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November 6, 2016

For Background Checks, NNA & Sterling come highly recommended

The more seasoned Notaries know that they will lose a certain percentage of their business if they are not a background checked notary. Newer Notaries either are oblivious to this fact, or just get it without questioning the entire concept. While the ultra-seasoned Notaries with ten or more years of experience sometimes do not get background checked since their clientele trusts them and depends on them so much, that they can get away with no having it.

If you are a Mobile Notary Public and are not fully booked to capacity with great clients who deliver eDocuments on time, pay on time, and pay well, I strongly suggest getting a background check so that you won’t get weeded out by companies who have standards (which is a lot of them.)

But, whom do you get certified by? People in the industry told me that there are two companies whose background checks are highly prized. Keep in mind that not all background checks are created equal and the process of background checking and “What they are checking” in each check is not equivalent. Some checks are more thorough than others and some checks are honored more than others.

NNA & Sterling’s Background Checks are highly recommended
National Notary Association is a great place for one-stop Notary shopping. They sell Notary training materials, great supplies including Acknowledgment pads, The best journals in town, and more. Their Background Checks are recommended as well as they are highly recognized in the industry. Sterling is another quality source of background checks. A background check won’t do you any good unless it is recognized. So pick from the best. Background Checked Notaries get a lot more business, so it is definitely worth the cost.


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November 10, 2014

Is having an NNA background check really necessary to get work?

Filed under: Marketing Articles — Tags: — admin @ 7:22 am

There is not enough work for signing agents these days. We have heard that in the last month or two it got a little better, but this is the worst the mortgage business has seen in seventeen years. To be a CSS, you need a yearly background check. But, it is expensive, and many feel that it is unclear if they really need this to get work.

What does the NNA background check query?
Social Security number trace
County criminal court records
Federal criminal records
Statewide criminal records
Nationwide criminal database
Motor vehicle records
National sex offender database
USA Patriot Act lists
Office of foreign assets lists

But, I’m already background checked through my state!
Although California background screens notaries when they apply for a notary commission, this is only done once every four years. Additionally, the standards for working in the finance industry are higher than those for becoming a notary, and the state background checks don’t check as many sources of information as the signing agent background check does.

Sharing Personal Information?
Another question is whether the NNA or other testing agencies will be sharing your background information with financial institutions or others and whether or not this is legal. I do not have detailed information on this matter. However, the background check is pass fail, and some notaries are claiming that the only information that will be shared is if you passed or failed, and not your personal information.

On NotaryRotary, one notary claimed on May 26th, that before a background check can be done — you have to agree that NNA or BGO may share a detailed report of your background screening with any institutions that issue a written request. So, it remains fuzzy as to how much of your personal information can be shared. Another notary claims that her social security number was not shared, but that her Driver License information was.

Do you really need it?
I read many Linked In discussions on this topic and learned that it is becoming increasingly necessary to be background checked to get work. The requirement is taking effect little by little instead of all at once. Another claims that it is the NNA background check that many companies are looking for and background checks by other agencies are not being accepted nearly as much. One notary claims that NNA background checks are a cost of doing business at the moment which cannot be circumvented. One long time notary claimed that he did just fine without the background check, but his point of view is in the minority at this time.

Although I personally feel that yearly certifications and annual background checks are overkill, it appears that many companies are requiring this, and that more will soon follow suit. To me, a very thorough background check once in four years is plenty. The chance that you will suddenly become a freelancer working for Al-Qaeda in the middle of your notary term is slim. And the chance that you will suddenly engage in Mortgage fraud is also slim. We have only heard of two notaries out of millions that have been convicted of any serious frauds involving jail time in the last decade.

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March 21, 2012

Background Screening for Notaries?

Background Screening – who needs it?
Notaries are never quite sure whether background checks and background screening are an important part of the industry, or just a way for the agencies who provide it to make more money.  The state and DOJ screen you when you become a notary, right?  You can not be a felon and still be a notary, right?  So, why a redundant background check?  Does it make the signing companies feel better? Do they even want it?  The reality is that few companies ever ask notaries for background checks, but a few do.  How much work will you lose by not being background checked?
In California or Out of California – it makes a difference
If you are outside of California, aside from getting more inches of rainfall per year, the standards for becoming a notary are different.  California has been more stringent in commissioning notaries for more than a decade, than other states in the country.  After 2005, it got even harder… a lot harder.  Its now very difficult to become a California notary public.  The test is murder, and then you need to get live scan fingerprinting (last I checked — and this is always changing), and checked by the DOJ and the FBI, and in some counties of California maybe even the KGB.  Okay, maybe not the KGB, but I’m trying to illustrate how picky things are here.  Nobody who is the least bit sketchy or questionable will be able to become a notary, unless they didn’t get caught yet.  But, what about other states?  The rules change from state to state. It is possible that many states are very lax about background checking their notaries, and in those states, maybe the NNA should background check notaries!
A popular topic on the forum
Background checks are a very popular topic on the forum simply because there is so much confusion and emotion tied to the subject.  There is nothing notaries hate more than having to do something redundant.  Personally, I do redundant things daily, and I don’t mind providing I’m getting a benefit from it.  Others don’t see it the way I do based on these blogs. 

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If you visit the forum and use the search box you can look up many more strings about background checks, but these are the strings that I thought you would like the most!
Question 13: Background Checks
Background check standards 2010
2nd Background check by Service Link
Nations Direct and Background Checks
Background Screening?
Its back, background check requests


July 7, 2023

Tackling the Notary Path: How Hard Can it Be?

Filed under: Notary Public 101 — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Are you thinking about becoming a notary and trying to figure out how difficult the process is or what difficulties you may face in this career? While the requirements may vary by state, becoming a notary can be fulfilling. In this blog post, we’ll know how hard it is to become a notary and the necessary steps to become certified as a notary public. Learn about the responsibilities of individuals in the business, successful notary duties, and any potential biases or stereotypes in the field. Start your journey to becoming a Notary Public by gaining the necessary knowledge for advancement.

Understanding the Notary Role

Before delving into the process of becoming a notary, it is important to understand the role they play. A notary is a public officer appointed by the state government to witness the signing of important documents and administer oaths. They act as impartial witnesses to prevent fraud and ensure the validity and enforceability of legal documents.

Meeting the Requirements

The specific requirements to become a notary can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but there are commonalities across many regions. The process typically involves:

1. Age and Residency: Most jurisdictions require notaries to be at least 18 years old and legal residents of the state where they wish to practice.

2. Education and Background Check: Some states may require the completion of educational courses related to notary laws and procedures. Additionally, a background check may be necessary to ensure the applicant has no criminal history that could compromise their integrity as a notary.

3. Application and Fees: Aspiring notaries must submit an application to the appropriate regulatory authority and pay the associated fees. The application typically includes personal information, educational background, and any additional documentation the state requires.

4. Notary Exam: Several states require applicants to pass a notary exam to demonstrate their understanding of notary laws and practices. The exam may cover document types, identification requirements, and notarization procedures.

5. Bond and Insurance: Many states require notaries to obtain a surety bond and/or errors and omissions insurance. These serve as financial protection in case of errors or misconduct during notarial acts.

6. Commissioning and Renewal: Successful applicants receive their notary commission once all requirements are met. The commission is usually valid for four years, after which notaries must renew their commitment to continue practicing.

Navigating Challenges on the Path

While becoming a notary is generally straightforward, certain challenges may arise. Here are a few potential hurdles and tips to tackle them:

1. Understanding Legal Terminology: Notaries should familiarize themselves with legal terminology and document types commonly encountered in their jurisdiction. Taking educational courses or seeking guidance from experienced notaries can help.

2. Staying Updated with Laws and Regulations: Notary laws and regulations are subject to change. Aspiring notaries must try to stay updated with any amendments or new legislation that may affect their practice. Joining professional associations and attending seminars or workshops can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

3. Building a Client Base: Starting a notary business requires building a client base and establishing a reputation for reliability and professionalism. Networking with attorneys, real estate agents, and other professionals frequently requiring notarial services can help generate referrals and opportunities.

Embrace The Challenges And Reap The Rewarding Benefits

It’s hard to truly know how hard it is to become a notary without taking the first step. Becoming a notary in your state requires time and money, so it pays to know all the facts before diving in. It is easy to feel overwhelmed at the thought of navigating the path to becoming a notary because the requirements are strict, and understanding the full scope of what is expected can seem daunting. But don’t let that deter you from taking on this rewarding profession. By investing in yourself and understanding the ins and outs of becoming a notary, you can join this amazing world of public service experts! So, if you’re interested in joining the legal services industry but need help knowing where to start – take action now! If you’re trying to find a Notary Signing Agent near you, you can locate providers in your area on our website.


February 24, 2023

5 Ways to Market Your Notary Business

When you become a notary, much of your focus is on getting certified in your state. That typically means getting a criminal background check, taking an approved course, and passing the exam. Then, it’s mostly just filing paperwork. Once you get certified, though, you need clients. Here are five ways to market your notary business if that’s where you are in your notary journey.

1. Build a Website

One of the first things on your marketing to-do list should be building a website. We live in an online world. Many people regard having a website as a sign that your business is legitimate. The good news, you don’t need anything too complex either, or that demands a web developer. You can set up a basic website using WordPress, Wix, Squarespace or a similar content management system. Do make a point of creating a page with your contact information and availability on it.

2. Social Media

Once you get your website polished to the point that you’re happy, it’s time for the next online step: social media. Don’t sign up for every single social media platform. Start with one of the big sites. That lets you keep the demand for new content at a reasonable level. It also lets you answer questions. For example, let’s say that someone needs a Bank of America power of attorney. You can let them know in advance if you can notarize it.

3. Create a Referral Program

Referral programs really are the unsung hero of marketing. They are word-of-mouth marketing that you help generate for yourself. For something like notary services, you can offer discounts for the people making the referrals and those who get referred. In essence, you incentivize both groups to use your services.

4. Advertise in Local Papers/Newsletters/Online

Notary businesses are, by nature, local businesses. In most cases, you must interact directly with the people. That limits your business area to where you can comfortably drive relatively quickly. One of the top ways to market your notary business is by advertising in local papers and newsletters as they go out to the people most likely to need your services. That being said, don’t discount the value of online advertising. A lot of people head straight to Google to find a service provider.

5. Build Relationships with Real Estate Professionals

Something about real estate professionals that many people forget is that they deal with a lot of legal paperwork when they close a deal. Much of that paperwork requires a notary to certify that the parties signing it are who they say they are. That makes building relationships with local real estate professionals a potential goldmine of recurring work for your notary business. While you’ll want to start with one agency, nothing can stop you from expanding your web of relationships to multiple agencies. After all, it’s unlikely that one agency can fill your time.

Marketing Your Notary Business

Marketing a notary business, like most businesses, usually works best when coming at it from multiple angles. Start with the lower-hanging fruit, such as a website and social media. The initial costs are low, as those primarily require time. Once you get up and running, advertising in local papers, newsletters, and online is one of the most effective ways to market your notary business. Set up a referral program to entice new clients. If possible, build relationships with local real estate professionals. Those tactics collectively offer far better odds of bringing business your way.


February 23, 2023

Businesses That Need Notaries

Filed under: (6) Marketing,Advertising — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 5:38 pm

Are you wondering which types of organizations to target when spreading the word about your notary business? After all, there are plenty of businesses that need notaries on a regular basis, but others that might be less interested.

Essentially, any company that deals with legal transactions or documents of any kind will need notary services every now and then. Here are a few types of businesses most likely to require your services.

Real Estate Agencies

There are a great many legal documents involved in real estate transactions. This is true, especially if the buyer is taking out a mortgage. That’s good news for you as a notary—in most states, your services will be required by law.

In a real estate transaction, you’ll serve as an impartial witness. It will also be your responsibility to check and affirm the signatures of all the parties involved. The duties may vary from state to state, so ensure you know what’s expected of you in these cases.

Law Firms

It goes without saying that many legal documents require notarization. Paperwork granting power of attorney, trust documents, and wills are a few examples.

Many lawyers try to hire paralegals who are already commissioned notaries. That way, the employee can add notarization duties to their list of regular tasks. But if no one in-house can do it, the attorneys must commission notary services.

Banks, Mortgage Lenders, and Other Financial Institutions

As we pointed out, loan and mortgage documents require signature verification. The same goes for other financial agreements as well. That means financial institutions will need notary services on a regular basis.

It was common for banks to employ on-staff notaries to provide free services to their customers (sometimes even walk-ins). However, with the rise of online banking, this practice is rare. This works out well if there are a lot of banks in your area constantly seeking outside help when notarizing documents.

Healthcare Providers

You might not think of medical offices as businesses that need notaries. But the truth is, any business that deals with legal documents needs to have a notary on call.

In addition to power of attorney documents, certain medical consent forms must also be certified. Otherwise, it would be difficult to prove whether or not the patient consented to the transfer of power—or the medical procedure itself.

Government Agencies

Here’s a partial list of government documents that might require notarization:

  1. Immigration forms
  2. Oaths
  3. Affadavits

It’s always important to avoid the pitfalls of a forged signature notarized document, but you must be careful when dealing with government documents. Always ensure the person signing the document has the proper identification, and check all the dates and sections of the forms carefully before notarizing.

Employment Agencies

Some employers require drug tests and background checks before they make an official job offer. In these cases, the employment agency might enlist a notary to verify those documents to cover all their legal bases.

Small Businesses

Just because a company is small doesn’t mean it’s entirely self-sufficient. Many businesses that need notaries are very small, like mom-and-pops. Even the smallest businesses have contracts and other agreements that require notarizations occasionally. So get out there and spread the word about your notary business today!


January 27, 2023

How to Start a Mobile Notary Business in 2023

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 pm

Starting a mobile notary business in 2023 is a great way to provide valuable service to your community while running a successful and profitable business. As a mobile notary, you can work from anywhere, set your own schedule, and serve many clients.

Get Commissioned

The first thing you will need to do to start a mobile notary business is to become a commissioned notary public. This typically involves passing a background check, taking a notary education course, and passing a notary exam. Once you are a commissioned notary public, you will need to purchase a surety bond, a type of insurance that protects your clients in case of errors or omissions on your part.

Create a Business Plan

Next, you’ll need to create a business plan. As a notary or signing agent, you know that success in your business requires more than just showing up on time and having the right documents. Taking the extra step to create a mobile notary business plan can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals and make your work even more successful. There is much to consider, from generating leads to determining pricing structures when writing up your plan.

Invest in the Proper Tools & Equipment

Once your business plan is complete, you must invest in the necessary equipment and supplies to run your mobile notary business. This includes a professional-grade seal and stamp, a journal to record your notarial acts, and a reliable means of transportation to travel to your clients. You will also want to invest in a good-quality printer, scanner, and computer to handle all the paperwork required to do your job.

Market Your Notary Business

Marketing is essential when you start a mobile notary business to ensure a steady stream of clients. You will need to create a website and social media presence to showcase your services and offer discounts and promotions to attract new clients. You should also consider networking with other notaries, real estate agents, attorneys, and other professionals who can refer clients to you.

Ongoing Education

Another important aspect of starting a mobile notary business is to stay up-to-date with the laws and regulations regarding notary services in your state. Each state has different rules and regulations regarding notaries, so it is important to stay informed and comply with all applicable laws. You should also consider joining a professional organization, such as the National Notary Association, which can provide you with training and resources to help you run your business.

How Much Will You Charge for Your Services?

Finally, it’s important to have a clear pricing strategy for your mobile notary business. You will want to research the going rates for mobile notary services in your area and set your prices accordingly. You may also want to offer package deals or volume discounts to attract repeat clients.

Create Your Own Success in 2023

In summary, starting a mobile notary business in 2023 is a great way to provide a valuable service to your community while also running a successful and profitable business. The key steps are to become a commissioned notary public, invest in the necessary equipment and supplies, market your business effectively, stay up-to-date with laws and regulations, and have a clear pricing strategy. With the right approach and hard work, you can start a mobile notary business that will provide a steady income for Notaries/Signings for years to come.


December 19, 2018

Beginner Notaries 103 — Additional Reading List

Filed under: General Articles — admin @ 12:52 pm

Beginner Notaries 103: Additional Reading List
Return to Table of Contents – Beginner Notaries 103


Are you starting out as a mobile notary and don’t know which direction to turn? We know where you should turn and what you should read. So, indulge yourself in this reading list.

How to write a great notes section if you are a beginner

Notary information for beginners — best posts

Why you should consider getting 123notary Elite Certified

Real Life Notary Scenarios

The 123notary 30 point course

Signing Companies that hire new Notaries

How to become a successful mobile notary from scratch

Is having an NNA background check necessary for work?

How to write a notes section if you have no experience

5 or 6 reviews doubles your business

A comprehensive guide to Notary pricing

10 ways female notaries can protect themselves

Signing Agent Best Practices

Basic technical information for new Notaries

Cattle Call Notary Offers

$30 loan signings — is it worth it?

2014 excerpts from great notes sections

Wannabe #1 on 123notary? Consider this first

What’s your monthly marketing plan?

Names for Notary businesses with commentary

Tips for avoiding liability with the elderly

How much E&O do I need?

Who is the authority at a signing?

What’s your sign? A guide to spotting fake ID

Winging it as a Notary

If you are named as an identity theft conspirator, you could pay $20,000 in legal fees

13 ways to get sued as a Notary

10 risks of being a mobile notary public

Airplane meals vs. Oaths and Affirmations

Ken’s list of things Notaries might goof on

Most of what Jeremy and Carmen at 123notary offer all day is free!

When to refuse a notarization – a comprehensive guide


October 7, 2018

Index of best posts about Notary Marketing

Filed under: Compilations,Marketing Articles — admin @ 2:48 am

Here is our index of best posts about Notary marketing

Notary Marketing 102 — a comprehensive course

Best marketing resources for Notaries

10 rules for negotiating notary fees

Links to posts about Snapdocs

$300 in 13 minutes. How Carmen cleans up in the Notary business

Which notary directories get higher paying signings?

Strategies for efficiency in the Mobile Notary business

How to write a notes section if you are a beginner

For background checks, NNA & Sterling come recommended

A comprehensive guide to Notary pricing

What is a high placed listing on 123notary worth?

Does knowledge matter any more as a signing agent?

Answering the phone and then not wanting to talk

Names for Notary businesses that can get you into trouble

Following directions – what’s the big deal?

The 24 hour icon and what it means

How to make a good first impression

You want to get paid well as a Notary, but do you merit a good rate?


March 14, 2018

Notary Marketing 102 – Promoting Yourself

Filed under: Loan Signing 101 — admin @ 8:19 am

Return to Notary Marketing 102 Contents


As a Notary Signing Agent there are various types of marketing you need to understand. Getting new clients is important and the first sixty seconds you talk to them can make you or break you. However, interacting with existing clients matters too. Here are some rules and principles of dealing with existing clients:


1. Get on the lists of as many signing companies as possible
If you are a beginner, 123notary lists many signing companies on our list of signing companies. We also have lists of companies that hire new signers on our blog. They might not pay well, but you can develop some experience working for them. Signing companies will want proof of E&O insurance, background checks, certifications, and a lot of forms to fill out. So get used to supplying information and filling out applications in mass.


2. Get on the lists of title companies too
I’m not sure if title companies will hire beginners, but once you have experience, you can call local title companies one by one and get on their list.


3. Do good work
Obviously as a Notary if you want repeat clients, you need to do good work. You need to be responsive before the job, during and after to ensure good service. You need to get docs delivered on time and answer your phone and email until the rescission date — you are still on call.


4. Keep in touch
If you don’t hear from a company for a month, let them know you are available and willing. Ask them if they have a job in your area today. Keeping in touch keeps you on the front burner of people’s minds.


5. Do a few lower paying jobs for them
If you want to get in with a client, onto the top of their list, working for less is one way to do it. People are tired of Notaries trying to get paid a fair wage (gouging them in their opinion). They want people who stop whining and start working. So, from time to time, it might make sense to do a few not that far jobs for a little less to grease the wheels. After all, there is not that much work out there. I guess that is not what you wanted to hear.


6. Giving small gifts
If you give small gifts or cards to existing clients, that sometimes helps a lot. It gives people a good feeling and gets you remembered. Small food items, cards, gifts, chocolate, 21 year-old Scotch (only if they are really special), etc. I remember that Julie gave me two coupons for one hour free massages over the last two years. I reciprocated by being her loyal client and I gave her a gift too of a Chinese cupping set which is for reducing blood stagnation. The Olympics athletes are using cupping now too. It leaves purple marks on your body for a few days and is great for circulation.


After you finish a job, it is important to send a text or phone call letting them know the tracking number, and where you dropped the package. Good follow up is as important as good work. It shows you are on top of things and care. The minute you have a fancy client and you slack off on the followup, that is a red flag and could cost you.


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