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December 21, 2014

123notary Reviews

There are many sites out there that recommend 123notary. However, there is no organized way to find testimonials or reviews about 123notary.com. There are individual notary web pages that mention that they are certified or elite certified by 123notary.com. There are resource pages which recommend 123notary as a resource as well. Additionally, on Facebook, there are discussions where notaries give their honest opinion about which notary directory they like the most. Sometimes they like 123notary most while others prefer Notary Rotary or Notary Cafe.

Here are some links to sites that have unbiased commentary about 123notary.com.

Read this one first!
Leon Austin comments that 123notary certification is hard, but in terms of return on investment, has been one of the best!

3 reviews about us. Two had amazingly good luck while another is sore about his free listing being removed. Can’t please them all!

Notary Memphis
This site gives a quick description of the perks of 123notary and other notary sites.

Houston Mobile Notary Service
They describe the benefits of 123notary Elite certification.

Helpful Links
Find helpful links here about many notary organizations including 123notary!

How to get started as a mobile notary.
123notary is listed as a resource

#123notary on our blog
We have many posts under the tag #123notary on our blog. It is us talking about us, but interesting reading none-the-less.
It includes one negative review about us from a Russian lady who complained she got too many calls for notary work from our site. Of all the bad reviews I’ve ever gotten, that is the absolute best.

CA Notary Services
This notary is Certified by 123notary and his page shows up on the first page of Google because he links to his own page from his other sites. Interesting!

The Delaware Notary Association
They list 123notary as a resource

Florida Preferred Notary
This Notary is Elite certified by 123notary!

Instagram Photos of 123notary

Julian Hill
He produced a VIDEO about his notary service in NYC & mentions he is 123notary certified

Here is an Elite Certified Notary’s website

Frank Tabacca is a member of many notary organizations and 123notary certified!

Notaries discuss 123notary’s Elite Certification
This discussion doesn’t exactly support my cause of selling more Elite certifications. Many notaries claim that more certifications are not necessary. One compares them to Boy Scout Merit Badges. However, in real life, Elite certified signers get 4x the business than those not certified by 123notary in similar positions in the search results!



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123notary’s Google+ Page
This is brand new, and it is yet another place to read our notary posts and shares. There is also a community where you can post your own content. Anyone with a Gmail account can participate in our community. Just join!

123notary’s Linked In Page
For discussions that are fun, visit our Facebook page. But, if you want practical down to business discussions, our Linked In members are top notch in this respect and will deliver riveting opinions!

My personal Twitter
I use it more for notary tweets than anything else, but there are all types of tweets there if you are interested.

123notary listings on 123epayment.
Purchase listings here. But, you might ask Carmen first before you make a purchase just to be on the safe side.

Our travel blog! Great foodie & travel information

This is where we have our certification courses and tests!

123notary vs. Notary Rotary
The notaries disagree as to which site gets them more business. Read the nitty gritty!


April 13, 2011

A few testimonials on 123notary

Filed under: Advertising — Tags: , — admin @ 4:20 am

123notary has been working overtime to get the best marketing for its notaries.  Here are a few of the tesimonials that we have gotten.

Testimonial #1: $7000 extra per month!
We’ve been in business for six years in the Kansas City area.  As of July 2010 I added a listing on 123notary.com.  I tracked the source of all my business, and 123notary was responsible for us getting an additional $7000 a month in revenue!
Michael Tomlinson

Testimonial #2:  90% of jobs from 123!
When I ask a Title Company how they got my name 9 out 10 times they reply, 123Notary.  I get almost all of my mobile notary work from this site.  When I asked Carmen how I could get even more work she explained how to better market myself on the site.  She also suggested that I purchase a higher P# for my area.  When I did what she suggested, the calls really started to come in.  The higher P# has really paid off! Thank you, Carmen. So, will I renew my listing with 123 Notary?  You bet I will.  Because of this site I am still working and making a living while others are not! 

Claudia in Tennessee

Testimonial #3: 123 has been my #1 advertisement!
No matter how many listings I’ve ever had, I’ve always made 123 my #1 listing.  When business slows and you have to make a choice, the decision is easy: 123Notary!  I’ve been with listed with 123 for many years and have made thousands and thousands of dollars with my top spots, worth every penny. 123Notary is  a wise choice in your Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent marketing budget. 

Kelly M. Robertson

Testimonial #4:  123notary tops my google analytics for clicks and jobs!
I was lost, I could not find my way. I stumbled from notary site to notary site. Then, suddenly, the fog lifted and a bold new day began. I FOUND www.123notary.com! My life changed for the better. The phone started to ring – the work grew and grew. From being an unknown frog suddenly I was a Prince! Then it got B*E*T*T*E*R !! I discovered that I was not alone – I found “The Forum”. My peers (err make that “my betters”) could help and advise me when the going got rough. Many were the questions that I could ask nowhere else. I was no longer frustrated and alone with my questions and issues. The sun started shining – a new day has dawned for me. Soon, with “a little help from my friends”, I was charging fair rates, making lots of money – and actually enjoying myself because I now had some idea of what I was doing! My personal life improved, I was no longer depressed and lonely, even Jeremy noticed the change in me. 123Notary has turned my life around – given me purpose and direction, and a wallet that often needs repairs at the seams! My finest moment with 123Notary.com was when this cute little gal called me for some advise (hmmmm perhaps that story would be better not told). But I can say that my Google Analytics clearly shows 123Notary.Com as the LEADING source of my referrals. And if you do a google search on “Kenneth A. Edelstein” you will find I have published a bunch of articles and am a member of LOTS of organizations, including the local BBB and Chamber of Commerce. But, nothing (with the possible exception of that gal who wanted some advise) has given me more calls and things to do. If you are not a member of 123Notary.Com – and you are a Notary – you are making the biggest possible mistake. JOIN – CHAT in the Forum – give and gain from your peers. I’m glad I did. Thank you. 

 Ken  A. Edelstein


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