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March 10, 2023

Notary Business Pros and Cons

Filed under: Notary Public 101 — Tags: , , — Tom Wilkins @ 11:00 am

Even though the Internet offers plenty of convenience in sending documents worldwide, the need for notary services is greater than ever. In fact, notary services are even more important these days because of the Internet. Businesses, government organizations, legal professionals, and more all need ways to verify the authenticity of signed documents, and notaries provide a way to certify these documents for their clients.

Whether you offer notary solutions as add-on services to a wider array of professional services or pursue a career focused solely on notary services, there are many opportunities to make money and help others. Of course, following this career path isn’t for everyone, and there are benefits and downsides to becoming a notary. If you’re thinking about offering notary services, consider the following notary business pros and cons.

Pros of Becoming a Notary

You Often Set Your Own Hours

Most notaries enjoy a flexible schedule that allows them to set their own hours. This added benefit is one of the biggest reasons people enter the notary profession: your time is a valuable commodity. If you haven’t worked outside of a traditional office environment before, getting used to it may take some time, but with some practice and planning, you’ll find your own rhythm.

Notary Professionals Can Travel

While you can provide notary services from an office, many notaries find success working as mobile professionals. A mobile notary service means you travel to client locations to perform notary duties, and this kind of work can be a fun way to meet new people and discover new areas. If you provide mobile notary services, include your travel expenses in your pricing, as you need to get paid extra for your convenience.

You’re Able to Help People in a Time of Need

One of the most rewarding aspects of becoming a notary is the ability to help people in a time of need. Clients who seek out your services often have very pressing matters to attend to, and your services help these individuals navigate complex situations. Whether these situations involve loans, immigration, marriages, or other important matters, you can sleep each night knowing you’ve provided a service that has made someone’s life better.

Cons of Becoming a Notary

Income May Be Inconsistent

You receive a paycheck on a set schedule when you work a traditional job. However, working for yourself as a notary means your income could be more consistent. This is often more of a concern when starting out as established notaries tend to stay busy after building a reputation in their areas. You can overcome this challenge by paying close attention to your budget and doing everything possible to earn business from clients in your area.

Notaries Usually Need to Handle Their Own Marketing

If you plan to pursue a full-time career as a notary, you’ll likely need to handle your own marketing. This can be challenging since marketing in the digital age requires a lot of time and dedication to the process. Thankfully, you can make things more efficient by getting listed in various notary directories on the web. These directories are usually sorted by location. You may also be able to offer your contact information, hours of operation, and more when you get listed in a notary directory. Notary business pros and cons are no different than when starting any new business. A notary business’s key benefits are flexibility and work-life balance.
