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October 26, 2020

California Assembly Bill 5 (2019) and how it affects Notaries

Filed under: California_Notary — admin @ 9:10 am

Someone emailed me about Assembly Bill 5 which is a California law currently. This bill limits the use of classifying subcontractors as independent contractors rather than classifying them as employees.

Employees are entitled to more labor protections such as sick leave, minimum wage, unemployment, workman’s comp, and more.

Companies such as Lyft, DoorDash, and Uber agreed to spend millions for a ballot initiative to oppose this bill.

As most bills that are socialist in nature, the premise is to “help” workers. But, the result is to make it very expensive and cumbersome to hire local workers. The advent of unions made it prohibitively expensive to hire domestic workers which resulted in lots of outsourcing. In the long run the unions did more harm than good for the workers. Assembly Bill 5 results in compromising American freedoms such as the right to form your own agreements and contracts with paid help. Many companies with particular business models will no longer have the freedom to decide whether to hire someone as a contractor or employee and face the risk of being penalized by the state.

So, how does this affect mobile notaries? Mobile notaries must now pass a strict level of qualifications to be considered independent contractors. They must meet all three conditions.

1. The worker is free from the control and direction of the hiring party in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of such work and in fact
2. The worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business
3. The worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as the work performed for the hiring entity

Title companies that hire notaries often hire more experienced notaries who do not need any hand holding. However signing companies are famous for micromanaging notaries, telling them what to do and how to do it, and requiring lots of fax backs. Signing companies are violating stipulation #1 in the list of requirements of having independent contractors. Additionally, signing agents, do signing work which is not outside the usual course of what a signing company does. That is their main type of work and not something outsourced like accounting or computer repair. As far as condition #3, most Notaries do Notary related work for many different hiring parties, so although they may or may not pass condition #1, definitely don’t pass #2, the will pass condition #3.

Will this mean that Notaries in California can no longer function as signing agents without being put on payroll? Would this be good or bad? I think it is a disaster and this bill is another milestone in the end of American freedom and the onset of socialism or communism in America (boo). But, what if signing companies outside of California hire signing agents within California? Can the state of California still sue them or penalize them for not following local rules? Maybe companies will have to hire full time and part time on-call employees to do their bidding. There is a company in Missouri that already does this on their own free will — notice that I said free will. Forcing this business model on companies is just not nice. It might also be disastrous for the directory business.

On a brighter note, maybe most signing agents and signing companies will ignore this rule and not get into trouble. After all, to enforce this rule requires attorneys and they do not work for cheap.

Personally I feel this bill is intrusive, a violation of our freedoms, and counterproductive. It will lead to a lot of unemployment, poverty and misery all under the guise of wanting to make downtrodden people’s lives better by having lots of artificial restrictions on employment.


October 13, 2020

10 rules for negotiating Notary fees

Originally published in Nov 06, 2017

Many Notaries complain about how little they get paid. And then I complain about how little they know. The two tend to go together and the pay is not going to go up before the knowledge does. However, there are negotiating techniques that can help.

1. Let them name their price first
In a bargaining game, it is better to let the other person bid first. You can always raise your ask price if they don’t offer enough. But, if they offer far too much, you would never get it if you asked first and asked too low.

2. Start with a high ask price
If you ask for $125, you can always go down on your price, especially if the job is close or fast. You can ask how many pages, fax backs, and notarizations are in the package. If it is quick, then give them a quick price.

3. Never whine
If you whine about the condition of the industry or how low the fee was, people will think you are a low life. Professionals don’t whine. Professionals operate! So, if you are offered $60, ask for $85 and see what happens.

4. Decline the low-ball offers
If you spend all day working for peanuts, then when the good jobs come, you won’t have time. Decline bad offers so you are free for good offers.

5. Answer your phone
If you only offer when you are not in a signing and not driving or cooking or thinking, you will miss 80% of your calls. How can you negotiate a good fee if you don’t take the call in the first place?

6. Act professional
Try to impress them without trying to impress them. Most Notaries try to do a snow job and brag about how great they are. Seasoned operators don’t do this. Smart professionals will engage you in an intelligent conversation about the job, the industry and the state of the union. Ask them questions about the job, where it is, who it is for, what type of loan it is, and about their career and industry working in title or escrow. But, whatever you do, don’t talk about your zero percent error rate and how reliable and experienced you are — nobody can verify your claims and nobody wants to hear it.

7. Never say hello
Unless you work for an aloe vera companies, don’t answer the phone saying “aloe?” Answer stating your company name and personal name. It sounds professional. If you have screaming kids in the background that sounds horribly unprofessional. Have a quiet place to answer the phone and if you are in a noisy place, try to go to a quieter place and apologize about the noise. Just because you don’t mind noise doesn’t mean the title company enjoys barking dog and screaming three year old.

8. Talk about real life
Sometimes I talk to Notaries who tell the Title company that you can call me to clean up the mess after you hire one of those $50 signers. Over half my work is clean up work. That sounds real to title companies unlike all the nonsense about how experienced and knowledgeable you are which just sounds like fluff. Tell real stories about how you handled complicated situations that others might have goofed. Mention that split signing where you did some complicated manouver on the Acknowledgment certificate and how you went out to sign the wife at 3am because she could only see you at that time due to her busy schedule as a nurse. This is impressive and much better than fluff.

9. Negotiate timing
You can offer a better rate if they get you late after rush hour. They might prefer to just offer you more and get the job booked.

10. Double book and get a bad review
Yes, you’ll get bad reviews from this, but double booking makes sense. People cancel jobs all the time when they hire you, so why can’t you cancel a few jobs. If you book jobs tightly, the other person will cancel 20% of the time — at least. So, if you book a job for $60 and someone else offers you $150, you can ditch the first job and take the other. You will probably get a bad review that will last for three years, but you will have $90 extra in your pocket. It’s a dirty technique. Not recommended, but food for thought and great blog material.

11. Never let them see you sweat.
Appearing calm and collected are the way to go. If you seem flustered, that is bad. Oops, that was eleven rules and I promised ten. Okay, disregard point eleven and just use antiperspirant.

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June 25, 2020

What do Notaries charge? Feedback from blog commentary

Filed under: Notary Fees & Pricing — admin @ 10:19 pm

Notary pricing is across the board and the people responding to my blog articles might be on the more experienced or successful side. I’m not sure about that claim though as I have no way to verify. Here are some results to my question about — what do you charge?

See the entire list of comments with what they charge for fax backs, printing, and other types of signings.

What do you charge for Notary work & signings?

For straight refinances people responding charge:
200-250 (must be a pro)

Of the responders who are not looking like they represent the community as a whole, but might represent a higher percentage of very seasoned Notaries, the mean price seems to be about 100-110 per refinance, but the average for them might be more like 125.

Most Notaries are complaining about being low-balled, and having to take low offers. Perhaps they are too busy working for peanuts to respond to my blog.

It is quite possible that the average Notaries get paid these days for refinances is 70 or 80 because most jobs come from Snapdocs. However, in our defense, the higher paying jobs normally come from 123notary although people low-ball using our site as well.


March 1, 2020

2015 compilation of best notary posts

Filed under: Compilations — admin @ 9:59 am


The Mortgage & The Note

The signature name affidavit

Unique phrases from the Ninja course

Loan Signing FAQ’s that borrowers ask

10 tight points on loose certificates

Do you use a notary embosser?

Your signature needs work

Filling out your journal before the appointment?

When to ask for ID over the phone & fees at the door


Best blog articles for advanced notaries

How much more does a 123notary certified signer make?

What’s the difference between a listing getting 16 clicks / month and 100+?

Pleasant companies who are pleasant to work for

Websites from some of our best notaries!

Trip + Notary Fee = Payment

Augmenting your skill set to make more money as an NSA!

Here is an easy way to make $4000 more per year

$40 for a signing 72 miles away?

Should travel fees be flat?


Signing Stream makes notaries sign a contract that they won’t write
anything on forums

Notary etiquette from Athiest to Zombie

Deceptive fax backs, the good old bait and switch tactic

I was forged

A notary enters the Shark Tank

Signing of the Absurd

Don’t call title or borrower

Have you ever been tempted not to go into a borrowers house?


Best notary comedy compilation

Compilation of notary sit-com episodes!

Honey you can kiss my app!

Jane the Virgin Notary


December 7, 2019

Social Media Site for Notaries – JuratBook

Filed under: Social Media — admin @ 7:39 am

Welcome to JuratBook, a social media site for Notaries. Notaries typically use this to complain about slow paying signing companies, and boast about how good their 123notary listing is doing.

With JuratBook, you can post an unlimited amount of special notary emoji’s on your posts. The surprised emoji would be if you got paid on time. The sad emoji would be if there were too many fax backs. A heart emoji would be because you love Jeremy and Carmen. A thumbs up (or thumb prints up) would be if you either liked a particular signing company, or if you thumb printed someone.

You can take selfies of you and your customers and post them. You can talk about what you do when you are not notarizing.

The problem with JuratBook is that it makes people more competitive about how popular they are. It makes you think your life isn’t as full as all these other people with lots of postings who celebrate life every day.

Unlike Facebook, you can use hateful speech on JuratBook. It has to be allowed, because Notaries are so frustrated by not getting paid on time. JuratBook believes in freedom of speech.

The algorithm used for JuratBook helps promote posts more about the social aspects of being a Notary rather than dull work related posts.

What constitutes JuratBook friendship? Do you have to notarize each other? Or have each other’s thumb print? The rules keep changing as the owner Sam Zuckerberg — Mark’s lesser known and less successful brother.

JuratBook — your social media venue!

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November 28, 2019

What would make the notary profession better?

Filed under: General Articles — admin @ 5:57 am

Notaries get together on the forums and complain about the profession. Sure there is a lot to complain about, but what can be done to make the profession better? Also, if it is so bad, then why do you stay in this industry — are you stuck here?

1. Less fax backs.
Perhaps it is necessary to check people’s work, but if someone has done x amount of error-free signings, shouldn’t they be able to get away with not faxing back every page?

2. Faster pay
There is no reason to make Notaries wait 60 days to get paid. Payment should be within 30 days with no exceptions.

3. Borrowers who are more fun
Personally, I’m tired of meeting people like the Smiths, or the Jones who are just plain plain. Boring! I want fun signers like comedians, criminals, world travelers, acrobats, etc. I would pay to notarize borrowers who were actors who would be a little more fun.

4. Better blog articles
I’m doing my best people. You could write some material too and share it with the group on our blog. Why do I have to do all the work?

5. Less traffic
Sorry, that is out of my control. But, there is a guy named Scotti who can beam you up!

6. Shorter packages
How about a loan that is three pages. You would be in and out in minutes. But, in the real world that will not happen.

7. Faster printers.
How about a printer that can print 200 pages in four minutes?

8. Cheaper paper and toner.
Not in this lifetime.

9. Fun courses
If we could have live seminars with lessons taught with comedy, that would be much more fun than our blog course and online courses. But, it is too difficult to get people together in the same place at the same time, so try to deal with what you do have.

10. Better pay
But, if there were more money, there would be much more competition and 99% of you would be weeded out of the game. So, be careful what you wish for.

The end!

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October 13, 2019

Should the cost of your commission, phone, equipment factor into your prices?

Filed under: Notary Fees & Pricing — admin @ 11:27 pm

A handful of Notaries responded to an old article about doing some job with fax backs and eDocuments for $75. The question was, is it worth it? I also mentioned that in India people would cut off their left arm to have such an offer, but I got only sarcastic responses stating that they didn’t live in India.

Many Notaries wrote back that when calculating your fee, you should consider:

1. Cost of commission, licenses & memberships
2. Study time
3. Cell phone cost per month
4. Equipment costs
5. Advertising costs & the time spent generating business
6. Auto expenses
7. Printing expenses

The fact is that expenses from 1-5 are fixed expenses and have nothing to do with a particular job. Expenses 1-5, if too much, should influence your decision to stay in the business or leave altogether as those expenses do not go up or down based on whether or not you take a particular job.

The real cost is whether you could do something else with your time such as a more profitable job, billing clients, sleep, spending time on errands or with family. If $75 is your best offer, then take it whether it is “fair” or not. There is no fair in business — only relativity.

Additionally, if you lived in India, you would be working all day long for a few dollars and would not get to eat in restaurants hardly ever unless you had a swanky job. You would have bare bones conditions and people nagging you all day long. Don’t take for granted that you live in an affluent society because that can be taken away from you in the long run. Yes, sarcasm is good, but try to see what is going on in other countries and realize how good you have it compared to the 3rd world folks.

You might also like:

Is $75 enough to print 2 sets of docs, notarize and do fax backs?

$300 in 13 minutes — how Carmen cleans up in the Notary business


March 12, 2019

Tips for people in Native American reservations to prosper

Filed under: General Stories — Tags: — admin @ 9:21 am

Whenever I visit Native American reservations, I notice that things are kind of slow. I am uneducated about the legal restrictions of doing business on the rez, so maybe things are harder than I think. But, here are my ideas. Basically, it is hard to make money when you are physically distant from wealth and far from a bustling economy. The reservations are normally very far from the rest of society.

Philosophy of land is cultural
BTW, one of the issues with reservations is that — since it is “free” land with no taxes or purchasing fees associated with it, the land tends to be devoid of any value. In modern society it is better to purchase land in small amounts that you intend to milk for all its worth rather than having endless hectares of worthless abandoned land. On the one hand it is not fair how our government helped itself to tribal people’s land. On the other hand it is not fair that I have to pay land tax as a person of European origin while native people get free land that is tax free. On the third hand the free land is not useful land anyway, so they are not getting much.

Traditional native people have a philosophy of land where land is something they just intrinsically own simply because they were there for a long time, while it is not a piece of property they wish to develop in any particular way. They like to let the land sit and breathe. Western people traditionally have had to pay for land or inherit it and realize that it is a commodity in short supply to be optimized as much as possible. The roots of the native philosophy evolved from the fact that land traditionally was so plentiful since the population was so sparse — and the population was sparse due to constant war, starvation, disease, etc.

So, how can Native Americans prosper while being in the middle of nowhere? The answer is easy. If you don’t know how to solve a problem, look to nature. In nature, certain species of trees, plants or animals thrive in particular environments or at particular heights or conditions. Being in the middle of nowhere puts you far from markets, but close to vast quantities of land. Since land is so prohibitively expensive in cities, having endless expanses of land is helpful for many industries. But, what are these industries?

Here are some ideas for industries that would work well for Native Americans.

1. Buffalo Farming
This is already being done by many people and is a growing trade. Many tribes, particularly in the mid-west made their living from eating buffalo meat for thousands of years, using the skin to make tee pees, etc., They used every part of the buffalo as a matter of practice and religious belief as a general rule. The issue is that traditional Native Americans hunted wild buffaloes and rarely engaged in domesticated farming which is where the cultural adjustment happens. Hopis and Navajos (the exception to the generalization) are more domesticated in their culture even though Navajos had a long nomadic history migrating down from Alaska over the last 2000 years. Incidentally, the Navajo language and culture are still similar to many Alaskan ones. These two tribes typically grow corn and have goats, sheep, and other animals that they own as opposed to letting them run wild like many other tribes. But, I digress.

Buffalo meat is one of the most lean and healthy meats you can eat. Free range or wild meat is more healthy as a rule and has better qi energy (Chinese medicine) because it wanders around more as opposed to being trapped in concentration camp conditions like other animals. Since it is a traditional animal for many tribes, they might take pride in domesticating it. Additionally, there is a growing market for this meat and big money to be made. All people have to do is learn this trade, and own some land with grass on it. Pollution from fracking, mining and oil drilling can contaminate conditions easily, and this is a huge barrier to success in this business. Knowing what to feed these beasts, how to kill them, butcher them, find buyers, and transport the proceeds are some of the skills involved. Knowing how to make a killer buffalo burger is also a good supplemental skill.

2. Farming & water resources in general
Farming is good when you have infinite land. However, land does not always have good soil or water. Mastery of water harvesting is essential to survival and this is an issue of global concern as much of the world has a water shortage. The ability to collect water and use it efficiently is wealth in the future. There are ways to collect rain water and store it. Desalination is another valuable and expensive high tech skill to have. Those who can control water will survive while others will die in decades to come. The world will also fight wars over rivers and water supplies according to my spiritual guru. You can always get good soil trucked in for a fee. Even the driest parts of Arizona get about 12 inches of rain per year. The skill is figuring out how to get the water and store it in tanks. These are skills that are attuned to living in harmony with nature which is a typical concern of traditional Native Americans which is why I recommend this skill. Farming is hard work and takes a lot of getting used to. I know nothing about it. But, maybe you will master it.

3. Solar panel manufacturing and installation
China leads the world in making solar panels. But, since this is a craft that can save the environment, it should be popular with tribal folks. Many tribes are getting very involved in solar technology such as the Lakota, and I hope this trend continues. Manufacturing involves having buildings where you can do work. It also involves a knowledge of ever changing technology and cost optimization strategy. You need to know how to sell your crafts and transport them as well. Solar manufacturing takes up lots of space, so being far away from cities works in your favor as you have tons of open space.

On a side note — I think people should lobby the government not to shut down oil pipelines (because that won’t happen for a long time) but to have more restrictions for oil pipelines such as safety measures. If there can be alarm systems when pipes are leaking or redundancy in the walls of pipes. If there could be legislation for how pipes can cross rivers that would be very critical as well. Personally, I feel that if you put a river through a pipe for half a mile where the oil pipe is going over it — if there is a leak, the leak will not go into the water. This is a great way to preserve water — our most valuable resource.

4. Marketing crafts worldwide
Native Americans are famous for having some of the best jewelry around. But, let’s expand on this skill set. First, you can sell jewelry outside of your local area to people in other states or countries. Perhaps someone in the Gui Lin region of China needs a new kachina — you’ll never know if you don’t try to tap into that market. Additionally, there are many other things people can make besides traditional jewelry. People could make sofas with traditional native designs. People could make mousepads. Incidentally, I saw Native American mousepads for $36 at a store. Not many people will pay $36, but if you can get the price down to $8, you might be able to sell some. Clothing manufacturing is another craft to consider. Furniture manufacturing is yet another good craft.

5. Modular home manufacturing.
It is much cheaper to buy a home in pieces and just put it on a foundation than to build on site. But, the pieces have to be made somewhere. Modular home manufacturing involves having lots of space and reservations typically have this. Lots of skill is involved, so try to hire good teachers so the whole tribe can benefit.

6. Plumbing, Roofing, Flooring.
Many homes in reservations are falling apart while high unemployment rates abound. If those unemployed people could get some training and learn to fix broken buildings, that would solve two problems at the same time. There might not be money to pay for the services or even the parts involved. However, as tribal people, the whole basis of a tribe is all for one, and one for all. You should be willing to help you tribal brothers and sisters without being paid much, or anything at least to some extent even in modern times. Remember — native culture is based on giving, secular modern culture is based on taking. Native culture is supposed to be communal, so don’t think about yourself. Help others, give, and make sure people get training too.

Mold is another issue, particularly in Lakota areas. A new specialty trade needs to be developed — namely mold removal specialists. Mold is dangerous and can damage your health and specifically your lungs as it is a living organism.

7. Food packaging and processing.
The diet of modern day Native Americans is not healthy. Fry bread is not indigenous to tribal people, but was brought by the Spanish. Native people treat it as their native dish, but it is very damaging to your liver and should not be consumed. Asian Indians have flat bread too, but theirs is cooked in a frying pan with a tablespoon of oil rather than a quart. The manufacturing of healthy food products could save the health of millions and provide a valuable export for many tribal communities. Here are a few ideas:

Soups – creating healthy soups with lots of vegetables, buffalo and other ingredients is a great idea.
Meat Sticks – one tribe sells meat sticks with buffalo and berries in it. Tastes great but a little expensive.
TV Dinners — healthy ones with lots of veggies and lean meats would be preferable. And don’t use microwaves as that is very bad for your health.
Chips – not the healthiest, but baked is better than fried and it is a labor intensive industry that can erase unemployment fast. Potato chips, veggie chips, tortilla chips are all options.
Jams – with all the berries that grow up north, making jams is a great and healthy idea.

8. Hospitality
Native Americans have not exploited this opportunity yet, but they should. Americans are often very interested in America’s past, and what better way to learn about it than on a resort on or near a reservation. There could be great food, story telling, dancing, art, and nature walks. But, nobody will hang around at a resort unless the food is good and unless they have clean rooms and lots of fun, so mastering the art of being great at hospitality in all ways is a trade to master.

9. Restaurants
Native Americans need to reinvent their cuisine. The American South recreated their traditional cuisine after the civil war. Everything they owned had been destroyed so they had to start all over again. Two hundred years ago native people at all types of things, but that culture has mostly been lost. In New Mexico, native food is typically lamb, fry bread, beans, and green chile. This is some of my favorite food, but you can’t just hand someone a plate of cooked ingredients — it needs to be gourmet. Mastering the art of creating and improvising on dishes and making them works of art is a skill. You might consider hiring some outside help for this. If I were creating a menu, I would have:

Zuni kabobs — meat on a stick with some green chili rubbed into it.
Hopi hummous – a popular middle eastern dish with some Southwester touches and a catchy name.
Lamb tacos – using fry bread, but hopefully cooked in less oil and a mini fry bread instead of the huge ones.
Vegetable and rabbit stew – sounds great, but add some herbs for God’s sake.

10. Rabbit farming.
The easiest animal to grow is rabbits. You will get more meat for each pound you feed them than any other species. And what more, they multiply like rabbits. This is a great farming idea. Additionally, rabbit meat might be healthy as rabbits jump around a lot. You get that jumping energy in you which according to four out of five shamans surveyed, might be a good energy to have if you are feeling sluggish.

11. Outsourcing medicine man knowledge
The traditional medicine of native people was from medicine men. This dying art is quite valuable. Western medicine preoccupies itself with drugs which are toxic and have side effects. Chinese medicine is better with acupuncture and herbs. But, what about using your mind force and tapping into shamanic energies to heal the sick. This has been in use for tens of thousands of years and I was a master of this in many past existences. Many people of European ancestry might benefit from this dying art. It is imperative that you teach your newer generation this art and share it with the whites. You might have a new source of income and get brownie points with God for all the people you help.

There is a huge growing interest in shamanism in the west. This is probably because those that used shamanism in tribal societies died and got reborn as white people (a logical but unproven conclusion.)

The other benefit of shamanism is that there are some very capable spirits in places like New Mexico who you could do healing work in conjunction with. Those spirits are happy to help, but need someone to communicate with the living. Sorry to freak you out, but I know these spirits and they are great. They cured my sciatic pain over the years and helped with other health problems. They prefer to work on me while I am driving in remote areas.

12. Summer camp
Instead of being ashamed of your heritage and trying to act all white (and many of you don’t have to try as it comes naturally) you can export your culture to children in the form of summer camp. You can teach stories, archery, make tee pees (or igloos) and have fun activities.

13. Call Center
People outsource call centers to Manila and Bombay, but there are plenty of unemployed people who speak excellent English in the five hundred or so indigenous communities who would be super call center employees. There is big business in call centers and endless work. You have to keep the prices low and the burn out rate is high, but it is a real solution to unemployment. If even a few people in your tribe can learn the trade well and can manage the others, you could get a cheap building and start your own call center. You do need to know how to market your business, and that is an art in itself. But, many companies will subcontract to you and freelancing is also popular.

14. Unrelated…
Below is my idea for a healthy living environment for tribes.
My vision includes having a large piece of land perhaps several miles wide. The land could have buffaloes roaming around, and even wolves or other zoo animals in some areas. It is my assertion that humans are happier and healthier when they stay connected to their power animal. Some of us descend spiritually from cats, dogs, buffalo, snakes, or apes, etc. Having your living environment chock full of animals makes it a tourist attraction as well as a pleasant place to live.

There could be call centers with large windows overlooking grazing buffaloes which might be emotionally satisfying (and reduce turnover no pun intended). There could also be manufacturing going on in certain buildings of soups, solar panels, and other things. There could be very heat efficient living quarters in other areas. Most of all, transportation needs to be efficient and having everything walking distance and keeping cars on the outside of the compound seems like a wonderful idea. Although having a few slow moving electric carts or Segways seems okay.

For those in a northern climate, having independent houses seems to not make sense. You lose too much heat through the walls. It makes more sense to have buildings that are multistory and cubical and can accommodate dozens of families. That way there are less outer walls and less opportunities for heat to get out.

The most salient feature of this type of compound is to have walking tracks that go through the buffalo fields. I would call it a buffalo walk. This is a great way to stay healthy as a matter of group activity in a way where you connect to your spirit animal which for many Lakotas is the buffalo. Of course, my animal is the Bengal Tiger and they would probably eat you if you let them run around freely. But, if you had enough land you could keep a few around for good luck. Just feed them plenty of raw meat.

The ending joke of the compound idea is the father and son team that export hippie t-shirts throughout the world for obscene profits who start the day by saying, “Today is a good day to dye!”

If this industrious communal living situation proved profitable, tribes and clans would be able to buy large expanses of land and let buffalos go free just like in the 1700’s. It is possible to recreate your tribal past, but it can only happen if you can master the art of modern economics and pay tax on your land.

On a final note, whatever you do in your reservation — don’t become a mobile notary otherwise you will spend the rest of your life complaining about fax backs and not getting paid on time. And one more thing — never look a Bengal Tiger in the eye, unless it is your power animal and wants some milk.


December 16, 2018

Beginner Notaries 103 — What beginners need to know

Filed under: Popular on Twitter,Technical & Legal — admin @ 12:44 pm

Return to Table of Contents – Beginner Notaries 103

As a beginner Notary, there is a lot you need to know. Many things that experienced Notaries take for granted might take you a year or two to find out. Here are some quick pointers that might be valuable.

1. Your Listing’s Performance.
Listings on 123notary for new Notaries can give you miracle performance. However, no matter how much you pay for a listing on 123notary, the listing will not perform well unless you have a good notes section, reviews, and it helps a lot if you are 123notary certified (especially for newer Notaries.)

2. Your Profile’s Notes Section
Listings that lack a good notes section typically get ignored as that is the first piece of information that companies look for when they are hiring. If your notes are blank, short, or incomplete, your incoming phone log from companies will be equally blank. People want to get a sense of who you are, your professional background, and your skills before they invest in a phone call. Additionally, notes sections with spelling or grammar mistakes will be a huge issue for title companies who will bypass you if they have any cause for concern. 123notary’s blog has an entire section on how to write a great notes section with dozens of unique articles.

3. Notary Reviews
Reviews are your ticket to success. Never mind how great you say you are, talk is cheap if you are complimenting yourself. But, what your customers, especially title companies say about you really matters to those thinking of hiring you. 123notary has many articles about how to get reviews, so I suggest becoming an expert on the topic.

4. Reading Suggestions
Notaries should ideally read Notary blogs, forums, visit the NNA & 123notary Facebook groups (but not the private groups), newsletters, courses, handbooks, and anything else that could be considered helpful. Getting Notary advice from semi-unemployed Notaries who frequent Facebook is a very poor idea. Get your official Notary advice only from your state Notary division and no other source otherwise you might be very sorry.

Smart Notaries and dumb notaries alike realize that they need to spend time reading to keep up. Smart Notaries get courses from helpful companies and improve their skill sets. Smart Notaries also read what other Notaries say about various signing companies as some signing companies are not the best bet to work for. Dumb Notaries spend their time gossiping with other disgruntled Notaries on various private Facebook groups that generally engage in a lot of complaining and bashing. These dumb Notaries are also dumb enough to get Notary advice from Notaries on these groups who don’t know what they are doing. It is a perfect example of what Jesus said about the blind leading the blind. Get your notary advice from your state notary division. If you get any notary advice from any other source, cross check it with your state. We teach general notary concepts here at 123notary, but we cannot say with any certainty of our principles apply to your state.

5. Experience Counts
Signing and especially Title companies typically do not want to hire someone with less than two years of experience unless they are confident about that person’s knowledge. If you have an escrow background or are certified by 123notary, that will help compensate for your lack of experience. Knowing your documents inside out will help as well which would be a side effect of our certification.

6. Low-Ball Signing Companies
Companies that hire newer signing agents are generally not fun to work for. They require fax backs, micromanage, pay poorly and might nag you a lot. They have to, otherwise they would not be able to hire beginners and provide a high level of accuracy to their clients. So, expect to be treated like a child. Once you get some experience under your belt, you might be able to start accumulating title company clients little by little. On our blog we publish a list of companies that will hire beginners. You should talk to every company on that list.

7. Getting Title Company Work
Migrating from signing companies to working for title companies (who usually pay more, but how much more depends on how the industry is doing) is something people do as they gain experience, knowledge and skill. However, most Notaries cannot work purely for title companies after two years. It sometimes takes many more years before all of your clients are high paying wonderful clients who you love working for. So, there will be a lot of paying your dues.

8. Notary Etiquette
Most Notaries do not have good phone answering skills, nor do they have good communication skills. Having good Notary etiquette and good business skills can help you succeed. If your business skills are not completely up to par, it might be good to read our articles about etiquette and brush up. Answering the phone stating your name is a first. Answering questions the way they were asked without rambling on and on matters too. Accepting instruction from others and not engaging in bragging or whining matters a lot as well. Good etiquette will make you popular with all parties.

9. Notary Education
All Notaries need to study up and be experts at their state’s notary laws. But, knowing how to handle situations, and knowing your documents matters just as much. Reading blogs is a good way to keep informed, but there is no substitute for taking actual classes. For newer Notaries, passing our certification test is a great way to gain credibility as well.

10. Risks and Liability
It is risky being a Notary. 15% of our long term full-time Notaries have been to court at least once generally as a witness. A few Notaries even get sued or end up in legal trouble that can cost them big bucks. It behooves you to keep good records and follow Notary law to a T. Understanding Notary law is not enough. You need to know how to explain to clients what you can and cannot do as well as explain to a judge why you did what you did in a particular situation. One lady turned down a Notarization on correct grounds, got sued and lost because she could not communicate clearly to the judge what her reason was for declining the notarization. You also need to have direct communication with all signers and make sure people are aware of what they are signing, particularly if they are elderly. The Notary does not need to understand the documents, but the signers do, otherwise you might end up in court.

11. Your Attitude
Most Notaries have the attitude that they already know it all and there is nothing more that they need to know. Those who are NNA certified think of themselves as blessings to the industry. The fact is that those who have passed NNA’s test typically get very poor grades on our test. There is always more to learn in this business. It is best to stay open, assume that you do not know everything, and accept criticism from those in hiring capacities or those who run Notary agencies (like me.) You will be more popular with all parties involved if you are open to suggestion and take guidance from those who are a lot more experienced and knowledgeable than you are.

12. Advertising on 123notary.
Companies that pay well love 123notary. However, they typically only hire from the top of the list. If you are not in the top three or top five, you will probably only hear from companies that don’t pay that well. Top spots are not always available, so what should you do? Get the best spot you can, and then try to pass our certification, write a good notes section, and keep getting reviews. That way if a better spot opens up, I will be likely to give it to you rather than someone else. I give open spots to the most qualified member downline, so while you are waiting, try to work on your merit, so that you get the promotion!

13. Marketing Plan
Do you have a marketing plan? Many Notaries just wing it. That is not advisable. We suggest having a definitive, well thought out written plan. You can discuss that plan with others too for suggestions.

14. 123notary is here to help.
Smart Notaries come to us with questions, or ask for help with their notes section. We are here as a resource and much of our help is completely free. Dumb Notaries complain that we scrutinize them to maintain our standards, but smart Notaries take advantage of our free assistance. In the long run, which type of Notary do you think gets ahead?

15. Researching Signing Companies
Not all signing companies are good bets to work for. Read about them in the various forums to get more info. Additionally, Notary Rotary has something called Signing Central where you can look up ratings for the various signing companies. 123notary has a list of signing companies with reviews.

Good luck, and I hope you enjoy this short course.


March 12, 2018

Notary Marketing 102 — Negotiating Fees

Filed under: Loan Signing 101,Popular on Twitter — admin @ 8:23 am

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As a Notary, knowing what you are doing, having a good advertising presence, and being reliable all matter. But, if you don’t know how to negotiate fees, you will crumble in this low-ball world. Here are some of the best negotiating tips in the industry from our top players.


1. Let them name their price first
When bargaining, it is much better to let the other person bid first. You can always raise your ask price if they don’t offer enough. But, if they offer far too much, you would never get it if you asked first and asked too low.


2. Start with a high ask price
If you ask for $125 or $150, you can always go down on your price, especially if the job is close or fast. You can ask how many pages, fax backs, and notarizations are in the package. If the job is quick, then give them a quick price.


3. Never whine
If you whine about the condition of the industry or how low the fee was, people will think you are a low life. Professionals don’t whine. Professionals operate! So, if you are offered $60, ask for $85 and see what happens.


4. Decline the low-ball offers
If you spend all day working for peanuts, then when the good jobs come, you won’t have time. Decline bad offers so you are free for good offers.


5. Answer your phone
If you only offer when you are not in a signing and not driving or cooking or thinking, you will miss 80% of your calls. How can you negotiate a good fee if you don’t take the call in the first place?


6. Act professional
Try to impress them without trying to impress them. Most Notaries try to do a snow job and brag about how great they are. Seasoned operators don’t do this. Smart professionals will engage you in an intelligent conversation about the job, the industry and the state of the union. Ask them questions about the job, where it is, who it is for, what type of loan it is, and about their career and industry working in title or escrow. But, whatever you do, don’t talk about your zero percent error rate and how reliable and experienced you are — nobody can verify your claims and nobody wants to hear it.


7. Announce your name when you answer the phone.
Answer the stating your company name and personal name and never say, “Hullo?”. It sounds professional to announce yourself properly. If you have screaming kids in the background that sounds horribly unprofessional. Have a quiet place to answer the phone and if you are in a noisy place, try to go to a quieter place and apologize about the noise. Just because you don’t mind noise doesn’t mean the title company enjoys barking dog and screaming three year old.


8. Talk about real life
Sometimes I talk to Notaries who tell the Title company that you can call me to clean up the mess after you hire one of those $50 signers. Over half my work is clean up work. That sounds real to title companies unlike all the nonsense about how experienced and knowledgeable you are which just sounds like fluff. Tell real stories about how you handled complicated situations that others might have goofed. Mention that split signing where you did some complicated manouver on the Acknowledgment certificate and how you went out to sign the wife at 3am because she could only see you at that time due to her busy schedule as a nurse. This is impressive and much better than fluff.


9. Negotiate timing
You can offer a better rate if they get you late after rush hour. They might prefer to just offer you more and get the job booked.


10. Double book and get a bad review
You’ll get many bad reviews from this, but double booking makes sense. People cancel jobs all the time when they hire you, so why can’t you cancel a few jobs. If you book jobs tightly, generally at least one of the clients will cancel 20% of the time — at least. So, if you book a job for $60 and someone else offers you $150, you can ditch the first job and take the other. You will probably get a bad review that will last for three years, but you will have $90 extra in your pocket. It’s a dirty technique. Not recommended, but food for thought and great blog material.

11. Negotiating on SnapDocs
You need to know how to negotiate if you use SnapDocs. The majority of Notary work (not the majority of the high paying work though) comes from SnapDocs these days. Their technology wins the game although their fees for using their system are a little exorbitant. When given an offer on Snapdocs by text, you need to turn the situation around.

Let’s say you are offered $60 for a job. Text them back saying I have signed “x” amount of loans in my career and “x” amount being the Purchase that you are assigning. I will accept the job and get it signed within three hours, but my fee is $85. Do you want a seasoned pro or a screw up? References available upon request.

There are Notaries who prosper on SnapDocs. Just not that many. And the ones who do well merit doing well with their superior notary and business skills. Negotiating fees will not get you far if you are an unskilled Notary or beginner. You are competing against 12,000 other Notaries (estimate) on SnapDocs who also don’t know anything. So negotiate only when you have a bargaining position.


12. Stress Availability
As a Notary, there are a lot of others competing with you. If you are fast returning texts, answer your phone promptly and are available, you can get a lot more work. The other notaries are not so responsive. Let people know that you are available and can get the job done. That is a huge bargaining chip. And do so without sounding desperate.


13. Be Willing to Talk
Many Notaries are unwilling to talk to others while in a signing. If someone calls about business, give them 90 seconds before cutting them off. You don’t know if what they are calling about could help you or hurt you. Not giving them a chance to speak their mind will be very frustrating. Many Notaries answer their phone only to tell me that they cannot talk. This is like opening your door only to slam it in someone’s face. It is better to answer and talk or don’t answer. Set a limit ahead of time. By being responsive and friendly, you will attract more business. If you think the job you are at is the only job, you are sacrificing your next job which might become a repeat client.


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