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January 2, 2017

The link is the missing link to getting reviews on 123notary

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , — admin @ 12:07 am

Many people just don’t bother asking for reviews. They don’t know what to do, or who to ask. Most want to ask their loyal signing companies who hire them all the time. Many claim that they only people they work for regularly are signing companies. If you ask a signing company for a review, you have a 3% chance of actually getting a review while a regular individual who verbally claims they like your work has a 12% chance of giving you a review. Ask everyone, but be realistic about what your odds are. You don’t need more than one review every six months, so a 12% chance of getting a review from individuals you ask is not bad. You just ask eight people who like you every six months and you’ll have enough reviews.

Send a link to your review page
Notaries often like to verbally tell their clients how to go and write a review about them. Nobody has the patience to navigate 123notary and find the review page. Most Notaries who ask for reviews don’t get any simply because they don’t send a link. People are busy and don’t want to bother wandering around 123notary for someone else’s benefit. Send them a link to your review page.

Finding the link
When I ask people to send a link to their review page, the first thing they say is, “I’ll login.” I say, “NO….. Don’t login. Your clients don’t know your password, so if you have to login to get to your review page, how will they get in?” Your review page is accessible to the public, so no logging in is necessary. You just find your page on and click on the “write a review” link above your name on your page.

Finding your page the way a customer would
If you visit the advanced seach page on, you can look up by n#. That will take you to your public page that clients see. The write a review link is above your name. Just click on that link, and then copy and paste the URL of that page into an email. Or use the zip search to find yourself and then click on your name in the search results to get to your page. Either method is fast and works.

Putting a link at the bottom of all emails (bad results)
I have spoken to a bunch of clients who claim they put links to their Yelp, Google, and 123notary review pages at the bottom of their emails. This works well for Google and Yelp, but not for 123notary reviews. Send customized review requests to individuals who mentioned how much they love your work. Keep it personal, and send requests within hours of when a person compliments you. Yes, that means you need to ask for their email address and write it down somewhere.

How long does it take for the review to be live?
I manually check all reviews on Reviews are normally posted within 24 hours unless I’m on vacation in which case more like 96 hours. I check my email, reviews, and everything else while on vacation, but I can’t check daily as I might be in the middle of Yosemite where I don’t have access to a computer for a few days. So, be patient. Another reason why reviews don’t show up is because the person who claimed to have submitted them never did — and then I get blamed. I can’t publish what never got submitted. My site benefits every time a review is published from an SEO standpoint, so I have a lot to lose by not publishing reviews, so please do not assume that I am intentionally not publishing a review. With negative reviews (which we don’t get many of) I scrutinize them before publishing them and ask for the Notary’s rebuttal so that the public can see both sides of the story.


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Documenting your experience and personal style in your notes

You lose $333 each time you don’t ask for a review


December 19, 2016

It’s like having a magnet on your listing

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: — admin @ 9:36 pm

Are you listed on Do you not know why you are not getting as much traffic? Is it bad luck? Is it 123notary’s fault? Or is it just the industry?

Listings on that typically do well have certain components.
Some of the components are visible while others while others are harder to discern. Some people with relatively modest looking listings on 123notary do very well simply because they gravitate business by having experience and skills. Those people are also likely to answer their phone and be helpful. You can’t know all of this just by looking at a listing. But, for the rest of us, what is important is what you can see.

Having a great notes section is very important for gravitating clients.
People want to read about you before they call you. If there is nothing to read, they will not want to call. If there is something to read, but that something is dull, disorganized or generic sounding, they will also be less likely to call. You need a unique and informative well organized notes section to attract business.

Having 123notary certifications means everything on
Your NNA certification won’t gain you any points on our site as everybody else also has it. However, only 25% of Notaries on can pass the 123notary certification test and only 3% can get through the Elite test. So, if you want to stand out on our site, I think you know what you need to do.

Reviews are the most important magnet on your listing.
People want to read 3rd party information about you more than they even care about our tough certification test. So, if you are too busy to ask for reviews, or just don’t want to bother people — think again. Five or six reviews doubles your business. So, try to get some reviews today! And don’t forget to send them a link to your review page after you ask them.


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You lose $333 each time you don’t ask for a review

123notary’s comprehensive guide to getting reviews


April 25, 2016

123notary’s comprehensive guide to getting reviews

To do well on 123notary, you need our certification (not someone else’s,) a good notes section on your profile, and a few good reviews. You don’t need a million reviews (although Ken in NYC thinks he does and has close to a million now.) But, at least one solid review every quarter will keep you far ahead of the game. The catch is how to get reviews, how to ask for them, who to ask, when, and what else to do? Here are some pointers, and then the articles listed below will keep you entertained for the rest of the evening!

1. Get a new review at least once per quarter.
You don’t need a new review every week, just once every few months. This will keep you ahead of the competition in most cases, or at least not far behind if you live where the real review sharks are. Ken has over 400 reviews now, so competing with him will be impossible. But, doing your best will impress all.

2. Understand the 8% rule
Only 8% of people you ask will give you a review. You might have better luck if you deliver stellar service, show up on time, and offer to do extra at no cost. You get more by giving more without asking for return, so give to charity, help thy neighbor, and do extra for your Notary clients.

3. Only ask those who praise you
It is a waste of time to ask for reviews from those who didn’t like your work. Ask those who liked your work and ask right after they say how much they liked your work.

4. Individuals are easier to get reviews from than title & escrow or signing companies.
Signing companies and big companies that hire many Notaries are bombarded with requests for reviews. Yes, ask them, but don’t base your success at getting reviews on the big guys. You stand a 3% chance of getting a review. If this means you should accept a few jobs from regular clients who just want an Affidavit notarized, it might be a good idea as reviews are life and death.

5. Email a link
It is difficult for people to maneouver 123notary. There are too many pages, and too much going on. Make their life simple and email a link to your review page. Ask for their email and send a link. If they can’t find the review page, they won’t write a review.

6. Don’t get three reviews the same day
Many Notaries do this and it looks tacky. They get three reviews within hours of each other and then no reviews for years. If you ask a list of people for reviews, then spread it out over time. If we think your reviews are fake or that you posted them yourself, you are in trouble!

7. Old reviews lose their steam
If you have all of your reviews from 2012, and no new ones, you will get as much business as if you didn’t have any reviews. Keep your reviews current if you want to get business.

8. Five or Six reviews doubles your business!
What? Oh my God! Only five or six? That might mean asking eighty or so people. But, the benefits of these reviews will last for years. Imagine paying 123notary the same amount of money, but getting double the output from your listing, plus having more pride!

Review oriented articles you should read

5-6 reviews doubles your business!

Don’t ask for a review at the wrong time!

Testimonials about how good our review system is!

How to write an email to ask for a review

Flossing vs. Reviews – both are habits

You lose $333 every time you don’t ask for a review

The link is the missing link to getting a review on 123notary

Tips for your notes section

10 quick changes to your notes that can double your calls!

How to write a notes section if you are a beginner



December 21, 2014

123notary Reviews

There are many sites out there that recommend 123notary. However, there is no organized way to find testimonials or reviews about There are individual notary web pages that mention that they are certified or elite certified by There are resource pages which recommend 123notary as a resource as well. Additionally, on Facebook, there are discussions where notaries give their honest opinion about which notary directory they like the most. Sometimes they like 123notary most while others prefer Notary Rotary or Notary Cafe.

Here are some links to sites that have unbiased commentary about

Read this one first!
Leon Austin comments that 123notary certification is hard, but in terms of return on investment, has been one of the best!

3 reviews about us. Two had amazingly good luck while another is sore about his free listing being removed. Can’t please them all!

Notary Memphis
This site gives a quick description of the perks of 123notary and other notary sites.

Houston Mobile Notary Service
They describe the benefits of 123notary Elite certification.

Helpful Links
Find helpful links here about many notary organizations including 123notary!

How to get started as a mobile notary.
123notary is listed as a resource

#123notary on our blog
We have many posts under the tag #123notary on our blog. It is us talking about us, but interesting reading none-the-less.
It includes one negative review about us from a Russian lady who complained she got too many calls for notary work from our site. Of all the bad reviews I’ve ever gotten, that is the absolute best.

CA Notary Services
This notary is Certified by 123notary and his page shows up on the first page of Google because he links to his own page from his other sites. Interesting!

The Delaware Notary Association
They list 123notary as a resource

Florida Preferred Notary
This Notary is Elite certified by 123notary!

Instagram Photos of 123notary

Julian Hill
He produced a VIDEO about his notary service in NYC & mentions he is 123notary certified

Here is an Elite Certified Notary’s website

Frank Tabacca is a member of many notary organizations and 123notary certified!

Notaries discuss 123notary’s Elite Certification
This discussion doesn’t exactly support my cause of selling more Elite certifications. Many notaries claim that more certifications are not necessary. One compares them to Boy Scout Merit Badges. However, in real life, Elite certified signers get 4x the business than those not certified by 123notary in similar positions in the search results!



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123notary’s Google+ Page
This is brand new, and it is yet another place to read our notary posts and shares. There is also a community where you can post your own content. Anyone with a Gmail account can participate in our community. Just join!

123notary’s Linked In Page
For discussions that are fun, visit our Facebook page. But, if you want practical down to business discussions, our Linked In members are top notch in this respect and will deliver riveting opinions!

My personal Twitter
I use it more for notary tweets than anything else, but there are all types of tweets there if you are interested.

123notary listings on 123epayment.
Purchase listings here. But, you might ask Carmen first before you make a purchase just to be on the safe side.

Our travel blog! Great foodie & travel information
This is where we have our certification courses and tests!

123notary vs. Notary Rotary
The notaries disagree as to which site gets them more business. Read the nitty gritty!


November 18, 2013

10 quick changes to your notes that double your calls!

I have been poking around and seeing how the newer listings are performing. Basically, it is bizarre. Some are getting clicks up the yazoo, while others get one click per week. So, I decided to take a closer look and see what is going on.

Obviously, notaries with reviews get tons more work simply because they have credibility from 3rd parties. But, brand new listings don’t have any reviews, so the only thing that makes them different is their NOTES section. So, what did I notice? Many notaries refuse to write a notes section, so I have to make something up for them. I write stuff like: I am reliable, motivated, and personable. These wishy-washy adjectives mean nothing to me, but I wonder what they mean to the browsers on our site. The answer is that they mean something alright! Worse! The ones with nonsense claims using a string of adjectives and commas are getting next to no clicks! So, what works and what doesn’t. The good, the bad and the ugly.

(1) Adjectives: BAD
Example: Reliable, personable, friendly, accurate, detail oriented

Result: Will get you far below average clicks just because you are saying nothing about yourself that sounds REAL to the reader.

(2) Years of experience: So-So
The number doesn’t reflect what you have actually done. Having many years of experience doesn’t count against you, but it also doesn’t count for you.

(3) NNA certification: So-So
Result: Generally, those who claim to be NNA certified do no better than the average notary. If you average it out, those who claim to be NNA certified do oh so slightly better than the average notes section of other newbies. BTW, 90% of notaries on 123notary are NNA certified, so by claiming it on your profile you might as well say, “I am no different than 90% of the other notaries on this site”

(4) Real Estate Agent: So-So
To me this is a waste of space. Those with Real Estate backgrounds fail to realize that despite their self-promoting claims, they really don’t understand the loan documents at all unless they have really studied for at least five hours from a loan signing course. It is not a selling feature because people want to hire you as a notary, and not to sell their house!

(5) Languages: Good
I encourage people to list their language first, before stating anything else. Fluent Spanish; Conversational Cambodian; Some Portuguese. In your notes section you can say how well you speak the language, but NOT in the language field which only accepts the name of the language. Those who put their language skills up front got more clicks, but nothing earthshaking.

(6) Radiuses: Very good
Example: 100 mile radius; or; Travel above 20 miles is charged an extra fee.
The notaries who listed how far they went in a clear and non-verbose way did better on clicks. EVEN if you have restrictions about how far you will go for a charge, the fact that you will go far away means a lot to the readers.

(7) Terms and Conditions: Good
Even if you have extra fees, or large charges, people like getting the facts. They are reading your profile for facts, not fluff.

(8) # of loans: Good
The number of years you have been in business says very little. But, the number of loans says a lot more. If you have done 1000 loans, you might still be ignorant of a lot of what you need to know, but at least you can measure your experience.

(9) Last minute signings: Good
Notaries who do last minute signings got more clicks. Nothing amazing, but they got a lot more jobs as well. Clicks and jobs are not proportional. When it comes down to getting a job assigned, you need someone who will jump when you say jump.

(10) Minimums: Good
Minimums are constrictive, but show that you are professional and mean serious business. We found only three examples of people with minimums. One did a lot better than average while the other two did average. It doesn’t seem to hurt to have a minimum.

(1) Notaries with reviews get tons more work simply because they have credibility from 3rd parties.

(2) Make your notes sound real and believable and you’ll get more clicks. That’s a fact. P.S. – They’re reading your profile for facts, not fluff.

(3) Listing your language skills can help get more clicks.

(4) Clearly stating how far you’ll travel is very good for your business

(5) The number of years you’ve been in business isn’t as important as the number of loans.

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How to write a notes section if you are a beginner

2014 Excerpts from great notes sections

How many financial packages do you mention in your notes?

Clarifying vague claims in your notes section

Notary Marketing 102 – your notes section


November 2, 2013

5 or 6 reviews doubles your business?

5 or 6 reviews doubles your business?

OMG! Can that really be true? But, this is not a secret. We tell everyone. Statistically, if you get five or six reviews on your listing, you would get double the calls that you would get if you had no reviews. This is an average, and is not true in all cases. The main thing you have to realize is that people who use 123notary are looking at various things. They are looking to see if you are certified by 123notary (not by NNA). They are looking at your notes section — is yours informative or does it sound like everyone else’s? And most important, they are looking to see if you have reviews.

The top notary didn’t have a review…
Imagine that you are looking at a list of 20 notaries in Wahacha County, State-achusetts. Let’s say that the top notary on the list has no reviews, but someone down the list has fifteen reviews. You might be tempted to call that guy down the list first, and then as a backup, you might call that top notary who has no reviews. Placement on 123notary matters, but so do reviews!

It is a competition!
The most important thing to understand is that notaries who have more reviews than any other notary in their area tend to get more calls. If the notary with the most reviews in your area has three reviews, and you also have three, you are okay. You need to be mindful that someone could get a few new ones while you are not paying attention. But, what if you have six reviews, the next best notary in town has five reviews, and then you slack off. The next thing you know, someone new and enthusiastic might get ten reviews right away, and your phone might stop ringing. This is a competition. Take it seriously. Your income depends on it!

How to ask and who to ask?
You get reviews by asking satisfied clients to write a review for you. Email them a link to your review page as well. Signing & Title companies are the least likely to write a review for you. But, individuals and borrowers who you did a nice job for might be very happy to write a review. Ask everyone, but expect less of those big companies. Every other notary in town is also asking them for a review and they are buried with requests. You might even consider taking on more “regular” notary jobs for individuals, just so it might be easier to accumulate reviews.

Keep reviews fresh!
Freshness of reviews matters too. If all of your reviews are from 2009, people who read the reviews will remember that Janet Jackson song — What have you done for me lately? How come no recent reviews? Think about it.

If you have any questions about getting reviews, ask us!

Please read more about reviews


April 10, 2013

Grandma’s notary service & Paralysis notary service

Here are some more notary services that you probably wouldn’t want to hire!

Grandma’s notary service
No signing is complete without home made milk and cookies. And I have the experience to get the job done. I’ve been a notary for 60 years, sonny. I’ve been a notary since before many of you whippersnappers were even born! I know my community well, as I have been living here since 1924. My family has owned the house here since the early 1800’s you know!

Cleanup notary service
Half of our new jobs start out as repair work. A less experienced notary would originally be hired, they would screw up the paperwork, and I would be called after the fact to clean up the mess. And that is one reason we are called Cleanup notary service. You will know the other reason when you see the kind of obscene profits that we make!

Comfort notary service
We always make the borrowers feel comfortable. But, please make us comfortable too by paying us on time!

Roxanne’s Naughty or nice notary service
If you have been nice, you will get a present this Christmas. But, if you have been naughty, then call us!

Paralysis notary service
Specializing in hospital signings. We are very familiar with the Signature by X procedure with signing or subscribing witnesses. We use this procedure almost daily — or so it seems. We can also notarize the signatures of dead drunks. Call us for late night bar notarization services. We will notarize what is left of your signature and give you a ride home too!

ARM & LEG Notary
Specializing in Adjustable Rate Mortgages. Give us an ARM, and we will charge you and arm and a leg. How much of an arm and leg? An adjustable arm and an adjustable leg! Just call Armen Kachaturian or email us at armen@arm&

The Notary Nazi
When you call me, don’t tell me your life story — I don’t want to hear it. You must communicate with me exactly as follows:
(1) Tell me your name
(2) Tell me the name of the document you need notarized
(3) Tell me what type of notarization you required. Don’t ask me to make recommendations. I don’t give consultations — Notariations ONLY! — NO EXCEPTIONS!
(4) Tell me what time you need my service
Signings are $40 travel fee and $10 per signature — No Exceptions
Any failure to abide by my clearly laid out instructions will result in suspension of notary services.
No Notarizations For You — 2 months! You are banned from using my service!

I got in this business because Elaine from Seinfeld divulged my soup recipes to everyone. These soup recipes have been in my family for generations. How could she! So, after that I refused to make soup for anyone ever again. I used to be known as The Soup Nazi. Now, I am The Notary Nazi.

Want a notarization — follow the rules — or else NO NOTARIZATION FOR YOU.

Excon Notarizations
Have your notary work done by an ex-con! And my prices are rock bottom, so it will be very exconomical! But, don’t try to fool me, you can’t fool a con! I know all the tricks. I can spot a fake ID from a mile away too. Excon Notarizations — put a little shadiness into your signings!

Shelly’s Bad Notary Service
Why should you hire us if we are bad? We are not bad. We are the notary service you call if YOU have been bad. Shelly’s Bad Notary Service — so good… it’s bad!

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April 5, 2013

Fake it until you make it with your number of signings.

We have many notaries on 123notary. Some are honest, others are clueless, a few are motivated, but most just want an easy ride. Recently, I have become aware, unpleasantly, that there is a small percentage of fakers.

We had one lady who claimed to have signed 2000 loans. When I asked her what type of loans she signed, she drew a blank. I immediately sensed that she didn’t know anything and was a fake signing agent. We had another who had signed 200 loans — allegedly who couldn’t name even a single loan type. I had to drag it out of him what the names of the documents were that he had notarized — and the answer sounded like he was reading a list from a journal, and not by memory. A sign of inexperience. We had a third gentleman who had signed 100 loans who didn’t know that the figure most commonly used to compare loans was the APR. How can he not know that?

The think you need to realize is that people who fake their number of signings do not get jobs. People who call them immediately sense that they are incompetent as notaries and shouldn’t be hired. 123notary is expert at presenting notaries to the public. But, if your presentation doesn’t match up to your oral skills, you will be standing in the unemployement line. Yes — present yourself well, but don’t fake it until you make it. You ruin your credibility and ours as well.

Rather than being dishonest, just evade the topic of how many signings you have done (if there are not that many) and talk about what you have done in terms of specifics. List loan types, or specific companies you have worked for. List documents you are intimate with. Specifics sell a lot more than generalities like “Lots of experience”, or “Professional and reliable”. People want real information, not unverifiable claims.

So, as Martin Lawrence used to say

Keep it real!!!

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# of loans signed or number of years using “since”

Everything you need to know about writing a great notes section


March 19, 2013

How to write a notes section if you have no experience

People ask us this question every day. What do I put in my notes section if I have no experience. So many notaries leave their notes blank. Nobody will hire you if you leave your notes unfilled. If you don’t have any experience, there are still many things to write about.

You can write about what types of notarizations you are willing to do. Be specific — readers love specifics. You can also write about what you used to do. Readers love to get to know you by reading your notes. The more they say, the more they like you.

Here are some examples.

(1) Someone with no experience
I am available to perform any type of notarization for any type of document or loan signing. Deeds, Affidavits, Contracts, Refinances, or any other type of loan or document is fine. I provide service from 9am to 9pm six days a week. I’m fluent in Malay & English. Call any time!

My professional background is very varied. I worked in a Mortgage company for five years, but was an assistant to a well known comedian before that. I also worked in Real Estate for three years. I have a BS in Chemistry. I also play the violin and flute (No, not at the same time).

(2) Someone with a dozen loans signed
I have signed many refinances, and a few reverse mortgages. I am happy to assist you with any type of loan or document signing 24 hours a day! Just give me a call and let’s get started.

I have 30 years of experience working in an insurance company. I have a Masters degree in photosynthesis.

Call me today!

(3) Someone with notary experience, but no loan experience
I have been a notary for 12 years and have completed hundreds of document signings for a wide range of clients. I have signed Deeds of Trust, Grant Deeds, Warranty Deeds, Powers of Attorney, Wills, Affidavits, Contracts, Permission for minors to travel, Affidavits of domicile, and many other documents. Call me any time for a loan or document signing.

I am a real go-getter, and a hard worker. I put in that extra effort to get the job done right. I also help the clients understand the notarization process and what their options are. Legally, I can not decide what type of notarization to offer, but I educate the signers as to what the different types of notarizations mean, and how they are most frequently used.

I used to work as a stockbroker at Tuna, Jones & Barney for three decades. I have an MBA in Marketing


We are trying to train the notaries to put their selling features at the top of the notes. Selling features are any facts that make you stand out such as experience, or familiarity with certain types of documents or loans. Or, a selling feature could be a smoothly written line about who you are as a person that makes you stand out in a nice way. Detailed personality descriptions should go in the 2nd paragraph as a rule. If you want to talk about your professional background before you were a notary, please put that at the bottom. So many notaries put their real estate or insurance information at the top of their notes, and it simply counts against them as the clients are more interested in reading about their notary skills, since they want to hire the notary to do notary work — not real estate work!

(1) Write about what types of loans & docs ur familiar with & what you did for a living before you were a notary.
(2) What are your selling features as a notary & how do you communicate them in your notes?
(3) Notaries who get ahead put hard information in their notes, not bragging or unverifiable claims.

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What goes where in your notes section?

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Crayons and dog treats at the signing


April 20, 2012

IP addresses and reviews: are you posting your own reviews?

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: — admin @ 10:49 am

Are you posting your own reviews? 

We have a New York Notary Public who keeps getting review after review.  After a while I became suspicious.  Hmmm. Was he writing his own reviews?  How can you get 58 legitimate reviews?  So, after a few months of wondering, I checked my files for an hour in detail. I went through all of his reviews and checked the IP ADDRESSES of where the reviews were coming from. Each review was from a different IP address – every single one.  I was very impressed with him from the moment I met him ten years ago, and now I’m even more impressed.  However, my suspicion was not unwarrented.  HE was playing by the rules, but many others were not!!!
I looked at about 15 notary’s reviews and the IP addresses.  I found that about five of the notaries were posting their own reviews.  That is a definate no-no.  Perhaps clients had emailed testimonials to the notary public, and the notary public published them on their own. 
Notary Public Pennsylvania – a problem situation!
I checked out an Ohio Notary Public profile and found his reviews to be legitimate.  I found that a Massachusetts notary had written their own reviews close to a dozen times.  But, the worst situation was with a Pennsylvania Notary Public.  This individual had used three IP addresses over and over and over. There were a dozen reviews from one which I will assume to be the Pennsylvania Notary’s home computer, and then a handful from another which I’ll assume to be their work computer, and about four from another, which could have been a relative or friend’s computer, or perhaps a laptop or ipad working from a different network.  On the other hand, this particular Pennsylvania notary had more than a dozen “legitimate” reviews too — so, I am still impressed.  The other notaries I checked had only “unique” reviews from unique IP addresses. 
A New Policy – only  one review per IP
Although I only check the high performers as far as reviews go, I will only accept ONE review per IP address otherwise I will assume that the notary is publishing their own reviews which is a fast way to look good online.  Google keeps track of who publishes their own reviews, and google will not reward us, or you for doing this.  Get real reviews and we all benefit.  However, if your client can’t figure out how to publish a review, and emails you the review; — if you publish your first emailed review from your home computer, your second from your work computer, and your third from your iPhone, we will not know the difference, and you can get away with it!  That only buys you three reviews, which is not enough to really stand out, but is a great start. 
Teach your clients
If you have a client who loves your work and tells you so, then teach them how to write a review.  Send them a link to your review page, or teach them how to find it using the search features. It is not rocket science, and if you put in the effort, you might get results that change your life!!!

You could also print out multiple copies of your listing page and use a red pen to circle the LINK to the review page above your name, and also circle the advanced search page, where they can find a way to locate your city, and then your listing.  Maybe this technique will help.  You could also offer a coupon for any client who writes you a review.  Write a review, get half priced travel fee on the next job! Can’t beat that!


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