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April 19, 2021

What if Covid was more like a real horror movie

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 8:28 am

The way people are behaving and what we see in the news is identical to some previous horror movies about infections diseases of the future. The whole reason this Covid fiasco is even possible is that the media has way too much influence, people are too quick to blindly accept whatever fake news you feed them, and that people travel so much that diseases can effectively spread all over the world in weeks.

But, what if the behavior conformed more to how Hollywood would film a film about Covid?

MARIA: Oh my God, the news. Mom. the news. It’s China again. People are dying in the streets.

MOM: That could happen here. Look at all those half naked wretched looking people with their eyeballs hanging out of their sockets dying from Covid. I always knew this would happen because I watch too many sci-fi thrillers. But, honestly the make up is much better in this one.

MARIA: Mom — that’s not make up, it’s real.

MOM: I’m immune to it. All those horror movies are like a vaccine against reality for me. I’m good. But, that Chinese lady on the left — great acting, all the screaming and everything like she lost everything.

MARIA: She DID lose everything and can’t go to him home for three months. They’re going to harness her to a bed where she can’t move.

(One Month Later)

RALPH: Maria, you told me this killer disease would be here in a few weeks and it’s here. I’m terrified.

MARIA: I”m over being terrified. I got it out of my system being scared last month.

RALPH: I’m scared every month. People keep getting infected, and when they do, their hair falls out and they turn grey with this crazed look on their face. It’s just like the wreaper disease.

MOM: It’s like curse of the living dead. And the only thing that can save us is the vaccine which won’t come out until next episode if we’re lucky.

MARIA: This isn’t a movie. It’s real mom!

MOM: I guess it would be more real to me if I actually knew people who got sick.

(Another Month Later)

RALPH: I was in bed for two weeks unable to move. Now, all I want to do is infect others.

MARIA: Ralph, you’re missing half your teeth, half your hair, and are walking around with your hands out forward like a zombie.

RALPH: I know. If you were paying more attention, you would notice that I am dragging my lifeless left foot along as well. I’m going to infect you after I scream like a teradaktyl and cough up some blood. ooops. I’m low on coughable blood. I’ll have to put that on the list next time I go to CVS if they even let me in.

MARIA: You evil fiend. I can’t believe the Ralph I know has turned into something so crazed and evil. But, on a brighter note, I can tell mom. She loves this type of stuff. She will probably know several movie references to your behavior.

(5 months later. Ralph dies a slow death having his skin eaten up by a rare infection and turning into a walking corpse.)

SANDRA: I’m sorry about Ralph. But, those of us who have not been infected and turned into zombies need to find a way to get —- the vaccine. It is the only solution.

MOM: But, you can’t get the vaccine without being notarized, and most notaries have become teradaktyl zombies. If you come into contact with them, you will become like them.

MARIA: Are there any Notaries who are still normal?

MOM: There are, but they are too afraid to go near anyone.

SANDRA: I just went outside. There is a line of people going on for hundreds of miles. The government has come to the rescue. Millions of people are going without food, showers, or medical care to stand in line for this vaccine. And they all look like zombies. Their brains have turned to mush and mentally they look like they aren’t even mentally there.

MOM: We should go and see that line.

SANDRA: It’s right down mainstream.

PEOPLE IN LINE: Vaccine….. vaccine…. we need the vaccine.

MARIA: Their clothes are all ripped and their hair is all disheveled.

MOM: I know, it’s just like that zombie apocalypse movie I saw at universal. Great for Halloween. (ring ring)

THOMAS: Mom, you gotta think quick. Rumor has gotten out, that the last stash of the vaccine is at your house.)

MOM: Oh no. All of those zombies will surround our house, break the windows, and then eat us alive looking for the vaccine.

MARIA: But, they are braindead zombies. The vaccine might protect them from Covid-19, but not from the more serious problem that they have which is that they are zombies who believe everything the lamestream media feeds them and all without even the slightest of questioning.

MOM: I don’t think they even need to censor information. The news can just tell them not to read it and people are so obedient towards complete strangers that they won’t read it. It’s like they are under some spell of a higher level spirit like Amalek.

THOMAS: You can leave my Amalek out of it…. Oh, no… Amalak. I was thinking of our little cat Amali. That’s different. Amalek is the spirit of deception and distortion. He is supposed to be a bad guy according to the ancient Hebrews.

MARIA: Oh no, the house is already surrounded. But, some zombie police are there in their beaten up police cars, torn police uniforms and dented night sticks. This really is like a horror movie.

MOM: So, when does it end?

THOMAS: When Fauci gets fired!

MARIA: Now you’re talking. If he gets fired, does that mean I no longer have to wear a mask?

THOMAS: It could lead to that.


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