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April 23, 2020

Are you intimidated by a title?

Filed under: General Articles — admin @ 9:25 am

I sent a newsletter out with the title: “Your notary stole your private information and sold it.” Many notaries emailed in stating that their stomach turned when they saw that title.

First of all, nobody other than a spammer or blog writer would use a title like that. Second of all, you ARE the notary, so nobody would warn you that another notary stole your information.

On the other hand, if a Title company BCC’ed a borrower telling the borrower that you, the notary, stole their information and sold it — that would be scary. But, how would they know And if you didn’t do that, why would you be scared when you read the title?

So, if you are afraid reading this above stated title, does that mean you are guilty of having done something fraudulent in the past? Or do you just have an abnormally high sense of paranoia?

Please understand that as a blog writer I have to pick topics and titles that will get my content read otherwise I get ignored and would have to shut my blog down. Thanks.



  1. You should write an article regarding Documents arriving to the notary sometimes and hour before a signing..it’s getting worse

    Comment by Luis Colón — June 26, 2020 @ 9:15 pm

  2. First, I opened this one because I thought you meant “are you afraid of title companies”. Glad I opened it and read it. You are probably right about paranoia and or they did it.

    Comment by Linda Jean Reynolds — June 27, 2020 @ 3:18 pm

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