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April 11, 2021

Lockdowns increase Covid-19 deaths according to this analysis

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 6:25 am

It is hard to know if being “safe” with a million Covid restrictions really lowers the death count. The way people count Covid deaths is completely corrupt as people dying in motorcycle deaths or cancer are routinely marked as Covid-19 deaths. But, putting rampant fraud and meaningless statistics aside, let’s compare meaningless statistics across different environments. I am going to compare deaths per million after 11 months of virus across states with different weather and policies. Since I don’t know the policies of all states, I will pick states that I have some idea about. I am leaving NY out of the comparison because the human density there affects transmission and it is much greater than any other state leading to a much more unfair comparison. My source includes Worldometer statistics.

Minimal Restriction States – average 1450 (deaths per million)
Florida 1152
South Dakota 1891
Alabama 1301

Medium Restriction States – average 1336
Arizona 1617
Texas 1178
Georgia 1214

Maximum Restriction States – average 1569
California 905
Michigan 1495
New Jersey 2338

The irony is that the death rate in the states that did not behave in a “safe” way were actually lower than ones who were fanatic in artificial ways of creating safety although the averages were all within 20% of each other which is a negligible difference.

It is possible that the “safety” restrictions had no impact on safety over the course of a year. It is also possible that all the restrictions enacted to stay “safe” involved shutdowns, induced paranoia, and that these unpleasant realities led people to become DEPRESSED. According to “science” or “The Science,” people who are depressed experience a weakened immune system and that increases your chance of dying from Covid-19.

So, one could argue that lockdowns increase depression which increases an impaired immune system which increase Covid-19 deaths. Lockdowns caused Covid-19 deaths rather than detering or preventing them. Interesting.

Additionally lockdowns have cause a 135 million increase in human starvation worldwide as well as long term economic fallout which could cause a lot more death. These deaths could be caused by homlessness as a result of evictions due to long term unemployment as well as an inability for many to get medical care due to long term economic hardship as well as starvation within the United States which will probably be the lesser of the major future causes of death.

So, but violating other people’s human and constitutional rights in the name of “safety” we are causing more death than Hitler, Stalin, Paul Pot (Khmer Rouge), and Mao combined. How charming. I hope all of you leftists who enjoy imposing your stupid restrictions on others are proud of yourselves!


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