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June 18, 2021

12 ways to negatively advertise yourself and fail as a mobile notary

Filed under: Advertising — admin @ 8:51 am

Notaries hire us to advertise them and promote them by virtue of listing them. But, many notaries do counterproductive things with their advertising. Let’s take a closer look.

1. Have a generic sounding business name like “Nationwide Notary Service” , “Statewide Signing Service”, or “Illinois Notary Service.” You will get confused with a lot of others and not stand out. Or just don’t have a business name at all.

2. Don’t ask for reviews — ever… And make sure your work isn’t that great, which will alleviate the risk of getting a positive review. Or you could try to get negative reviews.

3. Never answer your phone, and if you do, make sure to have screaming kids in the background, try to sound muffled, don’t speak into the phone, and don’t be polite. Never announce who you are when you answer your phone — make them guess.

4. Give roundabout answers to questions via phone and insert lots of unasked for information which you think makes you look knowledgeable, but to them makes you look like an annoying novice who won’t stop talking.

5. Use baseless cliche adjectives to describe yourself like “responsible” and “reliable”

6. Leave your notes section blank on your 123notary listing profile.

7. Ramble on and on in your notes section without letting people know your credentials or what you know how to do.

8. Don’t fill in your # of loans signed on your profile. Let people guess and when they ask, say, “lots” rather than giving them actual tangible information such as an actual number.

9. Only work two days a week, and only three hours on each day.

10. Only serve your home county and refuse to go anywhere else for any price.


11. Don’t get any. Or at a minimum, don’t get certified by any agency with tough testing standards. Why bother?

12. Make sure you don’t know your notary knowledge at all. That way you can ensure that you will make Notary mistakes, get in lots of trouble and lose clients.

If you follow all of my tips, I guarantee that you will do really poorly in your business unless you have a very loyal following already. On the other hand, do the opposite, and you might do well. In addition to these tips, if you send back packages late, or in incomplete form, and speak in a rude way to clients, that will enhance your ability to fail in business. Once again, do the opposite and you might succeed.

I wrote this article in jest, but the reality is that most Notaries are not doing everything, or even half of everything they need to do to succeed. Making it as a mobile notary is not a matter of luck. There is a checklist of things you need to do: Notes, Reviews, Certifications, Notes, Business Name, Phone Etiquette, Notary Skills, etc.

The good news is that we have many articles and even free courses on our blog for ALL of these points. And you can become an expert with n


November 13, 2020

Penalties for Notary misconduct, fraud, and failure of duty

Filed under: Notary Mistakes — Tags: , , — admin @ 11:23 am

Originally posted in 2018

Notaries by and large do not willfully engage in any type of illegal activity or illegal notarizations. The normal types of crimes Notaries commit are due to complete ignorance of Notary procedure, Oaths, and certificates. The only serious and purposeful crime I have ever heard of a Notary associated with us committing was one that assisted someone in fraud concerning real property — and the Notary ended up in jail. Please keep in mind that Notary law is different in every state and changes all the time as well. Penalties and fines for Notary misconduct are different in each state, California being the most stringent.

Negligent vs. Willful Misconduct

In California, the penalties are much more severe for Notaries who have engaged in willful misconduct rather than just making a careless mistake or omission.

Failure to keep your seal & journal under lock and key.
In California this is very serious and is a crime. You can keep your Notary equipment in a bag with a small lock that locks the zippers together. If you are the only one with access to your car, then the trunk of your car could work as well.

Unauthorized Practice of Law
The definition of UPL differs from state to state. However, offering opinions on legal matters or offering to draft legal documents might constitute UPL. For a professional opinion — ask an Attorney!

Asking a notary to do an improper notarization.
This is a misdemeanor in California. If it involves real property, then it is much more serious. Clients might ask you to notarize their signature using a different name variation that is not documented on their identification, or put a false date. This is illegal. They would guilty for asking you to do this, and you would be guilty if you give in to their pressure. If you have driven forty minutes to a signing job, in a sense you have a beneficial interest in notarizing their document unless you have gotten your travel fee up front when you walk in the door. So, to be prudent and avoid this issue, you MUST get your travel fee BEFORE you see the document, or are informed who the signers are, or see their ID, because a conflict of interest can easily happen. If someone asks you to do something illegal, you can threaten to report them to the Secretary of State’s office. This is a serious crime and you should treat it as such.

Issuing a false certificate
A notary who signs and seals false certificates, and this could include backdated certificates would be guilty of a misdemeanor. A false Acknowledgment certificate constitutes FORGERY. Additionally, the notary public could have their commission revoked if found guilty of this crime, with an additional fine of $1500 per incident in California (fines change over time so look this up in the statues).

Failure to Identify a Credible Witness
A fine of $10,000 per incident could occur if a notary fails to check a credible witness’s identification documents and see that they have acceptable identification.

Failure to get a thumbprint!!!
This is my favorite. Thumbprints are critical for identifying a signer if fraud is suspected. Powers of Attorney and Deeds require a journal thumbprint in California. A fine of up to $2500 per incident would be the penalty. Most other states do not require thumbprints, and Texas and Florida actually recommend against thumbprinting as those states do not trust Notaries with biometric data which is the only foolproof way to identify a signer. How ironic!

Failure to administer an Oath
A fine of $750 per incident could be incurred, not to mention revocation, or suspension of a notary commission, or refusal to grant a commission. I heard that some Notaries in Oklahoma had to go to court for a loan document signing in question. The Judge found out that the Notaries had not administered Oaths on the Affidavits in the loan package. I heard that the Judge overturned the loan and had the Notaries commissions permanently revoked by their state.

Felony Convictions
If you have a felony conviction or have been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or moral turpitude, you will most likely not be allowed to get a notary commission in the first place. If you already had a notary commission, it would be suspended or revoked the minute your state’s ntoary division finds out about it!

Professional Misconduct
This refers to dishonesty in your professional activities. The penalty would once again be suspension, revocation, or refusal to grant a notary commission.

Failure of Duty
This means that you refuse to serve a member of the public who has a legitimate request for a notarization. However, if the signer doesn’t have proper identification, or doesn’t have a properly filled out document, or seems very questionable, you have the right to refuse service to such a client. The penalty would be refusal to grant a notary commission, suspension, or revocation of a notary commission. Additionally a fine of $750 could be imposed on the California notary public.

Falsely Acting as a Notary
This is a misdemeanor. Borrowing someone’s Notary seal and doing Notary work is a serious crime. If you are a Notary, keep your seal and journal locked up.

Making false statements to a notary
Anyone who induces a notary to make an improper notarization with regards to real property can be found guilty of a FELONY. This is the most serious type of fraud possible in the notary profession.

False or misleading notary advertising
Making false statements in notary advertising is illegal, and the penalty for a California Notary is $1500 per incident. Additionally, such a notary’s commission could be suspended, revoked, terminated, or there could be a refusal to issue a commission. Claiming to be an immigration expert, or be able to give legal advice could be a serious example of false advertising and perhaps unauthorized practice of law.

Selling personal information
It is illegal for the notary sells or misuses personal information of those he/she has notarized. Remember to keep your journals locked up, so that nobody can have access to that information. When making copies of journal entries, make sure that the neighboring journal entries are covered, so that their information is not shared with the public. Once again, your application could be denied, or your commission could be revoked or suspended for this type of crime.

Misstatements on a notary application (Application misstatement)
Your notary commission could be suspended, revoked, or refused if you are guilty of this misconduct

Here are some other crimes… I will just list them here, but may or may not describe the penalties.

Failure to deliver a journal to the county clerk at the end of your commission. – misdemeanor
Failure to safeguard seal and journal – revoke/suspend/refuse
Failure to report a lost or damaged seal – $1500 fine
Nonpayment of judgement / Refusal to pay child support – refusal to issue a commission
Failure to keep a journal – such notaries will be prosecuted

There are a few others laws that I am not going to mention, but these were the interesting ones…

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February 15, 2019

Notaries who fail the California Notary exam

Failing the California Notary Exam
Did you fail your California Notary Exam? I passed it many years ago. I studied about 30 hours to make sure I passed the first time. I was nervous and so afraid that I would forget something. We were instructed to bring a see through plastic bag and put particular objects in that bag such as a pencil and a few other things.

The California notary exam is a a lot harder now than in 1997 and 2001 when I took it. The questions are harder, and the multiple choice questions are close variations of each other making it hard to spot the correct answer unless you know your stuff intimately. So study hard. You need to study from the California Notary Handbook but also there are updates on the newsletter from the California Notary Division.

The state carefully hides their questions so you won’t know what is coming unless you know someone who wants to share answers with you. You need to know your notary acts, fees, procedures and application process inside out or you will fail. I believe they allow seven wrong out of thirty, but the questions are so hard that is still not easy.

There are a lot of notaries failing the test and there are fewer Notaries in the state of California as a result. On a more pleasant note, the quality of Notaries in California is far superior to all other states. I know because I test people by phone on notary procedure since I run a notary directory.

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December 7, 2011

Has anyone failed the notary exam?

Has anyone failed the notary exam? 

Each different state has a different notary application and different standards for who can become a notary. Generally you need to be a legal resident of the state in question, or at least working in that state.  You need to be 18 years of age or older as well, and not be a felon.  But, testing standards vary state to state. But, you might ask, “What do I do if I fail the notary exam?”
Louisiana notary exam
Louisiana has a tough test, and weird commission standards. You are commissioned for life there, but you can only work in one Parish, unless you have a special commission that allows you to work in several reciprocal Parishes (how complicated).  Most states allow statewide jurisdiction.
California notary exam… 

The California test used to be reasonably passable, but in recent years, it has become tougher and tougher and the result is that fewer people are becoming notaries.  There is a proctored examination and it is timed as well. Good luck and make sure to take the six hour required course from a state approved vendor
New York notary exam..
New York
also has a notary exam.  I have heard that it is not as hard as California’s, but you should study hard in any case.
Failing the test?
If you fail your state’s notary exam, each state has different rules for when you can take it again.  BTW, many states don’t have a notary exam to begin with, but they should, because there is a lot to know about this line of work, and the states should make sure that people know what they are doing.  Even people who pass the test still don’t have a clue how to deal with many daily and practical situations.  Most states will allow you to take the exam again.  The main point is to study hard and review a lot before attempting the test.  Also, take a seminar, even if you have to take it twice.  You will absorb what you were taught there, and need that knowledge for the life of your commission. 
Is there a fee for taking the exam again?
Most if not all states will want to charge you and make you fill out more paperwork to take the notary exam another time.  So, find out how they want you to make your check out, and where to go.

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May 27, 2011

NNA Certified Signers who failed our test!

NNA Certified Signing Agents who failed our test!

This story goes back many years, perhaps close to a decade. started off very simply without much technology.  We couldn’t afford to do any more than barely build the site back in those days.  I had to decide whether to have a certification or not.  It looked more professional if we had our own certification. But, it has always been like pulling teeth to convince the NNA certified signers to even consider taking our test.
Notaries couldn’t answer simple questions without a long pause.
In the old days, we used to give our certification test by phone. It was a dozen or so basic questions about loan signing that any mediocre signing agent with hardly any experience could probably answer.  What I noticed is that those who passed the National Notary Association’s signing agent exam (NNA certified signers) failed our test roughly 70% of the time.  There was a lot of “umm” and “ahm”, and “hmmm” during the phone exam.  Their CSA exam was open book and without any time limit, so they were used to being able to get away with thinking forever to answer simple questions such as, “Where can you find the Rate in a loan”.  I can’t think of a simpler question.  The harder questions threw most people. I got sick of being patient and waiting for people to answer ridiculously easy questions.  The only thought that ran through my head was that if I were a borrower, I would throw these notaries out of my house if they couldn’t answer simple questions.
The timed test
So, then we got some fancy programming done and made an online test.  I was tired of waiting two minutes for the answers to simple questions, so a timed test was the only way for the notaries to prove their manhood or ladyhood. There were revolving questions and a timer. We had a few technical problems along the way, and many didn’t like my style of questions.  As time progressed, we got rid of the “ambiguous” questions, and added a few practical marketing questions.  We also tried to have questions specific to the state where the notary claimed to be, but that turned out to be unpopular, so we dropped it eventually.    The bottom line, was that most notaries couldn’t handle the time pressure — even the NNA certified signing agents.
The ex-Mortgage broker’s story
I had a few people who worked in Title or Mortgage houses who assured me that it was a joke that they even had to take my exam.  After all, they had been doing this for 20 years.  So, many people (including NNA certified signers) tried to convince me that they didn’t NEED to take my dumb exam.  Almost all of these overly confident know-it-alls FAILED my test, and then wasted my time arguing with me.  They didn’t read the prep book, and they didn’t know their basics about loan signing regardless of their background.  There is a lot of overlap between Title and Mortgage work and loan signing, but there are additional things you need to know to be a good signer. It is a different profession.
What does our test prove?
Roughly 25% of our notaries on board have passed our basic certification exam. The others either failed, or never tried in the first place. If people had spent the same amount of time studying for the test as they did arguing with us about why they shouldn’t have to take the test, their business would be a lot different.  123notary certification proves that you know your basics, and that you can function under extreme time pressure without breaking. That says a lot.  Most people can not handle the pressure.  When I created the test, I could pass it in three minutes and Carmen passed it in four and a half minutes.  Test takers were allowed six and a half minutes to ensure that the majority who studied hard would pass the first time.
Does it matter what you think about our test?
What I think about my test, or what you or Carmen think about my test doesn’t matter even slightly.  The browsers care tremendously about my test, and (news flash!) they are the ones who are paying you.  123notary certified signers are three times as likely to get work.  Even browsers who didn’t know what the certification meant, and who had a regular document to be signed like an affidavit which had nothing to do with loan signing still chose certified signers if they could.  Ten years ago, I used 123notary as my primary source of marketing my personal mobile notary work.  Time after time I got called at 11pm to notarize a simple form.  I kept hearing, “We chose you because you were certified and the others were not”.

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October 27, 2010

Stories of notaries that fail and what they did wrong.

Here are some stories about notaries who did no-no’s and what happened.

(1) A CA notary accepted a loan signing from a signing company. The notary waited until 30 minutes after their appt. began to call them & tell them that her car broke down and ASKS THE BORROWERS FOR A RIDE!! The borrowers graciously offer the notary a ride, but it gets better!!

The notary asks if they can stop at Kinkos to print docs. Then, the notary asks the borrowers to pay for the printing fees since the notary was flat broke. The husband borrower got put off and called the loan officer. The LO told the husband to GET OUT OF THERE and leave the notary @Kinkos.

The next day, the notary calls the loan officer and told him that the wife had to work late which is why they didn’t complete the signing, but that they would complete it tonight. The notary thought the signing company wouldn’t find out what happened. This is pure insanity.See More

(2) We get complaints every month about a notary who makes a mistake on a document. Then, the lender tries to contact the notary, but the notary doesn’t respond to emails or phone calls. Then, we get some lame excuse from the notary about how they were on VACATION or had some family emergency. If you are a notary, take responsibility for your work. Unless you are dead, you can still respond to an email. Wi-fi makes this possible.

(3) From time to time we get complaints about notaries who fail to return documents. The lender needs to know tracking #’s and when they can expect the documents back. Sometimes, the notaries just don’t answer their phone, or respond to email. This is the fastest way to get in trouble with 123notary and your clients. Let people know when and where you dropped their Fedex and what the tracking # is. Send them an email with the same information just to be redundant and show that you are a thorough and conscientious person.

(4) One notary arrived LATE to an appointment, didn’t handle the closing professionally, and then didn’t fax back the correct docs. The documents were also not returned properly. Can you believe this? That makes us all look bad!!!

(5) Another notary couldn’t call Title because she WORKED full time. News flash!!! — most notaries have full time jobs and do this on the side, but are able to return calls!

(6) Once in a while a notary will do a “No-show”. Some of these non-showing notaries will also ignore emails and phone calls from their clients. What a nightmare!

(7) An unusual case. A high quality signer who has been with us for a long time had a serious incident. He went to a signing at a Starbucks. The signers were there. Then he just disappears. I called him to see what had happened. He got a call from his wife that his daughter had hit her head. A parent’s nightmare!!! So, he panicked, and left without even telling the borrowers what had happened.

Where do we draw the line at family emergencies? This is a tough call for all of us.

(1) From time to time we get complaints about notaries who didn’t return docs. Let them know the tracking #.
(2) One notary couldn’t return a call because she had a full-time job. Do you buy this?

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January 10, 2025

Top Reasons a Notarized Document May Be Rejected

Filed under: Notary Mistakes — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 10:37 pm

Notarized documents play a crucial role in the fast-paced world of real estate transactions, legal agreements, and business operations. However, even a seemingly well-prepared notarized document can sometimes get rejected, causing delays and frustrations. Understanding why notarized documents get rejected is essential for homeowners and business owners who rely on these documents for critical transactions. Below, we’ll explore the top reasons for rejection and how to avoid them.

1. Missing or Incomplete Information

1.1 Blank Fields

Leaving blank fields in a document is a common reason for rejection. Notaries are required to ensure that the document is complete before notarization. Blank spaces can raise concerns about potential fraud or unauthorized alterations.

1.2 Incorrect Names or Details

The names on the document must match the names on the signer’s identification. Even a minor typo, such as a misspelled name, can lead to rejection.

2. Invalid Identification

A notary must verify the signer’s identity using government-issued photo identification. The notarization may be deemed invalid if the ID presented is expired, damaged, or does not meet state requirements.

3. Absence of Notary Seal or Signature

The notary seal and signature are fundamental to a notarized document. Missing either of these elements can result in immediate rejection. In some states, an embosser or stamp is required in addition to the seal, so it’s important to ensure all local requirements are met.

4. Incorrect Notary Certificate

4.1 Wrong Type of Certificate

Depending on the type of document being notarized, the notary must use the correct notarial certificate, such as an acknowledgment or jurat. Using the wrong certificate can invalidate the notarization.

4.2 Errors in the Certificate

Mistakes in the notarial wording, such as incorrect dates or locations, can also lead to rejection. This is particularly important for documents used out of state or internationally, where specific language may be required.

5. Signature or Date Issues

5.1 Unsigned Document

Unless state law specifies otherwise, a notarized document must be signed in the notary’s presence. A document signed beforehand is likely to be rejected.

5.2 Backdated or Postdated Signatures

Notaries cannot backdate or postdate a document. Doing so can void the notarization and lead to legal penalties.

6. Non-Adherence to State Laws

Each state has unique notary laws. If a notary fails to follow the specific regulations of their state—for instance, requiring witnesses in addition to the notary—the document may not be accepted.

7. Lack of Proper Witnesses

Certain documents, like deeds or wills, may require witnesses and notarization. If these witnesses are absent or fail to sign, the document can be rejected.

8. Fraud or Coercion Concerns

Notaries ensure that the signer is signing willingly and not under duress. If there are signs of coercion or fraud, the notary may refuse to proceed, and the document will not be valid.

How to Avoid Rejection

Understanding why notarized documents get rejected can save you time, money, and frustration. To minimize errors:

  • Double-check all information for accuracy.

  • Ensure all required fields are filled.

  • Present valid and acceptable identification.

  • Work with an experienced notary who understands state-specific requirements.

You can check how to properly notarize a document for a step-by-step guide on ensuring your documents meet all necessary criteria.

Save Time and Avoid Frustration

Whether you’re a homeowner closing on a property or a business owner finalizing a contract, a rejected, notarized document can disrupt your plans. By addressing these common issues upfront, you can avoid delays and ensure your documents meet all necessary legal standards. You can complete your transactions smoothly and confidently with proper preparation and the right notary.


December 20, 2024

Understanding State-Specific Notarization Laws

Filed under: (2) Technical and Legal — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Navigating the world of notarization can be daunting, especially when state-specific requirements come into play. As a homeowner or business owner, ensuring your documents meet state-specific notarization requirements is vital to avoid delays or legal complications. This blog will explore the essentials of state-specific laws, helping you better understand how they impact notarization and why working with a knowledgeable notary is essential for seamless transactions.

Why State-Specific Notarization Laws Matter

State laws govern the notarization process, meaning what’s valid in one state may not hold in another. Each state establishes its own rules regarding identification, document types, and allowable notarial acts. For homeowners and business owners, these differences can significantly affect property transactions, contracts, and agreements.

Common Variations in Notarization Laws

1. Acceptable Identification

Some states, such as California, have strict guidelines about which forms of ID are acceptable for notarization. Others, like Florida, allow using credible witnesses in cases where a valid ID is unavailable. It’s important to verify your state’s rules before scheduling a notarization.

2. Notary Seal and Certificate Requirements

States vary in their requirements for notary seals and certificates. Some mandate embossers, while others accept rubber stamps. Certificate wording can also differ, emphasizing the need for notaries to use state-compliant templates.

3. Remote Online Notarization (RON)

Remote Online Notarization is becoming increasingly common, but its legality varies from state to state. Texas and Virginia permit RON for certain transactions, while other states may restrict or prohibit it.

Key Considerations for Homeowners and Business Owners

Property Transactions

Notarization laws play a crucial role in deeds, mortgage agreements, and property transfers for homeowners. A misunderstanding of state-specific notarization requirements can lead to rejected documents and delays in closing.

Business Contracts

Business owners often deal with contracts, affidavits, and power of attorney documents that require notarization. Ensuring these documents comply with your state’s requirements safeguards their validity and enforceability.

How to Ensure Compliance

Work with Knowledgeable Notaries

Engaging a notary familiar with state-specific notarization requirements can save you time and ensure compliance. They can guide you on acceptable identification, proper document formatting, and additional steps to meet your state’s regulations.

Stay Updated on State Laws

Notarization laws are subject to change. Regularly checking your state’s secretary of state website or consulting a professional can keep you informed about new developments, such as updated identification rules or expanded RON eligibility.

Ask Questions

Feel free to ask your notary if you need clarification on a requirement. Clear communication can help you avoid unnecessary mistakes and ensure a smooth process.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Even with the best intentions, mistakes can happen. Improper notarizations can render documents invalid, leading to financial and legal repercussions. For instance, using an incorrect notarial certificate or failing to verify identity can be considered willful misconduct, which carries significant penalties. For more details, check out notaries who have engaged in willful misconduct.

Partnering for Success

Understanding state-specific notarization requirements is critical for homeowners and business owners looking to safeguard their transactions. By partnering with a knowledgeable notary, staying informed about state laws, and asking the right questions, you can avoid complications and keep your processes smooth and efficient.

When it comes to notarization, the key to success lies in preparation and compliance with state-specific rules. Take the time to ensure your documents meet the mark—because every detail matters.


November 1, 2024

Understanding Notary Misconduct and Penalties

Filed under: Notary Mistakes — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Knowing that a notary is bound by strict professional standards is essential when working with them. A notary’s role ensures the legality of important documents, but even minor misconduct can lead to severe penalties. For homeowners and business owners, understanding notary misconduct and penalties for legal non-compliance is key to protecting themselves and their transactions.

What is Notary Misconduct?

Notary misconduct occurs when a notary public violates the laws or ethical standards governing their role. This can happen unintentionally, through negligence, or intentionally, through fraud. Misconduct affects the legitimacy of the notarized documents. It can lead to significant legal and financial problems for the involved parties.

Common Types of Notary Misconduct

1. Failure to Verify Signer’s Identity

One of the most important duties of a notary is to confirm the signer’s identity. Misconduct occurs if a notary skips this step, risking fraud and invalidating the notarization.

2. Conflict of Interest

Notaries must remain impartial. When a notary has a personal or financial interest in a document, their neutrality is compromised, which can lead to disputes or potential penalties.

3. Inadequate Record-Keeping

Most states require notaries to keep a record, or journal, of each notarization. Failure to do so may result in misconduct accusations, as it can be challenging to verify transactions later if questions arise.

4. Failing to Administer an Oath or Affirmation

Certain notarizations require the signer to take an oath or affirmation. Skipping this crucial step is a form of misconduct and can lead to severe consequences for the document’s validity.

Understanding Penalties for Notary Misconduct

Penalties for notary misconduct vary based on the type and severity of the offense and local state laws. Understanding notary misconduct and penalties for legal non-compliance can help homeowners and business owners avoid issues with improperly notarized documents.

Civil Penalties

Civil penalties are commonly issued for misconduct, including fines or restitution payments to parties affected by the notary’s actions. If errors or negligence cause financial losses, a notary could be liable to compensate those impacted. Civil penalties stress accountability, mainly when misconduct results from a lack of proper diligence.

Criminal Penalties

Criminal penalties apply in cases of intentional fraud or deceit. For example, a notary who knowingly notarizes a forged document or falsifies a signature may face criminal charges. This can include jail time, substantial fines, or both. Criminal penalties are typically reserved for serious misconduct and aim to deter fraud in the notarization process.

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary actions may include suspending or revoking a notary’s commission by the state licensing authority. These actions occur every day when misconduct is repeated or particularly severe. For instance, multiple complaints about a notary’s work can lead to a review and possible suspension to ensure that the integrity of notarizations is preserved.

Professional Liability

Many states require notaries to carry errors and omissions (E&O) insurance. This insurance covers claims arising from notary negligence, ensuring that the notary is financially protected if they’re held liable for losses caused by their actions. E&O insurance helps safeguard notaries and clients from the financial repercussions of mistakes.

How to Avoid Notary Misconduct

Avoiding notary misconduct starts with following best practices and understanding state-specific requirements. Both notaries and clients should take steps to ensure that notarizations are carried out lawfully.

For Notaries

  1. Verify identification Carefully: Always check identification thoroughly to confirm the signer’s identity and avoid fraud.
  2. Avoid Conflicts of Interest: Refuse notarizations where you may have a personal or financial interest.
  3. Keep Comprehensive Records: A well-kept journal can prevent disputes and prove compliance with notary laws.
  4. Stay Updated on State Laws: Notary requirements vary by state and can change over time. Staying informed about these laws helps avoid accidental misconduct.

For Clients

  1. Work with Reputable Notaries: Verify that the notary has a solid reputation and ask any necessary questions.
  2. Request Documentation: Clients may request records or copies of notarization journals for extra assurance.
  3. Watch for Red Flags: If a notary skips identification steps or fails to administer oaths when required, ask for proper procedures.

Safeguard Your Transactions

Understanding notary misconduct and penalties for legal non-compliance helps homeowners and business owners ensure the integrity of their transactions. Knowing common issues and legal consequences, you can better protect your documents and avoid unnecessary risks. To learn more about how notaries serve businesses, check out businesses that need notaries.


October 25, 2024

Notary Verbiage and Wording Tips

Filed under: Notary Public 101 — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Have you ever wondered if the wording in your notarized documents could lead to costly mistakes? Homeowners and business owners must have clear and precise notary vocabulary to ensure their legal documents are correctly prepared and executed. Whether you’re managing real estate transactions, business agreements, or loan documents, using the correct language helps prevent errors, delays, and legal disputes. This guide will explore critical notary verbiage and wording tips for clear documentation to streamline your process and protect your interests.

The Importance of Clear Notary Verbiage

Clear and correct notary verbiage ensures your documents are legally binding and properly executed. Correct wording can significantly affect real estate transactions, business contracts, or loan agreements. Follow these tips to keep your documents in order and avoid complications.

Tip 1: Keep the Language Simple and Clear

One of the most essential notary verbiage and wording tips for clear documentation is to use simple, understandable language. Avoid unnecessary legal jargon that could confuse the signer and lead to errors. This helps ensure that all parties understand the document and the responsibilities involved.

  1. Avoid terms like “heretofore” or “hereinafter.”
  2. Use simple alternatives like “from this point” or “from now on.”

Tip 2: Be Specific in Names, Dates, and Phrases

Precision is crucial in notarized documents. Vague or unclear wording can cause confusion or disputes. All parties must understand the terms and conditions outlined in the document. Be as specific as possible when referring to individuals or dates.

  1. Use full legal names instead of nicknames or initials
  2. Use specific dates like “on July 15, 2024, at 10:00 AM” rather than “around this date.”
  3. Avoid phrases like “as soon as possible” or “at your earliest convenience.”

Tip 3: Review Notary Certificate Wording

The wording on notary certificates must comply with state regulations, which can vary based on the type of notarization. Double-check that your certificate includes the correct legal language for your state. If uncertain, consult your state’s notary handbook or seek legal advice to ensure compliance.

  1. For acknowledgments, ensure phrases like “personally appeared before me” are included
  2. For jurats, confirm the certificate states that the signer swore or affirmed the document in front of the notary

Tip 4: Include All Necessary Information

It’s important to ensure all essential information is on your notarized document. Failing to include the required details can result in rejection or delay. Ensure that each document requiring notarization has the correct information to avoid confusion or legal issues.

  1. Full names of all signers
  2. Notary commission number
  3. Date of notarization
  4. A complete signature block for each signer with consistent wording, such as “signed and sworn to before me on [date].”

Tip 5: Maintain Professional Language

Always use formal, professional language in your notary verbiage. Casual wording can undermine the seriousness of legal documents. Keep the tone appropriate for the legal setting. This will help maintain the integrity and importance of the document.

  1. Instead of saying “showed up,” use “personally appeared.”
  2. Avoid conversational phrases; use formal terms like “executed before me” or “acknowledged before me.”

Tip 6: Know Your State’s Notary Regulations

Since notary laws differ between states, staying updated on local regulations is essential. Some states require specific wording for particular types of documents, especially in real estate transactions. Homeowners and business owners can benefit from consulting legal experts or a trusted notary to ensure their documents meet legal standards.

  1. Review your state’s notary laws regularly to ensure compliance
  2. Use the latest required verbiage to avoid the document being invalidated

Accurate Verbiage Matters

Precise and clear notary verbiage ensures your documents are correctly executed and legally binding. By following these notary verbiage and wording tips for clear documentation, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure your documents meet all legal requirements. Staying specific, using simple language, and adhering to state regulations will help you confidently create notarized documents.

For additional tips, check out our blog on mobile notary safety tips for beginners to further enhance your notary knowledge.

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