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May 18, 2020

Signings with hoarders

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 9:51 pm

I live with a hoarder. I can’t get it through her head that she doesn’t need all of that stuff. It seems to be a mental illness. She cleans up a little once per year, but we need more than a little. I withhold part of the rent I would otherwise pay her since my passage way through the living room to the front door is compromised. I like where I live, but the hoarding is insane.

But, doing signings with hoarders is dangerous. Here are the dangers.

1. You might have to clear off a space on the table and remove stuff from chairs or from near chairs.

2. There might be infestations due to the inability to clean due to stuff being everywhere.

3. There might be bacterial problems, mold, or other diseases that are airborne due to the problem.

4. Something could fall on your or fall and block your escape route.

Please let me know your stories with hoarders in the comments. The rest of us would love to know!


1 Comment »

  1. I have lived with a hoarder and we finally had to MOVE, actually buy a new house, and move and throw her stuff out. I feel awful since she’s my mother and I respect her. Life is better now and we are trying hard to keep from letting it happen again. After all it’s OUR house she was ruining. I am just starting out in the NSA business. I don’t like the idea of going into uncomfortable places. But I will have compassion and won’t react to it. My experience will help me.

    Comment by Suzi McMullen — June 14, 2020 @ 12:27 am

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