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December 16, 2016

Frequent signer miles?

Filed under: Humorous Posts — Tags: — admin @ 12:04 am

I had a dream where I met a notary who was very zealous about marketing his business. He offered frequent signer miles to his customers.

You get:
400 miles for each Acknowledgment
260 miles for a Jurat
Free peanuts & coke on your flight if you do an Oath.
1000 miles for a complete loan signing
1500 miles for a reverse signing

If you cash in 6000 miles, you get a free loan signing with 100 pages or less.
Or cash in 2000 miles and get a free mobile notary visit for two signatures and a complimentary wet nap.

The dream evolved after this — or should I say “went sideways.” I started out just with the signing agent talking about pricing. Then, we were on a British Airways where they announced, “At British Airways, we fly on the left side of the sky!” Then the captain announce that they would be doing a reverse signing and the plane started going backwards. Then we started going straight down and the flight attendant made the pilot swear under Oath that we were not going to crash. Right when we were about to hit ground, I was in someone’s living room having peanuts and coke — the notary was there saying, “Hey, would you like to get your free Oath now?” My response was — “Hell no — not on your life — or my life!”


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