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April 4, 2013

How to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature

Many people want copies of school transcripts notarized. Especially students from overseas. The notary can not notarize a document that is not signed by the signer. Additionally, the signer must be named in the body of the document to get an Acknowledged signature.

So, how do you get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature?

Simple… The notary can draft up a statement stating that you swear that the contents of the copy of the document are a complete, true, and correct copy of the original. It is even better if the notary can inspect the original and testify in writing to the fact that he/she has verified that it is a true copy.

What about notarizing a copy of a birth certificate or vital record?

Talk to your local county clerk and ask them how to get a copy of your birth certificate. Notaries are NOT allowed to notarize copies of vital records.

How do you get a photograph notarized?
You can’t.

Some agencies are happy if the notary affixed the corner of their seal to the back of the photo, or embossed the photograph. But, you can get a signed statement about the photo notarized, and then staple the corresponding photo to the Jurat certificate — be prepared to swear under oath that that is a true photo of you.

So, now you know how to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature. You don’t. You simply get a sworn statement and a Jurat that DOES have a statement that you can swear to and sign. Easy! But, if you get an inexperienced notary who doesn’t know what they are doing, then the procedure might not be so easy. Shop around and get a notary who knows what they are doing.

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January 1, 2013

Signature Name Affidavit: Not a substitute for an ID

I hate to beat a dead horse. But it seems that quite a few of you still believe that the ‘Name affidavit‘ is a way to identify individuals that don’t have the proper ID. I’ll say it again for the thousandth time. You cannot use this form in place of current GOVERNMENT ID. The whole point of your job is to have the person appear before you and identify the signer through proper (current) government issued identification. There are usually no exceptions to this rule (except for one; when you feel that they will not be able to get ID. They then will need to be identified through credible witnesses (usually two) who will swear under oath to you, to the signers identity and they will have current government issued ID themselves. However, keep in mind that we do not usually use this method with loans. For some lenders this may be acceptable way to identify their borrowers but for many of us notaries in certain states it is prohibited. But under no circumstance no matter what state you hold your commission in are you to use the name/signature affidavit to ID anyone. NEVER!

So you may ask what is the form for? The name affidavit form is included in the loan document package to identify all the names of the borrower that have been reported to the credit bureaus and that appear on the individuals credit report. It is not for your use and dont let ANYONE tell you that it is used for any other purpose. It is to make the borrower aware that these are the names that the report has listed for them. These may include but not limited to married, and /or maiden names and/or their name has been misspelled.

So in closing, remember when you confirm a job make sure that all signers have proper identification and that the ID is government issued and is current. If you make sure of this when you call and confirm the assignment this will save you and your borrower allot of headaches.

Until next time! Be safe!

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March 23, 2012

Notarization Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates!

We had this question as a Facebook competition question. It was fun, but we got too many wrong answers which is a little bit disconcerting.  There are different dates you have to be aware of as a notary. Some are more important than others, and each date has its own function.
Signature Dates
The date the signer signs the document is the signature date of the particular signature.  There are cases when a husband and wife will sign the same document, but on different dates.  People are busy, and two notaries could handle the same paperwork on two separate days with two separate signers.  Those split signings are tricky, and are more likely to have to be redrawn.  But, just as long as you get paid, don’t stress!
Notarization Dates
The date you notarize someone’s signature is the notarization date.  The date corresponds to the signature, not the document.  A document could be signed by more than one party on different dates.  Or an addendum could be added and signed on another date as well.  Its complicated.
Document Dates
This is the question that 90% of the notaries got wrong.  I had very few choices of contestants to put in the drawing to win Starbucks!  The document date is NOT necessarily the date the document was drawn up, although it usually is.  It generally should not be dated after the signing to avoid confusion.  It is often dated the day the signing is intended to happen on, and is often dated the day it was drawn, or sometime in between.  There is no rule governing when the document date can be.  The function of this date is to be an identifying mark on the document to distinguish it from other documents.  Of course, if you have ten documents all entitled, “Affidavit“, to be signed by the same two parties, and all having the same document date, it really doesn’t narrow it down.
Your Journal
If you live in a state that doesn’t require journals, please don’t read this paragraph.  Actually, do read it, and get a journal anyway.  Your journal of official notarial acts is your record of all notary acts that you have done in your commission. It is evidence if you ever have to go to court, or if you are ever questioned about a particular act. It adds to the integrity of the notarization and safeguards against fraud, especially when you take thumbprints for all documents (optional, but recommended).   If a fraudulent notarization takes place with someone impostering you, without your journal, you will never have proof that you didn’t notarize that person. Journals keep records in sequential order, so you can go back to July 3rd, 2003, and see that you indeed never notarized Shelly Deeds and her Deed.
In your career, you will most likely eventually be asked to put a fraudulent date on your notarial certificate which is refered to as backdating. This is illegal, and you can lose your commission as a result, if you get caught.  A lender might need you to date the certificate for the 27th, when its the 28th, so that the borrowers can keep their lock. Its their problem, don’t get involved.  Lose the client and keep out of jail! Please see our blog article entitled “Backdating from A to Z

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January 31, 2012

What is Signature by X or by Mark?

What is a signature by X — What is a Signature by mark?
Please check your state notary rules to see what is allowed in your state.  Many states allow for people to sign by x, or sign by mark. This procedure is generally only for very frail and elderly people who are bedridden.  We have a number of posts about this topic, and we invite you to view these posts to learn about the details regarding how to get a notary for a bedridden signer, and what the procedure is.
Please see these posts for details:
Signature by X from A to Z –
Dragging the person’s arm –
A tale of four notaries in hospitals –
Hospital notary jobs from A to Z –
Please note that you need 2 subscribing witnesses for a signature by mark.  Also, the signer of the X needs to be able to sign the X without someone moving their arm for them which is sometimes a challenge.  This type of signing normally happens in a hospital room or nursing home where the signer is bedridden.


January 17, 2011

A Massachusetts Notary Speaks Out. A coerced signature.

Filed under: Technical & Legal — Tags: — admin @ 12:02 am

A few days ago I spoke to a Massachusetts Notary Public on our list. She told me that there are some strange laws out there that almost got her in trouble. She had to appear before a judge due to a Notarization gone wrong. The wife was forced to sign by the husband and she didn’t really want to. I think they were from a foreign country where men boss people around because American men know what will happen to them if they boss people around.

Unbeknownst to me, there is an unusual law in Massachusetts where for some or all Notarial acts, the Notary must ask the signer (or ask the signer to swear — forgot which) if they are signing on their own free will.

I have never heard of a signer being coerced to sign in America. In India it happens a lot when people want to steal your property.

The judge made the Notary promise to always make the signer claim that they are signing under their own free will otherwise their commission would be revoked. Yikes. But, that is not a bad law.

I wonder why we don’t have that law in California. We have all types of other nonsensical laws. Hmmm.

Acknowledged signature
Witnessed signature
Forged signature
UnCoerced signature

So, now we have a new notary act — an uncoerced signature. That should be its own act not to be confused with an acknowledged signature.

The moral of the story is, if you notarize strange foreigners where the men think that men can still act like men and get away with it, beware, they might be forcing the females to sign.


January 11, 2011

I was forced to forge my own signature in India

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 9:35 am

I remember back in 2005 I went to Bombay to visit a friend. I took the train downtown to cash a few travelers cheques. I have never had an experience this bad and have brought a lot more cash with me ever since. You have to sign a traveler cheque when you buy it and then sign again when you cash it in. My signature was a little different than my normal signature, but not different by much. But, the clerk had had a lot of trouble cashing in traveler’s cheques and he was paranoid. He did not like the differential between my signatures. So, I had to forge my own signature so to speak. I had to practice signing the way I had signed when I originally signed the cheque a few times on a blank piece of paper. What a ridiculous ordeal. My passport wasn’t good enough for him yet it was good enough for airport security. Good God, or should I say Good Krishna?

In any case, I signed the way he liked and got my money.I spent my rupees on apple pie that had been in the same oven as melting cheese and it tasted horrible. I have so many India nightmares I never want to go back again but perhaps I will to see the mountains and meditate there with the Gods near Dehradun. My guru says I need to go where I can see snow in the mountains and meditate there for three days. One day I’ll do it, but not this year, because China is on my mind. Sounds like a Ray Charles song.


January 5, 2011

Comparing journal entries to fedex signatures

Believe it or not, most Notaries on 123notary do not fill in their journal correctly. It is not rocket science. The rule is:

One entry per person per document.
Two people each signing three documents = SIX journal entries.
But, won’t that take too much time and use too much of your journal? It will only take a few minutes.

Let’s say that Johnny is signing ten documents that are to be Notarized. You put the date, type of notarization(s), document names, document dates, name of signer, address, ID information, notary fee, etc. Next, you draw an ARROW down for the date which remains the same for all ten entries, the name, address, and ID. Then, the signer has to sign for all ten entries. That takes less than a minute. 123notary suggests thumbprinting whether it is required by your state or not as a security measure to help the FBI when they come a knocking. They are bothering one of our Notaires as we speak (or type) and confiscated her journal. So be prepared!

What most Notaries do is one entry per person. Then, they put all the names of the documents in the document section. They have the signer sign once. This is stupid.

If Fedex delivers five packages to you do you sign once? No, you sign once per package and there is a corresponding tracking number next to your signature so you know what you are signing for. If you have a signer sign once in your journal for multiple documents, they could accuse you of having added more documents after the fact and having used them for fraudulent purposes. You would have no way to contest their accusation as the signer did not sign for any particular document.

The bottom line is to have the signer sign once for each document. That way you have proof that your work was authorized and your journal will then be up to standards. And once again, it doesn’t take more than a few mintues and it’s not rocket science.


November 24, 2010

Signature By X

Signature by X — Signature by Mark
Many notaries go through their entire career without understanding the necessity and importance of the Signature by X / Signature by Mark procedure  (Notarizing an X). If you have ever done a hospital signing, or signing for elderly, you might be accutely aware of the limitations that a signer has in tasks we take for granted.  Many elderly signers with physical disabilities can not even sign their own name, or more their own arm with any coordination.  This necessitates signature by X procedures.
What is Signature by X?
Signature by X is where the signer being notarized signs an X instead of a regular signature.
(1) You need two subscribing witnesses who witness the signature by X.
(2) The signer signs an X in your journal and on the document.
(3) Witness one signs the person’s first name in the document and journal
(4) Witness two signs the persons middle and last names in the document and journal.
(5) Document the ID’s and signatures of the witnesses in the document and journal
(6) Keep in mind that this is a very unusual notary procedure and is tricky.
Be careful!
If you have ever done a hospital signing, the signer could be drugged, may not have current ID, or may have overly zealous relatives who move the patient’s arm to get them to sign their name. This is not acceptable. The signer must sign their own name.  Arms of others may be used as braces to limit the motion of the patient’s arm, but you may not actually move the signer’s arm around, otherwise that is like forgery — well intentioned forgery — which is still illegal.
Subscribing witnesses?
What is a subscribing witness?  Anyone who witnesses someone signing by X is a subscribing witness.  They sign the document and the journal.  In California, one witness signs the signer’s first name and the other signer signs the signer’s last and milddle name (if there is one ). Its good to create documentation to accompany the document as to what this odd procedure is, since it is uncommon and looks strange.  Its prudent to indicate the subscribing witnesses names on the actual document and that they witnessed the signature by X.
When notarizing the elderly, make sure they understand the document. The last thing you want is to end up in court because an elderly person has been defrauded out of their life savings with paperwork notarized by you.  Make sure the signer has read all the documents.  Elderly people get scammed much more than the rest of us simply because they are more vulnerable and less on the ball, especially when they are regularly drugged in a hospital.
Related Terms:

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February 14, 2025

Avoiding Mistakes When Notarizing Complex Documents

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Notarizing complex documents requires accuracy, legal compliance, and attention to detail. Mistakes in notarization can lead to invalid contracts, disputes, and financial losses for homeowners and business owners. Whether handling real estate transactions, business agreements, or estate planning documents, understanding the common mistakes in notarizing complex documents helps ensure a smooth, error-free process.

1. Understanding the Document Before Notarization

Review the Entire Document

One major mistake notaries make is notarizing incomplete or ambiguous documents. Before proceeding, always check for missing pages, blank spaces, or inconsistencies. Ask the signer to correct anything or seek legal guidance before notarization if anything seems unclear.

Verify the Notarial Certificate

Ensure the notarial certificate follows state requirements. Using incorrect wording or missing essential details can cause legal issues. If a document lacks a notarial certificate, the signer—not the notary—must decide whether to use an acknowledgment or a jurat.

2. Properly Identifying the Signer

Examine Identification Carefully

Identity verification errors are among the most common mistakes in notarizing complex documents. Always check that the signer’s government-issued ID is valid, matches the document’s name, and is free from alterations.

Address Name Discrepancies

If the name on the ID does not exactly match the document, additional proof of identity may be needed. Some states allow the use of credible witnesses, but this must be handled according to legal requirements.

3. Confirming the Signer’s Willingness and Awareness

Ensure the Signer Is Acting Voluntarily

A notary must confirm that the signer is not under duress. If you suspect coercion, refuse notarization. Legal agreements must be signed willingly to be enforceable.

Assess Mental Competency

If a signer appears disoriented, confused, or unable to understand the document, do not proceed. In such cases, an attorney or family member may need to be involved to determine the next steps.

4. Using the Correct Notarial Act

Distinguish Between an Acknowledgment and a Jurat

A standard error is selecting the wrong notarial act. An acknowledgment confirms identity and willingness to sign, while a jurat requires an oath or affirmation regarding the document’s truthfulness. The signer must choose the correct notarial act—not the notary.

Know When to Refuse Notarization

If the document is incomplete, the signer is hesitant, or identification is insufficient, it is better to refuse notarization than risk an invalid or fraudulent transaction.

5. Keeping an Accurate Notary Journal

Document Every Notarization Properly

An incomplete notary journal can lead to disputes. Each entry should include the date, document type, signer’s name, form of identification used, and other necessary details.

Ensure Clear and Legible Entries

Errors in recordkeeping can create legal complications. Always write clearly and correct mistakes correctly while maintaining transparency.

6. Avoiding Unauthorized Practice of Law

Do Not Provide Legal Advice

Notaries must never explain or interpret legal documents unless they are also licensed attorneys. Legal guidance can be considered an unauthorized practice of law and may result in penalties.

Refer Signers to an Attorney When Needed

If a signer is unsure about the document’s content, seek legal counsel. You must verify identity and witness signatures, not advise on the document’s legal implications.

Notarization Done Right

Avoiding errors in complex notarizations protects signers from legal disputes and ensures compliance with state laws. By thoroughly reviewing documents, verifying identities, selecting the correct notarial act, and maintaining accurate records, you can prevent common mistakes in notarizing complex documents and maintain professionalism in your practice. For more guidance on best practices, explore the notary certification process to strengthen your expertise and avoid common pitfalls.


January 10, 2025

Top Reasons a Notarized Document May Be Rejected

Filed under: Notary Mistakes — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 10:37 pm

Notarized documents play a crucial role in the fast-paced world of real estate transactions, legal agreements, and business operations. However, even a seemingly well-prepared notarized document can sometimes get rejected, causing delays and frustrations. Understanding why notarized documents get rejected is essential for homeowners and business owners who rely on these documents for critical transactions. Below, we’ll explore the top reasons for rejection and how to avoid them.

1. Missing or Incomplete Information

1.1 Blank Fields

Leaving blank fields in a document is a common reason for rejection. Notaries are required to ensure that the document is complete before notarization. Blank spaces can raise concerns about potential fraud or unauthorized alterations.

1.2 Incorrect Names or Details

The names on the document must match the names on the signer’s identification. Even a minor typo, such as a misspelled name, can lead to rejection.

2. Invalid Identification

A notary must verify the signer’s identity using government-issued photo identification. The notarization may be deemed invalid if the ID presented is expired, damaged, or does not meet state requirements.

3. Absence of Notary Seal or Signature

The notary seal and signature are fundamental to a notarized document. Missing either of these elements can result in immediate rejection. In some states, an embosser or stamp is required in addition to the seal, so it’s important to ensure all local requirements are met.

4. Incorrect Notary Certificate

4.1 Wrong Type of Certificate

Depending on the type of document being notarized, the notary must use the correct notarial certificate, such as an acknowledgment or jurat. Using the wrong certificate can invalidate the notarization.

4.2 Errors in the Certificate

Mistakes in the notarial wording, such as incorrect dates or locations, can also lead to rejection. This is particularly important for documents used out of state or internationally, where specific language may be required.

5. Signature or Date Issues

5.1 Unsigned Document

Unless state law specifies otherwise, a notarized document must be signed in the notary’s presence. A document signed beforehand is likely to be rejected.

5.2 Backdated or Postdated Signatures

Notaries cannot backdate or postdate a document. Doing so can void the notarization and lead to legal penalties.

6. Non-Adherence to State Laws

Each state has unique notary laws. If a notary fails to follow the specific regulations of their state—for instance, requiring witnesses in addition to the notary—the document may not be accepted.

7. Lack of Proper Witnesses

Certain documents, like deeds or wills, may require witnesses and notarization. If these witnesses are absent or fail to sign, the document can be rejected.

8. Fraud or Coercion Concerns

Notaries ensure that the signer is signing willingly and not under duress. If there are signs of coercion or fraud, the notary may refuse to proceed, and the document will not be valid.

How to Avoid Rejection

Understanding why notarized documents get rejected can save you time, money, and frustration. To minimize errors:

  • Double-check all information for accuracy.

  • Ensure all required fields are filled.

  • Present valid and acceptable identification.

  • Work with an experienced notary who understands state-specific requirements.

You can check how to properly notarize a document for a step-by-step guide on ensuring your documents meet all necessary criteria.

Save Time and Avoid Frustration

Whether you’re a homeowner closing on a property or a business owner finalizing a contract, a rejected, notarized document can disrupt your plans. By addressing these common issues upfront, you can avoid delays and ensure your documents meet all necessary legal standards. You can complete your transactions smoothly and confidently with proper preparation and the right notary.

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