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December 3, 2011

New York Notary income is the highest!

New York Notary Income is one of the highest in the country. 

Notary Public NYC:
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
There is a lot of truth to this statement, especially in the notary profession.  Manhattan notaries are the best educated and most aggressive in the nation.  The notary with the most reviews on his profile is a New York Notary Public in NYC. The notary with the highest amount of clicks is also an NYC Notary Public (the same person by chance).  It is not a coincidence that the notary with the most reviews also gets the most clicks and the most jobs.  If you don’t have reviews, nobody wants to hire you, so the jobs go to people who are already getting the most jobs. It’s feast or famine and the notaries in NYC understand this. 
Notary Public New York: More elite certified notaries.
If you look on our NYC Notary search results, you will see more elite certified members than on any other page in the country.  There seems to be a greater drive to excel in Manhattan than anywhere else in the world.  Manhattan is a place where you have to fight just to cross the street, so trying harder is just a part of life for NYC notaries.  Life is a jungle over there.
More clicks
Notaries in Manhattan are getting more than triple the national average for clicks per capita.  If you are in Iowa and not getting enough jobs, consider moving to Manhattan. There is a lot of work to go around there.  Surprisingly, there are fewer notaries per capita in New York City than in most other cities.  I am not sure why this is.  Getting around by car is harder in New York City than in any other metro area, and that might be part of the reason.  But, you can take a cab to your notary appointment or take the subway — it’s not a crime.  Just put some mace in your notary carry all bag, you might need it if you go out at night!
$2 per signature, how do you make money?
If you are efficient and fast, $2 per signature is not bad. Just make sure your clients don’t ramble and just produce a document and an ID and are ready to sign your journal. $2 is not enough to listen to someone’s life story.  Fortunately for the notaries in NYC, New Yorkers talk faster (more words per minute) than other parts of the country, and have less time to jabber, so the process should be quick unless you get someone retired.  But, you can make a mint in travel fees. There is no restriction on travel fees, so if someone will pay you $60 to go to their office, and $120 to go to a jail, then do it.  Reliable notaries are worth this fee to many, and you will get many repeat clients.

Please also visit:

How much should a mobile notary get paid?

How much pay do you merit as a signing agent?

Notary Public NYC search results page

New York State Notary search results page


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