If you think that Covid-19 is worse than the flu, look at the total numbers for any particular year, then multiply by (.06) to get the number of people who died of Covid-19 who did not have serious comorbidities who died purely of covid. Yes folks, that is 6%. That means that this year 330,000 people did not die of Covid-19, but it is roughly 20,000.
Is 20,000 Covid-19 deaths in 2020 higher or lower than deaths from the flu in a good year, bad year or average year in the last ten years? (The correct answer is a lot less.)
Are the 20,000 Covid-19 deaths more or less than the net increase in suicides due to unconstitutional shut downs that serve no purpose other than to destroy society? I read that there are about 50,000 extra suicides in the USA above and beyond the regular 48,000 or so.
Never mind the drug overdoses and excess traffic accidents that resulted from shutdown related depression.
For each life lost due to Covid-19 (without comorbidities) there are several lives lost to shutdown related issues.
Additionally, the UN predicted that 130 million would die of hunger worldwide as a result of shutdowns in the world. But, how often does fake news or the lamestream media tell you about those poor brown people overseas who are dying like insects? Do the people who restrict your rights in the name of “safety” care about the “safety” of the hundreds of millions starving?
We are detached from reality in America. Even the homeless are overweight and don’t have to worry about starvation. We don’t seem to get it that real harm is being done to our rights, our economy and to helpless people (who overpopulated) in other countries.
Personally, I feel that the poor should have less kids as they cannot educate or feed them properly. The rich should have more kids, and if they were taxed less they might. That would even out inequality — and if there is one thing I care about almost as much as freedom and the constitution — it’s equality! But, on the other hand, you have to work hard just to be below average. We live in a competitive world.