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June 18, 2021

12 ways to negatively advertise yourself and fail as a mobile notary

Filed under: Advertising — admin @ 8:51 am

Notaries hire us to advertise them and promote them by virtue of listing them. But, many notaries do counterproductive things with their advertising. Let’s take a closer look.

1. Have a generic sounding business name like “Nationwide Notary Service” , “Statewide Signing Service”, or “Illinois Notary Service.” You will get confused with a lot of others and not stand out. Or just don’t have a business name at all.

2. Don’t ask for reviews — ever… And make sure your work isn’t that great, which will alleviate the risk of getting a positive review. Or you could try to get negative reviews.

3. Never answer your phone, and if you do, make sure to have screaming kids in the background, try to sound muffled, don’t speak into the phone, and don’t be polite. Never announce who you are when you answer your phone — make them guess.

4. Give roundabout answers to questions via phone and insert lots of unasked for information which you think makes you look knowledgeable, but to them makes you look like an annoying novice who won’t stop talking.

5. Use baseless cliche adjectives to describe yourself like “responsible” and “reliable”

6. Leave your notes section blank on your 123notary listing profile.

7. Ramble on and on in your notes section without letting people know your credentials or what you know how to do.

8. Don’t fill in your # of loans signed on your profile. Let people guess and when they ask, say, “lots” rather than giving them actual tangible information such as an actual number.

9. Only work two days a week, and only three hours on each day.

10. Only serve your home county and refuse to go anywhere else for any price.


11. Don’t get any. Or at a minimum, don’t get certified by any agency with tough testing standards. Why bother?

12. Make sure you don’t know your notary knowledge at all. That way you can ensure that you will make Notary mistakes, get in lots of trouble and lose clients.

If you follow all of my tips, I guarantee that you will do really poorly in your business unless you have a very loyal following already. On the other hand, do the opposite, and you might do well. In addition to these tips, if you send back packages late, or in incomplete form, and speak in a rude way to clients, that will enhance your ability to fail in business. Once again, do the opposite and you might succeed.

I wrote this article in jest, but the reality is that most Notaries are not doing everything, or even half of everything they need to do to succeed. Making it as a mobile notary is not a matter of luck. There is a checklist of things you need to do: Notes, Reviews, Certifications, Notes, Business Name, Phone Etiquette, Notary Skills, etc.

The good news is that we have many articles and even free courses on our blog for ALL of these points. And you can become an expert with n


May 29, 2020

How do you increase your client base to all title and no signing companies?

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 10:09 pm

This is easier said than done. Different people have different experiences climbing to the top of the food chain in this business. As a general rule, you start out working mainly for low paying signing companies who micromanage. Some of those companies might not pay at all. Working for companies that don’t pay is a great way to rack up experience, but not a great way to pay your rent. As time goes on, you will gradually get a higher share of higher paying title companies.

Title companies like experience. They also like it if you in addition to claiming to have a zero percent error rate, actually have not made any errors, at least not on their work. A professional disposition also helps and that is hard to explain. The Notaries that get mostly title companies tend to have 5000-10000 loans under their belt. It takes time to get that much experience. At a rate of 1000 loans per year if you are a busy Notary, you need five to ten years of experience and then you are at the top of the pyramid.

Please keep in mind that most Notaries average about 200 loans per year, so they never accumulate this type of experience. Please also keep in mind that only about 5-10% of the Notaries listed on have 5000 loans signed and only 1-3% have 10,000+. Yes, it is lonely at the top.

Basically, the name of the game of Notary fame is to be a scarce commodity. If you have more experience, more knowledge, better professionalism, phone etiquette, etc., you will get paid more. People with 123notary Elite Certification are part of the top fraction of a percent and they get paid a lot more. Anything you can do to differentiate yourself from the others will help.

So, get more experience, more certifications, more reviews, maintain your listing better, and learn to be an expert at seeming professional over the phone. Then, you will get more title companies…. eventually.


May 28, 2020

If you meet a signer at a cafe, who pays for the coffee?

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 10:02 pm

It is common for Notaries to meet signers at cafes. But, what is the etiquette for who pays for the coffee? Or does only one party purchase a drink so the cafe can allow them to stay there? Does the drink go on a chair or the same table with the critical documents?

This question sounds more like a Seinfeld dilemma than anything else. Since the signer is paying the notary for the notarization, it’s the least the notary can do to buy a piece of bundt cake for the client. On the other hand, if the Notary has to bill to get paid, and is billing a third party, then neither party should have to pay for the coffee. But, what if the signer wants a palpation but forgot his walled. But, then how will he have his ID for the notarization? Wow, this is really complicated stuff!

NOTARY: You should pay for the almond croissant because I’m the Notary. It’s like a courtesy for my hard work.

SIGNER: Yes, but I am the client, and it is customary to take your clients out to eat and pay.

NOTARY: You’re paying cash right?

SIGNER: Yes. Small unmarked bills to be precise.

NOTARY: Are you going to wash your hands for 20 seconds before you handle those bills? I don’t want the Coronavirus.

WOMAN: I think the man should pay.

NOTARY: Obviously not a feminist.

WOMAN: I am when it doesn’t involved someone paying for me. You see, I’m what you call an opportunistic feminist. Equal rights, but not so equal on the responsibilities.

SIGNER: Honesty is so sexy. I like you!

WOMAN: Thanks, I’m single

NOTARY: I think I see why.

WOMAN: Yeah, but at least I’m not paying alimony and child support and having my kids taken away from me by legal force. It could be worse. You know what. You guys are so much fun, I’ll pay for your frappachino.

CLERK: Sorry, we are all out of coffee.

NOTARY: But, this is a cafe. Your whole business revolves around coffee.

CLERK: Sorry. But, we have those dark chocolate covered graham crackers. They’re really good.

SIGNER: I’ll just get a soda. I don’t drink coffee after 2pm anyway.

WOMAN: Nice to meet you guys.

NOTARY: Here’s my card. I do notarizations, weddings and bar-mitzvahs.


March 7, 2020

Compilation of best blog articles from 2011

Filed under: Compilations — admin @ 10:03 am


Pricing for notary work: Different strokes for different folks

Pricing formulas and time spent

Payment terms set by buyer or seller?


Notarize just the name.

Decline profitable junkwork

A tale of four notaries at hospitals

Things that get notaries complaints

What to say and what not to say

Do you like your job?

Dragging the person’s arm

Seal Forgery – it happened to me

Leave a few spaces open in your journal?

Fixing botched signings

Notary certificates, notary wording & notary verbiage

Can a notary get in trouble?

The signing agent loan signing process & pitfalls

How do I fill in a journal entry?

Notarizing multi-page documents

Thumbprinting step by step


Notarizing a kidnapper

The story of 123notary

A few testimonials about 123notary

Notarizing an arsonist who blew his fingers off

The signing from hell

Notary in Louisiana murdered in home invasion

Notary pushed off stairs by borrower


Welcome to the Notary Hotel

You know you’re a notary when…

Jeremy’s visit to hell

A tough act to follow

I have a dream – notary version

Notarization on the Steve Harvey show

Notary suicide hotline

Notary reviews vs. Movie Reviews

Notary Airport

My date with Jeremy

Borrower etiquette from A to Z

Vampire Notaries – 24 hour service

Bartender Notary – a reverse mortgage on the rocks

Best excuses why a signing company didn’t pay a notary


March 1, 2020

2015 compilation of best notary posts

Filed under: Compilations — admin @ 9:59 am


The Mortgage & The Note

The signature name affidavit

Unique phrases from the Ninja course

Loan Signing FAQ’s that borrowers ask

10 tight points on loose certificates

Do you use a notary embosser?

Your signature needs work

Filling out your journal before the appointment?

When to ask for ID over the phone & fees at the door


Best blog articles for advanced notaries

How much more does a 123notary certified signer make?

What’s the difference between a listing getting 16 clicks / month and 100+?

Pleasant companies who are pleasant to work for

Websites from some of our best notaries!

Trip + Notary Fee = Payment

Augmenting your skill set to make more money as an NSA!

Here is an easy way to make $4000 more per year

$40 for a signing 72 miles away?

Should travel fees be flat?


Signing Stream makes notaries sign a contract that they won’t write
anything on forums

Notary etiquette from Athiest to Zombie

Deceptive fax backs, the good old bait and switch tactic

I was forged

A notary enters the Shark Tank

Signing of the Absurd

Don’t call title or borrower

Have you ever been tempted not to go into a borrowers house?


Best notary comedy compilation

Compilation of notary sit-com episodes!

Honey you can kiss my app!

Jane the Virgin Notary


February 4, 2019

Compilation – Best blog posts from 2010

Filed under: Compilations — admin @ 6:10 am



Funniest things that happen to signing agents

Stories of Notaries who fail and what they did wrong

Confirming the signing

Just say no Article 3



Stories of Notaries who fail and what they did wrong

Bilingual Notaries – how often are they needed?

Business cards for Notaries

Notary etiquette from A to Z

2010 version – everything you need to know about notary advertising

Getting Paid the ins and outs



Welcome to the 123notary Blog

Social Media – what we are doing

Funniest things that happen to signing agents


Confirming the signing

Just say no Article 3

Hospital Notary jobs from A to Z

Everything you need to know about journals

Signature by X

911 and California Law Changes

New laws for Notaries in Illinois

Jail Notary jobs from A to Z

Credible Witnesses – When ID and docs have different names

Typical Things Notaries do Wrong

Meeting clients at a jail

12 points on eNotarizations


December 21, 2018

Beginner Notaries 103 — Contents

Filed under: Technical & Legal — admin @ 12:48 pm

As a beginner Notary, you want to get work, gain contacts, and learn to be a professional at handling all situations. But, how do you learn all this and where do you turn to? We have written many articles on how beginners can get knowledge and work. But, this is a short course on the topic.

Table of Contents

1. What beginner Notaries need to know –

2. Gaining Knowledge as a Signing Agent –

3. Marketing your services –

4. Getting work –
(signing companies that hire new signers.)

5. Gaining industry knowledge –
(discuss forums and mentors)

6. Additional reading list –

7. Advertising on 123notary –

8. Notary Etiquette –



December 17, 2018

Beginner Notaries 103 — Marketing Your Services

Filed under: Technical & Legal — admin @ 12:49 pm

Chapter 3: Marketing Your Services
Return to table of contents – Beginner Notaries 103


123notary created a popular marketing course called Notary Marketing 102. I highly recommend you read this course from beginning to end. To summarize marketing for newer Notaries, you have to be aware of several things you must do.

1. You need to make your listing on 123notary look complete. This means a thoroughly filled out notes section. Read articles in the “your notes section” category on our blog to learn the secrets. Find a way to get your clients to give you a few reviews. It is easier to get reviews from individuals than signing companies, especially if you email them a link. If you can pas our certification test that would really help too. People hiring notaries want “familiarity with the documents” and our certification test tests document knowledge among other things.

2. You need to have a basic knowledge of loan documents as I mentioned in the first point. Selling yourself without knowing anything will be counter productive.

3. You should really have a good sense of good Notary etiquette. This point is generally overlooked, but it is important if you want to get on the good side of companies.

4. You need to reach out to dozens of signing and title companies. It is not uncommon to get on the list of 200 companies.

5. You need to keep in touch with these companies too.

6. Please understand that companies have their favorite Notaries in each area, and when their favorite Notary loses their good graces with the company, they might need someone new. Companies do not like the idea of hiring someone new, especially if that person lacks experience and knowledge. So, you have to be willing to help them in a jam and jump when they say jump. If you do a good job and are nice, perhaps they will use you again. Try to think of how the hiring party thinks.

There are many articles to read on our blog. Here are the ones or the strings we recommend to newer Notaries.

Notary Marketing 102

What is your monthly marketing plan?

Which directories get the high paying signings?

How to write a notes section if you are a beginner

Articles about Marketing related topics on our Blog (string)

Articles Specific to Marketing on our Blog (string)

Common Complaints we get about Notaries — read this so your marketing efforts don’t get sabotaged by bad work.



December 16, 2018

Beginner Notaries 103 — What beginners need to know

Filed under: Popular on Twitter,Technical & Legal — admin @ 12:44 pm

Return to Table of Contents – Beginner Notaries 103

As a beginner Notary, there is a lot you need to know. Many things that experienced Notaries take for granted might take you a year or two to find out. Here are some quick pointers that might be valuable.

1. Your Listing’s Performance.
Listings on 123notary for new Notaries can give you miracle performance. However, no matter how much you pay for a listing on 123notary, the listing will not perform well unless you have a good notes section, reviews, and it helps a lot if you are 123notary certified (especially for newer Notaries.)

2. Your Profile’s Notes Section
Listings that lack a good notes section typically get ignored as that is the first piece of information that companies look for when they are hiring. If your notes are blank, short, or incomplete, your incoming phone log from companies will be equally blank. People want to get a sense of who you are, your professional background, and your skills before they invest in a phone call. Additionally, notes sections with spelling or grammar mistakes will be a huge issue for title companies who will bypass you if they have any cause for concern. 123notary’s blog has an entire section on how to write a great notes section with dozens of unique articles.

3. Notary Reviews
Reviews are your ticket to success. Never mind how great you say you are, talk is cheap if you are complimenting yourself. But, what your customers, especially title companies say about you really matters to those thinking of hiring you. 123notary has many articles about how to get reviews, so I suggest becoming an expert on the topic.

4. Reading Suggestions
Notaries should ideally read Notary blogs, forums, visit the NNA & 123notary Facebook groups (but not the private groups), newsletters, courses, handbooks, and anything else that could be considered helpful. Getting Notary advice from semi-unemployed Notaries who frequent Facebook is a very poor idea. Get your official Notary advice only from your state Notary division and no other source otherwise you might be very sorry.

Smart Notaries and dumb notaries alike realize that they need to spend time reading to keep up. Smart Notaries get courses from helpful companies and improve their skill sets. Smart Notaries also read what other Notaries say about various signing companies as some signing companies are not the best bet to work for. Dumb Notaries spend their time gossiping with other disgruntled Notaries on various private Facebook groups that generally engage in a lot of complaining and bashing. These dumb Notaries are also dumb enough to get Notary advice from Notaries on these groups who don’t know what they are doing. It is a perfect example of what Jesus said about the blind leading the blind. Get your notary advice from your state notary division. If you get any notary advice from any other source, cross check it with your state. We teach general notary concepts here at 123notary, but we cannot say with any certainty of our principles apply to your state.

5. Experience Counts
Signing and especially Title companies typically do not want to hire someone with less than two years of experience unless they are confident about that person’s knowledge. If you have an escrow background or are certified by 123notary, that will help compensate for your lack of experience. Knowing your documents inside out will help as well which would be a side effect of our certification.

6. Low-Ball Signing Companies
Companies that hire newer signing agents are generally not fun to work for. They require fax backs, micromanage, pay poorly and might nag you a lot. They have to, otherwise they would not be able to hire beginners and provide a high level of accuracy to their clients. So, expect to be treated like a child. Once you get some experience under your belt, you might be able to start accumulating title company clients little by little. On our blog we publish a list of companies that will hire beginners. You should talk to every company on that list.

7. Getting Title Company Work
Migrating from signing companies to working for title companies (who usually pay more, but how much more depends on how the industry is doing) is something people do as they gain experience, knowledge and skill. However, most Notaries cannot work purely for title companies after two years. It sometimes takes many more years before all of your clients are high paying wonderful clients who you love working for. So, there will be a lot of paying your dues.

8. Notary Etiquette
Most Notaries do not have good phone answering skills, nor do they have good communication skills. Having good Notary etiquette and good business skills can help you succeed. If your business skills are not completely up to par, it might be good to read our articles about etiquette and brush up. Answering the phone stating your name is a first. Answering questions the way they were asked without rambling on and on matters too. Accepting instruction from others and not engaging in bragging or whining matters a lot as well. Good etiquette will make you popular with all parties.

9. Notary Education
All Notaries need to study up and be experts at their state’s notary laws. But, knowing how to handle situations, and knowing your documents matters just as much. Reading blogs is a good way to keep informed, but there is no substitute for taking actual classes. For newer Notaries, passing our certification test is a great way to gain credibility as well.

10. Risks and Liability
It is risky being a Notary. 15% of our long term full-time Notaries have been to court at least once generally as a witness. A few Notaries even get sued or end up in legal trouble that can cost them big bucks. It behooves you to keep good records and follow Notary law to a T. Understanding Notary law is not enough. You need to know how to explain to clients what you can and cannot do as well as explain to a judge why you did what you did in a particular situation. One lady turned down a Notarization on correct grounds, got sued and lost because she could not communicate clearly to the judge what her reason was for declining the notarization. You also need to have direct communication with all signers and make sure people are aware of what they are signing, particularly if they are elderly. The Notary does not need to understand the documents, but the signers do, otherwise you might end up in court.

11. Your Attitude
Most Notaries have the attitude that they already know it all and there is nothing more that they need to know. Those who are NNA certified think of themselves as blessings to the industry. The fact is that those who have passed NNA’s test typically get very poor grades on our test. There is always more to learn in this business. It is best to stay open, assume that you do not know everything, and accept criticism from those in hiring capacities or those who run Notary agencies (like me.) You will be more popular with all parties involved if you are open to suggestion and take guidance from those who are a lot more experienced and knowledgeable than you are.

12. Advertising on 123notary.
Companies that pay well love 123notary. However, they typically only hire from the top of the list. If you are not in the top three or top five, you will probably only hear from companies that don’t pay that well. Top spots are not always available, so what should you do? Get the best spot you can, and then try to pass our certification, write a good notes section, and keep getting reviews. That way if a better spot opens up, I will be likely to give it to you rather than someone else. I give open spots to the most qualified member downline, so while you are waiting, try to work on your merit, so that you get the promotion!

13. Marketing Plan
Do you have a marketing plan? Many Notaries just wing it. That is not advisable. We suggest having a definitive, well thought out written plan. You can discuss that plan with others too for suggestions.

14. 123notary is here to help.
Smart Notaries come to us with questions, or ask for help with their notes section. We are here as a resource and much of our help is completely free. Dumb Notaries complain that we scrutinize them to maintain our standards, but smart Notaries take advantage of our free assistance. In the long run, which type of Notary do you think gets ahead?

15. Researching Signing Companies
Not all signing companies are good bets to work for. Read about them in the various forums to get more info. Additionally, Notary Rotary has something called Signing Central where you can look up ratings for the various signing companies. 123notary has a list of signing companies with reviews.

Good luck, and I hope you enjoy this short course.


November 20, 2018

123notary’s Index of Popular Notary Articles

I am not sure how this is going to go, because there are more than a thousand articles on our site. So, wish me luck and I hope this post is valuable.

Beginner Notaries 103 Course –
Notary Etiquette 104 –

Journals —
Certificates —
Notary Acts —
General Notary Information —
Documents —
Law Suits & Legal Risks –
Credible Witnesses –
Index of posts about Power of Attorney –

Notary Marketing 102 Course –
Index of Marketing Posts –
Snapdocs Compilation –
Phone Etiquette –
Compilation of certification posts –
10 rules for negotiating fees –
How to write a notes section if you are a beginner –

Find a Notary –
Posts about fraud –

String of guest blogs –
Compilation of guest blogs –

Best comedy articles 2010 to 2014 –
Stories on the blog –
Posts about Notary & Politics –
Compilation of mafia related posts –
Best Virtual Comedy Posts to 2018 –
Notary Restaurant Post Compilation –
Notary Dating & Romance –
Compilation of Notary Sit-Com Episodes –

Best blog posts since 2010 –
Posts about 123notary –

12 questions to ask for hospital notarizations –
How to make more as a signing agent –
Notary Public general info –
How to negotiate signing fees like a pro! –
When to refuse a notarization – a comprehensive guide –
10 things a notary can do to screw up a notarization –
A comprehensive guide to notary organizations –
A comprehensive guide to notary pricing –
123notary’s comprehensive guide to getting reviews –
Everything you need to know about writing a great notes section –
10 tight points on loose certificates –
Notary journals from A to Z –
Notary Seal information from A to Z –
Signing Agent best practice 63 points –
Borrower Etiquette from A to Z –
Backdating from A to Z –
Mobile Offices from A to Z –

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