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January 10, 2011

Acknowledgment or AcknowledgEment?

Are you in the Notary profession or getting a notarization done? You might want to get some information straight. There are various types of Notary terms out there that you should probably be familiar with. Common terms include: Notary Seal, Venue, Scilicit, Locus Sigilli, Acknowledgment, Jurat, Affidavit, Affiant, Affirmation, Oath, Protest, etc.

The spelling of Notary terms i.e. Acknowledgments
In the Notary Profession, there are various types of Notary acts done. Roughly 80% of Notary acts done are Acknowledgments. But, the Notarial spelling of AcknowledgEment should NOT have an “e” after the “g” — e.g. — Acknowledgment.

Legal issues with “Notary Acknowledgement”
Although I have never heard of any legal consequences for spelling Notarial words incorrectly, it is just good form and a sign of a good upbringing to spell terms correctly. If you can master spelling Notary Acknowledgment correctly, then you can try to master funny looking Latin terms for the Notary industry like Locus Sigilli which means the location of the stamp.

Where can I learn more?
123notary publishes all types of blogs about Notary issues, notary terminology, marketing, and other technical issues. We also publish comedy blogs especially for Notaries which sometimes strike a chord. We have keyword fees for various notary terms, not to mention categories on the right of our blog where you can browse all types of technical and non-technical notary issues.

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