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November 3, 2010

Notary Public – Ohio odd rules

Ohio Notary odd rules and practices

If you are interested in oddities of notary laws in various states, rules for Ohio Notaries can sometimes be odd.  Here are some odd Ohio Notary rules / Ohio Notary Laws.

Here are a few examples.

(1) Signature by X
Many states allow signature by mark where the signer signs with an X. This is generally for very elderly signers who can’t sign their name properly. In California and many other states, two signing witnesses are required for this act. If you are an Ohio Notary, you can use a specially worded acknowledgment called a “Signature by mark acknowledgment”. I think this wording is helpful, because it helps to remind the notary what this odd procedure entails. Notaries do signatures by mark very infrequently and most don’t even know how to do it. The wording is:

State of Ohio
County of __________________

On the ____ day of ____, _______, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared __________, personally known to me or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who made and acknowledged his/her mark on the within instrument in my presence, and in the presence of the two persons indicated below who have signed the within instrument as witnesses, one of whom, ________________________, also wrote the name of the signer by mark near the mark.

Witness my hand and official seal

_____________________ (Seal of Ohio Notary)

(2) Attorney in Fact Acknowledgment
An Ohio notary public can also use the form called an Attorney-in-fact acknowledgment individual. This particular form has he/she, his/her, etc., and is meant for an individual signer, not a duo, or multiple signers.

(3) Corporate Acknowledgment
There is also a corporate acknowledgment that Ohio notaries can use which documents the corporate position of the signer. I inserted the term (capacity), meaning the person’s job title. Here is the official Ohio notary verbiage  / Ohio notary wording:

State of Ohio
County of ____________

On__________, 20__, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared _____________,
personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the instrument as the ___________________ (capacity) of _____________ (name of corporation), a corporation, and acknowledged to me that such a corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws, or a resolution of its board of directors, and that the seal that is affixed to the within instrument is the corporate seal of the said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal.

_________________________ (Seal of Ohio Notary )

(4) The term of office
An Ohio Notary Term of Office is five years. This is roughly the national average for number of years of a notary commission.

(5) An Ohio notary can take depositions
— can transcribe a testimony in a law suit in court.

(6) Credible Witnesses in Ohio
A credible witness can identify a signer for an Ohio Notary. However, no oath is necessary for the credible witness. Many other states require the credible witness to raise their hand and swear under oath to the identity of the signer.

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November 2, 2010

Jail Notary Jobs from A to Z

Have you ever done a jail notary?

Have you ever visited a Jail? Would you be afraid to go to one?
In reality, a jail is a very place place to visit. There are guards everywhere, and the bad guys are behind bars. Notaries make a pretty penny notarizing at jails, in fact some make so much it should be criminal to charge that much! You can charge a lot higher travel fee going to a jail because its a lot more trouble than a regular signing, and few notaries are willing to go. There is also more to know. Jail signings are usually the result of physical or online yellow page advertising, not directories that cater to loan signings ( such as ours ).

Who hires you to do a jail signing?
If you are called to do a Jail signing, it is never the inmate who calls you, but their girlfriend, family member, or attorney. The inmates don’t want to blow their (1) phone call calling a notary – and I don’t blame them. You need to arrange a time and meeting point near the jail where you are sure to be able to spot each other – at the same place at the same time. Its easy to get lost at a jail.

Idenfication for jail-birds
When you get the call, ask them if they have identification for the signer, and if they do, then have them read it to you – including the expiration date, before you book an appointment. If they don’t have ID, don’t use the jail bracelet wristband, thats not acceptable by notary standards. You might be able to use credible witnesses if you can get two of them who have ID that is current – if credible witnesses are allowed in your state. If you can’t get identification, you might be able to do a Jurat which doesn’t require identification in most states. However, California now requires ID for Jurats as well. Unfortunately, most documents such as a power of attorney or grant deed are normally done with an acknowlegment, not a jurat. But, you can attach a Jurat form and hope for the best. A recorded document might not be accepted for recording if its not done with the proper wording, but you never know.

Where do you meet your client for a jail signing?
You have to arrange to meet a stranger at the jail at a certain time. Jails are large confusing places, so it might be better to meet at a well marked street corner. If you meet in a jail, you might not know which part of the jail to meet. Waiting room? Hall to the waiting room? Front dest? Out side the bront door? IN the parking lot? Its easy for two people to be at opposite ends of the same facility or get lost. Make sure the person meeting you has a cell phone and make sure you confirm with them, otherwise you might be making a trip for nothing. Jail notaries are not for the elite of society and blowing off a notary would not ruffle the conscience of most of your potential clients for this type of job.

Logistics at the jail.
Once you are actually at the jail, you meet the client, and then fill out forms with the guards to be granted permission to enter. Make sure you know what cell the inmate is in and that they haven’t been moved. Be prepared to wait – jails have a very different sense of time from the way a busy notaries sees time. Follow the instructions for where to go, and then find a guard to bring the inmate to you once you are there. You will have to pass your journal and forms through slits with help of the guard.

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October 21, 2010

Massachusetts Notary Odd Information

Massachusetts notary odd rules and conditions.

A Massachusetts notary has restrictions about signing loans since Massachusetts is an attorney state. But, many Massachusetts notaries still sign loans. In Georgia, notaries never sign in-state loans in my experience because the rule about non-attorney notaries not being allowed to sign loans is more strictly enforced.

Massachusetts is the only territory in the United States that is a commonwealth, not a state, but we call it a state in any case.

The secretary of the commonwealth does not regulate the activities of Massachusetts notaries. A Massachusetts notary public is regulated by the governor.

Massachusetts notary fees are pitifully low.
A protest for over $500 – the notary can charge a fee off $1.00, or 50 cents for a protest for a lower value. These fees are suitable for the 1800’s, but a modern day notary can not make a living making pennies for their work.

A 50 cent fee for recording a protest is allowed. A fee of 75 cents is allowed for noting the non-acceptance of a non-payment for a bill of exchange. For each notice of non-acceptance or non-payment of a bill of exchange, order, draft, check, or note, given to the party liable for the payment thereof – a fee of 25 cents.

The whole cost of a protest including all notices and record: $2 for amounts $500 or more, or $1.50 for protests under $500. Costs for noting, including recording and notices shall not exceed $1.25.

Interesting witnessing rule
A Massachusetts notary public may ONLY witness documents while physically present in Massachusetts at the time of the notarization.

The Governor recommends:
Common places to look for a Massachusetts notary include city and town halls, courts, banks, law offices, insurance companies, drug stores / pharmacies, and in the phone book. I wish the governmor would also recommend I think that the Massachetts notary materials on state websites were written more than ten years ago.

What is the purpose of the executive order?
Up until the effective date of the Executive Order, there had been no guidance for Massachusetts notaries public about what to do and how to do it. The Executive Order provides that information. In addition, there have been no safeguards in place to help prevent fraud, forgeries, and other misconduct by a small but significant number of notaries. The Executive Order provides notice to notaries as to what behavior constitutes misconduct, and then allows the Governor to remove or decline to re-appoint notaries who are engaging in misconduct.

Which Massachusetts Notary is required to keep a journal?Non-attorney Massachusetts notaries are required to keep a journal. But, shouldn’t the attorneys keep one too? Paralegals are exempt from keeping a journal too. Records are records, and everyone should keep records in my humble opinion.
A Massachusetts notary public who is employed by a bank can…
“Conducting a real estate closing involves the practice of law in Massachusetts. Thus, non-attorney notaries public may not conduct real estate closings. A notary public who is employed by a bank may notarize a document in conjunction with the closing of his or her employer’s real estate loans. Also, a non-attorney notary public who works for a bank may notarize bank documents relating to an equity line of credit or a refinance mortgage, absent other violation of the Executive Order.”.. from the Governor’s website.

Term of office
A Massachusetts notary holds their office for seven years.


Become a New Jersey Notary Public

Become a New Jersey notary public

On our New Jersey notary search page, there is a link to another page to help you become a notary public in New Jersey. Here is some more resource materials with information about Notary rules in NJ. Notaries are appointed to a five year term and must be eighteen or more years old. They would be sworn into office by the county clerk where they reside. Submit your application to the Division of Revenue, Notary Public Unit, PO Box 452, Trenton, NJ 08646. Get expedited service for a $15 additional fee and submit to 33 W. State Street 5th Floor, Trenton, NJ 08608-1214 Attention – Notary Unit.

Here is a link to the New Jersey notary application for a new or renewed commission

Here is a link to information about New Jersey notary fees
Here is a link to the NJ notary manual

Here is some information about apostilles and certifications

Other information
A New Jersey notary public may use one credible witness who is known to the notary and known to the signer. The function of the credible witness is to identify the signer to the NJ notary public.

It is common for New Jersey notaries to have a second commission in New York if they work in New York. They can apply for that through the NY Dept of State in Albany, NY.

It is common for a New Jersey notary public to have a jurat stamp. This facilitates executing jurats as the venue and jurat wording is on the stamp. Many notaries also use a Jurat certificate form which can be attached to the document that is to be notarized.

Another office similar to being a New Jersey notary public is to be a commissioner of deeds. New Hampshire also has this office.

Although its not the duty of a Notary in New Jersey to determine if a document is false, if the notary somehow discovers that a document is false, they should not notarize it.

A New Jersey notary may not advertise in such a way where they would lead the public into thinking they had capabilities exceeding the rights of a notary public in New Jersey.


October 14, 2010

New Hampshire notary public eccentric rules

New Hampshire Notary Public eccentric laws.

A notary public in New Hampshire has different possibilities than a notary in most other states. The rules for a New Hampshire notary are different and its interesting to learn about. New Hampshire notaries can become a justice of the peace, or commissioner of deeds in addition to having normal notary capabilities.

Justice of the peace
Anybody who wishes to apply to become a Justice of the peace must be a resident of New Hampshire and have been a registered voter in New Hampshire for at least 3 years before the date of the application. The applicant must sign a written statement with an accompaning oath as to whether or not they have ever been convicted by a crime that has not been annulled by a court, other than a minor traffic violation. Two justices of the peace and one registered voter of New Hampshire must endorse the application for appointment. The applicant also needs to complete a State Police records check form. There is a $75 fee for a five-year commission.

Become a notary, justice, or commissioner in NH
To become a New Hampshire notary public or New Hampshire justice of the peace or New Hampshire commissioner of deeds, you apply to the Secretary of state’s office — state house, room 204, Concord, NH 03301 or email to

The term of a New Hampshire justice of the peace is five years from the date that the Governer and Council confirms your appointment. The new New Hampshire justice of the peace must sign and take their oath of office in the presence of two Notaries public or justices of the peace, or one notary public and one justice of the peace. Then, the oath must be returned to the secretary of state’s office as soon as possible. The recently appointed New Hampshire justice of the peace should keep their commission in their records. Additionally, an index card must be signed and returned to the superior court of the county in which the person resides.

Justice of the peace – capacities
A New Hampshire Justice of the Peace has some capacities similar to a New Hampshire notary. Both designations allow the officer to do acknowledgments, but do not require an official seal when doing so. However, the state recommends using an official seal when performing duties specific to a New Hampshire Justice of the Peace.

In addition to acknowledgments, a New Hampshire justice of the peace can do all the same acts as a regular New Hampshire notary public such as Oaths, Affirmations, Jurats, Depositions, Copy certifications, and Protests.

The two special acts that a justice of the peace can do that notaries in most states can not do are: officially witnessing signatures and performing marriages. Florida notaries can also perform marriages with a special designation.

New Hampshire Commissioner of deeds
The powers of a New Hampshire commissioner of deeds are actually less than those of a New Hampshire notary or justice of the peace. The commissioner of deeds can administer oaths BOTH IN AND OUT OF New Hampshire, for documents that will be used in New Hampshire. They can take depositiosn and affidavits, plus acknowledgments. However, the NH Secretary of State’s website gives no accounting of whether they can do Jurats, Protests, Copy certifications, or other typical New Hampshire notary acts.

New Hampshire notary public application
If you are at least 18, and a resident of NH, you can apply to the secretary of state in NH to become a New Hampshire notary public. There is a $75 fee, and the commission is good for five years. Please visit for more details.


September 7, 2010

Everything you need to know about journals

Everything you need to know about notary journals.
Not all states require a journal of official notary acts. However, it is wise for notaries to keep a journal, as it is a record of all notary acts that they have ever done. A notary journal is a bound and sequential book containing records of all notary acts done by a particular notary. If a notary completes all the entry of a particular journal, they can start a second journal.

What goes in a journal entry?
(1) The date and time of the notarization
(2) Type of notarization
(3) Name of the document and document date (if there is one ),
(4) Name and address of the signer
(5) Type of identification ( personally known to the notary, credible witnesses, or ID document )
(6) State/Country, Serial #, and expiration date of the ID.
(7) Additional notes
(8) Signature of the signer
(9) Thumbprint of the signer
(10) Notary fee charged (if any)

The additional notes section is a part of the journal not understood by many notaries.
If credible witnesses are used, their signatures and ID’s should be recorded in the additional notes section.
If any unusual situations arise during the notarization, or there is anything unusual about the signer or the venue, that should be documented in the additional notes section. If travel fees are charged, that too can be documented in the additional notes section.

Journal thumbprints
Not all states require journal thumbprints. However, documents effecting real estate or large amounts of money should have a journal thumbprint accompany their notarization. A thumbprint is the only absolute way to identify a signer if fraud is suspected. ID cards and signatures can be forged, but a person’s thumbprint is unique to that individual. If a notarization is ever investigated due to suspicion as to the identity of the signer, a thumbprint can end the investigation cold in its tracks and possibly save the notary from having to appear in court.

Lock and key
The notary must keep their journal under lock and key. Bosses, co-workers, family members, and strangers alike are not allowed to inspect the notary journal without the presence of the notary. They are not allowed to do notarizations with the notary’s seal and journal under any circumstances.

Lost, stolen, or damaged journals
If your journal gets lost, stolen or damaged, contact your state’s notary division immediately and let them know what happened in writing.

What do you do with your journal when your commission is over?
If you don’t renew your commission, ask your state notary division what to do with your journal. It is most likely that they will need to be submitted to your county recorder’s office.

Where do I purchase a journal?
Notary journals can be purchased from the NNA, or from many other vendors on the internet. Some local office supply stores might have journals too, although that is not a predictable place to buy journals unless you are sure they have them.

How many journal entries do I create?
If one signer signs one document, create one journal entry. If one signer signs two notarized documents, that would necessitate two journal entries. If three signers each sign two notarized documents, thats six journal entries, all of which need to be signed by the corresponding signer.

Where do I keep my journal when I’m not using it?
Keep it under lock and key. You can have a notary carry all bag with a mini-lock, or keep it locked in a desk drawer to which only you have the key. Nobody else should ever be able to access your journal

What if someone has an inquiry about a particular journal entry?
Just ask them what the date of the notarization was and the name of the signer, and look it up in your journal. If you have several journals in your archives, you may have to go through your archives. You can make a copy of the journal entry and send it to the person making the inquiry, but hide information pertaining to notarizations of other individuals on that same page.

(1) A journal entry must include: time & date, type of notarization, doc name, name & address of signer…
(2) Journals must be kept under lock & key and returned to the county clerk at the end of your commission.
(3) Learn the finer points of journal entries: where credible witnesses sign, thumbprints & notes.
(4) Everything you need to know about journals, but were afraid to ask.

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March 28, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:44 am


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Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:46 am


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Everything you need to know about advertising

(4) Getting paid, the ins and outs
Do you background check the companies that call you? You should! #backgroundcheck #notary

(5) Saving money on toner, paper, E&O and more! #insurance #notaries

(6) The art of confirming the signing & going over the numbers

Confirming the signing

#mortgage #notary

(7) I’m a #notary, but what do I do now?
What to do when your training wasn’t enough!
#notarize #notarization

(8) Typical things #notaries do wrong!

Typical things notaries do wrong

#notarizing #notarized #notarization

(9) Funniest things that happen to signing agents!

Funniest things that happen to Signing Agents

#notary #notarized #notarization
#notaries #mortgage

(10) #Notary #Business Cards

Business Cards

#advertising #marketing

(11) Pricing formulas for #notary work
What to charge for a basic signing + edocs

Pricing formulas for mobile notary work

#notarize #mortgage

(12) Hospital #notary job tips from A to Z

Hospital notary job tips from A to Z


(13) Everything you need to know about #notary journals

Everything you need to know about journals

#notarypublic #notarizing #notarized

(14) #Advertising strategies for mobile #notaries #startup #notary

(15) Stories of notaries that fail and what they did wrong!

Stories of notaries that fail and what they did wrong.

#notary #notarization

(16) Typical things #notaries do wrong!
#notary #mortgage

(17) Which signing agents are getting the work on 123notary?
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(18) Credible Witnesses: When ID & docs have different names!

CW’s When ID and Docs Have Different Names

#mortgage #notary #witness

(19) 12 points on e-notarizations

12 Points On e-Notarizations

#enotary #enotarization #notary

(20) Just say no #2
When to say no as a #notary when given illegal requests!

Just Say No Article #2

(21) e-notarization & e-signing definitions

e-notarization definition

#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(22) How to make your notary crazy!
#notarization #notarized #notarizing

(23) Everything you need to know about signature by X

Signature By X

#notary #notarizing #notarized

(24) What are notaries saying about E&O insurance?
#insurance #lawsuits #notary

(25) Notaries in the crisis
#notary #notarization

(26) Loan Modifications, what you need to know!
Should you claim you “represent” the company? Is it legal?

(27) Jail notary jobs from A to Z

Jail Notary Jobs from A to Z

#notarization #notarized

(28) Should I take the call?
Do you answer your phone when you are at a signing?

(29) Just say no #3
When to decline illegal notary requests

Notary Public: Just Say No #3


(30) Your old vital records are often useless!
#notary #notarizing #birthcertificate

(31) Names on notary listings
#notary #mortgage #notarizing

(32) Notary etiquette from A to Z

Notary Etiquette from A to Z

#notarized #notarization

(33) Best older discussions on our notary forum!
#notarization #mortgage

(34) Meeting #notary clients at a jail!

Meeting Clients at a Jail

#notarization #notarized #prison

(35) Reverse Mortgages General Information
#mortgage #realestate #notary #notarize

(36) Pets at signings!
#notary #notarization #mortgage


(1) A tale of four notaries in hospitals
Different approaches to typical problems

A tale of four notaries in hospitals


(2) Just say no #4
What if someone wants to use your notary seal?

(3) Credible witnesses from A to Z

Credible Witnesses from A to Z

#notary #mortgage

(4) Networking with notaries
#notary #notarization #smallbiz

(5) Interesting and uncommon #notary acts
Ever heard of a Marine Protest?

Interesting and uncommon notary acts

#jurat #notarization

(6) Things that get notaries complaints
Rudeness & not showing up top the list

Things that get notaries complaints

(7) What to say and what not to say as a signing agent

What to say and what not to say.

#etiquette #notary

(8) One lady kept me waiting 45 minutes and then asked me, “Do you like your job?”

Do you like your job?

#hospital #notary

(9) Dragging the person’s arm
A tale about a #notary hospital signing gone wrong!

Dragging the person’s arm


(10) How to lose half of your #notary clients while on #vacation!

Going on vacation?

(11) Pricing formulas and time spent for notary signing agents!

Pricing Formulas & Time Spent

#mortgage #realestate #notarization

(12) Don’t park in the driveway
A guide to parking #etiquette for notaries

Don’t park in the driveway?

(13) Mobile Offices from A to Z

Mobile Offices from A to Z

#notary #notarization #notarized

(14) Price fixing, what is it really all about?
#notaryfee #notarizing #mortgage

(15) Sticky situations for notaries from A to Z
#notary #notarized

(16) Immigration documents for a large family
#notary #legal #notarization

(17) Low ball signing companies

Low Ball Signing Companies

#mortgage #realestate

(18) The check is in the mail?
Dealing with signing companies who pay late or not at all.

(19) Protect yourself from shoddy #notarizations

(20) Seal #forgery, it happened to me

Seal Forgery – it happened to me!

#notary #notarized

(21) Leave a few spaces open in your journal?

Leave a few spaces open in your journal?

#notary #fraud

(22) The story of
It was late on a Friday night in 1999….

The Story of

#notary #notarypublic

(23) A few testimonials about

A few testimonials on 123notary

#notary #mortgage

(24) Pricing for notary work: different strokes for different folks

Pricing for notary work: different strokes for different folks

#notaryfee #notaryprice

(25) Notarizing a kidnapper

Notarizing a kidnapper

#notarization #notary

(26) Notarizing a potential scam!
Fingerprints kept me out of court!
#notary #fraud

(27) Notarizing an arsonist who blew his fingers off!

Notarizing an arsonist who blew his fingers off

#notary #notarized #notarization #jail

(28) Kidnapping case #2, the convict refused to sign!
#notary #notarization

(29) Just say no #5
Were you asked to skip the thumbprint? Think again!
#notary #notarization

(30) Same document different day!

(31) NNA certified signers who failed our test
Many couldn’t answer simple questions without a long pause

NNA Certified Signers who failed our test!

(32) Notarizing with fluffy the cat!
#notarization #notary

(33) The notary and the asylum
#notarized #notarizing

(34) Notarizing two sex offenders
#notary #notaryjob

(35) Notary witness information
#notarizgion #witnessing

(36) Fax backs are a pain

Fax Backs are a Pain!

#mortgage #notary #notarization

(37) Get reviews or perish!
Being listed on 123notary isn’t enough, you need reviews!

(38) A doc-jacker who took a loan hostage!
#mortgage #signingagent #notary

(39) The signing from hell!

The signing from hell

#notary #notarization #mortgage

(40) Notary in Louisiana murdered in home invasion

Notary in Louisiana murdered in home invasion

#notarization #notarize

(41) Tantrums of a borrower
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(42) Phone etiquette examined
#notary #notaries #notarized

(43) Notarization on a movie set!
#notary #notarizing

(44) Call back etiquette examined!
Do you call people back and refused to announce yourself?

(45) Good companies gone bad!
#signingcompanies #notary #mortgage

(46) Answering machine etiquette
#mortgage #notary

(47) Threatening for payment!

Threatening for payment?

#notary #mortgage

(48) Two notaries assigned the same job?

Two notaries assigned the same job?

#mortgage #notary

(49) No shows, ways that notaries get into trouble!
#notary #notarize #notarization

(50) Notarizing someone who did check fraud
#notary #notarization

(51) Excerpts from great notes sections

Excerpts from Great Notes Sections

#notary #advertising

(52) e-signings: faster or shorter than paper signings?
#esigning #enotarization

(53) How many reviews makes the difference?
#notary #marketing

(54) It’s easier to get a review from an individual than a signing company!
#notary #marketing

(55) Erica’s mobile office story

Erica’s Mobile Office Story

#notary #laserprinter #notarization

(56) Notary pushed off stairs by borrower!

Notary is pushed off stairs by borrower!

#notarization #mortgage

(57) Deceptive identities: companies that change their names!

Deceptive Identities – Companies that change their names

#fraud #notary

(58) Notarization in the ‘Hood
#notary #notarization

(59) Notarizing celebrities
#notary #notarization

(60) What goes where in your notes?

What goes WHERE in your notes?

#notary #advertising #marketing

(61) Problems with credible witnesses
#notary #notarization

(62) Can a notary be a witness?

Can a notary be a witness?

#notarization #notarized

(63) My first loan signing
#notary #notarize #notarized #notarization

(64) Fixing botched signings

Fixing Botched Signings

#mortgage #realestate #notary

(65) Best notary suppliers

Best Notary Supplies

#notarization #notarize

(66) Notary Acknowledgment Information
Everything you need to know about this notary act

Notary Acknowledgment Information


(67) Going the extra mile
A guide to standing out as a mobile notary
#notarization #notarized

(68) I was accused of price gouging!
#notary #notarization #mortgage

(69) Can a notary perform a wedding or a marriage?

Can a notary perform a wedding or marriage?

#weddingofficiant #notarize

(70) How do I find a notary public?
#notarization #mortgage #realestate

(71) General Notary Q&A Topics
#notarization #notarized

(72) Notary certificates, Notary wording & Notary verbiage

Notary Certificates, Notary Wording & Notary Verbiage

#notarization #jurat #acknowledgment

(73) Payment terms set by the buyer or seller in notary signings?

Payment terms – set by the Buyer or Seller?

#notary #marketing

(74) How do I get an #Apostille or #Authentication?

How do I get an Apostille or Authentication?

#notary #secretaryofstate

(75) go straight to mobile search to look up signing companies
#mortgage #notary

(76) Make your own notary certificate forms!

Make your own notary certificate forms!

#notarization #legal

(77) Can a notary get in trouble? By doing what?

Can a notary get in trouble?

#notarylaw #notarization #notarized

(78) Pitfalls in the notary loan signing process

The Notary Signing Agent Loan Signing Process & Pitfalls

#notary #mortgage

(79) How do I fill out a notary journal entry?

How do I fill out a Notary Journal Entry?

#notarylaw #notarization

(80) Uses for notaries (other than notarizing)
Process serving, witnessing, inspections, etc.
#notary #notarypublic

(81) Notarizing multi-page documents

Notarizing multi-page documents

#notary #notarized

(82) Thumbprint taking – step by step

Thumbprint Taking – Step by Step

#fingerprinting #notary

(83) Everything a notary needs to know about Power of Attorney signings

Power of Attorney Signings

#legal #legaldocument

(84) Can a notary witness a will or notarize one?

Can a notary witness a will or notarize one?

#witnessing #notarize

(85) Notary journal thumbprints – they can save your neck!

Notary Journal Thumbprints – they can save your neck!

#legal #notarylaw #notarization

(86) Notary procedure for Affidavit of Support documents

Notary Procedure for Affidavit of Support Documents

#legaldocument #legal #notarized

(87) Guns and Pit Bulls at signings!
#mortgage #realestate

(88) Beneficial interest and notary law
If you lose money if the document doesn’t get signed, you have beneficial interest.

(89) Notary pushed off stairs by borrower part 2

Notary pushed off stairs PART 2

#mortgage #notarizing

(90) When is it permissible to use a Credible Witness?
#notary #mortgage #realestate #notarizing

(91) Penalties for notary misdeeds & misconduct!

Penalties for notary misdeeds & misconduct!

#notarylaw #notarization

(92) Is a Living Will or Living Trust the same as a Will?
#powerofattorney #notary #advancedhealthcaredirective

(93) Can a notary help draft documents?

Can a notary help draft documents?

#notarylaw #notarized #legal

(94) Notary’s name on the Settlement Statement?
#loan #mortgage #notarization

(95) Can a notary assist in filling out an I-9?
#notarization #notarize

(96) Scary results when a notary uses our letter from hell to collect from a deadbeat signing co.

Scary results when a notary uses our letter from hell

#collectionletter #mortgage #notarize

(97) Contact info for all notary divisions

Contact information for state notary divisions 2011 & 2012

#notarypublic #secretaryofstate


(1) Can a notary serve bordering states?
#notarylaw #notarypublic

(2) When can I use 2 credible witnesses?
#notarylaw #notarypublic #notarized

(3) Rules for notarizing a bedridden person

Rules for notarizing a bedridden person

#notary #hospital #notarization

(4) Do I need to know English to get notarized?
#notary #notarization #notarizing

(5) How to fix notary mistakes
Most mistakes would be in the journal or certificate area.

How to fix notary mistakes

(6) How to be a thorough mobile notary
#notarization #notarized #notarizing

(7) A New Jersey Notary gets locked in someone’s house!
#notarized #notarization

(8) The husband and the stolen license!
#notary #notarized #mortgage

(9) Borrowers and their filthy homes. A notary gets sick from visiting a house with dangerous bacteria!

Borrowers and their filthy homes

#mortgage #notaries

(10) Backdating from A to Z

Backdating from A to Z

#notary #mortgage #realestate

(11) Here are some things that the rudest notaries on 123notary have done

Rude notaries?

#notary #notarizing

(12) Notary victim of hit and run accident!
#notarization #notarize

(13) Does (name of) signing company pay their notaries?
How do I find out?

(14) Rules for notarizing minors

Rules for Notarizing Minors

#notarylaw #notarypublic #notary

(15) Being ready to jump as a mobile notary public.
Deciding ahead of time when you are going to be available

(16) A list of bad #identification for #notary jobs
#passport #notarization

(17) Which gets the work? Skills or Certification?
#mortgage #notary #notaries

(18) Immigration documents for gay lovers
#affidavitofsupport #legal #notary

(19) What does it really mean to be “certified?”

Certified Signing Agent – what does it mean?

#mortgage #notary

(20) Power of Attorney at a nursing home

Power of Attorney at a nursing home

#hospital #notary

(21) Can a notary notarize a birth certificate?

Can a notary notarize a birth certificate?

#vitalrecord #notarization

(22) Background checking notaries and signing companies
#backgroundscreening #notary

(23) Fraud & Forgery in the Notary Profession

Fraud & Forgery related to the notary profession

#notarize #notarization

(24) Do I notarize every page of a document?

Do I notarize every page of a document?

#notarylaw #legal #notary

(25) How much E&O is normal or practical?
#insurance #notary #notaries

(26) Notarization Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates!

Notarization Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates!

#notarylaw #legal #documents #notary

(27) Electronic #Notary #Journal Information

Electronic Notary Journal Information

#enotary #esigning #notarization

(28) How to get low ballers to stop calling you!
#mortgage #notary

(29) Death and the #Notary
I’ve heard that it is best to get some things done sooner than later…

(30) The signing from heaven

The Signing from Heaven

#mortgage #realestate

(31) Notary dragged into court!
#legal #notarization

(32) Sending loose certificates is #illegal.
Yet this is a very common request!

Sending loose certificates is illegal


(33) Do #notary journals need to be kept under lock and key?

Do notary journals need to be kept under lock and key?

#notarylaw #notarypublic #notarization

(34) Can a notary sign on a different day?

Can a notary sign on a different day?

#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(35) Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box?
If there is a cashier’s check in the package – be careful!

Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box!


(36) Your purpose is NOT to notarize?
#notary #notaries

(37) How much should a notary charge for swearing in a …

How much should a notary charge for swearing in a…

#notaryfee #notary

(38) Where do credible witnesses sign the notary journal book?

Where do credible witnesses sign the notary journal book

#crediblewitness #notarization

(39) 123notary behind the scenes!

123notary behind the scenes

#mortgage #notary #smallbiz

(40) Notarizing your foreign language document

Notarizing your foreign language document!

#notary #notarization

(41) There was a bear blocking us in the driveway!
#mortgage #notary

(42) How many notaries does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
#mortgage #notary

(43) Dr. Jeckle & Dr. Hyde
An emotionally charged signing with people who you thought you knew!
#mortgage #realestate

(44) Which states allow e-notarizations?

Which states allow e-notarizations?

#enotary #enotarization #esigning

(45) 20 stories about animals at signings

20 stories about animals at signings

#mortgage #notary

(46) How many witnesses do you need when signing a Will?
#notary #legal

(47) Got notes?
Tips for writing a great notes section in your 123notary profile!
#mortgage #notary

(48) The technique — for getting notary reviews!
#notary #advertising #marketing

(49) I would need a new notary journal every week!
#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(50) The Attorney General is the place to report bad signing companies!
#mortgage #notary

(51) I got beaten up by Spiderman at a closing!
#mortgage #realestate

(52) Protecting yourself with a contract!
Companies use contracts, why shouldn’t notaries?

Protecting yourself with a contract

(53) Don’t call until the documents are ready?
#mortgage #loan #notary #notarized

(54) An unreasonable client!
Some people just don’t understand how difficult parking can be in NYC!

(55) Do criminals deserve to be notarized?
#notary #notarization

(56) Who answers your phone?
#notary #marketing

(57) The borrower and the fallen book shelf
#mortgage #notary

(58) The chicken & egg: Birth certificate problem solved

The chicken & egg: Birth certificate problem solved

(59) The missing stamp
A story about a forgetful notary!

(60) Notarizing documents for the elderly

Notarizing Documents for the Elderly

#notary #notarization

(61) Borrowers with guns
If the borrowers have them, maybe notaries should too

(62) Ask, but don’t beg for a review?
#notary #marketing

(63) Overseas companies hiring notaries in America
#international #business #notary

(64) Stealing a business name!
A notary was accused of stealing a client’s biz name right before he registered it!

Stealing a Business Name

(65) What are your hours?
Do you have to think for a while to answer this question?

(66) The signer had a dark & dirty energy about him.
#mortgage #notary

(67) Power of Attorney and verifying capacity!

Power of Attorney and Verifying Capacity

#legaldocument #notary

(68) There was a person in the basement
#mortgage #notary

(69) Two crazy situations that lead to non-payment
#mortgage #notary

(70) Can you do the 3rd signing for free?
#mortgage #notary

(71) The dog ate my journal
#notarylaw #legal #notary

(72) Prison signings
Notarizing bank robbers & pornographers

(73) Double booking notary appointments
#notary #scheduling #smallbiz

(74) Attacked by an octogenarian lady with Dimentia!

(75) Over my dead body: a signing that was one person’s last!

(76) How to gain experience as a notary!
#notarizing #mortgage #startup

(77) Hostage situation on the way to a signing!
#notary #notarization

(78) Top 5 books every notary should own (and read)

Top 5 books every notary should own (and read)

(79) 3 notaries walk into a bar
The notaries wanted to ID the bartender.

3 Notaries walk into a bar

(80) The well, Chlorine, and diarrhea!
The pipes had broken and her well water was no longer pure!

(81) “You will be all alone with me”
Attn. women signers: don’t sign for this guy!

(82) Is it safe? Do I need an escort to this notary job?
#notarization #mortgage

(83) What is that god awful smell?
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(84) A notary steals oxicotton from a borrower’s house!
#theft #notarization

(85) Are they crazy? $70 for e-docs with fax backs?
#notary #mortgage #notarization #notarized

(86) They won’t pay me, so whose responsibility is it?
#mortgage #notary

(87) Notary needed, but the signer is in a coma!
#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(88) Borrower etiquette from A to Z

Borrower etiquette from A to Z

#mortgage #notary

(89) The reluctant husband
A story about a signing where the husband wanted to watch TV

(90) When to dump a signing!
We all have to draw the line somewhere

(91) OMG, there was alcohol on her breath
#mortgage #loan #notary

(92) She brought her children to the signing and thought nothing of it!
#mortgage #notary


(1) I saw who, I saw when, I say where!
Signing companies that have too many demands

(2) 12 tips for notaries
How do you get the job done!
#notary #marketing

(3) Time management for notaries
#notary #scheduling

(4) From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!

From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!

#notary #marketing

(5) No street lights
A story about a notary trying to find an address in the dark

(6) Hold harmless: good idea or not?
#notary #notarization #mortgage

(7) Moonshine and catfish at a signing
#notary #notarization

(8) The 1099 was too high!
One notary got the shock of their life when they say their 1099

(9) No place to sit
There was junk all over the place, but not a single chair

(10) Two faced — duplexed
The notary got blamed for the mistake of the lender

Two-Faced… Duplexed

(11) Do you ramble? What do your clients think?
#notary #communication

(12) 2013 analytics: which notaries are getting more business?

2013 analytics: which notaries are getting more business?

#notary #marketing

(13) Which tasks can you do which are worth $1000 per minute?

What tasks can you do which are worth $1000 per minute?

#notary #marketing

(14) Notarizing for an adoption

Notarizing for an adoption

#notary #notarization

(15) The notary called me back to tell me she couldn’t talk
#notaries #communication

(16) Notarizing a child who was abducted
#kidnapping #notary

(17) Identification requirements for being notarized

Identification requirements for being notarized

(18) Vampire notaries: 24 hour service
2 seemingly normal men were at the door…

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(19) Why notaries don’t last

Why Notaries Don’t Last

#notary #notarizing

(20) Signing agent best practices: 63 points

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

#mortgage #realestate #notary

(21) The brothel notary
#notarization #notarized

(22) Bartender notary: a reverse mortgage on the rocks!

Bartender Notary: A reverse mortgage on the rocks!

(23) Do signing reviews get companies to pay?

(24) Feb 2013 Phoninar quick course

2013 Phoninar Quick Course

#mortgage #notary

(25) Why do they lie?
#mortgage #notaries

(26) Top 12 things to do when you are on hold!

Top 12 things to do when you are on hold

#notary #marketing

(27) Sexagenarian’s revenge: Put that lender away!

(28) Signing at a 14-room Victorian house
The notary didn’t have a ghost of a chance

(29) Free printing service: hire a notary on

(30) March Phoninar
When NOT to call the lender

(31) How to write a notes section if you have ho experience

How to write a notes section if you have no experience

(32) The top 1% and the 99% on
Why do particular notaries get more work?

(33) They always accepted this in the past
#mortgage #notary

(34) Meao notary service!
No strings attached, otherwise I’d chase them!

(35) Crayons and dog treats at a signing

Crayons and dog treats at the signing

#mortgage #notary #notarization

(36) Notes sections gone bad
#notary #marketing

(37) Help, I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help!

Help, I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help

#insurance #notary #notarization

(38) When is it legal to notarize a document twice?

Best Practices: When it is legal to notarize a document twice?

#notarization #notary #attorney

(39) What about notaries who work at mail box places?

(40) Are you too factual or too personal in your notary notes section?
#notaries #marketing

(41) Mistakes notaries make with Title Companies that cost them!

Mistakes notaries make w/ Title Companies

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(42) Types of witnesses in the notary profession

Types of witnesses in the notary profession

#legal #mortgage #notarization

(43) A detailed look at the Ninja notary signing agent course!

A detailed look at the NINJA course

#notary #notarycourse

(44) Phone interaction tutorial
What to say and what not to say on the phone if you’re a notary!

Phone interaction tutorial

(45) Personality and expressing your uniqueness in your notes section
#notary #marketing

(46) I now carry a weapon in my car!
#notary #notarization

(47) Swat team notarization
I arrived at the notary job, and guess who was outside the house with guns?

(48) How do I purchase a #notary #bond?
#notarization #notarized

(49) Minimum competency guide to be a signing agent.
ID’s, when to call the LO, communication, more…

Minimum Competency Test Study Guide

(50) Late documents = more money?
#notarypublic #mortgage #loan

(51) Getting what is due: a clever plan!
One notary finds an unusual way to collect!

Getting what is due! A clever plan!

(52) Does Elite Certification help on 123notary?
Is it worth it?
#notary #signingagent

(53) A client tries to blackmail a very seasoned notary
#mortgage #notaries

(54) I am dependable reliable and accurate, yeah right!
#notary #marketing

(55) How to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature

How to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature

#legal #notarylaw #notary

(56) The Starbucks notary wises up after allowing a client to save on travel fee
by coming to him (& keeping him waiting forever)

The Starbucks notary wises up!

(57) How many years is a notary commission good for? (in your state)

How many years is a notary commission good for?

#notarylaw #legal #notarized

(58) Make them do the waiting if they do the driving
#notaryfee #notary

(59) April Phoninar
The legals, Administering Oaths, The APR, Revoked Commissions

(60) Our fees seem to go into other people’s pockets

(61) My date with Jeremy
The date ends being dropped off at a Fedex drop box

My date with Jeremy

(62) What to explain and what not to explain at a loan signing

(63) Is a p#20 really superior to a lower ranked notary?
#notary #123notary

(64) How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?

How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?

#mortgage #mortgageterm #notary

(65) Why do I have to sign with my middle initial?

Why do I have to sign with my middle initial?

#mortgage #notary

(66) A 2am Signing
We all met for a transfer or a car title. But, the buyer had some words to say…

(67) Cross out happy, not a good idea

Cross-out happy; Not a good idea

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(68) The carrot, the stick, the notary and the bag

The carrot, the stick, the notary, and the bag


(69) What is a notary public?
Identification, journals, certificates & more explained!

What is a notary public?

(70) One person, many names, quite legal
#notary #identification

(71) The prepayment penalty
Which document do you look for it first?

(72) Which documents are recorded?
Maybe a few that you never heard of before

(73) Notaries should be setting the fees, not the other way around

We should be setting the fees, not the other way around!

#notary #notaryfee #notariztion #mortgage

(74) The notary and the tragedy
The signer seemed nervous. A few weeks later the boyfriend shot himself.

(75) Clarifying vague claims in your notes section
A step by step guide

Clarifying vague claims in your notes section

(76) Optional information on notary certificates
Why it’s important and how to fill it out

Optional info on Acknowledgment Certificate

(77) The lady and the handwritten will

The lady and the handwritten will

#notary #notarized #notarization

(78) The signer won’t sign the disclosure?
#notary #mortgage #notarization

(79) She ran through the house like a mad woman
A story about a signing gone crazy!

She ran through the house like a mad woman…

(80) Industry standards in the notary business
Cross outs, initialing, unsigned docs, instructions, more.

Industry Standards in the Notary Business

(81) Getting respect as a notary part 2
#notarization #mortgage

(82) A tough act to follow!
Administering a presidential oath of office!

A Tough Act to Follow

(83) Tomorrow’s notary publics
Kids dream of becoming firemen and superheros, but notary publics?

Tomorrow’s Notary Publics

(84) Health care power of attorney
Same as a living will?

(85) Having Emmy’s for notaries!

The Notaries! Having Emmys for Notaries!

#notarized #notarization #notary

(86) Notarizing an ax-murderer in San Ysidro
#notary #notarization

(87) Interview with Jennifer
A mobile notary who started out with a bang!

(88) Interview with a Title company
Learn why those documents sometimes come late!

Interview with a Title Company

(89) Protecting ourselves and our notary commissions

(90) 6 free things 123notary does for its clients

6 FREE things 123notary does for its clients

(91) The power of attorney was rejected by a bank!

The Power of Attorney was rejected by a bank

#legal #notarization

(92) How to get something notarized if you don’t have ID

How to get something notarized if you don’t have ID

#notary #notarization #notarize #identification

(93) A notary was accused of tricking the borrowers

(94) The police wanted to know about e-notary documents
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(95) What is a Jurat?
When is it used and what does it entail?

What is a Jurat?

#notary #notarization

(96) Her magesty’s secret notary service

(97) Do not resuscitate?
If you sign advanced health care directives, you might deal with this issue

(98) Know-taries in Heaven and Hell

(99) Notary fines & penalties
Find out what happens if you overcharge or worse!

Notary Fines & Notary Penalties (gulp)

(100) He took out his gun because he wanted you to stay!
#notary #signing

(101) Types of powers of attorney

Power of Attorney: Types Often Created

#legaldocs #legaldocuments #notary

(102) A notary public cures lying

Notary Public Cures Lying!

#comedy #comedian #notaries

(103) Sign-Feld and the Notary Nazi
#notaries #notarization

(104) Has the notary industry slowed down again?

(105) The Notary, the Mafia, and the Fedex Drop Box.

The Notary, The Mafia & The Fedex Drop Box

#notaries #notarization

(106) The Alaska Notary wanted to get paid in Salmon!

(107) The Anti-Notary

(108) Get your will notarized, in a coma!
#notary #notarization

(109) The Real Estate Agent and the evil girl scouts

(110) How to get notarized
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(111) Notary license to kill
#notaries #notarization

(112) Notary asked NOT to thumbprint?
#legal #notarylaw #notaries

(113) Getting Acupuncture for notorial schlerosis
Repetetive use of your stamp can cause this rare but serious condition

(114) Reasons why notaries won’t lower their fees
#notary #marketing

(115) $10,000 a month on a bad month

$10,000 per month on a bad month

#notary #marketing

(116) Notary accidentally gets arrested for robbing a bank
#notaries #notarization

(117) A great attitude gets the most jobs!

A great attitude gets the most jobs

#notary #notarized #marketing

(118) Companies that hire NEW signers!

Companies that will hire NEW signers!

#mortgage #realestate

(119) Don’t get volume sucker punched as a #notary
#notarization #mortgage

(120) Marijuana at the table during a notary signing!

(121) Notary fines relating to advertising and fraud

(122) How to notarize a copy of a passport

How to Notarize a Copy of a Passport

#notary #notarization

(123) $35,000 a month his first year in business?

He made $35,000 a month his first year in business?

#notary #smallbiz #startup

(124) What makes a mobile notary a mobile notary?

What makes a mobile notary a mobile notary?

#notaries #notarization

(125) The notarization afterlife

(126) A Seinfeld episode about a notary!

A Seinfeld Episode about a Notary

#notaries #comedy #notarization

(127) Can a Resident Alien card or permanent resident card be used for notarization?

Can a resident alien card or permanent resident card be used for being notarized?

#notary #identification

(128) Using expired identification cards.
Is it legal?
#notarypublic #notary #notarization

(129) Cross out and initial

Cross Out and Initial

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(130) Can you notarize someone’s initials?

Can you notarize someone’s initials?

#notarized #notarylaw #legal

(131) The Notary, the Realtor and the half bathroom

(132) Using an automated notary machine at CVS
“Did you say representative?”

(133) Fedex moved the drop box, but where are the contents?

(134) Clever Florida Notary commended by the FBI

(135) Don’t hate the playa, hate the notary game

(136) Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?

Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?


(137) Sworn Oath information
#notarypublic #notarylaw #notaryact

(138) Are you a point and sign notary?
#mortgage #notarization #loandocs

(139) Ahoy mate, I have the docs!
#mortgage #loansigning

(140) Interview with Timios Title

Interview with Timios title

#mortgage #notary

(141) 10 quick changes to your notes that could double your calls!

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

#notary 3marketing

(142) Common mistakes with the 1003, RTC, TIL & APR

Common Mistakes with: 1003, Crossing out, RTC, TIL & APR

#mortgage #notary

(143) First number loses
Don’t bid first when negotiating prices for mobile notary work.

(144) Affidavits, what you need to know!

Affidavits — What do you need to know?

#legaldocuments #jurat #notary

(145) Rich Man Poor Man: #Marketing your notary services to the wealthy

Rich man poor man: Market Yourself to the Wealthy

#notary #notaries

(146) How much can a California Notary charge?

How much can a California Notary Public Charge?

#notaryprice #notaryfee

(147) Notary journals from A to Z

Notary Journals from A to Z

#notarypublic #notaries

(148) Notary seal information from A to Z

Notary Seal Information from A to Z

#notaries #notarypublic

(149) Notarize This!
A satire on a movie about a mafia boss notary and a shrink!

(150) How often do you update your # of signings?

(151) Notary suicide hotline!

Notary Suicide Hotline

#comedy #notaries #notarization

(152) I get paid enough to get something on the value menu at McDonalds.
#notaryfee #settlementstatement

(153) People shopping for notaries want to know the same things as guys looking for a date

(154) Speed notarizing and speed dating
#notary #notaries

(155) Many banks prefer to hire someone who is a notary
#banknotary #notaries

(156) Jeremy loses at Notary Monopoly
#notaries #humor #comedy

(157) A veteran notary interviewed gives advice to new notaries!

Advice to new notaries: Interview with a Veteran Notary

#notarization #notarized

(158) If your boss pays for your notary commission, it still belongs to you!

(159) General vs. specific information in notes sections
#notary #marketing

(160) The man with the golden seal
#notary #notaries #notarization

(161) How to get paid by out of business signing companies!

How to get paid by out of biz signing companies!

#notary #collection #mortgage

2014: Jan to Sept 30th

(1) If your name is everywhere then people will find you
#notary #marketing

(2) When the phone does not ring.
There are marketing & maintenance tasks notaries can do!

(3) No money callers
What to do with people who want to talk, but not pay!

(4) Superman found out he needed a notarized affidavit at the last minute and didn’t know who to turn to.

(5) Affidavit of Support and direct communication with the signer

Affidavit of Support and direct communication with the signer

#notarylaw #legal

(6) You could get sued if you don’t have a business license

You could get sued if you don’t have a business license

#legal #notary

(7) Honey I notarized the kids!
Don’t try this at home

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)


(8) I go over the HUD first
Learn what pro loan signers do!

I go over the HUD-1 first


(9) 10 ways to find the perfect notary!
#notaries #notarized

(10) Can I notarize a Will or a Living Will?

Can a Notary notarize a Will or Living Will?

#legal #notarylaws

(11) Fear of retaliation in the Notary business
Sherry was accused of misusing her notary commission!

(12) Reverse Blackmail at a notary signing

Reverse Blackmail at a Notary Signing

#mortgage #notaries #notarization

(13) A social media site for notaries — affiant

A social media site for Notaries — Affiant

#comedy #notary #notarization

(14) A 2nd date with Jeremy
“We know each other so well, we complete each other’s Jurat verbiage”

A 2nd Date With jeremy

(15) The Notary Olympics
#notaries #comedy #notarization

(16) Notary insults
The customer wanted a quantity discount and ignored the hour Ken spent in transit!

(17) Witnessing the Star’s signatures at Mann’s Chinese Theater
Notarizing VIP’s!

(18) Ken’s list of bad things that notaries do
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(19) The notary who loved me.
1 notary kept calling to see if he needed anything!

(20) Notarizing affidavits of support
#legal #notarylaw #notary

(21) The homeless notary
#notaries #notarization

(22) Get the job specifications
#mortgage #notary

(23) Help, I’m getting married, my husband is in jail, and I need a #notary!

(24) Playing the cancer card after you made a blunder
#notary #mortgage

(25) She learned more from our blog than any course she ever took
#mortgage #notary #notaries

(26) We require notaries to be registered on our approved list

We require notaries to be registered on our approved list

#notary #titlecompany

(27) Welcome to the Notary Hotel
It’s so comfortable, many notaries stay there their entire commission

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(28) Double and Nothing
Offering to do double the work for the same price!

(29) Notary reviews vs. movie reviews
“I didn’t like the ending of the signing — too predictable”

Notary Reviews vs. Movie Reviews

(30) What to write in your notes section

What to Write in Your Notes Section

#notary #marketing

(31) Many of the borrowers say, “That was painless!”
#mortgage #notary

(32) Administering an #Oath to an athiest
#legal #comedy #notary

(33) Who really needs who in the notary business.
Do notaries need signing companies or vice versa?

Who really needs who?

(34) The signing and the mistress
#notary #comedy

(35) – a dating site for notaries!
#socialmedia #notary

(36) Perhaps I should have titled this notary blog “A Recipe for Disaster”.

(37) Most notaries would rather die than go back to the 9-5 routine.

(38) Doing a signing with a gun sitting at the table
#mortgage #notary

(39) The acunotary: an #acupuncturist becomes a #notary!

(40) The flip side of your business card.
Ken’s guide to notary marketing

(41) Notaries who make more than Attorneys
#notary #smallbiz

(42) Witnessing intake forms for Notary Heaven

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

#comedy #notaries

(43) A signing in the freezing rain
#mortgage #notary

(44) Going to a signing with your girlfriend can put the pressure on the signer to get on with it and sign!

(45) How my high school yearbook predicted I’d be a Notary Public

(46) Notarizing a female accessory to murder!
#notary #notarization

(47) If you are a VIP notary, read this!
#notaries #notarization

(48) Dress British, Think Yiddish

Dress British, Think Yiddish

#notary #marketing

(49) Signs you’re a notary workaholic
#notaries #notarization

(50) An easy collection remedy!
#notary #collections

(51) Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?

Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?

(52) Elite signers
Who are these lucky notary customers?

(53) Preparation, the key to notary success
#notaries #notarized

(54) Thank you excuse me, I’m sorry.
A guide to Notarial manners.

Thank You – Excuse Me – I’m Sorry

(55) The 24 hour icon and those who need their sleep
Do you mind being called at 3am?

(56) A Russian lady lists on 123notary and says, “It is terrible, I get called day and night. Make it stop!”

(57) Why do I have to pay when I went to the Title Office?

(58) Unprofitable requests.
How do you figure out which notary jobs are worth it?

(59) Notary Cheers: Sammy gets a name change #notarized

Notary Cheers: Sammy gets a name change form notarized

(60) She was dying of cancer and needed to get #notarized

(61) The Towles Booth — pronounced “Tolls”
Some come to pay a toll, others come for advice

The Towles Booth (pronounced “tolls”)

(62) Should 123notary accept other certifications?

(63) — a dating site for #notaries! — a dating site for notaries!


(64) When you goof as a notary public
#notaries #notarylaw

(65) The customers can tell if you don’t login to your profile on 123notary regularly

(66) If a pizza can get there in 30 minutes, why not a notary?

(67) Poo picking, getting the best notary jobs

Poo Picking – getting the best notary jobs

(68) Signing loans isn’t rocket science!
#notary #notaries #mortgage

(69) Teens forced to get notarized parental consent for STD tests

(70) Did you get chumped in a double booking?

(71) The Seinfeld episode about a Notary

The Seinfeld Episode About a Notary

#notaries #comedy

(72) Two and a half Notaries
What’s the difference between a Notary and a Notary experience?

Two and a half notaries! A Notarization Experience

(73) She took all my business away!
A signing company gets listed on 123notary & gets a monopoly!

(74) I didn’t notarize that!
#notary #notarized #notarization

(75) 123notary can change your county or state in a snap. It’s easy!

(76) An unhappy client pays again (family of Italians)

(77) I’ll stay here all day until I get paid!
A notary went to a signing company and raised hell.

(78) Put up or shut up!
A guide to dealing with Title companies!

(79) New Notary apps that you really need!
Lookup signing co reviews, find cheap gas, road conditions…

New Notary Apps that you really need!

(80) A frustrating four hour signing!

(81) Is this man a Notary?

Is this man a notary?

(82) Signing services take a portion of the notary fee

Signing Services take a portion of the notary fee

(83) Loan signing at a high school reunion

(84) I-9 verification requests for $20?

(85) A closing on my boat!
#notary #notaries #mortgage

(86) Cattle Call Notary Offers
Ken’s rant on how offensive and demeaning this is to notaries

Cattle call Notary offers

(87) Welcome to Notary Jail — don’t drop the embosser!

(88) How to become a successful mobile #notary from scratch!

How to become a successful mobile notary from scratch

#mortgage #notarization

(89) Wanted: Notary Punching Bags

(90) New Notary apps for the iPhone7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(91) Notary Hotel 2:
Even the notepad comes with Jurat wording!

Notary Hotel 2 — the sequel

(92) Become a process server to make additional income!

(93) Don’t die trying when your schedule is tight!
#notary #scheduling

(94) Why can’t a notary host their own late night talk show?
#comedy #notaries

(95) $30 loan signings. Is it even worth it under the best of circumstances?

$30 loan signings. Is it worth it even in the best of circumstances?

() More than half of notaries on are female. So much for the old boys club!


Popular 3rd tweet for blogs

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:45 am

(1) iPhone 7: Smart attorney app sues virtual attorney for claiming he’s actual attorney

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(2) Types of weapons notaries could bring to a signing: large flashlight, ring of keys, gun, etc.

(3) How much money is your life worth to you. Scheduling too tightly could end it!

(4) Most notaries would rather that the phone just didn’t ring

$30 loan signings. Is it worth it even in the best of circumstances?

(5) Most parents in NC overwhelmingly support the idea: adolescents should be able 2obtain confidential medical services.

(6) Cancellations are a real fact of notary life, but double booking can ruin your rep!

(7) 123notary can change your county & state on file in a snap. But, changing your neighboring counties?

(8) A family of Italians needs an Apostille on a POA drafted in Italy. Everything goes wrong. Find out more!

(9) When you scan your work to double check, do you know what to look for?

(10) Your listing is like your front lawn. If you don’t maintain it, people will think nobody’s home.

(11) There’s plenty of fast food, but not enough fast notaries!

(12) Nobody owns you or manages you unless you let them! When it comes to the worst notary jobs, “just say no”

Poo Picking – getting the best notary jobs

(13) Half of the job is knowing how to handle difficult people! #signingagent

(14) Sometimes the worst clients are the very rich, celebrities, public officials, corporate leaders, etc.

(15) I just died, my ID is with my body down there.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(16) Their signing took place at The Notary Hotel & the wife requested a wakeup call after the signing was done.

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(17) As to setting your fee; set a rate that allows you the time to earn Memorable status –

(18) Wondering if a phone # a girl gave you is legit? Get it notarized!

(19) He wanted us to remove a notary. I told him we don’t remove notaries based on one-sided stories

Who really needs who?

(20) When I called the borrowers, the wife picked up and thought I was the mistress! I’m the notary!

(21) She tried all day to find a notary, then gave up and had an ice cream. The guy behind her was a notary!

(22) High class co’s pick the best of the best notaries. If you’re on, you’ve already cleared an important hurdle.

We require notaries to be registered on our approved list

(23) Grow your client network. Do inexpensive work and pass your card out to everyone! #notary

(24) I decided then and there to be the notary monster myself.

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)

(25) One guy met a notary in a bar & said, “I’ll buy you a drink if you stamp my God damn form!”

(26) Live in the present & gain happiness by being indifferent to appointments being cancelled!

(27) Moishe: “The land belongs to Israel.”
Fouzi: “Do you have a notarized Deed to prove it?”

(28) A loan processer 30 year vet didn’t know the technical term for the “date of signing”

Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?

(29) Listing your language skills can help get more clicks on 123notary.

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

(30) If you make over ten grand, you should get both NNA certification and our certification.

(31) Be an upbeat person who gets the job done and doesn’t create obstacles for others.

He made $35,000 a month his first year in business?

(32) Realtor “I need to use the half bathroom”; Notary: “Are you going to do a #half or a number 1?”

(33) Has a signing company ever gotten you to do something for free? Ha ha, you just got played!

(34) Banks have liberalized loan terms, so it is easier to get a loan = more biz for notaries!

(35) The notaries who attract the most work get multiple certifications, reviews, and have great attitudes.

A great attitude gets the most jobs

(36) If Arnold Schwartzenager became a notary public, he would be known as “The Noterator”.

(37) A #Jurat is a notary act requiring the signer 2sign before the notary, swear & be identified.

What is a Jurat?

(38) “We need to get rid of the witness, but I can’t tell the 2 blondes apart”

The Notary, The Mafia & The Fedex Drop Box

(39) “Young man, have you ever thought of becoming a notary public? You just might have the right stuff!”

Tomorrow’s Notary Publics

(40) U must meditate on 1-ness. Unless ur signing is for a husband & wife in which case u need to meditate on 2-ness.

(41) The wife abrupty left the signing table & ran thru the house w/the husband chasing her. What a bunch of nuts!

She ran through the house like a mad woman…

(42) “Does the seal on the embossed oreo cookie have an expiration date?” Jeremy asked.

My date with Jeremy

(43) A quick guide to being a notary including: journals, seals, identification, witnesses, jurats, oaths & more…

What is a notary public?

(44) E&O refused to cover the notary since she didn’t make an error or an omission. It was the Lender’s fault!

Help, I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help

(45) When you wait for a client to show up who’s late, ur held hostage w/o waiting fees or travel fees.

The Starbucks notary wises up!

(46) The ghost of the former owner of this Victorian mansion decided to drop in for the notary signing.

(47) Notaries who get ahead put hard information in their notes, not bragging or unverifiable claims.

How to write a notes section if you have no experience

(48) Want a type of loan where your rate goes down every year? Try a parachute loan!

(49) 3 ways to supersize your notary business that only take a few minutes per day!

What tasks can you do which are worth $1000 per minute?

(50) We found the notary who assisted with the “abduction” paperwork, but she wouldn’t answer my calls!

(51) Wife: “The next thing you will ask for is a blood sample.”
Vampire Notary: “Funny you should mention that.”

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(52) It is illegal to use your seal on a blank piece of paper. Yet jails usually require this! (cross it out)

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

(53) I’m the bartender notary; I talk bar talk. It’s my trademark to serve drinks and make smalltalk before signing.”

Bartender Notary: A reverse mortgage on the rocks!

(54) You don’t need to ID him because he looks old, but you look about 18 Mr. Bartender, so we should ID you!

3 Notaries walk into a bar

(55) The notary later learned that the inmate she notarized was in prison for child pornography.

(56) Many elderly signers feel they are being taken advantage of, and that they have a weakness.

Notarizing Documents for the Elderly

(57) One Texas Notary went to a signing & was greeted by a man pointing a rifle at her.

(58) The (female) notary had this bad feeling that something just wasn’t right.

(59) The lady expected the notary to drive around the block for an hour until she showed up!

(60) California lost 44% of it’s notaries from 2007 to 2012 according to a Census count.

(61) The Lender asked Shelly to notarize someone who wasn’t there & she reported him to the Secretary of State

(62) The Notary forgot that the wife had to sign & then used white out to modify the documents!

California notaries with complaints

(63) If you put a FedEx containing a cashier’s check in a drop box, that is a recipe for disaster!

Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box!

(64) How do you document an Oath that has no accompanying documentation? #Notary #Journal

How much should a notary charge for swearing in a…

(65) The police caught the hit & run driver within 48 hours after the Notary chased them down & got a plate#

(66) Our scary demand letter threatens to report the late paying signing co to the SOS, Attorney General, DA & more!

Scary results when a notary uses our letter from hell

(67) I used to make my own permission to travel for minors form with blanks for dates, names & thumbprints!

Make your own notary certificate forms!

(68) Mortgage terms are surprisingly similar to chiropractic terms. Do you know what an adjustment date is?

(69) 1 day I called 200 people & 1 called me back. When I asked who he was, he told me I should know cuz I called him!

(70) It is common for signing companies to pay on time, but then start paying late the minute they have financial problems.

(71) Many notaries fear bad reviews as dangerous, but the real problem is not having any reviews!

(72) Read real stories about four low-ball signing companies.

Low Ball Signing Companies

(73) The notary profession is easy to get into which means there’ll be lots of low priced competition!

Pricing for notary work: different strokes for different folks

(74) Many notaries just don’t answer their phone or email after a signing which can cause a nightmare.

Things that get notaries complaints

(75) The signer could barely move her arm, so the daughter grabbed it, put a hen in her hand & moved the arm around!

Dragging the person’s arm

(76) You could spend up to $3000 for a really good mobile office. Don’t forget to start w/an inverter!

Mobile Offices from A to Z

(77) Many notaries miss half of their job offers because they refuse to answer the phone during a signing.

(78) Some notaries save time by notarizing before the signer signs! This is illegal!

Notary Public: Just Say No #3

(79) Learn the finer points of journal entries: where credible witnesses sign, thumbprints & notes.

Everything you need to know about journals

(80) One signer asked, “Are you allergic to cats or snakes?” What kind of signing is this going to be?

Funniest things that happen to Signing Agents


State Tweets

Filed under: Popular on Twitter — admin @ 9:58 am

est State Tweets
(C) AL: In Alabama, a probate judge collects $1/notary commission issued. And you thought American Idol Judges raked it in.

(C) AK: There’s no set fee for Acknowledgments for an Alaska Notary & no set term for an Alaska Governor if her name is Sarah

(C) AK: A notary in Anchorage, AK says, “We sign loans in 8 different languages!” That doesn’t count rubbing noses together.

(C) AZ: Arizona Notary: There’s a max mileage fee for notary work set by the state which is really low. Actualmileagemayvary.

(C) An AZ Notary may only charge a small mileage fee: not enough 2make a living. Hence the signs: Will Notarize For Food.

(C) In Arkansas, attestation to a document is an official notary act. As for unofficial notary acts, catch Arkansan Idol.

(A-) CA: How long is a notary commission or term of office good for? It varies from state to state. In California & Florida it is 4 years.

(C) California has more mobile notaries than any other state #notary. If you call stuck in rush hour all day “mobile”.

(C) We helped many California Notaries rewrite their notes sections. We took out all the Hey, Dudes. Nice Makeover

(C) CA notaries must THUMBPRINT signers of POA & Deeds. Their thumbs w/be too dark to notice if hitchiking home!

(C) Personal knowledge of the signer is still acceptable in Delaware. Unless the signer is named “John Doe.”

(C) CO: A Colorado notary was asked to notarize medical marijuana docs. The signer asked, “So, what FORM of payment would you like?”

(C) CO notary law lets a notary charge for making copies. Wish they could make copies of the laughter on 2 ½ Men.

(C) CT notaries are appointed to a 5 year term! $120 application fee.
1 year more than the President.

(A) DC: If you live in Maryland, DC, or Virginia you could become a dual or triple commissioned notary in multiple states!

(A) If you work for the federal gov, you can be a DC notary yet live in ANY state you like! .

(A-) FL: We helped many Florida notary publics rewrite their notes section recently!
Nice makeover!

(C) You can be a dual commissioned notary if you live IN Florida near AL/GA, but not the other way around. Sorry…

(A) FL, CA & TN allow expired drivers licenses as acceptable ID if less than five years after the ISSUE DATE

(C) Non-atty notaries in GA cannot sign loans, but there is big $ in regular notary work! Especially if you’re Beyoncé.

(C) A Hawaii notary public can get a tax deduction for their boating hobby! Then their ship really will come in!

(A-) ID: We have dozens of dual state notary in Idaho & Washington. They get 2x the jobs!

(?++) ID: A Washington State Notary can become an Idaho Notary & vice versa. Make 2x the $ with a dual commission.

(C) IL: An Illinois notary public tells us this story about how her journal saved a man’s home. Keep good records!

(C) IN: You should ideally get a TPL if you want to sign loans in Indiana. Or at least the title: Hoosier.

(B+) IA: Many notaries in Iowa are discussing their Real Estate background at the top of their notary notes.

(A) KS: We have dozens of dual state notary in Kansas & Missouri. They get 2x the jobs!

(?++) We have dozens of dual state notaries in KS & MO. They get 2x the jobs. Finally, multi-tasking that isn’t annoying!

(C) KY: Kentucky notaries can notarize outside of their state providing the documents are recorded in state.

(C) The Louisiana notary exam is the hardest in the nation. Or maybe it seems harder in Louisiana because they’re high.

(C) LA: Many Louisiana notaries can only work within their Parish or reciprocal Parishes

(C) MA: A Massachusetts notary public can NOT do loan signings unless they are a licensed Attorney

(C) MA: There is very little competition among notaries in MA. There are very few traveling notaries there #notarypublic

(C) Maine Notaries can solemnize marriages w/a license. If the in-laws don’t grant their seal of approval, notaries can!

(C) MI: Our Detroit notaries are some of the best QUALIFIED in the nation. Hope they can witness a Detroit resurgence!

(?+) MS: Many Mississippi notaries get dual commissioned in Tennessee too so they can service Memphis! #notarypublic

(?) MD: Maryland Notary Public: You need a Title Producer License to sign loans in this state.

(A) MO: We have dozens of dual state notary in Kansas & Missouri. They get 2x the jobs!

(C) Make a whopping $1 per signature as a Minnesota Notary. That’s a buck more than celebrities get for their autographs!

(C) Many MN notaries are dual commissioned in WI & make extra $ on other side of border. Talk about a borderline killing.

(C) Hire a Montana Notary who is great at performing shotgun weddings & notarizing gun permit applications.
(C) A spaceship landed.
A NM notary asked, “are you going to abduct me?”
“No, but can you LIKE us on Facebook?”

(?) OH: Find a notary who offers happy-hour specials on our Ohio Notary Public search page.
(?) OK: Find a notary in Broken Arrow or Broken Seal on our Oklahoma Notary page. If it ain’t broken, don’t affix it.
(?) OR: Find an Oregon notary who covers strange sounding places like Walla Walla, Tillamook or Madras.
(?) PA: Find a notary near the Liberty Bell in our Pennsylvania notary public search page. It’s all it’s “cracked” up to be!
(?) PA: Find a notary near the Liberty Bell in our Pennsylvania notary public search page. Nothing cheesy but the steaks.
(?) PA: Find “notar-ly like” in the city of brotherly love in our Pennsylvania notary public search page.

(?) Find a notary who services all five counties of Rhode Island & can “musical note-arize” at the Newport Jazz Festival!

(?+) SC: To perform loan signings in SC, MA or GA, you need to be an Attorney, but there is plenty of regular notary public work!

(A-) TN: One Tennessee notary was offered some moonshine at a signing

(?++)Please inform TN notaries: it is bad manners to bring a gun to a signing. Chew on that (with your mouth closed).

(?++) TX: A Texas Notary was offered MOONSHINE at his last signing! He could have witnessed a hangover.

(?) TX: We have several notaries in Texas who claim to cover all 254 counties. #notarypublic

(?) UT: A notary public in Utah can charge no more than the Federal mileage rate as a travel fee

(?) Ben & Jerry’s idea 4new SIGNATURE flavor for notaries:
Notorious ribbon — vanilla sealed w/ dark chocolate ink.

(?) VT: Please ask Ben & Jerry’s to create a new flavor for notaries such as VANILLA VENUE, or Vanilla Almond Affiant

(?) VT: Please ask Ben & Jerry’s to create a new flavor like Rocky Gravel Driveway or Personallly appearing pistachio

(?+) VA: Virginia notaries can notarize outside their state providing the documents are to be recorded in state. #notarypublic

(A-) VA: Many Virginia notaries in Fairfax County choose to be dual commissioned in DC to make extra money

(A-) WA: We have dozens of dual state notary in Oregon & Washington. They get 2x the jobs!

(A-) WA: A Washington State notary can make extra money by getting a dual commission in Idaho and going to Coeur D’alene!

(?) There are so few notaries in WV, if you cover a wide range, you’ll have a monopoly! Then you can buy Marvin Gardens.

(?) WI: Many Wisconsin notaries choose to make 2x the money and get commissioned in Illinois as well

(?) WY: Distances are huge, but there are only a few dozen active mobile notaries Until I had to go & open my big mouth.

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