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October 1, 2016

How do I do a Signature by X notarization?

How do I do a Signature by X?
How do I do a Signature by Mark?

Signature by X is a relatively simple proceedure normally used for elderly people who are too frail to sign their entire name and who can barely hold a pen. Signature by X requires the use of two subscribing witnesses. The function of a subscribing witness is first to witness the signature of the principle and second, to sign the person’s name next to their X.

Subscribing witness #1 must sign the person’s first name and middle initial (if any) to the left of the X in the Notary journal and on the document.

Subscribing witness #2 must sign the person’s surname to the right of the X on the document and in the Notary journal.

It is also prudent to indicate on the document who the subscribing witnesses are, and perhaps even their driver license information just in case they need to be identified after the signing for any legal reason.

Signature by X is also known as Signature by Mark (which would be a great name for a Notary business if your name was Mark.) If your name is Malcolm X, you also might find the signature by X might be the only way to get yourself notarized. Additionally, if you sign by the x with an X, there might be too many x’s. Just make sure there aren’t three x’s in a row otherwise that would be pornographic.

How much should a Notary charge for a Signature by Mark?
A Notary could charge for the signature of the principle and also might charge an extra fee for the witnesses, although you would have to query your state laws on charging for witnesses, especially if an Oath is involved. To learn more about Signature by Mark, you can get a Notary Law Manual for your state from the NNA or look up the Notary laws on your state notary division’s website!

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