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November 23, 2020

Notary Test about Notary acts and more

Filed under: Technical & Legal — admin @ 9:41 am

Here are some test questions for you guys to see who’s got it and who has been faking it all this time.

1. In an Acknowledgment, who acknowledges what?

2. In a Jurat, does the signer swear that they:
(a) Signed a particular document and that they agree to it
(c) Are the person who they claim to be
(d) All of the above

3. If a document was signed on March 1, 2001, and today is March 2, 2020, what type of notary act can you use to notarize the document without having it resigned?

4. When administering an Oath to an affiant, after having the affiant raise their right hand (or paw) the Notary should start with the words:
(a) I solemnly swear
(b) Do you solemnly swear
(c) Do you affirm
(d) I solemnly affirm

5. What is the difference between an Oath and an Affirmation?
(a) In an Oath you swear; In an Affirmation you Affirm;
(b) They are essentially the same
(c) In an Oath, the affiant swears under God; In an Affirmation the affiant affirms on their personal honor;
(d) In both acts the affiant makes a solemn promise

6. A proof of execution is an act where the principal signer:
(a) Does not show up
(b) Must show up because the signer must show up for all notary acts
(c) Does not show up, but has someone show up for them
(d) There is no such act.

7. If you have two names on an Acknowledmgent (John & Sally) but Sally cannot make it, what is the most pressing benefit to crossing her name out on the form rather than using a fresh form.
(a) Your recording fees will not be affected
(b) There is less danger of the new form being detached and used fraudulently
(c) It is easier
(d) It will look better in court because it is “cleaner” than using a new form and stapling it to the document.

8. If you are notarizing the signatures of three people each on ten Grant Deeds, how many journal entries should you use?
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 30
(d) 13

9. If you are notarizing the signatures of one person on five Grant Deeds, how do you differentiate the Deeds in your journal?
(a) Indicate the property address
(b) Indicate the APN number
(c) Indicate the document date
(d) Just say, “Grant Deed” in your journal entry(ies)

10. If you are at a loan signing and have a question about a notarization…
(a) You should ask title
(b) You should ask the lender
(c) You should ask the NNA
(d) You should ask your state Notary division

These are very important notary questions. Answering them correctly will help you know your job and reduce your chance of ending up in a sticky situation. You can consult our Notary Public 101 course on the blog to look up content regarding these points although we don’t address these specific questions in particular.


October 5, 2018

Index of posts about Notary Acts

Here is my index of posts about various Notary acts including Acknowledgments, Jurats, Oaths, Affirmations, and more.



Notary Public 101 — Basic Notary Acts

Oaths — how notaries completely screw them up

Airline meals versus Oaths & Affirmations (very interesting and informative)

How do I get an Apostille or Authentication?

Notary Public 101 — quick review pointers (includes notary act info)



Affirmations — pleasing politically correct people while offending everyone else

Should you use book wording for Oaths or improvise?

Oaths and the art of improvisation

Notary perjury and Oaths



Notary Acknowledgment Wording

Notary loses $4000 because fraud adds name to Acknowledgment certificate

California Acknowledgment Wording explained

Optional information on Acknowledgment Certificate



Interesting and uncommon Notary acts

Information about various notary procedures

Which Notary act does not require the personal appearance of the signer?


October 11, 2017

Notary Public 101 — Basic Notary Acts

Return to table of contents for Notary Public 101.


Each state has a different list of official Notary acts. Some state handbooks don’t make it clear if certain actions are considered “official” notary acts or not. However, all states or the vast majority have Acknowledgments, Jurats, Oaths, and Affirmations. Many also have Protests and Proofs of Execution, while only a few have Witnessing, Attesting, immigration form filling, and depositions as acts. There are a few more acts I will not mention as they are obscure and very state specific. Let’s focus on the main acts that we will hold you responsible for knowing.



When I studied to be a Notary, my teacher said you Acknowledge a signature, Execute a Jurat and Administer an Oath. This is not true. The Notary is not the one who acknowledges a signature. The SIGNER acknowledges the signature and then the Notary CERTIFIES that the signer acknowledged the signature by virtue of filling out the Acknowledgment Certificate. Here are some basics on Acknowledgments.

1. The signer acknowledges having signed the document.

2. The signer must physically personally appear before the Notary for such an act.

3. The signer does NOT have to sign before the Notary according to most if not all states such as AK, IA, SC, SD, VT, and WV. Lenders might require the borrower to sign in the presence of the Notary, but that is a particular Lender’s standard and not necessarily a state standard or even a best practice.

4. The Notary must positively identify the signer using identification documents acceptable to their state which normally include Drivers Licenses, State issued identification photo ID’s, Passports, and Military ID’s. Other ID might be accepted on a state by state basis and you can look that up in your handbook. Also, see our section on identification.

5. The Notary should ideally keep a journal entry of all Notarial acts even if their state does not require this.

6. There should be Acknowledgment wording appropriate or acceptable to your state inscribed within the document, or you can attach a loose acknowledgment form with a staple.

7. After you fill out the certificate form, you sign and stamp the page (some states allow you to write in your seal information without a stamp.) Make sure your stamp is clear and not smudgy otherwise the county recorder has the right to reject the Notarization.

8. Note — some states require the Notary to ask the signer to attest to the fact that they signed in their own free will. Please be aware if your state has any unusual requirements or special wording on forms.

9. A California Notary faces many restrictions as to what type of out of state forms they can use. Please check the California Notary Handbook to see what you can accept and what you can’t otherwise you could get in trouble particularly if it is a recorded document.



Jurats are a Notary act where the signer or affiant by definition signs and swears (and/or sometimes affirms) before the Notary. Jurat wording differs from state to state. However, some basic verbiage includes the phrase, “Subscribed and sworn to before me.” What does this mean? This means that the document was signed in the physical presence of the Notary Public as well as sworn to before the Notary Public at the signing. In an Acknowledged signature you can sign prior to seeing the Notary, but you acknowledge before the Notary. A Jurat is completely different. Modern verbiage for Jurats sometimes says, “Subscribed and sworn or affirmed to before me.” This does not mean that you can administer an Oathfirmation and mix the Affirmation and Oath verbiage. This means that you can have the client choose if they want an Oath or Affirmation and do one or the other. Don’t mix these Notary acts unless your state specifically says you can.

Many Notaries are unaware that when executing a Jurat, you do need to administer an Oath particular to the document being signed. Please see our commentary on Oaths below. Failing to administer an Oath on a Jurat is illegal and could void the legal completeness of the document. Some states additionally will reserve the right to suspend your commission if you omit a legally required Oath.

“Subscribed and sworn to before me” is NOT Oath verbiage! That is the written documentation that you gave an Oath. When you ask the affiant to raise their right hand, do NOT utter the words, “subscribed and sworn to before me.” otherwise they will think you are an idiot and there will be no way for them to respond unless they repeat. Start an Oath with, “do you solemnly swear” after they have raised their right hand.

A good Oath for a document could be, “Do you solemnly swear under the penalty of perjury that the information in this document is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, so help you God?” Then the other person says, “I do.” Then you pronounce them “man and document” by the powers vested in you.



Not all Notarial acts include a written document or written certificate. Some are purely oral. Oaths and Affirmations are oral acts where most states do not have a certificate for the Oath. You should write in your journal if you administered an Oath and where it says, “Name of document” you should write that you gave an Oath about a particular topic. You do not write the actual verbiage of the Oath in your journal. You might write, “Oath regarding military duty” or “Oath of citizenship,” etc.

Oath verbiage is generally up to the Notary and few states have any actual requirements for what you should say. However, common sense and tradition dictate certain things about Oath verbiage.

Raise Your Right Hand — you traditionally have the signer raise their right hand before swearing under Oath.

Solemnly – it is traditional to ask the signer if they solemnly swear. An Oath is a solemn occassion and swearing to a Notary is as official as swearing to a judge in a court of law.

Swear — you must use the word “swear” in an Oath otherwise it is no longer an Oath.

Document or Statement — in an Oath you should make a reference to the content you are swearing to. It might be a document, or a statement you are about to me. Just make sure you reference the content in a way that makes sense. Asking someone to swear to “the information” is not as precise as asking them to swear to the truthfulness of “this document” while pointing to the document.

God — Oaths traditionally refer to God. If someone doesn’t like God, rather than remove God from the Oath, do an Affirmation INSTEAD of an Oath.


Correct Oath wording for a Notary to make for a Document
“Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the document you signed is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, so help you God?” — The answer would be, “I do.”

Wrong Oaths for a Document
“Do you solemnly swear that the statement you are about to make is true?”
“Do you solmenly swear that the information you provided is true?”

If you are swearing to a document there is no statement you are about to make. There is a document you already signed that you swear to. You cannot swear to a statement you are not going to make — that is nonsense. The information in the document might have been provided by a Lender or Attorney, so don’t make them swear to WHO provided the information. Just have them swear that it is true.

Administering an Oath
When you are a Notary and you give or supervise an Oath to someone, you are administering an Oath. When you administer an Oath there are two ways to do it. You either ask an Oath question such as the ones mentioned above, or you say, “Repeat after me.” Repeating after me is really tenous as every three words the affiant has to repeat those words and it is like being six years old doing the pledge of allegience. How annoying!



An Affirmation is similar to an Oath. The are equal in their significance and used during the same situations. Affirmations are legal in most states. Check your state’s handbook to see if they are used in yours and if there is any state specific wording that you must use. However, you cannot mix and match the wording in an Affirmation. If your client wants to do an Affirmation, you use the word Affirm or State rather than swear, and you do not mention God. Leave God out of it! Other than that, the verbiage is the same as an Oath, so help you nobody!

To better understand choosing Oaths vs. Affirmations or mixing them up together read this fun article about Airline Meals versus Oaths and Affirmations.

To administer an Affirmation for a document just say, “Do you solemnly affirm or state that the information in this document is correct?” or for a purely oral statement just say, “Do you solemnly affirm or state that the statement you are about to give is true and correct?”



Not all states allow proofs of execution, but it is a traditional Notary act that I would like you to know about. In a proof of execution, the principal who is the one who signs the document signs when a subscribing witness is witnessing his signature. The definition of a subscribing witness is one who watches someone else sign. Then the subscribing witness appears before a Notary and swears under Oath that he/she witnessed so and so signing the document. I have never heard of this act being done, but for less formal documents, it is often allowed and it is interesting to read about as it is so unusual.



Not all states have protests. Protests are normally done by people working in banking to protest the non-payment of a bill or bounced check. We do not hold our Notaries responsible to understand this act although it is good to know what it is.



February 2, 2011

Interesting and uncommon notary acts

Notary Acts
There are various types of notarial acts, and the rules and types of acts vary from state to state.  In this blog entry, I’ll go over all of the types of notary acts that I can find information about, and introduce some of the points that differ from state to state.  The states associated with each specific act are NOT necessarily the ONLY states associated with those acts, but are the state(s) that we are referencing.
An acknowledgment is the most common notary act and accounts for roughly 80% of all notarizations with Jurats being in second place.  Many states allow notaries to charge a maximum fee per notarized signature, while Florida’s fees are based on how many times you affix your stamp when executing an acknowledgment.
An affirmation is a type of Oath where there is no mention of a higher power (God).
Attesting to a Document’s Validity (AR)
This is a notary act that is peculiar to Arkansas.  I don’t recall seeing this as a possible notary act in any other state. Please visit our Arkansas Notary page for more information.
Authentication, Apostilles, and Magistracies (General)
These are general notary public procedures common to most states. However, less than 1% of notaries know how to do such notary acts, and you normally have to contact your state notary public division to learn the rules.  The process of getting one of these generally takes a minimum of a few days, and the price is usually high.
Certified Copies (WA)(CA)
Some states allow Certified copies of powers of attorney such as California.   Other states often allow a notary to make certified copies of any type of document.  New York doesn’t allow any type of certified copies. The type of documents that a notary may certify copies of vary from state to state.  Washington allows a notary to charge $10 per certified copy of any document for example.
Copies of Journal Entries
California notary law allows a small fee of 30 cents per entry for notaries to charge if a member of the public needs a copy of a specific journal entry.  The notary should be careful to make sure that all other transactions recorded in the journal do not show up on the photocopy sent to the individual making the inquiry to protect people’s privacy.
Depositions – Certifying Depositions (AR)
Most states use the term, “Take a deposition” while Arkansas allows notaries to certify a Deposition.  Some states allow a fee for the Deposition and then another fee for each oath to each witness.  Rules vary from state to state.
Document Copy Charges (CO)
Colorado notary law allows a notary to make copies of documents and charge for this act.  This act ensures that the copied document is a real copy and not a different document or one that is slightly altered.  If you are in another state that doesn’t have this type of notary act, its still advisable to witness the photocopying of documents that are to be certified as copies. Its also not a bad idea to make a notation on the document that you witnessed it being photocopied even though thats not an official act outside of Colorado that we are aware of.
Rules for e-notarizations differ from state to state.  The main point is to use an electronic journal to record transactions and for the documents to be online or electronic documents.  e-signings are signings where some of the documents are online while others are printed out.  A regular journal is used when doing an e-signing although the signature on the document is electronic.
This is the second most popular notary act.  A Jurat requires the signer to sign the document before the notary and to take an Oath before the notary as well regarding the document or verbiage.  Several years ago, Jurats did not require identification in many states, but as of 2011, almost all states require the signer / affiant to be positively identified for this notary act.
Marine Protest (RI)
Rhode Island is the only state we have seen to have a separate fee for a marine Protest.  A Protest is an act where
someone Protests non-payment of a bill.  A Marine protest or sea protest is a statement where a captain or officer can include relevant details about the ship, voyage, cargo, drafts, date of departure, date of arrival in next port. This type of act is used if unfavorable weather conditions were encountered.  The Marine protest will protect the vessel and their owners from further claims brought forward by charterers, shippers, and cargo receivers.
Non-Certified Copies (VA)
Virginia allows for notaries to make copies that are not certified.  A non-certified copy if for information only and is not accepted for legal purposes such as school enrollment or applying for a drivers license or passport.
Most if not all states allow notaries to take Oaths.  An Oath is a solemn promise or statement where the affiant swears that they are telling the truth.
Photocopying & Supervising Photocopying (AR)
In Arkansas, a notary can get paid to photocopy documents or supervise the photocopy of documents. 
Proof of Execution
This notary act requires a subscribing witness who sees the principal sign a document.  The subscribing witness appears before the notary public.  This act is the only notary act where the actual signer doesn’t appear before the notary.
This type of notary act is where an individual protests the nonacceptance or non-payment of money owed.
Safe Deposit Openings (NY)
Here is a unique notary act only allowed in New York and Florida that we are aware of.  The notary must witness the opening of a safe deposit box and record the contents of the box in a certificate, but not in their journal.  Please click on the link to read the details.
Taking a Renunciation of dower or Inheritance (SC)
Please see the South Carolina notary division’s website for details on this unique notary act.
Verification – Taking a verification upon an Oath or Affirmation (DE)(PA)
Please consult the Delaware or Pennsylvania’s notary division website for more information on this unique act.
Weddings (ME), (SC), (FL)
Notaries in Maine, South Carolina, and Florida can solemnize weddings.  Notaries need to be familiar with the procedure and proper wedding etiquette to provide this type of service.
Witnessing an Absentee Ballot (FL)
Notaries are not allowed to charge for this notary act in Florida, or California. 
Witnessing or Attesting to a Signature (DE)
Attesting to a signature simply means witnessing a signature, and then signing your own name to document that fact that you witnessed a signature.  Delaware is one state of many that considers being a witness an official notary act.


October 14, 2012

Did you know? Random interesting notary facts…

Filed under: (5) State specific — Tags: , , — admin @ 6:43 am

Did you know?
Did you know that Louisiana Notaries are required by law to carry Errors and Omissions insurance?
Virginia and Kentucky notaries can notarize outside of their state providing the documents are to be recorded in state.
Commissioners in West Virginia can notarize in or outside of the state for documents to be recorded in the state.
In Washington DC, you can become a government notary if you work for the federal government, no matter what state you live in. You could live in Alaska and be a DC Government Notary!
Notaries in North Carolina are not permitted to charge ANY travel fee.  Notaries in roughly eight other states have severe restrictions on travel fees that would make it impossible to legally make a living as a mobile notary!  See details in the forum if you look up the term “travel fee”.
Notaries in Maine, South Carolina and Florida can solemnize marriages? Did you know that?  I do!
North Dakota allows out of state notaries to apply for a notary commission in their state if they live in a county that borders on North Dakota!

You might also like:

Interesting and uncommon notary acts

Acknowledgment FAQ


October 25, 2024

Notary Verbiage and Wording Tips

Filed under: Notary Public 101 — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Have you ever wondered if the wording in your notarized documents could lead to costly mistakes? Homeowners and business owners must have clear and precise notary vocabulary to ensure their legal documents are correctly prepared and executed. Whether you’re managing real estate transactions, business agreements, or loan documents, using the correct language helps prevent errors, delays, and legal disputes. This guide will explore critical notary verbiage and wording tips for clear documentation to streamline your process and protect your interests.

The Importance of Clear Notary Verbiage

Clear and correct notary verbiage ensures your documents are legally binding and properly executed. Correct wording can significantly affect real estate transactions, business contracts, or loan agreements. Follow these tips to keep your documents in order and avoid complications.

Tip 1: Keep the Language Simple and Clear

One of the most essential notary verbiage and wording tips for clear documentation is to use simple, understandable language. Avoid unnecessary legal jargon that could confuse the signer and lead to errors. This helps ensure that all parties understand the document and the responsibilities involved.

  1. Avoid terms like “heretofore” or “hereinafter.”
  2. Use simple alternatives like “from this point” or “from now on.”

Tip 2: Be Specific in Names, Dates, and Phrases

Precision is crucial in notarized documents. Vague or unclear wording can cause confusion or disputes. All parties must understand the terms and conditions outlined in the document. Be as specific as possible when referring to individuals or dates.

  1. Use full legal names instead of nicknames or initials
  2. Use specific dates like “on July 15, 2024, at 10:00 AM” rather than “around this date.”
  3. Avoid phrases like “as soon as possible” or “at your earliest convenience.”

Tip 3: Review Notary Certificate Wording

The wording on notary certificates must comply with state regulations, which can vary based on the type of notarization. Double-check that your certificate includes the correct legal language for your state. If uncertain, consult your state’s notary handbook or seek legal advice to ensure compliance.

  1. For acknowledgments, ensure phrases like “personally appeared before me” are included
  2. For jurats, confirm the certificate states that the signer swore or affirmed the document in front of the notary

Tip 4: Include All Necessary Information

It’s important to ensure all essential information is on your notarized document. Failing to include the required details can result in rejection or delay. Ensure that each document requiring notarization has the correct information to avoid confusion or legal issues.

  1. Full names of all signers
  2. Notary commission number
  3. Date of notarization
  4. A complete signature block for each signer with consistent wording, such as “signed and sworn to before me on [date].”

Tip 5: Maintain Professional Language

Always use formal, professional language in your notary verbiage. Casual wording can undermine the seriousness of legal documents. Keep the tone appropriate for the legal setting. This will help maintain the integrity and importance of the document.

  1. Instead of saying “showed up,” use “personally appeared.”
  2. Avoid conversational phrases; use formal terms like “executed before me” or “acknowledged before me.”

Tip 6: Know Your State’s Notary Regulations

Since notary laws differ between states, staying updated on local regulations is essential. Some states require specific wording for particular types of documents, especially in real estate transactions. Homeowners and business owners can benefit from consulting legal experts or a trusted notary to ensure their documents meet legal standards.

  1. Review your state’s notary laws regularly to ensure compliance
  2. Use the latest required verbiage to avoid the document being invalidated

Accurate Verbiage Matters

Precise and clear notary verbiage ensures your documents are correctly executed and legally binding. By following these notary verbiage and wording tips for clear documentation, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure your documents meet all legal requirements. Staying specific, using simple language, and adhering to state regulations will help you confidently create notarized documents.

For additional tips, check out our blog on mobile notary safety tips for beginners to further enhance your notary knowledge.


September 13, 2024

Networking Tips to Grow Your Mobile Notary Business Locally

Filed under: Best Practices — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Building a thriving mobile notary business requires more than excellent service—it involves making meaningful local connections. Networking is key to establishing yourself within your community and growing your client base. Strong relationships can lead to more referrals and increased visibility, whether you serve homeowners or business owners. Let’s explore networking tips to grow your mobile notary business locally and build referrals.

Attend Local Networking Events

Getting involved in your community through local networking events can open doors to new clients and referral partners. Join local Chamber of Commerce, business associations, or professional networking groups. These gatherings provide an excellent platform to introduce your mobile notary services to other business owners and homeowners.

Maximize Community Engagement

Regular attendance at community events, such as business mixers or trade shows, allows you to meet people who might need notary services. Be prepared with business cards and an engaging elevator pitch to explain your services clearly and concisely.

Build Relationships with Real Estate Professionals

Real estate transactions often require notarization, making real estate agents and title companies ideal partners. Building a solid rapport with these professionals can ensure a steady stream of business for your mobile notary services.

Offer Specialized Notary Services

If you specialize in loan signings, make it clear to real estate agents and brokers. Tailoring your services to meet their needs can make you their first choice for mobile notary work. Always provide exceptional service to encourage repeat business and referrals.

Partner with Local Law Firms and Financial Institutions

Lawyers, banks, and credit unions frequently need notaries to handle legal documents such as wills, contracts, and loan paperwork. Developing partnerships with these institutions can lead to regular referrals.

Tailor Your Approach

Reach out with a personalized offer explaining how your mobile notary services can benefit their clients. Ensure that your services are convenient, flexible, and reliable, making it easy for them to refer you.

Utilize Social Media and Online Platforms

In today’s digital age, online networking is as important as face-to-face connections. Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Nextdoor allow you to connect with homeowners and business owners in your local area.

Join Local Community Groups

Join Facebook and LinkedIn groups dedicated to local business discussions or community concerns. Offer helpful advice about notarization, answer questions, and engage with others. Avoid aggressive marketing; instead, focus on being a useful resource.

Request Client Reviews

Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on Google My Business or other platforms. Favorable reviews increase your online visibility and attract potential clients looking for trustworthy notary services.

Collaborate with Other Local Service Providers

Partnering with businesses that complement your services, such as accountants, tax preparers, or insurance agents, can expand your referral network. These professionals often deal with clients who require document notarization.

Create a Referral Program

Establish a mutually beneficial referral program with local businesses. For example, offer a small incentive for every client they refer to you, and refer your clients to them when their services are needed.

Get Involved in Local Community Activities

Local community activities, such as volunteering or sponsoring events, can increase your visibility. When people see you actively involved in the community, they’re more likely to trust and recommend your services.

Be Authentic

When participating in community events, focus on building genuine relationships rather than simply promoting your business. Authentic connections often lead to referrals and long-term business relationships.

Networking for Success

Incorporating these networking tips to grow your mobile notary business locally and build referrals will help you create lasting relationships within your community. Consistent networking is essential for success through local events, social media, or partnerships with real estate and legal professionals. Be patient and persistent in building these connections, and your business will grow. For additional guidance on notarization, including details like the signature date, stay informed and offer your clients the best possible service.


July 26, 2024

Why Continuing Education Is Crucial for Notary Public Professionals

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In today’s fast-paced world, professionals in every field must stay updated with the latest trends, regulations, and best practices. This is particularly true for notary public professionals who handle crucial documents for homeowners and business owners. Continuing education for notary public professionals is not just a regulatory requirement but a vital component for maintaining professionalism and competence. Let’s delve into why ongoing learning is so important for notaries.

Ensuring Compliance with Changing Laws

Laws and regulations governing notarial acts are constantly evolving. Notaries must stay current with these changes to ensure compliance and avoid legal repercussions. Continuing education programs offer updated information about new laws, helping notaries remain ahead of the curve. For instance, remote online notarization (RON) has transformed how notaries perform their duties, necessitating additional training and certification.

Enhancing Skills and Knowledge

Continuing education for notary public professionals goes beyond legal compliance and enhances their skills and knowledge. Advanced courses can cover various topics, from handling complex notarizations to improving customer service skills. By investing in their education, notaries can provide better service to homeowners and business owners, ensuring that all documents are handled correctly and efficiently.

Building Trust and Credibility

Trust is paramount for homeowners and business owners when dealing with sensitive documents such as property deeds, loan agreements, and business contracts. Notaries who pursue continuing education demonstrate a commitment to their profession, building trust and credibility with clients. An educated notary is seen as a reliable and knowledgeable professional, which is essential in fostering long-term client relationships.

Staying Competitive in the Market

The notary public profession is competitive, and those who stand out often invest in their ongoing education. Notaries can differentiate themselves from their peers by staying updated with the latest industry standards and practices. This competitive edge is particularly beneficial for attracting and retaining clients, as homeowners and business owners prefer working with well-known notaries in current regulations and practices.

Adapting to Technological Advancements

Technology is rapidly changing the landscape of the notary public profession. Notaries must be proficient with the latest technological tools, from electronic signatures to digital document storage. Continuing education courses often include training on these advancements, ensuring that notaries can effectively integrate technology into their practice. This improves efficiency and meets the growing expectations of tech-savvy clients.

Networking and Professional Growth

Continuing education provides notaries with opportunities to network with other professionals in the field. Attending seminars, workshops, and conferences allows notaries to share experiences, gain new insights, and build valuable connections. These interactions can lead to professional growth and open doors to new opportunities, enhancing the notary’s career trajectory.

Continuing Education for Lasting Success

Continuing education is vital for notary public professionals. It ensures compliance with changing laws, enhances competence, and builds client trust. Notaries can ensure their career longevity and job satisfaction by staying updated with new technologies and expanding their professional networks. Homeowners and business owners seeking notarial services should prioritize notaries who invest in their education, as they provide the highest service and expertise. For more detailed information about specific notary practices, such as understanding the significance of a document date, explore additional resources.


May 10, 2024

7 Essential Practices to Safeguard Notary Stamps and Journals

Filed under: Best Practices — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

As a mobile notary, safeguarding your notary stamps and journals is crucial to protecting your professional integrity and clients’ sensitive information. Here are some expanded practices and recommendations to ensure the security of your notarial tools:

  1. Secure Storage: Always store your notary stamps and journals securely. This could be a locked drawer or cabinet when not in use. Such measures are vital to prevent unauthorized access and potential misuse of your notarial tools, especially in shared work environments or when you’re moving.
  2. Controlled Access: Maintaining exclusive control over your notary journal is crucial to ensure the integrity of recorded notarial acts, which include details like the names of parties involved, document types, and the signature date. This information must remain confidential and protected from unauthorized access to safeguard your clients’ sensitive information.
  3. Proper Disposal of Retired Tools: When a notary seal expires, or a journal is filled, it’s important to dispose of these items responsibly to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. For expired notary seals, consider methods such as cutting, shredding, or burning the rubber part of the stamp. For journals, follow state-specific guidelines, including transferring them to a designated official or keeping them under lock for a certain period before destruction.
  4. Loss or Theft: If your notary stamp or journal is lost or stolen, report the incident immediately to the relevant state authorities and law enforcement. This can help mitigate the risk of fraudulent use of your notary tools and protect you from potential legal liabilities. You may also need to inform your bonding company and any insurance providers to see if additional steps are required under your policies.
  5. Use of Electronic Journals: Consider using electronic journals that offer enhanced security features such as encryption and password protection. E-journals can be backed up securely and accessed remotely, providing a modern solution to maintaining and safeguarding notary records in the digital age.
  6. Regular Audits and Updates: Periodically audit and update your security practices as necessary. This includes checking the physical and digital security of where your stamps and journals are stored. Regular updates to digital security measures, like changing passwords and updating encryption, can prevent unauthorized access.
  7. Training and Awareness: Attend workshops, webinars, and other training sessions to stay informed about the best practices for safeguarding notary stamps and journals. Also, be aware of new laws or changes in existing laws regarding notary practice in your state. Education is a crucial defense against fraud and theft.

Securing Your Professional Tools

Safeguarding your notary stamps and journals is crucial for maintaining the integrity and trust of your mobile notary service. By implementing these key practices, you protect your professional tools against theft, loss, and unauthorized access. This proactive approach secures your tools and reinforces your credibility and reliability as a notary. Keep assessing and updating your security strategies to protect your notarial practice.

For more detailed guidance on specific state requirements and additional tips on securing your notary tools, always refer to your state’s notary laws or consult a professional legal advisor.


February 9, 2024

Notary Efficiency 101: Organizational Tips for Success

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 5:12 pm

In our modern world, efficiency is crucial, particularly for notaries who have an essential role in verifying documents for individuals and businesses. Having a tidy workspace can significantly improve your accuracy and productivity when dealing with legal documents, real estate transactions, or business contracts. In this article, we will discuss effective organization tips for notary to declutter your workspace and notarize with unparalleled efficiency.

Declutter Your Workspace

A cluttered workspace can lead to mistakes, lost documents, and unnecessary stress. Begin by minimizing physical clutter. Keep only the essentials on your desk: your notary seal, stamp, journal, and current documents. Utilize filing systems for completed and pending documents to avoid mix-ups and ensure easy access. Digital clutter can be just as problematic, so organize your digital files with clear naming conventions and back them up regularly to prevent data loss.

Streamline Your Processes

To achieve efficiency in notarization, it is essential to have streamlined processes. One of the key organization tips for a notary is to create a checklist for each type of notarization service you offer. This ensures that no step is overlooked and can speed up the process for you and your clients. In addition to this, it would be helpful to consider using scheduling software to manage appointments. This reduces the risk of double bookings and helps allocate your time effectively.

Invest in the Right Tools

The right tools can make a world of difference in your notary practice. A high-quality scanner and printer are indispensable for creating clear copies of documents. Digital tools like electronic notary platforms can also streamline the notarization process, allowing for remote notarizations, which can expand your client base. Furthermore, ensure your mobile devices are equipped with secure, encrypted apps for managing emails and documents on the go.

Stay Informed and Educated

Staying up-to-date with the latest notary laws and best practices is crucial for efficient service. Regularly attend workshops, webinars, and training sessions. This enhances your knowledge and ensures compliance with state laws and regulations. Moreover, joining notary associations can provide valuable resources and a network of peers for advice and support.

Prioritize Security

Security is of utmost importance in notary work. Use special software to keep digital files safe and lock paper documents in a secure cabinet. When sending papers, it’s crucial to ensure their safety. Many people inquire about the safety of FedEx drop boxes, and it’s always advisable to use trusted ways to send important documents. To get useful tips on sending documents safely, you can read about whether FedEx drop boxes are safe.

Communication is Key

Effective communication with your clients can greatly enhance your efficiency. Set clear expectations regarding the notarization process, required documents, and fees. This reduces confusion and last-minute scrambles. Furthermore, be responsive to calls and emails, as timely communication can prevent delays and foster trust with your clients.

Unlocking Notary Efficiency

Adopting these organization tips for notary practices can significantly declutter your workspace and streamline your notarization processes. From decluttering and investing in the right tools to prioritizing security and maintaining effective communication, each strategy is pivotal in enhancing your efficiency and reliability as a notary. Remember, an organized notary is a successful notary, ensuring smooth transactions for homeowners and business owners alike. Embrace these tips, and watch your notary practice thrive in productivity and professionalism.

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