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November 11, 2019

123notary behind the scenes – almost not able to walk

Filed under: Social Media — admin @ 5:27 am

It was bad. For months, my left leg was killing me. And on my right leg there was sciatic pain. The right buttocks would hurt when I sat for long hours. The left side of my left leg would hurt so badly when I walked, that I had to take one minute breaks every five minutes or so.

Finally, I went to the acupuncturist and he said my circulation was not good in my legs and that I had a muscle spasm. So, he gave me some acupuncture. I had gone to another acupuncturist a week before who also gave me acupuncture with the biggest needles I had ever seen.

But, walking had become such a problem. I took the bus to Koreatown a few times. It is only a few miles down Wilshire. I remember walking home from Koreatown twice. I had to stop every five minutes because the tension and pain was unbearable. And taking my neighborhood walks to Whole Foods and around the park became very painful as well. The hot baths helped a little, but weren’t good enough.

On a brighter note, Koreatown was fun. I took the bus there because parking is so expensive. I tried a great Oaxacan place and had different types of mole and Oaxacan style tortillas which were excellent. I tried Bengladeshi tandoori for only two bucks at a market.

After trying about ten places, I finally found a massage therapist who I could commit to. After she worked on my left leg three times, I was finally able to walk without pain. But, this lady kept trying to do my back. I told her my back is fine. It is the leg that is a huge problem. I guess some masseuses are on auto-pilot and want to focus on backs. Well thank God my back is no problem because my legs have been bothering me for months.

Now, the legs are okay, but the calves are tight. So, we will be working on those for a while. I am walking three hours a day to get healthy so it is no wonder that my legs get up tight.

So, I am okay now — for now. Wish me luck.

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  1. Sorry to hear about your pain! Do you have a regular stretching routine? Sitting for long periods will exacerbate your pain, so moving is necessary, but putting weight on hurting muscles also creates pain. Chiropractic stretching helps, too. Try crossing your heel over the opposite leg, leaning forward and holding for 5 minutes, relax, then repeat, 5x/day. Hope this helps!! =D

    Comment by betty — January 10, 2020 @ 6:10 pm

  2. Sounds a little like me. MRIs determined arterial decease, blocked artery, too. Well, will find out more from my vascular surgeon in a week.

    Comment by Robert Ruston — January 12, 2020 @ 10:27 pm

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