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September 9, 2018

Index of posts about Notary Certificates

Here is a quick index of our posts about notary certificates. I hope it is useful. They are in order of how useful the posts are rather than chronological order.

Notary Public 101 — certificates

10 tight points on loose certificates

Do you notarize loose certificates as a Notary?

What is a venue in a Notary certificate?

What forms should a Notary keep in his/her bag?

Optional information in acknowledgment certificates

Sending loose certificates in the mail is illegal.

Notary Certificate Wording section by section

Signing Agent Best Practices 63 Points

Notary Certificates, Wording & Notary Verbiage

Make your own Notary certificate forms.

Notary Acknowledgment Wording

Can you send a loose acknowledgment, you should hear the answers

Marcy Attaches a certificate (educational comedy)


October 12, 2017

Notary Public 101 — Certificates

Return to table of contents for Notary Public 101.

You might also like: 10 tight points on loose certificates.



There are certificates for various types of Notary acts. Acknowledgments, Jurats, Proofs of Execution. Some states even have certificates for Oaths and Affirmations. Let’s focus on Acknowledgment Certificates for now.

There are various parts of an Acknowledgment form.

(1) The venue. The venue is normally on the upper part of a certificate. In California now there is some verbiage in a box that I am not trained in. But, above the boiler plate wording there is a venue which documents the county and state. Is a venue the county where you did a transaction or two lines of information in a form? Both! However, the documentation of the venue is the one in the certificate and it is informally called the venue and not the documentation of the venue.

(2) The date. The date is a field the Notary is often held responsible to fill in. The date falls into the area of the boiler-plate wording of the form which is standardized wording from your state or perhaps another state.

(3) The names of the signers. As a Notary, you need to input the names of the signers or affiants into the Notary certificate if required. Sometimes it doesn’t make it clear whose name goes in the form. If it says, “Subscribed and sworn to before me by,” then after the “by” put the name of the affiant or signer otherwise you will ruin the form.

(4) The name of the Notary. The name of the Notary once again is entered into the boiler-plate wording area.

(5) Pronouns, singulars and plurals. Each state has a different wording for Notary certificates for each act. However, it is common and typical to have some sort of Notary verbiage that includes he/she/they executed the instrument, his/her/their signature(s), or his/her/their authorized capacity(ies). The critical thing here is to cross out the incorrect words and leave the correct wording. If you do a notarization for John, then cross out the her and their and the (s) assuming John only signed once. If you do a signing for Bruce Jenner then use a special form called the T-acknowledgment which says he/she/it’s complicated/they

(6) Testimonium Clause. Where it says “witness my hand and official seal,” that is called the testimonium clause. Below the boiler plate wording is the signature area where you sign and then affix your notarial seal. And by the way, “Locus Sigilli” means the location of the seal.



Making any change on a Notary certificate is messy in my opinion. You can consider crossing out and initialing wrong information. Remember that ONLY the Notary can initial or write on the certificate forms and the signer cannot touch it. However, it is cleaner to create a new certificate using an Acknowledgment that you get from a pad that you keep your Notary bag. That way you can start all over, fill the form out correctly and then staple it to the document in question.



If you notarize a document that either does not have acceptable Notary wording or doesn’t have any Notary wording (or wrong information on the form) then you might want to add a loose certificate from your pad of certificates that you purchased from the NNA (recommended). Additionally, if there is no room for your seal in some pre-existing Notary verbiage, you might be forced to add a certificate for logistical reasons.

You might also like this blog article:
Sending loose certificates in the mail is generally illegal!

If you add a loose certificate, the certificate must be filled out thoroughly. This means that in addition to the legally required verbiage, you fill out the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section. The additional information section includes:

Document name — if you don’t put the name of the document on your loose certificate, it might be unstapled and added to a wrong document by accident or on purposes.

Document date — if you don’t put the document date, your certificate might be added to a different document with the same name by accident or fraudulently.

Number of Pages — if you put nine pages, then it will be hard for a fraud to swap the certificate and put it on a similar document with eight pages.

Other Signers — You can name the other signers on the document.

Capacities — California no longer allows this, but you can mention if any of the signers are signing as Attorney in Fact or some other capacity.



Cautious Notaries often use an embosser when notarizing. You can use an inked seal and also a non-ink embosser that leaves a raised seal. If someone photo copies your certificates, the embossed impression will not show up in the photocopy. Additionally, you can emboss each page of a document to discourage page swapping.



If there is a disagreement between a Title company involved in a transaction and a Notary regarding what venue or information goes in an Acknowledgment or Jurat certificate, the Notary has absolute authority. The Notary may ask for the Title company’s preference if there are two legal ways of doing something such as crossing out and initialing vs. adding on a loose certificate if there is an error. However, it is the Notary who is legally responsible for filling out the form and it is the Notary who will end up in court if there is a problem.



If the Notary does not know what to do when filling in forms or notarizing, do NOT ask the Lender or Title companies as they have a beneficial interest in the transaction AND because they are not experts in the field. The tiel rep might be a Notary, but not necessarily in your state, and not necessarily an informed Notary. Title and Lenders will typically tell you whatever it takes to get the job done whether it is legal, recommendable, safe, or kosher, or not. They don’t care just as long as their loan goes through and YOU, the Notary are the one who gets locked up if you did something illegal just as long as it is your seal on the page.

If you need help with a Notary problem, consult your state’s Notary division as a first resource and the NNA hotline as your next resource. I would be very wary about trusting anyone else.



July 26, 2015

10 tight points on Loose certificates

I have not written about this topic for a long time because I take for granted that Notaries are experts on the topic. In real life, it is possible that many Notaries do not know how what to do with a loose certificate. So, here are the correct steps to take.

(1) Purchase Certificate Pads from the NNA
Why the NNA? In my experience, they are the best source of 1-stop shopping for Notary supplies. They have great journals and pads. You cannot attach a loose certificate if you don’t have one, so keep them in stock and guard them with your life. Your career as a Notary rests on having the correct forms. You need Acknowledgment Forms, Jurat forms, and perhaps Copy Certificate by Document Custodian forms. Make sure the wording is acceptable according to the current laws of your state!

(2) Keep the Pads in your Notary Bag
Having the right forms is no good if you don’t keep them with you. Clients don’t want to hear the old, “I left it at home” routine. It sounds like your dog ate it. We are not in junior high anymore! Keep your law primers, journal, pads, seal, and anything else you need on you at all times and remember to keep your journal and seal under lock and key when not in use!

(3) When to use Loose Acknowledgments
If you need to notarize a document and the document doesn’t have notorial wording, it is time to use a loose certificate! If a document has incorrect notary wording for your state, you need to consult your state laws to see if they will allow out of state wording. Most states will allow out of state wording providing that the wording isn’t substantially different. If the venue or the name of the signer(s) is wrong or has an extra signer, or leaves the name of a signer out — you might want to attach a loose form.

Also See: Do you Notarize loose certificates as a Notary?

(4) Fill Out the Form
Filling out forms is not rocket science, but more than 50% of notaries omit crossing out the he/she/they and the capacity(ies), etc. If Joe signed the document, then cross out the she/they unless you know more about Joe than we do. You might cross ou the (ies) too. Don’t forget to fill out the venue, stamp, and sign the form. If your state doesn’t require a stamp, consider moving to a better state!

(5) If the Glove Don’t Match, you Must Attach!
Certificate forms must be attached to corresponding documents by law in many states. This means by staple, otherwise it will most likely be detached which could lead to a lot of confusion and potentially to law suits. You should also indicate the document name, date and length on the certificate as well as any other pertinent and identifying information about the document just in case the certificate gets separated. Many Title companies detach certificates which is completely illegal, but they don’t care because they are above the law — or think they are — or never got caught — yet…

(6) NEVER Send a Loose Jurat in the Mail
You can go to jail and lose your commission if you send a loose certificate in the mail. Lenders often ask you to just send a loose “Jurat” in the mail if the one you sent is not acceptable for one reason or another. You can request that the original document is sent back to you. That way you can destroy the original Acknowledgment or Jurat and add another one and staple it to the document. If you send a loose one, it could be attached to a different document and used for fraud, and you might end up in court.

(7) Some People Create Their Own
Some notaries who are penny foolish create their own Acknowledgment pads. You could put company branding on it to gain attention for your company. Just make sure you don’t goof as this is a legal document.

(8) Thumbprints?
Most Notaries only put thumbprints in their journals if they thumbprint at all. But, the NNA’s certificates have, or used to have (I’ve been out of the loop for a while) room for thumbprints. It looks more official for really critical documents if you get that extra thumbprint. For documents going overseas, I recommend this as foreigners think you are the best Notary in town if you give thumbprints — and embossing looks really official too!

(9) Two Certificates?
Sometimes you might need to attach multiple certificates for a single document. This is fine. One for his, and one for hers. They might even be notarized at different times. The custodian or recipient of the document might or might not like that, but it is all perfectly legal! You might have a lot of staples if you attach them at different times, but that is how the Notary business works.

(10) Jurats with Oaths
Sometimes if you are administering an Oath on a short statement, you can write the statement right on the Jurat form. In this case, you don’t need to staple the form to a document as the form includes the contents of the document as well as the Notarization. Don’t forget to have them raise their right hands and swear under Oath!

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December 23, 2014

Do you notarize loose certificates as a notary?

… Are we both on the same page here?

Staple it please…
I was reading a discussion on one of the notary forums. They were talking about whether or not you can notarize loose certificates as a notary. The answer is that a notary certificate needs to be either embedded in a document (meaning that the wording is typed in a document below the body of the document,) or attached to the document with a staple.

What is a certificate?
Just to clarify, a notary certificate is a piece of paper with notarial wording on it. It might be an Acknowledgment Certificate or a Jurat. There are other types too such as Copy Certification by Document Custodian in California and other particular states. These certificates are commonly referred to as Jurats, although they are technically not necessarily Jurats as most of them are Acknowledgments.

What can happen if you don’t?
A loose certificate can easily be attached to a different document by accident or on purpose. Imagine that you notarize a Power of Attorney for someone who had several powers of attorney notaries. The wrong certificate could be added to a different Power of Attorney. In a more serious case, they might be attached to a document signed by a completely different person. Such a mistake can be easily caught, but imagine the trouble that might ensue if nobody saw the mistake!

Additional notes & thumbprints are prudent
Just to be on the safe side, it is prudent to put additional information in the certificate such as how many pages the document has, the document name and document date (if any; and which might differ from the signature date,) the capacity of the signer (not allowed to be verified by the notary in particular states,) and more! Some certificate forms even allow a designated spot for a thumbprint which I always used for international documents just to keep people out of trouble — and the foreign government workers told my clients that they appreciated the extra effort!

“…. see attached”

Illegal requests
Many companies in the loan signing business will be in a hurry to get a new “Jurat” for a notarized document if the seal was smudgy, or if they needed to have a new version of the document drafted and signed. They will commonly ask you to mail it to them which is completely illegal. You will be pressured to do so or the loan might not fund. Don’t cave into the pressure. It is your job to uphold the law no matter what horrible consequences come to your clients. Ask for the original document back, and then staple the new certificate form to the document and send it back after destroying the original certificate form. There is nothing illegal about doing a second certificate for a legitimately notarized document providing that the initial one isn’t left hanging around! Additionally, you might inform these Title company workers that their request was illegal and if they make any other illegal requests, you will report them to their state’s secretary of state! Maybe better wait until the second offense so you don’t lose the client. But, if you tolerate illegal requests, you will be encouraging the perpetrators to do it to other unsuspecting notaries who might cave in and get themselves in hot water with the state! (gulp)


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10 tight points on loose certificates

Sending loose certificates is illegal!

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

Notary certificates, notary wording & notary verbiage


April 23, 2012

Sending loose certificates is illegal

Sending loose certificates is illegal! 

People who work at Title companies are notorious for breaking the law in so many ways.  Here are some common types of fraud that happen at Title companies daily:
(1) Many will deliberately and shamelessly forge initials when the borrower forgets to initial.  I’m not sure how bad of a crime this is, but I recommend against any type of forgery — no matter what! 
(2) Most will unstaple documents that have been stapled which makes the completed certificate which is attached (a legal requirement), no longer attached (illegal) and hence a loose certificate (gulp). I have had multiple Title companies complain to me that they didn’t like the industrial staples I used since they were so hard to unstaple.  They don’t have a legal right to unstaple those notarized documents because the certificate must stay attached.  Part of the problem with unattaching certificates, is that they could get reattached to some OTHER document creating confusion, havoc, and hence having a document notarized without having it presented to a notary public and going through the procedure and journal entry.
(3) Many will ask a notary to send them a loose certificate if a document needs to be notarized again for some reason. Sometimes the seal was smudgy, or perhaps they needed to replace the document and get a new certificate for the new document with a new date.  If you are a “loose notary” who has a loose interpretation of notary law in your state, you might be breaking the law!
It all starts out with a pad of loose certificates!
You start out with our pad of loose acknowledgment certificates and jurat certificates.  Any serious notary will have this type of pad on hand as if their life depends on it.  Sure, the certificates are loose now, but that is okay, since they haven’t been filled out or stamped yet!  When you notarize a signature(s) on a document(s), you have the signer(s) signer the instrument, and then you have them sign your official journal of notarial acts.  Then, you fill out the certificate wording embedded in the document, or if that boiler plate wording isn’t there, you can add a certificate form which has the identical, or hopefully very similar boiler plate wording.  You fill out the form, cross you s’s, and dot your t’s, etc.  The minute you sign the certificate, and affix your official notary seal, then you may NOT let that certificate out of your site until it is ATTACHED to the corresponding document. It is illegal to unattach a certificate from a document, and very unkosher to unattach the staple for a notarized multipage document. What are your intentions?  Are you going to swap pages after the fact?  I can smell fraud a mile away!
What should you the notary do when asked to send a loose certificate?
It’s easy.  Someone at a Title company says they need a new Jurat certificate for the Affidavit of Domicile you notarized for them a week ago otherwise their loan won’t go through (pressure technique).  They want you to mail the loose certificate to them!  Tell them:
“No problem, just send me the document and the original certificate — I’ll shred the old certificate and add a new one… You can not have two certificates for the same document. The signer already signed the journal for this particular transaction and doesn’t need to sign it again for a certificate which is to be dated the same date they signed the journal.”
And they will say:

“Oh, come on, why does this have to be so difficult. That takes extra time and money.  Why can’t you just (break the law) and send us what we want (and risk your commission and risk being sent to jail or being fined perhaps more than $1000) for our convenience?”
And then you should say:

“If you need notaries to routinely break the law for your pleasure, you should ask your notaries some pre-screening questions.  Ask them if they are willing to break the law on a whim (your whim) and risk their commission and perhaps some jail time for your convenience. Ask them if they mind risking going to jail to save you from having to wait an additional 24 hours for a loose certificate… if they say ‘sure’, then they are the notary for you!”
My concluding advice
Don’t break the law for these rascals. They are not worth it.  You probably won’t get in trouble, but as a notary public, your position in society is to preserve integrity, and to safeguard transactions by making sure that the signer really signed the corresponding document in question.  If certificates get switched on documents due to fraud, or because you didn’t identify the document carefully enough on the certificate, then you are a liability to society and shouldn’t be a notary public. 
As a notary, you should be very sensitive to the fact that if you are notarizing multiple documents for a particular signer, those documents could get mixed up, and the signer could pull a fast one and reattach notary certificates from a document you really did notarize, to another similarly named document that you did not notarize. 
Multi-page documents can be taken apart and pages switched.  Title companies ROUTINELY take apart documents as a matter of standard procedure, and if you don’t emboss every page of everything you notarize, it would be easy for someone to replace page 5 with another similar looking page 5.  Assume that people are dishonest and shady, so that you can protect the virtue and integrity of your work. Document everything to a tee, and don’t give in to pressure to do illegal notary acts even if it means losing a client. You don’t want that client anyway in the long run — trust me!

You might also like:

10 tight points on loose certificates

Signing agent best practices

Notary Certificates, Notary Wording & Notary Verbiage

Make your own certificate forms


November 26, 2011

Notary Certificates, Notary Wording & Notary Verbiage

Notary Certificates,  Notary Verbiage & Notary Wording

Notary terminology is sometimes confusing, so there are a few things to remember.  There are different types of common notarizations.  Acknowledgments and Jurats require certificate wording (notary wording), and Oaths and Affirmations could be purely verbal.  A Jurat requires that an Oath or Affirmation accompany the signing and certificate wording (notary wording, notary verbiage).  An Acknowledgment is purely paperwork in most cases, however, I have seen even an Acknowledged signature have an accompanying Oath.  80% of notarizations are Acknowledged signatures, while roughly 19% are Jurats, and the remaining 1% would be a mixture of other types of less common notary acts.
Acknowledged Signatures
The 2011 & 2012 notary certificate for an acknowledged signature includes a venue (documentation of county & state), the name of the notary, the name of the signer, the fact that the signer appeared before the notary and acknowledged signing a particular document.  The current notary verbiage on this form should include the date of the signing, and the signature and official seal of the notary as well.  The actual notary verbiage differs from state to state.  California notary verbiage is a bit different than Ohio notary verbiage.  Also, Ohio has different types of acknowledgments such as corporate acknowledgments and an attorney in fact acknowledgment.  You should ideally research your state’s notary verbiage to see what it is.  If you visit our find a notary page, there are links to states, and on the state pages, you can find a lot of information about acknowledgments and jurats in those states.  We have detailed information for Florida, Illinois, Michigan, California, Arizona, Ohio, and a few other states as well.
Jurat Signatures
The notary certificate for a jurat signature / oath has changed in many states. It is/was normal to have a venue, and then say, “Subscribed and sworn to before me (name of notary) by (name of signer) on (date).”  Then there would be a signature of the notary, and a place for the official notary seal.  Jurat verbiage also can differ from state to state so please look it up on google. 
Certificate forms.
Notary certificates can be notary wording / notary verbiage that is embedded on the last page of a document, or sometimes within a document if there are intermediary signatures.  If the notarial wording is NOT included, you must add a loose certificate and attach it to the document (by stapling). 
Filling out the forms.
Many notaries don’t understand how to fill out notary wording on certificate forms.  Let’s say a guy named Paul Solomon is the signer.  If the form says,
(note: this is not real Florida notary wording — I am making it up for educational purposes)
In real life, the Florida notary certificate is much simpler than this, but in other states there are cross outs that the notary needs to make. 
State of Florida
County of Brevard
On 8-11-2010 before me John Doe, notary public, the foregoing document was acknowledged before me by Paul Solomon, who acknowledges signing the document in his/her/their capacity(ies).
(notary seal)
In this example, it is the notary’s job to cross out the “her” and “their”, and the “ies” in capacities.  More than half of notarizations that I have seen were done by notaries who omitted to do the cross-outs.

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Notary boiler plate wording

Notary Public 101 – a free notary course

Notary Verbiage & Notary Wording


April 8, 2011

Idaho Acknowledgment Certificates

Here is a sample Idaho Acknowledgment Certificate.

State of Idaho
County of _____________

This record was acknowledged before me on _____________(date) by______________(name[s] of individual[s]).

_________________________ (Signature of notary public)


My commission expires: _________


February 21, 2025

The Legal Implications of Improper Notarization

Filed under: Notary Mistakes — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 4:45 pm

Notarization is a vital process that adds legal credibility to essential documents. However, it can create serious legal and financial problems when done incorrectly. Homeowners and business owners relying on notarized documents should be aware of the legal risks of improper notarization—from document rejection to potential lawsuits. Whether due to negligence or fraud, notarial errors can have lasting consequences.

What Constitutes Improper Notarization?

Improper notarization happens when a notary public fails to follow state regulations, leading to invalid or legally questionable documents. Some common mistakes include:

  • Not verifying the signer’s identity

  • Not requiring the signer’s physical presence

  • Failing to complete the notarial certificate correctly

  • Using an expired or incorrect notary seal

  • Overlooking essential legal requirements like oaths or affirmations

These errors can significantly impact real estate transactions, business contracts, and financial agreements.

Legal Consequences of Improper Notarization

1. Document Rejection and Legal Disputes

One of the most immediate risks is document rejection. Government agencies, banks, and courts may refuse improperly notarized documents, leading to delays and legal disputes.

For example, a real estate deed that lacks proper notarization may prevent the transfer of property ownership. Likewise, incorrectly notarized business contracts can result in legal challenges, forcing parties to renegotiate or restart processes.

2. Financial Losses and Civil Lawsuits

Improper notarization can cause significant financial losses. Suppose an invalid notarized document leads to financial harm. In that case, the affected party may file a lawsuit against the notary, employer, or the party relying on the document. This can result in:

  • Contract disputes – A faulty notarization can render a contract unenforceable, causing financial damage.

  • Loan processing issues – Mortgage and loan agreements may be delayed or voided due to notarial errors.

  • Business liability – Companies using improperly notarized agreements may face lawsuits and financial penalties.

Homeowners and business owners must ensure their documents are properly notarized to avoid unnecessary legal expenses.

3. Notary License Suspension or Revocation

States regulate notarial acts to prevent fraud and misconduct. If a notary is found guilty of improper notarization, they may face disciplinary action, including:

  • Fines and penalties for negligence or misconduct

  • Suspension or revocation of their notary commission

  • Legal liability for damages caused by improper notarization

Business owners employing in-house notaries should invest in certified notary training to ensure compliance with notary laws and avoid costly mistakes.

4. Criminal Charges and Legal Penalties

Notarial fraud—such as forging signatures, notarizing without the signer’s presence, or falsifying certificates—can lead to criminal charges. Depending on the severity of the offense, penalties may include:

  • Heavy fines

  • Misdemeanor or felony charges

  • Potential jail time

If an improperly notarized document facilitates fraud, the notary and any involved parties could face serious legal consequences.

How to Avoid the Legal Risks of Improper Notarization

To prevent these issues, homeowners and business owners should:

  • Verify the notary’s credentials – Ensure the notary is appropriately licensed and current on legal requirements.

  • Understand the process – Be aware of what a notary can and cannot do.

  • Work with professionals – For high-value transactions, consider hiring an experienced notary to minimize errors.

  • Ensure proper training – Business owners with in-house notaries should provide certified notary training to avoid legal risks.

Protect Your Legal Interests

Improper notarization can lead to document rejection, financial losses, and legal consequences. Whether you are a homeowner signing a property agreement or a business owner handling contracts, ensuring proper notarization is critical. Investing in certified notary training can help prevent errors and protect your transactions. Understanding the legal risks of improper notarization ensures that your essential documents hold up in court and safeguard your business and personal interests.


February 7, 2025

Special Considerations for Real Estate Notarizations

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Real estate transactions involve legally binding agreements and high-value assets, making proper notarization essential. Homeowners and business owners must know specific requirements to prevent delays, disputes, or invalid transactions. However, real estate notarization challenges can arise due to identity verification issues, document complexity, and state-specific regulations. Understanding these special considerations will help ensure a smooth and legally compliant process.

1. Verifying Signer Identity Accurately

One of the most critical aspects of real estate notarization is confirming the identity of all signers.

Acceptable Identification Forms

Notaries must verify signers using government-issued photo IDs, such as:

  • Driver’s licenses

  • Passports

  • Military IDs

  • State-issued identification cards

In cases where a signer lacks proper identification, credible witnesses may be required to confirm their identity.

Common Challenges

  • Expired or Damaged IDs: Most states do not allow expired IDs.

  • Name Discrepancies: The name on the document must match the ID exactly to avoid issues.

  • Out-of-State Signers: If a signer is from a different state, the notary must ensure their ID meets state requirements.

2. Ensuring Document Completeness

A notary’s role is not to provide legal advice but to confirm that all documents are correctly executed.

Real Estate Documents That Require Notarization

  • Deeds (Grant, Quitclaim, Warranty Deeds) – Transfer ownership between parties.

  • Mortgage Agreements and Loan Documents – Secure financing for property purchases.

  • Power of Attorney Forms – Authorize someone to act on behalf of the property owner.

Avoiding Common Errors

  • Ensure there are no blank spaces that could be fraudulently filled in later.

  • Verify that all necessary pages are present before notarizing.

  • Confirm that signers know what they are signing to avoid potential fraud claims.

3. Witness Requirements in Real Estate Notarization

Some states require additional witnesses for real estate transactions.

State-Specific Witness Rules

  • Many states require two witnesses for mortgage-related documents.

  • Witnesses must be disinterested parties, meaning they cannot be involved in the transaction.

Failing to provide the necessary witnesses can result in the document’s rejection, delaying the transaction.

4. Handling Remote and Mobile Notarizations

With real estate transactions becoming more digital, remote and mobile notarizations are increasingly common.

Remote Online Notarization (RON)

  • Allows signers to appear before a notary via a secure online platform.

  • Requires state approval and compliance with electronic notarization laws.

  • Not all states permit RON for real estate transactions, so legal verification is essential.

Mobile Notary Services

  • A mobile notary travels to the client’s location, making signings at homes, offices, or hospitals convenient.

  • Scheduling in advance ensures availability, especially for time-sensitive closings.

5. Addressing Signer Capacity and Voluntariness

Signers must be mentally competent and willing participants in the transaction.

Recognizing Signs of Duress

Notaries should be alert for indications that a signer is being pressured, including:

  • Hesitation or nervousness when signing.

  • A third party is attempting to control the process.

  • Signers appear confused or unaware of the document’s content.

If coercion is suspected, the notary must refuse to proceed.

Ensuring Mental Competence

  • Elderly or disabled signers should be able to express an understanding of the transaction.

  • If there are concerns about cognitive ability, consultation with legal or medical professionals may be necessary.

6. Overcoming Real Estate Notarization Challenges in Multi-State Transactions

Real estate deals that involve different states present unique challenges.

Notary Commission Limitations

  • A notary’s commission is valid only within their state.

  • Some states allow reciprocity agreements, permitting out-of-state notarization under specific conditions.

State-Specific Notarial Wording

  • Certain states require unique acknowledgment or jurat wording that differs from standard notarial certificates.

  • Using incorrect verbiage may result in the document’s rejection, causing delays.

Navigating Real Estate Notarization Successfully

Understanding these special considerations helps homeowners and business owners overcome real estate notarization challenges and ensure smooth transactions. Proper identification, document verification, compliance with state laws, and awareness of potential fraud risks are essential for successful real estate notarization.

For those interested in the notary profession, check out how to become a certified notary to learn about qualifications and state-specific requirements.


January 6, 2025

How to Handle Notarizations for International Documents

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 5:17 pm

In an increasingly globalized world, handling international documents is a common need for homeowners and business owners. Whether you’re facilitating property transactions overseas or supporting international business operations, notarizing international documents requires attention to detail and adherence to specific protocols. With the proper notarization of international documents tips, you can streamline the process and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Understanding the Basics of Notarizing International Documents

International notarizations differ from domestic ones due to the involvement of foreign laws and regulations. To navigate this complex area effectively, it’s crucial to understand the key components of the process:

What Makes International Notarizations Different?

Unlike domestic documents, international documents often require additional authentication steps, such as an apostille or legalization, to ensure they will be accepted in a foreign country.

Common Types of International Documents

Documents like powers of attorney, affidavits, business contracts, and real estate agreements often require notarization for international use. Understanding the document’s purpose can guide the notarization process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Handling International Notarizations

1. Verify the Client’s Identity

Proper identification is the cornerstone of any notarization. Ensure the client presents valid, government-issued identification that is compliant with your jurisdiction’s laws. For international documents, double-check that the ID matches the names listed in the document.

2. Confirm the Document’s Purpose and Destination

Ask your client about the document’s purpose and the country where it will be used. This information determines whether additional steps, like obtaining an apostille or consular legalization, are necessary.

3. Familiarize Yourself with Apostilles and Legalization

Some countries are members of the Hague Apostille Convention, simplifying document authentication. Consular legalization may be required if the destination country is not a member. As a notary, you must notarize the document correctly so your client can complete these additional steps.

4. Ensure Proper Document Format

International documents often have specific formatting or language requirements. Advise your clients to confirm with the receiving party that the document meets all necessary criteria. In some cases, a certified translation may be required.

5. Use Proper Notarial Certificates

Make sure the notarial certificate complies with your state’s laws. Check if the receiving country requires additional information or specific language in the certificate for international documents.

6. Record the Transaction in Your Notary Journal

Documenting notarizations in your journal is a best practice, especially for international documents. Record details like the client’s ID, the document type, and the purpose of maintaining a thorough record in case of future inquiries.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Language Barriers

If the document is in a foreign language, ensure you can still perform your duties without compromising your responsibilities as a notary. If needed, use a certified translator.

Incomplete or Incorrect Documents

International documents may sometimes arrive incomplete or incorrectly formatted. Encourage your clients to consult legal or consular experts to address such issues before notarization.

Complex Legal Requirements

Foreign countries may impose additional requirements that are outside a notary’s scope. After notarization, guide your clients toward appropriate legal resources to fulfill these requirements.

Simplify International Notarizations with Expert Guidance

Notarizing international documents can be complex, but the process becomes manageable with proper preparation and attention to detail. By following these notarizing international documents tips, homeowners and business owners can ensure their international transactions proceed smoothly.

For additional insights on handling multi-step notarizations, check out our guide on how to notarize a multi-page document. Understanding and addressing the nuances of international notarizations will help you deliver reliable, professional services.

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