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August 21, 2020

Your constitutional rights mean nothing if there is a virus

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 8:45 am

Back in 1776 our founding fathers put tremendous thought and consideration into drafting one of the most important documents ever written. The Constitution of the United States of America. They thought through all of the serious legal problems the new nation might face and came up with realistic and effective ways to combat corruption, and prevent the church from taking over the state. The document and its amendments also addressed issues relating to human liberties, the freedom to assembly, gun rights, freedom of speech and press.

Unfortunately what they forgot to tell you in history class is that: if there is a virus, those constitutional rights are temporarily nullified even though technically you could argue that they still apply.

The worse part is that the American public seems not at all concerned that their constitutional rights have been stripped from them. Americans put their constitutional rights on a silver platter without even so much as a protest for a whole 33 days. This apathy tells the authorities that they can do anything they like to us and we will just take it lying down. In some of the gun happy states like Virginia people finally did start protesting, but half of the protest was about gun rights, and shutdowns were only one issue of several.

In places like California which are left-leaning, there has been very little resistance to tyranny and fascism. Our rights have been stripped from us. We cannot even get a haircut as of April 24, 2020.

The symbolic event in protests is that April 19th, 2020, 244 years after, but on the same exact date the revolutionary war started in Boston — was the date the protests really got started in mass.

Attention America — if you ignore your constitutional rights, and if your kids are being dumbed down in school, you will soon not have any rights. The only way to have predictability and justice in America is to stand up and complain loud and clear if you have been violated by your governor or mayor impeding your basic rights. No virus is worth losing what people have been fighting for and risking their lives for the last 244 years.

405,000 Americans died in WW2 to protect American style liberties and fight tyranny, fascism and murder. But, in 2020 we are willing to give it all up without even a wimper. I just don’t understand what is wrong with people today. I guess there is not much I can do. But, the little I can do — I will do!


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