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October 14, 2010

New Hampshire notary public eccentric rules

New Hampshire Notary Public eccentric laws.

A notary public in New Hampshire has different possibilities than a notary in most other states. The rules for a New Hampshire notary are different and its interesting to learn about. New Hampshire notaries can become a justice of the peace, or commissioner of deeds in addition to having normal notary capabilities.

Justice of the peace
Anybody who wishes to apply to become a Justice of the peace must be a resident of New Hampshire and have been a registered voter in New Hampshire for at least 3 years before the date of the application. The applicant must sign a written statement with an accompaning oath as to whether or not they have ever been convicted by a crime that has not been annulled by a court, other than a minor traffic violation. Two justices of the peace and one registered voter of New Hampshire must endorse the application for appointment. The applicant also needs to complete a State Police records check form. There is a $75 fee for a five-year commission.

Become a notary, justice, or commissioner in NH
To become a New Hampshire notary public or New Hampshire justice of the peace or New Hampshire commissioner of deeds, you apply to the Secretary of state’s office — state house, room 204, Concord, NH 03301 or email to

The term of a New Hampshire justice of the peace is five years from the date that the Governer and Council confirms your appointment. The new New Hampshire justice of the peace must sign and take their oath of office in the presence of two Notaries public or justices of the peace, or one notary public and one justice of the peace. Then, the oath must be returned to the secretary of state’s office as soon as possible. The recently appointed New Hampshire justice of the peace should keep their commission in their records. Additionally, an index card must be signed and returned to the superior court of the county in which the person resides.

Justice of the peace – capacities
A New Hampshire Justice of the Peace has some capacities similar to a New Hampshire notary. Both designations allow the officer to do acknowledgments, but do not require an official seal when doing so. However, the state recommends using an official seal when performing duties specific to a New Hampshire Justice of the Peace.

In addition to acknowledgments, a New Hampshire justice of the peace can do all the same acts as a regular New Hampshire notary public such as Oaths, Affirmations, Jurats, Depositions, Copy certifications, and Protests.

The two special acts that a justice of the peace can do that notaries in most states can not do are: officially witnessing signatures and performing marriages. Florida notaries can also perform marriages with a special designation.

New Hampshire Commissioner of deeds
The powers of a New Hampshire commissioner of deeds are actually less than those of a New Hampshire notary or justice of the peace. The commissioner of deeds can administer oaths BOTH IN AND OUT OF New Hampshire, for documents that will be used in New Hampshire. They can take depositiosn and affidavits, plus acknowledgments. However, the NH Secretary of State’s website gives no accounting of whether they can do Jurats, Protests, Copy certifications, or other typical New Hampshire notary acts.

New Hampshire notary public application
If you are at least 18, and a resident of NH, you can apply to the secretary of state in NH to become a New Hampshire notary public. There is a $75 fee, and the commission is good for five years. Please visit for more details.


November 23, 2019

Trump Rallies the Notary-publicans

Filed under: Andy Cowan — admin @ 5:53 am

Trump Rallies the Notary-publicans

President Trump took his reelection campaign to the heart of notary country today to try to rally his base.

DJT: Look at this crowd of notaries! This is an even bigger crowd than the crowd who showed up for my Inaugural. There must be dozens and dozens of you. Whoever booked me for this time waster, as in my old job… “You’re fired.”

I’ve gotten more done for notaries in my first two and a half years than Presidents Obama and Bush put together. The numbers of jobs for notaries witnessing the signings of executive orders putting immigrant kids in cages is through the roof, am I right? And it’s a beautiful, fantastic roof. Almost as beautiful as the wall I’m pretending to build I pretended Mexico would pay for.

I see a lot of credible witnesses in the crowd. I’m talking about a third person who personally knows the document signer and verifies the signer’s identity. And look, there’s the anything but credible witness, Don Junior. Chin up, Don. Oh, it’s already up? I couldn’t see it – it’s a very weak chin. Takes after one of my ex-wives, not me. Except for the “anything but credible” part. There he’s a chip off the old block.

We’re gonna have fantastic Errors and Omissions insurance for all you notaries. That’s because I want to protect a notary from any mistake that causes a financial loss to a client, so you won’t be sued for recovery, okay? I know all about being sued. You know who needs Errors and Omissions insurance? The fake news. I see you out there. CNN. MSNBC. They omit things all the time. Like how unbelievable fantastic I am. They make errors all the time. Like that footage of me walking up to Air Force One with toilet paper stuck on my shoe. It wasn’t toilet paper!

It was the Constitution. By the time I got done trampling over it, it looked like toilet paper, okay? And there was no collusion. No obstruction. That last one was a lie but I throw you so many, who can keep up?

And the Dems want to impeach me, because they’re bad, bad, disgusting, horrible people. And I’ll never resign. Whereas if you notaries resign your commission, you have to notify the Secretary of State’s office within 30 days. And not Secretary of State Crooked Hillary. That’s right…“Lock her up!” “Lock her up!” Wait, you’re not chanting it right. It’s “her,” not “him.” Stop chanting “Lock him up!” I’m not rooming with that mouth breather Michael Cohen! Forget it. Or Manafort. Do you know he dyes his hair?

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February 10, 2017

A Notary goes Public on Shark Tank with Shazamdocs!

First up into the tank: A way to keep records on how long companies take to send electronic documents.

NOTARY: Hi, Sharks. I’m Jeremy. And I’m asking for $200,000 for twenty percent of my company, Shazamdocs. Sharks, there’s one thing that matters in life more than looking as dapper as Mr. Wonderful here.

MR. WONDERFUL: He knows of what he speaks.

LAURIE: He’s kissing up and I’m throwing up.

MR. WONDERFUL: Hush. Grab a breath mint.

NOTARY: What matters in life, whether you’re sharks or whether you’re a notary, is knowing when you’ll be paid!

MR. WONDERFUL: You’re speaking my language, son. The language of luv… of money.

NOTARY: The database on Shazamdocs monitors how long companies take to send electronic documents, and… by virtue of our exclusive algorithms… computes the average amount of time it takes to get paid. No longer will you have to waste your precious time and resources hitching yourself to companies that drag their feet when it comes to upholding their end of the transactions.

DAYMOND: Feet dragging is a drag.

NOTARY: We’re like Yelp for notaries. With your help, sharks, we’ll get this in the homes of notaries throughout the country, and after that, the world! Who wants to show this notary their own seal… of approval?

ROBERT: You, yourself, said you’re like Yelp for notaries. There’s nothing proprietary about that.

NOTARY: I’ve applied for a utility patent.

CUBAN: You’ll never get it.


CUBAN: What? He’s living a pipe dream. What’s to stop anybody from charting the records of companies to see how quickly they pay their bills?

NOTARY: Nobody does it like we do.

CUBAN: I’m out.


CUBAN: What about you, Kevin? You said the guy knows of what he speaks.

MR. WONDERFUL: That’s when he was complimenting my impossibly dapper qualities.

LAURIE: You got the impossibly part right.

ROBERT: What do you sell the program for and what are your sales?

NOTARY: I sell it with an annual subscription rate of 19.95. And we’re in pre-launch.

DAYMOND: Uh-oh. So you’ve made bupkis.

ROBERT: Daymond, I didn’t even know you were Jewish!

MR. WONDERFUL: I’ll make you an offer. I don’t know what you’re worth, I’m taking a heck of a risk, but I’ll go on the ride with you. There are plenty of notaries who need greater assurances they’ll get paid faster. But $200,000 at twenty percent assumes a value of a million dollars. You’re not there yet. I’ll give you the $200,000. But I want forty percent of the business.


LAURIE: You’re all Jewish now.

MR. WONDERFUL: I hear the other sharks flapping their gums, but I don’t hear anyone putting their money where their yappers are. I made you an offer, Jeremy. What do you say?

NOTARY: I appreciate the offer, Mr. Wonderful.

ROBERT: If I brought a notary in, would you swear to that?

NOTARY: But with all due respect, that’s giving up too much equity. I’d like to hear what the remaining sharks have to say.

LAURIE: As you know, Jeremy, as I’ve said many times on Shark Tank. I can tell when something’s a zero. And I can tell when something’s a hero. And this… is most definitely… a thirty. Better than zero, but nowhere near a hero. I’m out.

ROBERT: Laurie, you were toying with the man.

LAURIE: No, I wasn’t. I’m just being honest.

ROBERT: Well, Jeremy, I see nothing proprietary here. And I’m not a big notary guy. If I ever need you to witness something, I’ll be a customer. But I don’t see it as an investment. I’m out.

CUBAN: So that leaves Mr. Wonderful’s less than wonderful offer. And Mr.Daymond.

DAYMOND: I hate it when companies drag their feet before paying somebody what they’re owed, so I’m with you there.

JEREMY: Would you consider joining up with Mr. Wonderful?

DAYMOND: As much as it pains me to say it, I might do the deal with Kevin, if he’s up for it.

MR. WONDERFUL: I’d do that deal. But, Jeremy, you’d be getting two sharks.

JEREMY: Would the both of you consider the deal for… thirty percent equity?

DAYMOND: 100 K each at fifteen percent each? What do you think, Kevin?

MR. WONDERFUL: I’ll do it with one contingency. That we test the accuracy of your program on us. If your program can tell us how long it’ll be before we pay you the 200 K, I’m in.

DAYMOND: Me too.

JEREMY: Right away?

MR. WONDERFUL: Sorry. I would’ve paid you after hell freezes over.

DAYMOND: Me too.



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March 8, 2024

Notary Learning Resources for Beginners and Pros

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In today’s fast-paced world, the role of a notary public has never been more critical. Homeowners and business owners alike are increasingly in need of reliable notary services. If you want to step into this vital field or hope to sharpen your skills, understanding the best resources for notary learning is your first step to success. This article is designed to guide beginners and seasoned pros through the wealth of information and resources available for notary learning, ensuring you have the tools and knowledge to excel.

For the Beginners: Laying the Foundation

Starting as a notary can seem daunting at first, but with the right resources, you’ll find the path much smoother. Here are some essential resources for notary learning for those new to the field:

  1. State Government Websites: Your journey begins with understanding your state’s specific requirements and regulations, as these can vary significantly. Most state government websites offer comprehensive guides and application processes for becoming a notary.
  2. Online Courses and Webinars: There are numerous online platforms offering courses ranging from becoming a notary to more advanced legal aspects. These courses often provide a certificate upon completion, which can be a great addition to your professional portfolio.
  3. Books and Guides: Don’t underestimate the value of a good book. Several well-regarded notary public guidebooks cover everything from the fundamentals to complex scenarios you might face.

For the Pros: Sharpening Your Edge

For those already in the field looking to expand their knowledge and services, these resources can offer the advanced learning you’re seeking:

  1. Specialty Certification Courses: Enhancing your credentials with certifications in areas like loan signing can open new doors and increase your earning potential.
  2. Professional Associations: Joining professional notary associations can provide access to many resources, including advanced training, legal updates, and networking opportunities.
  3. Conferences and Seminars: These events are invaluable for staying on top of industry trends, learning new strategies, and networking with peers.

Online Platforms and Tools

In addition to traditional learning resources, several online platforms and tools can significantly aid your notary education:

  1. Interactive Platforms: Websites offering interactive courses and quizzes can help reinforce your knowledge and prepare you for real-world scenarios.
  2. Software and Apps: Familiarizing yourself with the latest notary software and apps can streamline your workflow and improve efficiency.
  3. Social Media and Forums: Engaging with online communities dedicated to notary professionals can provide insights, advice, and support from those in the field.

Continuous Learning and Networking

The key to success in the notary field is continuous learning and networking. Keep abreast of legal changes, technological advancements, and best practices by tapping into the following:

  1. Industry Blogs and Newsletters: Subscribe to leading notary blogs and newsletters for updates and tips.
  2. Online Notary Networking Groups: Joining online notary networking groups can be particularly beneficial for sharing experiences, challenges, and solutions with peers.

The Gateway to Notary Mastery

The journey to becoming a proficient notary public is filled with learning opportunities. From state-specific regulations and foundational courses for beginners to advanced certifications and professional networking for seasoned pros, the resources for notary learning are vast and varied. Remember, the key to notary mastery lies in acquiring knowledge, continuously engaging with the community, and staying updated on the latest trends and laws. Online notary networking groups stand out as a valuable resource for both newcomers and veterans, offering a platform for growth, collaboration, and advancement in the notary profession.


January 5, 2024

9 Ways to Create More Demand for a Notary Business

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

In today’s competitive business landscape, finding effective strategies to stand out and generate more demand for your notary business is essential. Whether you’re a seasoned notary public or just starting, increasing demand for your services is key to building a successful notary business. In this blog post, we’ll explore some proven strategies to help you create more demand for your notary business.

1. Enhance Your Online Visibility with Local SEO

Establishing a robust online presence in this digital era is indispensable for any business. Given that potential clients frequently resort to the internet to seek notary services, it’s imperative that your website is impeccably designed, rich in information, and user-friendly. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a potent tool in your arsenal. Local SEO focuses on optimizing your online presence to attract customers in your vicinity. By employing local SEO strategies, you can boost your website’s visibility on search engines when people in your area search for notary services. Incorporate keywords like “notary services” and “mobile notary services” strategically throughout your website content to enhance your search engine rankings, making it easier for local clients to discover your services.

2. Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for expanding your reach and connecting with potential clients. Create profiles on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and regularly post engaging content related to notary services. Share informative articles, success stories, and tips on how your services can benefit clients. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly.

3. Build Strong Relationships

Networking is a cornerstone of any successful business, including a notary business. Develop relationships with local attorneys, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and other professionals who may require notary services regularly. Attend industry events and join local business associations to expand your network. Building strong relationships can lead to referrals and repeat business, increasing the demand for your services.

4. Offer a Variety of Services

Consider offering a broader range of services beyond traditional notarizations to create more demand for your notary business. Specialize in areas such as loan signings, estate planning, or mobile notary services. Diversifying your offerings can attract a wider client base and make your business more appealing to those seeking specialized services.

5. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Exceptional customer service can set your notary business apart from the competition. Be responsive to inquiries, arrive on time for appointments, and maintain a professional and friendly demeanor. Going the extra mile to accommodate your client’s needs can lead to positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals, boosting your business’s demand.

6. Invest in Marketing

Allocate a portion of your budget to marketing efforts. This may include online advertising, email marketing campaigns, or even traditional marketing materials like flyers and business cards. Ensure your marketing materials prominently display your contact information and emphasize the value you provide as a notary public.

7. Seek Online Reviews

Ask satisfied clients to leave an online review on your Google Business Profile, Facebook, and Yelp. Positive reviews will build trust with potential clients and boost your online reputation. Equally important, be sure to respond to reviews in a timely manner, whether they are positive or negative, to show that you value client feedback and are committed to continuous improvement.

8. Offer Competitive Pricing

While providing quality service is essential, competitive pricing can also attract more clients. Research the pricing structures of other notary services in your area and ensure that your rates are reasonable and competitive. You may even consider offering package deals or discounts for bulk notarizations to incentivize repeat business.

9. Stay Informed and Adapt

The notary industry, like any other, evolves over time. Stay informed about changes in laws, regulations, and best practices within your field. By adapting to industry trends and continuously improving your services, you can position your notary business as a reliable and forward-thinking choice for clients.

Create More Demand and Grow Your Notary Business Today!

Creating more demand for your notary business requires a combination of online and offline strategies, excellent customer service, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By optimizing your online presence, networking, offering diverse services, and providing outstanding customer experiences, you can position your notary business for success and growth. Remember to monitor the effectiveness of your strategies and adjust them as needed to stay competitive in the ever-changing business landscape.

If you’re looking for more ways to get more notary clients, here is a list of businesses that need notaries. With dedication and the right approach, you can indeed create more demand for your notary business.


December 22, 2023

2024 Mobile Notary Challenges: A Deep Dive

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

As we approach 2024, the landscape of mobile notary services is evolving rapidly. Both homeowners and business owners who frequently utilize these services must know the upcoming challenges. This article aims to shed light on the key mobile notary challenges in 2024 and provide insights into how these changes might affect you.

Understanding Mobile Notary Services

Before delving into the challenges, it’s crucial to understand what mobile notary services entail. A mobile notary is a notary public who travels to meet clients in person. They are essential for verifying the authenticity of important documents for real estate transactions, legal cases, and business agreements.

Key Challenges in 2024

  1. Increased Demand vs. Limited Availability: One of the significant challenges in 2024 is balancing the growing demand for mobile notary services with the available number of notaries. This surge in demand can lead to longer wait times and potential delays in processing important documents.
  2. Technological Adaptation: With rapid technological advancement, mobile notaries are expected to integrate new digital tools into their practice. However, adapting to these technologies can be a hurdle for those not tech-savvy.
  3. Security Concerns: As mobile notaries handle sensitive documents, the risk of data breaches and privacy concerns is escalating. Ensuring the security and confidentiality of client information is a mounting challenge.
  4. Regulatory Changes: The legal landscape governing notary services is constantly changing. Staying updated with these changes and complying with new regulations is a challenge for mobile notaries in 2024.
  5. Cost Fluctuations: The cost of mobile notary services is subject to change due to various factors like travel expenses, technological investments, and regulatory compliance costs. This fluctuation can impact both notaries and their clients.

Addressing the Challenges

To effectively navigate the mobile notary challenges of 2024, both notaries and their clients must take proactive measures. Here are some strategies to consider:

Advance Booking: Given the rising demand for mobile notary services, planning and scheduling them well in advance is wise. This approach helps in avoiding last-minute hassles and ensures timely completion of your documentation needs.

Embrace Technology: One of the core aspects of the mobile notary challenges in 2024 is adapting to technological advancements. Clients and notaries should utilize digital platforms for more efficient and quicker notary services. This can range from digital scheduling to e-signature platforms, enhancing the overall efficiency of the process.

Privacy Protection: In the face of growing security concerns, your mobile notary must adhere to stringent privacy and security protocols. This step is crucial in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining the integrity of your documents.

Stay Informed: Both notaries and clients should continuously educate themselves about the latest regulations and practices in the mobile notary industry. Being well-informed can help smoothly navigate the regulatory landscape and understand the implications of any new changes.

Navigating the Challenges Ahead

The mobile notary challenges in 2024 will present a complex landscape for homeowners and business owners. By understanding these challenges and preparing accordingly, you can ensure that your notary needs are met efficiently and securely. Remember, staying informed and adaptable is key to navigating these changes successfully.

For additional insights on handling logistics and using convenient services like FedEx for document handling, consider exploring how to use a FedEx drop box, which can complement your mobile notary experiences. This resource provides valuable tips and can be a handy tool for managing document-related tasks efficiently.


October 27, 2023

Top Ways to Find New Notary Customers

Filed under: (6) Marketing — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Are you a notary public looking to expand your customer base and grow your business? Finding new notary customers is essential for success in this profession. Whether you’re a seasoned notary or just starting out, this blog post will provide the top ways to find new notary customers. We will explore strategies and tips to help you connect with potential clients and build a thriving notary business. So, let’s dive in and discover the best ways to find new notary customers.

Leverage Word-of-mouth

Word of mouth is among the best ways to find new notary customers. Networking within your community and among your existing clients can lead to valuable referrals. Encourage satisfied customers to recommend your services to friends, family, or colleagues who may require notary services. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool for expanding your client base.

Build a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting new notary customers. Create a professional website that showcases your services, credentials, and contact information. Consider updating your website to reflect your expertise and any additional services you offer. Use social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and share your notary expertise. By improving your online visibility, you can make it easier for potential customers to find you when they need notary services.

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service is key to retaining and attracting new clients. Be prompt, reliable, and professional in your interactions with customers. Ensure that your notary office or workspace is welcoming and well-organized. A positive customer experience can lead to repeat business and referrals, helping you build a strong customer base.

Specialize in Niche Markets

Consider specializing in niche markets to stand out from the competition. For example, you can target specific industries, such as real estate or legal services, and tailor your notary services to meet their unique needs. Becoming an expert in a particular niche can make you the go-to notary for clients in that field.

Attend Networking Events

Networking events, both online and in person, can be valuable opportunities to connect with potential notary customers. Look for industry-specific events, business gatherings, and community functions where you can promote your services and meet potential clients. Don’t forget to bring business cards and other promotional materials to share with attendees.

Acquire More Customers and Boost Your Notary Business Today!

Finding new notary customers requires a multi-faceted approach that combines traditional and digital strategies. While word of mouth is one of the best ways to find new notary customers, there are other equally important ways, like building a strong online presence, providing excellent customer service, specializing in niche markets, and attending networking events, which, together, can all contribute to your success as a notary public.

If you prefer in-person networking events, these networking tips for mobile notaries will help you to be more successful. With determination and these strategies, you’ll be well on attracting new notary customers and achieving your business goals.


October 6, 2023

Online Notary Networking Groups

Filed under: Topics of Interest — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 5:27 pm

In today’s digital age, the role of a notary public has evolved beyond the traditional pen-and-paper world. Online notary networking groups have emerged as a valuable resource for notaries to connect, collaborate, and grow their businesses in the virtual realm. This blog will explore the world of online notary groups and how they can benefit notaries looking to expand their horizons.

What are Online Notary Networking Groups?

Online notary networking groups are virtual communities where notaries and the public share knowledge, experiences, and opportunities related to their profession. These groups provide a platform for notaries to connect with peers, learn from experts, and access valuable resources to enhance their notarial services.

Benefits of Joining Online Notary Groups

1. Networking Opportunities: One of the primary advantages of these groups is the chance to network with fellow notaries from around the world. Networking can lead to collaborations, referrals, and valuable insights into the notary industry.

2. Access to Educational Resources: Many online notary networking groups offer educational content, such as webinars, articles, and tutorials, to help notaries stay updated on industry trends and regulations.

3. Marketing Tips: These groups often discuss topics like marketing tips for mobile notary services, among others. If you want to expand your client base and increase your income, these groups can provide valuable marketing tips and techniques tailored to your profession.

4. Community Support: The notary profession can sometimes be solitary. Online groups offer community and support, where notaries can share their challenges and successes with like-minded individuals.

5. Stay Informed About Legal Changes: The legal landscape is constantly evolving, and notaries need to stay informed about changes that may affect their work. Online groups often discuss legal updates and their implications for notaries.

6. Client Referrals: Being part of a notary networking group can lead to client referrals. When individuals or businesses in the group require notary services, they are more likely to reach out to a trusted colleague from the group.

How to Find and Join an Online Notary Networking Group

Search Online: Conduct a simple search using keywords like “online notary networking groups.” You’ll find various platforms and communities catering to notaries.

Social Media: Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have notary-specific groups where professionals can connect and interact. Joining these groups can be a great way to get started.

Professional Organizations: Many professional notary organizations have their online networking groups for members. Consider joining a relevant organization and exploring its online community.

Online Forums and Communities: Explore forums and discussion boards related to notary services. These platforms often have dedicated sections for networking and collaboration.

Ask for Recommendations: If you know other notaries, ask them for recommendations on which online groups they find most valuable.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Time

1. Engage Actively: Don’t just be a passive member. Engage actively in discussions, share your expertise, and ask questions. The more you contribute, the more you’ll benefit.

2. Respect Privacy: Be mindful of client confidentiality and legal regulations when discussing specific cases or sharing documents within the group.

3. Build Relationships: Focus on building genuine relationships within the group. Networking is more than just business; it’s also about connecting with people who share your professional interests.

4. Stay Informed: Regularly check the group for updates, discussions, and educational resources. Set aside time in your schedule to participate actively.

Unlock Your Notary Potential Today


Online notary networking groups offer notaries an invaluable opportunity to expand their knowledge, connect with peers, and grow their businesses in the digital age. By actively participating in these communities and leveraging their benefits, notaries can thrive in the ever-evolving world of notarial services.

Remember, the key to success in these groups is not only what you gain but also what you contribute. Engage actively, stay informed, and build meaningful relationships to maximize your online notary networking experience.


September 8, 2023

What is a Notary Mentor and Why Do You Need One?

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:01 am

Diving into the world of notary services isn’t just about mastering legal protocols or understanding documentation nuances. There’s a subtle art to this profession, an expertise that often blossoms from experience and, more importantly, guidance. This brings us to an essential question: “What is a notary mentor?”

What is a Notary Mentor?

A notary mentor is an experienced notary public dedicated to offering guidance, advice, and unwavering support to newcomers in the field. These seasoned professionals have treaded the intricate paths of the notary world, accumulating a treasure trove of knowledge, insights, and best practices. They primarily share this wealth by guiding newer notaries in navigating challenges, ensuring they grow and flourish in their roles.

The Vital Role of a Notary Mentor

  1. Sharing Experiences: Every notary mentor has their own set of unique encounters and scenarios. Sharing these real-world examples aids mentees in understanding how to address unprecedented situations, offering a practical spin to theoretical knowledge.
  2. Skill Development: Whether mastering the art of stamping, understanding diverse documents, or building essential soft skills like effective communication, a mentor provides hands-on training.
  3. Networking: It’s often said – it’s not just about what you know but who you know. A seasoned notary mentor’s vast network can be a golden key for a newcomer.
  4. Ethical Guidance: With strict ethical codes governing the world of notarization, navigating these can be daunting. A mentor ensures the mentee understands and adheres to these pivotal standards.
  5. Building a Business: For those venturing as mobile notaries or establishing their services, business insights from someone experienced are invaluable.

The Impact of Having a Notary Mentor

  1. Faster Growth: Under the right guidance, new notaries can sidestep typical beginner errors, paving a robust career foundation. This makes one wonder again, “What is a notary mentor if not a catalyst for accelerated growth?”
  2. Confidence Boost: Armed with the knowledge that they have a mentor to consult, mentees often find their confidence levels soaring. This newfound confidence fuels better decision-making and a proactive work approach.
  3. Increased Opportunities: As highlighted earlier, mentors can open doors to their extensive networks, leading to many notary services evolving job opportunities or client introductions.

Discovering Your Notary Mentor

  1. Notary Associations: Many local or national notary associations offer mentorship programs or connections with potential mentors.
  2. Networking Events: Events focused on notaries or legal aspects are great. They provide a platform for professionals and beginners to interact.
  3. Online Forums and Groups: Several online platforms cater to notaries. Engage actively, and you might find a mentor willing to guide you.
  4. Direct Outreach: If there’s a seasoned notary you look up to, don’t hesitate to reach out. Share your admiration and your keenness to learn.

In wrapping up, “What is a notary mentor?” transcends a mere query. A notary mentor is a guiding light, a reservoir of wisdom, and a propellant for growth. As notary services evolve, having a mentor becomes even more pivotal.

Curious about niching down your services? Discover how can mobile notaries find a niche in our detailed guide.


July 7, 2023

Tackling the Notary Path: How Hard Can it Be?

Filed under: Notary Public 101 — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Are you thinking about becoming a notary and trying to figure out how difficult the process is or what difficulties you may face in this career? While the requirements may vary by state, becoming a notary can be fulfilling. In this blog post, we’ll know how hard it is to become a notary and the necessary steps to become certified as a notary public. Learn about the responsibilities of individuals in the business, successful notary duties, and any potential biases or stereotypes in the field. Start your journey to becoming a Notary Public by gaining the necessary knowledge for advancement.

Understanding the Notary Role

Before delving into the process of becoming a notary, it is important to understand the role they play. A notary is a public officer appointed by the state government to witness the signing of important documents and administer oaths. They act as impartial witnesses to prevent fraud and ensure the validity and enforceability of legal documents.

Meeting the Requirements

The specific requirements to become a notary can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but there are commonalities across many regions. The process typically involves:

1. Age and Residency: Most jurisdictions require notaries to be at least 18 years old and legal residents of the state where they wish to practice.

2. Education and Background Check: Some states may require the completion of educational courses related to notary laws and procedures. Additionally, a background check may be necessary to ensure the applicant has no criminal history that could compromise their integrity as a notary.

3. Application and Fees: Aspiring notaries must submit an application to the appropriate regulatory authority and pay the associated fees. The application typically includes personal information, educational background, and any additional documentation the state requires.

4. Notary Exam: Several states require applicants to pass a notary exam to demonstrate their understanding of notary laws and practices. The exam may cover document types, identification requirements, and notarization procedures.

5. Bond and Insurance: Many states require notaries to obtain a surety bond and/or errors and omissions insurance. These serve as financial protection in case of errors or misconduct during notarial acts.

6. Commissioning and Renewal: Successful applicants receive their notary commission once all requirements are met. The commission is usually valid for four years, after which notaries must renew their commitment to continue practicing.

Navigating Challenges on the Path

While becoming a notary is generally straightforward, certain challenges may arise. Here are a few potential hurdles and tips to tackle them:

1. Understanding Legal Terminology: Notaries should familiarize themselves with legal terminology and document types commonly encountered in their jurisdiction. Taking educational courses or seeking guidance from experienced notaries can help.

2. Staying Updated with Laws and Regulations: Notary laws and regulations are subject to change. Aspiring notaries must try to stay updated with any amendments or new legislation that may affect their practice. Joining professional associations and attending seminars or workshops can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

3. Building a Client Base: Starting a notary business requires building a client base and establishing a reputation for reliability and professionalism. Networking with attorneys, real estate agents, and other professionals frequently requiring notarial services can help generate referrals and opportunities.

Embrace The Challenges And Reap The Rewarding Benefits

It’s hard to truly know how hard it is to become a notary without taking the first step. Becoming a notary in your state requires time and money, so it pays to know all the facts before diving in. It is easy to feel overwhelmed at the thought of navigating the path to becoming a notary because the requirements are strict, and understanding the full scope of what is expected can seem daunting. But don’t let that deter you from taking on this rewarding profession. By investing in yourself and understanding the ins and outs of becoming a notary, you can join this amazing world of public service experts! So, if you’re interested in joining the legal services industry but need help knowing where to start – take action now! If you’re trying to find a Notary Signing Agent near you, you can locate providers in your area on our website.

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