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March 16, 2011

Do you like your job?

Filed under: Hospital & Jail Signings — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 8:43 am

Do you like your job?
Once, during a hospital signing, the signers kept me waiting forever while they puttered around, and drafted a document on my time. After keeping me waiting for 45 minutes and seeing my facial expression, the lady asked, “Do you like your job?”. I said, I like it better when my clients are prepared and have the document ready BEFORE they call me.
I killed myself to arrive on time for that job.  I had other things to do.   I rushed to the hospital in Pasadena to serve a family of unprepared and unconcerned people whose kids were running around, and parents were casually talking.  I tried to be very patient, so I wouldn’t rush them. The clock was ticking. It was late at night, and there were no other jobs to go to — just my comfortable bed, and television.  I sat staring at the wall and the minutes went by.   In the mobile notary business, you get complaints when you rush people. But, when you don’t rush people, they take all day! 
What bothered me most was their casual laissez-faire attitude.  Not one person in the family could care less about how they had wasted my evening.  They took their sweet time preparing the document and having casual conversations while they did it.  Where was the sense of urgency? What prevented them from preparing the document ahead of time?  It is experiences like this, that provoked me to write materials to keep newer notaries out of this type of situation to begin with.
Smart notaries announce their terms over the phone.  Here is what the down-to-business types would say:
“I want my travel fee at the door.  I charge waiting time. Its $15 every 15 minutes — no exceptions.  Its $10 per signature to notarize documents.  If the signer is not able to sign for any reason — I’m out the door.  Please make sure they are awake, sober, and conversational.”  But, I was very friendly and relaxed.  I didn’t want people to think I was a hustler, and look what happened to me.  45 minutes down the drain for nothing.
I had been very patient for a very long time watching them unnecessarily waste my time.  The lady looked at me and said, “Do you like your job?”.  I didn’t want to be rude, but, this lady really provoked me. 
I had another job in Long Beach which was exactly the opposite.  The signers were jazz musicians and stayed up all night.  They needed me to go to a hospital to notarize for a sick relative. They knew the drill and everything was prepared, ID and all.   What a relief!  Not only were they prepared, but they entertained me with their conversation, and made me happy with their friendly disposition. Sure, they had me come at 2am, but for this crowd, I would have notarized them at 4am they were so nice.
I wish it were possible for a California notary to notarize across the border in Las Vegas.  Boy, would that be fun.  You could work for a few hours doing signings, and then entertain yourself, get a hotel, and drive back the next day.  A long time ago, I used to do feng-shui consultations for people.  I admit, I was not the best in town, but I met some wonderful people doing those jobs.  A very personable Filipino lady from Las Vegas called me.  She talked me into driving all the way out there to Las Vegas.  She bought me dinner, talked me up, and got me a free hotel room through her connections.  It turns out to have been the most fun feng-shui job I had ever done, and I’ll remember that particular short, but sweet Las Vegas trip forever.


January 25, 2011

Notary Hyatt Regency

Filed under: Virtual Comedy Themes — Tags: , — admin @ 7:16 am

Have you heard of the Notary Hotel or Notary Motel? If you have been working for high paying title companies, you can now afford the Notary Hyatt, but the breakfast isn’t included unless you have a special arrangement.


NOTARY: Hi, I’m here to check in. I have a reservation for tonight.

CLERK: Ah yes, Mr. Public We’ve been awaiting your arrival.

NOTARY: Do I sign your journal based on the date I made the reservation or the date I check in?

CLERK: The date you check in — of course. Sign right here. And I will need a thumbprint.

NOTARY: Well I’m all thumbs — and besides, I’m too nice to give you the finger. Is it one journal entry per person per room, or one entry per person regardless of how many rooms?

CLERK: Just one journal entry, unless it is a corporate sale.

NOTARY: Do I get one key or two? And how about a pool wristband?

CLERK: The wristband has your inmate number on it, but can no longer be used for notarization per the new civil code 4583.45.

NOTARY: Oh, that’s too bad, but I don’t see myself being notarized in the hot tub. This is the first time I’ve heard “notarized” and “hot” in the same sentence.

CLERK: We certify that it gets up to 125. Don’t scald yourself. But you can get notarized underwater in the pool using our new underwater eNotary technology.

NOTARY: Great. If they drown, I can notarize their Death Certificate. Is the underwater eNotary technology hands free? My mother told me never to use electric appliances in the bath tub.

CLERK: No you just use your finger like you would paying your bill at a restaurant on one of those eSignatures. You can even buy a wet noodle underwater using our system.

NOTARY: That’s great, because I want to visit your Chinese spot next door. Can I get a Chinese continental breakfast with Shao Bing You Tiao tomorrow?

CLERK: Sorry — wrong continent. But, I will give you a complimentary breakfast ticket. Use it from 6am to 10am downstairs — don’t lose this. And here is your room key. It looks like a notary seal, just affix it to the rectangular pad on your door to get in.

MAID SERVICE: You will love our soaps in your room. We have one soap that is made with squid ink — especially for Notaries. An ancient Chinese saying says it helps you notarize better.

NOTARY: Hmm, never knew Confucius ever needed a Notary.

MAID SERVICE: Oh all the time. During the analects, he had to see a Notary several times in fact. And one more thing. There is a password to get into your room. We do this to keep the fake Notaries out. The computer embedded in the door will ask you to give Oath verbiage just to make sure you are upholding the law as a Notary Public. If you fail to give an applicable Oath, you might have to come down for a tutoring session before you get to sample our soaps.

NOTARY: I heard the remote for the TV was shaped like a Notary seal.

MAID SERVICE: That it is. But it is not one of those PhD remotes. It is really simple. Here, let me emboss your breakfast card so you can get a free omelette.

NOTARY: Cool, I mean hot.

(meanwhile the notary goes to his room.)

NOTARY: Wow, this joint is plush city… I wonder what’s on television. Oh, the Notary Channel. Who would have thought. Oh, another Notary channel for adults — Lucy embosses the seven sailors. Very naughty. I wonder how I can see a movie. Oh, I need to be notarized to see a movie to make sure I did not hit the buy key by mistake. My remote does a print out, I sign it, and then maid service notarizes it? Hmm. Let me ring.

MAID SERVICE: Hola — lociento pero no Ingles senor.. Just kidding!!!! You rang? Need something notarized? I love this concept. I am notarizing a Notary. Isn’t that like marrying your sister?

NOTARY: Not exactly. Here is the printout. I am ordering the movie Nancy breaks down the acknowledgment process. Something nerdy to fall asleep to.

MAID SERVICE: Oh, that is a good film. Nancy gets arrested in part three because she does something illegal by mistake because she skimmed through the tutorial instead of mastering the materials.

NOTARY: Finally a notary so bad, even Nicholas Cage won’t star in it. I gotta see this. Okay, here is my ticket. Please notarize it.

MAID SERVICE: This is a form is the same as a credit card receipt. There is no room for my notary seal!!! Just kidding, we use a small one for these forms. We have a customized seal for it in fact that we use just for movies. It is cleared with the Secretary of State too.

NOTARY: Super. How much do I owe you?

MAID SERVICE: Just a review on Yelp please. That is worth more than gold — providing it is a good review.

NOTARY: Well I’m going to say how you ruined the movie by telling me what happens in part 3.

MAID SERVICE: But, I didn’t tell you how it ends… So there will still be mucho suspense!

NOTARY : Good point.

(At breakfast)

Wow, I just love these eight large bronze circular containers with lids. This is a high-class breakfast. Or should I say Hyatt class. Hmm, the breakfast skillet looks good with the sausage, potatoes, onions, and peppers, I’ve never seen this before except at Denny’s, well, the pictures in the menu at Denny’s. Oh, certified Costa Rican coffee. That looks good. I love this place. (20 minutes later) Time to go back upstairs.

(At door to room)

DOOR: Please administer an Oath to me for a document that says, “I want to take a shower.”

NOTARY: I don’t understand the question.

DOOR: Entry denied.

NOTARY: Hey, I paid a lot to stay here!!!

DOOR: But, this hotel is for Notaries only. If you don’t know how to administer an Oath, you are not a real Notary. You are fraud. Fraud alert buz buzz buzz. Fraud alert.

NOTARY: Okay okay okay. Do you solemly Affirm that whatever… that I want to take a shower.”

DOOR: BUZZZ wrong!!! You are having ME swear that I want to take a shower, not that YOU want to take a shower. And in an Oath, you swear not affirm. Don’t they teach you anything in Notary school?

NOTARY: In my state we don’t have Notary school.

DOOR: You can say that again. Please go downstairs for your tutorial and we will need to re-zap your key.

NOTARY: Is that the correct verb, to zap my key for another 24 hours of entry?

DOOR: Some people say “re-key” or configure your key.

(meanwhile downstairs)

TEACHER: Hello student. Do you know the difference between an Oath and an Affirmation?

NOTARY: Ummm.. Aren’t they the same?

TEACHER: They can be used interchangeably, but if the customer requests one, you cannot give them the other, that would be choosing the notary act for them and these are distinctly different, yet interchangeable notary acts.

NOTARY: Umm, but what if the signer doesn’t want to talk about God?

TEACHER: You can recommend an Affirmation if they don’t like God — their maker. But you cannot choose for them.

NOTARY: What if they object to the absence of God?

TEACHER: Not in this century. This is the no God century. I’ll be surprised if the entire earth doesn’t fry. Hell, fire and brimstone!!! Just say to the door, “Do you solemnly swear that you want to take a shower?” Then, wait for the door to say yes. Then, you will have to figure out how to get the door in the shower, and how it will have privacy where there is no door in the doorway.

NOTARY: Hmmm, very good point. But, wouldn’t it be the computer in the door that wants a shower? Perhaps we could give it a waterproof shower using new technology. Unless the door is just testing me.

(back upstairs)

NOTARY: I’m ready. I’m putting my key in, or my notary seal against the stamp pad. Open sesame.

DOOR: I have signed this paper and want an Acknowledged signature. Would that be okay?

NOTARY: Well I don’t feel comfortable notarizing something that you already signed. Can you sign it again?

DOOR: How badly do you want your shower with the soap with squid ink in it — in minute quantities of course.

NOTARY: Okay I’ll do it. Will I end up in jail like Nancy?

DOOR: If you read (not skimmed) but read your handbook, you would know. Access granted.

NOTARY: What a relief. Just as a disclaimer, the real Hyatt does not do stuff like this. They just let you into your room with your key with no notary questions. This blog is about the Notary Hyatt — completely different place. But, you know something. I like this place so much, I’d like to stay here for the rest of my commission until my expiration date. I wonder if they can make me a key that works for that long. In any case, I have appointments today, so I have to check out. Let’s see how that procedure works.

FRONT DESK: Please destroy your notary seal key and bring it to the Secretary of State County Clerk office on the main floor.

NOTARY: Where is that?

FRONT DESK: The next desk over. You will need to take your Oath of non-office there too now that you are checking out. It’s like a Notary Oath of office in reverse.

NOTARY: Got it. I’m filled with energy from the waffles, so I think I can handle it. See you next time.


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January 21, 2011

Notary Public Virginia e-notary Rules

Notary Public Virginia e-notary rules

The information in this blog entry is based on information derived from the Virginia Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Notary Division website on the page indicated above.

Here are a few quick notes about Virginia e-notary rules
(1) Signers must personally appear before a Virginia e-notary to get an e-notarization.
(2) A separate registration or commission is necessary to be a Virginia e-notary, and the same exact name variation must be used on both commissions.
(3) There is no additional education required to become an e-notary in Virginia beyond the education required to become a conventional notary.  However, you are advised to be an expert on the Virginia notary handbook and to educate yourself and be trained in the electronic process of notarization. 
(4) There is a quick application form to become an e-notary in Virginia, and the form is on the Secretary of State’s website — use the link above.
(5) A Virginia electronic notary commission expires when your regular notary commission expires.
(6) The state of Virginia can produce electonic evidence that an e-notarization is authentic with a certificate of authority. Please see the official wording of this certificate near the bottom of this entry. There is a fee for this certificate as with any other authentication.
(6) The Virginia Notary Division (c/o Secretary of the Commonwealth) gives some of the most comprehensive information about being an e-notary of any of the states.  Once the e-seal is affixed to the electronic document, the document is rendered tamper evident as unauthorized attempts to alter a document will be evident and obvious to involved parties.  This statement is very interesting. Many of us fear the e-notarization process as we fear it might be less secure as we don’t understand it or feel accustomed to it. But, in reality, paper documents are easy to tamper with, while secure e-documents might not be so easy to tamper with.
The Virginia e-notarization process: step by step
(1) The signer signs their electronic signature on an electronic document, and then signs the notary’s e-journal. 
(2) The notary affixes their electonic seal and signature to the electronic document after it has been signed.  

Note: An e-signature might start with you logging in with a password, and then clicking a submit or accept button.  (Digital signature pads are also sometimes used – but weren’t mentioned in the information on the page we linked to above)
The future requirement of personal appearance
Personal appearance is currently required for e-notarizations, but the state says, “At present, yes” to this requirements and says, “not yet” for taking acknowledgments via audio/video conferencing which implies that one day personal appearance might not be required.
Certificate of Authority for an Electronic Notarial Act
I, __________________ (name and title), certify that _________________(name of electronic notary), the person named as Electronic Notary Public in the attached or associated electronic document, was commissioned as an Electronic Notary for the Commonwealth of Virginia and authorized to act as such at the time of the document’s electronic notarization.
To verify this Certificate of Authority for an Electronic Notarial Act, I have included herewith my electronic signature this ______ day of ___________, 2011
(Electronic signature and seal of commissioning official)


January 10, 2011

Notary Technician or Flub A Dub?

Filed under: Ken Edelstein,Technical & Legal — Tags: , , — admin @ 4:21 am

As a notary professional you are expected to “know your stuff”. But, exactly what knowledge does knowing your stuff comprise? The obvious first component is your states’ notary laws. Yes, they vary from state to state, sometimes county to county. Commonwealth and Parish; the same. You must know your local laws; REALLY know them. Start with the “become a notary” study guide if your area offers such a document, then read the actual statutes. Confused by the “legal mumbo jumbo” – then ask the ones who issued your license for clarification. They want you to follow those regulations, and will answer questions. The laws change. You need to review them at the very least twice a year; all of them – to find the changes. In New York State it’s prohibited to notarize a civil deposition on a Sunday. Break this rule and when the document is thrown out; then someone will want compensation. My E&O will offer sympathy but not coverage.

“Sworn to and Subscribed….”, note the first two words. Do you just ask “something” such as “is what you signed true?”, or do you use verbiage mandated by your jurisdiction. I know, the “raise your right hand” is done only by a small fraction. But the oath!

Do you always carry a tiny pocket notary stamp? They are available about the size of a pack of gum. In addition to fitting into a really tight spot; you will be able to notarize most documents (even though embossing is best) without your full “notary kit”. Mine snaps open with a press of the thumb and is very light. They do require practice to affix a clear and proper image.

Most of us know enough to decline to include a few additional ACKs not related to any specific signature. But the ACK on the page following the signature (unless “locked down” by page number, loan number, etc.) – is exactly that. Do you know how to associate your notarization with a specific signature when necessary? Half an (additional) notary stamp on each page is one technique that works for me.

Certification of Copy requests are common. But, in some states it must be your clients’ statement as to the accuracy of the copy; that’s the rule in NY. It is also prohibited in NY to notarize (no matter who makes the statement) copies of Birth, Death and Marriage certificates. The state sells these in a tamper resistant format and forbids notaries from notarizing photocopies. Do you know the “no no” list as to photocopies in your area? Educational documents are also difficult.

Do you know how to obtain an Apostille? Every Secretary of State, under the authority of the US Secretary of State issues them. It’s often hard to find the procedure on the internet. It’s an easy revenue stream as many are frustrated when they try to do it themselves. Some nations, the UAE for example, require an “Apostille” issued at the Federal level. Do you know how to obtain it quickly? Do you know why the word Apostille is in quotes when discussing the Federal level?

As a mine is a particularly demanding market. The work varies from simple signings to complex foreign documents that must be processed in a manner to meet the local laws, and be acceptable at their foreign destination. Your ability to process the unusual and complex leaves a lasting impression. Those who only know how to stamp and sign will be relegated to the lowest profit simple assignments. Learn more leads to earn more.


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January 7, 2011

Rich man poor man: Market Yourself to the Wealthy

Rich Man Poor Man

Here is some shocking news – wealthy people have an easier time paying a higher notary fee compared to poor people. Wow! Whatta surprise. Pardon my obvious statement. But I do wonder why so many notaries are struggling with signing service fees – fees paid by little entities with balance sheets that are awash in red ink. Do you have a signing service in your town? Probably not, but you do have many wealthy people whose time is very valuable. Now you know the secret of collecting those higher and much easier to earn fees. Market yourself to the wealthy. It’s that simple. It’s the opposite of going, as a notary to the poorhouse seeking clients. Who are the wealthy? You already know – but might not know just why they need you. Let’s take some time out from the signing rat race, step out of the maze and let me show you the shortcut to the cheese.

I had a fellow who gave me over 17 Apostille assignments for an adoption. He needed various doctor statements to be notarized and receive an Apostille. My fee for each, no discounting; was on the high side for an edoc job. However, the work was much quicker and cleaner. He was a –big shot – stockbroker. He worried about missing an important call and losing a commission that would have been over 6 months of earning – for me. But, not for him; he makes that much money in the course of a 15 minute phone call. I know this for a fact as he told me – while paying me – how he just made several thousand dollars. He even gave me a Franklyn for a tip!

Attorneys often receive Power of Attorney; to sign papers for their clients. The high profile client does not want to hunt for a notary. The Attorney of record, as involved in the transaction cannot notarize the client giving him the power – so an outside notary is needed. Enter the mobile notary, me, to their office. Of course they have others who usually handle this, but sometimes they are on vacation or out sick – I get the call. Doctors, will not go hunting for a notary – they like to have a card on file of a reliable notary who will go to them.

Everyday shopkeepers, who must –mind the store- often have legal documents that must be notarized. The needs vary greatly – the common thread is that their time is worth more than your time. They can pay me XX which is very much worth my while to go to them – and that XX is less than the revenue they would lose by going to find a notary. Clearly, this works best with people whose time is one of their most valuable assets. As a I probably have more rich people here in Manhattan compared to most places. But the concept is applicable in your home town too. Give a card to the general manager of the large Big Box stores in the local shopping centers. I sure don’t have many WalMarts in Manhattan. That person is busy, very busy – and is likely to need a notary now and then but do they have your card? That person pays to save time using company money – it’s not out of the managers’ pocket – does that matter to you.

To harp on the point. Seek out the wealthy who have little time to spare and more money to spend. When you run out of wealthy prospects seek out those who can pay using –company money- to save their personal time. Trust me on this – it is very pleasant to work with these people. They are very appreciative of your services, and are willing to pay fair rates. Now compare what I have written above to a discussion with El Cheepo signing as you beg for an additional ten dollars for faxing 50 pages. Are you marketing yourself wisely to the right prospects?

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January 1, 2011

Thank You – Excuse Me – I’m Sorry

Filed under: Etiquette,Ken Edelstein — Tags: , — admin @ 11:36 pm

Thank You, Excuse Me, I’m Sorry
Now that’s an odd title! But the three are actually related, much more so than you might expect. The first thing that comes to my mind is the term (that applies to each) underused. The second term that seems to apply is overused. Paradox? Of course. My regular readers expect no less from me, and this blog will not disappoint you.

GENUINE Thank You(s) are way too few and far between. When you are leaving the borrower’s home do you take a moment to say “Thank You for your time”? Do you send a Thank You when receiving an assignment? Think back when you were a little kid. Mom often said “What do you say” to prompt you for giving a Thank You to the person who did a kindness to you. Mom stressed that thousands of times to drill it into your little brain so it would become a lifelong part of you. When did you start to forget that Mother Knows Best?

Thank You is just the first two words. They should be followed by “for” and a description of what action the recipient has taken to earn your gratitude. Thank You for your nice compliment about my shoes, is an example. A Thank You without details seems robotic and a bit hollow; kinda like an autonomic mindless reflect statement. Make your Thank You genuine and actually talk with substance and conviction; let them know your words are relevant and genuine.

Excuse Me has some very interesting uses. Recently, it seems to be spoken after deliberate bad manners; to absolve the transgressor for their misbehavior. It does not accomplish that objective. I know one person, basically a nice guy, who has a most annoying habit. He constantly interrupts when I am speaking to him. His interruptions are always prefaced with a loud “EXCUSE ME” followed by whatever he wanted to say. He seems to feel that a formerly used for politeness term can be invoked to permit bad manners. A real Excuse Me is for, typically, an accidental transgression. You are in the supermarket reaching for the last can of tuna that has been marked down. Just as your hand is about to grasp the can, the shopper behind you, moving a bit quicker; snatches the tuna for their shopping cart. You are momentarily stunned by their action. They say “Excuse Me”, Jeremy would not publish what I would say to that shopper.

Lastly, I come to “I’m Sorry”. So very inappropriately used, especially by business entities. As I write this I am waiting for an item to be delivered that should have been here yesterday. I ordered the item at 10AM and paid for 2 day FedEx delivery. I was assured it would be shipped the day ordered and arrive in 2 shipping days. Well, today is the third day and I checked and found the item is “Out for Delivery”, a day late. When it did not arrive yesterday I called the vendor and complained that I paid for 2 day delivery and did not receive the service that was promised and paid for.

“I’m Sorry” about the delay, we did not ship till the day after you placed the order. You did order in plenty of time for us to make the shipment that day, again we are sorry about the situation. My response was direct and probably a bit on the aggressive side: I’m sorry and other apologies are for small children when they deviate from proper behavior. Your business is not operated by small children. Businesses make “restitution” for their errors and do not “wash them away” with a blithe verbal apology.Kindly refund the price of the shipping. There is a 2 day FedEx rate and a 3 day FedEx rate. Subtract the smaller from the larger and refund it to me. I’m sorry does not “cut it” in commercial transactions. I was fortunate to speak to a senior manager who appreciated the logic of my argument and issued a partial refund.

As a I have ample opportunity to say Thank You, Excuse Me, and I’m Sorry. I thank persons who extend me a courtesy, such as selecting me for a notary assignment. I ask that the homeowner excuse me when I forgot to wipe my shoes on their entrance rug prior to entering their spotless house. I have made I’m Sorry but I will be a few minutes late calls; when stuck behind a fire truck on the way to a signing. They are magic terms, when used appropriately. It is the intentional misuse of these phrases, as a perceived exoneration for anti-social behavior that leaves a very bad impression. Sincerity, politeness and honesty will never go out of style.

(1) I’m sorry and other apologies are for small children when they deviate from proper behavior. Your business is not operated by small children.
(2) Businesses make “restitution” for their errors and do not “wash them away” with a blithe verbal apology.


March 28, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:44 am


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How many years is a notary term of office good for?

Can we turn the industry around?
Carmen and I are trying to make our influence, but you guys need to help out too!

Can we turn the industry around?

A Notary can get a job at a bank more easily.

A Notary can get a job in a bank more easily

FEB 2019

Notary Services Near Me

Notary Services Near Me

Where can I find Notary services near me

Notary Public Journal
If someone forges your seal, and you don’t keep a journal, it is hard to prove that you were not the person who did the alleged notarization. Learn proper journal entry procedures in this article.

Notary Public Journal

Notary Public Seal
Learn all the components of a notary seal including vocabulary words such as “serrated.”

Notary Public Seal

Notary Public Education
Where to get resources for Notary education. BTW, start with your state handbook.

Notary Public Education

Can you become a notary if you have a felony conviction?

Can you become a Notary if you have a felony conviction?

Trusted enrollment agent
What are they and what do they do. If they are Japanese would they be a Green TEA?

TEA — Trusted Enrollment Agent

Apostille – general information

Apostille – General Information

How many years is a notary commission good for?

How many years is a Notary commission good for?

Notarizing multi-page documents.
How do you deter page swapping? Read my secret techniques.

Notarizing Multi-Page Documents

Beneficial Interest
What is the difference between beneficial interest, financial interest and conflict of interest? Three different types of interest rates!

Beneficial Interest

Notary Oath of Office information
Don’t forget to file your Oath & Bond with the county clerk!

Notary Oath of Office Information

Can a notary get into trouble?

Can a Notary get in trouble?

Notaries who fail the California notary exam

Notaries who fail the California Notary exam

Notarizing confidential marriage licenses

Notarizing confidential marriage licenses

How do you notarize a copy of a passport?

How do you notarize a copy of a passport?

Parties involved in a Power of Attorney.
Do you know what a grantor, grantee, agent, attorney in fact, custodian and principle are? Better learn otherwise you will appear ignorant.

Parties involved in a Power of Attorney

Certifying a Power of Attorney

Certifying a Power of Attorney

Proof of Execution.
The Notary act where the signer doesn’t have to show up. Really? Next thing you’re going to tell me is that the signer doesn’t have to sign.

Proof of Execution

Mission Impossible — Notary Version
The deranged high school drop out doesn’t want the family to move, but Tom Cruise, jumps off a tall building with a paraglider, chases people down a narrow street, and reads a bumper sticker that says, “Honk if you hate Scientology.” and then saves the day!

Mission Impossible — Notary Version

Compilation of best blog posts from 2010
These are the absolute best posts of all time. Hope you like them.

Compilation – Best blog posts from 2010

Credible Witness Notary — information & resources

Credible Witness Notary — information & resources

Banks need Notaries to be on staff

Banks need Notaries to be on staff

The me too movement affects Notaries in the workplace at a bank.
A female employee complains about sexual harassment because a male co-worker compliments her on her seal.

The Me Too Movement affects Notaries in the workplace at a bank

JAN 2019

My health regimin left me without my favorite foods
No more pakora, fried chicken or large portions of meat…

My new health regimen left me without my favorite foods

How I succeeded creating an online business.
Creating a product that is easy to use with well refined search results isn’t easy, but made me some big bucks.

How I succeeded creating an online business

Can a notary go to jail for notary fraud?
Notaries do a lot of illegal things out of ignorance and negligence. But, sometimes they steal property using their commissions as well.

Can a Notary go to jail for Notary fraud?

Can a Notary act as a witness?
Notaries can witness Wills, acknowledged signatures, capacity, or be a credible witness. What about witnessing a crime?

Can a Notary Act as a Witness?

Witnessing a will
Some people prefer to hire a notary to witness a will since they are professional at witnessing signatures in general.

Witnessing a Will

Find a 24 hour Notary
Last minute okay. Hospital, jail and office visits okay too.

24 Hour Notary

Notary Hyatt Regency
Do I sign the journal based on when I made the reservation or the date I check in? But, can you get notarized in the hot tub? Find out!

Notary Hyatt Regency

California Acknowledgment
Learn all of the components of the new acknowledgment

California Acknowledgment

What are mobile notary fees?
It should depend on experience, time of day, type of job, distance, and waiting time. But, what do you think?

What are Mobile Notary Fees?

Notarized Letter
A detailed Q&A all about how to draft, notarize, and file a notarized letter.

Notarized Letter

A Notary discusses costs with Jeremy.
The notary wants to spend 30 minutes talking about suing someone for $1.96 instead of making some real money.

A Notary discusses costs with Jeremy

Notary Etiquette 104 – contents
Learn about handling initial calls, confirming the signing, general etiquette, answering questions, and see our best links on the topic as well.

Notary Etiquette 104 – Contents

Notary Etiquette 104 – humorous edition
Avoid polyester jackets from the 70’s, don’t be fashionably late, don’t do Oaths for dogs, and it may be time to retire if your email address says “” as a suffix!

Notary Etiquette 104 — Humorous Edition

Answering questions the way they were asked.
Do you beat around the bush or get straight to the point. In space, nobody can hear you scream and at signings, nobody wants to hear you ramble.

Notary Etiquette 104 — Answering Questions the Way They Were Asked

What to talk about at the signing.
Small talk is good, but talking about guns might backfire… learn the ins and outs of the art of conversation.

Notary Etiquette 104 — Confirming the Signing & At the Signing

Merit, pay grade & answering emails

Merit, Pay Grade & Answering Emails

Mobile Notary Near Me
Where can I find out. Try our directory and you’ll find thousands of good ones.

Mobile Notary Near Me

Public Notary Near Me

Public Notary Near Me

Find a Notary Public

Find a Notary Public

Where to get something notarized?

Where to get something notarized?

Is 123notary tearing down notaries or building them up?
By having some new and higher standards, we are helping notaries learn, but some just feel insulted. Hmm

Is 123notary tearing notaries down or building them up?

Spousal states list
Want to know which states are spousal states for loan signings? Here’s a list!

Spousal States List

The reason why 123notary scrutinizes its notaries

The reason why 123notary scrutinizes its Notaries

A forged notary seal ends someone up with a prison sentence
A man from Glendale involved in a 5.4 million dollar mortgage fraud scheme got caught. Read the details.

A forged Notary seal ends someone up with a prison sentence

An American Notary dates Chinese Notary using an app.
They used a translate app, but the app didn’t translate all of the subtle nuances of the communication.

An American Notary dates Chinese Notary using an app.

One Notary on NR wants to be treated like a professional.
She doesn’t think she needs to be retested. But, if she knows her stuff, being retested would be no big deal, right?

One Notary on NR wants to be treated like a professional

Fake Notary Seals
How can you know if a Notary seal is fake?

Fake Notary Seals

eNotary — electronic notary & electronic notarizations
How to become one, and what they do and what states can they practice…

eNotary — Electronic Notary & Electronic Notarizations


March 25, 2010

Popular 2010 to end of Sept 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:46 am


(1) Welcome to the Blog!
Find out who we are! #notary

(2) Saving on gas
Ethanol, Good driving habits & getting a hybrid! #driving

(3) Everything you need to know about #notary #advertising
Being listed on 123notary isn’t enough, you need to make your profile attractive

Everything you need to know about advertising

(4) Getting paid, the ins and outs
Do you background check the companies that call you? You should! #backgroundcheck #notary

(5) Saving money on toner, paper, E&O and more! #insurance #notaries

(6) The art of confirming the signing & going over the numbers

Confirming the signing

#mortgage #notary

(7) I’m a #notary, but what do I do now?
What to do when your training wasn’t enough!
#notarize #notarization

(8) Typical things #notaries do wrong!

Typical things notaries do wrong

#notarizing #notarized #notarization

(9) Funniest things that happen to signing agents!

Funniest things that happen to Signing Agents

#notary #notarized #notarization
#notaries #mortgage

(10) #Notary #Business Cards

Business Cards

#advertising #marketing

(11) Pricing formulas for #notary work
What to charge for a basic signing + edocs

Pricing formulas for mobile notary work

#notarize #mortgage

(12) Hospital #notary job tips from A to Z

Hospital notary job tips from A to Z


(13) Everything you need to know about #notary journals

Everything you need to know about journals

#notarypublic #notarizing #notarized

(14) #Advertising strategies for mobile #notaries #startup #notary

(15) Stories of notaries that fail and what they did wrong!

Stories of notaries that fail and what they did wrong.

#notary #notarization

(16) Typical things #notaries do wrong!
#notary #mortgage

(17) Which signing agents are getting the work on 123notary?
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(18) Credible Witnesses: When ID & docs have different names!

CW’s When ID and Docs Have Different Names

#mortgage #notary #witness

(19) 12 points on e-notarizations

12 Points On e-Notarizations

#enotary #enotarization #notary

(20) Just say no #2
When to say no as a #notary when given illegal requests!

Just Say No Article #2

(21) e-notarization & e-signing definitions

e-notarization definition

#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(22) How to make your notary crazy!
#notarization #notarized #notarizing

(23) Everything you need to know about signature by X

Signature By X

#notary #notarizing #notarized

(24) What are notaries saying about E&O insurance?
#insurance #lawsuits #notary

(25) Notaries in the crisis
#notary #notarization

(26) Loan Modifications, what you need to know!
Should you claim you “represent” the company? Is it legal?

(27) Jail notary jobs from A to Z

Jail Notary Jobs from A to Z

#notarization #notarized

(28) Should I take the call?
Do you answer your phone when you are at a signing?

(29) Just say no #3
When to decline illegal notary requests

Notary Public: Just Say No #3


(30) Your old vital records are often useless!
#notary #notarizing #birthcertificate

(31) Names on notary listings
#notary #mortgage #notarizing

(32) Notary etiquette from A to Z

Notary Etiquette from A to Z

#notarized #notarization

(33) Best older discussions on our notary forum!
#notarization #mortgage

(34) Meeting #notary clients at a jail!

Meeting Clients at a Jail

#notarization #notarized #prison

(35) Reverse Mortgages General Information
#mortgage #realestate #notary #notarize

(36) Pets at signings!
#notary #notarization #mortgage


(1) A tale of four notaries in hospitals
Different approaches to typical problems

A tale of four notaries in hospitals


(2) Just say no #4
What if someone wants to use your notary seal?

(3) Credible witnesses from A to Z

Credible Witnesses from A to Z

#notary #mortgage

(4) Networking with notaries
#notary #notarization #smallbiz

(5) Interesting and uncommon #notary acts
Ever heard of a Marine Protest?

Interesting and uncommon notary acts

#jurat #notarization

(6) Things that get notaries complaints
Rudeness & not showing up top the list

Things that get notaries complaints

(7) What to say and what not to say as a signing agent

What to say and what not to say.

#etiquette #notary

(8) One lady kept me waiting 45 minutes and then asked me, “Do you like your job?”

Do you like your job?

#hospital #notary

(9) Dragging the person’s arm
A tale about a #notary hospital signing gone wrong!

Dragging the person’s arm


(10) How to lose half of your #notary clients while on #vacation!

Going on vacation?

(11) Pricing formulas and time spent for notary signing agents!

Pricing Formulas & Time Spent

#mortgage #realestate #notarization

(12) Don’t park in the driveway
A guide to parking #etiquette for notaries

Don’t park in the driveway?

(13) Mobile Offices from A to Z

Mobile Offices from A to Z

#notary #notarization #notarized

(14) Price fixing, what is it really all about?
#notaryfee #notarizing #mortgage

(15) Sticky situations for notaries from A to Z
#notary #notarized

(16) Immigration documents for a large family
#notary #legal #notarization

(17) Low ball signing companies

Low Ball Signing Companies

#mortgage #realestate

(18) The check is in the mail?
Dealing with signing companies who pay late or not at all.

(19) Protect yourself from shoddy #notarizations

(20) Seal #forgery, it happened to me

Seal Forgery – it happened to me!

#notary #notarized

(21) Leave a few spaces open in your journal?

Leave a few spaces open in your journal?

#notary #fraud

(22) The story of
It was late on a Friday night in 1999….

The Story of

#notary #notarypublic

(23) A few testimonials about

A few testimonials on 123notary

#notary #mortgage

(24) Pricing for notary work: different strokes for different folks

Pricing for notary work: different strokes for different folks

#notaryfee #notaryprice

(25) Notarizing a kidnapper

Notarizing a kidnapper

#notarization #notary

(26) Notarizing a potential scam!
Fingerprints kept me out of court!
#notary #fraud

(27) Notarizing an arsonist who blew his fingers off!

Notarizing an arsonist who blew his fingers off

#notary #notarized #notarization #jail

(28) Kidnapping case #2, the convict refused to sign!
#notary #notarization

(29) Just say no #5
Were you asked to skip the thumbprint? Think again!
#notary #notarization

(30) Same document different day!

(31) NNA certified signers who failed our test
Many couldn’t answer simple questions without a long pause

NNA Certified Signers who failed our test!

(32) Notarizing with fluffy the cat!
#notarization #notary

(33) The notary and the asylum
#notarized #notarizing

(34) Notarizing two sex offenders
#notary #notaryjob

(35) Notary witness information
#notarizgion #witnessing

(36) Fax backs are a pain

Fax Backs are a Pain!

#mortgage #notary #notarization

(37) Get reviews or perish!
Being listed on 123notary isn’t enough, you need reviews!

(38) A doc-jacker who took a loan hostage!
#mortgage #signingagent #notary

(39) The signing from hell!

The signing from hell

#notary #notarization #mortgage

(40) Notary in Louisiana murdered in home invasion

Notary in Louisiana murdered in home invasion

#notarization #notarize

(41) Tantrums of a borrower
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(42) Phone etiquette examined
#notary #notaries #notarized

(43) Notarization on a movie set!
#notary #notarizing

(44) Call back etiquette examined!
Do you call people back and refused to announce yourself?

(45) Good companies gone bad!
#signingcompanies #notary #mortgage

(46) Answering machine etiquette
#mortgage #notary

(47) Threatening for payment!

Threatening for payment?

#notary #mortgage

(48) Two notaries assigned the same job?

Two notaries assigned the same job?

#mortgage #notary

(49) No shows, ways that notaries get into trouble!
#notary #notarize #notarization

(50) Notarizing someone who did check fraud
#notary #notarization

(51) Excerpts from great notes sections

Excerpts from Great Notes Sections

#notary #advertising

(52) e-signings: faster or shorter than paper signings?
#esigning #enotarization

(53) How many reviews makes the difference?
#notary #marketing

(54) It’s easier to get a review from an individual than a signing company!
#notary #marketing

(55) Erica’s mobile office story

Erica’s Mobile Office Story

#notary #laserprinter #notarization

(56) Notary pushed off stairs by borrower!

Notary is pushed off stairs by borrower!

#notarization #mortgage

(57) Deceptive identities: companies that change their names!

Deceptive Identities – Companies that change their names

#fraud #notary

(58) Notarization in the ‘Hood
#notary #notarization

(59) Notarizing celebrities
#notary #notarization

(60) What goes where in your notes?

What goes WHERE in your notes?

#notary #advertising #marketing

(61) Problems with credible witnesses
#notary #notarization

(62) Can a notary be a witness?

Can a notary be a witness?

#notarization #notarized

(63) My first loan signing
#notary #notarize #notarized #notarization

(64) Fixing botched signings

Fixing Botched Signings

#mortgage #realestate #notary

(65) Best notary suppliers

Best Notary Supplies

#notarization #notarize

(66) Notary Acknowledgment Information
Everything you need to know about this notary act

Notary Acknowledgment Information


(67) Going the extra mile
A guide to standing out as a mobile notary
#notarization #notarized

(68) I was accused of price gouging!
#notary #notarization #mortgage

(69) Can a notary perform a wedding or a marriage?

Can a notary perform a wedding or marriage?

#weddingofficiant #notarize

(70) How do I find a notary public?
#notarization #mortgage #realestate

(71) General Notary Q&A Topics
#notarization #notarized

(72) Notary certificates, Notary wording & Notary verbiage

Notary Certificates, Notary Wording & Notary Verbiage

#notarization #jurat #acknowledgment

(73) Payment terms set by the buyer or seller in notary signings?

Payment terms – set by the Buyer or Seller?

#notary #marketing

(74) How do I get an #Apostille or #Authentication?

How do I get an Apostille or Authentication?

#notary #secretaryofstate

(75) go straight to mobile search to look up signing companies
#mortgage #notary

(76) Make your own notary certificate forms!

Make your own notary certificate forms!

#notarization #legal

(77) Can a notary get in trouble? By doing what?

Can a notary get in trouble?

#notarylaw #notarization #notarized

(78) Pitfalls in the notary loan signing process

The Notary Signing Agent Loan Signing Process & Pitfalls

#notary #mortgage

(79) How do I fill out a notary journal entry?

How do I fill out a Notary Journal Entry?

#notarylaw #notarization

(80) Uses for notaries (other than notarizing)
Process serving, witnessing, inspections, etc.
#notary #notarypublic

(81) Notarizing multi-page documents

Notarizing multi-page documents

#notary #notarized

(82) Thumbprint taking – step by step

Thumbprint Taking – Step by Step

#fingerprinting #notary

(83) Everything a notary needs to know about Power of Attorney signings

Power of Attorney Signings

#legal #legaldocument

(84) Can a notary witness a will or notarize one?

Can a notary witness a will or notarize one?

#witnessing #notarize

(85) Notary journal thumbprints – they can save your neck!

Notary Journal Thumbprints – they can save your neck!

#legal #notarylaw #notarization

(86) Notary procedure for Affidavit of Support documents

Notary Procedure for Affidavit of Support Documents

#legaldocument #legal #notarized

(87) Guns and Pit Bulls at signings!
#mortgage #realestate

(88) Beneficial interest and notary law
If you lose money if the document doesn’t get signed, you have beneficial interest.

(89) Notary pushed off stairs by borrower part 2

Notary pushed off stairs PART 2

#mortgage #notarizing

(90) When is it permissible to use a Credible Witness?
#notary #mortgage #realestate #notarizing

(91) Penalties for notary misdeeds & misconduct!

Penalties for notary misdeeds & misconduct!

#notarylaw #notarization

(92) Is a Living Will or Living Trust the same as a Will?
#powerofattorney #notary #advancedhealthcaredirective

(93) Can a notary help draft documents?

Can a notary help draft documents?

#notarylaw #notarized #legal

(94) Notary’s name on the Settlement Statement?
#loan #mortgage #notarization

(95) Can a notary assist in filling out an I-9?
#notarization #notarize

(96) Scary results when a notary uses our letter from hell to collect from a deadbeat signing co.

Scary results when a notary uses our letter from hell

#collectionletter #mortgage #notarize

(97) Contact info for all notary divisions

Contact information for state notary divisions 2011 & 2012

#notarypublic #secretaryofstate


(1) Can a notary serve bordering states?
#notarylaw #notarypublic

(2) When can I use 2 credible witnesses?
#notarylaw #notarypublic #notarized

(3) Rules for notarizing a bedridden person

Rules for notarizing a bedridden person

#notary #hospital #notarization

(4) Do I need to know English to get notarized?
#notary #notarization #notarizing

(5) How to fix notary mistakes
Most mistakes would be in the journal or certificate area.

How to fix notary mistakes

(6) How to be a thorough mobile notary
#notarization #notarized #notarizing

(7) A New Jersey Notary gets locked in someone’s house!
#notarized #notarization

(8) The husband and the stolen license!
#notary #notarized #mortgage

(9) Borrowers and their filthy homes. A notary gets sick from visiting a house with dangerous bacteria!

Borrowers and their filthy homes

#mortgage #notaries

(10) Backdating from A to Z

Backdating from A to Z

#notary #mortgage #realestate

(11) Here are some things that the rudest notaries on 123notary have done

Rude notaries?

#notary #notarizing

(12) Notary victim of hit and run accident!
#notarization #notarize

(13) Does (name of) signing company pay their notaries?
How do I find out?

(14) Rules for notarizing minors

Rules for Notarizing Minors

#notarylaw #notarypublic #notary

(15) Being ready to jump as a mobile notary public.
Deciding ahead of time when you are going to be available

(16) A list of bad #identification for #notary jobs
#passport #notarization

(17) Which gets the work? Skills or Certification?
#mortgage #notary #notaries

(18) Immigration documents for gay lovers
#affidavitofsupport #legal #notary

(19) What does it really mean to be “certified?”

Certified Signing Agent – what does it mean?

#mortgage #notary

(20) Power of Attorney at a nursing home

Power of Attorney at a nursing home

#hospital #notary

(21) Can a notary notarize a birth certificate?

Can a notary notarize a birth certificate?

#vitalrecord #notarization

(22) Background checking notaries and signing companies
#backgroundscreening #notary

(23) Fraud & Forgery in the Notary Profession

Fraud & Forgery related to the notary profession

#notarize #notarization

(24) Do I notarize every page of a document?

Do I notarize every page of a document?

#notarylaw #legal #notary

(25) How much E&O is normal or practical?
#insurance #notary #notaries

(26) Notarization Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates!

Notarization Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates!

#notarylaw #legal #documents #notary

(27) Electronic #Notary #Journal Information

Electronic Notary Journal Information

#enotary #esigning #notarization

(28) How to get low ballers to stop calling you!
#mortgage #notary

(29) Death and the #Notary
I’ve heard that it is best to get some things done sooner than later…

(30) The signing from heaven

The Signing from Heaven

#mortgage #realestate

(31) Notary dragged into court!
#legal #notarization

(32) Sending loose certificates is #illegal.
Yet this is a very common request!

Sending loose certificates is illegal


(33) Do #notary journals need to be kept under lock and key?

Do notary journals need to be kept under lock and key?

#notarylaw #notarypublic #notarization

(34) Can a notary sign on a different day?

Can a notary sign on a different day?

#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(35) Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box?
If there is a cashier’s check in the package – be careful!

Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box!


(36) Your purpose is NOT to notarize?
#notary #notaries

(37) How much should a notary charge for swearing in a …

How much should a notary charge for swearing in a…

#notaryfee #notary

(38) Where do credible witnesses sign the notary journal book?

Where do credible witnesses sign the notary journal book

#crediblewitness #notarization

(39) 123notary behind the scenes!

123notary behind the scenes

#mortgage #notary #smallbiz

(40) Notarizing your foreign language document

Notarizing your foreign language document!

#notary #notarization

(41) There was a bear blocking us in the driveway!
#mortgage #notary

(42) How many notaries does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
#mortgage #notary

(43) Dr. Jeckle & Dr. Hyde
An emotionally charged signing with people who you thought you knew!
#mortgage #realestate

(44) Which states allow e-notarizations?

Which states allow e-notarizations?

#enotary #enotarization #esigning

(45) 20 stories about animals at signings

20 stories about animals at signings

#mortgage #notary

(46) How many witnesses do you need when signing a Will?
#notary #legal

(47) Got notes?
Tips for writing a great notes section in your 123notary profile!
#mortgage #notary

(48) The technique — for getting notary reviews!
#notary #advertising #marketing

(49) I would need a new notary journal every week!
#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(50) The Attorney General is the place to report bad signing companies!
#mortgage #notary

(51) I got beaten up by Spiderman at a closing!
#mortgage #realestate

(52) Protecting yourself with a contract!
Companies use contracts, why shouldn’t notaries?

Protecting yourself with a contract

(53) Don’t call until the documents are ready?
#mortgage #loan #notary #notarized

(54) An unreasonable client!
Some people just don’t understand how difficult parking can be in NYC!

(55) Do criminals deserve to be notarized?
#notary #notarization

(56) Who answers your phone?
#notary #marketing

(57) The borrower and the fallen book shelf
#mortgage #notary

(58) The chicken & egg: Birth certificate problem solved

The chicken & egg: Birth certificate problem solved

(59) The missing stamp
A story about a forgetful notary!

(60) Notarizing documents for the elderly

Notarizing Documents for the Elderly

#notary #notarization

(61) Borrowers with guns
If the borrowers have them, maybe notaries should too

(62) Ask, but don’t beg for a review?
#notary #marketing

(63) Overseas companies hiring notaries in America
#international #business #notary

(64) Stealing a business name!
A notary was accused of stealing a client’s biz name right before he registered it!

Stealing a Business Name

(65) What are your hours?
Do you have to think for a while to answer this question?

(66) The signer had a dark & dirty energy about him.
#mortgage #notary

(67) Power of Attorney and verifying capacity!

Power of Attorney and Verifying Capacity

#legaldocument #notary

(68) There was a person in the basement
#mortgage #notary

(69) Two crazy situations that lead to non-payment
#mortgage #notary

(70) Can you do the 3rd signing for free?
#mortgage #notary

(71) The dog ate my journal
#notarylaw #legal #notary

(72) Prison signings
Notarizing bank robbers & pornographers

(73) Double booking notary appointments
#notary #scheduling #smallbiz

(74) Attacked by an octogenarian lady with Dimentia!

(75) Over my dead body: a signing that was one person’s last!

(76) How to gain experience as a notary!
#notarizing #mortgage #startup

(77) Hostage situation on the way to a signing!
#notary #notarization

(78) Top 5 books every notary should own (and read)

Top 5 books every notary should own (and read)

(79) 3 notaries walk into a bar
The notaries wanted to ID the bartender.

3 Notaries walk into a bar

(80) The well, Chlorine, and diarrhea!
The pipes had broken and her well water was no longer pure!

(81) “You will be all alone with me”
Attn. women signers: don’t sign for this guy!

(82) Is it safe? Do I need an escort to this notary job?
#notarization #mortgage

(83) What is that god awful smell?
#mortgage #realestate #notary

(84) A notary steals oxicotton from a borrower’s house!
#theft #notarization

(85) Are they crazy? $70 for e-docs with fax backs?
#notary #mortgage #notarization #notarized

(86) They won’t pay me, so whose responsibility is it?
#mortgage #notary

(87) Notary needed, but the signer is in a coma!
#notarylaw #legal #notarization

(88) Borrower etiquette from A to Z

Borrower etiquette from A to Z

#mortgage #notary

(89) The reluctant husband
A story about a signing where the husband wanted to watch TV

(90) When to dump a signing!
We all have to draw the line somewhere

(91) OMG, there was alcohol on her breath
#mortgage #loan #notary

(92) She brought her children to the signing and thought nothing of it!
#mortgage #notary


(1) I saw who, I saw when, I say where!
Signing companies that have too many demands

(2) 12 tips for notaries
How do you get the job done!
#notary #marketing

(3) Time management for notaries
#notary #scheduling

(4) From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!

From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!

#notary #marketing

(5) No street lights
A story about a notary trying to find an address in the dark

(6) Hold harmless: good idea or not?
#notary #notarization #mortgage

(7) Moonshine and catfish at a signing
#notary #notarization

(8) The 1099 was too high!
One notary got the shock of their life when they say their 1099

(9) No place to sit
There was junk all over the place, but not a single chair

(10) Two faced — duplexed
The notary got blamed for the mistake of the lender

Two-Faced… Duplexed

(11) Do you ramble? What do your clients think?
#notary #communication

(12) 2013 analytics: which notaries are getting more business?

2013 analytics: which notaries are getting more business?

#notary #marketing

(13) Which tasks can you do which are worth $1000 per minute?

What tasks can you do which are worth $1000 per minute?

#notary #marketing

(14) Notarizing for an adoption

Notarizing for an adoption

#notary #notarization

(15) The notary called me back to tell me she couldn’t talk
#notaries #communication

(16) Notarizing a child who was abducted
#kidnapping #notary

(17) Identification requirements for being notarized

Identification requirements for being notarized

(18) Vampire notaries: 24 hour service
2 seemingly normal men were at the door…

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(19) Why notaries don’t last

Why Notaries Don’t Last

#notary #notarizing

(20) Signing agent best practices: 63 points

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

#mortgage #realestate #notary

(21) The brothel notary
#notarization #notarized

(22) Bartender notary: a reverse mortgage on the rocks!

Bartender Notary: A reverse mortgage on the rocks!

(23) Do signing reviews get companies to pay?

(24) Feb 2013 Phoninar quick course

2013 Phoninar Quick Course

#mortgage #notary

(25) Why do they lie?
#mortgage #notaries

(26) Top 12 things to do when you are on hold!

Top 12 things to do when you are on hold

#notary #marketing

(27) Sexagenarian’s revenge: Put that lender away!

(28) Signing at a 14-room Victorian house
The notary didn’t have a ghost of a chance

(29) Free printing service: hire a notary on

(30) March Phoninar
When NOT to call the lender

(31) How to write a notes section if you have ho experience

How to write a notes section if you have no experience

(32) The top 1% and the 99% on
Why do particular notaries get more work?

(33) They always accepted this in the past
#mortgage #notary

(34) Meao notary service!
No strings attached, otherwise I’d chase them!

(35) Crayons and dog treats at a signing

Crayons and dog treats at the signing

#mortgage #notary #notarization

(36) Notes sections gone bad
#notary #marketing

(37) Help, I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help!

Help, I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help

#insurance #notary #notarization

(38) When is it legal to notarize a document twice?

Best Practices: When it is legal to notarize a document twice?

#notarization #notary #attorney

(39) What about notaries who work at mail box places?

(40) Are you too factual or too personal in your notary notes section?
#notaries #marketing

(41) Mistakes notaries make with Title Companies that cost them!

Mistakes notaries make w/ Title Companies

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(42) Types of witnesses in the notary profession

Types of witnesses in the notary profession

#legal #mortgage #notarization

(43) A detailed look at the Ninja notary signing agent course!

A detailed look at the NINJA course

#notary #notarycourse

(44) Phone interaction tutorial
What to say and what not to say on the phone if you’re a notary!

Phone interaction tutorial

(45) Personality and expressing your uniqueness in your notes section
#notary #marketing

(46) I now carry a weapon in my car!
#notary #notarization

(47) Swat team notarization
I arrived at the notary job, and guess who was outside the house with guns?

(48) How do I purchase a #notary #bond?
#notarization #notarized

(49) Minimum competency guide to be a signing agent.
ID’s, when to call the LO, communication, more…

Minimum Competency Test Study Guide

(50) Late documents = more money?
#notarypublic #mortgage #loan

(51) Getting what is due: a clever plan!
One notary finds an unusual way to collect!

Getting what is due! A clever plan!

(52) Does Elite Certification help on 123notary?
Is it worth it?
#notary #signingagent

(53) A client tries to blackmail a very seasoned notary
#mortgage #notaries

(54) I am dependable reliable and accurate, yeah right!
#notary #marketing

(55) How to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature

How to get something notarized that doesn’t have a signature

#legal #notarylaw #notary

(56) The Starbucks notary wises up after allowing a client to save on travel fee
by coming to him (& keeping him waiting forever)

The Starbucks notary wises up!

(57) How many years is a notary commission good for? (in your state)

How many years is a notary commission good for?

#notarylaw #legal #notarized

(58) Make them do the waiting if they do the driving
#notaryfee #notary

(59) April Phoninar
The legals, Administering Oaths, The APR, Revoked Commissions

(60) Our fees seem to go into other people’s pockets

(61) My date with Jeremy
The date ends being dropped off at a Fedex drop box

My date with Jeremy

(62) What to explain and what not to explain at a loan signing

(63) Is a p#20 really superior to a lower ranked notary?
#notary #123notary

(64) How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?

How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?

#mortgage #mortgageterm #notary

(65) Why do I have to sign with my middle initial?

Why do I have to sign with my middle initial?

#mortgage #notary

(66) A 2am Signing
We all met for a transfer or a car title. But, the buyer had some words to say…

(67) Cross out happy, not a good idea

Cross-out happy; Not a good idea

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(68) The carrot, the stick, the notary and the bag

The carrot, the stick, the notary, and the bag


(69) What is a notary public?
Identification, journals, certificates & more explained!

What is a notary public?

(70) One person, many names, quite legal
#notary #identification

(71) The prepayment penalty
Which document do you look for it first?

(72) Which documents are recorded?
Maybe a few that you never heard of before

(73) Notaries should be setting the fees, not the other way around

We should be setting the fees, not the other way around!

#notary #notaryfee #notariztion #mortgage

(74) The notary and the tragedy
The signer seemed nervous. A few weeks later the boyfriend shot himself.

(75) Clarifying vague claims in your notes section
A step by step guide

Clarifying vague claims in your notes section

(76) Optional information on notary certificates
Why it’s important and how to fill it out

Optional info on Acknowledgment Certificate

(77) The lady and the handwritten will

The lady and the handwritten will

#notary #notarized #notarization

(78) The signer won’t sign the disclosure?
#notary #mortgage #notarization

(79) She ran through the house like a mad woman
A story about a signing gone crazy!

She ran through the house like a mad woman…

(80) Industry standards in the notary business
Cross outs, initialing, unsigned docs, instructions, more.

Industry Standards in the Notary Business

(81) Getting respect as a notary part 2
#notarization #mortgage

(82) A tough act to follow!
Administering a presidential oath of office!

A Tough Act to Follow

(83) Tomorrow’s notary publics
Kids dream of becoming firemen and superheros, but notary publics?

Tomorrow’s Notary Publics

(84) Health care power of attorney
Same as a living will?

(85) Having Emmy’s for notaries!

The Notaries! Having Emmys for Notaries!

#notarized #notarization #notary

(86) Notarizing an ax-murderer in San Ysidro
#notary #notarization

(87) Interview with Jennifer
A mobile notary who started out with a bang!

(88) Interview with a Title company
Learn why those documents sometimes come late!

Interview with a Title Company

(89) Protecting ourselves and our notary commissions

(90) 6 free things 123notary does for its clients

6 FREE things 123notary does for its clients

(91) The power of attorney was rejected by a bank!

The Power of Attorney was rejected by a bank

#legal #notarization

(92) How to get something notarized if you don’t have ID

How to get something notarized if you don’t have ID

#notary #notarization #notarize #identification

(93) A notary was accused of tricking the borrowers

(94) The police wanted to know about e-notary documents
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(95) What is a Jurat?
When is it used and what does it entail?

What is a Jurat?

#notary #notarization

(96) Her magesty’s secret notary service

(97) Do not resuscitate?
If you sign advanced health care directives, you might deal with this issue

(98) Know-taries in Heaven and Hell

(99) Notary fines & penalties
Find out what happens if you overcharge or worse!

Notary Fines & Notary Penalties (gulp)

(100) He took out his gun because he wanted you to stay!
#notary #signing

(101) Types of powers of attorney

Power of Attorney: Types Often Created

#legaldocs #legaldocuments #notary

(102) A notary public cures lying

Notary Public Cures Lying!

#comedy #comedian #notaries

(103) Sign-Feld and the Notary Nazi
#notaries #notarization

(104) Has the notary industry slowed down again?

(105) The Notary, the Mafia, and the Fedex Drop Box.

The Notary, The Mafia & The Fedex Drop Box

#notaries #notarization

(106) The Alaska Notary wanted to get paid in Salmon!

(107) The Anti-Notary

(108) Get your will notarized, in a coma!
#notary #notarization

(109) The Real Estate Agent and the evil girl scouts

(110) How to get notarized
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(111) Notary license to kill
#notaries #notarization

(112) Notary asked NOT to thumbprint?
#legal #notarylaw #notaries

(113) Getting Acupuncture for notorial schlerosis
Repetetive use of your stamp can cause this rare but serious condition

(114) Reasons why notaries won’t lower their fees
#notary #marketing

(115) $10,000 a month on a bad month

$10,000 per month on a bad month

#notary #marketing

(116) Notary accidentally gets arrested for robbing a bank
#notaries #notarization

(117) A great attitude gets the most jobs!

A great attitude gets the most jobs

#notary #notarized #marketing

(118) Companies that hire NEW signers!

Companies that will hire NEW signers!

#mortgage #realestate

(119) Don’t get volume sucker punched as a #notary
#notarization #mortgage

(120) Marijuana at the table during a notary signing!

(121) Notary fines relating to advertising and fraud

(122) How to notarize a copy of a passport

How to Notarize a Copy of a Passport

#notary #notarization

(123) $35,000 a month his first year in business?

He made $35,000 a month his first year in business?

#notary #smallbiz #startup

(124) What makes a mobile notary a mobile notary?

What makes a mobile notary a mobile notary?

#notaries #notarization

(125) The notarization afterlife

(126) A Seinfeld episode about a notary!

A Seinfeld Episode about a Notary

#notaries #comedy #notarization

(127) Can a Resident Alien card or permanent resident card be used for notarization?

Can a resident alien card or permanent resident card be used for being notarized?

#notary #identification

(128) Using expired identification cards.
Is it legal?
#notarypublic #notary #notarization

(129) Cross out and initial

Cross Out and Initial

#mortgage #notary #notarized

(130) Can you notarize someone’s initials?

Can you notarize someone’s initials?

#notarized #notarylaw #legal

(131) The Notary, the Realtor and the half bathroom

(132) Using an automated notary machine at CVS
“Did you say representative?”

(133) Fedex moved the drop box, but where are the contents?

(134) Clever Florida Notary commended by the FBI

(135) Don’t hate the playa, hate the notary game

(136) Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?

Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?


(137) Sworn Oath information
#notarypublic #notarylaw #notaryact

(138) Are you a point and sign notary?
#mortgage #notarization #loandocs

(139) Ahoy mate, I have the docs!
#mortgage #loansigning

(140) Interview with Timios Title

Interview with Timios title

#mortgage #notary

(141) 10 quick changes to your notes that could double your calls!

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

#notary 3marketing

(142) Common mistakes with the 1003, RTC, TIL & APR

Common Mistakes with: 1003, Crossing out, RTC, TIL & APR

#mortgage #notary

(143) First number loses
Don’t bid first when negotiating prices for mobile notary work.

(144) Affidavits, what you need to know!

Affidavits — What do you need to know?

#legaldocuments #jurat #notary

(145) Rich Man Poor Man: #Marketing your notary services to the wealthy

Rich man poor man: Market Yourself to the Wealthy

#notary #notaries

(146) How much can a California Notary charge?

How much can a California Notary Public Charge?

#notaryprice #notaryfee

(147) Notary journals from A to Z

Notary Journals from A to Z

#notarypublic #notaries

(148) Notary seal information from A to Z

Notary Seal Information from A to Z

#notaries #notarypublic

(149) Notarize This!
A satire on a movie about a mafia boss notary and a shrink!

(150) How often do you update your # of signings?

(151) Notary suicide hotline!

Notary Suicide Hotline

#comedy #notaries #notarization

(152) I get paid enough to get something on the value menu at McDonalds.
#notaryfee #settlementstatement

(153) People shopping for notaries want to know the same things as guys looking for a date

(154) Speed notarizing and speed dating
#notary #notaries

(155) Many banks prefer to hire someone who is a notary
#banknotary #notaries

(156) Jeremy loses at Notary Monopoly
#notaries #humor #comedy

(157) A veteran notary interviewed gives advice to new notaries!

Advice to new notaries: Interview with a Veteran Notary

#notarization #notarized

(158) If your boss pays for your notary commission, it still belongs to you!

(159) General vs. specific information in notes sections
#notary #marketing

(160) The man with the golden seal
#notary #notaries #notarization

(161) How to get paid by out of business signing companies!

How to get paid by out of biz signing companies!

#notary #collection #mortgage

2014: Jan to Sept 30th

(1) If your name is everywhere then people will find you
#notary #marketing

(2) When the phone does not ring.
There are marketing & maintenance tasks notaries can do!

(3) No money callers
What to do with people who want to talk, but not pay!

(4) Superman found out he needed a notarized affidavit at the last minute and didn’t know who to turn to.

(5) Affidavit of Support and direct communication with the signer

Affidavit of Support and direct communication with the signer

#notarylaw #legal

(6) You could get sued if you don’t have a business license

You could get sued if you don’t have a business license

#legal #notary

(7) Honey I notarized the kids!
Don’t try this at home

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)


(8) I go over the HUD first
Learn what pro loan signers do!

I go over the HUD-1 first


(9) 10 ways to find the perfect notary!
#notaries #notarized

(10) Can I notarize a Will or a Living Will?

Can a Notary notarize a Will or Living Will?

#legal #notarylaws

(11) Fear of retaliation in the Notary business
Sherry was accused of misusing her notary commission!

(12) Reverse Blackmail at a notary signing

Reverse Blackmail at a Notary Signing

#mortgage #notaries #notarization

(13) A social media site for notaries — affiant

A social media site for Notaries — Affiant

#comedy #notary #notarization

(14) A 2nd date with Jeremy
“We know each other so well, we complete each other’s Jurat verbiage”

A 2nd Date With jeremy

(15) The Notary Olympics
#notaries #comedy #notarization

(16) Notary insults
The customer wanted a quantity discount and ignored the hour Ken spent in transit!

(17) Witnessing the Star’s signatures at Mann’s Chinese Theater
Notarizing VIP’s!

(18) Ken’s list of bad things that notaries do
#notary #notarypublic #notarization

(19) The notary who loved me.
1 notary kept calling to see if he needed anything!

(20) Notarizing affidavits of support
#legal #notarylaw #notary

(21) The homeless notary
#notaries #notarization

(22) Get the job specifications
#mortgage #notary

(23) Help, I’m getting married, my husband is in jail, and I need a #notary!

(24) Playing the cancer card after you made a blunder
#notary #mortgage

(25) She learned more from our blog than any course she ever took
#mortgage #notary #notaries

(26) We require notaries to be registered on our approved list

We require notaries to be registered on our approved list

#notary #titlecompany

(27) Welcome to the Notary Hotel
It’s so comfortable, many notaries stay there their entire commission

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(28) Double and Nothing
Offering to do double the work for the same price!

(29) Notary reviews vs. movie reviews
“I didn’t like the ending of the signing — too predictable”

Notary Reviews vs. Movie Reviews

(30) What to write in your notes section

What to Write in Your Notes Section

#notary #marketing

(31) Many of the borrowers say, “That was painless!”
#mortgage #notary

(32) Administering an #Oath to an athiest
#legal #comedy #notary

(33) Who really needs who in the notary business.
Do notaries need signing companies or vice versa?

Who really needs who?

(34) The signing and the mistress
#notary #comedy

(35) – a dating site for notaries!
#socialmedia #notary

(36) Perhaps I should have titled this notary blog “A Recipe for Disaster”.

(37) Most notaries would rather die than go back to the 9-5 routine.

(38) Doing a signing with a gun sitting at the table
#mortgage #notary

(39) The acunotary: an #acupuncturist becomes a #notary!

(40) The flip side of your business card.
Ken’s guide to notary marketing

(41) Notaries who make more than Attorneys
#notary #smallbiz

(42) Witnessing intake forms for Notary Heaven

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

#comedy #notaries

(43) A signing in the freezing rain
#mortgage #notary

(44) Going to a signing with your girlfriend can put the pressure on the signer to get on with it and sign!

(45) How my high school yearbook predicted I’d be a Notary Public

(46) Notarizing a female accessory to murder!
#notary #notarization

(47) If you are a VIP notary, read this!
#notaries #notarization

(48) Dress British, Think Yiddish

Dress British, Think Yiddish

#notary #marketing

(49) Signs you’re a notary workaholic
#notaries #notarization

(50) An easy collection remedy!
#notary #collections

(51) Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?

Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?

(52) Elite signers
Who are these lucky notary customers?

(53) Preparation, the key to notary success
#notaries #notarized

(54) Thank you excuse me, I’m sorry.
A guide to Notarial manners.

Thank You – Excuse Me – I’m Sorry

(55) The 24 hour icon and those who need their sleep
Do you mind being called at 3am?

(56) A Russian lady lists on 123notary and says, “It is terrible, I get called day and night. Make it stop!”

(57) Why do I have to pay when I went to the Title Office?

(58) Unprofitable requests.
How do you figure out which notary jobs are worth it?

(59) Notary Cheers: Sammy gets a name change #notarized

Notary Cheers: Sammy gets a name change form notarized

(60) She was dying of cancer and needed to get #notarized

(61) The Towles Booth — pronounced “Tolls”
Some come to pay a toll, others come for advice

The Towles Booth (pronounced “tolls”)

(62) Should 123notary accept other certifications?

(63) — a dating site for #notaries! — a dating site for notaries!


(64) When you goof as a notary public
#notaries #notarylaw

(65) The customers can tell if you don’t login to your profile on 123notary regularly

(66) If a pizza can get there in 30 minutes, why not a notary?

(67) Poo picking, getting the best notary jobs

Poo Picking – getting the best notary jobs

(68) Signing loans isn’t rocket science!
#notary #notaries #mortgage

(69) Teens forced to get notarized parental consent for STD tests

(70) Did you get chumped in a double booking?

(71) The Seinfeld episode about a Notary

The Seinfeld Episode About a Notary

#notaries #comedy

(72) Two and a half Notaries
What’s the difference between a Notary and a Notary experience?

Two and a half notaries! A Notarization Experience

(73) She took all my business away!
A signing company gets listed on 123notary & gets a monopoly!

(74) I didn’t notarize that!
#notary #notarized #notarization

(75) 123notary can change your county or state in a snap. It’s easy!

(76) An unhappy client pays again (family of Italians)

(77) I’ll stay here all day until I get paid!
A notary went to a signing company and raised hell.

(78) Put up or shut up!
A guide to dealing with Title companies!

(79) New Notary apps that you really need!
Lookup signing co reviews, find cheap gas, road conditions…

New Notary Apps that you really need!

(80) A frustrating four hour signing!

(81) Is this man a Notary?

Is this man a notary?

(82) Signing services take a portion of the notary fee

Signing Services take a portion of the notary fee

(83) Loan signing at a high school reunion

(84) I-9 verification requests for $20?

(85) A closing on my boat!
#notary #notaries #mortgage

(86) Cattle Call Notary Offers
Ken’s rant on how offensive and demeaning this is to notaries

Cattle call Notary offers

(87) Welcome to Notary Jail — don’t drop the embosser!

(88) How to become a successful mobile #notary from scratch!

How to become a successful mobile notary from scratch

#mortgage #notarization

(89) Wanted: Notary Punching Bags

(90) New Notary apps for the iPhone7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(91) Notary Hotel 2:
Even the notepad comes with Jurat wording!

Notary Hotel 2 — the sequel

(92) Become a process server to make additional income!

(93) Don’t die trying when your schedule is tight!
#notary #scheduling

(94) Why can’t a notary host their own late night talk show?
#comedy #notaries

(95) $30 loan signings. Is it even worth it under the best of circumstances?

$30 loan signings. Is it worth it even in the best of circumstances?

() More than half of notaries on are female. So much for the old boys club!


Recurring popular tweets

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:43 am

(1) Iphone 7 Siri to be more advanced. Voice changes depending on quality of signing company calling you

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(2) Tight schedules are part of being a notary. But, don’t make it too tight or u’ll start feeling tightness in your chest!

(3) How can you survive in any business if you don’t carry yourself like a pro?

(4) You need to keep meticulous records to determine whose at fault if there’s a mistake!

(5) Most of the notaries complaining that they can’t make money are notaries who didn’t do their homework.

(6) To handle an Elite Signer you have to be an Elite Notary. Now you are going way beyond competent to reaching beyond perfection –

(7) Notary Heaven Section 263: That’s where we put good notaries who didn’t make their child support payments.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(8) At The Notary Hotel: they didn’t observe the don’t disturb sign while I was reading the Settlement Statement!

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(9) Al: “If it weren’t for us signing services, notaries wouldn’t work!” Carmen thinking: “Is this guy serious?”

Who really needs who?

(10) Notary: “I’m not the mistress, I’m the notary!” Wife: “Then why were u driving late last night w/ur lights off?”

(11) Mint… and Meant to be – when her passion for ice cream & a notary aligned.

(12) The notary has this big clamp, and if you’re not good, he’ll clamp you with it, and it will hurt!

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)

(13) Real Estate Brokers need to get real! You don’t know ur loan docs as well as you think you do!

Does Real Estate experience help as a notary?

(14) Clearly stating how far you’ll travel is very good for your business

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

(15) Most notaries on our site not certified by us have roughly half the loan signing knowledge.

(16) If others create obstacles for you, then create policies for dealing with these problems instead of complaining. Winners find solutions.

He made $35,000 a month his first year in business?

(17) A great conversation on the phone often attracts jobs and good reviews, which attracts more jobs. Always answering the phone helps!

A great attitude gets the most jobs

(18) The TSA will be involved in notary signings. It will be illegal to bring sharp objects to signings.

(19) The Notary takes $10 million in drug money to the Title company by accident.

The Notary, The Mafia & The Fedex Drop Box

(20) Kids play “cowboys and Indians.” No child on record has been caught playing “notary publics and document holders.”

Tomorrow’s Notary Publics

(21) Not getting paid on time? It’s because u didn’t look within to research these dead-beat companies.

(22) The notary asked, “Can I get an Alaskan moose with Russian dressing. They’re our next door neighbors!”

My date with Jeremy

(23) If customers come 2u, let’em know if they don’t show up on time, they’ll only have 3 minutes grace period. –

The Starbucks notary wises up!

(24) A creaking noise; a sudden thump; This was a notary signing that would raise the dead. #victorianmansion

(25) The rock climbing notary admitted that many of his friends were addicted to cracks.

(26) Vampire Notary: “I like your ID picture. You have nice rosy cheeks, you must have good circulation, do you work out?”

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(27) Notary topics: Hand-written docs, Blanks in docs, seal over wording, loose certificates, overseas docs.

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

(28) A man in prison was refinancing his home to get money to hire Attorneys. What was he in prison for?

(29) 1 borrower felt she was being cheated, whipped out a rifle and said, “Oh no you don’t!”

(30) The guy had a female mannequin in his living room. He said he had it there because he felt alone.

(31) The Attorney General investigated the Lender & the 3 notaries involved & busted Susie for fraud.

(32) A Notary accepted a job, then cancelled right before the signing when she learned the signing co. had a bad payment record.

California notaries with complaints

(33) Once I put a FedEx in the drop box that never got delivered. FedEx found it a week later still in the box!

Don’t put the Fedex in the drop box!

(34) When you call people back, don’t expect them to know who you are — announce your name right away!

(35) Everything you need to know about journals, but were afraid to ask.

Everything you need to know about journals

5+ tweets

(36) If a signing company calls with bad reviews, Siri’s tone of voice will sound suicidal using this new app.

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(37) Everyone makes mistakes, it’s how willing you are to make amends for them that determine your success w/clients.

(38) iPhone 7 Notary to go app tells you if neighbors or kids are too close to your car

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(39) Hmm. It says here on your Akashic records that you were a good notary. You never backdated.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(40) After being tested out on seven different signing agents, the iPhone 7 provides Siri with badly needed automated therapy.

New Notary Apps for the iPhone 7 that you’ve never dreamed of!

(41) The notary heaven clerk noted that his commission seal expired after he did.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(42) At The Notary Hotel, Showtime & HBO are free, but the Signing Channel costs $40 (not including fax backs)

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(43) Notary purgatory: For all of eternity, dead notaries get clients who sign differently on each page.

Witnessing the intake forms for Notary Heaven

(44) Check out the digital signature rooms at The Notary Hotel

Welcome to the Notary Hotel

(45) The only reason Title/Escrow use signing services is that it is “convenient” for them!

Who really needs who?

(46) Who really needs who? Do notaries need signing services? Do Title co’s need signing services?

Who really needs who?

(47) The wife had postponed the signing from 7:30 to 9:30pm so she would know where her husband was at that nightly hour.

(48) I cut up an ink pad and made a cardboard box that read “notarized” backwards like a mirror image.

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)

(49) After we were done w/the “signing of silence,” I saw a car driving slow w/their lights turned off. #mistress

(50) Frank: “Honey, I notarized the kids.” Molly: “What do you mean?” Frank: “I’ll explain later, don’t call the police!”

Honey, I notarized the kids (don’t try this at home)

(51) Wife: “Are you the notary or the mistress?” Notary: “I’m the notary, the mistress isn’t coming until later on (I guess)”

(52) The number of years you’ve been in business isn’t as important as the number of loans.

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

(53) Needless to say, it was the most awkward Wisconsin notary signing in the world.

(54) 123notary certified notaries get 78% more clicks and 2.5x the business as 123notary uncertified notaries in similar positions!

(55) Not getting Title co clients? See if your notes section conveys ur the type of notary they’re looking for.

(56) Running 123notary is more like babysitting than you think, “Did you update your listing? Did you update your notes? Did you renew yet?”

My date with Jeremy

(57) After the signing w/Vampire Notary, the 4 of them enjoyed a sip of Sangria (the Italian word for BLOOD)

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(58) “FedEx?” I said. “Why FedEx?” “That’s where my dates always end–at a FedEx drop box.”

My date with Jeremy

(59) The day after the signing w/the Vampire Notaries the wife asked: “Fred, what are those strange marks on your neck?”

Vampire Notaries: 24 hour service

(60) Running 123notary is like a cross between babysitting & a marriage. A bunch of situations that never end!

My date with Jeremy

(61) Don’t go to houses that smell bad #mobilenotary

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

(62) People who are so emotional & irrational aren’t always capable of using weapons responsibly, especially at a signing!

(63) Notary contracts, fees at the door, background screening signing co’s, call Title if not paid on time.

Signing agent best practices: 63 points

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