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March 25, 2010

Recurring popular tweets

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:43 am

(1) Iphone 7 Siri to be more advanced. Voice changes depending on quality of signing company calling you

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(2) Tight schedules are part of being a notary. But, don’t make it too tight or u’ll start feeling tightness in your chest!

(3) How can you survive in any business if you don’t carry yourself like a pro?

(4) You need to keep meticulous records to determine whose at fault if there’s a mistake!

(5) Most of the notaries complaining that they can’t make money are notaries who didn’t do their homework.

(6) To handle an Elite Signer you have to be an Elite Notary. Now you are going way beyond competent to reaching beyond perfection –

(7) Notary Heaven Section 263: That’s where we put good notaries who didn’t make their child support payments.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(8) At The Notary Hotel: they didn’t observe the don’t disturb sign while I was reading the Settlement Statement!

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(9) Al: “If it weren’t for us signing services, notaries wouldn’t work!” Carmen thinking: “Is this guy serious?”

Who really needs who?

(10) Notary: “I’m not the mistress, I’m the notary!” Wife: “Then why were u driving late last night w/ur lights off?”

(11) Mint… and Meant to be – when her passion for ice cream & a notary aligned.

(12) The notary has this big clamp, and if you’re not good, he’ll clamp you with it, and it will hurt!

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)

(13) Real Estate Brokers need to get real! You don’t know ur loan docs as well as you think you do!

Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?

(14) Clearly stating how far you’ll travel is very good for your business

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

(15) Most notaries on our site not certified by us have roughly half the loan signing knowledge.

(16) If others create obstacles for you, then create policies for dealing with these problems instead of complaining. Winners find solutions.

He made $35,000 a month his first year in business?

(17) A great conversation on the phone often attracts jobs and good reviews, which attracts more jobs. Always answering the phone helps!

A great attitude gets the most jobs

(18) The TSA will be involved in notary signings. It will be illegal to bring sharp objects to signings.

(19) The Notary takes $10 million in drug money to the Title company by accident.

The Notary, The Mafia & The Fedex Drop Box

(20) Kids play “cowboys and Indians.” No child on record has been caught playing “notary publics and document holders.”

Tomorrow’s Notary Publics

(21) Not getting paid on time? It’s because u didn’t look within to research these dead-beat companies.

(22) The notary asked, “Can I get an Alaskan moose with Russian dressing. They’re our next door neighbors!”

My date with Jeremy

(23) If customers come 2u, let’em know if they don’t show up on time, they’ll only have 3 minutes grace period. –

The Starbucks notary wises up!

(24) A creaking noise; a sudden thump; This was a notary signing that would raise the dead. #victorianmansion

(25) The rock climbing notary admitted that many of his friends were addicted to cracks.

(26) Vampire Notary: “I like your ID picture. You have nice rosy cheeks, you must have good circulation, do you work out?”

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(27) Notary topics: Hand-written docs, Blanks in docs, seal over wording, loose certificates, overseas docs.

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

(28) A man in prison was refinancing his home to get money to hire Attorneys. What was he in prison for?

(29) 1 borrower felt she was being cheated, whipped out a rifle and said, “Oh no you don’t!”

(30) The guy had a female mannequin in his living room. He said he had it there because he felt alone.

(31) The Attorney General investigated the Lender & the 3 notaries involved & busted Susie for fraud.

(32) A Notary accepted a job, then cancelled right before the signing when she learned the signing co. had a bad payment record.

California notaries with complaints

(33) Once I put a FedEx in the drop box that never got delivered. FedEx found it a week later still in the box!

Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box!

(34) When you call people back, don’t expect them to know who you are — announce your name right away!

(35) Everything you need to know about journals, but were afraid to ask.

Everything you need to know about journals

5+ tweets

(36) If a signing company calls with bad reviews, Siri’s tone of voice will sound suicidal using this new app.

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(37) Everyone makes mistakes, it’s how willing you are to make amends for them that determine your success w/clients.

(38) iPhone 7 Notary to go app tells you if neighbors or kids are too close to your car

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(39) Hmm. It says here on your Akashic records that you were a good notary. You never backdated.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(40) After being tested out on seven different signing agents, the iPhone 7 provides Siri with badly needed automated therapy.

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(41) The notary heaven clerk noted that his commission seal expired after he did.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(42) At The Notary Hotel, Showtime & HBO are free, but the Signing Channel costs $40 (not including fax backs)

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(43) Notary purgatory: For all of eternity, dead notaries get clients who sign differently on each page.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(44) Check out the digital signature rooms at The Notary Hotel

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(45) The only reason Title/Escrow use signing services is that it is “convenient” for them!

Who really needs who?

(46) Who really needs who? Do notaries need signing services? Do Title co’s need signing services?

Who really needs who?

(47) The wife had postponed the signing from 7:30 to 9:30pm so she would know where her husband was at that nightly hour.

(48) I cut up an ink pad and made a cardboard box that read “notarized” backwards like a mirror image.

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)

(49) After we were done w/the “signing of silence,” I saw a car driving slow w/their lights turned off. #mistress

(50) Frank: “Honey, I notarized the kids.” Molly: “What do you mean?” Frank: “I’ll explain later, don’t call the police!”

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)

(51) Wife: “Are you the notary or the mistress?” Notary: “I’m the notary, the mistress isn’t coming until later on (I guess)”

(52) The number of years you’ve been in business isn’t as important as the number of loans.

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

(53) Needless to say, it was the most awkward Wisconsin notary signing in the world.

(54) 123notary certified notaries get 78% more clicks and 2.5x the business as 123notary uncertified notaries in similar positions!

(55) Not getting Title co clients? See if your notes section conveys ur the type of notary they’re looking for.

(56) Running 123notary is more like babysitting than you think, “Did you update your listing? Did you update your notes? Did you renew yet?”

My date with Jeremy

(57) After the signing w/Vampire Notary, the 4 of them enjoyed a sip of Sangria (the Italian word for BLOOD)

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(58) “FedEx?” I said. “Why FedEx?” “That’s where my dates always end–at a FedEx drop box.”

My date with Jeremy

(59) The day after the signing w/the Vampire Notaries the wife asked: “Fred, what are those strange marks on your neck?”

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(60) Running 123notary is like a cross between babysitting & a marriage. A bunch of situations that never end!

My date with Jeremy

(61) Don’t go to houses that smell bad #mobilenotary

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

(62) People who are so emotional & irrational aren’t always capable of using weapons responsibly, especially at a signing!

(63) Notary contracts, fees at the door, background screening signing co’s, call Title if not paid on time.

Signing agent best practices: 63 points


State Tweets

Filed under: Popular on Twitter — admin @ 9:58 am

est State Tweets
(C) AL: In Alabama, a probate judge collects $1/notary commission issued. And you thought American Idol Judges raked it in.

(C) AK: There’s no set fee for Acknowledgments for an Alaska Notary & no set term for an Alaska Governor if her name is Sarah

(C) AK: A notary in Anchorage, AK says, “We sign loans in 8 different languages!” That doesn’t count rubbing noses together.

(C) AZ: Arizona Notary: There’s a max mileage fee for notary work set by the state which is really low. Actualmileagemayvary.

(C) An AZ Notary may only charge a small mileage fee: not enough 2make a living. Hence the signs: Will Notarize For Food.

(C) In Arkansas, attestation to a document is an official notary act. As for unofficial notary acts, catch Arkansan Idol.

(A-) CA: How long is a notary commission or term of office good for? It varies from state to state. In California & Florida it is 4 years.

(C) California has more mobile notaries than any other state #notary. If you call stuck in rush hour all day “mobile”.

(C) We helped many California Notaries rewrite their notes sections. We took out all the Hey, Dudes. Nice Makeover

(C) CA notaries must THUMBPRINT signers of POA & Deeds. Their thumbs w/be too dark to notice if hitchiking home!

(C) Personal knowledge of the signer is still acceptable in Delaware. Unless the signer is named “John Doe.”

(C) CO: A Colorado notary was asked to notarize medical marijuana docs. The signer asked, “So, what FORM of payment would you like?”

(C) CO notary law lets a notary charge for making copies. Wish they could make copies of the laughter on 2 ½ Men.

(C) CT notaries are appointed to a 5 year term! $120 application fee.
1 year more than the President.

(A) DC: If you live in Maryland, DC, or Virginia you could become a dual or triple commissioned notary in multiple states!

(A) If you work for the federal gov, you can be a DC notary yet live in ANY state you like! .

(A-) FL: We helped many Florida notary publics rewrite their notes section recently!
Nice makeover!

(C) You can be a dual commissioned notary if you live IN Florida near AL/GA, but not the other way around. Sorry…

(A) FL, CA & TN allow expired drivers licenses as acceptable ID if less than five years after the ISSUE DATE

(C) Non-atty notaries in GA cannot sign loans, but there is big $ in regular notary work! Especially if you’re Beyoncé.

(C) A Hawaii notary public can get a tax deduction for their boating hobby! Then their ship really will come in!

(A-) ID: We have dozens of dual state notary in Idaho & Washington. They get 2x the jobs!

(?++) ID: A Washington State Notary can become an Idaho Notary & vice versa. Make 2x the $ with a dual commission.

(C) IL: An Illinois notary public tells us this story about how her journal saved a man’s home. Keep good records!

(C) IN: You should ideally get a TPL if you want to sign loans in Indiana. Or at least the title: Hoosier.

(B+) IA: Many notaries in Iowa are discussing their Real Estate background at the top of their notary notes.

(A) KS: We have dozens of dual state notary in Kansas & Missouri. They get 2x the jobs!

(?++) We have dozens of dual state notaries in KS & MO. They get 2x the jobs. Finally, multi-tasking that isn’t annoying!

(C) KY: Kentucky notaries can notarize outside of their state providing the documents are recorded in state.

(C) The Louisiana notary exam is the hardest in the nation. Or maybe it seems harder in Louisiana because they’re high.

(C) LA: Many Louisiana notaries can only work within their Parish or reciprocal Parishes

(C) MA: A Massachusetts notary public can NOT do loan signings unless they are a licensed Attorney

(C) MA: There is very little competition among notaries in MA. There are very few traveling notaries there #notarypublic

(C) Maine Notaries can solemnize marriages w/a license. If the in-laws don’t grant their seal of approval, notaries can!

(C) MI: Our Detroit notaries are some of the best QUALIFIED in the nation. Hope they can witness a Detroit resurgence!

(?+) MS: Many Mississippi notaries get dual commissioned in Tennessee too so they can service Memphis! #notarypublic

(?) MD: Maryland Notary Public: You need a Title Producer License to sign loans in this state.

(A) MO: We have dozens of dual state notary in Kansas & Missouri. They get 2x the jobs!

(C) Make a whopping $1 per signature as a Minnesota Notary. That’s a buck more than celebrities get for their autographs!

(C) Many MN notaries are dual commissioned in WI & make extra $ on other side of border. Talk about a borderline killing.

(C) Hire a Montana Notary who is great at performing shotgun weddings & notarizing gun permit applications.
(C) A spaceship landed.
A NM notary asked, “are you going to abduct me?”
“No, but can you LIKE us on Facebook?”

(?) OH: Find a notary who offers happy-hour specials on our Ohio Notary Public search page.
(?) OK: Find a notary in Broken Arrow or Broken Seal on our Oklahoma Notary page. If it ain’t broken, don’t affix it.
(?) OR: Find an Oregon notary who covers strange sounding places like Walla Walla, Tillamook or Madras.
(?) PA: Find a notary near the Liberty Bell in our Pennsylvania notary public search page. It’s all it’s “cracked” up to be!
(?) PA: Find a notary near the Liberty Bell in our Pennsylvania notary public search page. Nothing cheesy but the steaks.
(?) PA: Find “notar-ly like” in the city of brotherly love in our Pennsylvania notary public search page.

(?) Find a notary who services all five counties of Rhode Island & can “musical note-arize” at the Newport Jazz Festival!

(?+) SC: To perform loan signings in SC, MA or GA, you need to be an Attorney, but there is plenty of regular notary public work!

(A-) TN: One Tennessee notary was offered some moonshine at a signing

(?++)Please inform TN notaries: it is bad manners to bring a gun to a signing. Chew on that (with your mouth closed).

(?++) TX: A Texas Notary was offered MOONSHINE at his last signing! He could have witnessed a hangover.

(?) TX: We have several notaries in Texas who claim to cover all 254 counties. #notarypublic

(?) UT: A notary public in Utah can charge no more than the Federal mileage rate as a travel fee

(?) Ben & Jerry’s idea 4new SIGNATURE flavor for notaries:
Notorious ribbon — vanilla sealed w/ dark chocolate ink.

(?) VT: Please ask Ben & Jerry’s to create a new flavor for notaries such as VANILLA VENUE, or Vanilla Almond Affiant

(?) VT: Please ask Ben & Jerry’s to create a new flavor like Rocky Gravel Driveway or Personallly appearing pistachio

(?+) VA: Virginia notaries can notarize outside their state providing the documents are to be recorded in state. #notarypublic

(A-) VA: Many Virginia notaries in Fairfax County choose to be dual commissioned in DC to make extra money

(A-) WA: We have dozens of dual state notary in Oregon & Washington. They get 2x the jobs!

(A-) WA: A Washington State notary can make extra money by getting a dual commission in Idaho and going to Coeur D’alene!

(?) There are so few notaries in WV, if you cover a wide range, you’ll have a monopoly! Then you can buy Marvin Gardens.

(?) WI: Many Wisconsin notaries choose to make 2x the money and get commissioned in Illinois as well

(?) WY: Distances are huge, but there are only a few dozen active mobile notaries Until I had to go & open my big mouth.

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