Are you listed on Do you not know why you are not getting as much traffic? Is it bad luck? Is it 123notary’s fault? Or is it just the industry?
Listings on that typically do well have certain components.
Some of the components are visible while others while others are harder to discern. Some people with relatively modest looking listings on 123notary do very well simply because they gravitate business by having experience and skills. Those people are also likely to answer their phone and be helpful. You can’t know all of this just by looking at a listing. But, for the rest of us, what is important is what you can see.
Having a great notes section is very important for gravitating clients.
People want to read about you before they call you. If there is nothing to read, they will not want to call. If there is something to read, but that something is dull, disorganized or generic sounding, they will also be less likely to call. You need a unique and informative well organized notes section to attract business.
Having 123notary certifications means everything on
Your NNA certification won’t gain you any points on our site as everybody else also has it. However, only 25% of Notaries on can pass the 123notary certification test and only 3% can get through the Elite test. So, if you want to stand out on our site, I think you know what you need to do.
Reviews are the most important magnet on your listing.
People want to read 3rd party information about you more than they even care about our tough certification test. So, if you are too busy to ask for reviews, or just don’t want to bother people — think again. Five or six reviews doubles your business. So, try to get some reviews today! And don’t forget to send them a link to your review page after you ask them.
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123notary’s comprehensive guide to getting reviews