If you are a professional, you should be able to handle professional questions in your sleep. Particularly if they are routine questions.
I have stopped phone testing people partly because people hate it so much, partly because it is so disturbing to me, and partly because it is so time consuming. Last, the companies that use 123notary care about the knowledge level of the notary, but they don’t care enough for me to merit training and testing people who didn’t pay for a program.
During the days when I was testing, people got mad because I called when they were not in a good state of mind. They were sleepy, busy, with friends, going to the hospital, and this was somehow my fault. They are “professionals” and they answered their phone, yet they could not talk about intelligent topics with me.
Is the problem your state of mind or is the problem that you don’t know your stuff and don’t have the discipline to learn your stuff or act professional over the phone.
Notaries want to get paid more, but I can make a list of Notaries who merit getting paid more. Those are people who are elite certified by us. It takes discipline to master Notary knowledge the point that you can pass that test. Those who are faking it will fail miserably. Getting 95% on Notary questions under time pressure narrows the population down to a fraction of a percent. Why the others cannot function with that level of knowledge is beyond me — after all, that is their profession.
Take your profession seriously and professionally. Don’t just claim to be professional because that sounds phony and corny. Master Notary knowledge. There is not that much to know, and if you got through college, this is much easier than college.
Everyone in business needs to know how to answer the phone professionally especially if you’re operating your own business.
I myself will not answer the phone when I’m with a customer however I always return calls even if they do not leave a message. I identify myself, apologize for missing their call and ask how I can help.
Business professionals answer the phone with a smile regardless to how you’re feeling the person on the other end can detect a pleasant voice. Your voice will be their first impression of you.
Comment by Arlene Vincent — July 10, 2020 @ 7:20 pm
I’ve been called very few times from Notary Companies re answering questions. I always decline. I will however refer them to NNA Certification, especially if the questioner required NNA Certification.
Comment by Rob Schute — July 10, 2020 @ 8:31 pm