October 2023 - Notary Blog - Signing Tips, Marketing Tips, General Notary Advice - 123notary.com

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October 27, 2023

Top Ways to Find New Notary Customers

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Are you a notary public looking to expand your customer base and grow your business? Finding new notary customers is essential for success in this profession. Whether you’re a seasoned notary or just starting out, this blog post will provide the top ways to find new notary customers. We will explore strategies and tips to help you connect with potential clients and build a thriving notary business. So, let’s dive in and discover the best ways to find new notary customers.

Leverage Word-of-mouth

Word of mouth is among the best ways to find new notary customers. Networking within your community and among your existing clients can lead to valuable referrals. Encourage satisfied customers to recommend your services to friends, family, or colleagues who may require notary services. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool for expanding your client base.

Build a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting new notary customers. Create a professional website that showcases your services, credentials, and contact information. Consider updating your website to reflect your expertise and any additional services you offer. Use social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and share your notary expertise. By improving your online visibility, you can make it easier for potential customers to find you when they need notary services.

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service is key to retaining and attracting new clients. Be prompt, reliable, and professional in your interactions with customers. Ensure that your notary office or workspace is welcoming and well-organized. A positive customer experience can lead to repeat business and referrals, helping you build a strong customer base.

Specialize in Niche Markets

Consider specializing in niche markets to stand out from the competition. For example, you can target specific industries, such as real estate or legal services, and tailor your notary services to meet their unique needs. Becoming an expert in a particular niche can make you the go-to notary for clients in that field.

Attend Networking Events

Networking events, both online and in person, can be valuable opportunities to connect with potential notary customers. Look for industry-specific events, business gatherings, and community functions where you can promote your services and meet potential clients. Don’t forget to bring business cards and other promotional materials to share with attendees.

Acquire More Customers and Boost Your Notary Business Today!

Finding new notary customers requires a multi-faceted approach that combines traditional and digital strategies. While word of mouth is one of the best ways to find new notary customers, there are other equally important ways, like building a strong online presence, providing excellent customer service, specializing in niche markets, and attending networking events, which, together, can all contribute to your success as a notary public.

If you prefer in-person networking events, these networking tips for mobile notaries will help you to be more successful. With determination and these strategies, you’ll be well on attracting new notary customers and achieving your business goals.


October 20, 2023

How to Make More Money as a Notary

Filed under: Notary Fees & Pricing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Becoming a notary is not just about signing documents; it’s a versatile profession that offers numerous opportunities to increase your income. Whether you’re a seasoned notary or just starting your journey, various strategies exist to make more money in this field. In this blog post, we’ll explore ways to make more money as a notary, from traditional methods to modern, innovative approaches.

Offer Mobile Notary Services

One of the most effective ways to make more money as a notary is by offering mobile notary services. You can take your services to them instead of waiting for clients to come. Mobile notaries travel to clients’ homes, businesses, or other locations, providing convenience and flexibility. This service is particularly valuable for clients with busy schedules or mobility issues.

Specialize in Loan Signings

Loan signings are a lucrative niche within the notary business. When individuals or businesses secure loans or mortgages, they often require a notary to witness and authenticate the signing of important documents. By specializing in loan signings, you can tap into a consistent source of income, as these transactions are common and typically well-paid.

Become a Remote Online Notary (RON)

In today’s digital age, remote online notarization (RON) has become increasingly popular. RON allows you to notarize documents online, making it convenient for clients who can’t meet in person. To become a RON, you must complete the necessary training and obtain the required technology. While the initial setup may require an investment, it opens up a wide range of highly profitable online notarization opportunities.

Offer Field Inspection Services

Beyond notarization, consider expanding your services to include field inspections. Field inspectors assess properties, verify information, and collect data on behalf of clients. This additional service can supplement your income and provide a unique selling point to attract new clients.

Network and Build Client Relationships

Building a strong network and maintaining good client relationships is crucial for making more money as a notary. Word of mouth and repeat business can significantly impact your income. Stay in touch with previous clients, attend local business events, and consider joining professional notary associations to expand your network.

Market Your Notary Business Online

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for attracting clients. Create a professional website, optimize it for search engines, and promote your notary services on social media platforms. Online marketing can help you reach a broader audience and increase your visibility in the competitive notary market.

Join Notary Signing Agent Platforms

Notary signing agent platforms connect notaries with clients who need loan signing services. These platforms often provide a steady stream of opportunities to notarize loan documents, allowing you to earn additional income. Popular platforms like NotaryCam and Notarize can be a great place to start.

Offer Evening and Weekend Appointments

Consider offering evening and weekend appointments to accommodate clients with busy work schedules. This flexibility can make you more appealing to a broader range of clients, increasing your earning potential.

Set Competitive Rates

While setting your notary fees, research the market to ensure competitive rates. Offering transparent pricing can attract more clients and lead to repeat business.

Notary Money-Making Tips to Increase Your Income

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to make more money as a notary. You can turn your notary side hustle into a full-time money-making career by diversifying your services, marketing effectively, and building strong client relationships. Remember, success in the notary business often comes from offering convenience and building trust with your clients. Here are some additional ways to market your notary business that will help you to increase your income.


October 13, 2023

Mobile Notary Advertising Tips

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Starting a mobile notary business can be a lucrative venture. However, to attract clients like any other business, it is essential to have an effective advertising strategy in place. Advertising need not be expensive; there are several low-cost ways to advertise a mobile notary business. In this article, we’ll explore some budget-friendly strategies that can help you get your mobile notary business noticed.

Online Presence is Key

Establishing an online presence is crucial for any business in today’s digital age. Create a professional website for your mobile notary services. You can use website builders like Wix or WordPress to create one inexpensively. Ensure to include essential information such as your contact details, services offered, and pricing.

Leverage Social Media

Utilize the potential of social media platforms to promote your mobile notary business through low-cost ways to advertise a mobile notary business. Establish profiles on well-known platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Consistently publish content related to your services, share client testimonials, and actively interact with your audience. Incorporate relevant hashtags and location tags to connect with potential clients in your vicinity.

Online Directories

List your mobile notary business on online directories and review platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Yellow Pages. These platforms are often used by people searching for local services. Ensure your profile is complete with accurate contact information and business details.

Networking and Partnerships

Build relationships with local businesses that might require notary services regularly. This could include real estate agencies, law firms, or financial institutions. Offer special rates or discounts for their clients, and in return, ask them to refer clients to your mobile notary services.

Utilize Free Advertising Methods

Take advantage of free advertising methods such as word of mouth and referrals. Encourage satisfied clients to spread the word about your services. Additionally, create and distribute business cards and flyers in your local community. Attend local events and meetings to network and introduce yourself to potential clients.

Email Marketing

Email marketing can be a budget-friendly approach to connect with your clients and keep them informed about your services. Gather email addresses from your clients and send newsletters or updates about your business. You can also include helpful social media tips for notaries who are related to notary services in your emails to provide additional value to your subscribers.

Content Marketing

Content is king when it comes to online advertising. Start a blog on your website and regularly publish informative articles about notary services, legal documents, and the importance of notarization. Share these articles on your social media platforms to drive traffic to your website.

Online Reviews and Testimonials

Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Positive reviews can boost your credibility and attract more clients. Respond promptly to positive and negative reviews to show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Join Notary Associations

Consider joining local and national notary associations. These organizations often have directories where you can list your mobile notary business. Being part of such associations also enhances your professional reputation.

DIY Marketing Materials

Use online design tools or templates using Canva to create marketing materials like business cards, brochures, and flyers. You can print these materials inexpensively at local shops or online printing services.

Grow Your Mobile Notary Business Today

In conclusion, when it comes to promoting your mobile notary business, there’s no need to strain your budget. These low-cost ways to advertise a mobile notary business can serve as effective tools to showcase your services and maintain a steady influx of clients. It’s crucial to remember the significance of maintaining a professional online presence, engaging with your audience on social media, and harnessing the power of complimentary advertising methods to foster the growth of your mobile notary business.


October 6, 2023

Online Notary Networking Groups

Filed under: Topics of Interest — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 5:27 pm

In today’s digital age, the role of a notary public has evolved beyond the traditional pen-and-paper world. Online notary networking groups have emerged as a valuable resource for notaries to connect, collaborate, and grow their businesses in the virtual realm. This blog will explore the world of online notary groups and how they can benefit notaries looking to expand their horizons.

What are Online Notary Networking Groups?

Online notary networking groups are virtual communities where notaries and the public share knowledge, experiences, and opportunities related to their profession. These groups provide a platform for notaries to connect with peers, learn from experts, and access valuable resources to enhance their notarial services.

Benefits of Joining Online Notary Groups

1. Networking Opportunities: One of the primary advantages of these groups is the chance to network with fellow notaries from around the world. Networking can lead to collaborations, referrals, and valuable insights into the notary industry.

2. Access to Educational Resources: Many online notary networking groups offer educational content, such as webinars, articles, and tutorials, to help notaries stay updated on industry trends and regulations.

3. Marketing Tips: These groups often discuss topics like marketing tips for mobile notary services, among others. If you want to expand your client base and increase your income, these groups can provide valuable marketing tips and techniques tailored to your profession.

4. Community Support: The notary profession can sometimes be solitary. Online groups offer community and support, where notaries can share their challenges and successes with like-minded individuals.

5. Stay Informed About Legal Changes: The legal landscape is constantly evolving, and notaries need to stay informed about changes that may affect their work. Online groups often discuss legal updates and their implications for notaries.

6. Client Referrals: Being part of a notary networking group can lead to client referrals. When individuals or businesses in the group require notary services, they are more likely to reach out to a trusted colleague from the group.

How to Find and Join an Online Notary Networking Group

Search Online: Conduct a simple search using keywords like “online notary networking groups.” You’ll find various platforms and communities catering to notaries.

Social Media: Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have notary-specific groups where professionals can connect and interact. Joining these groups can be a great way to get started.

Professional Organizations: Many professional notary organizations have their online networking groups for members. Consider joining a relevant organization and exploring its online community.

Online Forums and Communities: Explore forums and discussion boards related to notary services. These platforms often have dedicated sections for networking and collaboration.

Ask for Recommendations: If you know other notaries, ask them for recommendations on which online groups they find most valuable.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Time

1. Engage Actively: Don’t just be a passive member. Engage actively in discussions, share your expertise, and ask questions. The more you contribute, the more you’ll benefit.

2. Respect Privacy: Be mindful of client confidentiality and legal regulations when discussing specific cases or sharing documents within the group.

3. Build Relationships: Focus on building genuine relationships within the group. Networking is more than just business; it’s also about connecting with people who share your professional interests.

4. Stay Informed: Regularly check the group for updates, discussions, and educational resources. Set aside time in your schedule to participate actively.

Unlock Your Notary Potential Today


Online notary networking groups offer notaries an invaluable opportunity to expand their knowledge, connect with peers, and grow their businesses in the digital age. By actively participating in these communities and leveraging their benefits, notaries can thrive in the ever-evolving world of notarial services.

Remember, the key to success in these groups is not only what you gain but also what you contribute. Engage actively, stay informed, and build meaningful relationships to maximize your online notary networking experience.
