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July 14, 2016

The UPS Quandry

Filed under: Business Tips,Popular on Linked In — Tags: , — admin @ 11:13 pm

You were given an airbill for UPS. There is a UPS box near you but no UPS station. However, there is a Fedex station nearby that you could use if you paid for the package. The loan is critical and won’t fund if the paperwork doesn’t arrive on time. It None of the contact people on your list are available for an inquiry. Should you use the UPS airbill as instructed, use the Fedex Station or wait until the next day to ask for further instructions?

I liked the venue question. That is a great example of how a wrong instruction could ruin the loan. When to be insubordinate!

NEVER add your own money for shipping; we are not in the favor or money lending business; they will appreciate but it becomes nearly impossible to be repaid.
“The loan is critical” – that is OPP (Other Peoples Problems); we work with what we are given.
As the UPS will not go out that evening it can be sent the next day; wait till next day – converse – and probably earn an additional scanning fee.

The scenario need the following assumptions added:

The UPS station is 30 miles away, it’s late in the day – you might make it and you might not.
The UPS box shows the daily pickup has already been made.
Your client is a new one, that you did not work with before, thus no trust relationship.

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