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March 2, 2015

Best Blog Articles for Advanced Notaries

Filed under: Loan Signing 101,Popular on Facebook (A little) — Tags: — admin @ 12:55 pm

A few months ago, we created a post which was a compliation of all of the best posts for beginners. It became very popular on Facebook. We like to write lots of posts here at 123notary. But, on Facebook, we tend to only post a few dozen posts per month, so we prefer to post really helpful or popular content there. So, here are my recommendations for the absolute best posts that any seasoned Notary should read!



Do you have to be a CSS to get work these days?
As a Signing Agent, you need to know which signing agents are getting the most work and why. What changes do you need to make to be the type of signer who gets the best offers? Find out!

What’s the difference between getting 16 clicks/month and 100?
Notaries that optimize their listing get a lot more results than you might think!

Poo picking — getting the best notary jobs
Do you settle for less, or do you know how to get the best quality Notary jobs?

From 3 jobs per week to 3 jobs per day!
This Notary went from rags to riches by making a few simple changes. Find out what his secret is!

5 or 6 reviews doubles your business
Most of our serious notaries understand that it is imperative that they get reviews. But, how do you get them and how many do you really need?

A great attitude gets most of the jobs
Skills are one thing, but nothing beats a great attitude!



Signing Agent Best Practices — 63 Points
This long article covers technical, marketing, legal issues, and more. Here is a compilation of the most professional tips that any seasoned notary should master.

The 30 point course synopsis
This course is FREE and recommended to all Notaries whether experienced or new! It caters to Notary knowledge of all levels. It even includes a free over the phone test that you can take once per year. By taking this course & test, you get a number from 1-30 assigned to you that represents your current skill level. This number will eventually be published on your profile and could attract clients!

Protecting yourself with a contract
There are so many critical payment terms to include in contract. Have you ever thought about it?

Notarizations Dates, Document Dates & Signature Dates
All of these different types of dates can be confusing. Do you know what a transaction date is for example?

Mobile Offices from A to Z
Mobile offices give you the freedom to print on the road which makes it possible to do a lot more jobs per day and make a lot more money as a mobile notary.

Optional Information in an Acknowledgment Certificate
Filling this information could keep you out of court and prevent fraud!

I go over the HUD-1 first
One notary likes to go over the fees before even signing the Deed of Trust. Read her strategy!

Industry Standards in the Notary Business
Here is a comprehensive article about standards in the business covering topics such as cross-outs, initialing, unsigned documents, and more…

Mistakes Notaries make with Title Companies
Notaries make mistakes that many of us might be completely unaware of that cost you jobs!

I’m being sued, and E&O won’t help
E&O covers Notary errors, not other errors. But, what if the Notary gets sued because the Lender made a mistake?

How do you explain the APR to a non-borrowing spouse?
Most Notaries are completely unrehearsed at explaining the APR. What about you?



Getting Paid, the ins and outs
Most notaries have trouble getting paid, but follow our easy steps and you’ll never have trouble again!

Interview with Timios Title
Yet another interview with a really popular Title company.

Signing Company Gossip
This link is not to a particular post, but to a string of signing company gossip posts. As Notaries, you need to understand the behavior of signing companies. You need to know which ones are reliable, which ones used to be good and went downhill, and which ones are just trouble!

Notary etiquette from A to Z
Don’t park in the driveway and don’t discuss politics. But, there are many other things Notaries need to know too!

Interview with Title Source
An interview with one of the best Title companies out there.

How to get paid by out of biz signing companies
Yes, it is possible. Just follow our proven system!

Choosing a name for your business license
Everyone chooses a business name, but is your business name any good?

Notary Information for Beginners — Best Posts
Here are about 20 of the most really useful posts for beginners. Seasoned Notaries might find these posts useful or interesting as well.

