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November 8, 2021

Having a tooth pulled

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 8:11 am

This is not notary related, but part of my personal life. My tooth #15, which is my upper left last molar had trouble from five years back. It was sensitive to heat when I ate Chinese food. So, I went to the dentist soon after. We did x-rays and he found nothing. He showed me the scans. I think the technology is archaic and is hard to use to find actual problems as you just see a hint of shadows in certain parts of the tooth. Then the tooth started to be a bit sensitive a few years later. So we took more x-rays and found a cavity.

When the dentist started to drill, he saw that the cavity was a lot bigger and deeper than he thought. He hit a nerve, and then put in a temporary filling. He said that he could put in a permanent, but only after the pain went away, otherwise it would be a root canal. The pain got less and less, but did not go completely away for a little more than a year. The next time the dentist saw the tooth he said it would have to be pulled.

So, I procrastinated having it pulled a bit, but finally booked a consultation and an appointment. It took only three minutes to get the tooth out, and it didn’t hurt during the extraction or after the novacaine wore off although I was equipped with Advil in my car and house just in case. Nothing works for dental pain like Advil and you can adjust the dosage based on pain.

So, pulling teeth is not like pulling teeth. The extractor thought it would take up to 45 minutes, but they had the tooth out and bone graft in within 20 minutes. I complimented him on his efficiency and pain free work.

So, I might get an implant or might leave the space vacant. I don’t really need that tooth anyway. I have plenty of other teeth. Glad it didn’t hurt. But, it did hurt nine months ago in Arizona when the evil spirits decided to torment me by targeting my sensitive tooth. What is it with evil spirits anyway?


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