough than anything I have ever written before on the blog. Below are the contents:


1. Notary Education —

2. Notary Advertising —

3. Notary Profiles —

4. Notes Sections —

5. Notary Reviews —

6. Certifications —

7. Phone Etiquette —

8. Negotiating fees —

9. Promoting Yourself —

10. Pricing —

11. Getting Paid —


Please also read

Best marketing resources for Notaries. This was written long time ago and is a good reference.

A comprehensive guide to Notary organizations

Notary Public 101 — a free resource for learning notary procedure from A to Z.

Signing Agent Best Practices: 63 points

The 30 Point Loan Signing Course

