It seems to be a violation of your civil rights to force you to wear particular clothing even if there is a pretend pandemic with numbers that are well known to be fraudulently tabulated. In a free country you have something called “liberty.” But, what does Liberty mean? How do you define liberty?
To me, liberty means:
The right to do whatever (the hell) you want provided you are not creating substantial danger, harm, nuisance, or fear in others.
The constitution of California guarantees us liberty as an unalienable right, but Governor Newsome doesn’t read the constitution and is more than happy to violate our liberties.
Next, it seems that face masks block the flow of air or oxygen into your body by blocking your air intake valves, i.e., your nose and mouth. It is a human rights violation to abridge someone’s right to a natural amount of oxygen and air. It is second only to gassing someone which is a Nazi practice. I think that forcing the use of facemasks is a totalitarian tactic. A “free” country such as the United States alleges to be should not and cannot dictate what you wear other than you cover your genitals as showing them would invite all sorts of danger, perceived harassment, danger, harm, extreme nuisance, etc.
Additionally, the FEDERAL DISABILITIES ACT states that businesses that are open to the public such as hotels, restaurants, stores, etc., cannot discriminate against someone with a disability. It is against Federal law for a business open to the public to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual preference, or disability, etc.,
My claim is that since I have a heart condition, and suffer mild suffocation if forced to wear a face mask while I am moving, particularly if it is worn above my nose. So, if a store forces me to either wear a face mask above my nose or vacate, they are violating Federal law by discriminating against me due to the effects of my disability created by a malformed mitral valve in my heart.
The bigger issue is: what kind of people are we dealing with? Where is the humanity? The only people who discriminate against people with health problems to my knowledge were Nazis. They threw people in wheelchairs out of second story balconies and then shot them to death with machine guns in the movies. My conclusion is that 80% of Americans are completely insane, inhumane, do not care at all about the constitution, and our lives are all in danger as a result.
According to my current Guru, the Messiah (what Hebrews call Meshiach ben David not to be confused with Meshiach ben Yosef who we call Jesus who is the previous messiah, and a different guy.) will be coming of age to be a public figure in 2034. Not sure exactly when he will be born, or we will feel his presence then, or if he will be on Fox news then. But, whatever that means, he will be here to save us. I think people who are evil will go so insane when he comes that they will start World War 3 and our problems will get even worse.
My parting questions are
1. Will the future messiah have a cool hairstyle like Jesus? I dig the long hair and know a good harpsichord player from France who looks just like Jesus.
2. Will people become more moral when the messiah comes or will they just go crazy and destroy the planet?
3. Is it time to move to Montana and buy a gun collection?
4. Will someone on 123notary have the privilege of notarizing the messiah when he flies in from Israel?