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October 4, 2024

Rules for Notarizing Documents for Bedridden Persons

Filed under: (2) Technical and Legal — Tags: — Tom Wilkins @ 4:38 pm

Notarizing important documents when individuals are bedridden can present unique challenges. Mobile notaries must be familiar with the legal requirements and rules for notarizing documents for bedridden persons to ensure the process is smooth and compliant. This guide will outline key regulations to provide a stress-free, legally valid notarization experience.

Understanding the Situation

Before starting the notarization process, mobile notaries must assess the bedridden individual’s condition. Bedridden signers may have difficulties with mobility, communication, or even physical signing, requiring the notary to approach the situation with sensitivity while adhering to legal standards.

Rule 1: Verify the Individual’s Identity

  1. Importance of Proper Identification

Verifying the signer’s identity is essential. Bedridden individuals must provide valid government-issued photo identification, like a driver’s license or passport. If such identification is unavailable, alternative verification methods like credible witnesses can be used.

  1. Using Credible Witnesses

Credible witnesses are an alternative if bedridden individuals lack current identification. Most states allow two witnesses who know the signer but are uninvolved in the transaction to verify identity. This rule is beneficial for bedridden individuals who may not have updated IDs.

Rule 2: Confirm the Signer’s Willingness and Awareness

  1. Ensuring Mental Competence

The notary must confirm that the bedridden individual is fully aware of the document they are signing and is willing to do so. It’s crucial to ask questions to verify the signer understands the document’s nature and isn’t under pressure.

  1. Avoiding Coercion

Notaries should be alert for signs of coercion and halt the process if the bedridden person seems pressured to sign. Ensuring the signer is free from external influence is a key responsibility of the notary.

Rule 3: Accommodating Physical Limitations

  1. Signature by Mark or Direction

Bedridden individuals who cannot physically sign can use a “signature by mark,” such as an X, or direct another person to sign for them. The notary must witness this, and the process should be documented according to state regulations.

  1. Use of Assistive Devices

If bedridden individuals use assistive devices to sign, the notary must confirm they are doing so independently. Witnessing this act is necessary to ensure the validity of the notarization.

Rule 4: Comply with State Laws on Remote and In-Person Notarizations

  1. Remote Online Notarization (RON)

Some states allow Remote Online Notarization (RON), which lets notaries conduct video notifications. This can be an accessible option for bedridden individuals, but mobile notaries must ensure they follow local laws regarding RON.

  1. In-Person Notarization Requirements

In states that require in-person notarization, notaries must travel to the bedridden individual’s location. Mobile notaries should be prepared for this, ensuring all necessary supplies are available for an on-site notarization.

Adhering to Proper Notarization Procedures

Notarizing documents for bedridden individuals involves extra care, but following the legal requirements and rules for notarizing documents for bedridden persons ensures a smooth, valid process. Notaries must verify identity, confirm awareness, accommodate physical limitations, and comply with state laws. For business owners and homeowners, staying organized and keeping track of business expenses ensures smoother transactions.
