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February 7, 2021

Face mask laws are illegal and here’s why

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 3:15 am

Executive orders cannot contradict existing legislation. If they do, the supreme courts can shut the order down. However, the system of checks and balances seems to be on vacation due to bribery or pure laziness, (or stupidity.)

If you enforce a Face Mask Order, in my lay person opinion you are guilty of treason. Why such a serious accusation for such a reasonable action?

1. By enforcing a face mask order as a security guard, etc., you are aiding and abetting a rogue governor acting as a dictator or emperor to violate your right to liberty. Liberty is a constitutional right. If you help someone to violate the constitution, you are personally violating the bedrock for which our nation was founded — and that makes you an enemy of the state which is high treason.

2. Face Mask Orders are not legislation. Enforcing an order which is not a law means you are enforcing a dictation that did not go through the legislative process, is not codified, and was not subjected to any checks and balances — it is arbitrary, and not a law. And with this type of order, the Governor could tell you to do just about anything whether it makes sense or not — and they do. Remember the wet sand dry sand Covid-19 debate? If you don’t, then you need to “follow the science.” (what science? BS!!!)

3. Face Mask Orders violate the Federal Disability Act which stipulates that it is illegal to discriminate against someone with a disability. If you have a heart or lung problem, a liver problem or breathing problem, it might be difficult to breathe or dangerous to wear a face mask. Businesses open to the public must provide reasonable accommodation or modifications to suit those with disabilities. These include handicap ramps, etc. But, the rights of those with heart problems – and there are many, seem to be overlooked. Moreover, nobody seems to care about the effects of my heart problems and the indifference I receive from society — which is heartbreaking (literally) and causes physical discomfort to my heart. Love is good for the heart, cruelty, hatred and indifference are not so good.

Furthermore, it is dangerous for some people to wear a facemask as it can cause rashes, legionnaires disease (which is deadly and arises from bacteria contained normally in water droplets or mist that could be on a face mask. But, your BOC (BLOOD OXYGEN CONTENT) decreases when you wear a mask, and I have seen documentation of a young lady who passed out as a result. There were no warning signs. Her oxygen level took a dive and she just fell. This was documented on youtube just for the record and I don’t remember the person’s name.

Forcing someone to wear a face mask is forcing them to endure deprivation of their LIBERTY, it is dehumanizing for many, it could be considered animal treatment, it is humiliating to be forced to wear something against your will, it decreases your oxygen level which could cause a vulnerable person to gasp for breath (me included) or even lose consciousness. And all of this in the name of alleged safety. Slowing the spread of Covid does not make you safe, it just means that the same amount of people will get infected in subsequent months. How is it safer to die in April rather than in February?

It is not fair to force a healthy person to quarantine or wear a mask or take other protective measures. Liberty means you can do what you want so long as you don’t pose an unreasonable amount of risk to others. You are allowed to drive a car, and you could cause a dangerous accident — but, just as long as you aren’t blind or a reckless driver, society assumes that risk without complaint. You are allowed to drive 65 miles per hour on a freeway while it would save lives if we only drove 10 miles per hour. Society assumes a reasonable amount of risk as it weighs the benefits of driving faster vs. the safety precautions.

Nobody forces a vulnerable person to be in public, but if they choose to do so, they should do so assuming a reasonable amount of risk — the risk that others might be asymptomatic spreaders, or have some other communicable disease. The risk that someone might bump into them on the sidewalk. And the risk that someone might speak to them in French at the cafe at the airport (yes, it happened to me, and I survived.)

I think we should make a law that forbids any ship from leaving the harbor, because it might get in an accident if it goes into the sea. What if the water is choppy, or there is a storm? Therefore ships should just stay where they are and look pretty.

I think that society has lost its ability to reason and be even handed. This will result in the destruction of our nation and tremendous starvation overseas. The vaccine which openly announces is intended to mutate your DNA to help you fight Covid-19 is dangerous and will almost definitely cause widespread and irreversible disabilities, cancer, mutations, and death. So, we are going to endlessly slow the spread by depriving innocent people of their liberty and then the vaccine will be the only thing that can save us — except that the vaccine is actually the one thing that is the most dangerous for us and will cause a million times as many deaths as Covid-19 causes. Remember — only 6% of Covid deaths reported are deaths where the person died from Covid-19 with no comorbidities. That is about 20,000 deaths in 2020 which is less than from traffic accidents and less than six years worth of swimming pool fatalities. When you look at real numbers on real news (non-lamestream media) the situation looks different. To me what is going on is genocide plain and simple and the Americans in their infinite stupidity are buying it hook line and sinker. They will come to their senses far after it is too late.

If you sit and do nothing about face mask tyranny you are betraying America, liberty and justice all in the false guise of “saving lives.” Can you prove to me that you are saving even one life?

Give me liberty or give me death!!!! — Patrick Henry (Virginia)


February 6, 2021

Facemasks and your civil rights

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 11:55 pm

It seems to be a violation of your civil rights to force you to wear particular clothing even if there is a pretend pandemic with numbers that are well known to be fraudulently tabulated. In a free country you have something called “liberty.” But, what does Liberty mean? How do you define liberty?

To me, liberty means:
The right to do whatever (the hell) you want provided you are not creating substantial danger, harm, nuisance, or fear in others.

The constitution of California guarantees us liberty as an unalienable right, but Governor Newsome doesn’t read the constitution and is more than happy to violate our liberties.

Next, it seems that face masks block the flow of air or oxygen into your body by blocking your air intake valves, i.e., your nose and mouth. It is a human rights violation to abridge someone’s right to a natural amount of oxygen and air. It is second only to gassing someone which is a Nazi practice. I think that forcing the use of facemasks is a totalitarian tactic. A “free” country such as the United States alleges to be should not and cannot dictate what you wear other than you cover your genitals as showing them would invite all sorts of danger, perceived harassment, danger, harm, extreme nuisance, etc.

Additionally, the FEDERAL DISABILITIES ACT states that businesses that are open to the public such as hotels, restaurants, stores, etc., cannot discriminate against someone with a disability. It is against Federal law for a business open to the public to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual preference, or disability, etc.,

My claim is that since I have a heart condition, and suffer mild suffocation if forced to wear a face mask while I am moving, particularly if it is worn above my nose. So, if a store forces me to either wear a face mask above my nose or vacate, they are violating Federal law by discriminating against me due to the effects of my disability created by a malformed mitral valve in my heart.

The bigger issue is: what kind of people are we dealing with? Where is the humanity? The only people who discriminate against people with health problems to my knowledge were Nazis. They threw people in wheelchairs out of second story balconies and then shot them to death with machine guns in the movies. My conclusion is that 80% of Americans are completely insane, inhumane, do not care at all about the constitution, and our lives are all in danger as a result.

According to my current Guru, the Messiah (what Hebrews call Meshiach ben David not to be confused with Meshiach ben Yosef who we call Jesus who is the previous messiah, and a different guy.) will be coming of age to be a public figure in 2034. Not sure exactly when he will be born, or we will feel his presence then, or if he will be on Fox news then. But, whatever that means, he will be here to save us. I think people who are evil will go so insane when he comes that they will start World War 3 and our problems will get even worse.

My parting questions are
1. Will the future messiah have a cool hairstyle like Jesus? I dig the long hair and know a good harpsichord player from France who looks just like Jesus.
2. Will people become more moral when the messiah comes or will they just go crazy and destroy the planet?
3. Is it time to move to Montana and buy a gun collection?
4. Will someone on 123notary have the privilege of notarizing the messiah when he flies in from Israel?


February 4, 2021

The roofing tool and the shutdown

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 1:35 pm

A bunch of roofers were fixing roofs on two neighboring houses. They had a particular tool which was needed at house 1, and another tool necessary at house 2. The solution was to move house #2 to where house #1 is, and move house #1 to where house #2 is. They did this to “save lives.”

Shutting down an entire economy because we are short of a few ICU rooms is insane. The damage to the economy, the increase in suicides, drug overdoses, traffic deaths from empty roads where people drive too fast on seems not to be worth it.

Building a few thousand extra ICU rooms and training a few extra nurses would make sense. We have known about Covid since December 2019, and yet we have not built a single ICU room to my knowledge. Even the military ships sent from the Navy to Los Angeles and NYC departed as they did not get enough business.

Shutting down the economy is a scam and the fact that the public buys into this insanity is the really astounding part.

A parting note
Remember back in the old days when a bully threatened little Johnny and Johnny wanted to stay home from school? His money said, “That won’t work. You can’t stay home forever, so you might as well face your fears and go to school. You cannot stay home.” I guess our Mayor Garcetti didn’t have that kind of mom. Not sure I want to know what type of mom he had.


February 3, 2021

According to the CDC, 6% of Corona Deaths are from Covid-19 ONLY

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 3:12 am

If you think that Covid-19 is worse than the flu, look at the total numbers for any particular year, then multiply by (.06) to get the number of people who died of Covid-19 who did not have serious comorbidities who died purely of covid. Yes folks, that is 6%. That means that this year 330,000 people did not die of Covid-19, but it is roughly 20,000.

Is 20,000 Covid-19 deaths in 2020 higher or lower than deaths from the flu in a good year, bad year or average year in the last ten years? (The correct answer is a lot less.)

Are the 20,000 Covid-19 deaths more or less than the net increase in suicides due to unconstitutional shut downs that serve no purpose other than to destroy society? I read that there are about 50,000 extra suicides in the USA above and beyond the regular 48,000 or so.

Never mind the drug overdoses and excess traffic accidents that resulted from shutdown related depression.

For each life lost due to Covid-19 (without comorbidities) there are several lives lost to shutdown related issues.

Additionally, the UN predicted that 130 million would die of hunger worldwide as a result of shutdowns in the world. But, how often does fake news or the lamestream media tell you about those poor brown people overseas who are dying like insects? Do the people who restrict your rights in the name of “safety” care about the “safety” of the hundreds of millions starving?

We are detached from reality in America. Even the homeless are overweight and don’t have to worry about starvation. We don’t seem to get it that real harm is being done to our rights, our economy and to helpless people (who overpopulated) in other countries.

Personally, I feel that the poor should have less kids as they cannot educate or feed them properly. The rich should have more kids, and if they were taxed less they might. That would even out inequality — and if there is one thing I care about almost as much as freedom and the constitution — it’s equality! But, on the other hand, you have to work hard just to be below average. We live in a competitive world.


January 29, 2021

A healthcare house of cards revealed by Covid-19

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 11:14 am

Americans are all afraid of Covid-19 and the reported deaths are about 8x as high as India per capita. All day long this is what we hear and talk about. But, why don’t we just live and get on with things? It is because we live in a house of cards in many ways.

Many Americans live in poor health and depend on pharmaceuticals to keep them healthy. This is an artificial way of maintaining your existence and it is not God given. The average person over 65 in American is on at least five different medications at the same time and the ambulatory elderly fill 9-13 prescriptions per year. These numbers are several years old, and it is hard to know what they really mean. But, these drugs are not good for your liver and are not natural.

By contrast in Japan, people walk a lot, drink a lot of green tea, have lots of vegetables, fish, rice and other healthy foods. They are lean, healthy and live into their eighties. They are hardly dying at all from Covid and they didn’t shut anything down because of their constitution.

So, the bottom line is that we are afraid of Covid not because Covid is dangerous, but because many of us are on thin ice to begin with at least healthwise.

Most Americans have very limited savings. If you shut them down or deny them income for even a short amount of time, they could go broke right away. This would cause a chain reaction and put landlords in a precarious position. If we saved more like the Chinese do, we would not be in such a vulnerable situation.

My personal emotional state is not so great in general. But, others are in even worse shape. The shutdowns and negative atmosphere causes people to indulge in more drinking, drugs, child abuse, and other negative behaviors. Suicides are way up, and society doesn’t seem to care. If we were in better emotional shape before Covid-19, it would be easier to get through this.

The political situation has been bad in America for several years. People don’t respect the constitution, honesty, or even fair elections. When you throw a pandemic into the situation, it can get a lot worse.

For those of us who can’t reason properly, and then you throw in a fake pandemic, people think unrealistic thoughts. They believe that only mad scientists can save them with some dangerous sounding vaccine. The same people who invented the virus are probably involved with the cure, just like some B rated science fiction movie. But, why are people so dumb in real life? Haven’t we seen all of this nonsense in movies already? Can’t we spot the bad guys from 8000 miles away? Can’t we sense fake Covid death numbers and see right away that there is no definition for how the numbers are computed? If you are dumb as rocks, and most people are, you will be fooled by the fake news and no amount of reason can save you. In a sense, mentally you live in a house of cards.

If you are vulnerable in any of these ways, you could completely fall apart during Covid-19. This disease scenario tests us, and finds our weaknesses. I learned a lot about myself. But, honestly, I am used to the nonsense now, and I have gotten used to adjusting my lifestyle. I just reverted to my shutdown lifestyle. I have places I go for juice, to eat, to walk, and for fun. The first shutdown was murder for me, but the 2nd was easy. I already had my habits in place. For other people it is not so easy. Bar owners going broke. Drug addicts overdosing. People committing suicide. Idiots about to take a vaccine that has God knows what in it. I fear for our community.


January 27, 2021

Covid Karma — did you get any?

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 10:52 am

What is Covid Karma? Is it more serious than the disease itself? Some things weren’t meant to be shared, but karma is always changed between the victim and the victimizer.

If you are afraid of a disease because it is a serious disease or because you have been brainwashed, you might be tempted to want to go around restricting other people’s rights. You might be tempted to support others in their undermining of other people’s rights.

If you force someone to wear a facemask, you violated someone’s liberty unless you can prove that person is an extreme risk to others. The one in one hundred chance that someone might be asymptomatic, does not constitute extreme risk contrary to what the covidiots might tell you.

This is the same stupidity as forbidding all people from driving whether you are a good driver or not, because what if you crash into another car, and that car goes out of control and kills grandma. Yes it could happen, but it doesn’t constitute a risk any more than regular wear and tear.

Putting people out of business is very heavy karma. You might ruin their retirement, or leave them out in the street for the rest of their life all in the name of “safety.” Doesn’t sound very safe to me.

But who is involved in all of this karma? Governors, mayors, judges who sit and watch without putting a stop to this unconstitutional nonsense, the health department, and more. But, what about the Sheriffs who sit and watch when they swore an Oath to protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic? What about members of the public that support policies that ruin people’s lives. What terrible karmic fate do these people deserve?

Do they deserve to go to hell, reincarnate in a communist country, or end up penniless on the street? I am not the boss of this type of thing so I cannot answer. But if you support someone else’s demise who didn’t do you any harm, you will get some sort of karmic retribution — so… beware…….


January 26, 2021

An intergallactic Notary conflict

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 1:33 pm

This is kind of silly. We have one Notary named Deborah Planet, and another named Venus. I am thinking that these Notaries are in dire need of some slogans.

For the best Notary in this world, call me — Deborah Planet
For a Notary that is out of this world, call me — Venus Smithfield
For a Notary that doesn’t have a dark side, call me — Sandy Looney

But, we have no Notaries called Mars or Mercury. Those could be company names.

Mercury Notary Service — we rise when the temperature goes up.
Mars Notary Service — we declared war on the competition and were both wiped out, but got reincarnated and started again. This doesn’t make sense.

Saturn Notary Service — We run rings around the competition
Jupiter Notary Service — We have 6x more gravity when it comes to keeping clients happy and keeping them around. Oh, and we won’t leave our signature “spot” on the documents either — that stays on the planet. No signing in red please either unless you are into that.
Mercury Notary Service — A signing service that is never in retrograde, or at least not for you.

I’ll end this with one of my signature jokes.

UFO PEOPLE — Hello earthling

HUMAN — are you going to abduct me?

UFO PEOPLE — No but can you like us on Facebook?

HUMAN — Earth Facebook or intergallactic Facebook? Is that censored too?

UFO PEOPLE — We politely decline to say. We don’t have freedom of speech on our planet. Our 1st amendment was cancelled due to a virus that happened 1723 years ago.


January 23, 2021

Is the current societal situation depressing you?

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 8:50 am

My previous guru says that we are all the masters of our mood. My current guru claims that your environment is more powerful than you are to control how you feel and your general consciousness. This philosophy dictates that we should choose our environment(s) and choose them cautiously. However, My environment where I live is generally good. But, with the Covid-19 situation and the demonic vibe in the atmosphere, my mood was effected.

I became more depressed, and despondent. I saw no hope in the future. I saw no hope in humanity. I am writing this in December 2020, and the vibe in the air is clearing up. There is not as much evil.

The angels told my psychic that in April 2021, the evil would be mostly gone and that there was a huge battle happening in heaven between the forces of good and evil. Down on earth, there was also a battle between those that value the constitution, America, freedom, and those who want to ruin that and ruin us. So, the war manifests itself in multiple realms — even perhaps in the underworld (wherever that is… think downwards.)

The forces of evil gave a lot of encouragement to the rioters, and governors who trample on our civil rights. These forces also make us feel depressed, and cause some to commit suicide or act more antagonistically than normal.

I’m trying to do the best I can under this situation. I do spiritual exercises to clarify the outer environment. I also leave Los Angeles to tap into more healthy atmospheres. Arizona and New Mexico had a better spiritual atmosphere. The irony is that the air is clean in Los Angeles because few people are driving, so the physical atmosphere is not bad here.

Not sure how you guys are doing, but I’m just scraping by on an emotional level.


January 20, 2021

Have you ever done an “in car signing?”

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 1:25 pm

These days, everyone is afraid of Covid Covid, and nothing but the Covid. There are no longer any other dangers in life. Gaining weight because gyms are closed? No longer a danger. Cancer? No longer a threat, at least not one we discuss. Heart Attacks? If it happens, we’ll claim it happened because of Covid. Covid is also the official new cure for old age. Since it kills almost exclusively the elderly, it is an alternative to dying of old age.

Due to the excessive paranoia, many Notaries are forced to do “in car” signings. Contrary to the idea of Title companies and Attorneys doing “in house” signings, this is the new thing.

Have you ever done one of these? Can you concentrate and do a good job in your car? I did “on trunk” signings. Those are annoying, but if you can’t find parking or afraid of the borrower’s house, you might have to.

Tell us your experience with in car signings. And once more, forget about Comedians in cars getting coffee, now there is Notaries in cars doing signings.


January 17, 2021

Testimonial from James Benton about 123notary

Filed under: General Stories — admin @ 1:15 pm

Just FYI………… On occasion I have heard a complaint or 2 about 123 Notary. I am here to tell you that when I started out I would have never made it without 123 Notary. I have been associated with 123 Notary for 9 years now and I’m here to tell you it is a great service! Nothing compares!

Today I am not able to accept much that comes to me from 123 Notary because I have become so established. However, the calls, emails and texts are constant (sometimes up to 100 a day). Business will not always be as good as it is now. When that time comes 123 Notary will be as important to me as ever.


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