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February 5, 2021

Forum – i’m able to change passwords

Filed under: Social Media — admin @ 11:45 pm

Dear Notaries,
Previously, I was not aware of the change password function. Our password retrieval for the forum is not functioning and I have no access to passwords. I tried removing profiles and adding them back. But, now I know how to change a password. It does not always work though.

I can also input a false email address or email address and add an extra number or letter to sign you up. since the password retrieval system is broken anyway, your email address doesn’t have to be correct. I had to do this yesterday because the system said someone’s email was already in use, but I couldn’t find it in the system, so I had to improvise. Yes, it’s complicated.

If you want to get on the forum and need help, let me know. Email me.


May 17, 2024

Tech-Savvy Notaries: Overcoming Technology Challenges in the Mobile World

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In today’s fast-paced mobile world, notaries public are increasingly turning to technology to streamline their services and enhance accessibility. However, the transition can be challenging, with several technology challenges that can stump even the most diligent professionals. This article will explore the technology challenges for notaries and how they can overcome these obstacles to provide better service.

Understanding Technology Challenges for Notaries

Digital Security Concerns

With the rise of digital documentation and online transactions, notaries face significant security challenges. Protecting sensitive information from cyber threats is paramount. Notaries must ensure that their electronic devices and online platforms are secure. This involves encrypted communication channels, safe storage solutions, and robust authentication methods.

Keeping Up with Technological Advances

Technology evolves rapidly, and staying updated can take time and effort. Notaries must continuously educate themselves on the latest tools and software relevant to their field, including e-notarization platforms, digital signatures, and secure document storage solutions. Regular training and professional development can help notaries stay ahead of the curve.

Managing Technical Issues

Technical glitches can disrupt the notarization process, leading to client delays and frustration. Common issues include software malfunctions, connectivity problems, and hardware failures. Notaries need reliable technical support and contingency plans to address these issues promptly. This might involve having backup devices, ensuring stable internet connections, and having troubleshooting skills.

Overcoming Technology Challengesnotaries Overcome Technology Challenges

Notaries should invest in high-quality equipment and software to minimize technical issues. Reliable laptops, tablets, smartphones, and up-to-date e-notarization software can significantly reduce the likelihood of disruptions and help notaries overcome technology challenges. Regular maintenance and updates are also crucial to ensure optimal performance.

Prioritizing Cybersecurity Measures

Cybersecurity should be a top priority for notaries. Implementing strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and using secure Wi-Fi networks are essential. Additionally, notaries should regularly update their software and devices to protect against vulnerabilities. Enlisting the help of cybersecurity professionals for regular audits can provide an added layer of protection.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The key to staying tech-savvy is continuous learning and adaptation. Notaries should seek training opportunities and resources to enhance their technological skills. Attending workshops, webinars, and industry conferences can provide valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices. Networking with other tech-savvy notaries can also be beneficial.

Developing a Robust Support System

Having a robust support system in place is vital for managing technical issues. This includes access to reliable IT support through in-house staff or external service providers. Notaries should also create a network of professionals who can offer advice and support when needed.

Staying Ahead in a Tech-Driven World

Overcoming the technology challenges for notaries involves a proactive approach to learning and adaptation. Notaries can significantly enhance their efficiency and security by embracing digital tools, ensuring robust security measures, adapting to mobile demands, and continuously learning. This benefits the notaries themselves and provides homeowners and business owners with reliable, modern notarial services.

A Final Note: For those looking to professionalize their notary practice further, considering the appropriate notary dress code can also significantly affect how your services are perceived.


May 10, 2024

7 Essential Practices to Safeguard Notary Stamps and Journals

Filed under: Best Practices — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

As a mobile notary, safeguarding your notary stamps and journals is crucial to protecting your professional integrity and clients’ sensitive information. Here are some expanded practices and recommendations to ensure the security of your notarial tools:

  1. Secure Storage: Always store your notary stamps and journals securely. This could be a locked drawer or cabinet when not in use. Such measures are vital to prevent unauthorized access and potential misuse of your notarial tools, especially in shared work environments or when you’re moving.
  2. Controlled Access: Maintaining exclusive control over your notary journal is crucial to ensure the integrity of recorded notarial acts, which include details like the names of parties involved, document types, and the signature date. This information must remain confidential and protected from unauthorized access to safeguard your clients’ sensitive information.
  3. Proper Disposal of Retired Tools: When a notary seal expires, or a journal is filled, it’s important to dispose of these items responsibly to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. For expired notary seals, consider methods such as cutting, shredding, or burning the rubber part of the stamp. For journals, follow state-specific guidelines, including transferring them to a designated official or keeping them under lock for a certain period before destruction.
  4. Loss or Theft: If your notary stamp or journal is lost or stolen, report the incident immediately to the relevant state authorities and law enforcement. This can help mitigate the risk of fraudulent use of your notary tools and protect you from potential legal liabilities. You may also need to inform your bonding company and any insurance providers to see if additional steps are required under your policies.
  5. Use of Electronic Journals: Consider using electronic journals that offer enhanced security features such as encryption and password protection. E-journals can be backed up securely and accessed remotely, providing a modern solution to maintaining and safeguarding notary records in the digital age.
  6. Regular Audits and Updates: Periodically audit and update your security practices as necessary. This includes checking the physical and digital security of where your stamps and journals are stored. Regular updates to digital security measures, like changing passwords and updating encryption, can prevent unauthorized access.
  7. Training and Awareness: Attend workshops, webinars, and other training sessions to stay informed about the best practices for safeguarding notary stamps and journals. Also, be aware of new laws or changes in existing laws regarding notary practice in your state. Education is a crucial defense against fraud and theft.

Securing Your Professional Tools

Safeguarding your notary stamps and journals is crucial for maintaining the integrity and trust of your mobile notary service. By implementing these key practices, you protect your professional tools against theft, loss, and unauthorized access. This proactive approach secures your tools and reinforces your credibility and reliability as a notary. Keep assessing and updating your security strategies to protect your notarial practice.

For more detailed guidance on specific state requirements and additional tips on securing your notary tools, always refer to your state’s notary laws or consult a professional legal advisor.


January 26, 2024

Data Security Essentials for Modern Notaries

Filed under: Comprehensive Guides — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In the modern age, where data breaches and cyber threats are increasingly common, notaries must be vigilant about data security. Understanding how notaries protect sensitive information is key for homeowners and business owners. This article delves into essential data security practices for notaries, ensuring that your confidential documents and personal information remain secure in the digital realm.

The Importance of Data Security for Notaries

Notaries play a pivotal role in the authentication of important documents. From property deeds to business contracts, notaries ensure the integrity and legality of these documents. However, with this responsibility comes the need to safeguard sensitive information against unauthorized access or cyber threats. In an era where digital transactions are becoming the norm, the importance of robust data security for notaries cannot be overstated.

Key Strategies for Ensuring Data Security

1. Secure Digital Storage and Encryption

One of the primary defenses against data breaches is secure digital storage. Notaries must utilize encrypted digital vaults to store sensitive documents. Encryption transforms the data into a code, preventing unauthorized users from accessing it. This ensures that the data remains unreadable to intruders even if a breach occurs.

2. Regular Software Updates and Patch Management

Cyber threats are ever-evolving, and so should the defense mechanisms. Regularly updating software and applying patches is crucial. These updates often include fixes for security vulnerabilities that hackers might exploit.

3. Strong Password Policies and Two-Factor Authentication

Implementing strong password policies is a must. Passwords should be complex and changed regularly. Additionally, using two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, requiring a second verification form before access is granted.

4. Employee Training and Awareness

Human error can often be a weak link in data security. Training sessions for employees about the latest phishing scams and cyber threats are essential. Awareness can be a powerful tool in preventing accidental breaches.

5. Regular Audits and Compliance Checks

Regular audits of data security practices help in identifying any potential vulnerabilities. Compliance with local and international data protection regulations ensures that notaries are current with the latest legal requirements.

The Impact of Data Security on Client Trust

Choosing a notary prioritizing data security is crucial for homeowners and business owners. This ensures the safety of your personal information and builds trust. Knowing that your notary uses cutting-edge security measures gives peace of mind and enhances the overall experience.

Securing Sensitive Information in the Digital Age

Data security for notaries involves a comprehensive approach, including secure digital storage, regular software updates, strong password policies, employee training, and regular compliance checks. These practices are not just about protecting data; they are about maintaining trust and integrity in a digital world. As we continue to embrace digital transactions, the role of notaries in safeguarding sensitive information becomes even more paramount.

Homeowners and business owners must stay informed and ensure they work with notaries who prioritize data security. Speaking of staying informed, don’t forget to explore the best ways to find new Notary customers as you advance in your notarial practice. Stay secure, stay informed.


June 14, 2021

If you get spam calls from 123notary, why bother me with that?

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 3:19 am

Many people think that if they report spam calls that found them on 123notary, that I have a magic button to stop this behavior. There are scam calls too and many people get them. I don’t know who the bad guys are any more than you do. The fact they found you on my directory doesn’t make me any more guilty than you or some random stranger on the street.

I can’t do anything about this. Here is what you can do.

1. Block anyone who is a spammer or scammer calling you for any reason from any source of information.

2. Unlist yourself from public directories in general. It might be hard to get business that way, but it is at least an option.

3. Report the spammers to the FBI. But, don’t report us as guilty because we have no connection to these maniacs. Most of them are not even on American soil.

In short, there is nothing you can do that will lead to any positive conclusion with spammers other than to block them and avoid talking to them. If you reward them by talking to them they will just bother more people. If you reject them right off the bat and don’t give them a chance, then they will stop bothering others.

Some people get bothered by one or two spammers, and then get a legitimate call from me or a client — and they treat me like a spammer just because the last call was a spammer. You need to distinguish what is the difference between a regular call and a spam call.

1. A regular call will call for a purpose, speak grammatical English, not be agitated, or muffled in their tone.

2. A regular call will have administrative access to your account either directly, or will be able to get to me for access to passwords. A spam call will not have that access.

3. A regular call will not ask for money from a complete stranger unless we never talked before when your renewal is due. But, I normally send renewal emails a month or two before calling to make it easier.

If you are rude to me when I call, you will get written up. So, don’t assume someone is a spammer just because the last one was. This problem happens to me once a month and I don’t like false accusations, and I write people up. The reason I write people up for this is because if you treat me poorly, you will treat legitimate clients poorly who call from our directory and that is bad for the overall reputation of my directory with end users.


December 9, 2020

Best posts on the forum

Filed under: Social Media — admin @ 9:30 am

Our forum is a little bit quiet, so let me post what is going on. Let us know if you need help registering. I am sometimes able to modify passwords, so let me know if you need help with your forum registration which is DIFFERENT from your listing login credentials.

eSignatures, eNotarizations, RON, vs. iClose

Thanks for keeping it real 123notary

Which eNotary platform do you recommend or use?

LSS or Notary2Pro, which is better?

A list of types of signings. Did I forget any that are worth listing?

How long will business be booming?

Carmen taught me more than any of my classes

She became a RON but didn’t like it

Do you feel safe going to someone’s house in a pandemic?


April 14, 2017

All About 123notary

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 12:13 am

All about 123notary — who we are, advertising with us, and how we started.

Many people know that 123notary is the one venue to advertise your Mobile Notary service that systematically gets results. We are the go-to site for notary advertising. Some people rave about the results we get. Others complain about how they don’t like our sometimes strict policies. But, almost all love the zany stories and helpful tips in our blog. So, let’s break it down how 123notary got started, and what we do.

The History of 123notary

123notary started back in 1999 and was originally designed to be an advertising site just for Jeremy. The other sites weren’t getting him enough business, so it was time to take control of advertising so there would be enough work. As time went on, the site graduated from being a purely Southern California directory covering only five counties to covering all of California. By 2001, we covered the entire United States.

Building up 123notary from scratch

We started this directory knowing almost nothing about the directory business. We just put a bunch of names and numbers on a list. Little did we realize that there is a lot more to running a directory than that. We realized we needed critical mass, so we added more than a thousand names to the list. Along with a bunch of other technical realizations about placement levels for additional counties, zip search results, etc., we realized that people drop out. As people drop out of the Notary business, we need new Notaries dropping in. My huge project adding 1000 Notaries to the list was something that would have to be repeated. So, a few years later, I added more people. Our numbers went up, and then month by month the numbers went down. This arduous process of adding names to the list would have to be repeated once again as our stats kept going down. After a while, it became a realization that we needed an organized way to keep our numbers up. So, I decided to create a monthly plan to add new Notaries to our list every month, and remove defunct listings every month as well. That system worked miracles and from that day forward, 123notary maintained a steady quantity of Notaries around 6200-7400.

Amazing breakthroughs in 2008 & 2009

Additionally, in 2008, the online advertising with Google Adwords started to get a lot more expensive. It was necessary to find a more cost-effective way to get clicks. Learning SEO was something that took a few years, but with a fantastic programmer named Mark, Jeremy was able to learn the art of SEO and get 123notary double the clicks it was getting before. The following year (2009) Mitch got Jeremy started on blogging and social media which again worked wonders for 123notary’s SEO, although that miracle took years to unfold.

What is 123notary now?
123notary is a the premiere Notary directory in the industry. No other directory has as high a quality of Notaries or gets as much traffic. We keep more information on our Notaries than any other directory. We have the general contact info, hours of operation, but also get into Notary specialties such as Reverse Mortgages, Hospital Signings, Immigration Documents, E&O insurance, Foreign Languages, and more. Additionally, 123notary goes through and helps Notaries edit their notes sections to make them easier to read and more informative. 123notary gets about 170,000 visitors per month and has about 6900 Notaries on board as of June, 2016.


You can advertise with 123notary as a Mobile Notary for as little as $59 per year. Although we offer FREE listings which appear at the bottom of the search results, you can also elect to get a preferential listing for $99 or be #1 on the search results for a quoted price which might range from $200 on up depending on the area.


123notary also sells loan signing certification courses and combos. Our most popular is the LS#3 combo which gives a thorough guide to loan signing, keeping records, marketing your services, examples of loan documents, and more. You can get a physical book or an ecourse. Read the course description!

How do I do well on 123notary?

To do well on 123notary requires more than just paying us an annual fee. You need to maintain your listing a little bit too, but it isn’t rocket science, and you have experienced professionals who are here to help at no extra cost. You need to write an amazing notes section about your experience, what’s unique about you, equipment, memberships, coverage areas, etc. We will help you edit your notes section at no cost to make it better organized and attractive. You also need reviews from your satisfied clients on your listing. All you have to do is ask, and email them a link, and some (but, unfortunately not all) of them will write you a review. A few reviews are like gold and will magically transform your listing as that is what the users want to see.

Help is always there when you advertise with 123notary

Other directories just take your money and leave you on your own. At 123notary, you can email us or call our 888 number for help. We give help with passwords for your listing, or ecourse. We also give free marketing and technical tips if you have a question. We’ll help brush up your listing at no cost as well as help you choose a business name — at at no cost if you have a paid listing with us!

Our Newsletter

In addition to providing advertising and courses, 123notary also has a free newsletter which has more than 5000 followers. Our newsletter is a free source of great industry information and laughs as well. We have articles about new signing companies, signing company gossip, technical signing agent tips, mobile notary marketing tips, and also comedy articles especially written for the Notary industry. No other newsletter provides the same diversity or quality of articles as we do. So, email us at to sign up today!


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The story of 123notary


October 6, 2016

The History of

Filed under: Advertising — Tags: , , — admin @ 10:22 pm

Many people know that 123notary is the one venue to advertise your Mobile Notary service that systematically gets results. We are the go-to site for notary advertising. Some people rave about the results we get. Others complain about how they don’t like our sometimes strict policies. But, almost all love the zany stories and helpful tips in our blog. So, let’s break it down how 123notary got started, and what we do.

The History of 123notary

123notary started back in 1999 and was originally designed to be an advertising site just for Jeremy. The other sites weren’t getting him enough business, so it was time to take control of advertising so there would be enough work. As time went on, the site graduated from being a purely Southern California directory covering only five counties to covering all of California. By 2001, we covered the entire United States.

Building up 123notary from scratch

We started this directory knowing almost nothing about the directory business. We just put a bunch of names and numbers on a list. Little did we realize that there is a lot more to running a directory than that. We realized we needed critical mass, so we added more than a thousand names to the list. Along with a bunch of other technical realizations about placement levels for additional counties, zip search results, etc., we realized that people drop out. As people drop out of the Notary business, we need new Notaries dropping in. My huge project adding 1000 Notaries to the list was something that would have to be repeated. So, a few years later, I added more people. Our numbers went up, and then month by month the numbers went down. This arduous process of adding names to the list would have to be repeated once again as our stats kept going down. After a while, it became a realization that we needed an organized way to keep our numbers up. So, I decided to create a monthly plan to add new Notaries to our list every month, and remove defunct listings every month as well. That system worked miracles and from that day forward, 123notary maintained a steady quantity of Notaries around 6200-7400.

Amazing breakthroughs in 2008 & 2009

Additionally, in 2008, the online advertising with Google Adwords started to get a lot more expensive. It was necessary to find a more cost-effective way to get clicks. Learning SEO was something that took a few years, but with a fantastic programmer named Mark, Jeremy was able to learn the art of SEO and get 123notary double the clicks it was getting before. The following year (2009) Mitch got Jeremy started on blogging and social media which again worked wonders for 123notary’s SEO, although that miracle took years to unfold.

What is 123notary now?
123notary is a the premiere Notary directory in the industry. No other directory has as high a quality of Notaries or gets as much traffic. We keep more information on our Notaries than any other directory. We have the general contact info, hours of operation, but also get into Notary specialties such as Reverse Mortgages, Hospital Signings, Immigration Documents, E&O insurance, Foreign Languages, and more. Additionally, 123notary goes through and helps Notaries edit their notes sections to make them easier to read and more informative. 123notary gets about 170,000 visitors per month and has about 6900 Notaries on board as of June, 2016.


You can advertise with 123notary as a Mobile Notary for as little as $59 per year. Although we offer FREE listings which appear at the bottom of the search results, you can also elect to get a preferential listing for $99 or be #1 on the search results for a quoted price which might range from $200 on up depending on the area.


123notary also sells loan signing certification courses and combos. Our most popular is the LS#3 combo which gives a thorough guide to loan signing, keeping records, marketing your services, examples of loan documents, and more. You can get a physical book or an ecourse. Read the course description!

How do I do well on 123notary?

To do well on 123notary requires more than just paying us an annual fee. You need to maintain your listing a little bit too, but it isn’t rocket science, and you have experienced professionals who are here to help at no extra cost. You need to write an amazing notes section about your experience, what’s unique about you, equipment, memberships, coverage areas, etc. We will help you edit your notes section at no cost to make it better organized and attractive. You also need reviews from your satisfied clients on your listing. All you have to do is ask, and email them a link, and some (but, unfortunately not all) of them will write you a review. A few reviews are like gold and will magically transform your listing as that is what the users want to see.

Help is always there when you advertise with 123notary

Other directories just take your money and leave you on your own. At 123notary, you can email us or call our 888 number for help. We give help with passwords for your listing, or ecourse. We also give free marketing and technical tips if you have a question. We’ll help brush up your listing at no cost as well as help you choose a business name — at at no cost if you have a paid listing with us!

Our Notary Newsletter

In addition to providing advertising and courses, 123notary also has a free newsletter which has more than 5000 followers. Our newsletter is a free source of great industry information and laughs as well. We have articles about new signing companies, signing company gossip, technical signing agent tips, mobile notary marketing tips, and also comedy articles especially written for the Notary industry. No other newsletter provides the same diversity or quality of articles as we do. So, email us at to sign up today!


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123notary behind the scenes

The story of


May 11, 2015

Here is an easy way to make $4000 more per year

Most notaries are complaining that there is not enough work to go around. They are right — there isn’t. However, there are certain people who get most of the work when there is work. The trick is to become one of those people. The listings that get the most work have a few reviews from satisfied clients, a great notes section, a company name, high placement, and last but not least — 123notary certification.

But, I don’t “Need” your certification. I’m already “certified!”
Unfortunately for you, the people who use our site do not reward notaries for being NNA certified. This is not my decision, it is theirs. NNA certified notaries on 123notary get no more or no less business than any of our other notaries. However, those certified by 123notary get 78% more clicks and more than double (2.5x) the new jobs (generated from our site) than those who aren’t. More than double sounds good to me.

From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day
A few years ago when the economy was better, one notary raved to us that the minute he passed our certification test, he went from getting three jobs per week to three jobs per day. That is phenomenal, and a true story. His luck was considerably better than most other notaries, but statistically, the other notaries did quite well too.

15-100 jobs a year is average
Although the industry is slow, notaries with a p#10 preferential spot on 123notary get around 15-100 jobs per year based on people who we talk to in those positions. Those who get less than that either have already dropped out or will soon drop out. Consider that you are on the low end of the totempole getting 15 jobs a year and our certification helps you get 36 jobs per year. You would be making an additional $2000 per year as a result of your two hours of effort studying and taking our test. That is $1000 per hour assuming you drop out after a single year.

How would the average notary benefit from 123notary certification?
Let’s assume that the average notary stays on 123notary for three years which is somewhat true. The actual number of years for paying listings is around that level although free listings sometimes get removed prematurely if they have bad stats. Let’s say that our average uncertified notary gets 30 jobs per year from our site. Getting certified would raise that total statistically to 75 jobs which is 45 additional jobs which would account for around $4000 extra income in a year. So, multiply three years by $4000 and you get $12000.

Your time is worth $6000 per hour studying for our cert test.
Over the life of your career, the average notary would get $12,000 more income as a result of passing our test which takes about two hours in study time, plus a 6.5 minute online test. Two hours of your time will net you $12,000 in the next several years. It is like a goose that lays golden eggs.

But, you are busy.
What else are you doing that is more important? Many notaries are too busy to do something worth $6000 per hour and get offended when I mention that what they are doing “might” be slightly less important or valuable than studying for our test. What are you doing and what is the value of that work?

Studying for our test: $6000 per hour in long term financial benefit (before expenses)
Doing a notary job: $15-40 per hour (after expenses)
Daydreaming: Zero
Going to a birthday party: Zero
Cleaning house: Zero
Browsing Facebook: Zero
Getting a neck tattoo: Varies

The bottom line is that you clutter your life with tasks which are not optimally valuable, so when an important task needs to be done, you simply don’t have time. My suggestion is that you schedule your other work around your important tasks, rather than putting off the important tasks, otherwise you’ll never get ahead. Schedule your study time in your calendar, make sure your passwords work, and just do it. It might be safer to schedule three non-consecutive days just in case you need more time or have technical difficulties.


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May 14, 2012

123notary behind the scenes

123notary behind the scenes

All of you know what 123notary Notary Directory looks like on the surface, and you know what some of the rules are, and if the site works for you or not. But, have you ever wondered how 123notary is run? We are not a typical company to say the least. I have read books about Starbucks and how they do it, and Cliffbar as well. Their stories are unique and interesting. But, 123notary’s story is interesting too!

When we started
123notary started as a Notary Directory in 1999 on a shoestring in the ashes of the .net bust. It was my idea after seeing how the NNA’s signing agent directory was not always easy to use. I noticed that if you needed a notary in a particular county, that if nobody was in that county and you didn’t know the names of neighboring counties, you would not be able to use their site without an atlas to find out what the neighboring counties names were. Few of us carry a nationwide atlas with us. So, I wanted to start a directory with more features than the other guys. Also, I needed a way to market my own personal notary services as yellow pages were really expensive.

You can read about our growth in other blog entries and our about us page. We started as a California only directory, and then slowly spread out into other states. But, one of our notaries pointed out, that we should tell everyone how 123notary is run NOW.

How were we run in previous years?
I started out doing everything myself. My father helped with programming our Notary Directory back in 2001, but then we hired a local programming house to handle the programming after that. Business was very slow until 2003 when overnight in March, things just started to take off. Revenue multiplied by ten, and the phone was ringing off the hook. I found that working 12 hours a day was crazy and I couldn’t handle it for long. A lady named Carmen bought a course from me and kept calling asking me questions about loan signing. We spent a lot of time talking. I found that she was so smart and people saavy, that I wanted to hire her. She was very resistant at first, but I talked her into it. She was very busy doing signings for several years, and didn’t go full time with us until 2006. I started taking it easy in 2006 and 2007 because I was exhausted from all of the hard work. I wanted to meditate more and do more hiking. Then, in 2008, I started to work on optimization. I worked very hard, and through good strategy and hard work, brought a lot more traffic to the site.

How are we run now?
Most companies have an office and are centralized. 123notary has no office and no employees. I work at home on my computer and my cell phone. I don’t even have a landline because our building has some problems with the phone lines getting scrambled, and they couldn’t fix my line. Carmen is a subcontractor paid on commission and works from her home roughly 4 miles from me. Additionally, I travel quite a bit, and do a lot of my work on the road from Northern California. I sometimes go overseas and have been to Europe and India where I did my work at internet cafes.

Who does what?
Carmen is the person people are more familiar with, because she is in the front lines. Carmen does incoming phones and answers everyone’s questions. I do most of the emails and outgoing phone calls myself. But, there are more people involved in 123notary’s functionality that we can not ignore. There are programmers. We have a team in Los Angeles, and another team in India. Additionally, we have a company in El Monte who is helping us with social media including Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, and Blogging which really helps keep search traffic coming in so you guys can get work. Once in a while I hire someone to do outgoing phone calls for welcome calls and update calls as well.

What else?
Where are our servers? — one person asked. We have a server at a programmer’s office in El Monte, with a backup server in Dallas, TX in a data center. It would take a tsumani, earthquake, and WW3 all combined to take our servers down. There is a lady in downtown Los Angeles who helps us a little bit with artwork. Communication is hard, as I only know 30 words in Korean, and she only knows 30 words in English — but, we work well as a team because she is so talented and efficient!

What is a typical day like for Carmen?
For Carmen, she answers the phone all day long, sends passwords, and takes orders. It is pretty much the same every day, but at the end of the month, there are far more phone calls and it gets crazy. Carmen gets about 25 calls a day on regular days, but at the end of the month it could be double easily.

What is a typical day like for Jeremy?
For me, I answer emails first, then process orders and mark people as renewed who paid their bills. I do a small email blast every day or two to tell people about what is going on in our blog, or a reminder to update or renew. Additionally, I write tons of blog entries, and do phone calls to people who are renewing soon. I have to supervise programmers in America and in India, so that can be time consuming and frustrating if they don’t understand my complicated instructions. Additionally, I write for our Facebook campaign and Twitter too. I have to come up with strategies for optimizing and detailed plans for modifying programming. There are many internal formulas in 123notary that help us to know which notaries have better stats, and that takes a lot of thinking to plan. I typically will work seven days a week for a few weeks, and then take a week off in the mountains. I find Los Angeles to be too stressful for me, so I need fresh air, streams and mountains to bring me back to my inner rhythm.


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