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May 24, 2024

Key Spots Where Notaries Are In Demand

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

The demand for notaries has grown significantly in today’s fast-paced and constantly changing world. Notaries act as impartial witnesses for the signing of important documents, guaranteeing their authenticity and legality. Knowing the places that need notaries can help simplify processes and reassure homeowners and business owners. This article explores the areas where notaries are essential, providing valuable insights into their responsibilities across different settings.

Real Estate Transactions

One of the most common places where notaries are needed is in real estate transactions. Homebuyers and sellers often require notarized documents to finalize sales, transfer deeds, and secure mortgages. The presence of a notary ensures that all parties involved are who they claim to be and that the transaction is conducted legally. This step is crucial for preventing fraud and ensuring the smooth transfer of property ownership.

Legal Applications

Legal documents are another significant area where notaries are in demand. Contracts, affidavits, and power of attorney documents often need notarization to be considered valid and enforceable in court. Notaries play a critical role in verifying the identities of signatories and ensuring that they are signing willingly and without coercion. This verification helps maintain the integrity of legal proceedings and protects the interests of all parties involved.

Financial Institutions

Banks and other financial institutions frequently require notarized documents for various transactions. Whether opening a new account, securing a loan, or executing a financial power of attorney, notaries ensure that all paperwork is properly authenticated. Their involvement helps prevent identity theft and fraud, providing an additional security layer for the institution and its clients.

Business Operations

Businesses often encounter situations that necessitate the services of a notary. From verifying the authenticity of employee documents to notarizing contracts and agreements, notaries provide essential support to ensure compliance with legal standards. Their presence is particularly crucial during mergers and acquisitions, where the accuracy and legality of documentation can significantly impact the transaction’s outcome.

Healthcare Facilities

In healthcare settings, notaries are in demand for authenticating advance directives, medical power of attorney forms, and healthcare proxies. These documents are vital for ensuring patient’s wishes are respected in medical settings. A notary present guarantees that these sensitive documents are correctly executed, providing clarity and assurance for patients and healthcare providers.

Government Offices

Certain government documents, such as permits, licenses, and immigration papers, often require notarization. Government offices use notaries to verify applicants’ identities and ensure the accuracy of the information provided, helping maintain the integrity of public records and services.

Educational Institutions

Schools and universities also require notarized documents, especially for international students. Notaries verify transcripts, diplomas, and other educational credentials. This ensures that the documents are authentic and recognized by other institutions and employers.

Shipping and Mailing Services

Another surprising yet significant area where notaries are needed is shipping and mailing services. Places like UPS and FedEx offer notary services for customers who need documents notarized before shipping them. This convenience benefits those who must securely send important legal or financial documents. If you’re looking for a FedEx drop-off point, many of them provide notary services on-site.

Understanding the Importance of Notaries

The demand for notaries spans various sectors, from real estate to healthcare, emphasizing their critical role in ensuring the legality and authenticity of essential documents. Whether you are a homeowner navigating a property sale or a business owner securing a significant contract, the presence of a notary provides invaluable peace of mind. Recognizing the places that need notaries empowers individuals and businesses to conduct their affairs confidently and honestly.


October 20, 2023

How to Make More Money as a Notary

Filed under: Notary Fees & Pricing — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Becoming a notary is not just about signing documents; it’s a versatile profession that offers numerous opportunities to increase your income. Whether you’re a seasoned notary or just starting your journey, various strategies exist to make more money in this field. In this blog post, we’ll explore ways to make more money as a notary, from traditional methods to modern, innovative approaches.

Offer Mobile Notary Services

One of the most effective ways to make more money as a notary is by offering mobile notary services. You can take your services to them instead of waiting for clients to come. Mobile notaries travel to clients’ homes, businesses, or other locations, providing convenience and flexibility. This service is particularly valuable for clients with busy schedules or mobility issues.

Specialize in Loan Signings

Loan signings are a lucrative niche within the notary business. When individuals or businesses secure loans or mortgages, they often require a notary to witness and authenticate the signing of important documents. By specializing in loan signings, you can tap into a consistent source of income, as these transactions are common and typically well-paid.

Become a Remote Online Notary (RON)

In today’s digital age, remote online notarization (RON) has become increasingly popular. RON allows you to notarize documents online, making it convenient for clients who can’t meet in person. To become a RON, you must complete the necessary training and obtain the required technology. While the initial setup may require an investment, it opens up a wide range of highly profitable online notarization opportunities.

Offer Field Inspection Services

Beyond notarization, consider expanding your services to include field inspections. Field inspectors assess properties, verify information, and collect data on behalf of clients. This additional service can supplement your income and provide a unique selling point to attract new clients.

Network and Build Client Relationships

Building a strong network and maintaining good client relationships is crucial for making more money as a notary. Word of mouth and repeat business can significantly impact your income. Stay in touch with previous clients, attend local business events, and consider joining professional notary associations to expand your network.

Market Your Notary Business Online

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for attracting clients. Create a professional website, optimize it for search engines, and promote your notary services on social media platforms. Online marketing can help you reach a broader audience and increase your visibility in the competitive notary market.

Join Notary Signing Agent Platforms

Notary signing agent platforms connect notaries with clients who need loan signing services. These platforms often provide a steady stream of opportunities to notarize loan documents, allowing you to earn additional income. Popular platforms like NotaryCam and Notarize can be a great place to start.

Offer Evening and Weekend Appointments

Consider offering evening and weekend appointments to accommodate clients with busy work schedules. This flexibility can make you more appealing to a broader range of clients, increasing your earning potential.

Set Competitive Rates

While setting your notary fees, research the market to ensure competitive rates. Offering transparent pricing can attract more clients and lead to repeat business.

Notary Money-Making Tips to Increase Your Income

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to make more money as a notary. You can turn your notary side hustle into a full-time money-making career by diversifying your services, marketing effectively, and building strong client relationships. Remember, success in the notary business often comes from offering convenience and building trust with your clients. Here are some additional ways to market your notary business that will help you to increase your income.


July 28, 2023

High Demand for Notaries: Fact or Fiction?

Filed under: General Articles — Tags: , — Tom Wilkins @ 12:00 am

Are notaries in high demand? It is a question that both new and experienced practitioners of the notary business must face. While many view notaries as essential components of businesses, legal processes, and other services, there are still questions about whether or not being a notary is profitable or beneficial to those who sign up for the job. In this post, we will look at cold hard facts from reliable sources to see if being a notary is in high demand or just media hype.

The Evolution of Notary Services

Before exploring the present scenario, it’s essential to understand the historical significance of notaries. Throughout history, notaries have played a vital role in ensuring the authenticity and legality of various documents, from wills and contracts to affidavits and deeds. Traditionally, notaries would physically witness the signing of documents, putting their official seal and signature to attest to the event’s legitimacy. With the rise of digital transformation, some may have speculated that traditional notaries would become obsolete. Still, this assumption overlooks the resilience and adaptability of the profession.

Current Demand for Notaries

Contrary to the notion that notaries are fading into obscurity, the demand for their services remains robust in various industries and sectors. Are notaries in high demand? As transactions have increasingly globalized, the need for authenticated documents across borders has surged, putting notaries in high demand. Moreover, certain industries, such as real estate, finance, and legal services, heavily rely on notaries to certify the validity of agreements and contracts.

Real Estate Sector

The real estate industry relies heavily on notaries to authenticate property deeds, mortgage agreements, and other critical documents. Whether it’s a residential property purchase or a commercial real estate deal, notaries are essential in ensuring the smooth transfer of ownership and protecting the interests of all parties involved.

Financial Services

Banking and financial institutions often require notarized documents to facilitate various transactions, such as loan agreements, refinancing, and estate planning. The assurance provided by a notary’s signature and seal adds an extra layer of security to these crucial financial transactions.

Legal Profession

Within the legal sector, notaries are essential for witnessing affidavits, power of attorney documents, and statutory declarations. Courts and legal institutions require notarized documents as evidence in many cases, making the services of notaries a constant necessity in legal proceedings.

Adapting to the Digital Age

Recognizing the potential of technology to streamline processes and enhance accessibility, notaries have adapted to the digital age. Remote online notarization (RON) has emerged as a game-changer, enabling notaries to officiate documents virtually. Notaries can witness and authenticate signatures remotely through secure online platforms, making it convenient for clients and expanding their reach beyond geographical boundaries.

This technology integration has not only sustained the relevance of notaries but has also opened up new opportunities. RON has significantly increased efficiency in the notary process, reducing the need for physical appointments and paperwork, thus saving time and resources for both notaries and clients.

The Global Perspective

The demand for notaries is wider than in any specific region. As international trade and cross-border transactions flourish, the requirement for notarized documents has escalated globally. For instance, businesses engaging in foreign partnerships often need notarized documents to ensure the validity of agreements in different jurisdictions. Additionally, individuals immigrating to other countries or seeking dual citizenship must provide notarized documentation for legal and identity verification purposes.

Notaries In High Demand—Act Now For Success!

In conclusion, notaries are in high demand. More and more people and businesses require their services to approve various documents. Becoming a notary is a great way to earn extra income while helping to ensure that essential agreements and contracts are properly validated. Furthermore, recognizing the increasing reliance on technology can open up even more excellent opportunities for smart notaries to obtain greater success by developing the necessary technical skills and expanding into new business areas. Notaries represent an invaluable role in our society, and with the right resources, they can leverage their services for maximum success in today’s ever-evolving digital world. So if you’re looking for a reliable career option that offers diverse growth opportunities, becoming a notary could be just right for you.are notaries in high demand


December 6, 2020

Notaries and absentee ballots and why this is essential

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 8:24 am

When I first heard of the debate about having a Notary requirement for an absentee ballot, it seemed sensible to me. The main point of having Notaries is to verify a person’s identity to authenticate the credibility of a signed document, or in this case, a ballot.

Many complained that it was “racist” to require Notaries, or would be a huge hassle. Seeing a Notary in their office takes a few minutes, is fast, and not expensive. The several dollars required to see a Notary does not exclude anyone other than perhaps homeless people.

The essential and critical point of this article is that the states who did require Notaries for mail-in ballots did not show evidence of having rampant fraud involving mail-in ballots. The states that did not require Notaries that were swing states often had big lawsuits involving Rudy Giuliani.

On the other hand, history has proven that you can get rid of checks and balances for proving the integrity of an election, commit rampant fraud, deny the evidence or the scope of the evidence, and survive any court case. You can cheat, and get away with it — at least for now. I’m sure there will be some sort of consequences for cheating, but time will tell how the consequences will manifest itself.

I believe that absentee ballots should not exist at all. I believe that those who have medical issues could vote with a mobile poll that comes to them. Identification and signatures must always be verified, and thumbprints should be taken. There should be databases to make sure that someone is voting in one state only and voting once only and that dead people don’t vote. Elections must have integrity, it is not rocket science to enforce this integrity, and Notaries contributed to the part of the election in 2020 that was integrous in particular states.


April 3, 2018

Using the correct Notarial Certificate for an Apostille:

Filed under: Other Guest Bloggers — Tags: , , — admin @ 10:17 am

At our office in Downtown Los Angeles — A1 Live Scan & Notary Services – we get to correctly renotarize many notarized documents that the SOS rejects doing an Apostille because the wrong notarial certificate was used by a Notary.

Let’s first start with what is an Apostille?
An Apostille authenticates the Notary Public as a valid and licensed Notary to a foreign government or agency. The foreign entity relies on the SOS to make sure that the document being sent to them was in fact notarized by a currently licensed notary in good standing.

Next the question is what type of Notarial Certificate do you attach to a document being taken to the SOS for an Apostille?

First and foremost, ask the singer and explain the differences between the 3 commonly used certificates – All Purpose Acknowledgment, Jurat and Copy Certification by Document Custodian.

If the signer is not sure, go over the preprinted language on the document with the signer if there is notarial wording. In most cases even if there is notarial wording, it would not comply with California Notary Laws. So then look at the existing language and if it has “affirmations”, “oaths” or “swearing as to the truth of the contents”, use a Jurat.

If the language does not have an Oath but merely says the person appeared in front of you and acknowledged signing the document, then use a California All-Purpose Acknowledgment.

The third type of Notarization for an Apostille is when a signer brings a document such as College transcripts, Degree Certificates, Passport copy, letters from third parties. These documents are already signed by the issuer and there is no notarial wording. In this case, you use a certificate called, “Copy Certification by Document Custodian” to notarize the document by the person who brings it to you even if it is not that person’s document. Hence the name “…by Document Custodian”.

Hope this clarifies the confusion surrounding certificates used for an Apostille.

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September 20, 2016

Their Signature

Their Signature

Let’s use, as a working definition of Their Signature; “somebody’s name written by him or her in a characteristic way”. Long ago, about a decade, I was often asked to provide “legible” signatures that matched the name signing. I tried that a few times, mostly with dismal failure. More often than not, the signature was totally illegible – more like artwork than written script handwriting.

Now let’s go back a lot further in the past, about two thousand years. Commercial transactions were common then as they are now. Most did not read or write, they made their mark. It was the seal of the Notary, who knew the affiant that validated the “mark”. Nothing has really changed. It is still the Notary who is supporting the validity of the signature.

They can sign many ways, with a pen, with a brush (artsy?), using their hands, feet, knees or mouth to hold the instrument of signing. Keep in mind the Americans with Disabilities Act. We must make reasonable accommodation to all who qualify for our seal. The signature does not have to be the same as, or even similar to the one on their ie: driver license. A lost limb or even both arms does not preclude notarization. Pen held in mouth is fine, the signature will be vastly different – but that really does not matter. Many elderly people have hands that shake, but their minds remain crystal clear.

Their “signature”, however written is the second aspect of accepting the Notary Oath. The first part is communicating a “yes” to the Oath; the signature is the written agreement. As mentioned – often the signature does not match the ID. Of course the picture must. There is one signature that (at least in NY State) must match – and that one is mine. My signature is recorded with the county clerk and for it to be authenticated; my signature on the document must be the same as my officially recorded one. Thus my signature cannot change.

To me what really counts is their printed name somewhere to indicate exactly who is being notarized. If it’s in my “loose ack” – I get to print the name. Sometimes it’s not that clear on the document, that is when I ask them to print their name under their signature. Notaries must take care to delimit their notarization to those actually given the oath and ID checked. When there are “other” places for signature, I often add “by affiant name” to the “sworn to and subscribed”.

Signatures vary greatly. I have seen perfectly formed cursive handwriting, squiggles and minor works of art with flourishes. Many bear no relation whatsoever to the name. Sometimes the same thing is on the ID, sometimes not. It’s my job to determine who they are, not to critique how they write their name. It would be so much more “absolute” if a DNA sample were to be added. Some think a thumbprint would be best; but not everyone has a thumb.

So, I am not a handwriting nanny. When the instructions mandate “clearly written” I tell the affiant what they “require” – and accept what they do. Usually I ask for their routine, standard signature “the way you would sign a check”. In my experience people object to being told “how to sign”. The signature, stamp and seal of the Notary makes whatever it is “Kosher”.

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July 20, 2014

The Seinfeld Episode About a Notary

George’s parents (of all people, parents who constantly bicker with one another) are renewing their vows. George wants a notary to witness their vows in writing…

The Seinfeld Episode About a Notary aka Sign-Feld

GEORGE: Get this. My parents are renewing their vows.

JERRY: Frank and Estelle? (off George’s nod) The vows to argue with each other till death do they part?

GEORGE: What makes you think death’ll stop them? You think the Grim Reaper’s grim now?
Wait’ll he meets the “ungrateful dead”.

JERRY: Renewing their vows. It’s kinda sweet actually.

GEORGE: Remember that notary Kramer hired to authenticate the picture of Jesus on a piece of toast?

JERRY: The guy who swore it was Johnny Depp.

GEORGE: I still say it was Colin Farrell. I need Kramer to throw me his name. I may hire him.

JERRY: Looked more like Uncle Sam to me.

GEORGE: No way was that Uncle Sam.

JERRY: So why are you hiring a guy who worships Johnny Depp? Wouldn’t it make more sense if you were Johnny Depp?

GEORGE: I want him to authenticate the vows. If he can corroborate…

JERRY: Attest?

GEORGE: That’s right. If he can affirm the vows to be genuine, maybe then the loony birds will have to live by them for a change!

JERRY: Unless their vows are to continue not living by them.

Kramer enters.

KRAMER: Guess who’s the new errors and insurance salesman? You’re lookin’ at him!

JERRY: What makes you an errors and insurance expert? Although I admit your expertise when it comes to ensuring you make errors is second to none.

KRAMER: Remember that notary I hired?

JERRY: The one who saw Johnny Depp in a piece of toast?

KRAMER: It was Jesus, Jerry! Anybody with half a brain could tell you that!

JERRY: You’re right, you just did.

GEORGE: What was his name, Kramer? I need to hire a notary.

JERRY: Why do you want to hire a notary who doesn’t know Jesus from Johnny Depp?

GEORGE: Or Colin Farrell! He got it wrong. Maybe he’s cheaper.

KRAMER: (offering) Here’s his business card. Come on, George. Don’t you think Colin Farrell has better things to do than pop up on a piece of toast?

GEORGE: Jesus doesn’t??

KRAMER: Jesus works in mysterious ways.

GEORGE: Do does Farrell. He doesn’t even do talk shows.

KRAMER: Jesus doesn’t even do Charlie Rose!

JERRY: Will you two knock it off?

KRAMER: I’m suing the guy for affirming it was Depp over Jesus. And now I can also sell him an errors and insurance policy that’ll absorb his liabilities for an honest mistake.

JERRY: If it was an honest mistake, isn’t suing him a little dishonest?

KRAMER: I’m Cosmos, not Jesus.

GEORGE: What kind of liabilities?

KRAMER: The difference between the cost of a certifiable Johnny Depp piece of toast on eBay versus a certifiable Jesus piece of toast on eBay. You do the math!

Elaine enters, munching on a piece of toast.

ELAINE: That’s it. I am done. He’s gettin’ a Dear John text.


ELAINE: The teeth picker.

JERRY: Can’t you at least give him some floss first?

ELAINE: Floss. Toothpicks. Sucking between my teeth. The guy can’t take a hint.

GEORGE: Are you officially breaking up with the teeth picker?

ELAINE: The man is (displaying the last of what she’s munching on) toast.

KRAMER: (Eyeing toast) Is that who I think it is?

JERRY: Here we go.

GEORGE: If he’s so bad at picking up on hints and you want him to get the message you’re dumping him, don’t text him. Write him a Dear John letter on paper that a notary witnesses. So he can corroborate it.

ELAINE: Attest?

GEORGE: Yes! Affirm to be correct, true or genuine.

ELAINE: Since when are you the notary expert?

GEORGE: When I was a kid, I had a dream about being a notary. Other kids were dreaming about naked women. I was dreaming about squeezing embossers. Your own seal. Administering oaths. It’s a very respectable line of work when you think about it.

JERRY: So why didn’t you ever take it up?

GEORGE: Since when am I respectable?



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November 24, 2011

How do I get an Apostille or Authentication?

Where do I get an Apostille?
Apostilles are usually obtainable from a State Notary Division or a Secretary of State’s Office.  Due to budget cuts, Secretary of State Offices are not always closeby, so it can be labor intensive to get to them.
What is an Apostille?
An Apostille CAN BE a document or certificate that is attached to a document notarized by a notary public, that is going to be sent OVERSEAS to a country that are NOT members of the HAGUE Convention. Or it can be an original document such as a Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate that contains the original seal from the state that it originated from.  In either case, the document is going to be sent overseas to places such as Mexico, Spain, Argentina, or India.
Some documents need to be authenticated before you can get an Apostille, while others don’t.
How do I get an Apostille?
You might consider contacting an EXPERIENCED notary who has been through the Apostille process many times.  There are many notaries who fit this description, but you need to know how to find them. Or, you could contact your state’s Secretary of State yourself, and drive to them, and go through this process (which is like pulling teeth) yourself.
Q. Can you recommend a few notaries who are experts in the Apostille Process?
A.  Yes, below there is list of notaries in various locations who know the process well.

San Diego, CA — Joe Ewing

Los Angeles, CA — Carmen Towles
San Francisco, CA — Glenn Turner

Sergio Musetti — Cotati, CA

New York City, NY — Linda Harrison

Oradell, NJ — Linda Harrison

What is an Authentication?
This certificate accompanies an Apostille.  The Authentication verifies the notary’s official seal and their signature on a notarized certificate section on a document.
When do I need an Authentication?
This is a tricky question.  Please contact your local County Clerk’s office, and they will give you a professional answer.

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Using the correct notary certificate for an Apostille


April 17, 2011

Seal Forgery – it happened to me!

Seal Forgery – it happened to me
I notarized a set of loan documents for a company back in 2003. It was a regular signing and nothing went wrong. You know how companies sometimes request that you send them another “Jurat” if the stamp isn’t clear on the initial one? California notary law requires that certificates be attached to the original document for security reasons. This means stapled. But, the loan companies protest whenever you ask them to send you back the document and ask why you are being so difficult. For many signing companies, the idea of obeying laws means you are being difficult. The company that forged my stamp did not ask for a loose Jurat, they were in a hurry and pulled a fast one.

I heard about it from a third party
A third party contacted me asking if I had notarized a loan package for a particular borrower. I couldn’t find the information in my journal for the specified dates, or even for the specified month. We figured that it must be a company that I had worked for before that had an impression of my seal on one of their loan documents, since I didn’t notarize that particular borrower’s loan that was in question. We had to be detectives to figure out what had happened.

Copying my seal
This company copied an impression of my seal that was on someone else’s loan, and copied it onto an Acknowledgment certificate for an entirely different loan that I had never had anything to do with. It was hard to tell since photocopiers are so good. I asked the third party to send me the notarized document and its Acknowledgment certificate. The forging job was so pathetic, it was funny when I saw it. The seal looked legitimate to my eyes, since I couldn’t tell it was copied. However, there were tell tell signs that I had not notarized this document.

(1) I always used an embosser on every page of every document. Embossers leave a raised impression in the paper. This document had no raised seal on it.
(2) The signature was a very girly signature which didn’t match mine even slightly. The lines of the signature were very curly and the i’s were dotted with cute little circles that only a girl would make like that.
(3) The acknowledgment certificate wording didn’t have the he/she/them and (s) verbiage crossed out where appropriate indicating that the person who fudged this job couldn’t have been a notary, or at least was a really pathetic notary.

I told them:
After I saw this pathetic attempt at something which is not even good enough to qualitfy as forgery, I told the third party that I had definately not notarized this and that it was fraud. Additionally, there was no journal entry to back up this job, and I took journal entries for all transactions in all cases.

My advice
If you always use an embosser on all pages of all documents, you deter the switching of pages after the fact on documents you notarized. You make it almost impossible for someone to get away with forging your notarizations. Additionally, you impress your clients with how thorough you are which can gain you more business. An embosser is less than $40, so get one today! Some states will require a government issued authentication of permission to get an embosser, so apply now!

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January 30, 2011

A Tough Act to Follow

Filed under: Andy Cowan — Tags: , — admin @ 11:05 pm

1923 was a year that made history. President Warren G. Harding unexpectedly died in office, and Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the thirtieth president by his father, John Calvin Coolidge, Sr.

The public hadn’t exactly been in love with Harding’s scandalous administration. And “Silent Cal,” as the new Prez came to be called, wasn’t exactly Mr. Excitement. But Cal’s old man? Now there was a significant figure. The first and last notary public to swear in the leader of the free world!

Notice I said last. Toss aside the fact there was concern over whether a state notary public had the power to administer the presidential oath of office, which is why Cal repeated the oath after he returned to Washington. For a “silent” guy, he sure liked to take oaths.

No, the real reason John Calvin Coolidge was the last of his kind: His ego exploded.

Recently released transcripts (not authenticated by a notary public, but don’t hold that against me) indicate John Calvin rubbed the noses of his fellow notary publics in his rarified accomplishment.

JCC: “How’s work treating you?”

Fellow notary public: “Fine.”

JCC: “That doesn’t sound too ‘fine’.”

Fellow notary public: “I certified a transaction today.”

JCC: “I swore in the President.”

Fellow notary public: “I swore in the shower. It involved your name and a blunt instrument.”

JCC: “Come again?”

Fellow notary public: “I know you swore in the President. You won’t let anyone forget you swore in the President!”

JCC: “How could anyone forget? It was unforgettable. I put my stamp on the book of history. You put yours on, what was it again?”

Fellow notary public: (mumbling) “A transaction.”

JCC: “Sorry, I forgot.”

Fellow notary public: “Why don’t you take a page from your silent son I’ll gladly certify, and shut your trap?”

JCC: “I don’t need your seal of approval, my little man. The President I raised and whose right hand I raised gave me his, or I wouldn’t have been chosen to raise it!”


That wasn’t the fellow notary public’s weapon silencing his detractor. It was the sound of an exploding ego.

Andy Cowan is an award-winning writer, producer and performer, whose credits include “Cheers,” “Seinfeld” and “3rd Rock From the Sun.” He can be reached through his website,

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