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July 7, 2023

Tackling the Notary Path: How Hard Can it Be?

Filed under: Notary Public 101 — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Are you thinking about becoming a notary and trying to figure out how difficult the process is or what difficulties you may face in this career? While the requirements may vary by state, becoming a notary can be fulfilling. In this blog post, we’ll know how hard it is to become a notary and the necessary steps to become certified as a notary public. Learn about the responsibilities of individuals in the business, successful notary duties, and any potential biases or stereotypes in the field. Start your journey to becoming a Notary Public by gaining the necessary knowledge for advancement.

Understanding the Notary Role

Before delving into the process of becoming a notary, it is important to understand the role they play. A notary is a public officer appointed by the state government to witness the signing of important documents and administer oaths. They act as impartial witnesses to prevent fraud and ensure the validity and enforceability of legal documents.

Meeting the Requirements

The specific requirements to become a notary can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but there are commonalities across many regions. The process typically involves:

1. Age and Residency: Most jurisdictions require notaries to be at least 18 years old and legal residents of the state where they wish to practice.

2. Education and Background Check: Some states may require the completion of educational courses related to notary laws and procedures. Additionally, a background check may be necessary to ensure the applicant has no criminal history that could compromise their integrity as a notary.

3. Application and Fees: Aspiring notaries must submit an application to the appropriate regulatory authority and pay the associated fees. The application typically includes personal information, educational background, and any additional documentation the state requires.

4. Notary Exam: Several states require applicants to pass a notary exam to demonstrate their understanding of notary laws and practices. The exam may cover document types, identification requirements, and notarization procedures.

5. Bond and Insurance: Many states require notaries to obtain a surety bond and/or errors and omissions insurance. These serve as financial protection in case of errors or misconduct during notarial acts.

6. Commissioning and Renewal: Successful applicants receive their notary commission once all requirements are met. The commission is usually valid for four years, after which notaries must renew their commitment to continue practicing.

Navigating Challenges on the Path

While becoming a notary is generally straightforward, certain challenges may arise. Here are a few potential hurdles and tips to tackle them:

1. Understanding Legal Terminology: Notaries should familiarize themselves with legal terminology and document types commonly encountered in their jurisdiction. Taking educational courses or seeking guidance from experienced notaries can help.

2. Staying Updated with Laws and Regulations: Notary laws and regulations are subject to change. Aspiring notaries must try to stay updated with any amendments or new legislation that may affect their practice. Joining professional associations and attending seminars or workshops can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

3. Building a Client Base: Starting a notary business requires building a client base and establishing a reputation for reliability and professionalism. Networking with attorneys, real estate agents, and other professionals frequently requiring notarial services can help generate referrals and opportunities.

Embrace The Challenges And Reap The Rewarding Benefits

It’s hard to truly know how hard it is to become a notary without taking the first step. Becoming a notary in your state requires time and money, so it pays to know all the facts before diving in. It is easy to feel overwhelmed at the thought of navigating the path to becoming a notary because the requirements are strict, and understanding the full scope of what is expected can seem daunting. But don’t let that deter you from taking on this rewarding profession. By investing in yourself and understanding the ins and outs of becoming a notary, you can join this amazing world of public service experts! So, if you’re interested in joining the legal services industry but need help knowing where to start – take action now! If you’re trying to find a Notary Signing Agent near you, you can locate providers in your area on our website.


June 9, 2023

How Do Interest Rates Impact Mobile Notaries?

Filed under: Public Interest — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

As a mobile notary, understanding how interest rates impact your business is essential for success. Interest rates can immediately and directly affect mortgage loans and closings that you may be asked to service on behalf of your clients. This factor inevitably influences your rate of income. Knowing how interest rates work can help you become more proficient in financial planning and give you an edge in providing the best services for clients. In this post, we will take an in-depth look at what’s involved with how interest rates affect mobile notaries so that you can better navigate both current and future financial activity within the industry.

Interest Rates and How They Impact Mobile Notaries

Interest rates have a significant impact on the mobile notary industry. They determine the cost of borrowing and affect various aspects:

Loan Affordability: Lower interest rates make loans more affordable, increasing demand for notary services in property transactions.

Housing Market: Lower rates stimulate home buying, increasing the need for notary services in real estate transactions.

Economic Activity: Interest rates influence consumer spending and business investment, impacting the demand for notary services.

Disposable Income: Rate changes affect consumers’ spending habits, potentially impacting the demand for notary services.

Investment Decisions: Interest rate fluctuations can influence notaries’ investment choices, potentially affecting business expansion.

The Effects of Low-Interest Rates on Mobile Notaries

The impact of low-interest rates on mobile notaries must be balanced. With a significant portion of their income dependent on financing, any changes in interest rates can drastically alter their finances. Low-interest rates have been perceived in a positive light by some, as they have made it easier for businesses to borrow funds. However, this has led to intense competition within the notary market, resulting in pressure on mobile notaries to reduce their rates to remain competitive. As a result, the net amount mobile notaries receive for notarial services has decreased considerably. In addition, low-interest rates have also caused a reduction in demand for mortgage refinancing and purchase transactions, which are critical to the mobile notary business. Overall, the effects of low-interest rates on mobile notaries have mainly been adverse, with a significant reduction in income and work opportunities.

The Benefits of High-Interest Rates for Mobile Notaries

As a mobile notary, having high-interest rates can bring about many benefits. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to earn higher profits. With high-interest rates, there is an increased demand for loan signings and other notary services, opening up a more incredible opportunity for mobile notaries to increase their income. High-interest rates can also lead to more refinancing and home sales, leading to more business for mobile notaries. Understanding how interest rates affect mobile notaries and how they can leverage this to their advantage to grow their business is essential. By staying informed about market trends and interest rate fluctuations, mobile notaries can stay ahead of the competition and take advantage of opportunities. High-interest rates can significantly impact the success of mobile notaries in the industry.

The Silver Lining: Opportunities Amid High-Interest Rates

As interest rates continue to rise, many individuals and small businesses may become apprehensive about the potential negative impact on their financial standing. However, it’s important to note that high-interest rates offer a silver lining – especially for mobile notaries. As rates increase, demand for refinancing and other financial transactions may also increase. This presents opportunities for mobile notaries to offer services to clients seeking assistance with these transactions. Mobile notaries can also use higher interest rates by investing in high-yield savings accounts or other financial products. While rising interest rates may seem intimidating, they provide opportunities for those willing to adapt and seize the moment.

Take Charge of Your Success by Actively Staying Informed About Interest Rate Changes

In conclusion, interest rates can have a significant impact on the operations of mobile notaries. Not only does it affect the cost of borrowing to finance and expand their business, but it also affects the fees they can charge when underwriting documents. Understanding how interest rates affect mobile notaries may impact your business as a mobile notary is vital so that you can make plans for success and efficiency as interest rates continue to fluctuate. If you have any questions or concerns about how these moments might affect your commission, consult a legal advisor or financial planner familiar with the laws surrounding Notary services in your state. With this information and more in mind, you can make informed decisions that will allow you to move forward as a commissioned Notary confidently.


February 23, 2023

Businesses That Need Notaries

Filed under: (6) Marketing,Advertising — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 5:38 pm

Are you wondering which types of organizations to target when spreading the word about your notary business? After all, there are plenty of businesses that need notaries on a regular basis, but others that might be less interested.

Essentially, any company that deals with legal transactions or documents of any kind will need notary services every now and then. Here are a few types of businesses most likely to require your services.

Real Estate Agencies

There are a great many legal documents involved in real estate transactions. This is true, especially if the buyer is taking out a mortgage. That’s good news for you as a notary—in most states, your services will be required by law.

In a real estate transaction, you’ll serve as an impartial witness. It will also be your responsibility to check and affirm the signatures of all the parties involved. The duties may vary from state to state, so ensure you know what’s expected of you in these cases.

Law Firms

It goes without saying that many legal documents require notarization. Paperwork granting power of attorney, trust documents, and wills are a few examples.

Many lawyers try to hire paralegals who are already commissioned notaries. That way, the employee can add notarization duties to their list of regular tasks. But if no one in-house can do it, the attorneys must commission notary services.

Banks, Mortgage Lenders, and Other Financial Institutions

As we pointed out, loan and mortgage documents require signature verification. The same goes for other financial agreements as well. That means financial institutions will need notary services on a regular basis.

It was common for banks to employ on-staff notaries to provide free services to their customers (sometimes even walk-ins). However, with the rise of online banking, this practice is rare. This works out well if there are a lot of banks in your area constantly seeking outside help when notarizing documents.

Healthcare Providers

You might not think of medical offices as businesses that need notaries. But the truth is, any business that deals with legal documents needs to have a notary on call.

In addition to power of attorney documents, certain medical consent forms must also be certified. Otherwise, it would be difficult to prove whether or not the patient consented to the transfer of power—or the medical procedure itself.

Government Agencies

Here’s a partial list of government documents that might require notarization:

  1. Immigration forms
  2. Oaths
  3. Affadavits

It’s always important to avoid the pitfalls of a forged signature notarized document, but you must be careful when dealing with government documents. Always ensure the person signing the document has the proper identification, and check all the dates and sections of the forms carefully before notarizing.

Employment Agencies

Some employers require drug tests and background checks before they make an official job offer. In these cases, the employment agency might enlist a notary to verify those documents to cover all their legal bases.

Small Businesses

Just because a company is small doesn’t mean it’s entirely self-sufficient. Many businesses that need notaries are very small, like mom-and-pops. Even the smallest businesses have contracts and other agreements that require notarizations occasionally. So get out there and spread the word about your notary business today!


February 3, 2023

10 Mobile Notary Safety Tips for Beginners

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: , , , , — Tom Wilkins @ 8:00 am

Becoming a notary in your state can be a lucrative career path for entrepreneurs and those who want to help their communities. Mobile notary services have become quite popular in recent years. Experienced notaries know that mobile services expand business opportunities. Still, they also know that there are specific safety guidelines that mobile notaries need to pay attention to while on the go.

If you’re considering offering field service as a notary, below are ten mobile notary safety tips for beginners:

1. Always verify the identity of the signer before conducting any notarization

As a notary, it’s your responsibility to know who you’re dealing with, but this can be especially difficult when providing mobile notary services. You may be called to various locations with multiple people present, so verify the identification of all signers. You can do this by checking state-issued ID cards, driver’s licenses, military ID cards, or other forms of acceptable official identification.

2. Ensure the document being notarized is legitimate and that all information is filled out correctly

Documents you notarize need to be validated as legitimate before completing the notarization process. Different documents may require more intensive verification than others, so always ensure you know what documents you’ll be dealing with before heading to a notary job. This will allow you to be prepared if certain documents need additional verification to be performed beforehand.

3. Always use a tamper-evident seal or stamp on the document

The seal or stamp you use should include some tamper-evident features. Consider taking photos of any seal you place upon documents within the bounds of the laws that govern notary services in your state. This can be helpful if evidence needs to be provided later to verify the original marking.

4. Keep a detailed journal of all notarizations performed

It’s also a good idea to keep a detailed journal of each day’s service calls. Each entry should include the date, time, and location of services performed, and you should also consider including contact information for any parties with whom you have contact. Your journal entries can help if you need to verify information in the future, and it can also be helpful if you bill customers instead of collecting payment at the time of service.

5. Be aware of your surroundings and stay alert for any suspicious activity

Among other mobile notary safety tips for beginners, it’s vital to be aware of your surroundings when in the field. Pay attention to suspicious activity, and always put your safety and security first. No job is worth your life, so pay attention to potential threats in the area. You can also research locations online before arriving to get a better understanding of an area’s layout.

6. Use a GPS-enabled device to track your location

In keeping with the above, ensure GPS tracking is enabled on your smartphone or a dedicated GPS unit in your vehicle. These devices help you find locations faster, but they can also be used to provide important information to authorities if you can’t be contacted after responding to a service call. It’s also recommended to share your schedule with a trusted friend, family member, or colleague and check in with this person throughout your work day.

7. Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables with you

You only carry small amounts if you accept cash payments as a mobile notary service provider. If you have a busy day, plan some time between service calls to deposit cash at your bank. In the unlikely event that you get robbed, or you lose the cash on your person, you’ll be thankful that you didn’t carry a large sum of money. You can also limit the amount of jewelry you wear to service calls to minimize your risk of being robbed.

8. Be familiar with the notary laws and regulations in your state and adhere to them at all times

As a mobile notary, you have unique obligations and responsibilities. Your role is recognized by authorities to serve the public with integrity; to do this, you need to know the laws that govern notary services in your state. These laws may include regulations about what documents you can notarize, where notarizations must occur, whether multiple witnesses must be present, and more.

9. Keep your notary commission and identification with you at all times

Mobile notary professionals must always keep their commissions and IDs on them. Having these documents with you is important if a customer asks to see them, but you may also be asked to provide them to authorities. In addition, providing mobile notary services often means going into unfamiliar areas, so it’s wise to have records available to show that you belong in places where you don’t live.

10. Use a secure method of payment and avoid accepting cash

Accepting cash is convenient and quick, but it can also be a liability for mobile notaries. Instead of accepting cash transactions, consider using a digital point-of-sale system. Today’s point-of-sale systems integrate with the web through smartphones, allowing you to accept cards and digital payments without having to handle paper money.

Mobile Notary Safety Tips to Protect You and Your Clients

Remember, as a mobile notary, you are responsible for the safety of yourself and others. By following these ten mobile notary safety tips for beginners, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved in the transaction.


January 27, 2023

How to Start a Mobile Notary Business in 2023

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 pm

Starting a mobile notary business in 2023 is a great way to provide valuable service to your community while running a successful and profitable business. As a mobile notary, you can work from anywhere, set your own schedule, and serve many clients.

Get Commissioned

The first thing you will need to do to start a mobile notary business is to become a commissioned notary public. This typically involves passing a background check, taking a notary education course, and passing a notary exam. Once you are a commissioned notary public, you will need to purchase a surety bond, a type of insurance that protects your clients in case of errors or omissions on your part.

Create a Business Plan

Next, you’ll need to create a business plan. As a notary or signing agent, you know that success in your business requires more than just showing up on time and having the right documents. Taking the extra step to create a mobile notary business plan can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals and make your work even more successful. There is much to consider, from generating leads to determining pricing structures when writing up your plan.

Invest in the Proper Tools & Equipment

Once your business plan is complete, you must invest in the necessary equipment and supplies to run your mobile notary business. This includes a professional-grade seal and stamp, a journal to record your notarial acts, and a reliable means of transportation to travel to your clients. You will also want to invest in a good-quality printer, scanner, and computer to handle all the paperwork required to do your job.

Market Your Notary Business

Marketing is essential when you start a mobile notary business to ensure a steady stream of clients. You will need to create a website and social media presence to showcase your services and offer discounts and promotions to attract new clients. You should also consider networking with other notaries, real estate agents, attorneys, and other professionals who can refer clients to you.

Ongoing Education

Another important aspect of starting a mobile notary business is to stay up-to-date with the laws and regulations regarding notary services in your state. Each state has different rules and regulations regarding notaries, so it is important to stay informed and comply with all applicable laws. You should also consider joining a professional organization, such as the National Notary Association, which can provide you with training and resources to help you run your business.

How Much Will You Charge for Your Services?

Finally, it’s important to have a clear pricing strategy for your mobile notary business. You will want to research the going rates for mobile notary services in your area and set your prices accordingly. You may also want to offer package deals or volume discounts to attract repeat clients.

Create Your Own Success in 2023

In summary, starting a mobile notary business in 2023 is a great way to provide a valuable service to your community while also running a successful and profitable business. The key steps are to become a commissioned notary public, invest in the necessary equipment and supplies, market your business effectively, stay up-to-date with laws and regulations, and have a clear pricing strategy. With the right approach and hard work, you can start a mobile notary business that will provide a steady income for Notaries/Signings for years to come.


January 20, 2023

13 Auto Maintenance Tips for Mobile Notaries

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 5:22 pm

As a mobile notary, you know that there’s no such thing as a “typical day.” Document signings can take you all over town and beyond, making reliable transportation one of your most essential assets. To ensure your car stays in top shape and can safely accommodate the on-the-go lifestyle of a mobile notary – or any busy professional – here are some easy auto maintenance tips for mobile notaries!

1. Check Your Tires & Air Pressure

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your car is to check your tires regularly. You should check the tread depth and air pressure of all four tires at least once a month. If you notice any bald spots or low air pressure, take care of it immediately.

2. Check All Fluids Monthly

In addition to oil and brake fluid, several other fluids must be checked periodically. These include coolant, transmission, power steering, and windshield washer fluid. It’s important to check all these fluids monthly to ensure they are at the proper levels.

3. Change Your Oil & Filter

Another important thing to do is to change your oil regularly. Depending on the make and model of your car, you may need to change your oil every 3,000 miles or every 5,000 miles. Consult your owner’s manual to find out what is best for your car.

4. Rotate Your Tires Every 5,000 Miles

Tire rotation is important because it helps to distribute wear and tear on all four tires evenly. As a result, rotating your tires will help them last longer and improve your car’s handling.

5. Change Your Air Filter Every 12,000 Miles

The air filter helps remove impurities from the engine’s air. Over time, the air filter becomes clogged with dirt and debris over time, reducing engine power and efficiency. As a result, it’s important to change the air filter every 12,000 miles.

6. Get Regular Tune-Ups

It is also important to get regular tune-ups for your car. This means taking it to a mechanic to check the engine and be serviced as needed. How often you need a tune-up will depend on the make and model of your car, but it is generally recommended that you get one every 30,000 miles or so.

7. Flush Your Radiator Every 24,000 Miles

The radiator helps to keep the engine cool by circulating coolant throughout the engine block. Over time, the coolant becomes contaminated with dirt and debris, which can clog the radiator and cause overheating. Therefore, it’s important to flush the radiator every 24,000 miles to prevent engine damage.

8. Inspect Your Brakes Regularly

Brake pads wear down over time and must be replaced periodically to ensure proper braking performance. Additionally, brake fluid should be flushed and replaced every few years to prevent corrosion and maintain proper braking performance. Therefore, it’s important to inspect your brakes regularly to keep them in good condition.

9. Inspect Your Belts and Hoses Regularly

Belts and hoses can become brittle over time due to wear and tear, breaking or becoming loose. As a result, it’s important to inspect your belts and hoses regularly to prevent problems.

10. Don’t Ignore Warning Lights

If any warning lights come on in your car, take notice and take care of the problem immediately. This is one of the most important auto maintenance tips for mobile notaries because ignoring them can lead to bigger problems down the road, so it’s always best to nip them in the bud as soon as possible.

11. Get Your Car Inspected Regularly

Finally, be sure to get your car inspected on a regular basis by a qualified mechanic. This will help ensure that any potential problems are caught early on before they have a chance to cause serious damage

12. Keep Your Car Clean

One simple way to prolong the life of your car is to keep it clean, both inside and out. This means washing it regularly and vacuuming the interior on a regular basis. You should also avoid eating or drinking in your car, as this can lead to stains and crumbs that are difficult to remove.

13. Be Mindful of Your Driving Habits

The way you drive can also impact the longevity of your car. For example, if you frequently accelerate quickly or brake hard, this can put unnecessary wear and tear on your car’s engine and brakes. Also, driving in extreme weather conditions (hot or cold) can be tough on your car, so try to avoid this when possible.

Keep Your Vehicle in Top Shape

If you are a commissioned Notary, these auto maintenance tips will help ensure that your car is well-maintained and running as efficiently as possible. Regular maintenance will make your car look better and save you money in the long run. So keep your vehicle in top condition with these thirteen auto maintenance tips for mobile notaries.


January 24, 2022

Notary Happy Days Goes to China!

Filed under: Virtual Comedy Themes — Tags: , , — admin @ 10:29 pm

This was originally published many years ago.

Intro Joke:
A New Yorker was in the middle of downtown Shanghai with his wife and
kid. They walk into a restaurant where everybody in sight is Chinese
and nobody speaks a word of English.

The wife asks, “Where’s the bathroom?”
His kid asks, “Do you have egg rolls?”
And the guy asks, “Is the food authentic?”

I grew up watching Happy Days. I loved Richie, Potsie, Chachi, and
the gang. But, a Notary recently had to fly to Shanghai to do a
notarization for the Chinese version of Happy Days called “Yu-Kuai
Tian” which loosely translated means cheerful or happy day(s).

A Notary was called in to do a notarization for the staff of Yu-Kuai
Tian. He thought the notarization would be for a screenplay or a
writer’s contract. Boy, was he wrong.

NOTARY: Hi, I’m here for the notarization.

MANAGER: Solly no Yingrish! You wait!

ASSISTANT: Oh yes, we have been expecting you.

NOTARY: So, who am I signing for? One of the managers or the writers?

ASSISTANT: Oh, they didn’t tell you? You’re signing for the Chinese
Henry Winkler — “The Fong.” He’s late today because he was out last
night with one of his lady friends. One of his classier girlfiends who
doesn’t slurp when she eats her shark fin delight of three soup.

NOTARY: Sounds like an Ayy! One gal.

ASSISTANT: He’s out in back finishing repairing the transmission in a
rickshaw. He won’t be ready for you until 3pm. You can try one of our local restaurants.
They are quite good.

NOTARY: Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll try the one with the green
sign. I’ll just hope for the best.

ASSISTANT: But, before you go, please meet Mr. Yu and his guys. We
call them Yu’s guys!

NOTARY: Okay, how Yu’s guys doin’? This is how we talk in New York by the way.

(At the restaurant with the green sign. All of the staff are Chinese
and speak almost no English and all of the customers without exception
are Chinese as it is in downtown Shanghai.)

WAITER: Hello, I your waiter. My name Cha-Chee Wang.

NOTARY: You’re kidding. Cha-chee, like in Yu-Kuai Tian?

WAITER: Yes, I work there on my off day as wing man for The Fong. With my husband, Jo-Nee.
Jo-Nee love Cha-Chee.

NOTARY: I don’t care what I eat, but there is one thing that matters to me.

WAITER: You like dish called Potsie Sticker. It kind of dumpling.

NOTARY: Well, what I wanted to know is — is the food authentic?

WAITER: Yeah, food authentic all right. Half hour after you eat, you hungry to breathe
Oxygen. We in China after all. No Americanized food here. We don’t even know what that mean.
But, today long day. Potsie also work here. He having worst day in life. He so
out of it, it take him half hour to make “minute fried rice.”

NOTARY: Well maybe you should have Joannie come and help him.

WAITER: We try, but Joannie Chan busy. Anyway, one order of Potsie
Sticker coming up. By the way, last week was Chinese New Year – year
of the monkey, but sorry, we not serve monkey here. Try down street.
Delicacy — very expensive.

NOTARY: Thanks, but when I said authentic, maybe I had no idea what I
was getting myself into.

(30 minutes later)

NOTARY: Thanks for the great meal. Let me give you 40 ren-min-bi,
that should cover it. Back to the set.

THE FONG: Heyyyyyy!!!!! (with two sexy Chinese girls: one on each
side of him in cheerleader outfits.)

NOTARY: Wow, I get to meet the Chinese Fonzie in the flesh.

THE FONG: No, don’t touch the leather. Just got it restored at Wing’s
leather repair down street. And don’t touch the hair either.

NOTARY: Okay, I promise not to.

GIRLS: We promise not to either! hee-hee-hee…

THE FONG: Eyyyy!!!!! (puts two thumbs up.)

NOTARY: Good thing we’re not doing thumbprints.

THE FONG: If we did, you not need ink, plenty of grease already on
thumbs from mechanic work not to mention coconut oil on hair for good

NOTARY: Okay, I’ll need to see some ID.

THE FONG: Okay, legal name Fong Xiao-Leng, similar to Bruce Lee’s
Chinese name. But, people call me The Fong!

NOTARY: In real life I am not allowed to notarize outside of the State
of New Jersey where I am legally commissioned as a Notary Public, but
since this is a fictional comedy blog, I will take some liberties and
illegally use my stamp here in Shanghai.

THE FONG: Okay, so where do The Fong sign?

NOTARY: Right here

(The Fong signs in the wrong place and Notary scolds him)

NOTARY: No not there. You signed in the wrong place!

THE FONG: Wait second. You say The Fong… w-w-w-w-wong? The Fong NEVER wong!!!

NOTARY: Yeah, you were supposed to sign right here, and you signed
down there where the signature of the Notary is supposed to be.

THE FONG: Nobody say The Fong w-w-w-w-w-rong…. Not even The Fong’s mother.

NOTARY: Just admit it… You were wrong.

THE FONG: I can’t say it. I was w-w-w-w-w-w-… I just can’t.

NOTARY: Try one more time. Never mind. We’ll sign this fresh duplicate
I brought. Be more careful this time.

THE FONG: Okay. (scribbles The Fong on document)

NOTARY: No, that’s wrong. Your legal name is Fong Xiao-Leng, not The
Fong. The Fong is your nickname. You can’t legally be notarized using
that name.

THE FONG: Hey, this is blog entry. I do what I want. But, you say I
w-w-w-w-wrong again? We take this outside! NOBODY say The Fong wrong.

(The Fong grabs the Notary and takes him outside behind the garage)

THE FONG: You want on chin? Hurt more — show less. Or on gut? Hurt
more, nobody see.

NOTARY: What are you talking about?

THE FONG: You say The Fong wrong. Nobody say The Fong wrong and live
to tell about it. I punch you hard. You choose place.

NOTARY: Go for the gut. My dumplings weren’t that good anyway. I
think I prefer Americanized Chinese food come to think of it. But, I
have one condition. You can only punch me if you admit that you were

THE FONG: Deal… (punch)

NOTARY: Oh my God… What are you, a Shao-Lin monk? That really hurt.
Ouch. I’ll spend the rest of the day bent over. Now it’s your turn.
You have to keep your end of the bargain and admit that you were
wrong. Fair is fair.

THE FONG: Okay. I keep bargain. I was w-w-w-w-w-w-w….

NOTARY: Yes, this is a Deed for the sale of one of the rick-shaws you repaired.

THE FONG: Do you notarize auto-sale paperwork?

NOTARY: I notarize any documents about anything that starts with a key
and goes vroom vroom!

THE FONG: Eyyyy!!!! That sound like something The Fong would say.
Anyway… I was w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w.

NOTARY: You can do it. Good thing I ate lightly.

THE FONG: I was wr-r-r-r-r… It so hard. I was w-w-w-w…. WONG! I was wong!

GIRLS: I can’t believe he said it. The Fong was wrong!

NOTARY: Okay, now sign this 3rd copy I made as Fong Xiao-Leng and
we’ll be all done and I’ll take the next flight back to America.


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You know you’re a Notary when…

The Lonely Italian — parody in a notary context


January 16, 2022

Quiz: You know you’re a good Notary when you…

What type of Notary are you? A good one or a bad one? I’m not sure who created the questions for, “You know you’re a redneck if you…”
So, I’ll create my own version of this satirical banter, and come up with my own version for Notaries that will have some technical merit.

You know you’re a bad Notary when you…

(1) Do you fail to call the borrower to confirm the appointment that signing company set, and just show up?
If you don’t call and make sure that all parties involved (watch out for spousal signatures) will be there and on time, with a current ID with matching names — you might be in for some wasted time. If you don’t get the documents signed, you might not get paid. You might waste two hours for nothing because you don’t think you “need” to call the borrowers, or because you were asked not to. It is your appointment and your responsibility!

(2) Do you send loose certificates in the mail?
Lenders and Title companies are notorious for asking notaries to break the law and send loose certiifcates. In some states it is a Misdemeanor if you ask a Notary to do something illegal. Report all illegal requests to your State Notary Division immediately. No second chances!

(3) Do you fail to get certified by all agencies that you purchase “effective” advertising from? Or do you say, I don’t “need” your certification because I’m already “certified” without even disclosing the name of the organization who certified you? There is no such thing as just being “certified” as notary certification is not regulated by any government.

(4) Do you say, “I have my Notary” when you really mean you have your Notary Commission?

(5) Do you fail to use a Notary Journal or Seal simply because your state doesn’t require it? What happens if an investigator asks about a potentially fraudulent transaction you were involved in and you have no evidence for the court? The court case might be really long and you might get in really big trouble.

(6) Do you fail to keep thumbprints of signers in your journal because your state doesn’t require it?
Guess what? You might end up in court if you don’t take thumbprints, especially on transactions affecting high dollar figures such as properties.

(7) Do you fail to administer Oaths to credible witnesses or for Jurats because you are not well enough trained to know how, or even to know that you are required? Or, perhaps you don’t even know what a credible witness even is. Better look this up in your state Notary handbook.

You know you’re a good Notary when…

(1) The hair on your neck stand up straight when you see someone try to sign with a middle initial that doesn’t exist on their identification.

(2) You use an inked seal and an embosser with a raised non-inked seal to make it detectable if pages are swapped or photocopied.

(3) You take copious notes in your journal about the signers, what went on in the signing, and the building / neighborhood where the signing took place to job your memory should you ever be summoned into court.

(4) You sell your car, and buy a few top spots on!

There are many other technical points and best practices that we could address, but for this hopefully entertaining blog entry — that’s all folks!


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January 14, 2022

Psych Notary Episode

Filed under: Best Humorous Posts,Popular on Facebook (some),Popular Overall,Sit-Coms — Tags: — admin @ 11:54 pm

This was originally published many years ago.

There is a sit-com on Ion television that you can sometimes get on other cable stations called Psych. It’s about a psychic Shawn Spencer and his sidekick Burton Guster. In any case, the psychic is a fake half the time who sees real clues that nobody else saw him see and then pretends to have a vision.

In this episode, a Notary is found dead and his stamp is found missing. The detectives arrive on the scene.

LASSITER: The body is dead — and it’s cold. It could have been lying here for a good seven to ten hours in my estimate. The cause of death seems unclear.

JULES: Let’s take the body to the lab and see if there is any sign of food poisoning. The victim seems to be a Notary Public, and you know how those type of people are — you know — eating on the road on the run.

SHAWN: You’re right. He might have eaten a poisoned fish filet or….wait a second, I’m getting something… (puts his right two fingers to his head) This MAN, did not die from accidental food poisoning (pause)… he was murdered.

LASSITER: You and your unsubstantiated hunches. I just can’t stand it. And what’s worse is that you’re right more than half the time.

SHAWN: Some people say that I’m talented. Oh, and I’m sorry about your tragic breakup.

LASSITER: Yeah… so am I. I really fell for her.

SHAWN: Don’t despair Lassie, there are other fish in the sea… and coral, particularly Staghorn coral.. and sometimes Pillar coral, and it really sucks when that filmy type of algae gets stuck on the coral.. hmmm. I wonder how that happens. But, I digress. My point is that I’m sure you’ll find someone else.

GUS: Yeah… You’ll find someone. Algae on coral? Ain’t no algae on coral.

SHAWN: I’ve seen it. At least half a dozen times.

GUS: Where?

SHAWN: Snorkeling

GUS: Since when do you snorkel?

SHAWN: I snorkel… Why, you didn’t think I snorkeled? I’m a snorkeler. And I can communicate with fish too. Watch this (puts face near the fish tank and blows bubbles in the air) bubble bubble bubble… See. I told you. I am all about the sea.

JULES: Well, we’ll have to inspect the scene thoroughly and then round up some suspects. Hmm. It seems that this man is a Notary, yet his Notary seal seems to be missing. Perhaps this Notary was murdered to cover up a botched notarization.

LASSITER: Or perhaps the Notary had an exclusive contract with his boss, and his boss found out….

SHAWN: That the Notary was cheating on him… I think you’re projecting, Lassie. Your ex-girlfriend.

LASSITER: She never cheated on me! She was arrested for conspiracy.

SHAWN: Sure she didn’t. I understand. We need to know who the last one who was in the room was — and that man (or woman) will be… the killer.

GUS: What if there were two of them.

SHAWN: Okay… I’m getting something. (puts right fingers to side of head). I know who the killer is… or should I say… “Killizz”

LASSITER: According to this security footage, a well known gangster named Tommy Walker was the last man to come here.

SHAWN: Wait a second, I recognize those finger tattoos. Put them all together, one one hand is says love, and on the other hand’s fingers it says hate. And mom told me not to use four letter words. The killer had a document missing a page and the Notary refused to sign it. So, the killer murdered the Notary, stole the Notary’s stamp and backdated the notarization so that it would APPEAR to have been done long before the murder even though it would not be recorded until after because of some last minute travel arrangements gone bad.

JULES: How do you come up with this?

SHAWN: I have a natural gift.

(Meanwhile the main suspect Tommy Walker, a hardened criminal is at home eating fruit loops and watching the muffets when our dynamic team of sleuths barges in)

LASSITER: (pointing gun) You’re under arrest for the Murder of John Q Smith, Notary Public at large.

TOMMY: I didn’t kill him. He just died shortly after our Notary appointment.

SHAWN: Ah-ha, but your Notary appointment yielded no actual notarization. Or did it. Wait a second… I”m getting something (see’s notarized form in the bag) I see a … win a trip for two to Disney Land…

GUS: Shawn!

SHAWN: Oh, sorry, no… check right behind the Disneyland document and you will find the incriminating document. Yes… A falsified Power of Attorney with a classic missing page… The NNA warns people about that type of situation.

JULES: Oh my God Shawn. You’re right. This Notarization was dated several days ago, but the ink is still fresh.

SHAWN: Caught… in the act. And… we happen to have access to this Notary’s Notary journal which has no record of your transaction on May 5th, “el cinco de Mayo” of the Power of Attorney in question. Which proves that either the Notary kept lousy records, or that you faked the notarization. We’ll have to take the form to the lab so that Woody can inspect the ink for aging.

TOMMY: Okay, I did it. I stole the Notary’s seal, but I didn’t kill him. The killer

SHAWN: Or “Killizz”

TOMMY: is STILL at large. We’ll have to wait for the autopsy. In the mean time… hello travelocity.

JULES: Not so fast. We have the right to detain you until we resolve this.

GUS: Good thing this Notary kept good records because many Notaries on 123notary don’t think they need to keep a journal since their state doesn’t require it. And the ones in California who are required, don’t understand that each document and signature require their own journal entry. You can’t just put them all on the same line and expect that to be a legal record.

SHAWN: How do you know all this?

GUS: Because I used to be a commissioned Notary Public for the state of California, County of Santa Barbara — thank you very much for asking.

SHAWN: Oh cool, so can you notarize my stuffed penguin I’ve had since childhood?

GUS: You never had a stuffed penguin.

SHAWN : Did too, you just never saw it.

GUS: Where did you keep it?

LASSITER: Gentlemen, let’s be done with this inconsequential rambling and get to the task at hand. We need to take Tommy into custody and then question him. Meanwhile, we need to see Woody to see what the autopsy reveals.

WOODY: Hmmm, I’ve checked the body thoroughly and it seems that the Notary was administered a tiny amount of poison that would make him drowsy for just the amount of time it would take Tommy to borrow the Notary’s seal, stamp a document, return the seal and then leave. Tommy probably figured the Notary wouldn’t suspect a thing. HOWEVER, since the Notary had an allergy to some of the chemicals in the poison, the Notary died on the spot. Although the death was accidental, the poisoning was not.

LASSITER: Involuntary manslaughter. Tommy will get a much shorter sentence. A petty crime gone wrong.

SHAWN: Couldn’t the Notary die on an x, or on a dotted line instead of on the spot. Wouldn’t that be cooler.

GUS: Shawn! A notary can’t die on an x marks the spot. That’s ridiculous. He could die on a chair.

SHAWN: Or a gezebo. Or … wait a second, or a pagoda. But, that would probably only be a Japanese Notary.

GUS: Unless it was an American tourist Notary who was on vacation in a place where there are pagodas.

SHAWN: True, but would the American Notary carry their seal with them to Osaka to a pagoda and then just die there?

GUS: I don’t know. But, the Notary seal might drop out of his bag while he was bowing. When Americans bow, they bow too low. Japanese bow just a little bit — just the right amount.

SHAWN: How do you know so much about bowing?

GUS: I studied Hokkaido style karate — that is how I know. And if you studied that too, the knowledge would come from within you.

SHAWN: Right now the only thing coming from within me is an intense desire to eat a pineapple. Wanna share one?

GUS: Okay!

LASSITER: You guys are both insane. But, we cracked the case and we can all go home now, except for Tommy who’s going to do some real time.

SHAWN: Yes, unless he also finds a way to backdate his prison sentence!


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January 9, 2022

Which rules are laws, Lender practices, or best practices?


Notary Rules or Industry Rules?

It is confusing with all the standards in the Notary business. When 123notary teaches Notary practices, we are not teaching laws, but solid practices. Many Notaries argue with us about our practices because they are not required by law. That is the whole point — we are not teaching law because we are not authorized to, and because we don’t know it. We do know solid notary practices, and teach it as you can get into trouble for not knowing your basics. However, notaries have many misconceptions about the rules of the industry. So, let me clarify.

1. You can always over sign — industry practice (not a law)
Is this a Notary law, industry practice, or what? This statement means that you can sign a document with a name that is longer than the name typed in the signature line. However, that does not make it legal to notarize that longer name unless you can prove the name with an ID. Pleasing the Lender is one aspect of being a Notary. Obeying the law is a much more important one. If you displease the Lender you get fired. If you get in trouble with the law you can end up in jail. Pick your poison.

2. The name on the ID has to match
Please keep in mind that there are four names we have to keep track of:
(a) The name on the ID
(b) The name typed on the signature section of the document.
(c) The name signed on the document
(d) The name on the acknowledgment.

In theory these names could all be different variations, but it is cleaner if they are identical. The critical points are that:

(e) The name on the Acknowledgment must be identical or matching but shorter than the name on the signature line of the document. If the signature on the document says John W Smith, you can put John Smith or John W Smith in the Acknowledgment to please the law, but the shorter name might not please the client.
(f) The name on the Acknowledgment must be provable based on the name on the ID, but does not have to be an exact match. The ID could say John W Smith and you can put John Smith in the Acknowledgment if you like.
(g) The name signed on the document can be identical or matching but longer than the name typed on the document to please most Lenders, but legally notarizing the longer signature or shorter signature is dependent on proving all of the components of their name with an ID.

3. The Lender is the boss of the Notary Public (true for signings, but not for the actual notary work)
The Lender is your boss as to the general assignment, and what happens with loan documents. They are NOT your boss about Notary issues and you should not ask them for Notary advice ever as they might have you do something illegal out of ignorance or greed. You ask your state’s notary division if you have a Notary question and perhaps the NNA hotline and that’s it. The Notary can ask the Lender their preference in how something is notarized if there is more than one legal way to do it, but you can not ask a Lender how to do your job. You are the appointed Notary, not them. If they want to do it their way, they should come over with their stamp and do it their way which hopefully is legal — but, it is their commission at stake if it is not legal. Don’t risk your commission depending on the Lender or Title for Notary advice.

4. The Notary is the boss of the Lender?
The Notary is a state appointed official who represents their state, although the state is not the entity that pays them. If there is a discussion between the Lender and the Notary as to how a Notary act is done, the Notary dictates how it should be done. If there are multiple legal ways to do something such as fixing a mistake by crossing out and initialing vs. attaching a loose certificate — then, the Notary can ask for the Lender’s preference, but not for advice. However, there are liability issues with doing cross outs and initialing. It looks like tampering and you don’t want to end up in court. So, once again, it is the Notary’s discretion as to how problems are solved when there are multiple methods to solve. You can ask the Lender what they like or you can dictate to the Lender what you are going to do. But, the Notary is the boss of Notary work. If they don’t like it, they can find another Notary. It is best if you explain the reasons why you want to do something a particular way. If your reason sounds prudent, there is a chance you might get some respect for your decision. Most Notaries don’t think issues out carefully and do not have well thought out reasons for anything they do. Read our course more and become reasonable! Your commission might depend on it.

5. Send me a loose certificate or jurat in the mail (illegal)
Acknowledgment or Jurat certificates must be stapled to the documents they are associated with. If there is one floating around, you cannot create another one until you destroy the original yourself. Some states do not allow creating new certificates for botched notarizations and require you to do the notarization all over again. Consult your notary handbook on this issue, especially in California where there are many new rules created in the last few years that I have heard about but not actually read to my satisfaction.


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