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April 30, 2021

Jeremy’s guide to different types of signatures

Filed under: Technical & Legal — admin @ 10:09 am

In my career I saw a bunch of odd signatures. Most of what I saw was normal though. Here are the types of signatures I saw.

1. Regular looking signatures
Some had a middle initial or name(s), some did not.

2. Odd scribbles

3. Scribbles that were as tall as they were wide — reminds me of Arabic calligraphy. My comment was, “What IS this?”

4. Hieroglyphics
I once went to an Egyptian restaurant. The menu was in English, but I’ll give you a hint as to what language the inflated bill was written in.

5. Chinese characters
The signature on the ID matched the ID although his English name did not match the characters. I think I am at an advantage as I can recognize Chinese characters, but not all of them. Anyway, the signer was one hell of a character himself speaking of characters.

6. The Israeli Job
Remember that action movie, “The Italian Job.” I did an Israeli job. This guy was in the film business and his signature was a horizontal line that turned into a check mark and then a weird dot above the end of it. How bizarre. He insisted that he signed million dollar deals with that signature. If I knew any Hebrew I would say, “Ma-Zei?” (what is this?)

7. The childish signature
Some people write out their signature in very clear letters like children do. I have seen old folks do this too. Very bizarre and illiterate looking. But, then the new generation doesn’t know cursive anymore so I’ve heard.

8. The X
Incapacitated people and illiterates sometimes sign with an X. They need subscribing witnesses to help with that procedure and you better study up before you try it.

9. A thumbprint
I have never heard of this. But, I heard that a Notary in Florida accepted a thumbprint as a signature during a signature by mark signing. Not sure if that is legal there, but I heard they did it.

10. The artwork signature
Other signatures look like some sort of artwork you would see in embroidery. This is unusual, but if it happens it will most likely be a woman’s signature.

11. The bubbly dots on the i’s.
Teenage girls and young women sometimes do this. This is how I caught someone who forged my signature. It only happened once, but the bubbly i’s gave it away. This woman didn’t cross her i’s and dot her t’s, she bubbled her i’s and forged her t’s.

12. The large initials
I am not sure how legal that is, but if it matches the ID, I guess that works

13. The 1800’s wax seal
In the old days they would use a personal stamp and candle wax to make their seal. I’m not sure if they would sign it as well. Wax can fall off a lot easier than a signature. Those were the days.

14. The Arabic signature
He signed the wrong direction, but in their culture, right to left is the right direction.


March 8, 2021

How does Jeremy rearrange Notes?

Filed under: Your Notes Section — admin @ 4:33 am

From time to time I will go through the entire site and go through people’s notes sections. A lot of people put their best information and hide it at the bottom of their notes and then repeat their name at the top. What they need to realize is that the top of your notes section shows up on our search results and can attract or repulse prospective clickers.

I scan the entire notes section and look for interesting, unique, or factual information about experience. That is what I like to put at top.

What I don’t like to see on the top is, “Hi, my name is Julie.” or “I am a Notary and Signing Agent.” This is tantamount to saying, “Hi, I am Julie and I have two legs and one nose… I use it to smell, and take that is justification that you should hire me for your next notary job.”

Some people say something catchy, or have a language skill, or do Apostilles, weddings, or something else noteworthy. This is what I typically rise to the top. Then others put their coverage area at the top — I typically move that to the bottom. It is good information, but is not what the readers look for first.

Then, if I see “turn-off words” such as reliable and responsible, I inform the notaries that nobody wants to hear you claim to be responsible. They want to hear your clients write a review stating how responsible you are. You claiming it about yourself is not only worthless, it is cheesy, (and not the fancy imported kind) and a waste of the readers time. Stick to the facts, and make your descriptions of yourself have more flowing sentences and less cliche adjectives.

Sometimes I will see information that is hard to read and simply it. “I do refinances and often do conventional. I have also done many VA and modifications. My specialty is Reverse mortgages.” I simplify this to read: “I do Refinances, Conventional, VA, Modifications, and Reverse Mortgages which are my specialty.” It flows nicely because it is a pure list with no interruptions, and is a lot easier for the reader to process the information.

Then, I make bullet points out of quick pieces of information about your certifications, background screening, and insurance as a general rule.

I do other things too. But, the point of reorganizing your text is to make you more attractive to buyers so you get more work and so my site gets more regular users. 123notary has the best notaries in the business and is also a very organized site. We don’t have the gadgets of Snapdocs, but we specialize in quality in a way that nobody else does. That is why we attract more high paying jobs than any other directory.


February 13, 2021

Fighting tyranny my way

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 3:14 am

In order to fight the Marxismization of the USA, and tyranny, we must understand the power structure and how to apply pressure at the various levels of the chain of command.

TOP: Deep State & State Supreme Court Judges

MIDDLE: Governors

LOWER: Police & Sheriff & County Health Departments

LOWER(ER) Businesses subjected to unfair restrictions

LOWEST: We the people!!! (low, but dignified)

CHECK & BALANCE: Federal courts sometimes can help resolve local issues. I am not an Attorney and don’t know how that works. but, our checks and balances have been infiltrated by Marxists who oppose freedom of religion because it would be “suicide” according to a Federal circuit court in regards to a California case about freedom of assembly within religious buildings.


The deep state appears to be bribing judges and governors in many if not all states. Nobody quite knows who they are or how to stop them… for now. China might possibly be involved too. My psychic senses tell me the deep state is a bunch of rich board members who mostly live in Idaho who want power (but live off the grid so they have to generate their own power.) Unless you are a very good spy, it will be hard to figure out who the deep state is, but I think Trump is working on it.

The Supreme Court can shut down the power of a Governor to make executive orders, but they very rarely do, and when they do, they take forever. In California it took eight months for them to stop Newsom from making executive orders that contradict existing legislature. However, he still has orders that contradict with laws about discrimination against people with breathing disabilities via his face mask order.

The police in Los Angeles DO NOT enforce Covid related laws. They also do not protect us from discrimination as they see that as an issue for Attorneys.

The health department can shut down restaurants for disobeying orders that are arbitrary, tyrannical and unconstitutional that did not go through a system of checks and balances.

We the people in California sit and watch our rights being stripped from us by autocrats and oligarchies that do not function in an American system of checks and balances made by arbitrary orders that are not even laws and are far from constitutional as they normally violate our liberty and our freedom to assemble.

California’s solution is to recall the governor, and we have gotten almost a million signatures. But, recalling takes time, and there is no guarantee that the next idiot in charge will be any better than the original as they are controlled by the same deep state and are not subjected to a system of checks and balances as the court system is limp and mainly dysfunctional.

I suggest a system of concerned citizens putting pressure on all levels of the system.

We should put daily pressure on the police and sheriffs to protect houses of worship from tyrannical shutdowns and allow businesses to function normally with full rights.

We the people should put pressure on the health department to not enforce covid-19 restrictions. The penalty for non-compliance with citizen demands would be severe harassment, protests and mass civil disobedience.

Restaurants, stores, churches, and other entities should stay open and defy oppressive attempts from authoritative organizations to suppress them. Fines for noncompliance should not be paid out of principle no matter what the consequence — even if it is jail time.

The supreme court judges or justices should be tried on charges of treason for failing in their duty to provide checks and balances and stop unconstitutional orders from being originated.

The basic problem of the disaster of California is seen as a problem with a single human being — namely Gavin Newsom. He is a big problem, but I believe he is only responsible for less than 1% of California’s problems with unfair executive orders. The remaining percent of the problems are due to the fact that the courts allow him to do anything, law and health enforcement don’t stop him, and we the people sit and do nothing.

Covid-19 restrictions are not something temporary that will just go away. They are part of a larger undermining of American freedom and government that will strip us of our rights, money, freedom, government, culture, and anything that means anything to us. We will be completely destroyed if we don’t fight back. You cannot rely on Donald Trump alone to save you because he hasn’t saved anyone. Biden will sell us down the river. It is up to we the people to save America. Start putting pressure on the various levels of authority now!


February 7, 2021

Face mask laws are illegal and here’s why

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 3:15 am

Executive orders cannot contradict existing legislation. If they do, the supreme courts can shut the order down. However, the system of checks and balances seems to be on vacation due to bribery or pure laziness, (or stupidity.)

If you enforce a Face Mask Order, in my lay person opinion you are guilty of treason. Why such a serious accusation for such a reasonable action?

1. By enforcing a face mask order as a security guard, etc., you are aiding and abetting a rogue governor acting as a dictator or emperor to violate your right to liberty. Liberty is a constitutional right. If you help someone to violate the constitution, you are personally violating the bedrock for which our nation was founded — and that makes you an enemy of the state which is high treason.

2. Face Mask Orders are not legislation. Enforcing an order which is not a law means you are enforcing a dictation that did not go through the legislative process, is not codified, and was not subjected to any checks and balances — it is arbitrary, and not a law. And with this type of order, the Governor could tell you to do just about anything whether it makes sense or not — and they do. Remember the wet sand dry sand Covid-19 debate? If you don’t, then you need to “follow the science.” (what science? BS!!!)

3. Face Mask Orders violate the Federal Disability Act which stipulates that it is illegal to discriminate against someone with a disability. If you have a heart or lung problem, a liver problem or breathing problem, it might be difficult to breathe or dangerous to wear a face mask. Businesses open to the public must provide reasonable accommodation or modifications to suit those with disabilities. These include handicap ramps, etc. But, the rights of those with heart problems – and there are many, seem to be overlooked. Moreover, nobody seems to care about the effects of my heart problems and the indifference I receive from society — which is heartbreaking (literally) and causes physical discomfort to my heart. Love is good for the heart, cruelty, hatred and indifference are not so good.

Furthermore, it is dangerous for some people to wear a facemask as it can cause rashes, legionnaires disease (which is deadly and arises from bacteria contained normally in water droplets or mist that could be on a face mask. But, your BOC (BLOOD OXYGEN CONTENT) decreases when you wear a mask, and I have seen documentation of a young lady who passed out as a result. There were no warning signs. Her oxygen level took a dive and she just fell. This was documented on youtube just for the record and I don’t remember the person’s name.

Forcing someone to wear a face mask is forcing them to endure deprivation of their LIBERTY, it is dehumanizing for many, it could be considered animal treatment, it is humiliating to be forced to wear something against your will, it decreases your oxygen level which could cause a vulnerable person to gasp for breath (me included) or even lose consciousness. And all of this in the name of alleged safety. Slowing the spread of Covid does not make you safe, it just means that the same amount of people will get infected in subsequent months. How is it safer to die in April rather than in February?

It is not fair to force a healthy person to quarantine or wear a mask or take other protective measures. Liberty means you can do what you want so long as you don’t pose an unreasonable amount of risk to others. You are allowed to drive a car, and you could cause a dangerous accident — but, just as long as you aren’t blind or a reckless driver, society assumes that risk without complaint. You are allowed to drive 65 miles per hour on a freeway while it would save lives if we only drove 10 miles per hour. Society assumes a reasonable amount of risk as it weighs the benefits of driving faster vs. the safety precautions.

Nobody forces a vulnerable person to be in public, but if they choose to do so, they should do so assuming a reasonable amount of risk — the risk that others might be asymptomatic spreaders, or have some other communicable disease. The risk that someone might bump into them on the sidewalk. And the risk that someone might speak to them in French at the cafe at the airport (yes, it happened to me, and I survived.)

I think we should make a law that forbids any ship from leaving the harbor, because it might get in an accident if it goes into the sea. What if the water is choppy, or there is a storm? Therefore ships should just stay where they are and look pretty.

I think that society has lost its ability to reason and be even handed. This will result in the destruction of our nation and tremendous starvation overseas. The vaccine which openly announces is intended to mutate your DNA to help you fight Covid-19 is dangerous and will almost definitely cause widespread and irreversible disabilities, cancer, mutations, and death. So, we are going to endlessly slow the spread by depriving innocent people of their liberty and then the vaccine will be the only thing that can save us — except that the vaccine is actually the one thing that is the most dangerous for us and will cause a million times as many deaths as Covid-19 causes. Remember — only 6% of Covid deaths reported are deaths where the person died from Covid-19 with no comorbidities. That is about 20,000 deaths in 2020 which is less than from traffic accidents and less than six years worth of swimming pool fatalities. When you look at real numbers on real news (non-lamestream media) the situation looks different. To me what is going on is genocide plain and simple and the Americans in their infinite stupidity are buying it hook line and sinker. They will come to their senses far after it is too late.

If you sit and do nothing about face mask tyranny you are betraying America, liberty and justice all in the false guise of “saving lives.” Can you prove to me that you are saving even one life?

Give me liberty or give me death!!!! — Patrick Henry (Virginia)


February 2, 2021

Expressing yourself as a Notary for marketing purposes

Filed under: Your Notes Section — admin @ 1:34 pm

Business is booming for us after seven slow years. What a relief. We are getting a lot of new blood finally and it feels good. The newbies seem to have the same problem describing themselves as the people who preceded them.

Many Notaries want to tell the world things that count against them. Here are some:

1. I shadowed with such and such a Notary.
If the only experience you have is shadowing Penelope, then perhaps the person looking at your profile should hire Penelope, and not you. Shadowing is best left unsaid unless that is in addition to certifications from known agencies.

2. I became a Notary two months ago.
This makes you look like a real novice, wastes space, and counts against you. If someone asks, you can tell. But, you need to give people why they should use you vs. reasons why they should avoid you.

3. I am working on the Notary2Pro course
Notary2Pro is an excellent certification course. We recommend them highly as they do well when I quizzed them several years ago. Carol gets back to people fast with answers to their questions. But, let the world know once you have finished it. Nobody likes a half done job. We sell ten certification courses for every person who attempts the test, let alone who passes it. Buying a course doesn’t make you valuable, passing the test does.

4. I have 25K E&O but will soon be upgrading to 100K.
Don’t tell us what you will be doing, tell us what you have now, and then edit your listing once you have the higher Errors and Omissions policy.

5. I am background screened
By whom? Some companies like NNA and Sterling have a good reputation for background screening, others are relatively unknown and the procedures vary from company to company.

6. I am a Certified Notary Public from the State of Maine and I service Waldo County and do Refinances.
Once again, being “certified” means nothing unless we know who certified you. The testing standards and courses vary. 123notary has the hardest certification test. Pass ours and we will really respect you and you will get more clicks. The next problem is that you are mixing information about certification, your state of commission which is not necessary to put, as we assume you are commissioned in your state otherwise you can’t work. You next list your coverage areas in the same long drawn out sentence. I prefer to put certification(s) in one section with background screening and E&O. Then, in another section I put counties.

7. Hi, my name is Mary Smith
We already know your name is Mary Smith, it says that on the top of your listing. Why tell us twice? That takes up space when you could be telling us something else. The top of your notes section shows up in the search results. Tell us something that makes you stand out.

8. I travel
Everyone on our site travels, well almost. Maybe not the UPS stores and we have a few of them. But, the other 99% of Notaries do travel. People will assume you do.

9. I am reliable, responsible and punctual
Save it. Coming from you, that translates to — I am a novice, I have nothing to say about myself, so I will make unsubstantiated claims about how great I am with the hopes that the reader will believe me even though I have not demonstrated one ounce of credibility to anyone in this industry. Stick to the facts and let your clients put how great THEY think you are in your reviews, or pass my test.

10. I do all types of loans
Most people on my site claim that they know how to sign every type of loan. When I go through my list of 30 common types of signings most of which are Mortgages of one type or another, they typically do anywhere from 20-80%. I have yet to meet a 100%. So, basically, you are being vague, and deceiving the reader into thinking you really are experienced with every type of loan. List them one by one.


Cold hard facts
Warm fuzzy “about you” descriptions

When you write about your skills, don’t omit the types of loans you know how to sign. It doesn’t hurt to mention you do refinances, Helocs, purchases, etc., But, 99% of Notaries out there can do those. Do mention it, but focus more on what you do that makes you special. If you are familiar (define familiar) with REO, USDA, Annuities, Applications, Reverse, and Debt Consolidations, that makes you more unusual. Most Notaries have either never done a Reverse Mortgage, or a Debt Consolidations, and the ones who have, typically don’t like doing them and half of the ones who have done them say they don’t want to do any more of them.

We think you should write briefly about your certifications (mention by whom you are certified), memberships, background screening, E&O insurance, and professional background. Don’t write a novel on your award winning Real Estate career. If it is so great, why are you a Notary in the first place? Wouldn’t you be busy selling houses unless you got tired of it? Mention that you do Real Estate, but not more than a sentence or two maximum for best results.

Warm and fuzzy descriptions are hard to teach. But, anything unique that has a nice feel to it about you will look really good. The readers are tired of cliche sounding notes sections. Seen one seen them all. If you have a classy line or joke, that sometimes can do well — it depends, but is worth trying.

We have many good articles about notes writing in the “your notes section” category of our blog. It is well worth investing a few hours taking notes on our suggestions about notes!


February 1, 2021

She made her investment back in 19 days!

Filed under: Advertising — admin @ 3:04 am

A Notary named Diane writes that after 19 days with a high placed new listing on 123notary she made back the cost of the listing! That is pretty quick especially for a brand new listing. Sometimes those listings take time to pick up speed and get noticed.

One other notary emailed me asking how he can know how much business he got from 123notary. I told him to keep a PHONE JOURNAL next to the phone. Write down the date, time, who was calling, and where they found him. It is a little like keeping a notary journal except without the fees, thumbprints or ID’s. But, that way you will have a record of where people found you and where to spend your advertising bucks next year!


January 27, 2021

Covid Karma — did you get any?

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 10:52 am

What is Covid Karma? Is it more serious than the disease itself? Some things weren’t meant to be shared, but karma is always changed between the victim and the victimizer.

If you are afraid of a disease because it is a serious disease or because you have been brainwashed, you might be tempted to want to go around restricting other people’s rights. You might be tempted to support others in their undermining of other people’s rights.

If you force someone to wear a facemask, you violated someone’s liberty unless you can prove that person is an extreme risk to others. The one in one hundred chance that someone might be asymptomatic, does not constitute extreme risk contrary to what the covidiots might tell you.

This is the same stupidity as forbidding all people from driving whether you are a good driver or not, because what if you crash into another car, and that car goes out of control and kills grandma. Yes it could happen, but it doesn’t constitute a risk any more than regular wear and tear.

Putting people out of business is very heavy karma. You might ruin their retirement, or leave them out in the street for the rest of their life all in the name of “safety.” Doesn’t sound very safe to me.

But who is involved in all of this karma? Governors, mayors, judges who sit and watch without putting a stop to this unconstitutional nonsense, the health department, and more. But, what about the Sheriffs who sit and watch when they swore an Oath to protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic? What about members of the public that support policies that ruin people’s lives. What terrible karmic fate do these people deserve?

Do they deserve to go to hell, reincarnate in a communist country, or end up penniless on the street? I am not the boss of this type of thing so I cannot answer. But if you support someone else’s demise who didn’t do you any harm, you will get some sort of karmic retribution — so… beware…….


January 8, 2021

A Notary was late to her hospital signing and got a complaint

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 1:09 pm

I am writing about complaints because that seems to be the juiciest topic of discussion and I do have a few complaints on file to discuss — no names!

The Notary was on the way to the hospital. She called to say she was behind.

The customer wrote a complaint stating the document was time sensitive and that they made a special arrangement.

The Notary explained that it was a $5 job, and that she was stuck in traffic. And besides, she wasn’t going to go in with her already compromised immune system.

In my opinion, it looks like the Notary didn’t want to do the job in the first place, yet agreed, and agreed for far too little money. I would charge $80 to do a signing at a hospital. You are dealing with delays, family members, ID issues, signers who might be drugged, and more. The Notary has no business accepting this type of job to begin with if she has a delicate immune system.

And words of wisdom — if you have a weak immune system, go to India for a few weeks — it’s like magic. If you don’t die, you’ll have an immune system made of cast iron (or since it’s India then “caste” iron.) You might get dyssentary, vomit for a week, or have horrible cramps, but your T cells will multiply by three because they will get a lot of action over there with all of the different bacteria cultures and viruses. You don’t increase your immunity by hiding, you get it by sunshine, fun and encountering lots of different types of viruses. Oh, and also having shitake mushrooms — look it up.


January 3, 2021

How do you define “pandemic?”

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 12:08 am

What is a pandemic, and how do you know you are in one.

LADY: How can you go to work when we are in the middle of a pandemic?
GUY: How do you define pandemic?
LADY: Lots of people are dying. It’s an emergency!!!

There are several facts one should know about pandemics, particularly the “fakedemic” we are in now.

1. Covid19 is real, but only has a high death rate for people over 70, and a few very vulnerable people younger than that.

2. Hospitals get paid several thousand extra per death if they record the death as a Covid19 death. This could be considered bribery, or an invitation to corruption.

3. There are no definitive standards for what constitutes a Covid19 death. Many (roughly 25%) of the Covid deaths happened without the dead party being proven positive for Covid19.

4. The remaining 75% of Covid19 deaths consist of:
People who had Covid before , got over it, and died of something else
People who had Covid, but got hit by a bus, had a motorcycle accident, etc.
Those who had Covid but died of another lung complication such as the flu, or pneumonia
People who died solely of Covid which account for roughly 1-3% of the grand total of Covid19 Deaths.

5. The real total of people who died solely of Covid might be around 20,000, and those who died primarily of Covid might be about 40,000 to 80,000, but not whatever the total is these days which is coming up to 300,000 in the USA.

6. According to Judaism, a Pandemic is defined as an infectious disease that kills 3 in 500 people per day. In California Covid19 kills less than 2 people per Million per day. We would need 4000x the quantity of deaths (not cases) to qualify as a pandemic according to Judaism.

7. According to common sense, a Pandemic would be a situation where all hospitals are overflowing, the military is there, constant sirens, ambulances, helicopters moving the sick to where they could be cared for and moving the dead around. During the worst of the “pandemic” in NYC they did have bodies stacked up in the morgue, and overflowing hospitals. But, they did not use military hospitals. The rest of the country did not have such a drastic or desperate situation.

8. I see a pandemic of insanity, madness, and a lack of common sense. People believe everything the biased lamestream media tells them without scrutinizing the information or comparing it to other sources. We have fake pandemics, fake elections, fake news, fake impeachments, fake genders, and fake food. We seek to solve our pandemic with a man-made fake solution, namely a vaccine.

9. This plandemic is more like a horror movie where the evil scientist with a German accent creates a deadly virus, and has the cure for it locked up in a freezer compartment looking forward to selling it at a huge margin. But, in the end of such movies, the mad scientist gets locked up and the resilient people recover. In our case, the mad scientists are in China and backed by God knows who. I don’t see them going to jail.

10. Due to this plandemic, America has forgotten the hundreds of thousands of brave souls who fought so that we could have freedom, a constitution, and rule of law. Now, we are living under tyranny. States are putting respectable businesses in the food and entertainment industry permanently out of business all in the name of “safety.” The bigger problem is that the system of checks and balances doesn’t seem to be functioning. The courts let governors act as emperors and the people do not complain too loudly, even in gun toting redneck states (yee-haw).

Unless the people wake up and decide that yes, the constitution, liberty, freedom from tyranny, and a good economy matter (just as much as black lives matter), then we will either not have a country much longer, become Marxist, or have a broken economy, political system, and everything else. We are moving fast in that direction .But, why? Because of a pandemic of irrational thinking, a lack of common sense, and a hundred-fold overreaction to Covid Covid, oh my God Covid!

According to Judaism, the spiritual root of infections diseases are:
1. Improper use of speech such as slander, lying, jealousy, abusive speech and others.
2. Improper sexual behavior such as premarital sex, homosexual behavior, etc.
3. Violent behavior. In America there is a lot of spousal abuse, child trafficking, gang violence, etc.

A vaccine can save you from this current pandemic (maybe), but will not save you from God. If God feels you go around lying, cheating, slandering, and bearing false witness against your neighbor which has been huge, especially in politics since 2014 (much huger than normal in my opinion) then he will get you some other way. You can hide fro Covid, but you cannot hide from God

The contents of this article are some high quality, analytical, back to reality and solid spiritual principles which even atheists can get at least on a moral level. Only 20% of Americans (rough estimate) are thinking logically, the others are completely impossible to reason with and let their fear and emotions dictate their opinions. I do not feel it is safe to have your life run by a majority of insane lunatics. Think deeply about what I just said.


December 27, 2020

New Year’s Resolutions for Notaries for 2021

Filed under: Business Tips — admin @ 4:06 am

Every year I come back to this topic. Sometimes I address it in a humorous way, and other times in a serious way. Notaries often procrastinate some of their responsibilities. Your business will do better if you are a little more proactive in certain ways. Here are my tips for 2021.

Stock up on supplies like paper, toner, ink, get that new GPS system if it will help you, pens, stamps, Fedex envelopes, and whatever else you need.

Notaries have to eat on the road and that is not always healthy unless you live near a Whole Foods or a Jamba Juice. But, you can have packages of nuts and dried fruits in the car, and then bring fresh fruit on a daily basis. Dried fruits have a lot of nutrition. Apricots, dates, plums, dried mangos, raisins, and other dried fruits are packed with many micronutrients, minerals, vitamins, iron, and more!

The newer Notaries seem to take education a lot more seriously. I noticed a change in collective attitude about six months ago. It seems that Mark Wills at LSS is a force of motivation and enthusiasm to be reckoned with. His students seem to be popular on our site too. His course seems to be oriented towards practical issues like dealing with some of the types of signings that became popular in the last few years (that were not popular during my day sonny.)

123notary has a paid certification course with a hard test. Our testing standards are the hardest in the industry and those who use our site are aware of that. We also have a very interesting FREE course on the blog which people love called Notary Public 101 and we test people who completed that test and sometimes certify them. Most people don’t study enough, but you can make that your New Year’s resolution and it will benefit you for the rest of your career.

Your Notary profile has a notes section. I just reviewed several hundred of our most prominent notes sections on the site. I am sorry to say that few did a bang up job writing about themselves. I think that putting in a lot of effort to try and figure out what to say about yourself will really pay off. Those who use our site want to read what you have to say about yourself, so if you say very little, they are less likely to call you first. It might take a few hours to read our section on the blog called, “Your notes section” while taking notes. It might take a few more hours to write a great notes section. But, that is what successful notaries so, so if you want to be successful, invest some time in it, especially during the holidays.

It is the same suggestion every year. Our notaries seem to have less reviews than a few years ago. The very experienced Notaries got old or died off. Most of our Notaries are new which is refreshing, but they need to have reviews too. Anyone who compliments you on your work – ask them for a review and send them a link to your review page. The link is above your name on your profile.

Company Names
It pays off to have a good company name and register it with your county. We have written many articles on the topic. Please read those articles. It takes hours of brainstorming and conversations with others to pick a great name for your company. It is worth the effort in the long run.

Review your state notary laws
Some people look to Notary agencies for advice, but to know your local laws, please refer to your notary division’s website. Most states have a notary division under their Secretary of State, but some have it under another state office. Review those laws, because you might have a quandry one day if you are not rock solid on Notary laws and procedures.

I think I better think up my resolutions for this year. I want to be better at time management, lose lots of weight and learn Chinese better. Never mind becoming a millionaire — I’ll save that for 2022.

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