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June 30, 2021

Vaccines for Notaries?

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 3:07 am

As with any science fiction horror movie, there has to be an evil and mad scientist who creates some catastrophe, disease, or situation. It is usually the same lunatic that creates a genetically engineered virus who also has the cure.

But, is the cure toxic? I don’t know. But, my current guru says it is very toxic. (I have a current guru and an ex who died a few years ago, and some other gurus I channel for spiritual information. It’s complicated.

Notaries will have to wait in line to get a vaccine. The nurses, teachers, and old folks get their cut of the action first. The vulnerable probably next. But, Notaries are far down the list unless you are a vulnerable Notary. The fake news media has programmed us all to be afraid… didn’t work with me. Correctly, I am afraid. Not about Covid Covid Covid, but about Vaccine Vaccine Vaccine.

People are going to wait in line and pay big bucks for something that some conspiracy theorists think has a chip in it. I don’t think that is possible, otherwise it would be lodged in your brain and cause you to have a stroke. But, it could cause havoc with your immune system or DNA, and that is what I am worried about. That is a long term risk not a short term issue. No side effects might show up for years.

The irony about my former spiritual group is that my former guru Chari-ji preached living in harmony with nature. I am so happy he taught this, because now is the time when that lesson pays off. I don’t think I need a mask, a vaccine, or to have my outdoor gym equipment shut down (I jump the fence daily.) I got a little nervous when security was following me while I was walking away. Were they upset that I jumped the little orange plastic fence, or were they looking for an address where I was walking? Paranoid.

But, the successor of my guru called Daaji made his millions in pharmaceuticals and doesn’t look too healthy. Hint hint… If you want to be healthy, stay away from pharmaceuticals. So, Chari-ji says to live in harmony with nature which translates into stay away from drugs. His successor made his entire career out of drugs. Hmm.

My advice is — learn to be healthy without crutches like vaccines and drugs. Take vitamins and get them naturally through sunlight and healthy foods. Get exercise, socialize, and deal with signing companies who pay on time and treat you nicely (if such a thing exists.) When it is your time to go, then accept that. What is the point of living if you are having surgeries every three months, scans, twenty prescriptions, etc? That’s not what I want. I eat vegetables, but I don’t want to be a vegetable — unless it’s an organic vegetable!

Search your inner voice to see what you should do.


June 28, 2021

Shutdowns: Live by dying or die by living.

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 11:34 am

The way I see shutdowns is that they keep you alive by preventing you from living. You have to get take out, you can’t go to work, you can’t do much. The only things you can do are walk down the street, go to the supermarket, and get takeout from your favorite restaurant. The numbers show that even if you have limited access to other people, you still are very likely to get sick if you are vulnerable. So the reducing social contact doesn’t keep you safe (although it might make you feel safe or delay your sickness) but not being physically vulnerable by having low vitamin D levels or poor health is what really matters.

The mainstream culture is trying to tell us that you might kill grandma by living and having a normal life. I think that as long as grandma has locked herself in her basement, she is safe regardless of what I do. The problem is what she is doing or not doing. Suddenly my life has to be completely altered to safeguard or allegedly safeguard someone else who doesn’t take precautions and to whom I owe nothing. It doesn’t add up unless you use what I term “Covid Logic.” A type of logic where nothing makes sense, numbers are always fake, and there is always an ulterior motive for any restriction.


June 10, 2021

Comments on good journal entry procedure

Filed under: Journals — admin @ 3:09 am

I have written thorough information on journal keeping in other articles. But, here is a summary of some of the more critical points.

1. KEEP A JOURNAL – or else. Even if your state does not require you to keep a journal, it is your only evidence if investigated by the FBI or if summoned to appear before a Judge. This happens more than you think to Notaries so be prepared and keep records in a journal.

2. Don’t forget to enter the type of NOTARY ACT that you are performing in the journal. This is generally a Jurat, Acknowledgment, Oath or Affirmation. Copy Certification might be considered a Jurat in some states, but you could put both names to be thorough.

3. Obviously enter the ID INFORMATION in your journal unless you live in a state that forbids that. Otherwise you have no evidence that you looked at their ID. Make sure the photo looks like them and that the signature on the ID matches the one in the journal and the document. If you want to get cute, ask them their sign and see if it matches their birthday.

4. THUMBPRINTS are almost foolproof. ID’s can be faked, but all thumbprints in the planet are unique to a particular individual. To deter fraud and help the FBI catch very very bad people (and yes we have stories from 123notary members about exactly this.) then keep a thumbprint for all notarized documents in your journal. NNA sells a nice journal with room for thumbprints and you need an inkless thumbprint pad too which is not expensive.

Most people don’t know what a document date is or what it means. It is an arbitrary date inscribed within the document which normally corresponds to the date the document was drafted or signed. It is yet another indication of which document you are dealing with, just in case you notarize two documents from the same signer with the same document name.

Signers must sign all journal entries that pertain to documents that they are being notarized on.

7. PRICES. The price you are charging the signers should be indicated in the journal. If you are charging a travel fee, or a flat fee for a mobile signing, indicate this somehow in your records, perhaps on the top entry of a particular signing.

8. ADDITIONAL NOTES? The NNA journal has a section for additional notes. If you have credible witnesses, they sign there. If you notice anything unusual about the signing, write it down as that could jog your memory when you are in court several years after the fact. It is hard to remember all of your signings and roughly 15% of our full-time Notaries who have been around for several years have been to court due to Notary related reasons.

9. STORAGE. Keep your used journals in a safe and dry place. You might get a query for an old journal entry and you need to be able to find them. Your Notary division might want your journals if you quit your commission or you expire, so keep them where you can find them where nobody will steal them.

That’s all for today!


May 1, 2021

Precautions as a notary are like wearing your seat belt

Filed under: Best Practices — admin @ 6:28 am

One out of seven seasoned Notaries I talked to has ended up in court at least once. Generally this happens because of something outside of the Notary’s control. Fraud, theft, or someone taking advantage of a confused elder are the main reasons for court cases.

Notaries who have never been to court think it will never happen to them. It is like car accidents. Bad ones do not happen much, but when they do, if you are not wearing a seatbelt and/or don’t have good airbags, you might be in big trouble. Just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it won’t happen tomorrow, or in twenty years. So, take precautions. Think of these as wearing a facemask if that makes it more relatable.

If a signer is senile, elderly, in a hospital or nursing home, make sure you can identify they correctly and that they can explain to you what they are signing. Don’t ask yes or no questions as they will say yes to anything and are probably on morphine and not all there. If they go over the document point by point, then they know what they are signing today. They might not remember a year from now though, and that is dangerous for you if it goes to court.

Your journal is your only evidence, so if you say, “My state doesn’t require a journal” you are a fool. The state might not require it, but a judge or investigator needs the journal as that is your only evidence of what actually happened.

1. Make sure the name on the ID proves the name on the document. Don’t use the “you can have more but not less” rule, because notaries always forget which document you can have more on – the ID or the document. So, remember my rule. “The name on the ID must prove the name on the document.” The ID name can be matching but longer, or matching and identical to prove the name.

2. Take a thumbprint unless your state forbids it. I personally might take a thumbprint anyway in Texas because the state forbids selling or distributing that information and not taking it — and that is your only hard evidence of the identity of the signer. Fake ID’s abound, but fake thumbprints do not.

3. In the “Additional Notes” section of your journal write down about the situation, the mental state of the signer, who else is there, and that the signer explained the document to you. This could save your rear if you go to court three years later because you will not remember what happened off the top of your head. Write down anything else noteworthy about the situation to job your memory when investigated.

4. Decline jobs that are too sketchy or if you are unsure that the signer knows what is going on.

5. Have the signer verify who the other people are with them if they are elderly. Sometimes they are not related and sometimes they are scamming the signer.

6. Make sure you know how to give Oaths correctly. You could lose your commission if a judge finds out otherwise.

I was investigated 3 times, but had my paperwork and thumbprints in order. It took me minutes to query jobs done a year or so ago since I had a stack of journals all in chronological order. I always identified people correctly and took notes in my journal for credible witnesses and other pertinent facts. Be sure to do the same, or even more. If you do everything correctly, you still might end up in court, but it will be a shorter case as you have more compelling evidence as to what happened — especially the thumbprint which is your only hardcoded proof of identity.


April 19, 2021

What if Covid was more like a real horror movie

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 8:28 am

The way people are behaving and what we see in the news is identical to some previous horror movies about infections diseases of the future. The whole reason this Covid fiasco is even possible is that the media has way too much influence, people are too quick to blindly accept whatever fake news you feed them, and that people travel so much that diseases can effectively spread all over the world in weeks.

But, what if the behavior conformed more to how Hollywood would film a film about Covid?

MARIA: Oh my God, the news. Mom. the news. It’s China again. People are dying in the streets.

MOM: That could happen here. Look at all those half naked wretched looking people with their eyeballs hanging out of their sockets dying from Covid. I always knew this would happen because I watch too many sci-fi thrillers. But, honestly the make up is much better in this one.

MARIA: Mom — that’s not make up, it’s real.

MOM: I’m immune to it. All those horror movies are like a vaccine against reality for me. I’m good. But, that Chinese lady on the left — great acting, all the screaming and everything like she lost everything.

MARIA: She DID lose everything and can’t go to him home for three months. They’re going to harness her to a bed where she can’t move.

(One Month Later)

RALPH: Maria, you told me this killer disease would be here in a few weeks and it’s here. I’m terrified.

MARIA: I”m over being terrified. I got it out of my system being scared last month.

RALPH: I’m scared every month. People keep getting infected, and when they do, their hair falls out and they turn grey with this crazed look on their face. It’s just like the wreaper disease.

MOM: It’s like curse of the living dead. And the only thing that can save us is the vaccine which won’t come out until next episode if we’re lucky.

MARIA: This isn’t a movie. It’s real mom!

MOM: I guess it would be more real to me if I actually knew people who got sick.

(Another Month Later)

RALPH: I was in bed for two weeks unable to move. Now, all I want to do is infect others.

MARIA: Ralph, you’re missing half your teeth, half your hair, and are walking around with your hands out forward like a zombie.

RALPH: I know. If you were paying more attention, you would notice that I am dragging my lifeless left foot along as well. I’m going to infect you after I scream like a teradaktyl and cough up some blood. ooops. I’m low on coughable blood. I’ll have to put that on the list next time I go to CVS if they even let me in.

MARIA: You evil fiend. I can’t believe the Ralph I know has turned into something so crazed and evil. But, on a brighter note, I can tell mom. She loves this type of stuff. She will probably know several movie references to your behavior.

(5 months later. Ralph dies a slow death having his skin eaten up by a rare infection and turning into a walking corpse.)

SANDRA: I’m sorry about Ralph. But, those of us who have not been infected and turned into zombies need to find a way to get —- the vaccine. It is the only solution.

MOM: But, you can’t get the vaccine without being notarized, and most notaries have become teradaktyl zombies. If you come into contact with them, you will become like them.

MARIA: Are there any Notaries who are still normal?

MOM: There are, but they are too afraid to go near anyone.

SANDRA: I just went outside. There is a line of people going on for hundreds of miles. The government has come to the rescue. Millions of people are going without food, showers, or medical care to stand in line for this vaccine. And they all look like zombies. Their brains have turned to mush and mentally they look like they aren’t even mentally there.

MOM: We should go and see that line.

SANDRA: It’s right down mainstream.

PEOPLE IN LINE: Vaccine….. vaccine…. we need the vaccine.

MARIA: Their clothes are all ripped and their hair is all disheveled.

MOM: I know, it’s just like that zombie apocalypse movie I saw at universal. Great for Halloween. (ring ring)

THOMAS: Mom, you gotta think quick. Rumor has gotten out, that the last stash of the vaccine is at your house.)

MOM: Oh no. All of those zombies will surround our house, break the windows, and then eat us alive looking for the vaccine.

MARIA: But, they are braindead zombies. The vaccine might protect them from Covid-19, but not from the more serious problem that they have which is that they are zombies who believe everything the lamestream media feeds them and all without even the slightest of questioning.

MOM: I don’t think they even need to censor information. The news can just tell them not to read it and people are so obedient towards complete strangers that they won’t read it. It’s like they are under some spell of a higher level spirit like Amalek.

THOMAS: You can leave my Amalek out of it…. Oh, no… Amalak. I was thinking of our little cat Amali. That’s different. Amalek is the spirit of deception and distortion. He is supposed to be a bad guy according to the ancient Hebrews.

MARIA: Oh no, the house is already surrounded. But, some zombie police are there in their beaten up police cars, torn police uniforms and dented night sticks. This really is like a horror movie.

MOM: So, when does it end?

THOMAS: When Fauci gets fired!

MARIA: Now you’re talking. If he gets fired, does that mean I no longer have to wear a mask?

THOMAS: It could lead to that.


April 10, 2021

123notary – are doing well because the other half aren’t functioning?

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 5:02 am

Many Notaries in August, 2020 were doing really well in business. Calls are up, people are purchasing, refinancing, and more. The market is booming partly due to lower interest rates. Another reason things are booming is that businesses aren’t borrowing much and the lenders have to lend to someone. Perhaps they have lightened their post 2008 restrictions on who can borrow and with what credit score.

The other reason things are booming is that half of the Notaries are older and afraid of Covid19. They are hiding in their basements while the working half are cleaning up. Such a great opportunity.

Personally, I feel that we should let nature take its course and not do anything to disrupt the flow of nature no matter how gruesome it is, even if the numbers weren’t completely faked and paid for by the bribes of pharmaceutical companies. We can’t all be imposter Bidens and hide in our basement with a facemask dangling from our right ear.

I go for long walks in Los Angeles daily and have not seen one person coughing up blood, or turning blue walking down the street. I have not even seen anyone sneeze since 2019. It has been the healthiest I have ever seen America.

So, how long will things boom? It is hard to say. With business devastated, they might continue to be devastated for years to come and we might all become rich. We’ll find out. On the other hand, if there is a housing crash, nobody will have any equity to draw on which is another take on the issue. We’ll have to wait and find out. I’m tempted to say that I’m optimistic (for once), but I’m really more perplexed than anything else.


March 14, 2021

A review from a client that the Notary thought was low-brow

Filed under: Reviews — admin @ 4:42 am

A very educated Notary got a review from a client that said, “Patty rocks.” She wanted the review removed. I told her that the review was good. It was written in the language of a real person. Not all of us are university professors who use the queen’s English. Some of us use high-brow English, and others are more informal. The point is that the review was enthusiastic and real. And in real life, some of our clients might have an education not in excess of a Harvard Professor — or perhaps more than some.

So, accept the language they use, even a few spelling mistakes. The point is that the public needs to know that people like you and trust you. A Notary with no reviews has very little credibility.

In my opinion, your certifications mean more than reviews, but for the clients, the reviews mean more than the certifications. Certifications are given by impartial agencies who judge you based on your knowledge. Clients judge you based on if they like you and had a good experience. They are both important. But, some people fake reviews. It is not so easy to fake a certification. But, in any case, popularity trumps — so show the world that you have some!


February 28, 2021

Depression & Paralysis are in the atmosphere & affects Notary business

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 4:20 am

Some Notaries say they are super busy. But, many are just slowing down. I feel that depression, fear, and emotional paralysis are in the air in the first part of 2020, and perhaps the second part as well. The whole world basically shut down, and is trying to figure out how to reopen. California reopened and then shut bars and indoor restaurant seating down again. What a blow to our freedoms.

A feeling of sadness and helplessness afflict many. Alcoholism, child abuse, suicide are exponentially higher. Traffic in Los Angeles is at 25% in my area. But, I went to the San Fernando Valley and saw heavy traffic on the 101. This was the first traffic I had seen in months. I just wonder what will become of our economy if nobody is driving. The sky is a little too clear.

Carmen became less active and then suffered a devastating health set back which she can describe to you if she likes. I don’t know the details. I became lethargic because I had no energy. Three months without a massage, and I was juice fasting and hiking too much. My energy was depleted from many different angles. But, now I am building my energy back up and attacking my work. Instead of juice fasting I am doing intermittant fasting where I eat only 8 hours per day and fast the rest of the time. It is easy and leaves me less hungry even though I am having less calories than juice fasting.

I am going to Joshua Tree and Arizona tomorrow. I am writing this July 3rd, 2020 but it won’t be published until long after that just to get perspective.

So, that is how it is. It is critical to remain positive. Some do this by listening to music, walking, hiking, doing happy things, and most important — don’t listen to the news. It’s mostly fake, and will just depress you. Take a media break — as it is called.


February 18, 2021

Notarizing Fauci

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 4:09 am

A Notary went to notarize Dr. Fauci. Fauci said that the only way he could be notarized would be by looking at the numbers.

The notary said he wanted $15 per signature and if there were two signatures then $30. The notary assured Fauci that the rising quantity of signatures do not translate directly into an increase in hospitalizations.

But, Fauci said he could not consent to being notarized until the numbers went down and that he bases his decision on “the numbers” and “the science.”

So, the Notary said, “Okay, I’ll lower my price to $14 for the first signature or $23 for two.” Fauci said, “Deal.”

Then the Notary asked if he would have to wear a facemask or if Fauci would, or both of them — or would it depend on “the numbers?” Fauci said that both of them would and that they would have to sterilize the pen, stamp, and documents as well.

A bystander stated — the human immune system is strengthened by getting sunshine, happiness and by being exposed to viruses so it can build up its strength and genetic knowledge of viruses to be able to effectively fight future new viruses. By locking yourself in your house, depriving yourself of sunshine, social interaction that leads to happiness, and virus exposure which strengthen the immune system — you are leaving yourself in a vulnerable state for when you finally come out of hiding and will be a lot more susceptible to future viruses.

Then the Notary said, “Yes, but you can’t say that because that isn’t consistent with the narrative.” The bystander said, “Good point — carry on.”

The Notary went so far as to get a plexiglass divider between himself and Fauci that he hauled in his car to the site of the signing just to add to the insanity and inhumanity of the situation.

My question is — why is it that everywhere I go I see paranoia, plexiglass, facemasks and insanity, when only 1 in 1 million people is dying per day of Covid19 in California and those numbers are vastly inflated to meet a BS narrative.

Ending comments
Covid Covid Covid. Covid, oh my God Covid. What if I get Covid? Covid Covid Covid. Nothing else in the universe matters except for the dozen or so unarmed blacks who get killed by cops every year and Covid. The million who die per year of cancer and other who die of obesity, heart attacks, and suicide don’t matter even though their lives are also preventable because cancer isn’t contagious. The only thing that matters is – Covid, oh my god Covid. Covid Covid Covid. What if I get Covid? This is what a typical 20 year old in Los Angeles thinks who has a 1 in 10 million chance of dying from Covid, but a much higher chance of getting hit by a truck, but they never think about that because they are Covidiots. If you are elderly and have serious health problems then you have a legitimate right to worry about Covid. Every one else — does not! Why are educated humans so stupid that they voluntarily line up to get brainwashed by absolutely see through fake BS? I’m glad the universities are shut because they don’t learn anything except about neo-Marxism and they don’t even learn that correctly.


February 3, 2021

According to the CDC, 6% of Corona Deaths are from Covid-19 ONLY

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 3:12 am

If you think that Covid-19 is worse than the flu, look at the total numbers for any particular year, then multiply by (.06) to get the number of people who died of Covid-19 who did not have serious comorbidities who died purely of covid. Yes folks, that is 6%. That means that this year 330,000 people did not die of Covid-19, but it is roughly 20,000.

Is 20,000 Covid-19 deaths in 2020 higher or lower than deaths from the flu in a good year, bad year or average year in the last ten years? (The correct answer is a lot less.)

Are the 20,000 Covid-19 deaths more or less than the net increase in suicides due to unconstitutional shut downs that serve no purpose other than to destroy society? I read that there are about 50,000 extra suicides in the USA above and beyond the regular 48,000 or so.

Never mind the drug overdoses and excess traffic accidents that resulted from shutdown related depression.

For each life lost due to Covid-19 (without comorbidities) there are several lives lost to shutdown related issues.

Additionally, the UN predicted that 130 million would die of hunger worldwide as a result of shutdowns in the world. But, how often does fake news or the lamestream media tell you about those poor brown people overseas who are dying like insects? Do the people who restrict your rights in the name of “safety” care about the “safety” of the hundreds of millions starving?

We are detached from reality in America. Even the homeless are overweight and don’t have to worry about starvation. We don’t seem to get it that real harm is being done to our rights, our economy and to helpless people (who overpopulated) in other countries.

Personally, I feel that the poor should have less kids as they cannot educate or feed them properly. The rich should have more kids, and if they were taxed less they might. That would even out inequality — and if there is one thing I care about almost as much as freedom and the constitution — it’s equality! But, on the other hand, you have to work hard just to be below average. We live in a competitive world.

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