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September 25, 2019

Will 123notary certification get you more work and is it worth it?

Filed under: Certification & Communication Skills — admin @ 10:34 pm

People think about the financial cost of getting 123notary certified. It is only $67.95 currently. That is not a big investment. Word on the street is that get more work and about $8 more per job if you have our certification. As of 2019, I estimate that you would get about 30% more work by having our certification, and $8 more per signing according to a poll I took.

So, if you were paying a few hundred a year for a top listing, you would get 30% more out of it which might add up to about $100 extra value for advertising each year. The other way to look at it is that you might get several thousand dollars more business each year which you would have no other way to obtain. So are you gaining $100 worth of advertising or thousands in revenue? How should you look at it?

The fact is that the big investment in our certification is not the cost which would pay for itself in days in terms of the extra work you are expected to get. The big investment is time, because in addition to our cert course, we expect you to master Notary Public 101 on our blog which is a long and comprehensive guide to basic Notary procedure. We think you should already know that stuff, but nobody does regardless of what state you are in.

So, the bottom line is that you might need 20 hours of study time, but the $30,000 extra you might make over the next decade is definitely worth your time and makes your time worth $1500 per hour. What else are you doing with your time that is worth $1500 per hour unless you are an assassin. And if my math is wrong, you tell me what the correct math is. After all I am only doing an educated estimate.

You might also have an easier time rising up to a higher spot when one comes available if you have our certification. So there are multiple reasons for getting it but only one for not — laziness and a self defeating attitude. Keep positive — and get our certification today. It is good for life but you do have to pass a phone audit as well as the online test.

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September 8, 2019

The same signing dispatched from two services?

Filed under: General Articles — admin @ 11:01 pm

This is a new one on me. I never heard of this before. A Notary commenting on our blog claims that a job for a loan on a particular address was offered to him by two signing services at very different prices. One was a low-ball, and the other a more reasonable offer.

She says that the signing services are competing against each other. But, this is weird. What if they both dispatch the job at the same time to two Notaries. Or would that not happen because once they input the information into the server that the job would not show up any more?

I don’t know how the system works, but that is weird. It reminds me of what the airlines do where you pay for one airline and find yourself on another. Hmmm.


September 7, 2019

123notary certification getting more popular

Filed under: Certification & Communication Skills — admin @ 11:00 pm

I heard from a blog comment that several… that means not one, but more than one vendors who hire Notaries are now asking for 123notary certification. That means that since I cleaned up our certification and made it up to a higher standard, that more people value it. Maybe one day it will be highly valued — imagine that.

I will keep a positive thought that our standard will be the highest standard in the land and that people will come from far and wide, and pay big bucks to get our certification. You never know, that could become a reality. We’ll find out. But, we are moving the right direction at least for now.

Our certification is for sale in our loan signing course page. We also have courses on the blog. I recommend doing both as they are different.

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August 29, 2019

I get so nervous when you call

Filed under: Certification & Communication Skills,General Articles — admin @ 10:53 pm

One customer said to me, “I get so nervous when you call, I feel like I am going to be quizzed.”

I am sorry that I make people so uncomfortable. I was reading online that alpha males make other people feel uncomfortable and inferior. But, I am only alpha about topics where I know more than others, or think I do. If you guys would become experts in your field rather than to just claim you are, there would be no issues acing my test consistently and no hurt feelings.

But, for those of you who do not like the idea of mastery, why be nervous? If you don’t value knowledge, why be nervous when you don’t have it?

You handle legal paperwork for a living. The financial consequences of screwing up a job are big not to mention the legal damages. It behooves you to know your job inside out. Why is it so difficult to convince everybody of this?

But, on a brighter note, in 2018 I abandoned quizzing people by phone unless they specifically requested it. It was too much drama and was effecting my health. Now I quiz by email mostly and only do a handful of phone quizzes. So no more nervousness when I call. It will be because you forgot to login or renew probably, and not a quiz — unless you requested a quiz.

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August 8, 2019

123notary certification gets you more clicks

Filed under: Certification & Communication Skills — admin @ 9:14 pm

Now that I have done a thorough job of raising the bar, getting people to study more, and retesting people, our certification means more. People who use our site are telling me with their clicks that they are using certified people more than they did two years ago before the clean up.

We had about 1600 people who were 123notary certified. Now the number is down to 100 because we couldn’t get people to study. Certified members are now getting about 25% more clicks than those who are not which translates into realistically about 40% more jobs. Yet our certified members are not paying 40% more.

123notary certified members also average about $8 more per signing. So you get more signings and more money per signing. You win twice, but you only have to study once. The information in the course Notary Public 101 in our blog is valuable and is now based on a lot of practical situations that can get you in trouble. So, study from us, stay out of trouble and impress your clients.

So, if you want more clicks, more calls, more choices, better pay and more work, consider visiting Notary Public 101 on our blog and passing our certification test. Email us for instructions.

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July 1, 2019

Will the next election help our Notary industry?

Filed under: General Articles — admin @ 2:27 am

Disclaimer — this blog was written for entertainment purposes only and we by no means think that Marco Rubio wants to increase red tape in any way shape or form. Those types of statements were made in jest only as it relates to our Notary industry.

Is there a future for the notary industry? It is so slow I ask myself this regularly. I’ve seen ups, and I’ve seen downs. But, this down seems like something that ain’t never gonna end! But, maybe Marco Rubio will help. Maybe he will be our next president. He’s smart, and people tend to like him.

Campaign speech addressing (fictional)
Hi, My name is Marco Rubio, and I am running for the office of President of the United States of America. If I am elected, I will do everything in my power (and perhaps a few things not in my power as well) to ensure that there will be more refinances, reverse mortgages, HELOC, and debt consolidations. Additionally, I will raise requirements on various type of transactions requiring more types of legal documents to be notarized before they can be accepted by their respected custodian. This means more jobs for Notaries Public. The American Notary Public has been suffering financially for years, and I intend to create lots of extra red tape and paperwork for them to benefit from in the form of notary appointments. Remember my fellow Notaries — red tape is a dirty word to some, but to American Notaries, it should be a word of liberation, because your whole career is based on processing of documents that constitute red tape. And to all the audience members out there, I brought you a token of my appreciate of the American Notary Public. I bestow all of thee with… a complimentary mini-roll of red tape with the inscription — Marco Rubio for President. Something for you to remember me by.

In any case, having a new president or an election could create a stir in our waning industry. I wonder what will actually happen. Can I get into a time machine, consult my psychic, or should I just wait and find out?

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June 3, 2019

I’m a high end Notary in a low ball world

Filed under: General Articles — admin @ 11:24 pm

Are you a highbrow Notary in a low-brow world, or a high-end Notary in a low-ball world? join the club. There are lots of Notaries out there with tons of experience who have a lot of trouble getting paid well or getting work at all. On the other hand, there is what I call the double bell curve effect in the Notary world. There are lots of new Notaries, lots of mega-experience Notaries, but not so many people in the middle.

The problem as I see it is that there are many Notaries who perceive themselves as being high-end simply because they have experience. They hide behind their years of experience to compensate for the fact that they cannot explain a single Notary act and don’t have a clue how to deal with many common Notary situations. Another problem is that in today’s economy there are too many Notaries and too few jobs. With Snapdocs, if you are not fast to respond to texts you will be put lower on the text order algorithm and might stop getting offers altogether. So, how can you win during these desperate times? The answer is that there are no guarantees. However, being high end in virtue instead of high end in claim will help you a whole lot more. What do I mean?

I recently emailed about 150 notaries regarding their certification. I wanted them to study and quiz again at no cost. Half of them emailed me back and the other half did not. The ones that emailed me back did not read the email carefully. They omitted to read the part that said they had to study a lot. So, I responded to people one by one reminding them (the same way you remind children) that you have to study. I only got four requests from people who had studied sufficiently, and most of those four passed. What about the other 150? Why are people so stubborn, lazy, ignorant and uncooperative? If you can’t pass our certification test (which is really hard these days) then you are NOT a high end Notary. You are only a poser and a chump.

Additionally, getting more reviews on your profile will attract browsers, and so will having a well written notes section. To sum it up, a lot of expertise goes into being a Notary, but less than 1% of the people on our site have that knowledge or have any interest in acquiring that knowledge. This whole industry has turned low-end on me and I’m getting really sick of it. Even if it gets you nowhere, there is a certain dignity and professionalism in knowing your stuff. So please do so.

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April 11, 2019

The lady who studied 30 hours for her elite test

Filed under: Certification & Communication Skills — admin @ 10:46 am

I am very honored and pleased to announce that there was a very zealous lady in California who claimed that she loved my materials on Notary Public 101. She studied an hour or two per night for close to a month for my elite test. This lady aced my test and I was so surprised and pleased. I am so tired of people with bad attitudes, it is refreshing to see people who have an excellent attitude. I wish more people could have better attitudes towards learning.

Our new elite test is by phone and it is hard as hell. There are so many different sections of the test ranging from notary, documents, situations and advanced materials too. There is a lot to learn, and some of it is hard. Typically and ironically, Notaries have the hardest time passing questions about Notary acts, because so few of them know the rules for any Notary act.

Being elite certified raises your click average by 60% on your listing based on numbers I crunched in 2018. This is a huge boost in clicks and a huge boost in jobs not to mention that people get paid more who are elite certified. If you want to get ahead, spending a lot of time studying will pay off in the long run, and even in the short run. I wish I had more ladies like this one who studied so hard. It makes me feel good when people respect me, my materials and high standards. It makes our industry great (but not great again).

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April 9, 2019

He lost his 123notary certification and calls from Title dropped to nothing overnight

Filed under: Certification & Communication Skills — admin @ 10:02 am

I just talked to a Notary who is on our directory. He was certified, but failed his re-certification test. I had to ask him to study some more before I could recertify him. He said that the minute I took his certification away that calls from Title companies dropped to nothing right away. He was receiving four calls per week from title and then …. nothing…

When I talk to title companies the standard line is that they don’t care about certification. Their mouth says no, but their clicks say yes. The fact is that who they hire is based on a lot of things, and those criteria depend on the individual title agent. But, many people do value our certification especially now that we cleaned it up.


January 19, 2019

Notary Etiquette 104 – Contents

Filed under: Etiquette — Tags: , — admin @ 1:26 pm

Doing well in the Mobile Notary business involves more than just stamping documents. You have to be on time, develop contacts, do more than claim to know what you are doing, and use proper etiquette. 123notary has written many articles on Notary etiquette before, but this one is a course with multiple sections that is intended to be a well organized reference guide.



1. Phone Etiquette for initial calls – http://blog.123notary.com/?p=21134

2. Confirming the signing & At the signing – http://blog.123notary.com/?p=21136

3. General Etiquette Tips – http://blog.123notary.com/?p=21197

4. Answering questions the way they were asked – http://blog.123notary.com/?p=21138

5. Miscellaneous – http://blog.123notary.com/?p=21142

6. A humorous guide to Notary etiquette – http://blog.123notary.com/?p=21208

7. Relevant links about etiquette – http://blog.123notary.com/?p=20505


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