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October 21, 2010

Become a New Jersey Notary Public

Become a New Jersey notary public

On our New Jersey notary search page, there is a link to another page to help you become a notary public in New Jersey. Here is some more resource materials with information about Notary rules in NJ. Notaries are appointed to a five year term and must be eighteen or more years old. They would be sworn into office by the county clerk where they reside. Submit your application to the Division of Revenue, Notary Public Unit, PO Box 452, Trenton, NJ 08646. Get expedited service for a $15 additional fee and submit to 33 W. State Street 5th Floor, Trenton, NJ 08608-1214 Attention – Notary Unit.

Here is a link to the New Jersey notary application for a new or renewed commission

Here is a link to information about New Jersey notary fees
Here is a link to the NJ notary manual

Here is some information about apostilles and certifications

Other information
A New Jersey notary public may use one credible witness who is known to the notary and known to the signer. The function of the credible witness is to identify the signer to the NJ notary public.

It is common for New Jersey notaries to have a second commission in New York if they work in New York. They can apply for that through the NY Dept of State in Albany, NY.

It is common for a New Jersey notary public to have a jurat stamp. This facilitates executing jurats as the venue and jurat wording is on the stamp. Many notaries also use a Jurat certificate form which can be attached to the document that is to be notarized.

Another office similar to being a New Jersey notary public is to be a commissioner of deeds. New Hampshire also has this office.

Although its not the duty of a Notary in New Jersey to determine if a document is false, if the notary somehow discovers that a document is false, they should not notarize it.

A New Jersey notary may not advertise in such a way where they would lead the public into thinking they had capabilities exceeding the rights of a notary public in New Jersey.
