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July 18, 2021

More on a bar only for “cool” notaries!!!

Filed under: Humorous Posts — admin @ 4:09 am

My short blog about a bar only for cool Notaries took off. The comments were great, and people really liked it. It really needed to be longer, but I didn’t realize it would be so popular. I’m just wondering what would people talk about at a Notary bar?

NOTARY: I’ll have a Manhattan… put “New York” County in the venue though. Manhattan is not a legal name for a county.

JEREMY: Just for my records, do you do other counties too?

NOTARY: Call me back during business hours. Can’t you see I’m having a drink, or trying to?

BARTENDER: Can I see some ID?

NOTARY: I ID you, you don’t ID me…. I’m the Notary. Besides, look at this gray hair and arthritis… Okay, he’s giving me the look. Here is my ID.

JEFF: Hey baby, is that a stamp in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

MAY: I’m supposed to say that dummy. You’re so dumb I bet you work exclusively for signing companies who low-ball you.

JEFF: Hey hey hey, that was a low blow. We all have needs. Would you like to sign my journal where all the other hot ladies have?

MAY: I thought I was the only one! Hey, I ordered a Reverse Mortgage on the rocks, and I need it yesterday — so backdate it!

BOUNCER: Sorry, maam, but I need to hook you up to the coolometer to see if you are cool enough to hang out here.

MAY: I’m too intoxicated to drive, so I’m in big trouble if I don’t pass.

JEFF: Better hook me up to the laughometer, this chick is funny!

JEREMY: Hey bartender, if Jim Beam wants to be notarized as Jim W Beam, but his ID says Jim Beam, can you notarize him under the circumstances?

BARTENDER: If he’s over 21, I’ll notarize him. I had John Hancock come in here, and guess what he did.

JEREMY: I don’t know… did he sign something?

MAY: John Hancock ate something that didn’t agree with him, but said not to worry, because — he said — he had a good CONSTITUTION!

BOUNCER: I would like to declare my independence. All of you are cool tonight. I’ll see who is coming at the door.

BARTENDER: How come “Margarita” doesn’t have a last name? How do you notarize someone with just one name.

JEFF: Hmmm, I had a guy named Fink once in a bad neighborhood. Real story. That was his first and only name. No surname. Bizarre. Not a wealthy person just for the record.

JEREMY: I’ll have a Black Russian

MAY: Don’t you mean an “African American Russian?”

JEREMY: Comrade please, you think I’m trying to hear that? Oh hell Nyet…. helllll nyet!!!

JEFF: Okay, dos-vidanya… actually it is late so tres or cuatro-vidanya baby!

BARTENDER: How did Mary get bloody? Was it one of those dangerous notarizations?

MAY: Maybe it was that time of the month.

JEREMY: Yeah, the notary business really picks up at that time of the month.

JEFF: Not that time of the month. It’s a different — that time of the month.

JEREMY: Yes, but if you call notaries about their listing at that busy time of the month they get cranky.

MAY: Oh, so now we can get cranky at two times of the month. Being a woman just isn’t what it used to be.

BARTENDER: Since this is a Notary bar, did you know there is a wine called Notary Public from California’s mid coast region.

JEREMY: I knew that — I’ve had it many times. Great wine, a little pricy though.

MAY: I hope they didn’t charge more than the state maximum per signature.

JEREMY: They charged $20 per signature — I mean per glass. Ouch. But, when I had it, I started going into that zone — like a haze, like after you have some French wine, life is like a dream.

MAY: And you started dreaming about notarizing sexy girls on the banks of the Rhone?

JEREMY: Actually, after a glass of Bordeaux at a local spot I started fantasizing about being in the rolling hills of Bordeaux. That thought came to my head as I gazed into the distance in a relaxed state. Ah, the joys of wine. And it all happened at my favorite place in Los Angeles — Farmer’s market.

JEFF: Before I go, does the Farmer’s daughter hang out there?

JEREMY: Yes, but she is not old enough to get notarized…

BARTENDER: And not old enough to do a whole lot of other things too I bet.

MAY: You have to be 18 before your signature is legally binding, and 21 before your drink at a bar is legally binding. That’s one thing you won’t want to backdate!

BARTENDER: I once went out with a chick on a backdate. It was fun, we did everything in reverse.

JEFF: Oh, so you like it in reverse.

BOUNCER: You have a good sense of humor, I’d like to hook you up to the “coolometer” just to get a reading….. oh…. 7, not bad. Better than Jeremy. He only got a 6 which is still passable.

MAY: So, who got a 10 for coolness.

BOUNCER: A guy in New York. But, he never shows up. He’s studying four different languages and has a million different interests. I wish he would come her. I wish for that matter I could bounce people in as well as bounce them out.

JEREMY: Now there’s a thought. What about taking a course on how to raise our coolness level so we’ll be prepared when you hook us up to the coolometer.

BOUNCER: Didn’t you write an article on Bad Boy Notaries? Just read that article again and again — I think that will raise you at least a point right there.

JEFF: Okay, this time I’m really going…. and as always — stay cool and… don’t drink and sign!!!

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A bar only for “cool” Notaries

Are you a bad boy Notary?


March 12, 2021

I took a social media and news break to lift my mood

Filed under: Social Media — admin @ 4:36 am

During this turbulent time, chaos abounds, Notaries are making bank, and many are depressed.

I am very depressed these days. This article was written in late 2020, a few months before it was published by the way. I have never been that happy, but it is much worse now due to the external environment taking a turn for the worse with chaos, stores closed, and so much clash between people.

I read somewhere that it is good to take a media break. I thought this would help. I decided to listen to more music online and history documentaries. I saw great stuff on youtube about ancient Egypt and got to know Johann Sebastian Bach in a new way during my media break. I’m on a first name basis with him, except he prefers his middle name since his brothers were also named Johann. Germans — what do you expect?

This media break was not absolute. I just cut it down by 70%. The problem is that when I leave the house, I see the same closures, masks, and all people talk about is how the leftists and the conservatives are insane, unreasonable and polarized. We argue about whether Covid-19 restrictions are too much or not enough. And we wonder if the economy will ever come back. The fact is that news or no news, we are still part of society unless we go live in the tundra in Alaska — and if society is sick, we are affected by that sickness no matter what type of media we tune into. The harpsichord suites by Jean-Phillipe Rameau were a real treat though.

Taking longs walks in Joshua Tree and other hiking destinations is helpful. That gets me separated from society. And so does meditation. But, I cannot divorce myself from the world I live in. It affects me no matter what I do.

I tried to cut myself off from the more toxic elements of life. Whole Foods used to be a nice place to shop daily, but they became a nagging gulag with endless stupid and annoying rules. I get in a bad mood every time I go there so I am boycotting them for a second time. Ralphs supermarket is almost identical to how it was pre-Covid other than reduced people and facemasks. No nagging or lines or anything. I am just trying to develop new routines to keep myself sane and happy. It is not working, but at least I am trying. What I really need is a massage. Hopefully soon I will be able to.

My media break helped a little, but it doesn’t change the fact that I live in a toxic world. For Hindus who say that you can’t change the world, you can only change yourself — it is hard to change yourself to deal with a toxic world. The toxicity doesn’t end and it doesn’t stop effecting you no matter how hard you meditate.

So, for now, hang in there. I hope I can hang in there too.


March 10, 2021

A Notary in Lake Tahoe is cleaning up

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 4:35 am

The Notary business has been picking up. But, the hot new destination is Lake Tahoe. People are fleeing from lawless San Francisco headed by London Breed and flocking towards Tahoe. I guess this is what happens when San Francisco is run by London — It’s like colonization all over again.

People are selling homes and getting multiple offers within hours of posting their MLS online. It is a seller’s market and houses are selling for much more than normal. Perhaps if San Francisco ever goes back to normal people will stop evacuating.

Meanwhile in Florida, business is booming with the New Yorkers seeking refuge. It seems that most New Yorkers with salaries above $100K have left the city — perhaps for good. Some have 2nd homes in Connecticut, Jersey, Vermont, but Florida is one of the most popular destinations.

Cuomo was on TV saying, “Come back come back come back — we’ll have drinks, it’s on me… come back.” But, in NY they are having plain clothed policemen at the train stations taking people’s information coming into the city to enforce unconstitutional quarantines. If you want people to come back, why do you make it like a prison sentence to do so? I will never visit New York again, at least not for the next ten years. What a nightmare.

So, if you are a Notary in a destination city, you can make bank right now. It is nice to see Notaries doing well finally.


February 26, 2021

Notaries are angry at the Secretary of State

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 4:16 am

Notaries are angry at the Secretary of State for making too many new restrictions on Notaries. Some make it a requirement to get a notary for absentee ballots, others want N-95 masks used, and there are other restrictions too. This group started a Notary Lives Matter group and burned down a CVS. Why is it always a CVS that gets burned down and a mayor who says, “Oh, they are just blowing off some steam.” Why not a Pizza Hut? Why not a liquor store? Why always CVS? What has CVS ever done to Notaries… or Black Lives Matter folks other than selling much needed prescription drugs to their grandmothers.

Then there is another group of Notaries who says there are not enough restrictions on Notaries and that is a danger to society. This alternate group claims that people will die because Notaries are allowed to leave their houses. This other group is threatening to block the entrance to the Secretary of State’s office if they don’t meet their demands.

But, if the block the entrance, wouldn’t that involved they themselves leaving their house? The hypocracy… It is even worse than hippocracy — it’s what I call rhinocracy. So, I guess that Americans and Notaries will never agree on anything and cannot agree on anything. Can’t we just do our own thing and get along?

I feel that the bigger problem with society these days is that Americans cannot be happy unless they can get legislation that will use force to prevent others from doing what they want — or force them to do what they don’t want to do, or make them pay for something that benefits everyone but them. It all seems very unfair, unjust or even criminal. What is the world coming to. They way it is looking, I don’t think there will be an America in several years. God knows how our banking system will work with the Feds gone. My guru prophesized this many years ago and it seems to be coming true now. He said America would be victim to a serious of uncontrollable natural disasters, go bankrupt, and cease to be a nation. I would give us a maximum of about seven years the way we are going.

In any case, the group Notary Lives Matter doesn’t care at all about the lives of Notaries, they just care about being able to do whatever they want to do, and care about spraying NLM graffiti wherever they please. So, there you have it. Personally, I think we should just ignore this crisis and live as normal — but, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?


December 16, 2020

Yet some more interesting summaries about bad reviews about Notaries

Filed under: Reviews — admin @ 12:31 pm

This Notary wrote up a Trust, but used the wrong apartment number, the wrong banking information and didn’t return calls.

Another Notary disappeared from communication and used the excuse that her power went out.

A Notary was assigned a job. 10 minutes before the appointment she texted to say she would be “a little late.” Two hours later she showed up. That is more than a little late. The Notary replied that she apologizes, but unfortunately some personal matters prevented her from showing up.

A Notary with low placement — didn’t provide scanbacks, only shipped back half the package and then threatened the clients with emails and threats because she didn’t get paid…. COMMENTARY — good God!

The error. A Notary made a small mistake and promised to fix it but didn’t after handling two refinances. Then she shipped the package to the wrong mortgage company. Then, she became unresponsive. The other Mortgage company was fast getting the documents back so all was not lost.

A notary rushed the borrowers through the signing and then admitted that he was double booked. Then the notary responded saying that he has no response for racist people. COMMENTARY – I’ve heard of playing the race card, but the Notarial race card? That’s new even for me.

A Notary forgot to scan a package and the docs got back after four days. The responses was, “Sorry, my dad got sick.”

One Notary committed fraud by forgina seller’s signature on a document. COMMENTARY – I should make a test question out of this one.

Q. Should you commit fraud by forging a seller’s signature on a document?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Hell no, that’s illegal

A Notary canceled a signing at the last minute. Her husband texted the company to tell them it was because the price was too low. COMMENTARY – you are not required by law to accept, but once you accept you can’t back out unless they change the terms on you (which happens.)

The Notary was to notarize Jane only on page 1. The notary notarized both Jane and Fred, and on the wrong page, not page 1 which nullified the documents. COMMENTARY – if you get weird instructions in writing, follow them. You can call to confirm the weird instructions, but it is in writing so no misundrestandings should happen.


November 10, 2020

Which Dual Tray Printer do Notaries like? And what does 123notary say?

Filed under: Business Tips — admin @ 10:47 am

Originally posted in 2018

There was a conversation about Dual Tray Printers on the NNA Linked In page.

Nobody had a twin brother, but someone bought an older brother. That solves my problem of being an only child — buy a sibling. Available at Walmart and Amazon.

Recommendations by Notaries

Brother MFC-9970CDW. It’s a workhorse!

Brother MFC-8710DW. I’m happy with it.

Brother multifunction model is 8850

Brother 5200. and it’s AWESOME

Brother HL-L5200DW

Brother HL-L8350CDW and like it. It allows you to purchase the second tray separately (as an addition)

brother HL6180-dw I have tried many different ones this has been the best I ordered on Amazon

HP Laser Jet 4350 DUAL tray 10,000 per cartridge black only same as my Bank uses, it is a work Horse

One Notary says that Brother printers aren’t easy to set up with a Mac.

123notary recommends
When starting out, a less expensive, but reliable printer might do the trick. But, if you get good business you should consider having two printers. A fast one for home and a small one with a good power source for your vehicle so you can print on the road which saves tons of time going home to print. Here is what we think you should look for:

1. A reliable brand.
Notaries in the business seem to like Brother best with HP as a second choice. Model numbers that experienced Notaries like are above.

2. Dual tray
means that the printer has two trays. You can use one tray for legal and the other for letter sized paper. Title companies prefer dual tray. It is more professional and means that you don’t need to use special software to sort out the different sizes of paper using a single tray.

3. Speed of printing.
You will be printing a lot if you do loan signing. If you do four packages a day that are 100 pages per package, and all need borrowers copies, that is 800 pages. If you have a printer that prints 45 pages per minute, your job will be done fast. Otherwise you will be sitting and watching for a very long time while your assignments print.

4. Replacement ink or toner
I do not use dual tray printers myself and have been out of the signing game for a long time. If you have a printer that uses ink, make sure you have a few good sources to get replacement ink, order in bulk, and have it in your pantry ready to go. Make sure it is affordable too, otherwise your yearly ink bill will be a tax deduction that is a little too good. If your printer has a toner cartridge, research replacement parts and their costs and how many pages it covers to estimate your costs over the life of the printer.

5. Repair
If you buy from a well-known brand, it will be easier to find places to repair your product. Hopefully, you will never need a repair. You might have a back up printer too just in case you have to leave your printer in the shop for a few days.

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October 19, 2020

Compilation of posts about SnapDocs

Filed under: Compilations — Tags: — admin @ 7:07 am

I put these posts generally in order of popularity, but there are a lot of newer posts who don’t have much in terms of click analytics yet.

123notary vs. Snapdocs; AT&T vs. Verizon

SnapDocs, when the texts stop

Why Notaries don’t like SnapDocs and why companies do

What Notaries don’t like about Snapdocs

Snapdocs is losing business to ZipSig and

SnapDocs doesn’t take phone calls, how much of an issue is that

How often do you not get paid on Snapdocs?

Are you frustrated with SnapDocs?

Snapdocs – are the jobs just too far away?

Snapdocs – what we’ve learned about their notaries

Snapdocs wants to sell shares on Shark Tank

Opinions about Snapdocs in the forum & blog comments

I felt like I was being used (Snapdocs assignment)

10 ways to “deal” with Snapdocs

Who and what is Snapdocs?

Snapdocs business model doesn’t add up

Snapdocs — thumbs up or thumbs down?

Snapdocs is a bigger operation than I thought

More on Snapdocs — the Uber of the Notary industry

Copying your notes over from SnapDocs? Bad idea!

If you forget your cell phone in an Uber, if you have a problem with Snapdocs… is that similar?

Signers who get paid big bucks on SnapDocs

Snapdocs – repeated messages for the same signing?

Is Snapdocs a serious threat to 123notary?

Snapdocs – total # of signings documented vs. actual total

Snapdocs – their profiles are getting more impressive, but…

FASS to use Snapdocs

What has your experience with Snapdocs been like?

Does Snapdocs have thin margins?

Snapdocs has a new feature for bank auto pay within 30 days

If everyone complains about Snapdocs, why do they continue to grow?

Snapdocs has a good algorithm… but… (200)

Snapdocs grew tremendously in 2016, but Notary Rotary shrank

The Uber principal at snapdocs — new blood!

Snapdocs – do they cater to the fastest or the best(est)?

Snapdocs has an adjustable radius… should 123notary do the same?

The evolution of American eCommerce and Snapdocs


October 14, 2020

Good Signing Companies – a thorough list

Filed under: Best Signing Companies — admin @ 12:08 pm

Originally posted in 2018.


A Quality Signing Services
Boca Raton, FL


Above and Beyond Closings
Lake Zurich, Il


Accountable Agents, LLC
Reading, PA


Accurate Closing Services
Walnut, CA


Accurate Group
Charlotte, NC


All Star Title
Baltimore, MD


AMC Settlement Services
Coraopolis, PA


America’s Best Closers
Tampa, FL


Ancona Title and Escrow
White Bear Lake, MN


APAT Real Estate Settlement Services, LLC
Winter Garden, FL


ASAP Signing Services, LLC
Citrus Heights, CA


ATS Document Services
Long Beach, CA


Avenue 365 Lender Services
Plymouth Meeting, PA


Bankserv, Inc
Yorba Linda, CA


Blue Sky Closings
Tampa, FL


Brooks Closing Service
Slatington, PA


Central Signing Service
Grants Pass, OR


Champion Title & Settlements
Potomac Falls, VA


Clear to Close Title Services, LLC
Coconut Creek, FL


Close It
Rumson, NJ


Closed For You
Lewis Center, OH


Convenient Closing Services
Mt. Laurel, NJ


Cornerstone Signing Service, Inc.
Searcy, AR


CRES Closers
Ashville, NC


Cykix Closing Agent Services
Mt. Hermon, CA


Diamond Star Notaries, LLC
San Jose, CA


Direct Closers
Orange, CA


Door2Door Docs
Nipomo, CA


East Coast Abstract
Ivyland, PA


Equity National Title Insurance Company
East Providence, RI
Excel Notary, Inc.
Glendale, AZ


Executive Notary Services, LLC
Dallas, TX


Executive Signing Services, Inc.
Gilbert, AZ


Express Signatures
El Segundo, CA


First Class Signing
Pleasanton, CA
First National Signings, Inc.
Santa Ana, CA


First Preference Signing, LLC
Lakewood, CO


Inscribing Persuits, LLC
Farmington, UT


Integrated Real Estate Processing
Pittsburgh, PA


JM Adjustment Services, LLC
Clinton Township, MI


JMT Document Service
Visalia, CA


Kelley’s Mobile Notary Service
Houston, TX


Loan Doc Express, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ


Moon Township, PA


Madison Credit Management Services
Cherry Hill, NJ


Maverick Signings
Mission Viejo, CA


Merritt Services, Inc.
St. Johns, FL


Metro Inspections
Glendale, AZ


Meymax Title
Columbus, OH


Mortgage Closings, Inc.
Owosso, MI


Mortgage Information Services
Cleveland, OH


National Closing Solutions
Roseville, CA


Negretes Notary Service, Inc.
Mansfield, OH


St. Charles, MO


Northstar Notary
Huntington Beach, CA


Notaries in Motion
Corona, CA


Notary Junction
Irving, TX


Notary on Call
San Diego, CA


Novation Capital
West Palm Beach, FL


OCM Financial Group, Inc.
Overland Park, KS


Old Republic National Title Insurance Company
Akron, MI


OS National, LLC
Duluth, GA


Pacific Alliance Notary Service
Vista, CA


Patriot Title Agency
Canton, OH


Peachtree Settlement Funding
Boca Raton, FL


Performance Title, Inc
Bay St. Louis, MS


Premier Reverse Closings
Rocklin, CA


Des Plaines, IL


Pro Mobile Notary
Novato, CA


ProLink Signing Service
San Jose, CA


Propel Financial Services
San Antonio, TX


Real Advantage, LLC
Pittsburgh, PA


Reltco, Inc.
Tampa, FL


Res Title
Westborough, MA


Right Now Notary
Carrollton, TX


RM Signing, LLC
San Diego, CA


Robyn Allen
High Springs, FL


S&P Closings
Asheville, NC


Safe Signings
Fullerton, CA


Signature Closers, LLC
Columbus, OH


SLB Signing Services
Deland, FL


Speedy Notary and Document Signing
Beverly Hills, CA


Statewide Document Services, Inc.
Indianapolis, IN


Superior Notary Services
Wylie, TX


Superior Signing Service
Ladera Ranch, CA


The Doc Signers
Phoenix, AZ


The Ink, A Signing Company
San Diego, CA


The Notary Company
Yuba City, CA


Ticor Title co.
Tustin, CA


Timios, Inc.
Westlake Village, CA


Title Source, Inc.
Detroit, MI


TitlePlus, LLC
Baton Rouge, LA


TMR Notary Services
Brea, CA


Trinity Document Solutions
Trinity, FL


True Concept Title
Clearwater, FL


US Certified Signers
Sacramento, CA


UST Global
Moon Township, PA


Vantage Land Title
Vandalia, OH


Watermark Services, Inc.
Folsom, CA


World Wide Settlements
Rockville, MD


X Marks the Spot Signing Services
St. Augustine, FL


Xpress Title Services, LLC
Towson, MD


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March 28, 2020

Coronavirus – childish understanding of the pandemic is dangerous

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 9:19 am

I am trying to share some thoughts on Twitter about Covid-19, but I am met with hostile and childish responses. Even the politicians are thinking unrealistically about this. My responses are misunderstood and attacked. How do you reason with people who aren’t logical? It seems futile, but the future of the American economy or life in this nation depends on it.

Here are my predictions.

(a) Covid-19 will infect 100,000,000 Ameriicans more or less
(b)10,000,000 will likely be “registered” officially as infected as most cases go undetected.
(c) 15% of detected or “registered” cases end up with some hospital time, but the duration is not well documented.
(d) Roughly half of hospitalized patients for covid-19 end up dead within perhaps a week to several weeks — in China many cases have dragged on for months.
(e) 6 million people will die in the usa from this disease this time and 15 million will need to be hospitalized over the course of six months.
(f) It is likely that up to 4 million people will need to be hospitalized at the same time. The military and FEMA are able to create this type of capacity, especially if they use ships and trains which are good because you can move sick people to places where there are more doctors and staff.
(g) Lock downs do not end the disease, and it doesn’t matter if you lock down early or late. The fact remains that lock downs cost the USA about 1 Trillion per month at least and that the minute you stop locking down, the disease will catch up to where it was in a month or two depending on how long you locked down.

People scolded me on Twitter for suggesting that the economy was more important than the lives of humans. I merely said that sacrificing the economy permanently to temporarily delay people’s death did not seem like a good strategy. In the minds of childish people, their philosophy is often:

Death is bad; Lock downs fight virus & prevent death; Therefore lock downs = good. Additionally, we should SCOLD those
who in our opinion value money more than life.

Death is bad; Having a broken economy could cause complete anarchy making the USA unlivable and unsafe to walk down the street without the fear of being beaten, robbed or raped. A broken economy leads to death.

COVID-19 also causes death. Delaying deaths from Covid-19 does NOT prevent death, but only delays death unless a vaccine comes fast. Lock downs don’t prevent death. They only delay disease caused death. But, extended lock downs could cause the death of the US economy which could cause problems that nobody can even imagine. If you don’t believe me, take a closer look at what is going on in Venezuela or bankrupt African nations where anarchy reigns, villages get massacred, and five year olds are given guns and forced to join militia death squads. That could be the future of America if we break our system. Freedom and constitutional rights can also be ended, and in my opinion already have been due to the shut down. The equation is a lot more complicated than the dummies who rudely criticize my points of view on social media.

Viruses do not just go away on their own. If a critical mass of people gains immunity, or weather changes make transmission difficult, then the virus might just go away. Lock downs in china resulted in a dramatic reduction in active cases. However, now that China is opening up, people from other countries who are visiting them are reinfecting their communities which completely undermines the effort and self-inflicted economic damage the Chinese did. They could be reinfected to the level they were two months ago in just — two months. So, in order to combat this disease using lockdowns, you would have to lock down forever.

The other reality is that in my opinion 6 million will die in the USA. If we flatten the curve using shut downs, then those people instead of dying in six months, will die over a period of time. In theory, if we flatten the curve too much, we might have 10,000 people dying per month over a period of 600 months which would be 50 years. Some idiot on Twitter says that there is no evidence that the disease will last 12 years (I used 12 years in a mathematical hypothetical situation online) and I agree that there is no evidence how long the disease will last. But, with artificial means to limit the disease it could last for years — probably not 50 years. We could flatten the curve and have 100,000 people die per month and then the deaths will take place over 5 years to reach a death toll of 6,000,000 according to mathematics — once again a hypothetical analysis not based on reality.

The bottom line is that many people will die, and using shut downs, we can control how fast they die. At the rate society is willing to let people die –perhaps at a few dozen per month, we will be locked down forever, the disease will never be eliminated since we will have been prevented from gaining immunity, and our economy will grind to an irreparable hault.

Dummies and childish thinkers don’t think the American economy will grind to a halt and think that the economic problems are just temporary. Right now they are temporary, but could become permanent. The Great Depression took 16 years to fix, and if it weren’t for WW2, it would not ever have been fixed. I am speaking in terms of reality and historical precident here.

Shut downs do not prevent death — they just delay death and do long term damage to the economy and people’s life. We may not have a nation if this continues. Nations depend on taxes, money, and credit and if you ruin your credit you can’t perform functions as a nation. America cannot function without a payroll for the military, social services, infrastructure, school, medicare, etc. If you break the system to delay a disease the entire nation could dissolve and cease to be a nation. We would be left with 50 bankrupt states and a nation of paupers which is exactly what my guru prophecized twenty years ago. I am afraid that his prediction will be coming true faster than I thought.


March 20, 2020

Covid19, Panicking, and the Notary Industry

Filed under: Drama & Tragedy — Tags: , — admin @ 8:17 pm

It seems that the Covid 19 virus is hitting America. The numbers keep changing fast as we are testing more people. Honestly, America had two and a half months to prepare for this outbreak and moved slowly. The President downplayed the danger of the disease as well which is dangerous in itself. Now that the disease is off the leash in America, we are starting to realize that perhaps we should learn from particular Asian countries on how to get a handle on this problem. Testing likely suspects in mass is a big part of it. But, what about Notaries, what should your concerns and actions be?

Be Prepared
It is a problem that people are panicking. This results in unstable business decisions. It also results in stores being sold out of face masks (not a problem in my area yet), hand sanitizer, paper towels, bottled water, and water filters. It makes sense to have a supply at home because these items sell out quickly. I was lucky and got some paper towels and water today which is March 10th although I might not publish this article for a while.

The Stock Market
Stocks are plummeting in value. I understand that cruise and airline stocks should lose some intrinsic value due to this disease. But, banks should not be too affected by this problem, yet their stocks are dipping just as badly as airlines. Even Coca Cola which is a very stable company has lost a lot of ground and they are one of the most stable stocks that exist.

Your Behavior
I heard that the refinance marked spiked and then the phones stopped ringing in the last few days. Interest rates are low and could get lower as the global economy is slowing down due to the disease and due to the trade war between the USA and China. This means more refinances. However, if people are afraid to go to work or leave the house, that means there might not be any business for Notaries. Very few people are infected in America at this point and it does not make sense to avoid leaving the house at this stage. Once we get into late April or May then it might be a much more serious situation and you might face immediate risk.

The 18 Month Rule
Some people have decided to shut down schools or not go to work. Newsflash – pandemics like the Spanish Flu, Swine Flu, and Covid 19 typically last 18 months or longer. So, if you have decided that shutting down your school or playing hookey on work makes sense, ask yourself if you can afford to continue that behavior for 18 months. Sure, if there is an acute outbreak in your particular area, then cancelling school makes sense. But, now, there are only three areas in the USA where it makes sense to cancel school.

The Elderly
If you are 60 or over, or have a lung condition it makes sense not to get on an airplane, cruise ship, go to the movies, go to a convention, or be anywhere where you will be in close proximity to large quantities of humans, especially if the ventilation is anything other than clean air.

My recommendations
I am not a doctor, but I think stocking up on some food and supplies makes sense at this point because the shelves at your supermarket could end up stripped bare at some point. It makes sense to wash your hands regularly with soap and disinfect surfaces in your house regularly. It makes sense to avoid crowds if you can. But, you need to go to work unless there is some pressing reason why you wouldn’t. If you are sick, elderly, or there is an outbreak in your city you might stop going to work for a while. If you are able to work from home that is great and recommended. But, if you have to work at an office, take some vitamin C and hope for the best. You can’t just end your life before it is over.

Loan Signings
Don’t be afraid to do loan signings. There is a chance that the signers could be infected, but a very small chance at this point. Stay six feet away from them and make sure they don’t sneeze on you. Disinfect the table with wipes or lysol. You might check with the borrowers by phone to see if they are coughing or sneezing. Take some vitamin C and garlic and hope for the best. We cannot just shut down society at this point because there is a tiny risk of exposure.

What should the government do?
We should test all those with symptoms in a very efficient way. We should test all that have come into contact with diagnosed individuals. It might also make sense to test all who live in areas with high rates of infections. There is a pecking order for who should be tested. Because if we don’t identify individuals who have the disease, we will eventually have to quarantine all of society at least in particular areas which will be devastating for the economy.

It is unclear how this disease will affect the notary industry. Personally, I think it will help us with loan signings, and I think the danger to Notaries doing signings is minuscule. Even if your a borrower from time to time has the disease, you are not likely to get it if you take precautions. Continue living your life and take necessary precautions unless you are elderly or have lung issues in which case — alter your life now!

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