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October 28, 2021

Is your personality compatible with Snapdocs or 123notary?

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 8:05 am

When I talk to new sign ups, many were referred from a course, an agency, or a friend. Word on the street is that Snapdocs, 123notary, and a few others are good places to sign up. However, I had to explain this to someone on a sales call, and I explained it differently.

I informed this nice lady from Ventura County that each site has its own personality. Whether you gel with that personality is something to think about before getting involved.
SnapDocs and 123notary both come highly recommended. But, if your personality doesn’t match, you are barking up the wrong tree in my opinion.

SnapDocs is for the snappy. It is for people with snappy personalities who answer texts at the speed of a millennial hooked on pumpkin frappachinos. It is for those who are caffeinated to the peak, whose jittery fingers snap into action whenever a text goes out. Those who are sluggish even by a matter of nanoseconds will get left out on Snapdocs unless it is for a job that nobody else wants.

123notary is for those who want to be treated like they are more than just a person. At 123notary, you are more than just a person, you are also a number, and we are three numbers. Those that do well on 123notary have particular personality traits. See if these match your traits.

1. You like logging into their listing every few months and manicuring their notes sections so that their factual, detailed, and unique information will interest and intrigue the readers (who read everything by the way just so that you know.)

2. You like asking for reviews and sending links to their review page so they can get more reviews to stand out.

3. Some like passing our certification test. This is more critical for new people on the site who do not have name recognition in the industry.

4. You like answering phone calls and emails for job offers(old school) rather than responding to texts or using apps (millennial B.S. in my opinion).

There are other options for advertising. Notary Rotary is old school and some people do well there. Less is required. Just put your name on a list and they have fewer requirements to do well than 123notary does. Notary Cafe gets some people work and they are not as caffeinated as SnapDocs despite their name. And then gets work for some, but not all. Don’t overlook Yelp, Google Local and other options.


October 26, 2021

The goal of 123notary

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 8:03 am

The goal of 123notary is to keep title companies who use us happy. 123notary gets more title and escrow searches than any other directory out there. I have to compete as an individual human with 100 million dollar companies. They only way I can do this is because we live in a talent market these days rather than a purely capitalistic system.

I focus on having the best notaries, filtering out free listings that don’t measure up, filtering up good listings that deserve higher placement, etc. All of this is to give the best search results for title.

I quiz people, help them with their notes, coach them on getting reviews, teach industry competency, and even help people choose business names from time to time.

The goal is not to have the most listings, but to have a critical mass of Notaries who are worth calling and who have very complete looking listings. And I feel I have achieved that goal, although it is a lot of work to maintain!


October 17, 2021

My response to NNA’s article: Is the Notary industry overcrowded?

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 7:39 am

My opinion on this matter is that there is a lot more notary work than there used to be. The crazy ups and downs in the economy, people losing their jobs due to covid related causes and getting new jobs. People escaping from certain areas and moving to other areas. All of this transitioning necessitates a lot more Notary work and Notaries. And yes, there are more Notaries out there than before. When people lose their job, the first thing that goes through their head is whether or not to become a Notary — or so it seems.

However, for the last eight or so years, new notaries and old alike lack the willingness to master their trade and become experts. Many take classes and pass tests. But, when I test them on actual notary or situational knowledge, few can get more than 80%.

So having lots of poor quality notaries who can’t even administer an Oath properly is not overcrowded. The quantity of what I consider to be qualified Notaries is as sparse as the population in Northern Alaska in between sled dog races. Actually, I think those races are in central Alaska along the biggest river when it freezes over. And the Northern lights are good in both places. But, I digress. What was I writing about again? Ah yes — Notaries.


The author of the NNA article says that many Notaries claim that there is not enough work to go around. Qualified Notaries are not making this claim. They claim that there is not enough work that pays what they want to go around. Notaries with no name recognition, no skills to speak of and no experience would not get much work even if there were enough work to go around. I understand the author’s point, but when you look at the situation a little below the surface it looks very different.

The author states that RON or Remote Online Notary work creates new opportunities. This is a very true point. However, RON work is feast or famine. The 80:20 rule of Real Estate where 20% of the agents get 80% of the work applies to RON, if you change it to the 99:1 rule. It seems that the applications and sites catering to RON work favor the very solid Notaries who have seniority and know what they are doing. A handful of Notaries are cleaning up where the majority are lucky to get even one job. So, understanding RON from a business perspective is complicated and it does not provide work for the masses.

The author recommends: use the support of your fellow Notaries. Yes, this is a great idea. However, any successful notary who teams up with others will be very picky who they choose or their reputation will go down the drain. If a new Notary thinks they can partner up with an experienced Notary with a good customer base, this is very unlikely unless you developed a stellar reputation or are very socially close to the experienced Notary. But, in the long run, networking is a good idea. I did it for years, and many Notaries on 123notary do it too. Networking — it’s a good idea, but there are catches and many considerations.

The author recommends: Network with local businesses that need notary services. Once again, another good idea. But, this is an idea you should be using anyway regardless of how the notary market is doing. Call up local businesses. Or drop by and give them your card. A certain percentage will use you, so go to lots, and have lots of cards.

Then the author recommends: Find opportunities outside of your local area. This is what I recommend too. It is called widening your net. You should do that in any case whether business is fast or slow if the price is right or if it is for a client you like enough to drive. This point is a good one, but has nothing to do with overcrowding.

I feel this particular NNA article is helpful, but is a general marketing article with a title that is specific to a particular type of market condition that the article does not address. The fact is that for years, the NNA has been outstanding at marketing to new Notaries, getting them on board and turning them into signing agents. Many of these Notaries are Realtors, Insurance workers, Mortgage and Escrow people, etc. NNA tends to attract a good crowd and a big crowd and floods the industry with signing agents. However, how many of these signing agents can pass a tough notary or signing agent exam? The answer is very few. And the reason is that people since about 2013 (yes I noticed this), have become lazy and don’t want to study hard. Even people with four different certifications don’t like to study hard. This is hard to believe but it is my experience.

Here is the original article


July 8, 2021

Business name ideas for a Notary in Vegas

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 3:10 am

I had this client who has been with me for years. He dropped out and then reappeared out of nowhere kind of like an Ace of Spades that got buried in the deck only to reappear just when you need it. I looked at his profile. There were two business names in use — one on his email, and another on his site which he said was outdated. I told him that both of the names were average. Not terrible, but neither had a ring. So, I sat down with him (by phone) and looked at some ideas that had some pizazz. Here is what we came up with and my commentary.

Wild Card Notary Services
Wow — amazing, mysterious and powerful. Really catches your attention in a good way and has a very Vegas feel to it.

High Limits Signing Service
There is a sense of excitement, risk and danger in this name. I wonder if this name would attract clients with deep pockets.

Royal Flush Notary
This name has a very elegant and opulent ring to it. I bet James Bond would like it.

Deuces Wild Signing Service
This name has Vegas written all over it, but also has intrigue due to that word, “wild” which adds such an interesting dimension to the name.

Stardust Notary Service
Named after an antiquated casino.

Silver Mine Notary Service
Very historical Nevada type of a theme.

Silver State Notary Service
A synonym for Nevada once again and a little bit more classy than saying, “Nevada Notary Service.”

Jackpot Notary Service
Sounds like a winner to me

High Wager Notary Service
Sounds like a gamble

Blackjack Notary Service
Classy, and has an Old West flavor to it.

Buy In Notary Service
A classy gambling term integrated into a Notary name.

Casino Notary Service
Sounds great, but sounds like you do mostly smoke filled casinos and get tired of having buffet seven days a week.

Good Odds Notary Service
A fun name, and the customer will probably have good luck with that service too.

Anti-Up Notary Service
I bet Kenny Rogers would approve of this name.

I liked all of these names. I don’t know if my customer will register any of these with his county, but I think the top name really has a wow factor and an appeal to it. It sounds like an older guy who’s done it all, seen it all, and been in all types of hair raising situations. And in reality, he was in a few scary situations.


March 10, 2021

A Notary in Lake Tahoe is cleaning up

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 4:35 am

The Notary business has been picking up. But, the hot new destination is Lake Tahoe. People are fleeing from lawless San Francisco headed by London Breed and flocking towards Tahoe. I guess this is what happens when San Francisco is run by London — It’s like colonization all over again.

People are selling homes and getting multiple offers within hours of posting their MLS online. It is a seller’s market and houses are selling for much more than normal. Perhaps if San Francisco ever goes back to normal people will stop evacuating.

Meanwhile in Florida, business is booming with the New Yorkers seeking refuge. It seems that most New Yorkers with salaries above $100K have left the city — perhaps for good. Some have 2nd homes in Connecticut, Jersey, Vermont, but Florida is one of the most popular destinations.

Cuomo was on TV saying, “Come back come back come back — we’ll have drinks, it’s on me… come back.” But, in NY they are having plain clothed policemen at the train stations taking people’s information coming into the city to enforce unconstitutional quarantines. If you want people to come back, why do you make it like a prison sentence to do so? I will never visit New York again, at least not for the next ten years. What a nightmare.

So, if you are a Notary in a destination city, you can make bank right now. It is nice to see Notaries doing well finally.


January 19, 2021

A Notary who claims they make $10k per month in 2020

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 1:24 pm

This link is from a youtube video that got 180,000 views about a Notary raking it in. Hope you like it.


January 18, 2021

Detailed analysis of Opportunities in inspections (video)

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 1:17 pm

Here is a great video for Notaries from the NNA“>

Another video — Mark Wills of LSS interviews a very successful newbie making $12000 in a month? Is that even humanly possible? Apparently so!


January 8, 2021

A Notary was late to her hospital signing and got a complaint

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 1:09 pm

I am writing about complaints because that seems to be the juiciest topic of discussion and I do have a few complaints on file to discuss — no names!

The Notary was on the way to the hospital. She called to say she was behind.

The customer wrote a complaint stating the document was time sensitive and that they made a special arrangement.

The Notary explained that it was a $5 job, and that she was stuck in traffic. And besides, she wasn’t going to go in with her already compromised immune system.

In my opinion, it looks like the Notary didn’t want to do the job in the first place, yet agreed, and agreed for far too little money. I would charge $80 to do a signing at a hospital. You are dealing with delays, family members, ID issues, signers who might be drugged, and more. The Notary has no business accepting this type of job to begin with if she has a delicate immune system.

And words of wisdom — if you have a weak immune system, go to India for a few weeks — it’s like magic. If you don’t die, you’ll have an immune system made of cast iron (or since it’s India then “caste” iron.) You might get dyssentary, vomit for a week, or have horrible cramps, but your T cells will multiply by three because they will get a lot of action over there with all of the different bacteria cultures and viruses. You don’t increase your immunity by hiding, you get it by sunshine, fun and encountering lots of different types of viruses. Oh, and also having shitake mushrooms — look it up.


January 4, 2021

Many Notaries avoid Reverse & Debt Signings.

Filed under: Marketing Articles — admin @ 1:08 pm

I have to call thousands of Notaries to get their notes sections filled out. The newer Notaries typically have less experience doing Reverse Mortgages, Debt Consolidations, and Debt Settlements. Half of the people who are experienced at these types of signing say they don’t want to do them or list them.

It is true that Reverse Signings and Debt Signings take longer, and that dealing with older folks can be a trying experience getting through 200 pages when they can barely see anything. If you are not patient, you might not last. Some Notaries think that Debt Resolutions or Debt Settlements are corrupt and a rip off. That is NOT for you to decide. Personally, I feel that debt in general spins our economy into extreme imbalances and can lead to financial slavery, ruined economies, etc. Perhaps that is why Jesus forbade it. Usury, gambling, sorcery — these things all lead to disastrous results. But, let he who has not sinned (or in our business — rescinded) throw the first stone.

BTW, I believe that medical marijuana and prescription drugs qualify as sorcery and look — all of America is addicted and controlled by big pharma as a result. Read the old testament and see what they say about sorcery. It is forbidden. So don’t take that aspirin. Natural herbs only. Marijuana by the way is no longer natural — it has been doctored and genetically modified at a lab — hence the term sorcery.

I feel that if you are a mobile Notary, charge for your time, work, and grief. If a particular type of signing or company is hard to deal with, charge accordingly. If you charge $80 for a regular Refinances, but think Reverse Mortgages are a pain, charge $150 or $200. You might not get it, but you might and that change will look good in your pocket. Many will pay because the other Notaries typically either don’t want to do this type of signing or also charge more. So, be practical and realistic and rake it in. Business is good now, so don’t take that for granted because it might slow down eventually, but probably not soon.


November 28, 2020

$300 in 13 minutes. How Carmen cleans up in the Notary business

Originally posted in 2017

Carmen has always realized, or at least since 2005, that you can’t just do Notary work only. There are not enough high paying jobs to keep you busy. Those who try to be full-time Notaries end up taking a lot of low paying work just to stay busy. Carmen has always believed that you should combine signing agent work with another profession that is flexible, so that you can take an hour or so off during the day to do a signing.

Carmen normally makes about $150 or $175 per signing, and since she only accepts close jobs, she is often back home within 40 minutes. She preps her borrowers over the phone so she can get in and out without any delay.

But, a few weeks ago she got a job. The lady was a repeat customer and asked what Carmen wanted to charge. Carmen said $200. But, the lady was feeling generous, and wanted to be in good hands next time around, so she offered Carmen $300. Talk about being popular or having good signing karma.

Carmen printed the documents, went to the job, and was in and out in 13 minutes. The signers knew what they were doing. It was a construction loan or investment loan for seasoned investors who were fast at signing documents and had their lawyer prep them on what it all meant BEFORE the signing rather than detaining the Notary for two hours while they read every word of every page. So, Carmen got everything signed and notarized in minutes and was out the door. The signers were impressed and happy that it was such a painless experience.

Had they hired some other Notary, it might have been sluggish, incompetent, and the Notary might have shown up late, or dropped the package in a drop box rather than a staffed Fedex station. There is a reason why people pay extra to hire seasoned pros. But, you don’t find too many seasoned folks at SnapDocs. For the best Notaries in the biz, you need to visit!

$300 jobs don’t come every day. However, if you sell yourself short, you will never get any. If you can afford to do so, charge more, and take only jobs from people who value you. Otherwise you will be calculating your gas expenses and how much a ream of paper costs for the rest of your life — should you live so long!


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