Due to the unconstitutional shut-downs, Los Angeles traffic became sparse for the first time in decades. I could walk around and drive around without seeing so many cars. In May, traffic was around 25% of usual in the city, and in the Valley perhaps about 60%.
My mechanic moved from Hollywood to San Bernardino which is 65 miles from my house. But, since there is a lot less traffic, I was willing to go out to see him. They gave me excellent fast service and low prices as well.
Now, things are picking up. I would not say they are going back to normal. Our state is suffering a 20% decrease in its gross revenue and Los Angeles is probably down by a lot more. Restaurants have been denied indoor seating since mid-March with a small window of being open in June. I wonder if any of them who don’t have patios will survive this oppression.
I don’t know how bad NYC is, but it seems that when God punishes a country for turning from God, he targets their main city. He did this in Israel 2600 years ago. There was a strike on Jerusalem by the Babylonians and then 19 years later a complete demolition of the city. NYC was hit by some people from what used to be Babylon (Iraq and other nearby countries) in 2001, and then 19 years later, NYC was decimated, but this time by internal forces. Jonathan Cahn wrote about this phenomenon in Harbinger 2 I believe. You can Google him. It is interesting reading and on youtube.
In any case. I am wondering if LA will ever recover. I wonder if America will return to God. And what will it take for America to return to God and Godliness? My guru said it would take financial devastation for years to bring people to God. So, I am not looking forward to this.
On a brighter note the other states are not as badly affected by the negative spiritual consciousness that is pervasive in Los Angeles and perhaps NYC if I am guessing correctly.