Reviews on 123notary are supposed to be unique to each listing. We do not want to have pages completely copied as we are not sure how Google will react. This is for marketing and SEO reasons and not for integrity or notary reasons. So, if you started with one listng and then purchased two more listings, you would not start off with reviews on the new listings. So, is there a solution? Yes.
We allow Notaries to copy ONE of the reviews, so pick the best one. We will also copy another review upon request. The bottom line is that we want each review to come on a different day and from a different IP address. What we don’t like is for someone to have three reviews published the same day as that looks cheesy. We also don’t want multiple reviews coming from the same IP address as that looks fraudulent.
So, although we do have restrictions, we can also help you get two reviews on your new listings almost immediately.