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December 26, 2021

The most interesting people I have met in my life.

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 10:28 am

I am getting older now. I am 52, and sometimes I reflect on my life. When I was younger I met many interesting people. In high school and college I met a lot of interesting people. As I entered the work force I encountered different people from walks of life I was not so familiar with. I grew up around intellectuals and met very few blue collar types. The blue collar people in Boston are very interesting in their own way, and are famous for their sarcasm which they call “sahcasm.” Then I moved from Boston to Los Angeles and worked in the Chinese community. They are definitely a very different social group. After a few years I started being a Mobile Notary and started 123notary not long after that to market my personal services. As an adult, I meet people in bars and in the park, but I don’t meet too many people other than Notaries. But, I digress. Let me make my list.

The most interesting people I have met.

1. My father. He studied math in school and became a programmer. He always had a deeper understanding of politics, life, business, etc. He seems to have forgotten his deeper understanding in his old age and now believes all of the BS that the mainstream media feeds him. What happened?

2. My mother. She was an expert pianist and knew about music and culture from around the world. She lived with anthropologists in college who were very interesting people. And she knew people from around the world.

3. My neighbor Uri. His mother was an intellectual and they both read and read and read. He grew up in Haifa, Israel. He knew about the world, politics, and his father was engaged in international business. Uri joined his father after finishing high school. Unfortunately he had a childhood bout with cancer which caught up to him in his early forties and he died. I would say that he helped me to learn how to deal with situations and difficult people — be tough and stand my ground. Nobody teaches you that back home in our community where people are very soft.

4. My neighbor Swami. Swami speaks five languages. Tamil, English, Arabic, Japanese, and French. He probably knows other Indian dialects too. He was an expert engineer, international business person, spiritual leader (his name says it all), and more. A very interesting conversationalist to say the least. He also taught me a thing or two about cooking his way where you grind each spice separately by hand. Wow! His wife was from Japan, and he could speak to her in her language. And he specialized in selling pipes to the Saudis for their hospitals. What a specialty that was!

5. My junior high school friend Mike. Mike studied for years after high school at Harvard extension and at other schools. He has known me since childhood and can talk about any subject and make interesting points – generally contrarian points which makes the conversation interesting. We still talk regularly and it never gets boring.

6. My college hallmate Bube. His father was a big time engineer back in Tanzania where he grew up. Bube studied 12 hours a day and would not put his books down unless there was a good party. He could talk about any subject and loved studying karate. Alas, the good times are over and my college friends are long gone. I actually emailed him a few years back to see how things were going.

7. People at the wedding of my 2nd or 3rd cousin. I met lots of people from my mothers village in the middle east who I had never met before. So many people were business people and had such good stories to tell about hotels, satellites, refrigerators, etc. All business stories. The one I remember was about the guy who made millions selling refrigerators — but he doesn’t even know how to plug one in — he hires the right people. So, I had a fun time at that party. But, like all good things — they come to an end and I don’t know those people except for my aunt who also tells stories quite well.

8. Mitch. When I started 123notary, I had no idea who to hire for programming. I hired a local Chinese company. They were okay. But, they became unhelpful and then I looked in the yellow pages and found Mitch. He has been handling most of my web business ever since. We go out a few times a year and the conversation is really interesting. He is a unique thinker.

9. Carmen. Carmen and I worked together from 2003 to 2020. She took the calls for 123notary and we talked all the time. There was never a dull moment and she had a deep understanding of human nature. Not always a very positive understanding, but I like to keep it real, so that worked for me.

10. Walter. Walter is my psychic counselor. We go over health issues, spiritual issues, business and life issues. He was a monk before, and is very knowledgeable and interesting and can discuss a vast array of topics. I have never met anyone like him. If I ever die, I will remember all of the fascinating sessions I had with him and how my life was meaningful as a result.

11. My Guru. My guru that I follow now is the spirit of Yogananda. One of the most interesting people I have ever met — at least in spirit form. He understands spirituality, and shamanic healing, and much more. It is hard to communicate with spirits, but I am partially shamanic, so I can do some, and Walter (interesting person #10 on this list) can communicate for me.

12. Angels. Walter is not only an interesting person, but he helped connect me to angels. I do volunteer work for a particular angel doing psychic battle with evil spirits. We cleared out most of the evil spirits from Arizona and California. Those spirits had been plaguing the area for thousands of years and we as a team got rid of them in only five years which is amazing. But, when we channel this angel, we get amazing information about life, health, spirituality, and much more. I have never gotten such interesting and useful information from anyone. Not from any book, not from any video, and not from any living person. Sorry to freak all of you out with my relationships with the dead — but this is how I live, and it is for the best.

13. The Assassin. I met an assassin at a bar. He was from Israel (half of Israelis are probably assassins) and he does his business in Africa — otherwise he would probably get arrested. He teaches governments how to defend from sieges, or how to do sieges. This is how they live in the Middle East I guess. Interesting cocktail party conversation but wouldn’t want to live through it. The irony is that he looked like a goofy hippie. Go figure!

14. Youtube personalities. Youtube has been my connection to the world. During Covid it was my only connection. I have met so many interesting life coaches via youtube. I guess I met them but they didn’t meet me. The host of valuetainment is named Patrick Bet-David and he is one of the most interesting people and always has new topics for his videos which are commonly interviews.

15. Other Notaries & Industry People. There are a few Notaries and people I met from 123notary who were very interesting over the years. They do not make the top ten list, but they were pretty inspirational and unique. A few of them helped me with my quiz questions too which to me is very valuable.

16. My former guru and his guru. They gave me a very good grounding on life, spirituality, and prophesies. They predicted a lot of the nonsense that is going on in America and the world right and what is to come — which you won’t like. My former guru’s guru Babuji came to me in spirit forms a few times and we channeled him a few times. But, my knowledge of him is more through his books. One of the most valuable thing my former guru taught me was to live in harmony with nature. The whole world seems to want to go as far away from nature as possible with artificial light, computers, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, covid masks. But, I try to be as natural as modern society will allow, and my first guru was a good influence in this respect.

I have never written a blog article quite like this, other than going over the most interesting moments in my life. I wonder what is to come. My psychic says I will do business with China starting in 2024. I hope I learn better Chinese by then and I hope it goes well.


November 27, 2021

I heard that NY notaries may no longer offer 24 hour service.

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 9:55 am

I don’t know if this is true or not. But, someone told me it is now illegal for New York Notaries to offer 24 hour service. I would expect this type of BS from New York with all of their fascist rules and Covid protocols. But, people in hospitals and nursing homes (who Fox news claims that Cuomo murdered via his Covid policies) might need 24 hour notaries.

Will someone please straighten the record and let me know which end is up.


October 24, 2021

The Notary and the N95: Putting Covid info in your notes section

Filed under: Your Notes Section — admin @ 8:02 am

Notaries often like to indicate that they are vaccinated in their notes section. Others note that they take all of the Covid precautions. It is good to put this in your notes section. This matters to some people and could be a hiring decision. Being conscientious is generally a good thing unless you are conscientious in a way that backfires which can happen if you don’t think things through.

People got vaccinated because it was the only way they could feel “safe.”
Then they realized that they still didn’t feel “safe” because other people weren’t vaccinated.
Later they decided that the only way they could feel safe is it everyone else got vaccinated.
After that they found out that vaccines have a shelf life and are only good for preventing Covid for a number of months. Then they realized they had to take a booster, and then find a way to coerce the rest of the world to do the same.
In 2022, the Alpha variant will come out and then there will be yet another booster.

By 2023, we will each have to take about 20 different shots per year, each infused with 100x your daily recommended allowance of aluminum, lead and mercury (not one of my jokes, read the ingredients and see for yourself.) There will be compounds that genetically modify how your body works for better or for worse.

Don’t forget that the genetic engineer who designed humans in such a way that we have survived 180,000 years is named God. Whatever he did seems to have worked. If you let a few mad scientists tinker with your genetics to make it how they think would be good without any long term knowledge, you are likely be the next Frankenstein.

Then in 2024, the Alpha-Omega-Phi variant will come out — a variant that makes people want to do hazing on a daily basis.

In 2025, the Beta3 variant will come out that will only attack children and kill them, that is assuming people are not sterilized by the original vaccine — and that remains to be seen. Bad news for teachers if I am right — the teachers union will be out of business if everybody is sterile.

You don’t need a single one of these vaccines or facemasks. 5000 I.U. of vitamin D3 per day (ask your doctor first) will raise your D levels in your blood or liver, or wherever they are. Lots of veggies, fermented foods, and shitake or maitake mushrooms will keep your immunity bullet proof. Socializing and being happy helps immunity too. It is your immune system that will save you from Covid, not some BS mask or vaccine. If facemasks were so critical, God would have had you born with one attached to your body. God is not an idiot, he designed the entire cosmos piece by piece. Let’s see Fauci do that!

Facemasks delay the spread of Covid, they don’t end it. That just means you will catch Covid and die in March instead of February. What is the long term difference? Vitamin D has been proven to keep you out of the hospital and prevent death by a factor of 96% if you have high D levels vs. low. Vaccines and facemasks combined do not reduce your risk of covid death by 96%

So, why does the media not tell you this?
Because they are owned or controlled by companies who profit from selling facemasks and vaccines.

It is remarkable that more than half of Americans put their trust in complete criminals. The stupidity astounds me. And no matter how many percent of the community has one of those worthless degrees from some university, they still cannot think critically. So, what good is it. I’m siding with the Amish. They end school at 14, but they know how to think normally. Plus I just love those horses and buggies!


August 8, 2021

Memorial of Carmen Towles, former salesperson for 123notary

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 6:42 am

Carmen Towles passed away in July of 2020. I found out on July 25th from a client. I believe she passed away on the 24th, but I see other conflicting reports on Notary Rotary saying it happened two weeks before that. The last time I talked to Carmen was on June 29th when she was released from the hospital. She was able to talk but wasn’t making logical sense. She couldn’t remember if she had a gall stone or a kidney stone. I think you would remember that.

Carmen died of Pancreatic cancer, but had a gall bladder infection too. She never told me about the cancer, perhaps because she didn’t want me to worry. I think it would have been better if she had told me so I could plan ahead.

In any case, Carmen and I worked together for 17 years since 2003. I remember the first time I met her at the entrance to our complex. I was selling her a course book. She was very talkative, inquisitive, and sharp. She kept calling me to ask questions and became very knowledgeable as a signing agent. Carmen claimed she took the NNA course, but that it did not make her feel confident enough to go out and do real signing work. After she mastered our 123notary course, she felt she got a practical road map of what to do and how to handle situations. As time went on, I begged her to work for me. She initially didn’t want to. It took a few years to get her to work full time. After she got used to it, signings slowed down, and she became hooked on 123. She did the new sales and renewals and was very possessive about the work.

Carmen was an excellent mentor to many of our Notaries. She taught them the twists and turns of what can happen at signings and with the various companies who hire Notaries. She kept many out of trouble and inspired all. She had real charisma, pizzazz, combined with a deep and pragmatic knowledge of Notary law and signing competency. Nobody else combined her flamboyance and knowledge. None of the other Notary companies have anyone even half as good as she was.

Carmen helped me put together a new over the phone test content as well as a new course which is on the blog and free — Notary Public 101. We wanted to emphasize what gets Notaries in trouble, so they can stay out of trouble. The other courses taught information which was about loan documents which is fine, but you don’t normally get in trouble for not understanding the documents, you get in trouble for notary mistakes or mishandling situations.

The Notaries are very sad that Carmen is gone. There will never be another Carmen. I am sad that I never got to say goodbye. I didn’t think she would pass away so fast. I thought she had another year where she would function at half speed. But, I can communicate easily with spirits, so I have had a few simple dialogues with Carmen.

JEREMY: How are things in the brighter world?
CARMEN: I’m getting a lot of rest.

JEREMY: What will I do without you?
CARMEN: Oh, don’t worry about it.

JEREMY: Do you have to wear face masks up there?
CARMEN: Ha ha…. no!!!

So, now I have to do all of Carmen’s work. I call all of the renewal people. It wouldn’t take that long except that the higher level people like to chat. Many of our higher level people have been with us for years, in some cases up to 20 years, and they have stories from long back. The bigger issue is not having to do her work. I am missing the new calls because I am not prepared to answer the phone all the time. I am not sure how I will hire someone new who will be acceptable and who will last.

And third, I miss Carmen because she is like a family member to me. She understood me well, and had very sensible advice for me about all of my issues. I didn’t necessarily agree with all of her advice, but most of it was good. I am very sad, lonely and don’t know what to expect of the future. The future doesn’t look very bright now, but you never know. I am going to try out several new ladies who seem promising.

With all of the bad vibes in the atmosphere due to the Covid19 issue, riots, and political upheaval, it seemed like the devil made his rounds to disrupt many cities, many lives, many political issues, etc. First there were Covid19 shutdowns which took away our rights. 80% of what I could do outside of the house was shut down or disappeared. Then the devil came to my neighborhood with the riots. A month later my site went down for a week. Actually that was done by angels for my protection, but felt like the devil was somehow involved. And then my site went back up, Carmen became incapacitated and then died shortly after. So much grief in just five months. No wonder I feel more depressed than I have felt in years.

Carmen was always there, usually answered the phone, only went on one quick vacation that I knew about which was a cruise in Mexico. But, she kept her phone with her so she was accessible. She even did phone duty while she was on Jury Duty. She was always there, and now she will never be there again.

I will have my psychic contact Carmen in the brighter world to see if she has anything she wants to tell the Notaries. My ability for spirit communication is okay for very quick questions and answers but not good enough for conversations. So, we will leave this up to Walter who is an expert.

Incoming phone communication to 123notary is basically almost impossible now. I answer some of my incoming calls. but, I really can’t get more than 10%. If you want to reach me fast, just use the email form on I am very slow by, so if you are in a hurry, is a little faster.

So for now, that is all I can say.


July 28, 2021

A Rabbi explains Notary Oaths & Affirmations

Filed under: General Stories — Tags: , , , — admin @ 5:24 am

Oaths and Affirmations have many religious overtones. The fact that God is mentioned in one and not the other is one aspect. The other gets into rules that resemble some of the rules for getting in an elevator during a kosher shabbat. Remember — some elevators are more kosher than others.

SUSIE: Rabbi, I heard that you can discuss how to do kosher notarizations. Can you elaborate in the case of Oaths?

RABBI NOTARIVICH: Yes. You see, (pauses, while pulling gently on his long and flowing beard) there are two types of solemn statements that could be made under the penalty of perjury to a Notary Public. One is an Oath, and the other is an Affirmation. The affirmation cannot be kosher because it doesn’t mention God. But, on the other hand the Oath is also perhaps not kosher because it makes you swear under Oath to God as a special act. This insinuates that under normal situations you would not necessarily tell the truth, but because you are engaged in a solemn ceremony with the Notary Public under the penalty of perjury that you will tell the truth. So, therefore neither solemn statement is kosher from that point of view.

On the other hand, for legal purposes we need such acts, otherwise, supposedly nothing could get done in the business world. And since we need to have sworn statements, it would be good if we did so under God, not solely for the purpose of swearing under God, but because those who engage in Affirmations seem to ignore God, disacknowledge God, dislike God, or dislike those who believe in him. So, Oaths would be more kosher than Affirmations relatively speaking although there is no formal standard, and technically a Notary act can neither be kosher, nor non-kosher.

However, on the third hand…

SUSIE: Rabbi, do you have three hands?

RABBI: Figuratively, I have infinite hands, it is a manner of speech. Anyway… So, on the third hand, there is another legal aspect which parallels with some of the ideology behind kosher elevators.

SUSIE: Does that mean you have to do a blessing on the elevator, or do a blessing while you are in the elevator, or the elevator needs to be milchik?

RABBI: If you ate meat, you definitely shouldn’t cook in a milchik elevator, but not so many people cook in an elevator unless they are really behind schedule. But, when a Notary is confronted with a client, the Notary may not choose the Notary act. They can explain the Notary acts and compare and contrast them but not choose them. The notary can ask if the client wants an Oath or Affirmation. Now, the case may arise where the Affiant is not the client. One party is paying for the notarization while another is being Notarized. This is common. So, which one chooses the Notary act. The answer is the one paying even if he chooses the wrong act for the situation. The document custodian if there is one might be wise to voice a preference as to what type of Notary act they will accept, as they can ultimately reject the notarization.

SUSIE: So, this is complicated, you have an affiant, a client, a custodian, a notary, AND a rabbi? What would happen if all of these entities went into a bar together? Or had to screw in a light bulb? What would happen?

RABBI: Easy. If the Rabbi was asked how to screw in the light bulb, he would want to spend at least 100 hours referencing sources in the scriptures and the midrashim to find suitable precedents for how to handle the situation. However, he would get nowhere because he wouldn’t be able to see without a functional lightbulb, so he would sit there in frustration and ultimately shrug his shoulders, say, “Oy gevalt”, and then leave. The document custodian would not be there so he could do nothing. The affiant would be a guest and would therefore do nothing. The client would be remote as well and would do nothing. The Notary would leave. However, the building custodian — a sixth entity would probably be the one to change the lightbulb, or the building manager, or whomever owns or manages the property.

SUSIE: That was complicated but makes sense. What if they went into a bar?

RABBI: The Rabbi would order a Manhattan, but would spent 20 minutes bothering the bartender as to whether or not the glass it was to be served in had even touched anything with dairy over the life of its existence and the bar tender would get annoyed and help someone else. The Notary would order a Santa Barbara Cabernet Sauvignon called, “Notary Public Red Blend”… yes, it actually exists, or something with the name Notary Public because the vineyard was owned by someone who used to be a Notary. The client would order a beer, and the affiant, would not want to swear under the influence so he would say, “I will have Ginger Ale”.

SUSIE: An interesting take on an old joke.

RABBI: So anyway, the client or the affiant if he is also the client chooses the type of notarization. We can compare choosing the notarization to pressing a button on an elevator or online menu. After all, with online notarizations, you would have to click a button to choose your notary act. On Shabbat which is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown a person who is shomer shabbat (who follows the rules of kosher) cannot press an elevator button or turn on a light unless it is an emergency. However, a kosher elevator, stops on every floor, so you don’t have to press a button to call it nor do you have to press a button to choose what floor.

SUSIE: I feel sorry for kosher people who used to go to the world trade center, that used to have 200 floors. That would take four hours to get to the top if it stopped at every floor and by then shabbat would be half over.

RABBI: A good point.


LAURA: Rabbi, I called a Notary on Shabbat to ask if she did Debt Consolidations. She responded that she could not answer business questions on Shabbat because that would be working. So, I asked, why did you answer the phone then?

RABBI: On the one hand.

SUSIE: Here we go with the hands again. I’m expecting at least four hands.

RABBI: One the one hand, and just for the sake of argument, let’s say it is the left hand, it is forbidden to work on the sabbath which is shabbat in Hebrew. The Torah also forbids walking more than 2000 cubits out of your respective town on shabbat, perhaps because that would also be laborious even though that is not work. 2000 cubits is roughly 1KM just for the sake of reference. And it might take 15 minutes to walk that far.

So, this kosher Notary is willing to burden herself with a phone call on shabbat not knowing if it is a personal call or a business call. Since the Torah prohibits, working, but also prohibits recreational activities such as unnecessary or excessive walking that could prove laborious after a few minutes…. hmmm… there is no formal point of view on this matter.

It seems that since the notary took the trouble to answer the call which she knew had nothing to do with shabbat, that she could also answer a quick question about business just as long as answering that question was not excessively laborious like walking a kilometer. After all, at Synagogue, people discuss what business they are in and what is going on at their companies. That is talking about work, but it is very different than actually working. The point of not being laborious in any way on Shabbat is to save your energy and focus for prayer, relaxing, and socializing. If you waste your time on endless phone calls you lose that focus. It would be better that she would not answer the phone unless it was family or related to shabbat. But, answering a quick question would be okay in my book. I’m sure others will disagree as this is a controversial topic.

It would probably be better not to answer any phone calls on shabbat unless it is an emergency or related to who is coming to dinner.


VICKI: Rabbi, if a Notary did a bad job, would it be considered unkosher gossip or “Leshon Hara” to write a bad review on his listing?

RABBI: Many will agree that committing leshon hara could be worse than murder. But, on the other hand, if you don’t say anything, that notary might harm others endlessly. If you write a bad review, you might be harming that Notary’s reputation which could cause terrible spiritual consequences in this life and the next. On the other hand, if you don’t write the review, that Notary might harm others. So, should you choose the lesser of the evils? Should you only write the review if that Notary did something very bad and showed no sign of remorse? It is hard to answer a question like this as it is a judgement call.


SAM: I just did a meditation where I visited Notary Hell. There was a guy there who wrote a bad review about someone who ruined a hospital notarization. The only crime the inmate at hell had done in his life was to write a bad review. The Notary’s reputation was permanently ruined as his prime clients saw the review, and the Notary later starved to death as a result. And it was all because of that guy who wrote the bad review.

RABBI: Did he mention anything about how the social life is in hell? Word on the street is, “Go to hell for the social life, but heaven for the weather.”

SAM: Next time I’ll have to ask. I’m going to the underworld tonight, but I’m sure I’ll have time to visit hell sometime on Wednesday. Oh wait. I have an Apostille signing on Wednesday, maybe Wednesday night.

RABBI: One of my friends accidentally ate a piece of bacon and he was sure he would end up in hell. Could you… umm… you know, check up on him and see if he actually made it to hell?

SAM: Was his name Saul? And did he always wear red suspenders?


SAM: Never heard of him.. Just kidding. Saul is in purgatory. His Teshuva (repentance) is to think less about nonsensical trivialities. Until he masters this, the angels won’t let him into heaven.

RABBI: The irony of it all. Well I guess that wraps it up. We have answered all of our rabbinical Notary questions. Tune in next week to Ask the Rabbi!


May 5, 2021

Catching cold during the tail end of the Covid plandemic

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 8:29 am

I never really thought about whether or not I would get Covid-19. Most cases are asymptomatic. But, when you get a flu at my age, that typically puts you down for two weeks. It is amazing that younger people who are at a huge risk of losing half a month or work from the flu or a cold are not afraid of that but only afraid of Covid Covid Covid. It is like their brains are completely programmable. You just tell them the same thing over and over again and they can be afraid of anything. They don’t even realize they are being programmed because they haven’t been programmed to realize. But, I digress.

So, from Feb 2020 on, I was not too afraid of Covid. In the beginning of the pandemic, I was a little afraid to go out any more than necessary because there was a shortage of hospital rooms and the disease was so new, that none of us really knew what to expect, and the media was blowing it out of control. Remember — their job is not only to make you scared, but to program you to think a particular way — and your job is to shut up and think the way you were told to think. So be quiet and think — or don’t think!

After April 2020 was over, I decided that since nobody I knew got Covid that the disease was a lot smaller than what the media had made it out to be and it was more hoax than pandemic. The shutdowns were devastating to my happiness and personal life, but I got through it, although I’ll never have faith in humanity again. Humanity thinks its okay to strip me of my rights so that they can feel safe. If they want to feel safe, they can stick their head in the sand at home and leave me out of it!

Then in March 2021 after Covid-19 had died down, I got really cold and tired. I had to sleep most of the time for five days straight. I still worked a few hours a day because I didn’t want to get behind. But, I was so weak, that I used some SHAMANIC methods to increase strength. I had half of a NY steak cooked rare to get that fire energy for my heart on one day and then the rest of it the next. Then I watched videos about people traveling in Joshua Tree National Park which has amazing fire energies and other energies. I watched videos about Sedona too. The combination of the steak and the videos got me enough energy to be able to sit up and work five hours a day. Wow!

The next day I saw the acupuncturist and he said that I was not sick at all. But, his opinion is based on my pulse, and not based on objective reality. They are trained like this. I went back a few days later and that time I told me that I was sick, but not very sick. A few days later I felt well enough to work a full day, but my voice had a tremor. So, he gave me powerful herbs for my lungs which helped right away. So, as of now, I am still a little sick, but can function and don’t feel as bad as before. One evening about six days into this cold I had some pasta and the tomato sauce really irritated my intestines and I was in bed for 14 hours in mild discomfort. But, at least I was not in any major pain.

But, many people told me to test for Covid-19. My attitude was, why? My cold had no Covid symptoms. No cough, no loss of taste, no lung issues, and I can smell, although only if I put my nose close to something. So, if it is Covid, how would that change anything? I already have to stay away from people. Just because it is probably not Covid, if you got what I have, you could lose two weeks of work just like that. You would be semi-paralyzed in bed wracked by extreme fatigue. I don’t want to have to go somewhere, pay, and then have some jerk put something painful up my nose that gives an unreliable test result. Sounds like a very expensive and unpleasant exercise in futility. But, people told me that I might feel a sense of relief knowing.

It would be like me finding out that I am Korean. I just feel better knowing that I’m Korean. My parents aren’t korean, I don’t look Korean, I don’t speak Korean, I don’t eat Korean food, and I have never been to Korea. But, I feel relieved having the knowledge that I’m Korean. I’ll put it on my business card. It would be similar to find out out that my cat is really a dog. How does that change anything? Even though it is for other people so that the disease doesn’t spread to them, as I said before, a cold can spread too and is a lot more dangerous for those under 60 than Covid-19 is.

It seems that people do not read “the science” and have a very lobsided view of what is dangerous. A cold that knocks you out for two weeks is dangerous. It won’t kill you but isn’t losing two weeks or your career dangerous? That includes being home with a fever in bed. That could get out of control. People die of the flu must more than covid in the under 60 crowd. That is dangerous. Oh, I forgot, we haven’t been programmed to think for ourselves and look at actual numbers — that is why it isn’t regarded as dangerous.

My parting question is — when do we get programmed to think for ourselves? And if we’re not going to be programmed to do that, when do we decide to program ourselves to think for ourselves?

If people are going to act like dumb zombies, could they at least have the decency to walk around with their two hands straight forward with a brain dead look on their face? This is how 80% of America is acting.


May 1, 2021

Precautions as a notary are like wearing your seat belt

Filed under: Best Practices — admin @ 6:28 am

One out of seven seasoned Notaries I talked to has ended up in court at least once. Generally this happens because of something outside of the Notary’s control. Fraud, theft, or someone taking advantage of a confused elder are the main reasons for court cases.

Notaries who have never been to court think it will never happen to them. It is like car accidents. Bad ones do not happen much, but when they do, if you are not wearing a seatbelt and/or don’t have good airbags, you might be in big trouble. Just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it won’t happen tomorrow, or in twenty years. So, take precautions. Think of these as wearing a facemask if that makes it more relatable.

If a signer is senile, elderly, in a hospital or nursing home, make sure you can identify they correctly and that they can explain to you what they are signing. Don’t ask yes or no questions as they will say yes to anything and are probably on morphine and not all there. If they go over the document point by point, then they know what they are signing today. They might not remember a year from now though, and that is dangerous for you if it goes to court.

Your journal is your only evidence, so if you say, “My state doesn’t require a journal” you are a fool. The state might not require it, but a judge or investigator needs the journal as that is your only evidence of what actually happened.

1. Make sure the name on the ID proves the name on the document. Don’t use the “you can have more but not less” rule, because notaries always forget which document you can have more on – the ID or the document. So, remember my rule. “The name on the ID must prove the name on the document.” The ID name can be matching but longer, or matching and identical to prove the name.

2. Take a thumbprint unless your state forbids it. I personally might take a thumbprint anyway in Texas because the state forbids selling or distributing that information and not taking it — and that is your only hard evidence of the identity of the signer. Fake ID’s abound, but fake thumbprints do not.

3. In the “Additional Notes” section of your journal write down about the situation, the mental state of the signer, who else is there, and that the signer explained the document to you. This could save your rear if you go to court three years later because you will not remember what happened off the top of your head. Write down anything else noteworthy about the situation to job your memory when investigated.

4. Decline jobs that are too sketchy or if you are unsure that the signer knows what is going on.

5. Have the signer verify who the other people are with them if they are elderly. Sometimes they are not related and sometimes they are scamming the signer.

6. Make sure you know how to give Oaths correctly. You could lose your commission if a judge finds out otherwise.

I was investigated 3 times, but had my paperwork and thumbprints in order. It took me minutes to query jobs done a year or so ago since I had a stack of journals all in chronological order. I always identified people correctly and took notes in my journal for credible witnesses and other pertinent facts. Be sure to do the same, or even more. If you do everything correctly, you still might end up in court, but it will be a shorter case as you have more compelling evidence as to what happened — especially the thumbprint which is your only hardcoded proof of identity.


April 28, 2021

Tips for getting more assignments as a new Notary

Filed under: Advertising — admin @ 9:50 am

Here are a few tips for the new folks to get more business.

1. Take jobs that others won’t.
Most Notaries are picky. They want the best jobs for the highest price from the nicest companies. If you are trying to develop a reputation and get signings under your belt, do the opposite! Take signings that are far away, pay little, involve a lot of fax backs, or sound difficult. You have to get your foot in the door.

2. Advertise on all the major portals and directories
Snapdocs, 123notary, Notary Rotary, Notary Cafe, and others

3. Advertise in more counties on 123notary
We don’t even charge for this. Once you are listed you can have up to 12 counties, and sometimes we can accommodate for more. If the database cannot accommodate them on one listing, we can create additional listings which generally is not free, but for an affordable cost if you want a larger net.

4. Call all signing companies in the nation that are doing a lot of business. Talk to all title companies within 90 minutes of you as well. If they need pick up and delivery, you might be their person.

5. Having mobile equipment helps
Mobile printing, scanning, faxing really helps. But, if your equipment is at home, make sure to have a dual tray printer, a reliable scanner, fax, and whatever else your clients say they need.

6. Network
Get listed with your local chamber of commerce, let local hospitals, Attorneys, nursing homes, airports, jails, bail bonds people and Real Estate brokers know you are in business. Often they have their own Notaries, but people get sick, quit, or won’t notarize due to conflict of interest.

7. 25K E&O Insurance
This is the minimum, but some people get up to a million to let people know they are serious. An absolute beginner should probably stick to 25 or 100K. But, you an upgrade if you start getting title work because the title companies want more.

8. Let everyone know you are a Notary
People often need a Notary and it is handy if one lives nearby who people know. Mention you are a Notary on your Facebook page, Twitter, at networking events, to your neighbors, the local stores, and anyone else you can think of.

9. One certification is good, but…
It is good to be “certified”, but having three or four certifications lets people know you are three or four times as serious as the others.


April 5, 2021

Many Notaries taking an entire year off for Covid-19

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 5:39 am

There are many Notaries taking an indefinitely long hiatus due to Covid-19. When people stay home to hide out from big bad Covid-19, they are treating this disease like a snowstorm or cyclone. You stock up on food, water, hand sanitizer, and hunker down. When the storm leaves, you come out of your hole. It all makes perfect sense. But, a plandemic such as Covid can stay around for a long time. And with the media scaremongering everyone on a daily basis, many people just stop functioning.

Nobody requires you to plug into the MIF (media induced frenzy) style brainwashing. It is like volunteering to go to a communist reeducation camp that you can engage in remotely on your living room sofa. There are alternative sources of news as well as the lost art of what I call “common sense that is not so common these days.” Look around… Do you see a pandemic? If Sally’s husband who was 80 and had preexisting problems died — does that one person’s death prove that it is a pandemic? How many people you know have to get sick or die for it to be a pandemic? A few? In a pandemic, ambulances would be going and coming non-stop, hospitals would be permanently overflowing, and people would be afraid to leave the house. 1% of Americans would have died if this were a pandemic on a Spanish flu level. Most of the deaths recorded from Covid were fraudulently tabulated or from comorbidities making this a pandemic of deception.

I have spoken to many Notaries who just want to hunker down endlessly because they are afraid. Most keep their advertising with us, but they don’t want to work. How bizarre. If you still go to the store, 5% of the people there are infected, and yet you mysteriously don’t get sick. This has been going on for a year and yet you haven’t gotten sick. If this disease is as bad as they say, how come you aren’t dead? And then we go rushing for an untested vaccine with severe side effects for many. So, are you more in danger from the vaccine or from the disease or from your own insanity and paranoia? Hmmm.

My suggestions as always are:
1. Take vitamin D
2. Shitake and Maitake mushrooms for the immune system
3. Garlic, and lots of veggies, especially cruciferous veggies (look that up)
4. Sunshine and lots of socializing and having fun.

Staying home in terror compromises your immune system which makes you 5x as vulnerable to get infectious diseases. So, everything you are doing to be “safe” is actually the most dangerous thing you can do. It seems safer to take my holistic supplements recommended and try to live a normal, natural, and healthy life!


April 4, 2021

Notarizing During Covid – by Muthiah

Filed under: Other Guest Bloggers — Tags: — admin @ 5:30 am

There is no user manual for performing notarizations during Covid other than the generic precautions offered by the CDC.

I have performed a few mobile notarizations over the past 6 months after the onset of the Covid pandemic and have the following advice based on my experience.

First and foremost, recognize that MONEY cannot buy HEALTH. Therefore, be prepared to walk away for a mobile assignment under the following situations. This is not an exhaustive list for a good starting point.

1. Avoid traveling to hospitals, Jails and Nursing Homes even if the signer offers to
pay you more money. COVID is more rampant in these facilities and so don’t
expose yourself to an environment that is conducive to COVID.

2. Ask lots of pertinent questions on the phone such as if they have COVID, if they
have come in contact with anyone who has COVID or if they are under
quarantine orders by the health department. Often times you can tell when
speaking to someone if they are not giving you a straight answer. If you have
even a remote suspicion that you may be walking into a COVID environment, you
should not accept the assignment.

3. Make sure that the place you are going to notarize is spacious so that you can
distance yourself and be safe.

4. When you get to the place that you are notarizing and find that the signer is not
wearing a mask or if there are too many people in a small space or if something
there makes you uncomfortable, just walk away. Remember your health and your
family’s health is more important than the money you get paid.

If you are completely comfortable only then perform the mobile notarization.

Muthiah Nachiappan

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